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gender euphoria 8 hours 39 min ago
Computer woes 12 hours 39 min ago
The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -15- by SammyC on Patreon 2024/09/29 - 4:17pm
Last hurrah 2024/09/29 - 1:29pm
Second Spirit -5- by Melanie Brown on Patreon 2024/09/29 - 12:01am
Will and Harper 2024/09/28 - 9:27am
Web archives 2024/09/28 - 1:36am
Current Participants in our Contests 2024/09/27 - 6:23pm
Deep thoughts at the swimming pool. 2024/09/27 - 2:29pm
How To Cope With [Gender] Dysphoria 2024/09/27 - 9:21am
Julio and Roomiette by Erin Halfelven on Patreon 2024/09/26 - 9:19pm
Rethinking strategies in a relationship that changes 2024/09/26 - 6:08pm
Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent 2024/09/26 - 5:10pm
support 2024/09/26 - 10:20am
Just Be Aware 2024/09/26 - 6:17am
It's not my place to tell people what to do 2024/09/26 - 4:23am
TG Forum Needs Our Help 2024/09/25 - 2:50pm
A very unBruish Bru story coming up 2024/09/25 - 2:41pm
Funding this site 2024/09/25 - 5:25am
More bills due, more funds needed 2024/09/25 - 12:40am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2024 All Hallow Eve's Story Contest 2024/09/23 - 9:30am
The 2024 AACD Caption Story Contest: Voting Begins Soon! 2024/09/23 - 4:03am
Space and Time for Romance #2 - My New Anthology on Amazon 2024/03/31 - 3:34pm
BC Funds and the Hatbox 2022/02/17 - 3:30pm
How to Process Removing Hate Reviews from your Amazon Published Works 2021/11/11 - 8:39am
The Power of the Pen 2020/06/22 - 11:59am
Everybody Wins! 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway Contest Results 2015/07/02 - 7:16am
TopShelf's 2015 Summer Vacation Getaway! Story Contest 2015/03/12 - 10:29am
Edeyn 2013/09/30 - 6:57am
BigCloset TopShelf's 2012 Reconciliation Story Contest Winners 2012/11/29 - 11:41pm
Images 2 2012/09/30 - 3:42pm
Images 1 2012/09/30 - 1:59pm
BigCloset December 2011 Christmas Spirit Contest Voting 2012/01/12 - 6:59pm
BCTS Summer Romance 2011 Contest Results 2011/11/30 - 5:11am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results 2011/11/07 - 7:39am
TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest Results 2011/01/01 - 7:47am
TopShelf's December 2009 Christmas Holidays Contest Results 2010/12/30 - 5:20pm
TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest 2010/11/25 - 9:22am
TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Results! 2010/11/16 - 6:41am
TopShelf's Summer Romance 2010 Contest Results 2010/07/30 - 3:22pm
October TG Terror Contest Winners 2009/11/30 - 7:44am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest Winners 2008/08/28 - 3:54am
Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest 2008/06/24 - 3:05am
BigCloset Retro-Classic Stories 2004/08/11 - 4:16am
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

The only thing bigger than Heaven and Hell is The Big Book of Heaven and Hell!

The Big Book of Heaven and Hell
by Maggie Finson
Bek D. Corbin
E. E. Nalley
Melanie E
Buy on Kindle!

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 3

Things Edited.jpg
The Chelmsford Academy

Julia tells her psychiatrist that as punishment for being discovered in a compromising position whilst crossdressed, Julian is sent to a Boy's Boarding School. The place is meant to 'make a man of him' but quite the contrary occurs when Julia falls into the clutches of and becomes infatuated with one of the school prefects.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

The Rise of a New Empire Chapter 3

We stepped into our new home, and I was immediately enveloped by the serene beauty that surrounded us. The grand hall showcased the same flowing, natural designs that were emblematic of all elven architecture. It was as if the very essence of the forest had been coaxed to form the structure itself. The banister of the curved staircase seemed to have grown organically from the floor, its smooth lines resembling the gentle twists of vines reaching toward the sky.

Maximum Warp, Chapter 7: Prime Directive

I reached into my purse and flipped him my drivers’ license. “That’s me,” I said. “Or was, up until a month ago. I have sixty years of memories to go with the photo. If I was scammed, the scammers are the functional equivalent of an advanced species. And there’s no way that I could ‘delude’ myself into a working knowledge of Old English, Norman French, Greek, Classical Latin, Church Latin and Hochdeutch, with a smattering of other languages besides.”

Shroom Dungeon - First Delve (6/9)

Slowly, Tiberius is getting the hang of things.
One year ago he joined the adventurers Conway, Debtar, and Sinea as a freshly baked mage.
His new friends had been generous with their advice and friendship.
But when the topic of Shroom Dungeon is brought up, they are unusually mum about any details.
They agree on one thing quickly. It was time for Tiberius to delve into Shroom Dungeon.
A dungeon yet undefeated. A place to lose yourself.

Stories set in Shroom Dungeon deal with sexual themes.
Sometimes explicit. Reader discretion is advised.

Plastic Makes Perfect


After the superhero Curador and his more experienced partner are captured by the evil Dr. Quasi, the demented genius subjects them to bizarre and horrifying experiments to satisfy his thirst for knowledge—as well as his own lascivious desires. Helpless to defend themselves from his depravity, the humiliated heroes soon discover that there are some fates far more outlandish than the merely life-and-limb dangers to which they had become accustomed. (A tale of Faraday City.)

Misscast: A Gradual Feminization Story

Initially hoping for the leading male role, Jesse finds that his best shot at stardom is accepting the female lead in his university's production of The Phantom of the Opera.

Happy to announce the release of my new 25 chapter novel, Misscast! I'll be posting the first few chapters here for you to try out. I hope you all like it :)


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[FW] Hugs To Be You

It was supposed to be a dull day for Robert.
Attending a convention for accountants always is.
But the surprise guest speaker turns out to be a fashion witch and she has other plans.
For Robert and other attendees that means being involved in a rather devious get-rich-quick scheme.
Hard days lay ahead of Robert. But it might turn out okay.
He just needs a hug or two.

Eight Miles High, part 11 of 12

Chapter 11

When we went to leave, Jim, who had been very quiet, then asked us all if he could stay with us over the break. He said he could use the smallest cabin and that he had some experience with boats. The girls were happy to let him, so he hugged everyone and thanked me.

I checked in with the marine chandler that looked after the moorings, and he was surprised at my appearance. I told him that it was only for the tour that I was flying around and found out that he and his daughters were booked in for the third show.

The Mockreet - Chapter 44

I awoke in a sweat beneath cold light streaming through a framed picture window set into the wall beside me. It was flanked by heavy gold curtains on either side, but they had apparently not been pulled during the night. I struggled to remember where I was; it was a bed for certain, and likely a bedroom, but how had I gotten here? As I struggled into an upright position I surveyed my surroundings; it was indeed a four poster bed, the sheets made of soft green satin and presently drenched with my sweat.

Subgoal Sissy: Desperate streamer slowly becomes a girl pt.4

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It's not the best day for Andy. He wakes up late for school, still wearing his mom's clothes, then spends the rest of the day completely paranoid..
I think some people might be on to him..


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I was accompanying my girlfriend on a photoshoot. To be honest, as a guy I was pleased to tell my pals that I was dating a model, but the truth is that she was not getting much work. She mentioned that her father had a hand is teeing up the session to promote a line of clothing that was just her style, so I have to say I wondered if Daddy might have sweetened the deal a little, given that he has bundles of cash.

Cerridwen's Potion Blunder (2)

“Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn!” I heard my mothers voice echo down the hallway. It seemed she was on the very verge of flipping her lid. I groaned as I looked down and then looked down at the toilet. Pieces of half chewed up chicken, sausage from this morning and bits of egg and corn floated in a light brown broth. Drinking the potion had forced me to empty my stomach. 

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days - Chapter 32

Gaby Book 1 - The Anime Days
Chapter *32* Ride in the Hills
by Maddy Bell

Drew is just an ordinary thirteen year old. Well perhaps not that ordinary.
The girls challenge him to wear an anime costume to the Easter dance,
however they forgot to mention that he'd be going as a girl! Enter Gaby!

First it was his friends, then it's his family — everyone seems to want Gaby around except Drew.
And when perfect strangers think he's a girl, well the lad's got problems! Can he ‘kill' Gaby?

Or will he get dragged ever deeper into girldom?

Just Me: Sins of the Father (Part 1)

A Whateley Academy Tale
Sins of the Father
by Domoviye

 Part 1


Tulsa, Oklahoma

John looked down at the sleeping woman, teeth clenched, his shoulders tight. He didn't say or do anything for a long time, just watched her sleep, longing to reach out and hold her, hating what he was about to do, struggling to hold it off for just a little longer.

He couldn't wait anymore, he had to do it now or he never would.

Bikini Beach: Jen

The Mockreet - Chapter 43

“Say it again!” Melina once again grabbed me by the setting of my overdress, jerking me forward roughly and sending a tremor through my body just before she released and shoved me backward. I stumbled, tripping over the torn hem of the chemise, ultimately colliding with a wall and using my hands to steady myself. My face stung from the receipt of a slap moments earlier. She looked at me, staring daggers into my eyes, all kindness flushed from her countenance.

The Return of Lilith Chapter 11

I headed back to the school after a lengthy discussion with Elizabeth on the passage in the book. I was excited, but I was also trying to stay calm since it just wasn't enough information to take action. Elizabeth and I both agreed that we would look through the library and try to find more information on Shar'li.

Cemetery Shenanigans (4)

Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Four: Epilogue

I can't recall what happened next. But I remember following the woman's instructions to the letter. As soon as I reached the school I headed to the office and gave them the note the strange woman had given me. I had expected them to ask a few questions. Instead the office secretary nodded her head and made a copy and handed me the original. I then went to my first period class. That happened  to be Earth Science. 

Inside The Mind Of An Alleged Abuser

Cameron could not wait to see Gerald again. Since Cameron had been away at college for almost a year, the two of them had not been able to see one another. But now that it was June and Cameron was home, he could go and see Gerald again.

Cameron reached Gerald's house, knocked on the front door, and was greeted almost at once by his old friend. "Hey Cameron!" Gerald said, giving him a fist bump.

"Wassup?" said Cameron.

"Come on in," said Gerald. "I've got some kettlecorn ready for us."

"What-you made kettlecorn?"

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 16

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 16

“So why weren't you in Subterfuge class?” I asked Ella when history class ended. “I thought that every student on the leadership track had to take.”

“I talked it over with my advisor, we decided I could skip and go to the second year course,” my roommate said. “Honestly I learned most of what they teach in 101 before I left the nursery.”

“That sounds rough.”

Children of Naethari: Chapter 19



Chapter 19: Heat

When Jon was offered a possible cure for Cancer he didn't expect to wake up as a girl, let alone a mermaid.


My sister looked pointedly at Kara and me and shook her head. “No, Jenny, but it’s pretty obvious that our sisters can’t stay focused. They’re too distracted, and if we keep trying to push it right now someone is going to get hurt.”


More DopplerPress

Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly MacGreagor on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Other Keywords: 

Sarah's life had not been easy, her parents broke up, she got seriously assaulted, and had to move to a different city and leave her friends behind.


Building a new life is never easy, even with advice from a someone who has done it before. However, with help from Robin, her mother and her new friends, Sarah finds her future looks sunny once more. But will it stay that way?

Surely, everyone is in for a magical time.

Especially Readers!


Everything's Sunny with Sarah
by Zoe Taylor and Ashly MacGreagor
Now on Kindle

How You Play the Game by Angela Rasch on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


"Sport is life, life is sport, they're different but the same...
It's not about win or lose, it's How You Play the Game."

How You Play the Game
by Angela Rasch
Now on Kindle

A collection of stories with a sporting theme by Angela. Seven of her best tales centered on the worlds of golf, basketball, football and cheerleading, all with plenty more going on outside the sporting action.

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