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Demon Queened - Chapter 49 - All Dolled Up

After flubbing a powerful incantation, meant to give newly coronated Demon Queens the wisdom of their ancestors, Devilla Satanne awakens to memories of her past life as Jacob Divington, a human from Earth. Having gained a new perspective on life, she quickly comes to a rather horrifying conclusion: she's been a complete and utter brat! No wonder everyone hates her!

And then there's the fact that she's apparently been reincarnated as the villainess of Tower Conquest, a lesbian porn game with a surprisingly intricate plot. One in which the Heroine conquers Dimona Tower, turning Devilla's people against her in the process. In victory, the Heroine brings about a glorious age of peace between demons and humans for the first time in millennia. ...Which actually sounds pretty good for her people, come to think of it. Devilla knows her terrible behavior is beyond forgiveness, but maybe she can still make up for her past mistakes? She just needs to make sure the events of the game unfold correctly. Though there is one little detail she'd like to change - the part where Devilla herself is killed or enslaved!

The series cover was commissioned from https://twitter.com/HaizeUqei

Demon Queened Cover, featuring Abigail and Lucy grabbing Devilla's arm and hand, respectively, on opposite sides.

Altered: Chapter 11

Eli grew up on a ranch in Montana. He had heard about Incursions, Breaches, and the Titans that came through those breaches to slaughter some people and capture others. To him though, it had always been something that happened far away to other people. His life was forever changed though when a Breach opened near his home, everything he knew was destroyed or taken, and he ended up Altered.


Chapter 11: Moonlight Revealed
After a moment, the relative silence was broken as Poppy let loose the breath that had been taken away from her as she said in barely more than a whisper, “Bloody hell. Th-that’s a bloody Unicorn! You’re seeing this too, right, Lily?”

Mates 48

She was warm, and as my chin settled onto the top of her head, I caught the simple scent of shampoo. Her arms went up my back to hook over my shoulders, and I felt her shudder a little, and I knew.

“No tears. Maz. Not tonight. Tomorrow, maybe, well, we have Sunday, all of it”

“Next weekend as well, Mike”


“I… I brought some stuff with me. For tomorrow, if we do go out”

“What sort of stuff?”

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 1


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and he was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cost him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 1

By Shinieris

What a good boy...Chapter 9

What a good boy…Chapter 9

Chapter 9


My lord she has these breasts with coffee and cream tones tipped with these little chocolate chip nipples. She’s such a good kisser, her breasts feel damned good…so soft…perfect erotic and pills or no pills the hormones in my blood are just boiling like shaken up soda pop and pumping though my down into my new sex…my new sex that has Sophie’s hot wetness grinding against mine and her arm so jockettes strong holding my legs both apart and for leverage as we grind our way to…


Snakes and Ladders-21

Snakes and Ladders-21

Chapter 21

I’m a little freaked by jumping into this sucking hole in the air but I steel my nerves and jump into the thing and sort of try to prepare myself for the whole thing.

There’s this pause barely there but enough that you know that it happened then you’re sucked through to the other side with this fastest roller coaster ride ever and you see everything you pass by or through too fast to track but like the pause something in your head tells you yes…this happened.

Wild Magic 45

I’d had a particularly difficult day. It’s really hard to explain, but I’ve been working with my understanding of these new perceptions. Sometimes it’s a strain, and it gives me a nasty headache. It wasn’t going to be hard to get rid of (I hoped), I just had to meditate for a while and let my body deal with the pain.

Curse the Protagonist

Curse the Protagonist

"Cold. So...very....cold."

"Oh come on Jim, you could've used a less cliché dieing line."

"Dude!" John nudged his unorthodox friend, "Show a little respect, he's just been hit by a freaking lightning bolt!"

"Oh please," Kyle laughed, "Jim's the main protagonist, he won't die."

"Ummm dude." The fourth member of the group, Gary, interrupted. "The story's just started."

"What?" Kyle turned around in confusion.

"The story's just started meaning there's been no character development yet and thus there is no protagonist."

Schoolgirl Mixup - First day of school

Susan Discovering Herself


Janet L. Stickney

[email protected]

As the sun set, it cast a glow through the trees that were reflected in the mirror, and what I saw made me feel a bit better about what was happening. I once again checked myself in the mirror, still shocked at how I looked. The dress was snug but not tight, my legs looked long and sexy, my makeup wasn't overdone, and my hair looked perfect to me. It took a bit to get used to the longer nails and the heels, but I finally managed to figure it out. "Susan" I had been dubbed by my mother for that night.

A House Divided, part 3 of 7

“I don’t like this,” Mom said. “I don’t see how you can keep it up, and the longer you manage to pretend, the more people are going to be hurt and offended when they find out you lied to them.”

I was starting to worry that she might be right, but I wasn’t going to back out unless she and Dad forced my hand by telling people.

Sarah Carerra - 3.19 - The Calm before the Storm

"Hi, Sarah," he replied. "It's nice to see you again." At least his smile seemed genuine. We had both hurt each other at our respective concerts, but I still hoped that we could be friends.

Sarah Carerra 3: Concerto in A-
Chapter 3.19 - The Calm before the Storm
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2012 Megan Campbell
Released: June 25, 2012

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 43

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 43
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1 - Melanie and her mother.

As they left Glenn's Eatery, Marilyn said she wanted to go home, and then take a road trip to Wayne County to get all of their things. She said while she was there, she would call for a truck to bring their furniture to the new house.

As they drove in to the drive way leading to the house, they saw a green pickup truck by the front door. It was Melanie's uncle Jerry, well, really Gerald, but everybody just called him Jerry.

"Jerry, what are you doing here?"

Football Girl~Season 2~Final Chapter

Andrea had disappeared out of sight and no one knew where she had gone.

Auntie Monica was frantic with worry, Claire looked shell shocked and I–Well I felt all of those things and above all guilty for putting her through all the heartache...

Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Final Chapter

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2012 Susan Brown

Sweet Dreams-38 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-38 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 38

You know there are times when you know without a shadow of a doubt when someone’s in love with you. I wake up in bed with Alex and I know it so deep I’m having one of my Ow my heart moments right off the bat.

I cried, I cried all the little kid tears that we hide away in real life. I lost my Dad and my life became this goddamned horror show. But really…mostly because I was really scared to death to…I never got to mourn him.

Work experience

Schools like to think they are preparing their charges for the world outside the classroom and for many years have been making the students get a taste of what they might like to do once they leave the education system.
Joe enjoys the taste and can't stop going back for more

Schoolgirl Mixup

"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that young lady?" My grandmother asked me. I was poised outside of her house door dressed like most boys my age for school at the Smithsonian Private School. White short-sleeve dress shirt, school tie, blue pants that matched the darker blue blazer, dark socks in black dress shoes. I was caught poised with one foot in the air. I didn't have my new pink schoolbag either with the Hello Kitty on it.

Jem...Chapter 44

Jem…Chapter 44

Chapter 44

I like this as sort of tired as I am I really like this. Rayne’s kissing me and I’m kissing her and she’s on top straddling me. I mean it’s damn sexy as anything but it’s sort of not guy and girl sexual. She’s straddling my waist and her bottom is sort of resting on the top part of my pubic bone and she’s almost got that seal that girl get like that…the way she just sort of dovetailed to me.

Her hands are running over me and touching me…I like that, I like the intimacy of being touched and I go with it.

Her Mother's Daughter - Chapter 19

Her Mother's Daughter - Chapter XIX
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Part I

"You know something, princess, you get prettier every time I see you."

I put my head on his shoulder and looked up at him. "And you dear prince get handsomer every time I see you. I love you, Paul."

"I love you too, sweet princess. Before we get home, I have to tell you that your room will be right next to mine, and there is a bathroom between us. So when you need to use our bathroom, knock on the door first. Then lock my side so I just don't wander in. Don't forget to unlock it when you're finished.


More DopplerPress

Imperfect Futures by Angela Rasch now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Two stories from BCTS in this volume:

Danny's Perdition: It’s the 24th century and Danny has discovered that his work for the government has several times condemned people to termination. The newest suspect has been thoroughly transformed by a department called “Visual Perfection,” and now Danny must do his duty, once again. Would traveling across the continent in an antique machine offer a realistic alternative?

Also included A Dollar Short: Tilford has a dead-end job. The idea that someone would offer him a great position seems alien.

Imperfect Futures
by Angela Rasch
Buy on Kindle

The Handshake That Hides the Snake - by Angela Rasch on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Your past is always there. Erik discovers that his will force him to make choices about his future and decisions about those he can trust.

But is anything quite what it seems in this tale of profit, manipulation and loyalty?


The Handshake That Hides the Snake

by Angela Rasch

Now on Kindle

S.P.A.R.C.L.S. by Alecia Snowfall NOW on Amazon!


Audience Rating: 


Well the oldest back burner project is NOW released for sale on Amazon only. This is not a transgender fiction. Actually it's a mainstream sci-fi romance. Click on the image to buy from Amazon. BTW, BigCloset gets 50% of the royalties on this.


Just to tease and torture, here is a snippet from the book:

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