Morning Angel Chap. 9

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Downtown Filming Location, New York:
“How are you feeling, Teela?” Emily was monitoring Teela’s location as she flew above them in the air.

“I’m doing okay for now. I wish we didn’t have to get these shots today.” Teela’s shoulders were protesting from the strain she was putting them threw.

Emily hated that the director wanted to shoot several shots while Teela was still recovering. If it had been ground shots he needed, she could have done them. However, he wanted aerial shots of her flying and diving down and such.

She didn’t like it at all. However, the studio threatened to hold their payment to them if they didn’t do the shots. It was a good thing that the stunt suit was finished and in working order. She checks the video feed from it.

“I’m getting a good feed from you. Are you ready to perform the shots the director needs?” Emily was outside the rental truck they were using.
They still needed to go and buy a new truck.

“Do I have a choice in the matter?” Teela prepares herself for the stunt shots the director wants.

“Nope. Remember, you will have several helicopters watching and recording you.”

“Don’t remind me. I hope they keep their distance so I don’t get chopped up by their blades or thrown off by the wind they create.” Teela has never flown with helicopters near her.

Emily looked around the area where she was set up and was watching the crowd. She notices people had their cellphones out recording Teela and a few had binoculars out watching her. She hopes everything goes as planned.

Teela loved filling the wind against her face as she flew. The clear mask she normally wore while flying was tucked up inside the headpiece covering her head. The hidden microphone she was using to communicate with Emily was close to her mouth, but you couldn’t see it.

“Alright, the cameras are rolling,” Emily informs Teela.

Teela performs several aerial tricks for the camera. She pretends she has robots shooting at her that will be added later. She hears the fireworks behind her that represent the robots exploding as she fires her fake raygun at the robots and hits them. The ground effects crew was using fireworks to simulate the robots exploding.

She lands on top of a nearby building and looks out towards the area. She gives a noble pose as she stands there. The helicopters capture her pose.

She hears a large number of police sirens and gunfire going on near her. She knows she shouldn’t intervene, but she flies off towards the sounds.

“Teela, what are you doing?” Emily watches on the monitors as the suit's onboard camera captures her moving.

“There’s gunfire and police sirens near me. I’m going to go and see what is going on.” Teela soars through the streets avoiding anything that could bring her down.

Teela spots several police cars blocking an area off. There was rapid gunfire, which sounded like fully automatic weapons being used. Then, there was a loud explosion coming from the area.

She flies in as close as she could without being spotted by those below her. She notices that two figures are fighting with several individuals. One was wearing a top hat and using some sort of cane sword to feed off three gang members.

The other person person looked like a person from the movie Blade. Except he wasn’t black, but white and he was fighting five people at once. She didn’t have anything with her to help out, except her fake raygun.

“Emily, are you catching this?” Teela radios back to Emily.

“Yeah, I am. Keep recording, the director is loving this.” Emily could hear the director giving orders to the helicopters following Teela.

Down below, Jester was fighting three gang members. The bastards had found out the route of the truck containing a bunch of illegal drugs meant for destruction. She and Mark had been asked to provide security for the truck by the police chief.

The truck had been ambushed by two vans filled with gang members and more were coming out of the woodwork. Jester does a spin kick to one gang member as another one tries to punch her. She stabs him with her cane sword.

She saw that Mark aka Shade had dropped two of the five guys who went after him. She knew one punch from him, would knock out anyone. She watches as he takes out another gang member with a swift kick to the man’s manhood.

“Ouch! That had to hurt.” Teela winces in pain from that move.


Teela hears the bullet hit near her. She looks in the direction of the gunfire. Several more bullets miss her as they hit just below the edge of where she was standing. She spots several men with automatic rifles firing towards her.

“I don’t need to take that.” Teela jumps off the roof and glides down towards the men firing at her.

She hits them with her feet. She spins around on her feet and does a spin kick that would make Jackie Chan proud. Her wings were throwing her balance off, but she managed. As for the other person firing at her. She extends the claws in her gloves and rakes them across the guy's abdomen, digging deep into his skin.

Emily was watching the fighting on the monitors. She shakes her head as she watches Teela take down the men firing at her. She knew the director was loving this.

Shade and Jester spotted the wing woman dropping out of the air and right into a guy. They had seen the two guys firing up at the building across the street but didn’t know why, until now. They just watch as she takes the men out.

“Anyone you know?” Jester looks towards Shade for an answer.

“I think that’s the same woman who crashed into Aylin’s windshield a few days ago.” Shade wasn’t sure if it was, but he was pretty sure.

Several police officers managed to get past the other gang members. The gang members gave up after they realized they were outnumbered by several police officers, and three costume good doers. The ones that Shade, Jester, and Teela took down were going to need medical attention, especially the ones Jester used her cane sword on.

Shade and Jester walk over to Teela. As Shade got closer to Teela, he could tell this was the same woman who crashed into Aylin’s front windshield.

“You look to be doing better, after crashing into a car.” Shade looks at the woman. She was taller than Aylin, but a little shorter than Jester.

Teela turns around to look at the two people. The woman looked like she was wearing some sort of stage magician outfit with playing card symbols on her top hat. The other, looked like he ripped Blade off.

“You know about, that?” Teela was surprised the man knew about it.

“Yeah, considering it was my wife’s car.”

“I’m sorry. Is she okay?” Teela wondered who this guy was.

“She’s fine. So, what brought you over here to help?” Shade was curious.

“I heard gunfire and thought I would check it out. Do you guys do this all the time?”

“Normally, no. We try to keep a low profile on our activities.” Jester pulls a cloth from a hidden pocket and cleans her sword with it.

“I hope you guys don’t mind being recorded because those two choppers and the cameras in my suit caught you guys fighting.” Teela felt she should inform them.

“I don’t mind, I love people filming me.” Jester smiles at the cameramen recording them and blows them a kiss.

Shade just shakes his head at his sister-in-law's antics. He looks at Teela “Have the lawyers for the movie you're filming to get in touch with me so I can sign a release.” He hands a business card to Teela.

“Same here.” Jester hands a business card that looks like a playing card to Teela as well.

“Can I get in touch with you guys sometime?” Teela was thinking about learning and maybe working with these guys.

“Call us, to arrange a meeting or luncheon and we’ll talk about it.” Jester winks at Teela as she walks off to talk to the SWAT commander.

“Just call me.” Shade waves and walks off.

“You’re not seriously thinking about contacting them, are you?” Emily heard everything over Teela’s mic.

“Maybe.” Teela jumps up into the air and flaps her wings to go higher.

She flies back towards where the movie crew is set up.

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