Ladies Day Out

Aylin washes her body as the water flows down her body in the shower. Mark had left earlier in the morning to help a friend with his move. The twins were going to help him.

She turns the water off and dries her body off. As she steps out of the shower, she stops and looks at herself in the medicine cabinet mirror.
Ever since she returned from South America, she has been undergoing laser treatment to remove the permanent makeup she had done to her face.

Her face was still a little red from her last treatment. She was still getting uses to seeing herself without the makeup. There was a reason she had her whole face done back in England. She wanted her face to match the madness going on inside her mind. Also, she patterned herself off of the Mad Hatter from the Johnny Depp movie.

The madness that had been inside her head was slowly fading and her true personality was surfacing. She walks across the hall to her bedroom and starts getting dressed. Today she was going to spend the day with her girlfriends.

Aylin does something she has only recently started doing and slip on a nice sundress. She had gone clothes shopping with her friend Brandy. Brandy had suggested she tries a different style of dressing.

Her normal style involved blue jeans, blouses, and boots similar to her Hatter boots. Now, she has a closet filled with all different types of heels, tennis shoes, and boots. Plus, dresses of different styles and business suits. Some of her business suits were bulletproof. Anika had suggested it might be good for her to have them.

She grabs her purse and checks the secret compartments it had. She stored some of her melee weapons, like her throwing knives and spare magazines for her needler. She also makes sure she has her badge just in case something happened.

Aylin checks her appearance one more time, before heading downstairs to ride with Brandy. Brandy just bought a brand-new car, and they were trying it out today. When she arrives downstairs and check outside. She spots Brandy’s new black Toyota Camry.

She walks out of the townhouse, after making sure the security system was armed and the front door was locked. She spots Clair sitting in the passenger seat. The only strange thing about her today was her hair. It was colored in three different colors.

Clair had some work done to her eyes to make her look more Asian. She was finally developing her breasts as well. Right now, they were still small, but she was trying a new hormone pill that would increase the size of her chest.

“Hey Aylin, are you ready to have some fun today?” Clair turns around in her seat to look at Aylin.

“Where are we going?” Aylin was curious where they were heading.

“We are going to Cold Spring, New York to do some shopping and relaxation.”

“I’ve already done some shopping last week.” Aylin was still getting used to acting normal.

“Trust me, Aylin you’ll love the clothes in Cold Spring.” Clair enjoyed her last time to Cold Spring.

“Okay, if you say so.”

“That’s the spirit, Aylin.” Brandy looks in the rearview mirror at Aylin.

“If you say so.” Aylin watches as Brandy heads towards the highway.

“So, do you think the boys are having fun?” Clair knew the twins and Mark were helping Mark’s friend Kevin.

Kevin and his new wife had bought a house and needed help moving. So, while Mark and the twins helped Kevin and his wife out. They were going to have a girl’s day out of town.

The next hour or so the girls sing along to the music coming from the radio. Clair manages to get Aylin to join in as she and Brandy sung.

“You know Aylin, you have a good voice. If you had some training, you could audition for one of those reality shows.” Clair thought Aylin’s voice was pleasant.

“No, thank you. I’m happy doing what I naturally do.” Aylin didn’t like singing that much.

When Brandy arrives in Cold Spring. She finds a nice place to park, so they could do either some window shopping or shopping itself.

“Alright ladies, remember where we parked.” Brandy gets out of the car.

Clair and Aylin follow next. Clair looks around at the different stores.

“Let’s check this clothing store.” Clair starts walking down towards a clothing store she spotted.

Brandy looks at Aylin “shall we?”

“Why not.” Aylin follows after Clair with Brandy by her side.

Clair had a gleam in her eyes when all three of them walked into the clothing store. Aylin was already regretting her decision to come shopping with Clair.

“Oh, this will look good on you, Aylin.” Clair found a nice blouse and matching skirt in Aylin’s size.

Aylin looks at the skirt and matching blouse Clair handed her. The skirt was made of some sort of gaze-type material. The blouse matched the skirt perfectly.

“Go try it on, Aylin.” Clair wanted to see how Aylin looked in the blouse and skirt.

“Fine.” Aylin knew Clair wouldn’t let up on her.

A cheshire smile appears on Clair’s face. She knew Aylin wouldn’t disappoint her. She grabs some clothes herself and follows Aylin and
Brandy into the dressing rooms. Aylin changes out of the clothes she has on and tries the clothes Clair gave her on.

“Well, come on out so we can see what you look like.” Brandy was wearing the clothes she had picked out.

Aylin steps out of the changing room. She felt kind of foolish because she has never done anything like this before.

“Oh, you look cute in that outfit.” Clair liked it because the skirt was dark enough to hide the panties Aylin was wearing.

“I have to agree with Clair, Aylin. That looks cute and airy on you. What do you think?”

Aylin looks at herself in the mirrors where they were. She was glad the material was dark because in some areas it was lighter.

“It is cooler than anything I’ve worn before.” Aylin didn’t know how she should compare it.

“I think you made the right choice.” Brandy loved that Aylin was expanding her wardrobe.

Aylin has come a long way since she first met her. She liked how Aylin was changing and maturing. She knew her sister liked the change in Aylin as well.

Aylin gives some comments on what Brandy had on and what Clair had on as well. She thought they looked nice in the clothes they were wearing. As Aylin is heading back to the changing room, she spots a young girl looking into the store at a nice dress on display. The look on the girl’s face, looked like she wanted the dress.

A woman with long black hair comes up to the girl and grabs her hand and yanks her away from the window. Aylin noticed it wasn’t a gentle yank, but rather roughly. She saw the girl stumble some as the woman dragged her away.

Aylin looks at her friends to see if they noticed what took place, but they had already walked into the changing room to switch outfits. She takes a deep breath and heads into the changing room to change. She hated seeing young children abused.

Aylin puts her sundress back on and grabs the clothes she was planning on buying. She joins Brandy and Clair as the three of them walk up to the cashier to pay for their purchase. After purchasing the clothes and a few accessories to go with them. They walk out of the store. Aylin looks for that young girl she saw earlier to see where she went but doesn’t spot her.

“Why don’t we drop our bags back off at the car and do some more shopping?” Brandy figures it might be easier on them.

“Sounds good.” Clair knew there was a nice café nearby.

The three of them walk over to the car and drop their purchases off. Aylin was keeping her eyes out for that young girl.

“Who are you looking for, Aylin?” Brandy has noticed that Aylin has been observant about their surroundings.

“A young girl. I spotted her looking at a dress from the window and then her mother came and abruptly remove her from the window.”

“How rough was the mother?” Clair knew Aylin had a soft spot for children.

“She caused the girl to stumble. She wasn’t nice about how she treated her.” Aylin wanted to know why the mother treated her daughter that

“Speaking of daughters, how is Kiera doing?” Brandy and Clair have met Aylin’s newest sister.

“She’s doing okay. Child Protective Services wanted to know how I found her and why I was in that neighborhood.” Aylin had to be very creative in the lie she told.

“Oh, if she knew the real reason. I bet she wouldn’t believe you.” A smile appears on Clair’s face.

“So, does your mom have full custody of Kiera?”

“Yes, she does. First, you’ll never win a fight with a Bounty and secondly, mom has one of the best law firms around representing her.”

“So, do you like having a little sister?” Clair was curious about how Aylin felt.

“It's different. I’ve never had another sibling before.” Aylin walks with her friends as they do some more exploring of the stores.

Aylin keeps an eye out for the young girl. She tries to relax and enjoy the normal activities of being with her friends. Friends she doesn’t have to worry about stabbing her in the back or turning on her.

Clair leads Aylin and Brandy to a knick-knack shop. Aylin spots a few items that her mother would like and some for Kiera.

“What? You’re not getting anything for your fiancé?” Brandy likes to tease Aylin and Mark/Shade.

“I’ve already picked out a few things for him.” Aylin saw a few items Mark would like.


After buying some knick-knacks Clair leads Aylin and Brandy out the door. She looks at her friends “hey, are you ladies hungry?”

“Sure, what do you have in mind?” Brandy looks at Clair.

“There’s a café down the street that I think you ladies will like.” Clair liked their little sweet cakes. She had them the last time she came with her family.

“Is it within walking distance or do we need the car?” Brandy was willing to drive over to the place.

“It's within walking distance to us.”

“Okay, let’s drop our purchases off at the car and walk over there.” Brandy figures it would be easier on them.

The three women start walking down the street after storing their purchases. Clair was leading the way towards the café she visited the last time with her family. The food at the place was exceptional.

The walk towards the café was pleasant. The weather was the perfect temperature and puffy white clouds drifted across the sky. When Clair, Brandy, and Aylin come within sight of the café. They notice that it was a little busy. The place looked like it was right out of Victoria's age setting. Vine-covered trestle, with honeysuckles and Ivy. The garden had old fashion style tables and chairs.

Aylin spots the child and woman she had seen earlier. As she and her friends got closer, she could tell the young girl had a prosthetic left leg. She was also dressed rather plainly, where her mother on the other hand was dressed rather nicely.

Brandy notices that Aylin was looking over at a table where a woman and her daughter was sitting. She places her hand on Aylin’s arm “easy, Aylin. Don’t do anything rash.”

Aylin looks at Brandy “I won’t do anything until I know more.”

Clair overhears Brandy and Aylin talking. She turns to look at them “what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, right now. But Aylin is concerned about that woman over there and the way she has been treating her handicapped daughter.”
Brandy knew Aylin had a soft heart when it came to children. Especially after her childhood had been taken from her.

A middle-aged woman appears at the entrance of the garden entrance. She was taller than Aylin and had shoulder-length brown “Welcome to the Garden café. My name is Erica, and I’ll be your hostess today. How can I serve you today?”

“We would like a table for three and could you place us over there near that table?” Brandy knew Aylin wanted to keep an eye on the young girl.

“I believe that can be arranged.” Erica grabs three menus.

“Thank you.”

“If you’ll follow me please.” Erica escorts Aylin, Brandy, and Clair over to a table near the woman and her daughter.

Once they are seated and Erica hands them the menus in her hands “your maid will be over in a few minutes to take your order.”

“Thank you, Erica.” A smile appears on Aylin’s face.

It wasn’t one of her threatening smiles, but a friendly one. If it was one of her threatening smiles, it meant you were next on her kill list. Aylin looks at the menu and couldn’t believe how expensive some of the items were on it. She looks at the woman and notices she had gotten one of the most expensive items on the menu. While her daughter only had a glass of water and a plain muffin.

Bree looks at the plain muffin she was forced to order. It was the only thing on the menu that didn’t go over the five-dollar limit her mother placed her on. She couldn’t even order the milkshake she wanted, because it would have put her over the five-dollar limit.

She looks at her mother “mom, can I please get a milkshake?”

Nicole looks at her daughter “I’ll tell you what. You can order yourself a milkshake, but you’ll get nothing for dinner tonight. The cost of the milkshake will come from your dinner allowance.”

Tears start forming and sliding down from Bree’s eyes. She couldn’t believe her mother was being so mean to her.

“Stop your crying. You should be lucky I decided to keep you after you were born. Most parents would have gotten rid of a child like you. You’ll
be lucky to find someone who would want to marry you.” Nicole wishes the dumb brat had never been born.

Aylin heard everything the woman was saying to her daughter and it was making her angry. She slides her chair back and stands up.

“I’ll be back.” Aylin starts walking over to the table the woman and child were sitting at.

“Up, Oh!” Brandy has seen the look that was on Hatter’s face before.

Hatter had surfaced from inside of Aylin, because of her anger. She walks over to the table and slaps the woman who had been talking trash to her daughter.

“How dare you treat your daughter the way you are doing. You’re her mother and it’s your responsibility to take care of her and love her.”
Nicole was startled when a young red-haired woman wearing a light blue floral sundress walked over to her and slapped her across the face.

The slapped to her face hurt liked hell. She looks at the young woman standing at her table “how dare you to strike me! Do you know who I am?”

“A berk that needs to be taught some parenting skills.” Hatter looked at the woman with anger in her eyes.

Brandy and Clair could hear Aylin’s British accent coming through. She hopes Aylin doesn’t do anything drastic.

“Lady, you don’t know how much trouble you are in.” Nicole stands up and looks into the woman’s face.

Hatter watches as the woman stands up. She was only a few inches taller than her. An evil smile appears on Hatter’s face.

Nicole figures the military training she had before she had her mistake. She figures her training would be enough to take this young woman down.

“I suggest you leave before you get hurt.”

Bree was sitting quietly watching what was going on between her mother and the red hair woman. She loved her mother, but she didn’t like the way her mother treated her. She was surprised at how fast the red hair woman moved. One moment her mother is standing before the red-haired woman and the next her mother is laying on her back.

Nicole was surprised as she looks up at the red-haired woman. She didn’t even see the woman move before she hit the ground.

“You were saying?” Hatter looks down at the woman.

Nicole slowly gets back up off the ground. Her chest hurt from where the woman must have hit her. She looks at her daughter and then back at the woman “you know, you can have the brat. She’ll never amount to anything. I’m tired of her whining and being embarrassed by her handicap.”

“Mom, I love you.” Bree had tears coming down her cheek.

“Well, I don’t love you, you brat. You are an embarrassment to me.” Nicole grabs her purse and storms out of the café.

The people in the garden couldn’t believe what the woman just said to her daughter. They watched as she stormed out, without paying her bill. They also look at the red-haired woman standing at the table with the young girl.

Aylin wraps her arms around the girl’s shoulder and held her. She could tell the girl was upset by her mother’s words.

“Why don’t you come over here and sit with us. I’m Aylin by the way.” Aylin escorts the young girl to the table she and her friends were sitting at.

While they were walking towards the table, Aylin noticed that the prosthetic leg the girl was wearing. It was in bad shape and needed to be replaced.

“Aylin, I think the manager of the place wants to talk with you.” Clair spotted an older lady walking towards them.

“Alright, Clair. Can you look after my friend here and order whatever she wants?” Aylin grabs her badge and starts walking towards the older lady.

“Hi, I’m Clair and this here is my friend Brandy. We’re friends of Aylin. What is your name?” Clair was smiling at the young girl.

“Bree Ann Collins.” Bree wipes the tears away from her eyes.

“Here, I think I have a handkerchief in my purse.” Brandy looks in her purse and pulls out a clean handkerchief.

She hands it to Bree.

“Thank you.” Bree uses it to dry her eyes.

“Bree, if you don’t mind me asking. What happened to your leg?” Clair was curious about the missing leg.

“I was born with only one leg. That’s why my mother has always hated me.” Bree knew that her mother hated her because she was born with only one leg.

“That’s no reason to hate your child.” Clair has never heard of a parent hating their child for being disabled.

Brandy looks towards where Aylin and the old lady stood talking. She noticed that Aylin had to show her badge to the woman. She watched as the two women continued to talk.

Clair noticed Brandy was watching Aylin and the older woman. She wonders if everything was alright “do you think everything is alright, Brandy?”

“Hatter hasn’t come out yet and slapped the woman.” Brandy knew Hatter didn’t put up with bossy people.

Bree was puzzled as she looks at the woman named Aylin and the old woman. She thought her name was Aylin, instead of Hatter. She was still upset that her mother walked out on her as well.

Clair turns back to look at Bree “Bree, does your prosthetic leg hurt you when you walk?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Bree had told her mother that her leg hurt, but she wouldn’t listen to her.

“May I?” Clair wanted to look at the leg.

Bree nods her head yes.

Clair gets out of her chair and walks around to look at the artificial leg. She gently touched the leg and saw some bloodstains where the sock
Bree was wearing had been rubbed through. The fitting on the leg was rusty and the leg itself needed some repairs down to it.

She stands back up and walks around to her chair. She’ll tell Aylin when she gets back to the table. She takes a sip of the cold water that had been delivered to the table.

After a while, Aylin comes walking back to their table. A maid had come over and had taken their order. Brandy told Bree to order whatever she wanted.

“So, I take it we are allowed to stay?” Brandy looks at Aylin.

“Yes, I explained everything to the owner of the Café and showed her my badge.” Aylin takes a sip from her glass of cold water.

“Well, we have a few things to inform you about. But it can wait until we eat.”

That got Aylin’s attention. She wonders what the information could be. After a couple of minutes, their lunch is brought out to them.

Aylin looks at Bree “I’m sorry for what happened to you. No child should ever have to experience what happened to you.”

“What’s going to happen to me now?” Bree was concerned.

“Well, we are going to have lunch and afterward, we are going to go and get that dress you were looking at. Then, you're going to go home with me.” Aylin didn’t think her mother would mind.

“You might want to take her to see your doctor friend, Aylin. Her prosthetic leg is in serious need of fixing and it looks like it isn’t fitting right on her.” Clair knew about Elizabeth. She has seen her a few times since she opened her clinic.

Aylin looks at Bree “has your prosthetic leg been bothering you?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Did you tell your mother, Bree?” Aylin was watching Bree’s facial expression.

“Yes ma’am, and she told me to just live with it. She said that she couldn’t afford to take me to get a new one.”

“Well, we are going to get you a new one and make sure you are taking care of.” Aylin couldn’t believe the woman was so self-centered.

Bree enjoys her lunch. Aylin, Brandy, and Clair make sure she gets whatever she wants. After lunch, the ladies take her to get the dress she
asked her mother for and shoes to go with it. The ladies were nice to her.

Clair gave her a lot of attention and had her try on several different outfits. She enjoyed the fun she was having with all of them.

Aylin looks at Brandy “I think Clair found a new friend.”

“Don’t you mean a new sister?” Brandy had seen how Clair took to Bree.

“That’s up to Clair’s parents. She’s only seventeen years old.” Aylin knew that Brandy was a year older than Clair and herself.

“What is your mother going to say?”

“That depends on Bree. If she has other relatives that will take her in then we’ll go that route. If she wants to stay with me and my mother. That will be fine. If Clair’s parents want her, then that will be fine. I just want her to be happy.” Aylin hopes Bree will be happy now, after what she has been through.

After they are done shopping and having dinner. Brandy drives them back home.

“Where will I be staying?” Bree looks at Aylin from the back seat.

“You’ll be staying with me.” Aylin had turned around to answer Bree.


Brandy pulls up in front of Anika’s townhouse. She helps Anika carry the purchases into the townhouse. She looks at Bree and Aylin “well kiddo, I’ll see you later.”

“Thanks for today, Brandy.” Aylin hugs her friend.

“Hey, I had fun today and what are best friends for?” Brandy returns the hug.

Once Brandy leaves, Aylin turns towards Bree “let’s get you ready for bed.”

Aylin takes Bree upstairs to the bedroom Angel slept in when she stayed with her. She sits Bree down on the bed and starts removing the artificial leg.

“Ow! I bet you were in pain.” Aylin couldn’t believe how worn the sock was that covered the limb.

It wasn’t only worn, but there were bloodstains where the leg rubbed her skin raw. Aylin is careful as she removed the other sock.

“I’ll be back.” Aylin goes to the kitchen and fills a bowl up of warm water.

Aylin grabs the first aid kit they keep in the house. She wonders if Bree’s mother knew the artificial leg was rubbing her daughter's stump raw.
She carefully tends to the raw wounds and wraps them with some gaze from the first aid kit.

“There, that should feel better.” Aylin taps Bree’s nose gently.

“Thank you.” Bree liked Aylin.

“Now, young lady I am going to tuck you into bed and if you like. I will read you a bedtime story.”

Bree smiles at Aylin because her mother would never read to her. She watches as Aylin walks over to a small bookcase in the bedroom and pulls a book out. She moves so Aylin can sit on the bed with her.

“Once upon a time, there was…” Aylin smiles after she notices Bree had fallen asleep.

Aylin marks the page and lays the book on the nightstand next to the bed. She gets up and walks out of the room quietly.

“You brought another stray home?” Anika had just gotten home with Keira.

“I couldn’t help myself, mom. Her mother was a real berk towards her.”

“Oh? How so?” Anika knew how Aylin felt about children.

“Well, first the woman was making Bree buy her lunch and she had a five-dollar limit. She wouldn’t even buy her daughter lunch or a dress she was looking at. Secondly, Bree wears a prosthetic left leg and it needs to be replaced. It was also rubbing her stump raw and her mother didn’t care.”

“So, what did you do?” Anika knew how Aylin could be when she saw children being abused.

“First I slapped her and told her off. Then, when she stood up and tried to intimidate me. I knocked her flat on her ass. After that, she told me to just take her daughter, because she was getting tired of taking care of the brat. When Bree told her mother, she loved her. The woman replied that she didn’t love her.”

“Did Brandy and Clair witness this?” Anika couldn’t believe a mother would do that to her daughter.

“Yes ma’am. They witness the whole thing.”

“Alright, I’ll want to talk with Bree in the morning so I can find out where she lives. Also, I’ll call Elizabeth and set up an appointment for her to check Bree out.”

“Okay. So, how is Keira?” Aylin knew Anika took Keira to see Elizabeth.

“She’s alright, Elizabeth recommended a friend of hers that is a Pediatric.”

“Do you think Bree will need to see one?” Aylin was watching Anika.

“I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Elizabeth.”

“I’ll do that. Do you think she’ll be available tomorrow?”

“You can call her and find out.” Anika hands her cellphone to Aylin.

Aylin accepts it “thanks.”

“It’s number four.”

“Thanks, mom.” Aylin calls Elizabeth.

Several days Later:
“Now, let’s see how you are doing?” Elizabeth looks at the young girl Aylin brought in for a physical.

Bree sits still as Dr. Sumner checks her over. Aylin said that she was a good friend and she could trust her. She giggles when Dr. Sumner finds a ticklish spot.

“That’s what I wanted to hear. Now, let's check your eyes.” Elizabeth does a quick eye test on Bree.

Bree looks at the eyesight chart. She starts reading off the letters in one line. She gets to the end and looks at dr. Sumner.
Elizabeth looks at Bree “Bree, how long have you had problems reading at a distance?”

“For a while. I told my mother, but she wouldn’t listen to me.”

“Well, I’m going to set an appointment for you to see an eye doctor. You’re going to need glasses. Also, I’m going to send you to a prosthetist to get fitted for a new leg. Your old one is beyond fixing.”

“I won’t be able to get around without it.” Bree didn’t want to lose her leg.

“Bree, your old artificial leg is barely able to be used. The hinges on it are worn and the inside is rubbing your stump raw. You’ll only be without your leg for a week. The person I’m sending you too is good and will have your new one in no time.” Elizabeth knew the person.


Aylin comes in and helps Bree. Elizabeth goes ahead and makes the appointments for Bree. When they are ready to leave, Elizabeth pulls Aylin aside “are you going to get guardianship of her?”

“I don’t know yet. All I do know is she needs my help, Lizzie.”

“Whatever you decide to do, you know you have my support.” Elizabeth hugs Aylin.


“Alright kiddo, let's go and get some lunch.”

Later, in the evening, Anika calls Aylin into the living room. She walks into the living room “what’s up, mom?”

“Mouse needs our help in Washington D.C. Elizabeth has said she and her wife will watch after Bree and Kiera while we are gone.” Anika got a phone call from Mouse a few minutes ago.

“I tell Bree.” Aylin heads upstairs to Bree’s bedroom.

She knocks before she walks in. She spots Bree playing the PS 4 Shade bought her.

“Hey kiddo, can you pause your game for a minute?”

“Yes ma’am.” Bree liked the new game system that Mark bought her.

Bree pauses the game and looks at Aylin. She knew it had to be important.

“Mark, Anika, and I have to go out of town. Dr. Sumner and her wife are going to watch over you and Kiera while we're gone.”

“How long will you be gone?” Bree had been informed that Aylin, Shade, and Anika were special agents, and sometimes they would have to leave.

“Only for a few days. If it is any longer, I’ll call you.”

“Can’t I go with you?”

“I wish you could, sweetie. But what we do is extremely dangerous. I promise I will come back to you.”

Bree has come to like Aylin, Mark, and Anika a lot. She didn’t want to see anything bad happen to them.

“What do I need to do?”

“Pack a bag for a week. Also, could you help Dr. Sumner and her wife with Kiera?”

“Yes ma’am.” Bree likes Kiera. Anika has let her hold her a few times.

“That’s my girl.” Aylin walks over and hugs Bree.

Bree packs a bag and takes her new tablet with her. She makes sure she has her new cellphone with her. Once she has her bag ready. Bree gets her crutches “I’m ready.”

Aylin picks up Bree’s bag. She helps Bree down the stairs and out to Mark’s town car. Mark helps Bree into the car. Bree notices a car seat had been installed for Kiera.

Anika comes outside and puts Kiera into the car. She hugs Bree and places a kiss on her cheek.

“I’ll see you when you get back, sweetie.”

Bree just smiles at Anika. She’s been thinking about calling Anika, grandma. She sits back and watches as Mark drives towards Elizabeth’s place.

“Are you okay, Bree?” Aylin turns around in her seat to look at Bree.

“Yes ma’am.”

Aylin hated doing this to Bree, but she had to. She would have asked Brandy or Clair, but they were busy with their jobs. Brandy was working at a Seafood warehouse and Clair had her sewing business.

Elizabeth and Sara’s Place:
Mark pulls up to Sara’s and Elizabeth’s place. Aylin gets out and walks up to the front door of the place. She presses the doorbell and a few seconds later, an elven woman opens the door.

Lobelia had just finished getting the guest bedroom done and setting up the spare crib. When the front doorbell rang. She heads downstairs and answers it.

When she opens the door, she notices Aylin standing there. She had been informed that Aylin and Anika were dropping off Kiera and Bree to
stay with them.

“Hello, Mistress Hatter. It's so nice to see you again.”

“Hi, Lobelia. I’m dropping off Bree and Kiera. Can you thank Elizabeth and Sara for me and my mom, please?”

“Yes ma’am, I can do that for you. Now, shall we get Kiera and Bree?” Lobelia wanted to meet the two children.

Lobelia follows Aylin down to the town car. She knew all about Bree and how she only had one leg. Kiera was a newborn, who will fit in with the other four children in the house.

Bree watches as an Elven woman with big breasts follows behind Aylin. She was a little taller than Aylin. She had straight shoulder-length platinum blonde hair. Bree has never seen anyone like her, before.

Lobelia looks at Bree as she opens the town car door. A smile appears on her face “you must be Bree.”

“Yes ma’am, I am.” A smile forms on Bree’s face.

“Well, it's nice to meet you, Bree.”

“Thank you.”

“And I guess that little lady next to you is Kiera.”

“Yes, ma’am she is.”

“Well, how about we go into the house and let her, and you meet the other children. Would you like that?”

“I guess.” Bree didn’t want to leave Aylin and Mark.

“It will be okay, sweetie. You’ll like Elizabeth, Sara, and Lobelia. Remember, I promise we will be back.” Aylin hugs Bree.

Lobelia helps Bree into the house. Mark gives Bree a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“We’ll be back sweetie.”

Aylin sighs as she and Mark leave. She hated doing this to Bree.

“You’ll feel better after you beat up some bad guys.”


Aylin knew Anika was riding with Dakota in Wraith. She and Mark were taking his town car.

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