Momma Hatter

This story takes place a few years after Hatter’s babysitter.

“Mom, do you know where I left my cell phone?’ Bree was looking all over her bedroom for her cell phone.

Aylin walks into her oldest daughter’s bedroom with her cell phone in her hand. She stands in the doorway “you left it in the bathroom again, sweetie.”

Hatter had used her cell phone to locate Bree’s cell phone. She and Mark had a tracking chip put inside Bree’s cell phone when they started allowing her to have one. They also had a tracking chip placed underneath Bree’s skin in case their enemies decided to kidnap Bree. An attempt had already been made to kidnap and murder their youngest daughter.

Bree looks over at her mother “thanks, mom.” She walks over and hugs her mother while getting her cell phone.

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Now hurry up and finish getting ready for school. Your dad is taking you to school today, and your aunt Jamie is picking you up.” Aylin had a meeting she had to get ready for. She was glad that Mickie could come over and babysit Hollace while she was at the conference.

Usually, Sakura would babysit the kids for her, but she had classes today. She was so proud of Sakura as well. She was in college and working on her master’s degree. She knew Sakura’s mother was proud of her as well.

Her cell phone beeps, letting her know someone was at the front door. She pressed the app and spotted a big-busted, short woman with light brown hair standing at her door. A smile appears on Hatter’s face as she recognizes who it is. Aylin presses the lock button on her cell phone and unlocks the front door.

“It’s unlocked, Mickie.”

Mickie hears Aylin’s voice come over the intercom built into the trim of the front door. A smile appears on her face “thanks, mom.”

Mickie liked calling Aylin’s mom as she opened the front door. If it weren’t for Aylin and Aylin’s sister Jamie rescuing her, she wouldn’t be free. They saved her from becoming a sex toy for a nasty fellow. She walks into the house and closes the door behind her. She watches as Bree runs down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

A smile appears on her face as she follows Bree into the kitchen. She hadn’t had breakfast this morning and knew Aylin and Mark didn’t mind her fixing herself some food. When she walks into the kitchen, she spots Mark cleaning Hollace up. He must have just finished feeding her.

“Morning, Dad.” As Mickie walks over to the refrigerator.

Mark had just finished feeding Hollace and cleaning her up when he heard Mickie’s voice. He knew she would babysit Hollace while he was at work, and Aylin was in a meeting this morning.

“Hey, Mickie. How are things going between you and Charlie?” Mark knew Mickie was in a relationship with a police officer.

“We’re still working things out. He’s accepted my past and doesn’t mind having a girlfriend that looks like a porn star.” Mickie hated what was done to her body. She looked like a freaking porn star with what was done to her.

“Well, give it time, sweetie. Charlie seems to be a nice guy.” Mark has met him and did a background check on him as well.

He and Aylin were protective of Mickie and her twin sister Mary Ann. The organization that Aylin and Jamie rescued Mickie and Mary Ann from had turned them into identical twins. The organization had tricked both boys and remade them over into big-busted girls. It took some time to undo the brainwashing the girls had undergone, but they managed to undo it.

With her mother’s help, Aylin established an organization that helped victims like Mickie and her twin sister. They also helped the homeless, abused women, and runaways as well. Some of their people went out to try to get the runaways’ kids off the street so they weren’t exploited.

“How is Mary Ann doing?” Mark was concerned about her the most.

“She’s doing better. The woman she is living with treats her like a daughter.” Mickie checked up on her twin.

The woman that took Mary Ann in after the brainwashing was undone cared for Mary Ann. She treated Mary Ann as if she was her daughter, and Mary Ann seemed to take to it. The woman’s true daughter had cut off all contact with her. The reason was that the woman disapproved of the relationship between her daughter and a man that was thirty years her senior.

The woman couldn’t accept that her daughter was in love with someone that old. She could get that if the man had been ten years older but was thirty years older than her daughter. She knew something wasn’t right about their relationship.

As for herself, she saw Mark and Aylin as her true parents. When she returned to her biological parents, they saw what had been done to her. They wouldn’t take her back and call her a freak. They accused her of bringing this onto herself.

Aylin and Mark took her in and treated her as their daughter. They helped her overcome how her parents treated her and helped her adjust to being a proper young lady. They even helped her get a job working at a popular restaurant. The place was owned by a friend and served some excellent food. They had won an award for one of the newest restaurants of the year.

Bree looks at Mickie and smiles. She liked having a big sister.

“Are you babysitting our little sister today, sis?” Bree grabs the Texas toast she put in the toaster oven.

“Yep, since Sakura has classes all day. I’m going to watch the little munchkin today.” Mickie looks at Hollace and smiles at her little sister.

“Make sure she gets her nap in. She’s cranky if she doesn’t have her nap.” Aylin walks into the kitchen wearing a nice business suit that hugs her curves. She lost the weight she put on when she was pregnant with Hollace.

“I will, mom. Why don’t all of you leave and let me and Hollace have some sisterly bonding time?” Mickie looks at everyone.

“Okay, if you have any problems. You know whom to call.” Mark grabs his baseball cap and lunch box.

“I will, dad. Now, go.” Mickie brushes her hands toward them.

Bree follows behind her father toward the Lincoln Town car. Hatter heads for her BMW and gets in. Mickie watches from the doorway with Hollace sitting on her hip as both vehicles drive off.

Mickie looks into Hollace’s green eyes “let’s go for a walk in the park.”

Mickie turns around and heads into the house to get Bear’s leash and Hollace’s stroller. It was a lovely day outside, and Mickie knew Hollace would enjoy it. She puts Hollace in her stroller and clips Bear’s leash onto his collar. She grabs her cell phone and puts it in her back pocket.

She was wearing blue jeans today. They emphasized her big butt and well-defined thighs. And her tiny waist. She found it difficult to find jeans that fit her out-of-proportion body. Her waist was small, but her thighs and bubble butt were big. So, finding a pair of jeans that fit both was a chore.

As for her breasts, she has to go to places like Frederick’s of Hollywood or Victoria’s Secret to buy bras to support her huge breasts. She couldn’t go to places like Walmart or JCPenney and find the right bra. She also hates having them. She would love to punch the doctor who caused them to form on her body.

She pushes the stroller with Hollace having fun looking around. Bear was near Hollace, ready to protect her. He had been given to Bree as a gift, but he protected Hollace mostly.

Mickie liked the neighborhood Aylin and Mark moved to. It was nice, and the residents were polite. All the homes were high-dollar and well-maintained. She waved to a few people as she walked down the sidewalk. When Bear has to stop and do his business, she brings a roll of bags to clean up after him.

She walks to the park, puts Hollace on one of the swings, and pushes her. Bear stands nearby, watching his little human. She gets a few catcalls and whistles from teenage boys walking by the park. She has gotten used to the treatment of some men and young boys. After all, she used to be a boy and did the same thing when she saw a cute-looking woman.

However, now that she is on the receiving end of it. She doesn’t find it so cute. So, she ignores their remarks. She continues to push Hollace on the swing.

Helping Hands Outreached:
Aylin pulls into the parking lot of the nonprofit business she establishes to help women and runaways out. She spots one of their helpers, Harold waiting at the employee’s entrance. She parks her car and turns it off. She ensures the alarm system is armed when she gets out of the vehicle.

“Harold, what are you doing up here so early?” Aylin walks towards him.

“Hi, Mrs. Jaager. I wanted to get a head start on that stack of paperwork on my desk.” Harold had a stack of paperwork that needed to be filed and put away.

“I have to say, Harold. You are one dedicated employee.” Aylin walks up to the door and enters a code into the electronic lock.

Aylin walks into the building first and turns the alarm system off. She turns around and looks at Harold “you can walk around now without setting off the alarm system.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Jaager.” Harold waves to her as he heads toward his cubicle.

“You’re welcome, Harold.” Aylin watches as Harold walks off.

Aylin heads to her office to prepare for the meeting. She had several things she wanted to cover and explore for the company. She wasn’t worried about funding for the company because any job she and Mark did where the criminal had a large cache of money. They took the money and funneled it into the company under false names and companies.

They also funnel money from their accounts and donations they receive to the company. Today the meeting was about an offer submitted to the company by the Blake organization. They specialized in medical supplies and such. They wanted to form a partnership with them. The alliance would provide free medical services to the people the organization helped.

Aylin looks over the proposal carefully. She reads it several times, and when she is sure, she understands it well. She forwards the recommendation to the legal department. She hopes Stephanie finds this recommendation acceptable. They could use a medical company to help provide medical services to their clients.

They currently had two medical providers, but using them cost them a fortune. One was an off-the-book organization, and the other was a well-known medical organization. Hopefully, Blake Medical will give them a discount on any services they might need.

After a few hours, Aylin gathered her notes and headed toward the conference room with her cup of tea. Sometimes, she drinks coffee, but mostly she drinks tea. She was still British, after all.

She sits at the conference table and waits for the other department heads to show up. She takes a sip from her cup and watches as the others enter the conference room. She stays as everyone sits down and organizes their notes and themselves.

“Good morning, everyone. I hope you guys are ready to tell me how we are doing.” Aylin looks at the different department heads that help her with the company.

“I guess I will start.” Judy looks towards Aylin.

“What do you have for me, Judy?” Aylin looks at her legal head.

“Do you remember Harvey Ross?” Judy looked at Aylin to see if she remembered.

“Yeah, I remember Harvey Ross. I had to stop him from seriously injuring his wife and kids.” Aylin had gone to see how Mrs. Ross was doing after she got the restraining order against her husband.

“Well, he is filing a lawsuit against you. He’s suing you for assault and battery.” Judy knew Aylin’s reputation as an MMA fighter.

“Good luck with that. He should be thankful I didn’t send him to the morgue for what he did to his wife.”

“Well, he’s suing you for sending him to the hospital and breaking his arm and right leg.”

“Send the lawsuit to my lawyer. Alicia will eat him alive.” Aylin liked Alicia a lot. Her mother recommended that she handle all her lawsuits.

“That’s all from me.” Judy looks towards Mark sitting next to her.

“Several food shelters and kitchens request a budget increase this year.” Mark had several requests from the shelters and kitchens they sponsor.

“Okay, get with Jessica in accounting and see how much we can give them.”

“All right.”

“Speaking of accounting, the current shelters are reaching their limits. We need new places or will have to cut back on whom we can help.” Rodney knew Aylin wouldn’t cut back on whom she helped.

“Let me talk to people I know about setting up different places. Give me a list of the current shelters that are reaching their limit, and I’ll see about opening additional shelters in those areas to help out.”

“Okay.” Rodney makes some notes on his notepad.

“Anything else?” Aylin looks at the people sitting at the table.

“Yes, several churches are asking for help from us. They say that donations have been low these past few months.” Katelyn usually dealt with the churches.

“I don’t mind helping them, but they can’t turn away anyone from the LGBTQ community.”

“You know that won’t go over well with a few churches.” Katelyn knew a few churches would give them grief for the conditions they would add.

“If they want our help, they must adhere to our conditions or no deal. I won’t allow people to use religion or religious beliefs as an excuse to discriminate against those we are helping.” Aylin knew some churches could be real assholes against the gay community.

“I’ll let them know.”

“Now, who’s next?” Aylin looks at the next person to speak.

During the meeting, various subjects are brought up. Aylin gives her response and comments. She also listens to new ideas and plans some department heads want to try or implement.

By the time the meeting was over, Aylin was hungry. She lets her assistant know she is stepping out for lunch. There was a nice food truck nearby that she liked, so she walked from her office toward the place.

While walking toward the food truck, she passes a homeless person digging in a trashcan. She knew most of the homeless people that lived near the building Helping Hands was located in. She stops and looks at the person “hey, why don’t you join me for lunch?”

Michael looks at the red hair woman standing near him. He has seen her around the homeless camps a few times checking up on people. She was known for giving out baskets of food or gift cards where they could go and stay for a while.

“Thank you.” Michael wonders why this woman is helping him and the others.

“Good, let’s get something good to eat.” Aylin escorts Michael over to the food truck and stands in line.

Aylin watches Michael and wonders how he came to live on the streets. She knew right now wasn’t the time to ask that question. She wanted to earn his trust; hopefully, buying him lunch would help.

When it’s their turn to order, Aylin looks at Michael “order whatever you like, Michael.”

“Okay,” Michael orders a big lunch. He notices that it doesn’t faze Aylin at all.

A smile appears on Aylin’s face as Michael places his order. This wasn’t the first time this had happened to her. She has bought food several times for people, and they ordered a lot to either stretch out all day or share with other homeless.

Once Michael was done placing his order, she placed her order. She pays for their meals and finds a place they can sit down to wait for their food. Aylin looks at Michael as they are sitting and waiting for their sustenance. “How many bags can you normally collect in a day?”

Michael looks at the red-haired woman and notices she is curious about him. He wonders why she is so curious about him.

“I normally collect at least six or seven bags a day.”

“How far out do you normally go to collect the cans?” Aylin was curious about how far Michael traveled per day.

“As far as I have to.” Michael knew that some days he had to travel a long way to find many cans.

“That’s our order.” Aylin gets up and walks to the food truck to retrieve their order.

She returned their order to where she and Michael sat and ate lunch. She watches as Michael eats some of his food but separates some to eat later. She figures he might share some of the other food he ordered with some of his friends.

When the two of them finished eating, Aylin pulled a prepaid credit card out of her purse and handed it to Michael. “I want you to have this, Michael. It has four hundred dollars on it. Use it to rent a room or buy food.”

“I don’t take charity.” Michael looks at Aylin with a disgusted look on his face.

“It’s not charity, Michael. It’s payback for what someone once did for me. You heard of the pass it along program, haven’t you?” Aylin looks at Michael with a serious look on her face.

“Yes.” Michael has heard of the program.

“Well, I’m passing this on, like I promise I would. I needed help long ago, and a kind couple helped me. So, I am doing the same. Please, accept this card.” Aylin holds the card out to Michael.

Michael tentatively accepts the card. He looks at it and notices it has two hands reaching out to each other on it and meeting in the middle. He looks up at Aylin “thank you. I’ll share this card with others.”

“That’s all I ask. And if you are ever around here, I would like you to join me for lunch or ask me if you need anything.”

“Thank you.” Michael could see that this woman meant it.

“Well, it’s been nice having lunch with you. I have to get back to work.” Aylin stands to leave.

“I never did get your name, miss.” Michael looks at Aylin.

“It’s Aylin Jaager. But you might have heard about me by another name.” As Aylin leans in close to whisper to Michael. “I’m also known as Mad
Hatter Aylin.” As Aylin stands up with a smile on her face.

Michael looks at Aylin. He had heard the name Mad Hatter Aylin on the streets but couldn’t believe the woman he had just had lunch with was
that woman. She was too businesslike.

Aylin winks at Michael as she walks back to the building she worked at. There was a smug look on her face as she walked. She, Mark, and Jamie were known by the homeless and underworld by their alter egos.

Aylin walked into her office to finish the paperwork she had to complete. She passed on everything Cyril, Lottie, and her friends taught her. She looks at the picture of Cyril and Lottie. She runs her fingertips over the image. She misses the two of them. They saved her life and slowly brought her out of the madness she had been in. She might be dead or imprisoned if it hadn't been for them.

She wipes the tears away as she tries to concentrate on her work. She started this organization with the help of her husband and friends to help the homeless and abused women. She looks at the pictures of Julie, Laila, and Angel on her desk.

Julie and Laila had adjusted to being in America and being Bart’s daughters. Laila was still in high school, and Julie went to college to study bookkeeping and business management. She was working at Bart’s oil company. Their twins were doing well as well. As for Angel, she was a cheerleader and volunteered at a homeless shelter. She wanted to follow in her footsteps.

They used the nanite technology that had been used on Misty to fix Laila’s medical problem. Now she didn’t have to carry around an insulant pump for her type 1 diabetes. She doesn’t have to worry about that problem anymore. Also, under her mother’s sharp observation, Julie took the Blue Lace drug to become a full-fledged female.

She didn’t have to have the surgery to go from male to female. With the way things are in Texas right now, that was one less problem Bart’s family was willing to forego. Not that Bart didn’t have issues with the Texas government. Someone in the government thought it would be wise to go after Bart.

An evil smile appears on Aylin’s face when she remembers what Bart did to that person. You didn’t fuck with an ex-CIA agent. If that wasn’t bad enough, you didn’t want that ex-agent sister and cousin coming after you, either.

Especially when the cousin flies a hi-tech helicopter capable of frying your electronics or accessing the department of motor vehicles database and reporting your car as stolen or making it seem you owe thousands in traffic tickets.

While Aylin tries to finish up the paperwork she has. Her office phone rings. She pressed the line the call was on “what is it, Carol?”

“Sorry for bothering you, Mrs. Jaager, but a young lady is here to see you.” Carol looks at the strangely dressed woman.

A smile appears on Cynthia’s face as she looks at Aylin’s secretary. She could have come in a different way to see Aylin by being in uniform, but the last time she surprised Aylin. She almost ended up with a throwing knife embedded in her. She learned that you don’t shock the Mad Hatter.

“Send her in, Carol.” Aylin ends the call.

Carol looks at the strangely dressed young woman. She knew Mrs. Jaager had some strange friends “she will see you.”

“Thank you, Carol.” Cynthia had heard Aylin’s voice over the receiver.

Cynthia knocks before entering Aylin’s office. She spotted Aylin watching the door as it opened. She made sure to have her hands out in the open, so her aunt didn’t think she had any weapons.

Aylin watches as a teenage girl comes walking into her office. She was dressed in a skintight black bodysuit with a spider and web design in silver. She had pure long white hair that came down halfway to her back. She had a mask that covered her face.

“Cynthia, what are you doing up here in your uniform?” Aylin looked at her niece as she came walking towards her desk.

“Sorry for dropping in like this, Aunt Aylin. But I was in the neighborhood and thought I would warn you about an arsonist going around setting fires to schools, churches, and homeless shelters.” Cynthia sits down in the chair in front of her aunt’s desk. She removes her mask and lays it on the edge of the desk.

Aylin looks at her niece “are you thirsty?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Cynthia still had the acidic taste from the fire she just came from in her mouth.

Aylin gets up from her office chair, walks to the small refrigerator, and grabs a one-liter bottle of filtered water. She walks back over to her niece and hands it to her.

“Thanks, Aunt Ayin.” Cynthia opens the bottle and drinks half of it down in one gulp.

Aylin sits back down in her chair and looks at her niece. She was the adopted daughter of Jamie and Taskhtali and two years older than Bree. She had been experimented on as Sakura had been, except the artificial stem cells almost killed Cynthia. If Jamie and Taskhtali had rescued
Cynthia a second later, she would have died. As it was, it took Cynthia several months to recover from what had been done to her.

The illegal clinic used a different way to administer artificial stem cells to her body. They used a particular design pathogen to deliver the programmed stem cells. The problem was that her body reacted to what they did. She had a violent reaction to what they did, and it took the ancient mysticism that Taskhtali knew to counter what had been done. However, the magic and the stem cells used on her changed her.

“How long has this been going on?” Aylin watches her niece.

“Recently? At least two churches have been burned down. Luckily, none of the shelters or schools have yet.” Cynthia takes another swig from her water bottle.

“Why do you think schools are targeted?” Aylin was curious why schools would be included.

“One janitor at an elementary school spotted an unusual package. When the police went to investigate, it went off. Luckily, the cops had taken precautions before setting it off.”

“How did you get involved?” Aylin knew her niece liked fighting bad guys as she, Mark, and Jamie did.

“I had to rescue some firefighters trapped in an old house’s basement. Since fire doesn’t affect me, I managed to get down to them and pull them out with the help of the other firefighters.” Cynthia was happy her suit was fireproof.

“That still doesn’t explain how you know, Cynthia.” Aylin folds her fingers under her chin and leans forward on her desk.

“I went back to investigate the scene and ran into the fire detectives. We got to talking, and I asked certain questions.”

A smile appears on Aylin’s face of her pride in her niece. She and Mark used the same trick to get information without asking the question outright. They could always get what they wanted without letting the people they were talking to know.

“This is disturbing.” Aylin wonders who it could be and why.

“Did any of the places have anything in common with one another?”

“Nope, the fire inspectors and I already thought about that. I think whoever commits these heinous acts is sick in the head, auntie.” Cynthia
couldn’t think of any reason people would set fire except to kill someone or collect insurance money.

She’s been studying psychology since her mother rescued her. The medical experiments that had been performed on her. They had increased her intelligence and activated some abnormal genes in her DNA. It also made it so she couldn’t be affected by fire either. The thing was, she couldn’t absorb sunlight either. So, she was taking vitamin D supplements.

“Do you know what this arsonist's next target might be?” Aylin wonders if there was a pattern to this person’s madness.

“No, ma’am, but I did manage to get something they touched. I think Westly might be able to get a psyche hit off the object. I made sure not to touch the item with my bare hands.” Cynthia learned she shouldn’t touch anything she was taking to Westly. It would ruin the psyche energies of the original owner.

“Just remember, Westly is picky about people she helps.” Aylin knew Westly hated her talent and wished she had never been born with it.

“I will. So, when do you leave? I need a ride home.” Cynthia hadn’t ridden her motorcycle to the latest site she went to. She rode the air currents with her glider wings.

“Where’s your motorcycle?” Aylin knew Jamie had gotten Cynthia the motorcycle she and Mark used in South America.

“Umm, I rode on the air currents to the last site. I seemed to be able to move air. I don’t know how I’m doing it, but I am.” Cynthia just discovered she could move air.

“Have you informed your mothers yet?”

“No, ma’am. It just started a few days ago.”

“All right, talk with your mommies about this.”

“Yes, ma’am. So, does that mean I can get a ride home?” Cynthia gives Aylin her puppy dog eyes.

“Yes. I still have a few things to do before I can leave. Also, you might want to do something about your uniform.”

“Oh, no problem.” Cynthia lifted her left arm and changed how her suit looked.

The surface of the suit loses its web design and goes completely black. Her boots change colors, as colorful stripes appear on them. Cynthia looks at her aunt “do you have a sweater or oversize jacket I can borrow?”

“In that closet over there.” Aylin points towards the closet in her office.

She always keeps some spare clothes at her office. She never knew when she might need them. She watches as Cynthia gets up and walks over to the closet.

Cynthia gets up and walks over to the closet. She was glad she was about the same size as her aunt Aylin. She opens the closet door and looks for an oversized shirt or light sweater. She finds one that would be perfect to go with her black bodysuit. She puts it on and closes the closet door.

Cynthia walks over and sits on the sofa in her aunt’s office. She pulls her cell phone out and texts both her mothers to tell them she is with Aunt Aylin. She gets a reply from both of her mothers.

She leans against the back of the sofa, and the next thing she knows. She is falling asleep. She hadn’t realized how tired she was.

Aylin looked over toward Cynthia and noticed she had fallen asleep. She shakes her head as she goes back to work. She wonders how long Cynthia has been burning the candle at both ends.

Aylin answered a few emails for the next few hours and accepted invites to upcoming social gatherings and fundraisers. The fundraisers helped with the shelters and housing she needed for the homeless.

Once Aylin is done, she gets up, walks over to Cynthia, and gently shakes her shoulder. She waits a few seconds before she shakes Cynthia’s shoulder a little harder “sweetie, it’s time to go.”

Cynthia slowly wakes up, and it takes her mind a few seconds to register where she is and who the person standing near her is. She looks at Aylin “sorry, auntie.”

‘It’s all right, Cynthia. I used to strike out when someone tried waking me.” Aylin has adjusted to not reacting like she used to. Not that she couldn’t, but she has trained to be more trusting.

Cynthia stands up and follows her aunt out of her office. She follows her towards the door.

“Stand still, sweetie.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Cynthia watches as Aylin walks to the hidden alarm panel and activates it.

Once the alarm is armed, Aylin motions for Cynthia to follow her, she leads the way out of the office and secures the entrance door. When she hears the alarm beep letting her know the system is armed.

“Okay, let’s go.” Aylin and Cynthia head toward Aylin’s car.

“Where’s the minivan, auntie?” Cynthia knew Aylin had a brand-new SUV.

“Mark has it.” Aylin gets into the Subaru they got when they were in Montana.

“How are your sister and brother doing?” Aylin glances toward Cynthia as she drives.

“They are doing better now. Mom said that they had the common cold. Somehow they got the cold Rebecca had when she came over to babysit.”

Aylin shakes her head. Jamie had gotten pregnant a year later after she had Hollace. Mark was the father of Hollace and Jamie’s twins. Taskhtali and Jamie were surprised when they found out Jamie was carrying twins.

She didn’t mind sharing Mark with her adopted sister. Jamie wanted kids in the first place so Hollace would have some friends/siblings her age. Bree was eleven years older than her little sister.

“Rebecca needs to be a little more careful when she has a cold and is around newborns.” Aylin knew Rebecca was trying to help.

“Well, she’s in Milan now doing a fashion show.” Cynthia knew Rebecca kept busy with her modeling career.

“What is Amber up to?” Aylin likes to keep up with Terry and Dakota’s family.

“She’s at Cheer camp right now. She wanted to go, and Terry and Dakota decided to let her go. She wants to become a professional
Cheerleader.” Cynthia liked hanging around with Amber. She was the spitting image of Dakota.

“That is a hard profession to break into.” Aylin has met a few cheerleaders who volunteered to help raise money for the shelters and the homeless.

“I think she’ll make it. She is determined to become one. Oh, Leia is doing better. The doctors said she could come home tomorrow.” Cynthia was glad that the race car Leia drove was built by her brothers. It was in a nasty car wreck last weekend on the track.

If it hadn’t had all the safety systems, it did. Her injuries could have been a lot worse than they were. As it was, she would miss a few races in her condition.

“Speaking of races, how is Jamie doing? And I’m not talking about your mother.” Aylin knew even she got the two Jamies mixed up at times.

Cynthia laughs when Aylin tries not to confuse her. She knew which Jamie her aunt was talking about.

“She just won her fourth race this season. She would give Leia a run for her money if Leia were a dirt racer.”

‘I don’t know how Dakota does it, having a daughter and a niece who are speed junkies like Terry.” Aylin knew Terry raced as well.

“It’s no different when you, mom, and uncle Mark go out and fight bad guys.” Cynthia looks at Aylin when she says that.

“There’s a big difference in what we do and racing around on a dirt track or race track at insane speeds.” Aylin couldn’t watch a NASCAR race. She found it incredibly dull.

“Some people are just speed nuts, auntie.”

Aylin shakes her head at the thought. Sure, at one time, she did some crazy stuff, but over the years, she mellowed out. Her mind was no longer cloudy or in a dark place like it used to be.

After a while, Aylin pulls up in front of Jamie and Taskhtali’s place. She looks at Cynthia “go and get some rest, Cynthia. Stop burning the candle at both ends.”

“I will, auntie.” Cynthia hugs Aylin before she gets out of the car.

Aylin returns the hug. Since she came to America years ago, she never thought her life would turn out as it had. After all, she went through when she was in the mental hospital. She watches as Cynthia runs towards the house and walks inside.

Once Cynthia was safely inside the house, Aylin headed home to her family.

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