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Three Years Ago, By the Alice in Wonderland Statue, Central Park, New York, New York:
Jamie listened intently to the young woman dressed as the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. She was telling the story of Alice in Wonderland. The way she told it, made him believe that she experience the story herself. There was a lot of passion and humor in the story.
Especially, when it came to the Mad Hatter.
He loved listening to her and visiting her. She was so kind to him and always answered his question. One time, after she had finished telling the story and was about to answer some questions from the group. She noticed a man stalking an older woman. Just as he went to grab the older woman’s purse.
She threw something at him, hitting him in the back. The guy fell to the ground face first. He noticed that there was a smile on her face as she skipped over to him. He heard her singing another one bites the dust.
It was at that moment he wanted to be like her. He loved her silliness and passion. He loved the fact that she cared about people. He spotted her a few times when he ran away from home when his father got so drunk and started abusing his mother.
He spotted her at a soup kitchen for the homeless. She was severing food to the homeless with some strange color hair woman standing near her. There was also a black hair guy and another woman that was working with her. He wanted to ask her for help but didn’t. He covered his face with a scarf and went through the line.
When he stood in front of her to receive his food. It felt like she knew it was him. She looked directly into his eyes. He just stood there nervous before her. He watched as she winked at him and put the food on his plate.
A smile appeared on his face, behind his scarf. He was surprised that Mad Hatter Aylin spotted him. He walked over to a table and sat with some people he knew. He decided that day, he was going to follow in her footsteps.
He started going online to learn about what Jesters did and made a list. He started looking for places that would teach him how to do acrobatics. Some places were willing to teach him, but he would have to pay.
He talked with his parents about taking tumbling lessons and such, but his father wouldn’t do it. So, he started going door to door in his neighborhood looking for work to raise money to take lessons. A lot of his neighbors wouldn’t hire him, but there were a few older people that had jobs for him to do.
Every day after school and on the weekends, he would work his butt off. He didn’t care what the weather was like either. When it snowed, several of his neighbors would hire him to clear their driveway and sidewalk. During the fall, he was hired to rake the leaves and bag them up. The money he was paid, he put into an account.
He had to because his father had found where he had been hiding the money in his bedroom and took half to buy booze. So, his mother took him to the bank she worked at and opened an account for him. He was thankful for what his mother did for him.
One Saturday, while he was out with his mother. He spotted Mad Hatter and her friends running and jumping over obstacles and such. He watches as they avoid people and jump or flip off a nearby wall.
“Mom, do you see them?” Jamie points towards Hatter and her friends.
“Yeah, and they are doing some dangerous stunts.” Betty couldn’t believe what a bunch of teenagers was doing.
“I think they look cool.” Jamie keeps walking with his mother.
“I hope you aren’t planning on doing something like that” Betty looks at her son when she says that.
“You never know mom. Maybe one day, I’ll have the courage to do something like that.” Jamie was going to do some research when he gets home.
“You need to be more careful sweetie. You only have one life.” Betty loved her son very much.
“Mom, what is it like for a girl?” Jamie was curious, because if he wanted to be like Hatter. He would want to know how a girl acted.
“Why do you ask, sweetie?” Betty looks at her son with a confused look on her face.
“Well, are things different for girls, than they are for boys?”
“Yes, there are a lot of things that are different for girls, than they are for boys. Besides the physical aspect, which I know you already know about.”
“Like what?”
“Well, girl babies tend to reach certain milestones, faster than boys do. Also, girls are more social, where boys tend to be more aggressive.
What has brought this on?” Betty wonders why Jamie was asking these questions.
“I’m just curious mom.” Jamie wanted to know more about being a girl.
Betty just looks at her son as they go clothes shopping and grocery shopping. She watches her son see if there was something, he wasn’t telling her. She does notice a few times that he stops in the young teen department to look at leggings, tights, stockings, leotards, and a few other things.
In the next few weeks or so, she notices some changes in Jamie. How he was more interested in what girls did. What they wore and how they acted. She noticed that Jamie also started watching and learning how to apply make-up. She tries to keep things hidden from her husband because she knew how he felt about gays and lesbians.
One evening, her husband comes home drunk off his ass. He is abusive towards her and when he goes to strike her. He is hit from behind by Jamie. She noticed he had some sort of cane in his hand.
“Leave mom alone!” Jamie was getting tired of his father beating on his mother.
He had been in his bedroom working on a costume he had in mind. He has been working on it all week long. Halloween was approaching, and he wanted to try out his new idea. He was putting on his make-up when he heard his father yelling at his mother over something she supposedly did. He grabbed the specialized cane he and Mr. Wallace down the street made and used it to hit his father from behind.
Robert had felt the strike from behind. He turned around and notices his son was wearing some sort of weird make-up on his face and had a black and red cane in his hand.
“Why are you wearing make-up, boy?” Robert looks at his son with a disgusted look on his face.
“It doesn’t matter, why. You leave mom alone.” Jamie twirls the cane, as he practiced.
“You think you can hurt me, boy! I’ll show you how a man is supposed to be.” Robert charges towards his son.
Jamie assumes the fighting stance he has been practicing. Mr. Colling and Mr. Khan have been teaching him how to protect himself. He was attacked by a few high schoolers from another neighborhood on his way to the bank. They jumped him while he was walking down the street.
He managed to outrun them, but they ambushed him on the way back. He held his own but ended up going to the hospital with a broken nose, a broken wrist, and getting ten stitches in his head.
When his father comes within range of the cane. He tosses it between his father’s legs, tripping him. He moved towards his father as he was falling and jumping on his back. He wraps his arms around his father’s neck and behind his head. He puts his father into a sleeper hold until he passes out.
Betty watches as her husband tries to attack their son. She was about to rush forward to protect her son when she watches her husband fall forward towards the floor. Just before her husband hit the floor. Her son jumps onto his back and uses some sort of chokehold on her husband. Her husband passes out and after a few minutes, Jamie releases his hold.
Jamie stands up off his father and looks at his mother. He was concerned about his mother “are you okay, mom?”
“Yes, sweetie. What did you do to your father?” Betty noticed the light makeup on her son’s face. It gave him a cute look.
“I used a chokehold, Mr. Khan, down the street taught me.” Jamie picks his cane up off the floor. The top of the cane had a gold heart encircling a much smaller heart in the middle of it.
Betty walks over and checks on her husband, Robert. He was unconscious laying on the floor.
“Mom, something needs to be done about dad’s drinking. He doesn’t have the right to come home and hurt you or be mean to me.” Jamie looks at his mother with pleading eyes.
Betty looks at her son and had to agree with him. Her husband’s drinking was getting out of hand. She grabs her cellphone and calls the cops. She didn’t want to do this to her husband, but he was leaving her with little choice.
Two Years Later:
Jamie climbs in through his bedroom window. He was hurting and his outfit was damaged, again. He moves quietly, so as not to wake his mother. He knew she worried about him, now that she knew his secret. She came home one night and caught him dress as his female alter ego.
He had to explain to his mother, why he has been going out at night. He explained that he had been dealing with brutal pimps, drug dealers, and gang members. He slowly removes his costume and hangs his black top hat up.
Once he is done taking off his costume and removing the fake breasts he has been wearing. He removes the make-up and fake eyelashes he wears to give his face that sexy look. He sits in front of his make-up mirror in his panties with bruises all over his body. His body was hurting from all the fighting he had to do and from the fall he took.
He looks at his costume “I’m going to need a new costume.”
That was the tenth costume he has gone through since he has become The Jester. Most of the criminals he encountered, though he was a woman. Which is what he wanted them to think.
Jamie pops some pain pills into his mouth and changes his underwear. He has grown accustomed to wearing women’s undergarments. He has been wishing that he was a woman instead of a male. He slips on his nightshirt and crawls into bed. He was so tired.
When Jamie gets up the next morning. He is feeling everything from last night. He slips his house robe on, along with his pink fuzzy slippers his mother gave him as a birthday gift. He walks downstairs to fix himself some breakfast. He was feeling hungry.
As he walks into the kitchen, he spots his mother. She was wearing one of her favorite nightgowns and was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.
“Morning mom.” Jamie walks over to the coffee machine and brews himself a cup of coffee.
“Morning, sweetie.” Betty notices a few new bruises on her son’s face.
Ever since she found out what Jamie has been doing. She has been worried about him. She also noticed that he was embracing his feminine side more and more. He has stopped wearing male clothing and was wearing female clothing more.
“How was last night?” Betty knew Jamie went out last night.
“I got the person I was looking for and stopped a gang war.” Jamie sits down next to his mother.
“Why do you do this, sweetie?” Betty looks at her son for an answer.
“Because, it needs to be done, mom. Because the police can’t be everywhere, and some of them can’t be trusted.” Jamie takes a sip from his coffee, after blowing on it to cool it down.
“What do you mean, some of them can’t be trusted?” That statement got Betty’s attention.
“Mom, if I tell you what I have found out. You might be in danger.” Jamie didn’t want to endanger his mother.
“Sweetie, I’m your mother and I am going to worry about you. If someone finally finds out that you’re The Jester. My life will be in endangered.”
“Not if I can help it, mom.” Jamie wouldn’t allow anything to happen to his mother.
After the last time, his father got drunk and attacked his mother two years ago. He wasn’t going to allow anyone to hurt his mother. She went through a lot when she got a divorce from his father. It took her almost a year to finally get over his father. It also didn’t help that his father kept trying to get his mother back.
“So, why do you think the police can’t be trusted?” Betty wanted an answer from her son.
“Because I got photos of a Detective Hercule Marlowe accepting money from the 22’s gang leader.”
“Why don’t you turn that photo over to the police?” Betty looks at Jamie.
“Because I don’t know if he is doing an undercover sting or if he is crooked. I need to learn more about him and what he is doing.” Jamie takes a sip of his coffee.
“That makes sense. How are your online courses going?” Betty knew her son was taking courses in criminal justice degree. He was working on his bachelor's degree.
“I have a report due by the end of the week. The teacher I have is a judge out of Albany. She is strict about how she wants the assignment done.” Jamie takes another sip of his drink.
“How far are you on your assignment?” Betty was happy that after high school, that Jamie decided to take online college courses.
“Almost done with it. I’m going to stay home tonight and finish it up.” Jamie figures he could use a break.
“Why not during the day and go out with your friends later tonight?” Betty wanted her son to have a normal social life.
“Because I have to go and see someone about some supplies.” Jamie tries to keep the person who supplies his outfits secret.
“Okay, I won’t ask any more questions. You just be careful.” Betty stands up and places a kiss on Jamie’s cheek.
“I will mom. You be careful as well.” Jamie watches as his mother gets up and heads upstairs to shower and get dressed.
After he finishes his coffee and heats up a sausage biscuit. He heads back upstairs to his bedroom. He hops into the shower and takes a shower. His mother has started buying him the same beauty and hygiene supplies she uses.
After he finishes with his shower. He puts on a set of fake breasts and padding for his hips and butt. He also puts on a waist clincher to make his waist look smaller and give him an hourglass figure. He puts on a neutral color lace bra to support his artificial breasts. They were the same size he wore when he was in costume.
Jamie looks through his collection of dresses he either made himself or bought. He picks one he made himself. It won him first prize during a fashion designer contest. He turned down an opportunity to design clothes for a major clothes designer. He wasn’t interested in designing clothes.
He puts the dress on and picks the four-inch heels that go with the outfit. If there was one thing, he inherited from his mother, was her sense of style and her love for shoes. He puts his favorite heart shape choker on.
Once Jamie was done getting dressed. She grabs her purse and a bank envelope filled with cash she took off a drug dealer. She used
whatever money she came across during her crime-fighting to pay for everything she needed. In this case, it was paying for her new costume.
She walks downstairs and out to her restored 1987 convertible Chevy Camaro. The money she saved up from all the jobs she did around the neighborhood, and a few other places paid for the car to be restored. She had been hired to clean out Watson’s auto repair garage. It was where she found the car buried under a lot of parts and garbage that had been piled on it.
It cost her eight thousand dollars to get it restored. She was lucky that it didn’t need to be repainted or that it didn’t need anybody's work, except for a few dings. She walks over and gets into her car. When she turns the key, her car starts right away.
She selects a playlist to listen to, just before she drives off. She heads to Joel’s Custom Costume Supplier in the garment district. She met the owner at the designer contest she had entered in. They became close friends, and she has done a few designs for him.
It takes her about thirty minutes to get to the garment district. She manages to find a decent parking space. The building was an old warehouse that had been converted to a garment store. She gets out of her car, but not before she activates the hidden kill switch. Which you needed to turn on, before starting the car. Once the car was locked, she heads towards the entrance. She notices the other shops that share the warehouse were busy.
Jamie looks around as she walks into the store. She loved coming here. There were costumes of all sorts in the place. There was even vintage clothing from the past. She spots her friend's girlfriend putting up new stock.
“Hey April, is Justin in?” Jamie looks at the dark-haired woman.
April turns around when she hears Jamie’s voice. A smile appears on her face “Jamie, what brings you down here today?”
“I need to place a special order. Is Justin available?”
“He’s in the back. Have you already gone through your last special order?” April knew what Jamie did. She has come in a few times to place an order.
“Thanks.” Jamie walks past two displays and through a door that said employees only.
“Justin, are you back here?” Jamie looks around for her friend.
“Over here.” Justin looks up from a custom job he was working on.
He had a pair of jewelers magnifying glasses on. His hair was cut short and had a light tan. He was a little shorter than Jamie herself.
Jamie walks over to Justin’s work area and saw he was working on a fancy suit. She knew he did special jobs for bodyguards and undercover FBI agents.
“Watch you working on?” Jamie stands near his bench.
“An Italian custom suit for a client. What brings you in here today?” Justin looks at Jamie with a puzzled look on his face.
“I need two more suits made and two containers of flash pellets.” Jamie likes using the flash pellets as distractions before she attacked.
“I have the flash pellets in stock, but you’ll have to wait on the suits. I have four other jobs ahead of you.” Justin knew his current job was going to take him all night.
“You need to hire more help.” Jamie knew Justin did all his work, himself.
“It’s hard to find people you can trust in this business.” Justin had the word out to a few people he could trust.
“Well, if I had the equipment you do here. I could do the job myself. I could come in and give you a hand.” Jamie wouldn’t mind helping Justin out.
“I wish I could hire you, Jamie. But my partners wouldn’t allow it.” Justin knew how good Jamie was.
“Partners? I thought you were the only one.” Jamie didn’t know anything about their being partners helping him.
“You never bother to ask. I’m just one shop that does specialty work like this.” Justin knew his partners wouldn’t mind him talking to Jamie.
She’s done a few designs for them. So, they trust her to a certain degree.
“I can wait a few days. I have a few things I need to work on this week.”
“Okay, and thanks. I know how busy you are. Hey, have you heard about your favorite person?”
“No, what has happened to her?” Jamie tries to keep up with Hatter.
“Rumors have it, that she is out of town. No one knows where she went.” Justin heard that Hatter and her partner Shade were gone.
“I wonder where they went?” Jamie didn’t know Hatter and her friend Shade were gone. Normally, they were causing trouble for the sex traffickers and drug dealers.
“Who knows, but I wonder how long they are going to be gone?” Justin looks at Jamie for an answer.
“I don’t know. I only run into them off and on.” Jamie has had a few encounters with Hatter and Shade.
“Well, I’m glad she doesn’t mind you looking like you do.” Justin knew Hatter didn’t like other people copying her style.
“My outfit is different than Hatter’s.”
“Come on, don’t tell me you don’t idolize her.” Justin looks at Jamie for an answer.
“I do idolize her; I won’t lie about that. She’s more than people realize.” Jamie remembers her reading in the park.
“Rumor has it, that she is extremely crazy, you do know that?” Justin has heard rumors about Hatter and how she likes to torture people.
“Justin, you would have to be crazy to do what I and everyone else does. No sane person would chase after bad guys.”
“True. Well, I need to get back to work. I’ll see you in two days.”
“Alright. Oh, here’s the money for the costumes.” Jamie leaves the bank envelope for Justine with the money inside.
“Thanks.” Justin takes it and drops it into the hidden safe.
Jamie walks out of the back “see you later, April.”
“See you.” April waves goodbye.
Jamie walks out of the store and heads back home to get started on her schoolwork. She needed to finish her schoolwork and start on her new subjects. She stops at a Chevon gas station to fill her tank and grab a soda.
Once her tank was filled. She gets back in and heads home. Jamie listens to some music while she is driving.
Once she arrives home. She heads inside the house and sits down at her desktop computer and starts on her report. Later in the afternoon, she orders some lunch from the local sub shop and enjoys it.
One Year Later, After Hatter Has Come Back from Washington D.C.:
Jamie was chasing after one of the kids that belonged to the 22’s street gang. The prick was warned once before and he didn’t heed her warning about selling drugs to school kids. She tracked him down to their stash house. Just as she entered the place. She heard yelling and gunfire inside the place.
She cautiously enters the place and spots Hatter and Shade fighting a bunch of guys. She jumps into the fight, protecting Hatter and Shade’s back. She throws one of her playing cards and hits a gang member. His gun goes off, hitting a bunch of drugs. The next thing everyone knows is a big explosion. Jamie gets a face full of whatever drugs were in the way. She also gets a chest and arm full of shrapnel.
Shade and Hatter are blown backward through a brick wall. Hatter lands on top of Shade looking up at the ceiling. Her ears were ringing, and her head was hurting. Her top hat was nowhere to be seen, but a black one with a brass spade and brass diamond attached to a fake black belt circled the bottom of the hat, above the rim.
Shade starts coming around and notices Hatter sitting on his chest. His body was hurting from the explosion that went off.
“Sweetie, you need to get up off my chest.”
“Where’s Jester?” Hatter stands up and looks around for her.
Shade starts looking around and spots Jester’s black coat covering her unconscious body in the room they just came through. He notices that the room was filled with whatever drugs were in the room. It was like a fog in there.
“She’s in there, Hatter.” Shade points towards the other room.
Hatter spots Jester’s black coat covering her unconscious body. She starts moving towards the hole she and Shade made when they were blown through.
“Wait, Hatter! There’s a lot of drugs in the air, in there.” Shade didn’t know what was in the air in the other room.
“I’ll hold my breath.” Hatter walks through the hole into the other room.
She runs over to Jester and rolls her onto her back. She saw the shrapnel embedded in Jester’s chest through her outfit. She scoops Jester’s unconscious body up off the floor and walks back through the hole in the wall.
Shade runs over and examines Jester. He saw the shrapnel embedded in Jester’s chest, that went through her outfit. There was a lot of blood as well. He checks Jester’s pulse and could barely feel it.
Shade looks into Hatter’s eyes “we need to get her to a doctor.” He lifts Jester’s body out of Hatter’s arms.
He carries Jester’s unconscious body out to their new armor Land Rover. Anika had gotten it for them when they got back from Washington D.C. to protect her granddaughter Bree.
“Sit in the back with her Aylin. I’m going to take her to Doctor Charles.” Shade lays Jester in the back of the Land Rover.
Hatter gets in the back and holds Jester’s unconscious body. She watches as Shade speeds towards Dr. Charles's practice. Hatter looks down at Jester and hopes she is going to make it.
Shade drives like a mad man as he weaves in and out of traffic. There were a few close calls as he almost clips a few cars. Shade knew he was fighting against time.
Dr. Charles Practice:
Shade finally pulls up in front of Dr. Charles's place. He jumps out of the Land Rover after turning it off and helps Aylin with Jester’s unconscious form. He carries her up and into Dr. Charles's place.
“Hey Doc, we have an emergency.” Hatter had entered the practice first.
Dr. Charles’s assistant Kaylee saw Hatter come in, in a hurry. Following behind her was Shade and he was carrying an unconscious woman in his arms.
“Follow me.” Kaylee escorts Shade and Hatter to one of the emergency rooms.
Shade lays Jester on the operating and starts removing her gear. Kaylee takes her top off and lets out a low whistle.
“It’s a good thing she was wearing these fake breasts form.” Kaylee removes the breasts form.
Kaylee works to identify Jester’s blood type. She finds out that Jester has a rare blood type. She looks at Shade and Hatter “are either of you AB negative?”
“I’m O positive.” Shade knew his blood type because he has donated blood several times when he needed money.
“I don’t know what mine is.” Aylin didn’t know what hers was.
“Let me test it.” Kaylee grabs a blood kit and tests Hatter’s blood.
“You’re a match. Sit down and let me get some of your blood.” Kaylee grabs a few bags to put some of Hatter’s blood in.
“Up oh, looks like you won’t be the only crazy person around now.” Shade grins at Hatter.
Kaylee ignores them while she drains some blood from Hatter. While she is doing that. She prepares the young lady for surgery. Dr. Charles shows up and goes over the young lady’s damage.
“Out you two.” Dr. Charles shoos Hatter and Shade out of the operating room.
Aylin and Mark leave the operating room. Aylin still had traces of whatever drugs were floating around in the room, in her hair.
“Sweetie, you might want to either brush your hair out or wash it. You still have drug residue in it.”
Aylin goes out to the Land Rover and grabs her brush. She brushes the drug residue out of her hair. She makes sure all of it is out, before heading back into the building.
For the next few hours, Hatter and Shade wait around until Dr. Charles comes out. He lowers his mask and looks at the “I don’t know what chemicals or drugs you three were exposed to. But something weird is going on with your friend.”
“What do you mean, doc? Also, is she going to live?” Shade looks at Doctor Charles for an answer.
“Yes, she is going to live. However, whatever you guys were exposed to. It has caused her to change.” Dr. Charles couldn’t believe what he was seeing after they had removed the shrapnel from the person’s body.
“Can we see her?” Hatter wanted to see what the doctor was talking about.
“Yes. She’s asleep right now.” Dr. Charles escorts Aylin and Mark into the room Jester has been moved to.
Hatter and Shade look at Jamie as they come into the recovery room. They couldn’t believe how Jamie looked now. When Kaylee removed the costume and the fake breasts. They discovered that Jester was born a male. She even wore a fake wig as well.
Now, Jester looked like a female with long blonde hair, green eyes, and a well-developed chest. She had a slim waist and nice hips.
“Did my blood do that to her?” Aylin wonders if her blood had something to do with how Jester looked.
“I doubt it, sweetie.” Shade had to admit, Jester looked cute.
Hatter and Shade leave after a while. They were wondering what caused Jester to change as she did.
“It has to be your crazy blood that did it.” Shade looks at Hatter.
“Maybe, I was given a lot of different types of drugs.” Hatter gets into the Land Rover.
A Week Later:
“Come on slowpoke or your buying lunch for everyone.” Shade runs past Jamie as he dashes ahead of everyone.
“Oh, you're in for it, now.” Jamie chases after Mark as they run the track at a private gym.
Jamie was still getting used to her new form. She’s been spending a lot of time with Shade, Hatter, and their daughter Bree. Aylin has been calling her, her blood sister.
Her mother was curious about what happened that day and how her body changed. She had a physical done by the family doctor they have always used and every test he performed. Showed she was a female inside and out. Even some of the bones she broke when she started out being the Jester. They no longer showed up on any of her x-rays.
Now, she was working with Shade and Hatter a lot. Sometimes, Hatter couldn’t go on some jobs they did, because of Bree. She liked that she is working with Hatter and Shade. She also liked that she was a full-fledged girl as well.
One night when she goes to stop a robbery. She steps out of a cloud of smoke and looks at the four men “hello boys! It’s hammer time!” as Jester tosses some flash pellets at them, before attacking.

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Oh .....
Another new character to follow. Good to see Hatter and Jester have formed an alliance and that Jamie got his longed for change without surgery and is fully female.
Yay new character.....
Love your stories and its about time Hatter inspired fangirl to fight crime. Jester got her wish of being female after the effects of the drugs she was exposed to changed her. Good thing Hatter extracted her im not sure how Shade would cope with becoming female if he had been exposed. Im assuming this drug is similar to blue lace. If I give you my address do you think you could send me some?
EllieJo Jayne
Nice Story
I think she will be in a few up coming stories unless I'm mistaken :)
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
Hanging out with the Hatter
Jester is in elite company if she is hanging with the Hatter. The girl is insanely smart and wicked.
Hugs LadyDragon
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
And then there were three.
Looks like the Hatter and shade have a new partner.