
The Society 5/?

The Society 5/?
Lilith Langtree

Kevin was a average slacker high school graduate living in a nowhere town with no prospects of a decent future. When an opportunity came to go to college on a full ride, he knew that he would do anything to make sure his second chance wasn't wasted.

The Stand In

The Stand In.

By Angharad.

“Go on, you ask him.” Carol pushed Ray towards me.

“Why do I have to do it?” he hissed back.

“’Cos you’re a bloke–go on ask him.” I was standing in the backstage area unravelling a twisted cable from the sound equipment.

“Um–Rob, can you give us a hand?”

Whatever Next 29

The next chapter in my Gaby Dorset trilogy, as promised.

and more Gaby stuff:


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The Society 4/?

The Society 4/?
Lilith Langtree

Kevin was a average slacker high school graduate living in a nowhere town with no prospects of a decent future. When an opportunity came to go to college on a full ride, he knew that he would do anything to make sure his second chance wasn't wasted.

Bringing in the Sheaves: Stanza I

Bringing in the Sheaves


Anam Chara

Have you ever had one of those days when you're a little slow on just about everything? And then you miss all the fun that everyone else is having? And then you suddenly get it when it's old news for everyone else?

Yeah! Sure you have!…

So now, a young couple, both officers in the Salvation Army, go out on logistics detail to collect used clothing…

Another Side of My Life - Chapter 7

Another Side of My Life
Chapter 7
by Julie D Cole

As we gathered together in reception half an hour later I sat with Debbie. She whispered to me.‘Excuse me Julie. Are you and Jack together?’ Looking at my ring she said ‘He hasn’t secretly proposed has he?’ ‘Sarah says that Laura is worried to death.’
‘Sarah is crazy. I honestly never met Jack until yesterday. He helped me when I was in trouble.’
Debbie looked closely at me.

The Society


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The Society
by: Lilith Langtree

Kevin was a average slacker high school graduate living in a nowhere town with no prospects of a decent future. When an opportunity came to go to college on a full ride, he knew that he would do anything to make sure his second chance wasn't wasted.

The Society 3/?

The Society 3/?
Lilith Langtree

Kevin was a average slacker high school graduate living in a nowhere town with no prospects of a decent future. When an opportunity came to go to college on a full ride, he knew that he would do anything to make sure his second chance wasn't wasted.

Crown or Tiara Chapter 6

And you, Rorvik, how shall you defeat the evil ones? How shall we, who are few, defeat Raiken of War, Veltus of Plagues, Horen of the Sea and Aerean of the Shadows? How shall we defeat Rycus of Calamity, Hesterides of Misfortunes, Dordaros of Greed, Galganis of Desire and Phelaukos the Scholar? What of Olostris, Verinea, Granlain, Asteridas, Felantris, Marsach and Lortus? And how, in your mind, will we defeat the most powerful of them all, Vastramach, the Lord of Doom himself? My brother, do you wish to sacrifice our lives for such childish arrogance?

Excerpt from 'The Book of Justice, Chapter 4, The Lord of Crafts'

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 6

By Shinieris

Moonlight Queen

Moonlight Queen


By Karin Beyaert

Alex has a very special hobby he keeps secret to everybody. But of course sooner or later somebody has to find out about it. How will his best friend react when she does…?


If you liked the story, there is a sequel: Candle Light Dinner.


The Society 2/?

The Society 2/?
Lilith Langtree

Kevin was a average slacker high school graduate living in a nowhere town with no prospects of a decent future. When an opportunity came to go to college on a full ride, he knew that he would do anything to make sure his second chance wasn't wasted.

The Society 1/?

The Society 1/?
Lilith Langtree

Kevin was a average slacker high school graduate living in a nowhere town with no prospects of a decent future. When an opportunity came to go to college on a full ride, he knew that he would do anything to make sure his second chance wasn't wasted.

Jem...Chapter 12

Jem… Chapter 12

Chapter 12

He smiles back at me and says quietly. “You’re here? I know I said we should keep things with us being away from each other but I missed you kiddo.”

“Me too, I was getting worried about you.”

“Angel, I’m a grown man I can take care of myself.”

I look at him smile but raise my eyebrow. He stares then shakes his head. “God you look like your mother when you do that.”

“I do?”

“Yes, you do.”

Another Side of My Life - Chapter 6

Another Side of My Life
Chapter 6
by Julie D Cole

I sat on one of the pull down seats and then Laura looked at me and said.
‘Excuse me but are you Jacks girlfriend or are you his boyfriend perhaps?’

I was surprised for a moment before replying ‘Sorry, what do you mean?’
Laura looked at me and paused herself.

The Haunting – A TWILIGHT ZONE Story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE."

- Rod Serling


The Haunting — A TWILIGHT ZONE Story
By Anon Allsop

Somewhere within the darkened hallways of the Steward Manor, lurks an entity seeking to claim his lost love, a love which can only be found by entering through a doorway into...The Twilight Zone!

Jem...Chapter 11

Jem…Chapter 11

Chapter 11

I end up using the corner of my thumb to blot out the tears because it sounds lame and stuff but This moment and the cornball singing and stuff, and the girls singing along as Raven strummed away on the acoustic.

Honestly, one of the best moments of my life.

So yeah, I guess I’m a girl or just a softy but I’m choked up and blotting tears and I can’t stop the smile there. It’s for all of them and for here and us and…and Kimmie is hugging me again and I love that she is.

I Love that I’m not the only one dabbing at tears.

The Courtship and Nuptials of Dawn Part 4

The Courtship and Nuptials of Dawn
by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 4

Christian woke up that morning and looked through the windows and leaves of red, gold and brown decorating the trees outside. He was unable to go back to sleep as the past was preying on his mind. He felt guilty over the part he played in the creating of Dawn.

Just another christmas story part duex

Hey bat fans....oh wait wrong one.. In the last episode of days of ... oh darn wrong one again ...where was that ...

Various sounds of searching continue.

Hmm is this it? Nope oh hey Ive been looking for that! What was I looking for again Oh yea...

In our last episode Janice and Samantha come face to face and accuse the other of being the brother while in thier fancy dress finery.

Just another christmas story

Janice woke up yawning as she usually did, with a stretch and grin she hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom where she sat and did her business making sure to wipe afterwards. Next she took off her pjs and put them in the hamper and started her bath with a little bit of bubbly that smelled so nice. Today was christmas eve and she was to help mommy do the baking! She was so excited.

Never Asked, Never Told

Never Asked, Never Told

This tale of courage, heroism, and sacrifice was written to acknowledge the recent, official repeal of an Act of Congress known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

The story is posted on this Veteran’s Day to celebrate the service and sacrifices made by any and all who have worn their nation’s uniform—and also by their families—regardless of which uniform…

First time 14(13).......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Maybe Mum can give me advice, where nobody else can? I was lonely…… When I wrote that yesterday, together with ‘Drea’s painful words about the hurt from others, I started thinking about the time I was in this situation. We are talking 1967/1968. Of course, there was nobody to confide in. Life was different then……… (No hairdressing in this chapter, by the way!)

Chapter 14 (There is no chapter 13!.. that would be unlucky!)

First time 12.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

A regular girlfriend and fewer opportunities to dress myself look like the future. My desire to cross dress won’t go away and the risks of discovery increase by the day. And there’s the question of going to Uni or not. Maybe that would be ideal and maybe I could meet others with the same feelings as me. Maybe Mum can give me advice, where nobody else can?

Chapter 12

Jem...Chapter 10

Jem… Chapter 10.

Chapter 10

We laugh together and there was another one of those moments like the girls just had been talking about. Where our eye met and there was this something but I just not sure what she’s seeing or what she’s looking for.

“Okay, you need some more sleep.” I say taking the empty mug from her once she’s done.

“I feel better.”

“That’s because the Midol’s kicking in and so’s the soup. You’re still glassy eyed and stuff.”

First time 11.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Kissing girls was brilliant and the burning desire for more intimate moments was strong. I had experienced little affection in my first 16 years really. So, I felt a little less lonely until the letter she wrote dumping me… Still, after necking with Molly in the dark, I was still mixed up. Wishing I was another girl.

Chapter 11

Jem...Chapter 9

Jem… Chapter 9

Chapter 9

I can’t help but smile at Roxy.

“Yes, I made cookies today.”

“Oh my god! You are so cool! I’ve never had homemade cookies before!”

She hugs me and then just as fast she turns around and run/skips into the kitchen. Both Raven and Brooklyn are looking at me with surprised smiles. “You bake?”

“Yes a little bit, all kind of self taught but my Dad taught me how to make cookies.”

First time 10.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Experiences like my salon first timer that day live with me for ever. It’s only when you write tracing back earlier days that you feel what you felt then. The more I think about it, the more I know, I felt lonely. Little did I know that, before the year was out, I’d have had my first kiss with a girl.

Chapter 10

Sweet Dreams-22...Sunday so Sweet.

Sweet Dreams-22…Sunday so Sweet.

Chapter 22

I woke I think a few times I think just to be sure that this was real, that this had really happened and there’s the evidence of late last night to just before dawn this morning of me and Alex’s making love. It’s the best and yet weirdest feeling in the world to feel so reassured ay seeing the mixture of our clothes scattered over the room. Then my body catching my brain up to the after effect feelings of making love.

Harrelson's Custom-Fit Boots: A Miss-Matched Pair


Harrelson’s Custom-Fit Boots
A Miss-Matched Pair

Anam Chara

Although Henry Harrelson may always perfectly match the customer to the boot, the delivery can still go amiss. However, due to his long experience in the business, he knows that such problems have their own ways of working out.

Sweet Dreams-21...Sunday so Sweet.

Sweet Dreams-21 … Sunday so Sweet.

Chapter 21

I think I’m in shock or whatever the hell that you’d describe it. I sort of passed out after I had this huge screaming match and fight out in the driveway with and I just lost my control and said things that I shouldn’t have said to him, admitted to him and gave him lots of information to do me some real damage.

Which I think that I partly knew and that pushed me over the edge into nervous fucking breakdown land. It got too much and things got…

Was I imagining things?

Did ADAM…actually carry up the stairs and pass me to Alex?

Sweet Dreams-20...In the Main House.

Sweet Dreams-20 … In the Main House.

Chapter 20

He walked back outside after he had handed her off to his son. Adam only paused to grab the pint of Johnny Walker red label out of his golf bag and up capped it and took a swig and lit up another cigarette and paced in the driveway still keyed up and on edge from the heated exchange that the had just had.

He took a sip of the scotch and let it burn slide down his throat as he did he followed it up with a drag of his smoke and another and another until when he exhaled it was vaguely dragon like.

First time 9.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Experiences live with us for ever. It’s only when you write tracing back your earlier days that you feel what you felt then.

I felt lonely.

Chapter 9

First time 8.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Growing up as both a boy, inwardly at times and outwardly, (and as a girl, just inwardly,) presents dilemmas and conflicts — some happiness, some sadness. “I am fifteen, going on sixteen….” said a daughter in the von Trapp ‘Sound of Music’ family…..

Chapter 8

Box Full of Badness: Tale of a Vampire Wannabe

Box Full of Badness: Tale of a Vampire Wannabe
Lilith Langtree

Having a firm grasp on reality should be a requirement when attending a college where the Delta Beta Zeta's hold court. Too bad Ashley left reality three exits back.

Jamies journey parts 1-6

Part 1

I was so happy to be done unpacking after the move from my old home in Georgia, mom had divorced dad and left taking me with her.

My dad could be a jerk some times and my mom knew it, but I still loved him and thought he was the greatest dad ever.

Mom on the other hand hated him, she had given him a lot of chances but the last straw was when she came home one day and caught him with her ex best friend.

Well it has been six months since the divorce and it is my fifth day at my new school being 10 and the new kid, its sometimes hard to fit in.

First time 7.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

A “first time” for being “discovered” is every boy/girl’s fear. The writings in this series are all genuine and true. This was my first time — on that brink. The cliff-hanger cut between two chapters is just “writer’s licence” to add some flair into what was, actually, terrifying!

Chapter 7

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *40* Full House

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *40* Full House
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Jem...Chapter 8

Jem … Chapter 8

Chapter 8

I let out a sigh as I watched Raven pull away and I head inside. I take a few deep breaths just trying to get a grip on the day. Weird but it’s something I do. I get another cup of coffee and a notepad and I walk around the house looking at everything that needs doing or I know that I can fix. There’s a small fenced in backyard that hasn’t likely seen work since before Raven moved in and there’s a shed/small garage at the end of the driveway.


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