The Mall Holiday Pageant

I was tricked into this and now there is no way out of it unless I walk in front of a bus or something equally drastic! Mom is the store manager for “Growing Things” and no it isn’t a gardening shop. It just happens to be a very popular store for kids from infant to Tween. It also happens to be for girls only.

My twin sister Lucy and I say the twin part loosely, has been going on about this Christmas pageant event for months now! It will soon stop because Thanksgiving is in two weeks and she’ll be in the pageant and I’ll get some peace and quiet for a change.

So far I’ve had to help her learn a dance, learn and sing a song (and she is just ok in the singing department) and even learn how to walk in heels the models way. All this thanks to Ms Poole my ballet teacher and Mrs. Higgins my voice coach and of course my mom!

What for you say?

All of the stores in the Spring Hills Mall are taking part as sponsors for this event. Any child living in Spring Hills from two to twelve, boy or girl are to be at the mall a week before Thanksgiving to sign up for the stupid pageant and those not having a sponsor just might get chosen by a store. Yeah there are cool prizes and neat events and the kids eat free every day, but who wants to be a walking talking dancing and singing advertisement for a store or the mall? I sure don’t!

Anyway, my sister Lucy is cute, yeah, pretty even and very outgoing and super friendly. She’s a very popular eleven year old sixth grade kid. I know I’m stuck in the same classroom as she is and I’m just the opposite.

My name is Kurt, this I got from combining my initials for Kim Rene Townsend. Mom says Kim and Rene are both a boys and a girl’s name. Yeah, sure mom! I’m not cute and definitely not pretty, I look like a doofus really. I have fat lips, a tiny slim as can be body with wide hips and a fat ass. My lips I inherited from my mom and my hips are because I’m double jointed in my hips. As a baby my hips dislocated a lot and I was put into therapy. At two years old I was enrolled in ballet to strengthen the muscles that would prevent that from happening anymore. It worked.

That’s why I was conscripted to teach and practice with my sister until she learned the dance. Ms Poole taught me the models walk so I could teach her and practice with her until she got that down pat too.

The other thing I had when I was little was a stutter and once again at the age of two I was signed up with a voice coach. I no longer stutter, I speak very well and when it was found out I have perfect pitch voice lessons changed from speaking to singing.

That’s how I was once again conscripted to teaching and practicing with my sister until she learned the song and sang it the best she can. Well, she sounds ok singing it now after weeks of practicing.

Ok, now that you have that part down, back to me.

I’m not friendly, I can be, but I’d rather stay away from everyone and being friendly is not the way to do that! I am not outgoing for the same reasons. I’m not popular because of the above mentioned and I’m an ugly doofus for a boy!

Really I have a weird haircut because of my weird hair, fat lips, a tiny nose, huge eyes, a tiny waist, big hips and a fat ass. I do have good legs though from dancing. Mom keeps telling me I don’t have a fat ass, just proportionate and it’s too firm to be called fat. It sure looks fat to me and that’s what counts in my book! My upper body is almost as wide as my hips are and that’s because I have larger than normal lungs that developed because I’ve been singing for about six years now.

Add to this I move and walk with a grace no boy in this world does because I have been dancing ballet for eight years! I do have lightning fast reflexes and I’m about as fit and strong as I can be. That’s why the kids leave me alone for the most part because I kicked the living crap out of a few of them.

Anyway, now I’m stuck going with mom and Lucy to the stupid mall to get her signed up and registered with her sponsor. Her sponsor is “Living Beauty Salon” and she’s all excited because once she gets registered she gets a complete makeover and hair styling. To make my mom give in to this they offered her a free makeover and hair styling as well.

Once that is done we have to go to mom’s shop because Lucy needs to start wearing real bras and not training bras anymore. Her boobs have grown to an A cup size is what mom says. I think it’s because she’s a bit plump, not fat, but plump enough. She outweighs me by thirty pounds and we’re the same height! Well, I do dance almost everyday and I’m anything but plump, more like skinny.

Anyway, the salon got Lucy a pretty holiday dress, shoes, a pretty jewelry set and mom has to get the petticoat or crinoline or whatever you call it. The thing girls wear under their dresses to poof them out and holiday themed pantyhose of all things.

The truth is I’m glad she’s getting bras because trying to teach a girl to dance while they are complaining about their breasts hurting is a pain in the ass! They did bounce around a lot and it must have hurt after awhile. I’ll give her that much. I got tired of waiting for her until mom put that numbing cream stuff on her chest every time before we had to practice I’ll tell you that!

I even put it on my chest once and I’ll never do that again! I was up in the attic and scraped my chest on a rough board trying to get back down while carrying a bundle under one arm. Well, my nipples puffed up after I put that stuff on them and they’re still a bit puffy weeks later, but thankfully not as much as they were!

Mom and Lucy just laughed and giggled when they saw them and I told them what I had done. Stupid idiot I am!

Mom and Lucy tried to get me to agree to sign up for this stupid thing and I told them I’m not going to the mall everyday after school or all day or night during the holiday vacation from school. This stupid thing runs everyday from the day after Thanksgiving until December 23rd when the winners are announced!

Ms Poole offered to watch me if I helped her out by being a stand in for one of the dancers for rehearsals during this month long event. Oh yeah I had to agree to dance in the stupid Christmas recital this year as part of the deal. I never dance recitals because of my doofus looks.

It’s a small price to pay for being free of this stupid mall event. No one but parents go to recitals anyway. I know I was in enough of them when I was younger and couldn’t say no yet.

Okay, so I have to dress up a bit and mom buys me new everything and I want to clobber her! I have to wear a pink shirt! Oh God!

Now who wears socks that fold down on the top? And my new underwear was crazy! A very snug fitting t-shirt made out of this slippery feeling shiny white stuff with thin shoulder straps! Matching underpants that fit as snug as the gaff I wear for dancing! My boy stuff was squeezed back inside my body! No fly either and they only covered part of my ass and were cut too high on the sides for my liking.

The only thing that can be done with my weird hair is tie it into a ponytail and that’s what I did. Mom being sort of up on the latest fashions hands me this European shoulder bag for guys! Since my pants don’t have back pockets I can keep my wallet and stuff in it. I just groan knowing better than to protest and getting her pissed off. You don’t want to piss off mom. She can make your life miserable and embarrass the hell out of you if you do.

She won’t call me Kurt, but she will call me KT instead of Kimmie like she tends to do much too often. Oh yeah if I piss her off she goes out of her way to call me Kimmie Rene!

She calls my sister Lucille Anne when she’s mad at her. Lucy hates the name Lucille! Anyway, we drive off and mom pulls into her reserved parking spot in the parking garage. My long boring day begins as we make the long walk to the center court of the mall to get Lucy signed up and then registered as a sponsored contestant.

We get there and kids are being broken up into groups by age. They get in line and get signed up, a picture or two is taken of them, they get a plastic wristband put on and then they are free to go. If they know what costume, character or thing they are going to be that is put in the computer and printed out on their sign up form as well. I think most of the kids in Spring Hills are here!

Lucy and mom are in line and Ms Poole is here and she hollers.

“Katy! Katy Townsend!”

She’s from France and she has this accent and when she says KT it sounds like Katy. I tried to get her to call me Kurt, but she refuses!

Anyway, she’s waving at me and smiling real big so I smile and wave back. A few girls I know from school are nearby and they start saying Katy repeatedly in a sing song way. I ignore them as usual.

She rushes up to me and grabs my hand and drags me to where my mom and Lucy are as she gushes out to my mom.

“Julia, a good friend of mine, needs a child to sponsor for this event and I told her about Katy’s dancing and singing skills. She wants to sponsor Katy! Now Katy won’t have to show up here all the time as the others do because she understands he’s helping me by standing in for a missing dancer for rehearsals and he is dancing in our Christmas recital this year as you know.”

Mom didn’t know because I didn’t tell her. She gives me that look and I roll my eyes and that was it! I screwed up big time now! Mom has to sign this form Ms Poole has ready and handy and that was it! I am now standing in line with Ms Poole and she’s still holding my hand!

Oh great, this woman friend of hers owns the “Everything Dance Shop” here in the mall and that store gives me the creeps! One corner has boy stuff and the rest of the place is filled with girl stuff and not just plain girl stuff either I know! Ms Poole gets all of our recital stuff there and even their plainest leotards aren’t plain at all. Get this, my boy leotards are these blue things with shiny white sequins sewn on it making a wavy pattern and my white leotard has blue sequins! The tights I have to wear are shiny white or shiny blue. I have toe shoes to match and well, I don’t like them very much!

Anyway, mom and Lucy go through the sign up and now are in the picture taking line. We’re right behind them about three kids back. Ms Poole tells the woman signing kids up by typing the information in the computer. The woman asks for my name and age and that was it until she comes up with the character or costume thing and Ms Poole says.

“Katy will be the Christmas fairy that dances and sings into all the people’s hearts.”


The girls from class nearby start that sing song thing again this time singing “Katy is a fairy” and then they are lambasted by Ms Poole and the girl’s mothers start reaming them out as well. I keep myself from smirking and thank Ms Poole and their mothers for intervening. I say.

“Thank you, it’s not true when they say girls are more mature at a younger age is it? They still act like little babies from time to time.”

People around us laugh and the girls turn ten shades of crimson as their mothers laugh too.

The next thing I know is I have this plastic bracelet on my wrist with my name and a bar code on it. The name reads Katy Rene Townsend! OH GOD, I show Ms Poole and she giggles! She then says.

“We will get that fixed later Katy, let’s finish up here and get to Loraine’s shop. She’s dying to meet you and get your measurements. She’s making your costumes! You won’t be stuck wearing the same one every day like most of the other children.”


I watch as my sister gets her eyebrows plucked, her hair made nice and even her eyelashes darkened and curled! The three girls in between us are all done up already, probably by their moms and they are whisked by this spot and get their pictures taken.

I’m now officially registered as a sponsored contestant and step up just as my sister goes through to get her picture taken. This crazy lady uses one of those scanning things and scans my bracelet and then I’m sitting in this chair as she tries to do what she just had done to my sister!

I protest of course and tell her boys don’t get this stuff done to them and this crazy lady says.

“Katy, we have your signed permission and waiver forms your mommy signed along with your sponsor and even a secondary town sponsor Ms Poole. You have no choice now sit here and behave. Anyway, tomboys don’t count as boys here Katy.”


She removes my hair tie and says.

‘Oh My’ and then starts massaging in this goop! She uses this weird shaped brush and a hair dryer and in ten minutes my hair is done and she moves on to plucking out my eyebrows! My eyelashes are worked on as they are darkened and then curled for crying out loud and then she paints my lips! I’m waiting to get my picture taken because several other kids are now in front of me.

The girls that had been teasing me are now behind me and are just staring at me! One of the mothers says.

“Katy, with your hair done like that and just a touch up on your face you look stunning.”

I smile and look away quickly and then I’m standing on this little stage in front of these bright lights! My lips feel funny and when I lick them with my tongue they taste funny too! Well, just as I licked my lips and those lights are making me blink like mad this lady takes my picture and then tells me to pose certain ways. Smile, frown, close my eyes and think of something and then open them. I think of strangling my mom and I guess I had this wicked smile and look to me as she snaps away. She nods and says thank you and as I walk away she calls to me and I look back over my shoulder and she takes my picture again! These lips are driving me crazy; they feel like rubber and taste like I don’t know what.

Ms Poole is beside herself telling me how stunning I look and I’m going to be the perfect Christmas fairy! She even hugs me and kisses me on my cheek, GEEZE!

Well, mom and sis are waiting for us and when they see me their mouths drop open and they are just staring at me! I quickly say.

“Mom can we get this stuff off of me now?”

She smiles real big and says.

“Katy, you need makeup remover and we don’t have any. Maybe at the salon, Lucy and I have an appointment in one hour.”

Ms Poole then asks if we could visit her friends shop and then go to mom’s shop to get Lucy fitted for her new bras. Mom told her that when she asked about going to this other place. Mom agrees and off we go with me looking like some bimbo girl!

We enter the shop that gives me the creeps and Mrs. Hall the owner goes Nutso Crazy over me! She says.

“Oh Alex (Ms Poole) he’s everything you said he would be! This is going to be wonderful and I bet he wins the whole shebang!

“Come with me Katy I have to get your measurements. Alex, give me a hand will you please?”

So now I’m in the back stripped to my underwear and Mrs. Hall just loves my panty and camisole set. I just roll my eyes and then she says.

“Katy, if you keep licking your lips like that the boys are going to ravish you on the spot!”

I quickly hollered.

“Mrs. Hall! I am a boy!”

She laughs and Ms Poole giggles and I just roll my eyes again.

I have to remove the t-shirt and Mrs. Hall sees my puffy nipples and says.

“You’re budding Katy, do you have gynecomastia?”

I tell her the story and she speaks to Ms Poole in French and Ms Poole giggles and nods her head. I tell them that’s not fair them speaking in French. They just laugh and giggle as I’m measured. Mrs. Hall whistles as she has me turn in a circle for her.

32 inch chest 33 inches over the nipples with a 20 inch waist and 34 inch hips. Mrs. Hall then looks right at my smooth crotch and says.

“I can see your penis trying to poke out and your scrotum makes a crooked appearance. Let me get something that will smooth everything out nicely.”

I turn red as a fire truck as she disappears for a minute and returns with this silicone crotch shield some girl dancers wear under very sheer or tight fitting costumes. It looks like a puffy smooth vulva! No slit down the center though thank goodness! Before I know what’s happening my underpants are at my ankles and I’m made to step out of them! My boy stuff pops out and Mrs. Hall says.

“Now I believe you Alex. I did doubt you for a while there.”

She laughs, Ms Poole giggles and I turn ten shades of crimson! I have to stand there as Ms Poole has the honors of shaving what few hairs I had down their off! Mrs. Hall mentions something like a body wax. To my horror I get a stiffy and then Ms Poole puts an ice cold cloth over me when she’s done! Oh God did I shrink fast!

Ms Poole pushes my testicles back inside me, holds my penis with the fingers of one hand as Mrs. Hall smears something on the silicone vulva, that’s what she called it anyway and presses it on me. Ms Poole pushes my penis into this indent on the inside of that thing and a minute later Mrs. Hall is wiping the edges with this cotton ball saturated in this stuff that smoothes the edges out and cleans off the excess gunk.

I’m then informed I have to sit to pee and I’m shown the hole in the puffy part. She says I’ll need to get this removed and the area cleaned once a week! OH GOD!

My panties are put back on and now I definitely look like a girl! Mrs. Hall then says.

“Katy your nipples look sore and irritated Princess.”

I roll my eyes and reply.

“Well, they’ve shrunk a lot since when I first put that stuff on them and I don’t want to do anything to make them get puffy again. A little pain and discomfort is ok.”

She just clucks at me and has Ms Poole pick out a pair of sheer pantyhose in my size as she says she’s getting me a set of breast shields that will help with that. OH GOD!

I just get into the pantyhose when Mrs. Hall returns with these silicone globs she calls breast shields. She says they will hide my puffy nipples and I’m all for that, but these things are a bit thick.

She smears stuff on the insides of them and then she and Ms Poole hold them on my chest for a minute and then let go! I quickly say.

“No way, I’m not wearing those, they’re too big!”

Happily they agree and Mrs. Hall goes to get the solvent remover. I just roll my eyes as my chest starts to itch like mad! I can’t scratch through these silicone globs so I just grab them and move them around in circles. Ms Poole giggles and I just look at her and say

“They itch like mad underneath.”

Mrs. Hall is gone for like ten minutes before she returns and then these monsters are removed and my eyes pop out of my head as Mrs. Hall says.

“He must be allergic to the adhesive. Let me get the breast cream.”

By now I don’t care about puffy nipples I have breasts and I need relief from this itching like yesterday! When Ms Poole applied the breast cream I sighed in relief and when she wiped them off I looked and gasped!

I know they aren’t huge or anything, but for me they are much too large and the nipples, GEEZE!

If there was any doubt about me looking like a girl it was gone now! My mom was called into the back and her mouth dropped open again. Then she smiled! She says.

“Well, it looks like I have two daughters for the holidays at least.”

I just said.


She chuckles and says.

“Katy, young girls call their mothers mommy or mother, not mom.”

Now it was time for me to just stare with my mouth open!

I was re-measured up top and now I’m a 32/34 35 over the nipple! I had almost A cup breasts with puffier nipples than my sister has. Hers are larger around though.

I got dressed and we had about twenty minutes left before the salon appointments and mom hurried us to her store.

I was walking as fast as I could because even though I had that snug fitting t-shirt on and my dress shirt, my nipples sure did make themselves known!

Sis and I were in the same booth as a chuckling Mrs. King fitted us both for our first real bras! Mrs. King knows us well and knows I’m a boy. She was surprised and jokingly said.

“Katy, (she used to call me Kurt) I must say you make a stunning girl whereas you were a pretty strange looking boy. I think this look is much better for you.”

I just groaned and rolled my eyes as she fitted us still chuckling. Mom was all smiles. Mrs. King then says.

“Once you’re dressed remember you two to use the models walk and remember your posture Lucille. Katy’s posture is perfect, but you must remember to keep you shoulders back, stand erect and push those breasts out. Flaunt it girls, you’ve got it so flaunt it!

“Lucille, do you want perky nipples like your brother has. Oh, sorry, like your sister Katy has?”


A giggling Lucy nods and Mrs. King dabs some stuff on Lucy’s nipples and seconds later, presto! She now has bigger perky nipples than mine are. (Thank goodness!)

We are made to change into a new panty and bra set. Sis gets a navy and pink set. I get a pink trimmed white set with pink and black little hearts printed all over them! I just want to disappear! Sis giggles seeing my fake vulva because it doesn’t match my skin coloring very well. I didn’t like the thong panties even though my gaff for dancing is a thong style. Having my ass exposed like this under a pair of pantyhose is a bit unnerving.

We then get an outfit to get into and are very rushed because time is running out. They have to be at the salon in a few minutes. Ms Poole is just smiling like I’ve never seen her smile before.

My sis looks great, but I’m not very happy!

Stupid three inch heels and doing that models walk, I feel like an idiot swinging my hips like this and I know my big ass is swaying like crazy!

Mrs. King has one more bit of advice as we are walking out of the store.

“Katy, if you keep licking your lips like that you’re going to cause an accident!”

The rest of the employees that just had to gather round to see us start laughing as I turn beet red!

We head for the salon and Ms Poole whispers to me.

“Don’t worry Katy I have a nice surprise for you and you’re going to love all the pampering you’ll be getting.”


We make it to the salon where mom and sis are whisked away and I’m taken to a room where I’m instructed to strip naked! Ms Poole is there to assist me and then I get an experience in body waxing! Oh that’s not all either!

A woman walks in once I’m done having all the tiny hairs on my body yanked out by the roots and then she massages me with this skin conditioner.

So now I get to put my panties back on and this pink satin like cape is wrapped around me as we walk out to the main salon. My nipples are outlined perfectly and my breasts sway and bounce as I walk to the salon chair. Over three hours later I’m done. I have longer acrylic nails shaped nice and girly with a reddish pink coloring nice and shiny on my finger and toenails. My lips now match that and I’ve had hair extensions added and my hair dyed a bit as well. My hair was straightened and tamed. My ears pierced and my face made up with this stuff that’s supposed to last for a week at a time!

My eyelashes appear longer, darker and have been coated with stuff that makes them feel like plastic. To keep the curl they say. My lips were done again and now they really feel like rubber! They do taste better than that other stuff though.

They tidied up my eyebrows a bit more and Mrs. Hall sent over a special dress for me to wear. Black, pink and white with a stupid hat too! My jewelry didn’t match so they removed them, but this skirt is a bit puffy thanks to the crinoline under it. It doesn’t cover enough I think. It comes down to about three inches shy of my knees!

The matching three inch heels and I’m about to die! I’m a big hit though! Festive looking I’d say!

The reaction of those in the salon said it all!

“Who is she? I’ve never seen such a beautiful creature in my life!”

That was my mom! My sis echoed that and Ms Poole was just gob smacked I guess. She just stood there with this huge idiot grin on her face until she said.

“She’s my Prima Ballerina for our Christmas recital, Katy Rene.”


This is me after my makeup job.


And a close up of me dressed.


I was stunned beyond words!

We walked back to Mrs. Hall’s shop and she went Nutso Crazy over me! I was introduced to the people in the shop as Ms Poole’s Prima Ballerina for her ballet academy and Mrs. Halls sponsored contestant for the Christmas pageant. Katy Rene was born!

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