Adam & Summer

Jem...Chapter 46

Jem…Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Early evening in the back corner of the Jackson Pub in Harpers Point. Two darkly dressed men in hoodies under leather jackets and sunglasses sat together nursing a bottle of Sauza Gold and watching the two McWhitter brothers sitting together at the bar reeking of fish and drowning their sorrows.


“So what?”

“Mikey’s got some new friends.”

“Those fucking losers? C’mon.”

“No exactly those fucking losers they’re cranked all to shit and they don’t exactly look like they’re the sharpest knives in the drawer.”

“And…your point…”

Jem...Chapter 27

Jem…Chapter 27


I can’t help the smile on my face when I watch that little fucker’s car on the posted up videos online.

Summer’s giggling her ass off as she replays it and is taking repeated hits off the joints I bought her. “This is so fucking cool! That fucker’s been hanging around my ex’s new singer and dirty little cunt licker…Jem…Jem, Jem Fucking Jem!”

She starts to elbow my car windows and settles down when I give her a backhanded slap.
“Hey fucker!”

“Don’t scuff my interior.”

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