
Gaby Book 7 Chapter *31* A Good Heide-ing

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *3* A Good Heide-ing
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Aurora - Chapter 4 - Same Stuff Different Dreams

Aurora Book Cover/Image

Aurora - Chapter 4 - Same Stuff Different Dreams

“Brianna,” the little girl said a bit shyly.

“And whom is this young man?” Miss Taylor asked of the little girl.

“This is my big brudder Denny. He’s 8!” she said with pride.

The bond between these two kids was greater than she had ever seen.

Hi All! Here is Chapter 4! Chapter 5 is still a work in progress but I think you will like it. Between life and the StarStuff rescue and everything else, I've been having trouble writing. I hope to have Chapter 5 done in a week or so. Sorry for the delay

This story will always post FIRST to LG Tales, then to TG Fiction dot NET and then to BigCloset.


Through the years: Tracy emerging part 17

The log in the stove had begun to burn. It lit up the room through the tempered, frosted glass enough to show him Tracy walking towards him. She had a blanket in one hand and Mr. Cuddles in the other. Her hair was flattened on one side and sticking up on the other. She had on a thicker nightgown and flannel pajamas. He smiled at her as she stopped at the couch. The image reminded him of how Troy looked when he had been younger, before their Dad insisted that boys didn't need teddy bears after a certain age. She looked like a small child, security blanket in one hand, bear in the other. “Can we join you?” She whispered.

“Yeah.” He pulled his leg from off the couch and let his sister sit down. She put Mr. Cuddles against her chest, then put her blanket over her and her bear. Vance didn't know why he did what he did, but he reached over and whispered. “Come here.” Then helped her scoot over to his side of the couch, then pulled her against his side. She leaned against him and watched the firelight dancing on the Christmas Tree. “Sorry if I woke you up.” He said in a whisper.


A big thanks to Djkauf for the editing again.

More of Tracy at Christmas time.

Note: The rating has gone up because of Tracy recalling events at Brooke's place


Gaby Book 7 Chapter *30* Team Talk

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *30* Team Talk
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

my life the short form ( at peace)

It seems that my small drabble has struck a strong nerve. I hope not to hurt anyone's feelings as it's was something to do on a quiet night at 3:00 in the morning and as some wanted to know a bit about me, here it is in a condensed form. Yes the copyright thing still stands as this is my work yada yada post anywhere as long as it's free.

For My Princess: Part 8

Book cover image

As Arabella sat in the kitchen eating her first real meal since she arrived she had the feeling that she was being spied on.

"Is someone observing us?" she said in a voice that only Ysabel would hear above the noise of people eating.

"I do not sense it but I shall check discreetly."

Being able to observe things without being noticed was a skill that Lady Ysabel had developed in her years of service and she put it to good use.

"It is the prince's aide, for some reason he keeps looking this way."


Sweet Dreams-17...Cinderella? Hey Aren't Glass Shoes for Hookers?

Sweet dreams-17...Cinderella? Hey Aren’t Glass Shoes for Hookers?

Chapter 17

I’m standing waiting at the front door and I can’t help it I’m nervously leaning back and forth from foot to foot and trying not to be nervous, try to do something with my arms which for some reason seem to be in my way until I end up sort of crossing then and kind of hugging myself. The door opens and I’m looking at this stunningly beautiful blonde.

Jem...Chapter 4


Chapter 4

Dad’s got this I’m not totally awake yet thing going on and well…well he’s certainly awake now. In fact he freezes and it staring and then he looks me up and down and I’m starting to get scared and nervous. “Dad?.........Daddy?”

He blinks and extends his hand and I offer mine and he shakes it like I’m a young lady.
“You’d better come inside…”


“Jem? Like in Jem and The Holograms?”

“How’d you?”

“Come on in and we’ll talk Jem it’ll be safer that way.”

“Yeah the police aren’t here yet.”

Crown or Tiara Chapter 4

... Queen Windi Festilla, Countess of Baretha, was not born with royal blood. Her ancestors, the famed sages from the east, gained their title through sheer force of will and great determination. The most significant of these was the Battle of Shattered Plains, which facilitated the end of the War of Holy Blood. The Battle of Shattered Plains had become a textbook case of how alchemical potions can win a battle and is taught in most military schools throughout Sidar, including in Orin, whose soldiers was on the receiving end of this formidable tactic. Hundreds of Thunderbolt and Darkness potions were thrown or planted indiscriminately on the battlefield, trapping those Orinians foolish or brave enough to march forward. Although reputedly exaggerated, records mentioned that only 26 out of 31 Arnan family members died and 237 militias fell or went missing. At the same time, Orinian casualty was estimated at over 3000 soldiers and officers, either cause by Thunderbolt potions or arrows treated with Trueflight...

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 4

By Shinieris



Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


by Maeryn Lamonte

Four brothers are evacuated into the countryside to escape the Blitz. They find lodging with an odd, reclusive old professor and his stern housekeeper. One tedious, rainy day, one of the boys finds his way into a room with a strange wardrobe, and steps through it into a world of wonder and magic.

Nearnia - Princess Cas Begins

Nearnia — Princess Cas Begins

by Maeryn Lamonte

He stood, surrounded by furs, breathing heavily and tasting moth balls on the stuffy air. As before, the coats reminded him of his mother, so many miles away, and he held one close against his cheek, enjoying the cool softness for a while as his racing pulse settled back to normal.

He listened for a moment, but there were no sounds from the other side of the wardrobe. The door gave with a quiet click when he pushed on it, allowing him to slip out unnoticed. All sorts of strange thoughts flew around like so many songbirds in the garden of his mind, and he ran off to find his brothers before one of them jumped up and frightened him again.

Partial Recall

Government agents have finally located the president's son and attempt memory reintegration, which is only partially successful. Can they help him escape his kidnappers with only partial recall?

Partial Recall
Copyright 2011 by Heather Rose Brown

Morgan 3

Morgan 3
by Brooke Erickson


"Mom, I'm home!" Chris shouted as she practically dragged me through the front door of her house.

"It's a good thing your father gets home late from work or you'd have missed dinner!" came a reply from another room.

Chris shot back, "It's not late if that's when he's scheduled to get off, mom." But she was smiling so I guessed this was some sort of family joke or something.

Her mother walked into the room about then.

"I assume this is Morgan?"

"Yes, ma'am. Morgan Howe."

I hesitated, then continued, "And, I should tell you. I'm a boy."

Reality TV -5- Real Wednesday

"Just Wren," said Andy.

The director, Martin Wohlers, rolled his eyes but grinned at the same time.

Davis Jordan Bloom, the producer's representative, asked, "You want your credits to just read 'Wren'?"

"That's right," said Andy. "That's going to be my professional name."

Reality TV

by Erin Halfelven

Jem...Chapter 3


Chapter 3

I was sleeping so well. It was a nice warm bed and fluffy. Guys don’t admit to this but soft and fluffy can be good. I can, yeah I’ve got pink dyed hair and I’m wearing a bra and panties but I wasn’t really caring. I was in a nice smelling bed that smelled of those wonderful girl smells that so reminded me of Mom. Not quite, well not close really but just the smell of perfume and everything else plus the smell of the girl herself lulled me to sleep. Best sleep I’ve had in a long, long time.

*Drum Cymbal smash!*

Another Side of My Life - Chapter 3

Another Side of My Life
by Julie D Cole

His retort was ‘OK how about tomorrow evening? Are you available?’
I thought about it for a few minutes and just said let me think about it please and perhaps I can let you know in the morning after I know what I’m doing.

I must admit that I was tempted. I already liked Jack because he was kind and also he just accepted me and believed me. But did he realise that I wasn’t a woman or not. I had seen him looking at me a number of times with a searching expression.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *27* Mail Surprise

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *27* Mail Surprise
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

All Girl or Nothing (Part 2)

All Girl or Nothing (Part 2)


Charlie just hadn't been the same since that fateful afternoon at T In The Park.
And Graeme could do nothing to help, despite trying to squeeze the story out of his friend all summer.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *26* Talons

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *26* Talons
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Another Side of My Life - Chapter 2

Another Side of My Life
Chapter 2
by Julie D Cole

I suddenly realized I was helpless. I couldn’t run after him even if I wanted to in heels since I was only new to walking in them. In any case he’d probably be dangerous and I am no fighter.
I seemed to fre
eze for a while and people were moving in slow motions around me whilst I tried to bring my thoughts together. What should I do? At least I still had my suitcase. But what use was that since my new purse, wallet and my mobile phone were in the shoulder and even my make-up and my return ticket home.

Another Side of My Life

As the train pulled away from the platform I stepped into the carriage and looked for my reserved seat that I hoped was in a quiet position where I wasn’t too prominent. I’d deliberately booked a seat towards the end of the carriage because I wanted to be away from any onlookers who might notice the change that was about to occur.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 12

“Yeah.” Mary Beth smiled. Then she looked to Tracy. “Is h..she okay?” She remembered the lecture about using the right words in time.

All the girls looked to see Tracy shaking in fear. The young girl knew her secret was going to get out. The school would know by time she got back. Sage leaned over and put a hand on Tracy's. “Hey, you okay.”

“No.” She whimpered.

Sage got up and moved to her side. “Tracy, trust me. They won’t harm you here.” She glared over her shoulder to the two girls. “And they won't talk about meeting you at school, will they?”

Both Mary Beth and her sister looked a little worried at the intensity of Sage's glare. “No.” Mary Beth said.


Thanks to Djkauf for the editing.

Please note, but to the almost graphic nature of this post, I upped the rating. I promise the fun stuff shall return someday.


Nearnia - The Line Which Was In The Wardrobe Addendum

Nearnia — The Line Which Was In The Wardrobe Addendum

by Maeryn Lamonte

It's raining. Lucas is bored. He finds and old wardrobe and steps into it, and we all know that magical places can be found at the back of old wardrobes.

Lucas's curiosity was piqued. Mrs Macready had told them no-one lived in the house apart from her and the old professor, and yet here was someone totally unexpected. He made his way cautiously around the walkway towards her, ignoring her growing agitation. There was something familiar about her that he couldn't quite...

“Professor?” he asked, realisation dawning.

Puffy sleeves sagged as her shoulders slumped. She sighed and spoke in the professor's voice.

“Oh dear.”.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *25* She's A Trier

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *25* She's A Trier
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

For My Princess: Part 7

Book cover image

Spring is taking forever to arrive and both Arabella and Helene are finding their confinement within the castle hard to bear, but what can they do, there is no way for them to venture outside until the warmer weather arrives.

"What if we concealed our identity? What if we... dressed as servants on an errand who would pay us attention?" said Arabella.

"After what happened when you last left on your own I would rather we not risk it," said Helene.

"You would rather stay confined?"

"I would rather not incite a riot, either out in the city or when we are found out."

"What if we get consent?"

"You really have spent too long in the castle," Helene said, shaking her head in disbelief."


Gaby Book 7 Chapter *24* Garde-ed

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *24* Garde-ed
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Susie and Jeffrey 95 - 112

Uneasy Money

A 50,000 Word Romp

In a little self-indulgent preamble, Susie persuades Jeffrey to show off their latest comedy misadventure to a largely indifferent audience. After which, for those still interested, it's more of the same crazy dialogue and lunatic situations. Following an entertaining diversion on the way home, Susie and Jeffrey hit the treasure trail and lead their pursuers a merry dance before waltzing their way to the top of the Tower.

The 4X4 bounced on its wheels as our missile struck, caving in the roof above the driver's seat.

"Bull's-eye, Jeffrey! That's buckled their steering wheel."

"They'll be going home on the bus, Susie."

"It serves them jolly well right - pity about the window-box, though. It was probably someone's pride and joy."

"Look what they made it from - no wonder it had such an impact."

The shattered cement casing of the upturned planter revealed its humble origin.

"Ah, Jeffrey, do you know what we've done?"

"Yes, Susie, we've thrown in the kitchen sink."

"And we're not half finished - I hope we haven't peaked too early."

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *23* Nailed Again

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *23* Nailed Again
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 10

Tracy thought about her situation for a moment, then looked at her friends. “Sage, can I talk to you and Rachel for a moment.”

“Sure, what's up?” Rachel asked.

“Alone? Please?” Tracy asked as she stood up.”

The other two girls followed her to her chair, then they wheeled her to the hall. “What's up?”

“You really think that they won’t mind about me?” Tracy's voice dropped to a whisper.

“Tracy, they won’t care. You should tell them, just because it'll help you relax.” Sage replied, just as quietly.

“You think so?”

“Yes. And if you want, we'll be right there with you.” Rachel said, smiling at her.

“Okay. Let's do it.” Tracy said, then she let them push her back into the living room.


A big thank you to Djkauf for the Editing.

Nothing too Earth shattering this time, just fun with the girls.


Reality TV -1- Real Coffee

Andy Wren shook his head. Had he heard the guy right? "You want me to do what to be on your show?"

The guy sighed. "Look it's called Reality TV, and that's not just the genre, it's the title and the whole schtick. A houseful of people who will all go about their normal lives for a whole year while crossdressing."

Reality TV

by Erin Halfelven

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *22* Nailed

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *22* Nailed
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 9

Her heart began to race as she hoped it was her friends and she reached over for the phone and picked it up, still wishing for the use of her right hand. “Hello?” She called into the phone.

“HI TRACY!” A group of voices yelled into the phone, making her pull the earpiece away from her ear. She waited a second and slowly put the ear piece back, waiting to be yelled at again.

“Um....hi.” She said. “Who is this?”

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *21* Cos-tume

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *21* Cos-tume
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 8

Tracy was woken from her slumber by the ringing of the phone inches from her head. She grunted as she turned on her side and blindly reached for the infernal device that had ruined her sleep. She didn't hear anyone running for the phone, so she guessed that she was still all alone in the house. She groped for the phone with her left hand, which she wasn't used to using. She almost dropped it before she secured her grip on it. She held it to her ear and tried to say “Hello? Who is this?” But in came out as gibberish.

There was the chuckle of a young girl on the other end of the phone. “Is that English?” She heard Rachel's voice ask.

“Rachel?” She mumbled into the phone.

“And Sage.” A second voice said.

“She's at my place because we wanted to call and see how you were doing.” Rachel answered the yet to be asked question.

“So....." Sage gave a slight pause for dramatic effect and then asked. "how you doing?”

This poor girl may win at some point.
Thanks to Djkauf for the editing.

Melody Blossoms

Melody Blossoms
A free sample from my new ebook!
Harriet and her friends are at that age when girls blossom into young ladies. Except for Clarence. Clarence still needs a lot of help to reach his potential. Only Harriet understands his secret — deep down, he’s a girl named Melody. Gradually, Harriet and the girls coax their new friend out of his shell. Can they help Melody to blossom?

Open Your Heart - Chapter 3

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew

Chapter Three

Janet set her burden down on the floor next to the tub and walked back out of the bathroom to the sounds of a rap remix of Canon in D using a keyboard and percussion. “We’re lookin’ on the sunny side,” incongruously sang the female vocalist doing melodic counterpoint. The song couldn’t be more inappropriate.

Trick of the Mind - 49 & 50

Trick of the Mind — 49 & 50

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

She reached down and kissed me before settling back onto my chest. “I love you,” she said stroking the soft lace of my nightdress.

Could things get better than this?

Trick of the Mind - 47 & 48

Trick of the Mind — 47 & 48

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“The rugby club is putting on a 'Top Of The League' ball next week to celebrate our success. The guys from yesterday were wondering if you'd like to be their dates for the night. That kind of includes you and Pete, Rich... er I mean Rachael. What do you say?”

Jem...Chapter 2

Jem…Chapter 2

I love this song, I honestly love this song and the way that the writer and lead singer Linda Perry just wails out those lyrics has always got me singing along and even just doing housework I’d move to the music.

I’ve never rocked out this hard with other people before, especially one’s that could actually play. I really get into belting out the song….”What’s Up, What’s going on?” By 4-Non-Blondes.

“And so I cry sometimes, when I’m lying in bed.”
“Just to get it all out, what’s in my head.”

Trick of the Mind - 45 & 46

Trick of the Mind — 45 & 46

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“You OK?” I asked her.

“Yeah, you?”

“Better knowing we aren't lying to your folks anymore.”

“Yeah. You needn't have folded so neatly under Mum and Dad's cross-examination though.”


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