
Through the years: Tracy emerging part 5

“Everything okay, Son?” Conner asked. “I thought I heard crying in your house, haven't seen Tracy next door either.”

William was quiet for a few moments as Vance took his first swing. “No Dad, it's not.”

“What's wrong?” The older man asked.

“We learned something last night and it's tearing Tracy up.” William replied.

“What's that?”

William leaned the ax against the house and led his father away from the house. “Dad, the other day when she was attacked in your back yard it started behind the barn.” He pointed to the large structure that was on his property.

“Yeah, she said that. Then she ran, right?” Conner asked.

“It's more, Dad.” William led his father to the corner of the barn and he stopped, then they both watched Vance cutting wood. William let out a sigh and shook his head. “They attempted to rape her.”


A glimpse into Tracy the next morning, and how William takes care of his anger issues. Plus because it makes me laugh, more of Vance and Sage

A special thanks to DJKauf for the editing


Trick of the Mind - 43 & 44

Trick of the Mind — 43 & 44

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

Pastor Mike turned up for me at the appointed hour. He noticed, but didn't comment as I swept my long skirt out of the maws of the car door. It looked like I was in for a longer conversation than I'd planned.

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *20* Cos I Said

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *20* Cos I Said
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?


by Lauran
I was about 16 when I started to take an interest in how I looked, until then I had been a school uniform or jeans and sweatshirt sort of boy. But as I approached my end of school exams, I noticed girls, not as sex objects like my friends did, but as clothes horses. They wore some amazing things away from school. And unlike my friends, I wanted to share in this joy of taking an interest in how I looked.

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 4


This contains an attack and almost rape. Please be warned I have altered the rating to reflect that, sorry if it seems high, just being safe.

But fear not, our Brave Tracy may be fine.........

And I'd like to give a big thank you to Djkauf for the editing. Thank you very much.


Trick of the Mind - 41 & 42

Trick of the Mind — 41 & 42

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

Uncle Stan calmed his nerves and collected his thoughts, before putting down his knife and fork, and looking across the table at me.

Trick of the Mind - 39 & 40

Trick of the Mind — 39 & 40

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“Alice is fine with us helping for the moment. We were just off to the shops so we need to dash if we're going to get the bus. Is there anything you need?”

“From the shops? No I don't think so, thank-you.”

And with a wave we were away to the bus stop.

Trick of the Mind - 37 & 38

Trick of the Mind — 37 & 38

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The courtroom scene depicted in this chapter is fictional and bear little or no resemblance to real life (as far as I'm aware).

“Sit down everyone. Alright, I've had time to review all the information and make my decisions. We are here this afternoon to pass judgement on Mr Raymond Baxter and Judge Derek Priestly in the matter relating to young Mr Richard Baxter. Would the defendants please rise.”

Trick of the Mind - 35 & 36

Trick of the Mind — 35 & 36

by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The courtroom scene depicted in this chapter is fictional and bear little or no resemblance to real life (as far as I'm aware).

He stood up slowly, staring intently at a sheet of paper lying on the table in front of him. Then he approached the witness box, his expression unreadable.

“So Mr Hanson. Tell us about the last time you wore women's clothing.”

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 3

“We need to get going. Troy will be checking out here shortly.” Maggie said, moving the chair past Mary Beth.

The young girl began walking with them. “Are you going to be in school Monday?”

“Maybe. It depends on how I feel by then.” Tracy replied.

“So what happened?” The girl asked again.

“I'd rather not talk about it. It's kinda personal.” Tracy said.

“So it's true? Bruce cut your...well you know, your thingy off.” She blushed as she said it.

Tracy's cheeks went just as red. “Who said that?” She asked.

“I heard it someplace.” The girl replied as she looked to the floor.

Maggie chuckled. “No, he didn't cut it off. If he had, Troy would be dead.”


Trick of the Mind - 33 & 34

Trick of the Mind — 33 & 34
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

The courtroom scene depicted in this chapter is fictional and bear little or no resemblance to real life (as far as I'm aware).

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“It seems we may need a longer recess. Dr Finster I will see you and your council in my chambers immediately. The rest of you, we will reconvene in two hours, at which time I will know whether or not this latest development is going to delay matters further.

The judge banged his gavel and left, followed by Dr Finster and his attorney.

Trick of the Mind - 31 & 32

Trick of the Mind - 31 & 32
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Eridnae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

I slept well again that night and in the morning was pestering the nurses and doctors about when I might actually leave. They told me that whilst this was a sure sign I was recovering there were still quite a few tests and observations they wanted to do to ensure I was going to be OK before they let me loose on the world again.

Trick of the Mind - 29 & 30

Trick of the Mind — 29 & 30
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The hospital and courtroom scenes depicted in this chapter are fictional and bear little or no resemblance to real life (as far as I'm aware).

Warning: This chapter deals with Richard's time in the mental hospital and may be disturbing to some readers. The chapter has been printed in red and there is a short synopsis at the end to cover the basics and maintain continuity in the story should you prefer not to read the full thing.

Barely ten minutes after being locked up, the key turned again and I was led out of the cell and the courthouse, and handed up into the back of an ambulance, where I was made to lie down on the stretcher. A couple of burly male nurses sat in with me, intimidating enough to keep me in my place simply by looking at me, and we drove off for destination unknown. There was no urgency so we shuffled through the lunchtime traffic at the same frustratingly slow pace as everyone else.

Holy Moses

Holy Moses.
By Angharad.

ה לֹא-יִהְיֶה כְלִי-גֶבֶר עַל-אִשָּׁה, וְלֹא-יִלְבַּשׁ גֶּבֶר שִׂמְלַת אִשָּׁה: כִּי תוֹעֲבַת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, כָּל-עֹשֵׂה אֵלֶּה. {פ}

5 A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for whosoever doeth these things is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Deuteronomy 22.5 (Wiki)

Trick of the Mind - 27 & 28

Trick of the Mind — 27 & 28
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The courtroom scene depicted in this chapter is fictional and bears little or no resemblance to genuine legal proceedings (as far as I'm aware).

Sensing something wrong I looked up to see three very grim faces looking at me from over where Mr Talbot was holding a rather official looking piece of paper.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

Paul held up the letter in his hand. “This is I’m afraid Richard. It’s an injunction instructing me to deliver you to the county court nearest your home town, where your parents have dictated that you should undergo an assessment to ascertain the state of your mental health. The court appearance is for tomorrow at noon.”

Through the years: Tracy emerging part 1

Tracy lay back slowly, a look of confusion all over her face. “Water.” She said in a raspy voice. Conner held up a glass with a straw and he let Tracy take a drink. Then he pulled it away in mid drink. She tired to follow the straw, but he held her back again.

“Sorry, but the nurse said you could drink a little when you woke, but they want to check on you before you have too much.”

His grandchild moaned, but she lay back and looked at the other side of the bed, then back at her grandfather. “Mom isn't here?”

“She's with Modine in the cafeteria. She needed a break. We've been taking turns with you and Modine.” He said, then he sighed. “Tell me Troy, what do you remember?”


Trick of the Mind - 25 & 26

Trick of the Mind — 25 & 26
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“If we sort out your hair and boobs before bed time that’ll mean you have quite a bit less to do tomorrow.”

As a result, late as it was, I found myself soaking in a scented bath again and washing and conditioning my hair. After I’d dried and styled it, I allowed Jen to glue the breasts onto my chest and for the second time in my life I went to bed with breasts.

The night was filled with erotic dreams of Jenny and Rachael making out and I had to get up half way through to relieve some sexual tension.

Charlotte's story

Being unpopular is not a comfortable feeling, finding friendship is always nice, but how far can that friendship be pushed?
The picture has nothing to do with the story, just thought some might like to a 360'rainbow seen on top of Snowdon

Crown or Tiara Chapter 3

The second king of the Talranic Dynasty, King Wendeslaus the Second (circa 1208-1211 AF), also known as Wendeslaus Berto Talranic, was an eccentric king. During his reign, he made hundreds of designs, of which most of them were useless, more fantasy than practical. If his personal motto of "Bridge, bridge, bridge" wasn't hint enough of his eccentricities, perhaps his idea of making a city that flies in the sky might...

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 3

By Shinieris

Through the years: Troy's Story part 20



The rating has been raised to reflect the violence and I am sorry to anyone this offends.


Team Player

Team Player
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration!
SynopsisFormer Men's Figure Skating Olympian Robin Kelly Leeds has just announced his transition to United States Pair's Figure Skating with her husband Sebastian Gerrold Wilkins. Now Robin Kelly Wilkins and her husband have consented to Sebastian Gerrold Wilkins to tell their story.

Trick of the Mind - 23 & 24

Trick of the Mind — 23 & 24
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

We talked through my third helping of stew and Jen led me up to my room.

My bags were already unpacked.

I opened the wardrobe to find all my clothes hanging up including the dresses. I turned to the door where Jen’s Mum was looking in with a worried but reassuring look on her face.

“Your night clothes are under the pillow,” she said. “We can talk about this in the morning.”

'Daydreams Can Come True' Chapter 3

‘Daydreams can come True ’ Chapter 3
Julie Dawn Cole

‘Yes you are different and that’s why I’m coming. You are special.’

Does she suspect? These words stayed with me for a while as I checked the flight schedules from Zurich. Susie would be arriving late afternoon the following day.

So what to do to get out of this mess. She was about to spend a lot of money to fly to Hong Kong and she was staying in the Langham hotel that is very expensive.

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 7

A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 7

By Bethany Star
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around. .


Through the years: Troy's Story part 19

“I only did it at times. When you worked in the field. When Mom ran to the store really quick. It's not like I wore the skirt all the time.”

“Makes sense.” William replied. “And do you do it to relax?”

Tracy looked to the floor. “I used to think that. But the other day, when we stopped in Tracy.” Her friends began to snicker and she ignored them. “I thought Aunt Shelly didn't know and they'd hate me, so I became Troy for the time I'd be here and I hated it. I stayed up in the guest room, not wanting to to anything till Monday.”

“What happened?” William asked, genuinely curious.

“I happened.” Shelly said with a grin. “I told her that I knew and didn't care. A while later, Tracy showed up and then the girls came over to hang out with her.

“And that's been fun.” Tracy's smile brightened as she looked at her new friends.

“Must have, she's been around them for almost two days straight.” Persephone said with a grin. “Not that I'm complaining. She's a well behaved young lady.”


Trick of the Mind - 21 & 22

Trick of the Mind - 21 & 22
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

It was getting late when we arrived and the yellow summer dress that had been so cool for most of the journey was beginning to feel decidedly chilly as the sun went down. I huddled up in my seat and turned away from Dad who was definitely in an uncommunicative mood. I wanted to pull the hem of my dress down as it had ridden up, but it would have brought awkward questions and I didn’t want to make things worse than they already were.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 18

Sage led Tracy down the street as Rachel passed them in her mothers van. Tracy felt bad for being able to still have fun, but she wasn't that religious and Rachel's mom refused to push her beliefs on her. Rachel waved and the two girls waved back.

“So was it fun?” Sage asked.

“What? Waving?” Tracy replied, looking at her new friend. She had gone over some of the stuff that Sage had said the past few days, things were slowly wonder what Sage's true story was.

Sage began to chuckle. “No you goof. A sleepover? Heck Two sleepovers?”

“That was great. You two are so much fun.” Tracy said. “I kinda wish I was a real girl like you two.”

Sage laughed. “Tracy, I'm as much of a girl as you are...well maybe more, but the way you act? The way you carry yourself? Total girl.”


Trick of the Mind - 19 & 20

Trick of the Mind - 19 & 20
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

Dave was quiet for long while. When he finally did speak my nerves were frayed.

“OK,” he said. “For the record I am seriously not OK with this, but I won’t tell anyone. You’ve been a good mate this year and I guess I owe you for that, plus you’ve been honest with me and that can’t have been easy. You won’t mind if I don’t hang around with you anymore though, I don’t want to be anywhere near you when someone else tumbles to your little secret.” With that he dumped his mug unwashed in the kitchen and headed off to his room. I sat dejected for a while longer then as a last act of friendship washed up Dave’s mug before heading to my room.

That night I slept in the nude not wanting anything to do with girl clothes and mourned the loss of my friend.

Open Your Heart - Chapter 2

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew

Chapter Two

“Bicycle bicycle bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle!” Drew sang as he rode along, taking his daily ten. “Bicycle —” just then the singing was interrupted — though the music he was singing to could still be faintly heard from the multimedia phone clipped inside his shirt to his bra — by the screech of tires as a car rapidly slowed, and then honked at him. The passenger window rolled down, and the universal signal of disrespect appeared before Drew’s face. “Get over yourself! I’m right where I’m supposed to be, you gotta problem, take it up with the government!” Drew yelled back as the car squealed its tires when it accelerated too fast whilst departing. “Friggen morons,” he muttered as he cranked his small gears up another sprocket.

Open Your Heart


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew


Meet Andrew Lee Pattengale, male. Or is he?

When a supposed feminist housing group positions itself to buy Stonevale Apartments and Townhouses, where Drew works on salary as the only groundskeeper, his manager convinces him to try life as a woman to avoid the dreaded "replacement for enhancement plan".

Join Drew on his journey towards self-acceptance.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 17

William woke up around seven on Sunday morning to a quiet house. He went through the usual morning routine. Bathroom, breakfast and he was now sitting in front of the TV, feeling slightly unnerved from the silence his house had. He needed to talk to his wife and son. But they were no where around.

He sat there for what felt like an eternity, till he finally stood up and got dressed. A few minutes later he was standing on the porch to his parents house. He knocked, unsure if his parents were awake. He waited for a minute and was about to leave when the door opened up. His mother looked out at him and smiled. “Hello Son.”

“Hey Mom.” He replied, slumping his shoulders as he did.

“Everything okay?” She asked. She knew that Maggie had told him about Tracy. So she knew the battle he was having in his mind, at least she thought she knew.

“Nah. I....” He sighed. “I don't know. But I was going to see if you could have Dad keep an eye on my place. I need to talk to Maggie and Troy and they're in Livermore.”


As promised, a little time with William and a glimpse at Modines house.


Trick of the Mind - 17 & 18

Trick of the Mind - 17 & 18
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

The evening went quickly. It felt good to be doing something normal, even if the tight skirt on the black dress made moving difficult. By the time the bar was open Dave had grasped what was needed and finished his assignment. He offered to buy me a drink down at the bar, but I cried off saying I’d had too much the previous night. He accepted that and headed off on his own while I went into my room to catch up on the work I would have started Friday night had I not been sidetracked.

That night I slept in the nude again and dreamt of Jen’s soft skin against mine.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 16

“Come on Vance. I got something to show you.” He stood up and led Vance through the kitchen to the garage. He shut the door to the kitchen and flipped on the light switch. There in the center of the garage was a large car shaped lump under a tarp. “Now I got a few rules involving this. No eating. And no sitting on it.”

With that, Frank pulled the trap off, revealing a light blue mid sixties muscle car. He folded the tarp up the best he could and put it in a corner. “This is my baby. A nineteen sixty five Pontiac GTO.” He gestured to the drivers door. “Go ahead. Hop on in.”

Vance stood there for a moment, mesmerized by the gleaming beauty. Then he slowly went to the drivers door and opened it up. “This is cool.” He said as he slid into the drivers seat.


This chapter will focus on the two Patterson kids. A mix of Vance an Tracy and the fun they have around the Livermore/Dublin areas


Trick of the Mind - 15 & 16

Trick of the Mind - 15 & 16
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

“As things go it’s not that far from what you’ve been dealing with in any case. You’ve had to live this long with a break between the way you want the world to be — a world where men don’t have to compete with each other all the time but can look attractive and take a more passive role — and the world as you see it. Now the break is between how you actually dress and how you see it. In each case, your release from the stress has been to dress up in women’s clothes from time to time. There is no reason why you shouldn’t continue in the same vein.”

Another dead end. We thanked the professor for his time and Jen held onto my arm to lead me out of the psychology department.

Crown or Tiara Chapter 2

Vel-Farnikk, capital of the mighty Granvayl Kingdom is a massive city. It is home to at least 4000 citizens, not including the children, immigrants and slaves. Some speculate that there would be many thousands more, if any census included children, immigrants, slaves and criminals.

Crown or Tiara
Chapter 2

By Shinieris

Jem...Chapter 1 I guess...

Jem…Chapter one I guess…

Series inspired by Melinda_Starr
(It’s her fault.)

“Never thought I could dance…”
“Never though I ever be asked…”

“La, la, la….. (Humming.) the lights are bright and I’m up on the stage…”

And the rest of it just won’t come. I fall back away from my keyboard and flake out on the bed with all my comics and magazines and sign putting my palms over my face and trying to rub the writer’s block-blahs away.

I know the song sounds girly but it’s supposed to. I’ve been writing it for the next teeny-chick pop star.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 15

“Yeah, I know that now. I was young and stupid and I messed up big.” Rachel said. “But I understand, at least I think I do.” She patted at the seat once more, this time Tracy sat down.

“How? I barely understand it. I...I just want to feel right.” Tracy said. “I used to think that being Tracy was a release, the chance to not be Troy.” She shook her head and looked at her feet. “Now....hell I hated the fact I felt that I needed to be Troy when I was here. I can't wait for the weekends where my Grandfather is out of town so Tracy can be out.” Her eyes misted up and she just sat there.

“Hey. No need for the tears.” Rachel slid closer and slipped an arm around Tracy.

Tracy leaned into Rachel. “I don't know what's wrong with me.”

“I do.” Rachel replied. This caused Tracy to look up at her. “You're finding yourself.”


Trick of the Mind - 13 & 14

Trick of the Mind - 13 & 14
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

Thanks to the twelve voters out of my six hundred or so readers. Not exactly statistically significant, but better than the turnout for the recent(ish) referendum on the voting system in the UK. The general consensus is for an increase to 4k postings, so I'll give it a try and do my best to keep up.

“Keep the underwear on.” She told me, and I did as instructed, reaching for my jeans and tee-shirt. In next to no time, I was standing in front of the mirror, just a little disappointed to be back in the purple dress, but feeling better with the genuine sensation of soft nylon rubbing against my legs.

I rejoined Jen and sat beside her on the bed. “So exactly what do you think you've figured out?”

All The Presidents Men

*** I will err on the side of caution and tag this story as forced fem. At the onset of the story it might seem so but that is revealed as not being true later on. You can always read it and decide for yourself.

Norman had quiet a family history. A half sister is one of his best kept secrets and when he is called on to serve on the secret service for the President she becomes more than just his saving grace. Will Norman follow the role model his father behind and 'do the right thing.'

Morgan 2

My muse has been kind. More of Morgan's first day in High School.

The rest of the day I got more odd looks and the occasional question from other kids. Obviously word was spreading.

It was mostly girls with the questions. And I was indeed getting tired of the same ones over and over.

The looks seemed fairly evenly split between guys and gals, though more of the guys tended to have the looks that implied trouble in the future.

A few of the girls seemed to figure I was ok, in spite of my oddity. At least they were willing to talk to me in spite of it. One was in several of my classes. Christine (call me Chris) Watt. We'd gotten to talking in the first one we shared and had compared schedules.

She came up to me in the hall as we approached English class (which I knew we shared).

"So, I hear you're a guy?"

Crown or Tiara Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there was a city. And in that city lived the happiest people, ruled by the wisest king. The people was governed fairly and the city was protected on all sides by great, tall walls and a legion of loyal soldiers.

Excerpt from folklore 'The Heroic King'

Crown or Tiara (Chapter 1)

By Shinieris

Through the years: Troy's Story part 14

“So no Tracy?” Shelly asked.

“No, and I told her it'd be okay.” Maggie sighed.

“It that why he was so glum?” Shelly glanced to the door, making sure it was still shut.

Maggie nodded. “Tracy was so lively on the way down here. I think she talked from home to Tracy, the town, where she changed. Once she changed, Troy was miserable.” She shook her head. “Maybe I shouldn't have let her be Tracy for the ride.”


For My Princess: Part 6

Book cover image

Arabella had overcome many of the challenges she had faced and life was settling into a routine. Then Helene's grandmother came to visit and shook things up.

The countess and Helene walked hand in hand, at the princess's behest Arabella followed behind her, as did the entourage carrying the countess's trunk which they deposited in her chamber before departing.

She stared at Arabella who was unsure of what she should do.

"I have dismissed everyone, please leave us and go about your business."

Helene giggled. "Arabella is not a servant, she is my best friend."

"Then she is fortunate to have you, dismiss her so that we might talk alone."


Trick of the Mind - 12

Trick of the Mind - 12
by Maeryn Lamonte

Melanie Ezell's big closet ultimate writer's challenge — Written From The Heart

Thanks to Wren Erendae Phoenix for editing/proofing.

I have been releasing this story in roughly 2000 word chunks. Whilst this has done wonders for my kudos (750 in two weeks compared to 4000 over one year), I wonder if it is affecting how much people are enjoying the story. There are times when 2k words isn't enough for any significant developments and I'm wondering if this may be why the readership is dropping off.

While I appreciate the final decision is mine, I am a fan of the democratic process (despite its flaws) so would like to invite you as readers to vote on the size of postings. Choices are leave it at 2k, increase to 4k or increase to 8k. Bear in mind that the regularity of postings will drop off once the story catches up with me in about 50k words.

Please PM me with your vote if you want a say rather than clogging up the comments.

I had enough wit not to leave the real tights and panties lying around and stuffed them into the bottom of a bag before filling it with a selection of books in the hope that at least some of them would be useful. On the way to class, I stopped at the kitchen and downed glasses of water until my distended stomach cried for mercy. I was sure the previous evening had been helpful for a number of reasons, but at that moment my hangover refused to let me figure out exactly what they all were.


This is a very short story told to the author by a man who liked women --
liked them whether they were real women or transgendered.

Laura by Janet Baker

Jason met Laura that fall evening at a bar noted for its acceptance of unconventional lifestyles. The bar was filled with celebrants, the Twins having finally won a game. Jason scanned the crowd trying to determine whether the colorfully dressed habitués were real women or cross dressers or transsexuals.


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