Shawn the Maiden Chapter 3

Shawn the Maiden

Book 1
Chapter 3

By Princess

The young son of a powerful business man is set up by his greedy cruel step sisters when his father marries. The punishment for his arrogance is worse than he ever imagined. The cruelty of the nation he lives in becomes too clear to him. He is put to trial by a corrupt judicial system and he sees the true cruelty of his step sisters. Can he endure it?


Shawn had badly miscalculated Dr. Cindel. He had obviously angered her enough that she said, "I think Shawn is a chauvinistic male and trouble maker and needs to be learn her place." She looked at him and gave him that evil look. "And I have just the place for you.

He looked at her in fear. This couldn't be good.

She gave Shawn a wicked smile and said, " Oh yes Shawn. I know right where to send you." She got on her phone " Yes this is doctor Cindel. I am sending you some one, He is a twelve year old boy, The name is Shawn. He is to be sent to Majdanek within the hour. And its your job to make sure that he returns, you hear me? He is to be returned unharmed, in one week. The judge will okay it. A hearing about his condition will take place when he returns in one week, to determine her future. Got that."

Shawn felt a chill rush though him when he heard what the doctor say. He had heard about Majdanek. It was a forced labor camp for troublesome males. Officers burst in and grabbed Shawn and within thirty minutes, He was rudely shoved into a train car that must had held hundreds of other young males. They were packed tight, he couldn't move. Some younger boys were even tossed on top of them when they ran out of room. The trip took several hours. He felt the train stop and someone roughly opened the door and yanked them out. The gate opened for them and lines of prisoners streamed in. It was about what he expected, but was still a brutal shock.

Most of the other prisoners were ill fed and weak. He walked along with the prisoners though the gate herded by brutal female guards and mean barking dogs. He felt even more afraid than he was with his sisters. What the fuck was this. There were several guards at the front of the line directed prisoners to either side of the camp. As he approached the front, He saw the guard direct the prisoners either to the right or left. He didn't have a clue what it was all for. But, one side he saw ominous smokestacks bellowing smoke into the air. Luckily, The woman seemed to recognize him and direct him to the other. But he felt sick as a woman directed an entire family to the other side. He felt tears rolling down his eyes.

He was roughly stripped, and examined by another female guard who laughed at him and then slapped him into the mud. He was given the regular prisons black and white stripped outfit and showed which prison block he was to sleep in. It was a regular prison shack that held roughly two hundred other inmates. The place was hot and stifling. The conditions were cramped and filthy. He brought nothing, anything would had been taken by the guards anyway. A majority of the inmates were children, like him, boys.

They were sent to another place with desks. It was obviously meant to be a school. There, he endured long lectures and watched propaganda video clips of how femininity is stronger than masculinity. It tried to tell him that masculinity is a poison on society. His place as a boy was to be beneath and serve women. Some boys were stupid enough to speak up and some even tried to attack guards. Most of those fools were never heard from again. The few that did come back were not in any condition to do much of anything. they were psychology fractured.

Shawn knew it was better to keep his mouth shut. He saw the camp commandant Amanda Goth a few times during his stay there. He hoped never to be alone with her. That woman had a air of total cruelty in her. He though that his sister was cruel, but this woman eclipsed her by a power of ten.

She called the prisoners out to the yard for roll call in the morning and she pulled one boy out of line just because he was a few seconds late, she beat him right there. He was taken back to get washed off after he was bashed and bloodied. Later that day, during the entertainment. The boys were given various female attire to put on shows for the women. They were forced to dance like exotic dancing girls. She tortured another boy because his dress was has dirt on it, she pulled out her pistol and shot him.

He was taken to her office at the end of the week, she informed him that her orders were to protect him. It was supposed to be a lesson. He learned it very well. Then he was taken back to the sectors courthouse.

He knew that he needed to form a plan. In this country he was in, once a doctor had deemed he had a feminine nature that needed to be let out, he was truly screwed. Males had some rights, but the feminine type males were deemed offensive to the women and government. Feminine males were like an enemy of the state. In the states opinion, feminine males mocked women. They were to be controlled and humiliated, deemed more as property for a woman to train and control. He knew that he would loose his rights as a person, unless he could convince the court judge he wasn't a sissy or feminine male, or crossdresser. If he could convince the judge he was a true transsexual who wanted to live his life as a female, then, something could be done. Transgendered males did not offend the regime. Transsexuals are given full rights as females. But, that would be difficult and pretty humiliating. He didn't want to be a female, but he also didn't want to be a slave.

The court would be pretty damn one sided, like a kangaroo court. He'd seen hearings of accused sissies. Some of them were the most macho boys he knew. But, they had pissed off the wrong people and as a consequence they brought to trial. It reminded him of what he studied about the Stalin Show trials. If a defendant didn't admit guilt, it was used as evidence that he was even more guilty. Most of trials were like following a script. The trial was a legal sham.

Shawn saw Lilith and her attorney. The attorney was a major liar. She worked for the state and all she wanted to do was cheat a boy like him out of his life. The evidence that he guessed his step sisters were all to happy to provide would do exactly that. And his father Victor Newman was there too. Victor refused to even look at Shawn! Lilith told the judge that both sides had stipulated to Dr. Cindal's qualifications. Squirming in his seat as the court turned to look at him. Then the Judge asked if the defendant Shawn was suffering from any form of gender identity disorder. The Attorney said "yes." Of course she would. This was just a show trial like the Stalinist trials.

"Yes," she smiled brightly. "Based on my careful examination and a thorough family history - he grinned as she paused to give him a kindly glance - Shawn has what we refer to as 'Repressed Sissy Syndrome'. There are different levels of the disorder, and there's no doubt that Shawn is a Class III case, the most severe form."

Shawn had expected it of course. Everything was scripted. It was a show trial. Shawn looked at his stepmother Lilith who beamed in triumph. She was getting exactly what she wanted. His father looked down, saddened. It was impossible to know if he truly believed what he was hearing or if he knew there wasn't a damn thing he could do now. The bitch of an attorney said he stipulated to the qualifications, but he pretty much had to. Or he may be deemed an enemy of the state too and imprisoned.

He tried to speak up but he was silenced by her gavel. He slunk down in my seat as Dr. Cindel's testimony continued. He wanted to crawl into a hole as she flashed the pictures of him dressed like a girl on a huge screen at the front of the courtroom and commented on each one. Everyone was snickering. Even the judge was struggling to keep from laughing.

It was all wrong. He didn't have a long history of self initiated cross dressing. He knew some that did, but it wasn't a bad thing. It wasn't masculine arrogance that prevented him from admitting he was a sissy either. He listened to the scripted attorney describe it all.

She said "Boys like Shawn took great satisfaction in deceiving everyone and although those type of boys loved to appear and act girlish in private, they were extremely careful to keep their sissy side secret. and that his sissy behavior was really an expression of contempt of real women. "

He saw his step mothers face turn red and angry. He didn't have contempt Of course, it was all a script and he seen it played out a dozen other times. He wished that his mother didn't get mad at that. He didn't feel contempt for women but he was beginning to feel contempt toward women, because their deceptions.

The lying attorney continued, "His bald face lie about his sister trying of sissify him was merely part of the deception to preserve the prerogatives of being a male."

It was pseudo science of the same type used in German courts during the national socialist period to dehumanize Jews and other minorities. It was nonsense.

The judge asked if there was any doubt about her diagnoses. The lying doctor fixed him with her gaze and said, "No, but if there was, it would had been eliminated by this."

He knew exactly what it would be and He tried futilely to speak up. It was instinct, he was desperate. It would be so humiliating, Involuntarily, he yelled, "Stop, you have to believe me its a setup!"

The judge banged her gavel and threatened to have him removed if there was any more outbursts. Of course, he forgot. there was no due-process, no rights of the accused, he had no right to confront the accuser. And he didn't want to go back to the camp.

Dr. Cindel started the accused video clip and he recognized it immediately. He knew that his sister Judith was secretly video taping his forced performance in his step mothers bedroom. He knew that she had given him such detailed instructions and made him practice it over and over. Any mistakes earned him punishments with a cane. There was a reason why Judith and Robyn had stayed in the doorway of the room the entire time. They were were staying off screen. Judith had filmed the entire thing and must had edited it for the final video that was now playing for the entire court. It looked like he was totally willing, but his back was covered or they would see the bruises she put there with the cane.

He shut his eyes trying to lock out the humiliation, but he knew that the screen in the courtroom would show him taking his mothers most feminine nightgown out of her lingerie drawer and holding it to his body as he smiled to his image in the mirror. Under his sisters cruel supervision, he excitedly stripped and donned the disgustingly red satin feminine nightgown, red nylon stockings, matching lace garters and bright red pumps. He looked like a hooker, but he noticed that his image did look like a girl now. He could play the part pretty well. He actually smiled to himself.

His voice was clear in a very feminine falsetto voice that actually sounded like a woman's. His sister didn't like that, but he couldn't help it. In the mirror, he addressed his pretend husband: "Hello darling, I'm so glad you're home. This nightgown? Isn't it pretty? I bought it today in the cutest little lingerie store downtown. I got it in black because and know how much that turns you on. I've been thinking of you ever since I bought it. I'm so lucky to be married to such a handsome man. What? You're going to take me to bed and make me feel like a woman? Well, that's exactly what I was hoping for when I bought this nightgown."

By that time, the entire courtroom was filled with laughter. That was scripted too as much as a sign said applause. It was a show trial. He knew that he would he be found guilty no matter what. Either he agreed to be placed in some program, or taken back to the camp to spend the rest of his life. Which there, he figured might be a few weeks at most.

He recalled vividly how Robyn had made him sway his hips coyly and generally act like a horny woman. At the end of his little forced play, Robyn had ordered him to pose, preen, and admire himself in the mirror. He had remembered that he didn't look bad. He did admire how easily he could look like a girl his age. But his face burned as he heard the some bigoted comments: "What a fairy! Imagine, wearing his mother's lingerie. If I ever caught my son in my things, I'd disown him." That man clearly didn't know and he guessed that he would be having a one to one discussion very soon with some state security agents after this fiasco. He would be having his own trial probably within the next week.

As bad as that looked for him, He dreaded the next part even more. On the screen, he took out a pair of his step mothers casual khakis and held them to his lithe body, as he said in the mirror, "My Step Mom is such a butch cow, I cant figure out what my father sees in her." He tried to resist saying that, knowing it was secretly being recorded to be played for her or dad later. But he didn't want crushed or damaged testicles or some broken ribs. She proven she was perfectly capable and willing to do either.

The entire courtroom gasped in total horror at his insult to his stepmother. Lilith glared daggers at him from across the room which made him feel that sensation of icy fear going though his body. Maybe she was totally clueless about how horrible her daughters really were. But she loved to blame him.

He sat calmly as his stepmothers attorney elicited more and more horrible testimony. "In your expert opinion, Dr. Cindel, Do sissies like Shawn ever change?"

"Heavens no! There is no cure'" She spoke as crossdressing was an illness. "There is no cure for Repressed Sissy Syndrome. Its an absolute certainty that the boys will deny their girlish fantasies with their last breath. However, their behavior speaks volumes: secretly dressing in feminine clothes at every opportunity; their mother's, sister's, girlfriend's; constantly fantasizing about and secretly dressing and acting like girls as much as possible; but always keeping up their public masculine charade."

'As if that is so wrong.' He thought.

"It's quite sad and pathetic. " She continued her testimony. "Boys like Shawn continue with their little farce, going to school, getting high-paying jobs that women are traditionally excluded from, and marrying some poor unsuspecting woman. Inevitably the wife comes home unexpectedly and finds her so-called husband all dressed up in her most feminine nightgown or her prettiest cocktail dress. Imagine her feelings of betrayal and disappointment. Divorce follows, and the pattern repeats itself until the sissy has ruined any number of lives with his deceit."

He wished he could stand up and question her himself and asked her what is so wrong with dressing like a girl. Why it has to end in divorce and why crossdressing ruins a woman's life. It made no sense. There was no position that women were excluded in this regime. Men were excluded from many high paying powerful positions in government. Women run the counsel for state security. a woman is the ruler of the regime. Women are the high ranking officers for the military. What is this quack talking about? But he knew he had to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to avoid going back to the forced labor camp for a very short lifespan.

But at that time, the laughter turned to angry murmurs and several women looked at him like he was embodied in all male evil. Even the court reporter glared hatefully at him. He knew it was all scripted for the show trial, but it made him feel scared.

His mothers lawyer looked at him with a smirk. "Is gender reassignment surgery appropriate for him."

"Heavens no!" she laughed. "Shawn is not a transsexual; he's sissy. In other words, he most definitely wants to keep his male parts. He doesn't want to be a girl, he just adores secretly dressing and acting like one."

It was time to speak up! Shawn blurted out, "No I don't. "

The judge tried to silence him but he continued hoping that he would be heard and listened to, "I don't want to keep my male parts. I've always wanted to be a woman." He was roughly grabbed from behind, a hand clamped over his mouth silencing him!

The courtroom gasped as judge stared at him. That part wasn't scripted, no one expected that and he hoped he wouldn't be made to pay for ruining the show trial. He had to take the risk. His step mother's attorney glared hatefully at him for ruining her plan. The judge shouted, "Order. Quiet down everyone. Shawn, are you serious?"

He looked up at the figure in front of the courtroom in fear and answered firmly, "Yes In deed. no one listens to me, but I have wished I was a girl my whole life more than anything!"

Glancing over at his father, the man didn't seem happy but there was something about victors look that told him that Victor was not displeased with him at all. The a glint in the Victors eye and a tight smirk on his face. He looked over catching his sons look, and nodded. As if, Victor felt some sort of pride that his son may have figured out a way out of the ordeal that he would never had found. Shawn knew that his father wasn't disappointed in him at all. That was a relief. His step mother hated him now but she was an idiot.

He felt immeasurable relief knowing that the judge was actually taking him seriously. The judge ordered him to the witness stand and allowed the Doctor question him. She had full authority to question him as a hostile witness. Of course. The court had a political agenda to declare him a sissy so the doctor would be given every opportunity to do exactly that. But, if there was a chance he was actually transgender then the courts options were very limited. They also had an objective to save transgendered and help them transition into society as women.

Dr. Cindell started firing off questions immediately. Staying strong under her ruthless hostile questioning, she asked him, "What makes you think you are a transsexual, Shawn?"

"Doctor, " He said evenly doing his best to keep his composer under the gaze of this ruthless deceptive woman. "It has always been my deepest wish to live as a girl. I know you don't understand because you grew up as a girl so it was a wonderful gift given freely to you. You never had to deal with parents questioning you about it, you were born that way. But I wasn't. I was afraid my father would disown me. " Shawn looked over to Judith and Robyn, "I am for ever thankful to my stepsisters for their help and exposing me. I was desperate to escape being a male. Thank you Robyn and Judith. " A wide smirk spread across his face, something dark and vengeful in his eye as he said, "I only hope that some day I can repay them for all they have done to help me. I am in your debt, I owe you!"

They knew the real meaning and Judith flinched.

Cindell didn't seem to catch the double meaning of Shawn's statement. "But, You never told anyone about that." Doctor Cindell mentioned. "You dressed in secret and kept up this deception for years, just like a lying male sissy. Why should we believe you are a transsexual, now?" Her voice was dripping with hostility and venom.

He smiled, "Was it always in secret. Did I not dress in full view of everyone during that play last year in school. And for Halloween, as I did with all my sisters?"

That answer shut that part of her questioning up. She asked him, "But why didn't you ever tell anyone. or try to come out with your transgendered. "

"Mostly, because of my father and I didn't think anyone would understand. To my shame, I refer you to my worst pictures from my pool side nightmare. I obviously enjoyed pretending in secret that I had feminine breasts - as you can see, generous ones at that. But when I had my fun of this shameful little make-believe games, I had to simply remove the breast forms, put on a football jersey, and resume my male facade. But I hated doing that. To the outside world, I had to appear to be a normal boy. From a societal point of view, It was wholly unacceptable. My father would never accept me. I can tell he is upset right now listening to this. Please help me become a girl." Shawn pleaded with her.

The judged looked at Shawn and asked if that was really what I wanted.

"Absolutely, your honor! "

The judge then asked the doctor what she suggested in this case. He had a feeling where this was going.

She answered, " "In lay terms, Shawn should be completely feminized - forcibly. At a minimum, his feminization must include immediate hormonal intervention to give
him obvious womanly curves that are impossible to conceal; feminine grooming, deportment and social skills training; and immediate and complete elimination of masculine detritus to hasten his differentiation from normal boys. But I still think he needs to be put in a forced sissification Program. He is a sissy not a transexual. I can do that as you well know."

He had to avoid that at all costs. If that were the judges ruling, He would have no control over his life and his sisters would be free to torment him all they wanted. He would get no respect and no one would protect him from them. They would end up destroying him.

The judge asked how boys respond to the program.

Dr Cindell chuckled lightly. " "Oh the little darlings just hate it. They're so desperate to maintain their male pretense. I'm afraid it's extremely embarrassing for them when they are revealed to all their friends and family as sissies. It's one thing to pretend that you
dressed up in a chic little skirt suit because your friends dared you; it's quite another story when your friends realize it's your secret sissy dream come true. But in light of the sissy boy's life of deception, I believe that they should endure as much humiliation as possible. I'm convinced that the humiliation is helpful for the sissy to become self-integrated. I think of it as emotional shock therapy. This is all if Shawn is a sissy male instead of a transsexual. I will determine what is right for him or her."

Then the judge asked what should be done in either case.

"Shawn claims to be a transsexual. I doubt it, but if its true then She will need to be given training and obvious body modification to assist in her transition from male to female. It will be humiliating for her either way. His friends will mock her. But her loving sister will help. If she is a sissy, faking it, It will be more humiliating. Either way, The only fair thing to do for her is to make her girlish fantasies a inescapable reality. Since Shawn loves to pretend he has womanly breasts, then by all means he must have them. Real breasts though he cant conveniently remove when he's done with his secret dress up games. And not just breasts, he should have breasts even larger than any female in his family. Even Larger than in his fantasies."

His sister had not succeeded in dividing his father from him. But he let them think They had won a major victory But Shawn had ruined Robyn's plan too. But not all that much. He had still been placed in her program and she was to train him how to live as a female.

The judge banged her gavel and then issued her order awarding Lilith full custody of Shawn. Then she addressed him and ordered me to stand. The judge peered over her glasses and began to lecture: "I feel bad for you Shawn. I'm sure it has been hard and painful having to keep your feminine nature from your parents, your friends, and your neighbors. But if you had admitted the truth about yourself, this proceeding wouldn't have been necessary. You've wasted the court's time and your stepmothers money! You, Missy, owe everyone an apology."

To his horror, she stared at him; she was actually waiting for an apology for not telling everyone he was a transgender.

He looked at his Stepmother who looked very upset with him. His heart was pounding "I-I'm sorry Stepmother for not telling you I wanted to become a female," he whispered at her. It was like a bad dream.

The judge looked less upset at him. "I see a lot of troubled teenagers in my courtroom. You are not a teenager, yet. I am glad this has come to me before something major happened. You started off trying to blame your condition on your sister and that was inexcusable."

To Judith's utter delight, the judge made him apologize to her. Unbelievable. The judge continued, "That's a start. This court declares that you are a transsexual male to female. Your diagnosis as an transsexual is now a matter of public record. You had better maintain that if you don't want this court to reverse that ruling and declare you are a sissy. I can summons you back here for a review of your status if I hear there is trouble with you. Or if your doctor decides it is so. I am going to retain jurisdiction in this case to monitor your case file. The award of custody to your step mother Lilith is conditioned on her following Dr. Cindells recommended forced feminization Program - to the letter. But it wont be that much forced if you are a true transsexual. And if I hear that you've been denying your feminine nature - to anyone then we will have another hearing and you may be ruled a sissy - I won't hesitate to give you some time to think about it... in the Labor camp."

The judge consoled Lilith like they were friends. Telling Lilith that she was well aware of the difficulties in raising a problem child like Shawn. "I know it will be difficult but as Shawn custodial guardian now, I am ordering you to follow doctor Cindells forced feminization program. Your son is transgendered. I personally suspect she is just trying to escape being considered a sissy. But we will see. I have been wrong before, its rare. How ever in any case, her charade has gone on for long enough. She needs help. "

Shawn had been set up and his life taken from him, and destroyed. Glaring at his giggling stepsisters in pure hate, he swore that some time he would get revenge on him. Some time in the future, he would destroy her life just as he destroyed his. Saying nothing, he just kept glaring at them in total hatred. Even Judith had begun to be afraid. They wernt to afraid of him, sure that they had the upper hand. He said, "If you tell the truth now Judith, Things would be better between us. I still want to love you as my step sister. Please make that possible. This is serious and I have never hurt you in my life."

She just giggled and said, "Why, Shawn everything I said was the truth. You know it and so do I!"

As hateful as his glare was before got even more so, his eyes became devoid of all warmth at all. They seemed as cold as ice. There was no warmth or love left in him. "Ok Judith. I just hope you remember this moment for ever. I will" He smiled. It was the first time he smiled in such a way. But it wouldn't be the last. It was a terrifying cruel smile. A smile devoid of warmth. It was like something evil lurking behind his smile. Something wicked had just been awaken within him. Like a cold hearted cruel predator stalking its prey.

Judith and Lilith looked at him alarmed. "Is that a threat?" Judith asked.

"Oh no, not at all Judith. Why would I threaten you. After all you done to help me discover my transexuality. I meant, that I will remember all you did to help me. I hope you remember it too I owe you for all the help and love you have shown me in recent weeks. I am in depth to you and I must repay you for everything you did to help me. I will! " There was that predatory smile again.

The threat was clear to her because she knew she had not really helped him at all. But in the eyes of the court who was unaware of the force and torture he had endured to get him to make his false admission, There was no threat. Just sounded like a genuine thanks. There was nothing Judith could do but she understood it clearly. But she wasn't smart enough to really understand the threat. She knew she had the power now and assumed she would keep her power over him for a long time. She never considered the long term. But he was.

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