Shawn the Maiden Chapter 8

Shawn the Maiden

Book 1
Chapter 8
By Princess

The young son of a rich powerful man is abused by his step family after his father marries a manipulative woman. They subject him to horrible cruelty

A day following the fateful visit from his Mother, another woman came to his place. Shawn would learn much from her. He was doing this midday chores when the fateful knock came.

Judith was a little annoyed at getting a visit in the middle of a Sunday afternoon. She turned and said hatefully, "Well will you get the door damnit!"

Grumbling in his mind, he shuffled to the door. Judith came behind him to see who was at the door.

"Hello, I am Charlene and I heard a lot about this sissy and I have wanted to see him. "

Judith looked at her, "Charlene, sure come in!"

She looked at the frightened boy, "My are you a pretty boy. Ive seen many boys feminized in this country but never to the extreme level you have. You have to be the most feminized boy in the entre country, and one of the most beautiful transformations. I love your work Judith!"

She smiled, "Why thank you. What do you say, Joan!"

Frowning until she hit him reminding him to smile, "Thank you Charlene."

Charlene turned, "Judith I just have to take this pretty thing out for the afternoon. If you allow, I will have her back to finish her chores tonight. But I simply have to have some time alone to get to know him. And I need some work done at my place!"

Judith didn't want him to leave but the idea of him forced to serve another woman was just too much. And, She loved the idea of him staying with this very imposing woman for an evening.

Charlene looked very imposing. Standing there in her black leather pants and top. Her severe black hair pulled back. She was simply intimidating. And she looked like she would not take no for an answer. "He will work well for me. I promise."

"Good, he can be very stubborn at times. "

"I will make him an offer he cant refuse," Charlene said very seriously.

Shawn didn't even get a chance to put something better on before he was pulled out the door to leave with this strange woman. Clearly a very reluctant boy was pulled out the door and they were gone in no time.

"Don't worry, Joan. That was just an act for your sister. Now that we are alone, I am Charlene and your mother sent me to help you. I do work for the family and I will teach you all you need to know. "

"What do you do for them?"

"I am like you Joan. I have abilities too. There are thousands of us spread across the planet. A leader among us, call us children of the atom. I will teach you how to control your power without hurting yourself. Wait till we are out of town and I will teach you there. "

They drove for nearly an hour. She pulled off nearly a empty field that looked like it stretched for miles. "Here we are, " She told him. "This is my place and its as good as any to train.

Stepping out, he looked around and saw nothing but open fields and a barn. "What can you do?" He asked her.

Smiling, she said, "Watch. "

He watched as she focused and then a bright ball of fire shot out from her, and exploded on the empty field.

"I make fires. I have had it since I was born for all I know. Sit down and I will tell you all about our kind. "

They sat. "Not all our kind have it so well. I was raised in a American government institution. Their scientist did sick experiments on me and some time when I was 10, my father saved me from the place but the agents recaptured me and killed my father. I burnt the place down. Then, Later on I found out that the American government restarted the program. They had many more children with special abilities. I rescued them and shut it all down. So now, I worked for the Cosa Nostra and your mother. She told me to help you. What can you do?"

"I cant do that much. Just inject thoughts into peoples mind. Here, listen."

He focused, felt her mind. Sending his thoughts into hers, making no attempt to cause harm. "hello, I am Joan. I can do more if I really focus but it hurts me. I dont think I am as powerful as you. "

He spoke out loud, "You burnt a place down by ten and I am thirteen and cant do more than send thoughts into peoples heads. I have taken control of some but that left me totally debilitated. And I had a splitting headache."

She laughed, "Don't say that about yourself. I had governed agents training me to control and focus my power since I was able to walk. That's what I intend to teach you. If I train you enough, I think you might be the most powerful of us all. You may be more powerful than our leader Eric. He's like you. He was persecuted, except he spent years in the German concentration camp Auschwitz. You were in one only for a week."

He shrugged and said, "Yeah but I got this." Turning his wrist over to show her the blackened numbers tattooed into his skin.

"Why do you think this government persecutes boys, and attempts to feminize them?"

Shrugging, "I don't have a clue. I always figured the leader here just hated boys for some reason."

"Oh she does but there is more. A disproportionate number of children born as mutants, are male. Very few people are mutants, born with special abilities. But those that are, nearly one out of ten are female. So that this government tries its best to suppress those males with her camps and feminization. She hopes by feminizing those boys, or killing them if she resist, she will for ever take out all threats to her power."

That answered a lot.

"You can help a lot of people with your abilities but all you have to do is learn how to control it. That is where I come in. Can you feel my mind?"

Shawn nodded, "Yes. You feel very kind."

"Thank you! We need to smart small. Tell me what I am thinking, Don't try anything big yet. You aren't ready. Your brain is like a muscle. That area of your brain is weak. You don't start strength training by lifting the maximum. You start with small weights and as you get stronger, you increase the weight. That's what we will do here, start with small things and as your straight increases, we can do bigger things. Now! Touch my mind, try to feel my thoughts. "

He tried to sense her thoughts. "You think I am very kind too. "

She nodded when he added eagerly, "You like me too!"

"OF course I do. Now lets get harder. I am thinking of a specific thing. Tell me what it is?"

He focused hard trying to drive in to her thoughts. "You are thinking about my dress. "

"Yes, and?"

There was more. "You don't like my maids dress, You want me to change into something more appropriate."

"And," she prodded.

"And you have stuff in the car for me to put on. "

"Exactly. Now what am I thinking?"

He did his best. "You have several sets of clothes for me to choose from. An other dress, and, a more casual hip hugger jeans and top. Its my choice."

"Good, " She said approvingly. "Lets just communicate that way, well except for you. I cant sense thoughts so you have to tell me. But you can sense mine so I wont speak anymore. You need to work on your telepathic abilities to strengthen them. In time, we will proceed to more complex abilities. Small at first, like raising my arm but soon I will have you making me walk to places and we will see if you can control my powers too. I trust so Joan. Soon. you will be able to control that boy. Matt. Wont he be sorry. But, that will probably wont happen until months of training. Don't try to move too fast or you will kill yourself. That is the important thing. You must make sure you are strong enough to handle what you are trying to do. If you aren't. it will hurt you, make you pass out. Or even kill you. "

The next four hours were extremely difficult for Shawn. By the fourth hour Shawn was very tired and felt the pressure of a headache coming on. Charlene felt they had better quit then but she was pleased Shawn had reached the next level. She had not only been able to read her thoughts but she could begin to read her past thoughts, and some of her future thoughts also. Injecting her own thoughts into Charlene's mind was also possible but that was harder. Shawn had done that.

During the ride home, Charlene told Shawn that she was pleased. Shawn had reached a level that she didn't think she could do in only four hours of training. Maybe it wouldn't be months until Shawn could control minds. Perhaps, only weeks.

By the next morning, Shawn was refreshed and she felt stronger. Events were proceeding quicker than Judith could handle when Shawn predicted what she would order before it came out of her mouth. She felt herself start to freak out. It all started early that morning when Shawn was already wide awake and dressed in the exact purple dress that Shawn was going to tell her to wear that day.

It got worse when Shawn didn't wait to hear what she was going to tell her to make for breakfast and Shawn was going to punish her. But by the time Judith was storming into the Kitchen to reprehend her, she was surprised to notice that there was no need. Shawn already had exactly what Judith was going to tell her to cook.

She felt like screaming when Shawn said, "I know that Suzy and heather are coming over here in an hour. Can you please tell them that I would be happy if she would help me determine what to wear for tonight's date with Matt. Isn't that why she was coming over for?"

'Damn' Judith thought. How the hell did Joan know that? She wasn't supposed to know they were coming over.

"Oh and before I forget, " Shawn said. "I am glad you included me in the pool party tomorrow morning. I will be happy to wear my swimsuit and serve you all again when we go back to Suzy's. I cant wait!" Shawn jumped up on her toes like a girl does.

Judiths mouth hung wide open. It took a second for her to recover. It was an uncomfortable feeling when she began to suspect that her mind was being read. But that was crazy, how could anyone really do that?

That was when Shawn suddenly let her purple dress slip off and she did a sexy pose. Putting her hand on her hip on her hips. Standing there facing Judith.

"I know how sexy you think I am with my platinum blonde hair and my bouffant, and my black girdle corset with the straps, and matching nylons and heels. Don't I look so beautiful."

She was just thinking that too and feeling a little jealous.

Suzy knew all too well about Shawn's creepy power. And that day was creepier than ever. It didn't take her an hour before she left telling Judith, "I'm sorry, Judith but I cant handle this. Bye Joan, Please don't bother us again. Ever!"

Judith was very pissed off after that. She just loved how humiliated her stepbrother got at being feminized by his former love interest and now she totally broke off her friendship with the entire family. He will pay for that, Judith swore to herself.

Shawn's creepy laughter filled the darkened room, "I probably will pay for what I did wont I. Oh, Inviting matt will be a good idea and making me go out with him again. And asking if he can bring one of his friends too is a nice touch."

She was greeting very angry, how could he do that.

"Good, Gooooooood, I can feeeel your fear, Judith. You are full of fear. Now you are getting angry Good that is better. Try it!" Shawn said with a soft sinister voice.

"Try it, if you dare. Grab a weapon if you want. Try to strike me down with it and see what happens! I would like that!"

Judith looked around in fear. Seeing a weapon, She considered for a split second trying for it. But she soon thought batter.

Shawn's cackling laughter filled the room. Judith fled to her bedroom and slamming the door.

Good, Shawn thought. For the first time in over half a year, she was finally alone and could do what she wanted. Charlene's lessons paid off. What would she teach her next!

Shawn enjoyed several hours to herself! But it could not last. Lilith had to come back sooner or later and she caught Shawn lounging in front of the television. Lilith immediately laid into her. "Joan what do you think you are you doing laying around. Dont you have work to do? Our dinner is not made and nothing is done around here. What do you think you are doing you lazy girl?"

Shawn just laughed. Lilith just didn't know what she was in for now! "You are wondering why Judith is not here now aren't you?"

"as a matter of fact I am!"

"Me and her had a falling out and she ran to her bedroom hiding from me!"

Lilith started to say something when Shawn interrupted, "She did run from me. Don't believe it, ask her. And now you are wondering how I got her to hid from me after all the humiliations she put me though. Lets just say I found out things from me. "

She paused, "And now I bet you are thinking of ways to punish me for upsetting her. Spanking me. depriving me of dinner. But ask yourself this, do you think you can really do anything to me now!"

Shawn stood up, faced her. "Go for it, Try to grab me and see what happens. I can feel your hesitation, all the questions running though your mind. How am I doing this, What can I do, What will I do if you approach me. See for yourself. Give in to your anger!" Shawn's face wore a very sinister smile.

"I sense you were expecting more help to be here and you are wondering where Suzy is. Give her a call?" His laugher filled the house as Lilith fled in fear. This was getting very fun. But he would have to play better with the next day. His date with Matt was coming up and she had to please him. They had to get married some day so he could get out of the damn country.

The next day played out as he expected. For the most part, Lilith and Judith gave him a wide birth. Must be afraid, Shawn thought as he went about his daily chores. Cleaning the house, Sweeping and scrubbing the floors. He didn't really mind it all. Shawn just didn't like them teasing him as he did it.

Shawn had really dressed good for that night. Looking at himself in her full length mirror, admiring his bright red polka dot dress and her black nylon stockings. The thick corset and cone bra gave him a very sexy shape. Matt would love this 1950s image of extreme femininity that Judith thought of. His platinum blonde bouffant made it perfect. It took an hour to get his makeup perfect but it finally worked out.

Shawn was all ready by the time matt got there.

"Oh wow you look beautiful, Joan," Matt complemented.

"Why thank you, " Shawn said sincerely.

Being fourteen, Matt still had to be taken there by the family's driver and they rode off.

He felt very uncomfortable being in the back seat with another boy on a romantic date setting but there was nothing to be done. They road for a while. Shawn, just sitting close beside Matt as the other boy had his hand planted on his thigh.

"Where are we Going, Matt."

"We are going to my place tonight, " Matt smiled. "My family is out for the weekend so I figured we would go there. We will be alone and I okayed it with Lilith. She was very happy to agree to let you stay alone with me for the entire weekend."

Oh how wonderful. Of course Lilith would agree to that. Of course, it would be good to get to know Matt too if he intended to make the relationship go the length to marriage. So, why not.

"Great. It will give us time to get to know each other. I should get to know more about you and I'm sure you must want to know me. You forced this after all so lets run with it. Why don't you tell me about your family?"

He shrugged, "Well what do you want to know?"

"Well, what they do, how they are connected with my family?"

"Oh that. Well I don't know. My dad does stuff for people. That's about all I know. I was never very interested in the family and all. All I know is they have this thing. "

"They don't like you much do they, You being gay and all," Shawn said sympathetically.

He got mad, "Hey stop trying to get into my head, Joan. This is supposed to be all for me. "

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way Matt," Shawn shot back. "You got us into this so lets make the best of it. We can get along and be friendly, you know, like get to know each other. That will make it all a lot easer or you can be a jerk, force me into stuff and how long do you think that relationship will last. You know you can do it for a while. But if you want to keep me around for the long run then you will have to be nice. You can be mean and force me to date you for about a year, maybe two but what about after that. Think about it for a while and decide how you want this to go?"

Shawn waited a few minutes, he reached out and saw that Matt was very troubled boy. "Ok I am sorry, Joan. Yeah my father doesn't like me being gay at all. Id like to go see normal boys but my father would hate that. I would like to dress it up like you but he would freak at that. So, I find effeminate boys like you to date. He still disapproves but not as much. "

Shawn put her hand on Matts shoulder, "I think I could like you. If you stop being such a jerk and all. I know you have a lot of trouble with your dad and all for being gay. But you don't have to take it out on me. I will accept you for who you are. "

"Thanks. And I will accept you too, Joan. " Matt actually smiled. "Look, I am sorry that we met like we did. Judith and Robyn put me up to it. I hope you understand. "

"Yeah I totally understand. They have put me though so I hope you understand that I don't like being this way. I am just trying to make the best of it."

"We can make the best of this," Matt said. He saw Shawn's body stiffen. "Oh no not anything like that. I am sorry for making you swallow my sperm the other night. That was also Judith idea. I promise you that I will not force you into anything that you don't want to do. No one will be around so I can be nice to you. But you will have to promise me something?" He quickly added.

Steeling himself, "Ok what is it?"

Laughing, "You will have to promise to tell Judith you had a miserable time this weekend. Tell her that I made you do many of disgusting and humiliating things for me. Tell her that and she will love it and keep making us go out. "

Shawn laughed, "Okay I will. "

"From what I can tell from my little contact with Judith and Robyn, They really hate you. Judith especially wants me to be really hard on you. She said that she wanted to see me force you into something called fellatio!"

Seeing Shawn flinch, he added, "Oh no don't worry I wont force you do that. But you know her, she probably will expect us to do that sooner or later."

'That figured," Shawn thought to herself. "Yeah that sounds like her. I guess we had better do that together first." Thinking about it, it would be a cold day in hell before he performs that for his sadistic sister and now that he knew how to control her.

"I hope it doesn't upset you, Joan but I do think you are so hot!"

"I thought you were gay and just doing this for my sister?"

Chuckling, "Yes I am gay. "

"So answer this, why do you think I am hot. Me, being so effeminate looking. I intend on fully transitioning into a woman. Whether my sister approves or not. Will you still think I am hot?"

Shawn saw Matt going over it in his head. "Well. I know you are a boy and you will always be a boy. I can still see the boy left in you. I also know you don't want to transition and you don't want to be effeminate. I am attracted to the boy in you. When you transition, We will see if I still feel attracted to you. I suspect I will."

Well that was good.

"We are almost to my place, I was thinking, um."

It seemed that Matt was getting nervous about something. He didn't want to say it. "Well, Are you going to tell me what you were thinking. I will try not to be upset!"

"Well, um. Joan I was hoping you would let me kiss you!"

"Kiss me, well. Ok. "

"I mean, I want to give you a real kiss like lovers do. Would you mind?"

That was different and he had told Matt that he wasn't gay. Not that that fact had not stopped him the first time. But at least he wasn't demanding it, he was gently asking permission. Shawn sensed that Matt would not do it if Shawn said no. That was very sweet of him and it showed Matt was really trying to be nice. "Well, Ok. just once. "

Matt leaned over, put his arms around Shawn in a very intimate lovers embrace. Shawn felt distinctly uncomfortable with that contact but tried his hardest to not to let it show. Feeling Matts face go toward his, He let his mouth open a bit. He felt Matts mouth upon his face. The boys breath was hot against his skin. Shawn gave a soft gasp that cut off by Matts mouth upon his. The kiss cried out with a need for him and he responded by opening his lips to Matt. Matt dove his tongue deep within Shawn, searching within the hidden depths within him. Like a flower blooming, his lips widened even more.

His hands on Shawn's waist were burning against his tender skin. He slid down against Matt, melting his body against him, acutely aware of the molds and swells of Matts lean hard body against his own. Shawn felt his body trembling in Matts powerful embrace and he forced himself to quell the raging need within. What the fuck was happening to him.


"No, " He whispered. "Don't say anything." Matt buried his head into the small of Shawn's shoulder. "Talk is useless."

Shawn laid his hands on Matts shoulder, forcing him to look at his face. "You know that I want you now. But not here. I wont go any father in this car. Wait till later please."

Matt forced himself to get his body under control, "Okay, Sorry Shawn. I will wait until we get my place. "

"Um Matt, " He said uncomfortably.

"What baby?"

"Can you please take your hand off my breast too. "

Shawn felt Matts hand squeeze his breast and then he said, embarrassed, "Oh, Sorry. Okay."

The car pulled into Matts family's home. A gate opened and they pulled into a large parking lot. The place was huge. Matt and his family lived in a manor that was almost as big as the Newman ranch.

"You will like it here. I would love it if you stayed with me in my bedroom but you can choose any room you want except for my parents master bedroom. I know I didn't warn you about staying the whole weekend. You must be wondering what you will wear since you didn't bring a change of clothes. Well It just happens that my sister is away living in Florida for the year and you can stay there if you wish. She left a lot of her clothes here and she has some in your size. Matt was smiling

"Oh that's cool. Yeah that does solve one of my problems. "

Matt smiled, "Good. Let me show you her bedroom and you can look though. She has the most beautiful nightgown. Of course, I didn't care about it on her, but I'm sure you will be stunning in it. "

Her room was very beautiful, "Feel free to look around for a while. I do hope I can see you in her nightgown. "

He wasn't ready to get changed yet. She did have a lot of very sexy clothes and while there was a lot that was too big for his thirteen year old frame, there was some stuff that was perfect for him. Shawn guessed that it was probably stuff she wore when she was his age. And there was the sexist little babydoll that was his size. He knew that Matt couldn't wait to see him in it. He would have to wait to see that!

Shawn was happy that there was enough room in the room in her tops for his ample chest. Over the past few months of his hormone regimentation and the cream Judith got for him, his breast has grown to double D cup size. Learning to walk and handle that extra weight was a challenge but he mastered moving his new body around without trouble.

The sound of her heels against the hardwood floors were pretty loud. As a result, Matt was waiting for him when he arrived. The look of disappointment was evident on Matts face. "Joan why didnt you change! I really wanted to see you in it!"

"Its still just six Pm. I wore this for our date anyway. "

"Oh Please! I really wanted to see you in the nightgown!"

"Okay, But wait till this evneing. I promise I will put it on for you. Remember the car. I told you to wait until we got home!" Shawn was smileing.

"Yes, " Matts face brightened.

"Good but first, shouldn't we like go somewhere to eat. Arent you hunry, I know I didnt have Dinner. "

"OH there's stuff here to make here. There's no reason to go out. You have very beautiful breasts, Joan! I was told you are a wonderful chef so can cook for us here. There are some maids outfits too. My family is sort of stuffy so they have some old style Victorian maids outfits in the closet for our staff here. But, and please dont tell anyone. I got some french maids outfits that I like to wear myself. I am sure they would fit you too."

Shawn thought about it and then said, "Well Ok. But what for?"

" You look so damn sexy baby. I hope that you feel as sexy as you look because damn, you look like an angel. And your breasts would look so awesome in the outfit. And There's an apron in the kitchen. Can you make manicotti and spaghetti Alle Sarde, Lilith told me you are training in all Sicilian Cucinas."

Shawn replied, " I have found that I enjoy cooking. The thing is, if you can cook then you always get exactly what you want. Unless you are serving others and have no choice in the matter. But I can still put in my own spices and flavor it as I like. No one in my family is nearly as talented chef as I am. But I can make anything you like if we have the ingredients."

Matt left for a few seconds and returned with a pretty french maids outfit. "Here, I have wore it before but I washed it. Please wear it for me?"

"Oh allright. Matt you are silly," Shawn laughed as he left.

He returned in a few minutes wearing the french maids outfit. He posed and curteseyed, "How do I look?"

"You look stunning, Joan. I love you! Oh we have everything you can imagine in the kitchen. Its just full but our family's chef has taken a vacation this weekend so I have you."

Shawn smiled and curtseyed, "Good. What do you want?"

"Spaghetti Alle Sard and Manicotti. "

"I like that too so I dont want to get ragu all over this outfit?"

"That's what the apron will be for silly. "

It took several hours to make it all. Matt did keep his hands to himself for the most part. Occasionally, he did feel a pinch on his ass as he was wrapping the manicotti and the cheese together. But that was it except he felt Matts eyes on his ass the entire time he was making the meal. Shawn felt hot.

At least, Matt did seem to care about him. And he didn't order him around insisting that Shawn serve him drinks, curtsey, or wait on him hand and foot. They ate together and when Matt wanted something he got up off his ass and got it himself. Matt treated him like a girlfriend which is to say, when Shawn wanted something Matt got up and got it for him.

Matt had Shawn eat right beside him. It was ok, Matt insisted on feeding him each spoonful. When Matts place was empty, Shawn had to feed Matt. He thought feeding each other was so romantic. While Shawn's hands were busy, it freed his own hands to roam around his body. Shawn felt herself actually getting sexually stimulated by the boys attention. It really freaked him out!

Shawn cleaned the dishes after they were finished and put the leftovers away. It was a quick job because she couldn't wait to get to bed. Knowing what Matt wanted, he went to Jennifer's bedroom and put on the sexy pink babydoll nighty.

After putting on her sexy baby doll nighty, very sexy fishnet nylon stockings and the garters, Shawn did feel very much like a woman as he was walking. He heard a gasp from Matt as he entered the boys bedroom. He felt like a woman. Posing with his hand on his hip, "Well what do you think?"

Matt was speechless. Struggling to say something, "UM. "

Giggling girlishly, "Well say something silly. "

"It looks a lot better on you than my sister. Id say you look like a woman. A very sexy beautiful woman. "

Smiling, "I feel like a woman. You are difficult to understand matt but damnit I'm starting to like you. " Shawn walked closer to Matt.

Embracing Shawn tightly, Matt began to kiss him. Shawn nearly melted into his arms. Shawn thought of the ethereal aspects of love, eternal union and the melding together of different spirits. But Matts hands and mats mouth and the hardness of his body pressed against hers spoke of more carnal lust as well.

For this weekend, Shawn would know what it was like being a wife to a husband. For some strange reason, It did not bother him at all.

Shawn's fingers twisted in the fringes of Matts shirt. he had seen him shirtless only once but he could recall with vivid clarity Matts muscular chest, the small flat nipples and the tightness of his stomach.

Shawn was truly wanton and it was a pleasure to be in such a state.

Matts lips reluctantly dragged from his lips down to Shawn's throat and then to the soft vulnerable spot behind his ear.

"Matt." His voice was low and husky. Barely discernable above the beating of his heart.

He gripped Shawn's shoulders as much to steady himself as much as Shawn.

"Matt, please," Shawn's voice sounded even more urgent.

"I aim to please," Matt whispered into Shawn's soft neck. "Didn't you know?"

His warmth tickled Shawn. Shawn shivered in delicious anticipation of how that same warmth would feel elsewhere on his body. In his experience he had not been kissed below the rise of his breasts.

In truth he had barely been touched except in cruelty. His stepsisters cruel strikes against his sensitive areas, or the sales attendants that meant to bring him shame and humiliation but that was the extent. His life had been filled with cruelty and degradations. He has not been touched in love during his entire Life.

He knew that with Matt, everything would be different. He felt Matts love and his love.

"The light," Shawn said nodding to the light beside his bed. "Aren't we wasting fuel."

He eased away just far enough to look down at Shawn. "Not my way of thinking, Looking some times is as good as touching."

Shawn put his declaration to the test studying Matts thick dark hair, the brows above his deep-as-forever blue eyes, his tight fourteen year old skin on his face, considering how a prominent nose and a strong jaw could keep a man from looking pretty but beautiful at the same time.

Savagely beautiful, Matt was a prime of a boy that would make a strong man in a few years. Something that was cruelly stolen from him.

"Dont worry, Matt. I'm not going to change my mind," Shawn said softly, His fingers stroking though the thick hair resting against his nape.

"If you wont, I wont."

Was he grinning at Shawn? Oh, yes, in a silly, hot, kind of way and He found himself grinning back at Matt like some kind of silly fool.

But as they continued to stare at one another, the grins died. Shawn melted inside.

Matt gave up on refinement. There was nothing delicate about the kiss he gave Shawn, nothing subtle about the way his tongue pressed between his lips to taste the honeyed warmth inside his mouth. He wanted to possess all of him, inside and out, to ease the frustrations of the past months of torment and abuse. To do everything he thought the first time he saw Shawn laying on the lawn chair in that sexy pink bikini.

He moaned but it was not the sound of submission or regret. Matt sensed Shawn's urgency and the last vestiges of control dropped away. Desire became a wild animal within Shawn, clawing for satisfaction, silent screams of hunger exploding within his mind and his body.

He was trying to unlace Shawn's corset. God he was no good at undressing of a woman when he was mad with wanting her naked in his arms.

Shawn covered his hands with hers guiding him in the delicate maneuvers, at last taking control and finally unfastening the clasp of his tight corset until it parted. And he could trail his hot lips against the gentle swell of his breasts. And his tongue licking the satiny skin and lace edges of his bra and the erect nipples beneath the satin cups.

Under his assault, he felt the growing heaviness of his massive bosom and he felt even more voluptuous and he felt eager for Matt to rip off the remaining clothing he had on, and rake that wonderful tongue all over the fullness that extended itself because of him.

Helping Matt with the bra, unclasping the straps and letting it fall from his shoulders. Shawn eased the garment past the pebble tips of his breasts, until she was fully exposed to his eyes, hands and mouth. His head dropped back, He closed his eyes as if to say, here I am, Do as you will.

Matt took a moment to feast on the sights of his feminized lover, the thick lashes above his sexy green eyes, his blonde pencil thin arched eyebrows resting against the pale white skin, his beautiful platinum blonde bouffant hair, his graceful throat, and finally the beautiful large breasts with pin hard tips that he had been fantasying about for the past few weeks.

He had pictured wrong, Shawn was much better than his most inspired imagination.

He eased his tongue across her offered sweetness and Shawn experienced delicious curls of warmth opening inside, his hands traced the length of his spine, clasped his waist and cupped his buttock. all the while his lips nibbled at his nipples.

Shawn's young body pulsed in heat as he arched. Backing away, "Matt, we better stop now. "

Matt asked, "Shawn, why. Don't you like this?"

Her voice rasping, "Yes indeed. But this is getting too much. We should wait until I am older for this. Please, Take me back home. I want to wait until I marry you. We can still love each other and even enjoy occasional hot moments but please we cant take it too far. "

"Can we wait until tomorrow. Its pretty late tonight?" Matt pleaded.

Looking into Matts beautiful eyes, "Yeah lets wait until tomorrow morning. I am sleeping in your sisters bedroom so we don't do something stupid. Okay?"

Matt was terribly horny but he did have some sense. "Okay. I think that would be better. "

Shawn didn't want to go home to his horrible stepsisters. deciding to stay there tonight, "Ok. I love you Matt?"

"I love you Joan." They kissed one more time before Shawn left the bedroom.

Falling asleep was even harder that night. But eventually Shawn fell asleep.

The suns bright rays woke Shawn up. Getting her cell, he called his friend Charlene and asked her to pick him up. He wanted to see her again.

The morning went almost as Shawn had thought. They kissed, rubbed each other and had breakfast. Then they sat on the sofa watching a show when Shawn said, "Matt. I will be leaving shortly. I called one of my friends to pick me up this morning. Is that okay?"

He shrugged, "Sure. You are not a prisoner here and I love you. Last night was pretty stupid. You can do anything you want. "

"I love you too." Shawn was pleased that she had found someone that loved him.

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