One of the Girls - Chapter 2

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One of the Girls
By Julie Dawn Cole
[Sorry to cause any confusion but this is real hockey in England played by girls in short skirts with no padding. — except for the oranges used by Little Bo.]
Back to the story.
Rachel looked across at me as I ran on to the field of play and my presence seemed to give her a boost. She called for a huddle and a pep talk as soon as play stopped for an injury to one of the opponents.

‘Come on girls we can still win this. Now we have a full team so let’s give it everything we’ve got. We’ve nothing to lose.’ I felt some wonderful sensation pass through my body and a shiver that went all down my back down my legs and to the tips of my toes. I looked at Rachel. I wanted to hug her. It was my chance to be part of her team as well as a sister.

She said ‘come on Sis’ I’ll help you. Let’s go down fighting at least.’

Well in truth I’d only ever played in fun in the park with Rachel and her friends but at least I knew which end of the stick to hold and I knew to keep the stick down and not flay it around like a cricket bat [like a baseball bat] or a golf club. Otherwise it was a foul or a penalty to the other side.

I moved towards the touchline and some girls were shouting for the opposition. ‘Come on it her she’s a softy and she’s useless today.’

They were referring to me and assumed I was Bo. Well that’s what it seemed like so I felt fantastic. Imagine being mistaken for the girl of my dreams. I should be so lucky.

Rachel was playing like a woman inspired. She was all over the field and shouted encouragement to everyone. I never saw her so fired up in all our lives together. ‘Come on Bo get in the game.’

I ran in field a bit and the ball came towards me. I flicked it up with the curve of the stick as I used to do when I teased Rachel and the player behind me was fooled and crashed into the back of me to stop me turning and leaving her for dead. Wow she must eat a lot of meat because it knocked the wind out of me. I must have looked a sight showing everything I’d got and if oranges were real breasts they might be black and blue.

The whistle blew and she was warned. She glared at me as I stood up. If looks could kill. Rachel came over and whispered. ‘Leave it brother dear. Beat her on the field and don’t try to get revenge.’

I felt like I wanted to hit the brute the first chance I got but then I thought about it and decided I shouldn’t do anything to bring attention to myself or we'd be in trouble.

Kaz shouted for me to play more down the middle to pull her infield and let Alex use her speed so whatever that meant I followed the instruction. Beefy Girl followed me pulling at my shirt and Rachel flicked the ball to Alex. She was certainly fast and no doubt a lot lighter after removing everything from her tummy over me earlier. She was electric and I tried to follow her but Rachel shot past me. One two between them and Alex was in the clear in front of goal ‘Goaaal’ she scored. Alex scored. Unbelievable. I joined in the celebrations. We were on level terms and I’d made a contribution by distracting Beefy. Alex was over the moon and Rachel tried to calm us down.

I never saw 11 girls come together like they did for the next 30 minutes. Well ten plus me. We chased every ball and ran back to cover each other and Kaz was up and down the touchline constantly shouting advice to me. I got clattered several more times and did a few more tricks that brought us free knocks and short corners. The oranges were warm by now and felt surprisingly natural. I kept adjusting the bra but then most of the other players were doing that too so it was just accepted.

Kaz said to run to the corner next time I got the ball and take the play to their end and away from our goal.
I got my chance and followed her instruction. I went past two sloppy tackles and I was enjoying myself. I ran as hard as I could and tried to keep my head down. I never saw what happened next Ccrash bang whallop. Everything went black. Awful smell what’s that awful smell.

Oh it was smelling salts. Ughhh. I could see Kaz and a physio and they were blurred. Then my eyes focused again. I heard a great cheer and tried to look up. Rachel had scored from a penalty and here I was laid horizontal. I had to help and get back on the field. I wanted to celebrate too we were winning. Kaz made me walk up and down and Beefy girl glared again at me. I just stuck out my tongue and it was obviously her who had given away the penalty.

I never got back on the field. The game was over and everyone in our team went ballistic. Rachel ran towards me and almost knocked me over as she jumped on me and put her legs around my waist. ‘Oh Rachel I’m so pleased for you.’

‘Oh Bro, Bo you did a great job. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.’

‘My oranges were almost bursting and I’d never hugged Rachel like this before. She smiled and touched me. Oh so lovely. Aren’t you happy to be one of the girls?’

‘Oh Rachel I’m so proud of you and I’m glad to help but so sorry for Bo that she missed this.’

‘Never mind. Let’s go see her and get you changed before there is any fuss. She’ll be so happy that we got through this round. They were the favorites.’

We hugged and kissed each other and we were laughing and cheering all the way to the dressing rooms. I was floating on air. But as we shook hands with our opponents I knew that this wasn’t the end. Beefy girl was not a happy bunny and if looks could kill I’d have been dead and buried there and then. I tried to look away but I knew she was angry enough to cause more trouble.

Oh Bo you can have your shirt back.

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Thank you Julie,

This is a new departure for you but, Stan said to continue so I look forward to more of the same.
You certainly are a prolific writer when you get wound up,so anything could happen this afternoon.


Sweet Alison

Thanks for your encouragement. I did change a little bit because I try to write down stories surrounding some experiences and feelings.
I always wanted to play hockey with the girls and bare my legs in the middle of winter. As if!!


One day,

Julie,one day your day will come and there is no one sweeter than you !!!!


One of the Girls

Julie; Yes keep this one going it's great


Go Bo!

Hockey 1, Hockey 2, Hockey 3!

You put your stick in, you put your stick out.

You do the Hockey Pockey, that's what's it's all about!!


This is a fun game.

Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


New exclamation for the genre'?

Andrea Lena's picture

"My oranges are almost bursting?" A fun story! Thank you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

More! More! More...!

Ole Ulfson's picture

This is so exciting Julie. You must find a way to keep "Little Bo" on the team. even if "her" dad gets Pissed.



We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

cute, and nice

and full of sweetness. Thank you for sharing.


people don't get called Beefy for nothing!

I suspect there may be trouble ahead...... (not moonlight and roses and love and romance....) before they face the music and dance! Lovely theme. G xx

One of the Girls - Chapter 2

Shirt back? Do they know?

May Your Light Forever Shine