Crossover Day

The Beautiful Girl in Town 3 The Difference Girl Friends Make

Started with shy Bruce speaking to Deanne a beautiful girl new to town...
Bruce was helped for a crossover day by Deanne...
Helped to be a better student...

The New Girl in My Life (REVISED)

The New Girl in My Life (Revised)
By Jessica C

My name is Jeff but for years now and then I get these compulsions to see myself as a girl. It has become a growing ongoing tension between me and my parents that was supposed to be a thing of the past. It was two weeks before school let out for Christmas break, and I had an urge to be sick at school. I worked myself up to be sick so I could get sent home from school. I had weeks ago found some clothes a friend was throwing out and I had taken them, without anyone knowing but not yet had a chance to try them on.

The New Girl in My Life

The New Girl in My Life

By Jessica C

My name is Jeff but for years now and then I get these compulsions to see myself as a girl. It has become a growing ongoing tension between me and my parents that was supposed to be a thing of the past. It was two weeks before school let out for Christmas break, and I had an urge to be sick at school. I worked myself up to be sick so I could get sent home from school. I had weeks ago found some clothes a friend was throwing out and I had taken them, without anyone knowing but not yet had a chance to try them on.

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