
Gaby Book 8 Chapter *11* Knickers!


Chapter *8.11*


That's one thing the contents of the bag were not designed for, guys!

"Er thanks."

"Lets have a shufti, I didn't see what we bought." Steff hinted.

Now let

Sweet Dreams-29...Oh Crap! WTF?

Sweet Dreams-29…Oh Crap! WTF?

Chapter 29

If your life flashes before your eyes I fucking protest. Who said Slipknot could produce the video for my life?

The Drive-By… with my Daddy…I was little and I was on my big wheel just going down the alley and Daddy was there watching my from the bar’s red fire door smoking and talking to these guys that’d come up and they’s like do this secret handshake and stuff.

~Huh…looks like a hand off, seems like Dad was a dealer.~

The Ram 34

This chapter describes the preparations for the wedding and the delicate issue of briony's parents agreeing to attend a wedding where both participants are wearing bridal gowns.

Sorry about the delays in posting this chapter but real life has really been getting in the way. However it was good stuff and I've been so busy enjoying life that writing HAD to take back shelf for a week or so.

I have really been growing old disgracefully. (Hey it's my form of therapy so don't knock it.)

An Accidental Meeting, 2

Tommy was constantly being bullied in school by Randy on a daily basis.
Tommy's life completely changes when he meets a mysterious girl after school
while riding his bike. This accidental meeting... led to something more!

An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 2

by Kayla Don

Copyright © 2012, 2013 Kayla Don
All Rights Reserved.

Butchytown 1 - Part 2 - School Daze

bike.gifButchytown High School was a cool place to go to school. It wasn't unlike any other school. Yes, it had restrooms and locker-rooms for both boys and girls. The big difference was the girl's restrooms also had urinals like the boy's did. In fact the only difference between it and boy's restroom was that that the girl's restroom had a Kotex and Tampax dispenser on the wall. Mounted next to it was a special dispenser for a product called 'Stand-UP'.

Sweet Dreams-28...Oh Crap! WTF?

Sweet Dreams-28...Oh Crap! WTF?

Chapter 28

The rest of the night is actually really different. I think Alex might have gotten that the doctor thing is scaring me and freaking me out because he keeps close and he slips his arms around me every now and then and we share little nuzzles and kisses.

He surprises me when we don’t retreat to our place but stay in the main house and maybe it’s that the girls are here but we actually stay and Alex digs through some stuff in the hall closet and takes out all these board games.

Butchytown 1 - Life Can Be Hard, But That's Not a Bad Thing

bike.gifTucked away in a typical heartland, you'll find the not so typical community of Butchytown. Butchytown grew out of various experiments conducted by various secret agencies in the late 1960s during the Cold War. Given the hysteria of the time, it was felt that something needed to be done to toughen up society, a society that these agencies saw as going all soft with things like flower power and peace and love.

The First Queen in the Village 5

The First Queen in the Village 5

by WannabeGinger

An interval, call it chapter 5 if you wish, while the author goes away for a couple of weeks’ “R&R” away from it all — with no laptop!

Chapter 5 Inside the pub’s inner door

Andy and Christine were finishing their meals and thinking of ordering coffees when Astrid felt an urge which could not be contained….

My Dream

My Dream

I have always wanted my wife to help me, support me in my crossdressing. I hope this happens…

Hello Cathy are you home? Yes, Bob I am in the other living room, please come in here.

What’s up dear? Her big smile told me something was up as she said, “Bob it’s your night, maybe even your weekend if you are a good boy. Would you like to go upstairs and transform yourself into Holly? I have all your pretty clothes we bought on your bed. I want you to shower, powder up and then I will be up to help you get pretty”.

The First Queen in the Village 4

The First Queen in the Village 4

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, with events unfolding in a way that may surprise some villagers… or may release some inhibitions among others? No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day….

Chapter 4 Inside the pub’s front door

Thanks Dad for Being There - 1

Thanks Dad for Being There

By Jessica C

Daughter finds the secret side of her dad, thought to be an 'Average Joe'
Her interest to play a guitar and form a girl band, begins the unfolding of her dad's past.
Joe had been a very good guitar player but there was more...
Jenn's make-up kit had fallen out of her purse, while in dad's car...

Jem...Chapter 26

Jem…Chapter 26

Chapter 26

I take a deep breath and push Raven forward towards the van and she moves on her own after about twelve steps or so. I watch her do that tranced out walk around it with her fingers almost touching and I’ve never seen her eyes that wide with awe before.

Y’know it’s that kind of look that someone gets when someone gives you something that you could have only dreamt of having but it’s so out there you never really think about it.

Like getting custom work done for your bands travel van.

The First Queen in the Village 3

The First Queen in the Village

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, inspired by two great British Comedians, one of whose characters was (I’m told) the Only Gay in the Village. This Queen, you may suspect, is the First, but not necessarily the ONLY Queen in this village. No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day…. Now, Astrid and Christopher get out and about..

Chapter 3 Outside the front door

The Ram 33

This chapter describes the preparations for Christmas and the progress of Briony's pregnancy.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 33

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Elsbeth... Briony’s sister.

Susie and Jeffrey 113 - 124

Double Trouble

Another Ripping Yarn

Crime pays in spades for the perpetrators when Susie and Jeffrey are taken for a ride.

"Any other bright ideas?"

"Yes, failing that, we'll bop him over the head with a blunt instrument - the blunter the better."

"We haven't got an instrument, Susie - blunt or otherwise."

"The wheel brace, Jeffrey - and we'll get out the jack as well. I've just dreamt up a super enhancement to my latest cunning plan."

"That seems barely possible, Susie. What is it?"

"We'll pretend we kicked over the jack and dropped the taxi on Willy while he was inspecting the spondulicks. That'll prove to Wally we're as ruthless as he is."

"Except we don't have a gun," I objected, hurrying after her to the back of the van.

"We won't need one; that's the beauty of my scheme. We'll wait until Wally bends down to pull out his beloved Willy, and then - Kapow!"

"What if Wally's so ruthless, he doesn't care what's happened to his beloved Willy?"

"No man's that ruthless, Jeffrey."

The Fourth Countess

The Fourth Countess


By Karin Beyaert

Kurt had always dreamt about having his own castle. And one or two other minor changes in his life as well, like e.g. becoming very rich.
As so often good deeds get rewarded and wishes fulfilled.
Kurt gets all he ever longed for. And as a real man he is prepared to pay the price for success. Or is he eventually not…?
Be careful with what you wish, you might get it. And, even worse, have to keep it!


Gaby Book 8 Chapter *09* Secrets


Chapter *8.09*


There is just no way that I'm telling the girls about the Munich trip, well certainly not beforehand! I bet Bern would be having a laugh at my expense. Bern, I hope she's alright, I've been so preoccupied with Munich that I've not really thought about her today, hmm I know, I'll write to her!

I fired up my PC and opened Word.

Daddy's Gift

Daddys Gift - Book cover image Daddy’s Gift
by Vanessa Danville

I helped him with his shoes then held his little light blue jacket open for him and watched as he slid his arms into the sleeves, as I zipped it up the Hello Kitty logo on the chest of the jacket seemed to wink at me. It looked like it might rain so I pulled his hood up then lead him outside.

It was just a 10 minute drive so we only got to listen to a couple of Disney songs before we turned the car into Auntie Karen’s street and then pulled up outside.

I lead him up the path with a nervous knot in my stomach, were either of us really ready for such a drastic change?

Who Wears Short Shorts? I Wear Short Shorts!

Who Wears Short Shorts?
I Wear Short Shorts!
by Rami
Copyright 2012

“NO!” I screamed quieting everybody down.

My sister Sherry and older brother Jack usually called Jackie had just culminated a bet, agreeing to allow my sister and her friend, Donna to dress me like a girl, so that I could appear on stage with them on Saturday night.

The girls grabbed me, and dragged me out of the garage and into the house.

As they draggedme away, I wondered how I got into this predicament and I feared the consequences.

Suzanne’s cousin Clare: 10


Clare falls out with her friends
but then gets her hair styled

Suzanne’s cousin Clare:
and how she changed my life

by Louise Anne Smithson

Chapter 10

An appointment with the hair stylist

Jem...Chapter 25

Jem…Chapter 25

Chapter 25

In all those stories both porn and not they never really go into detail of the logistics of four people in a bed. All of different body types and add in the fact we’re all prone to tossing and turning in our own ways.

Kimmie…who ever she hooks up with best be prepared for bumps and bruises. I’m so sore when I wake up in the morning. The girls aren’t in the bed anymore and I can sort of feel everything.

Bruises, where I got hit, where Adam grabbed me. My scrapes from before…with Raven.

The Ram 29.

The aftermath of the 'fire-arms incident' and a brief brush with social services.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 29

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)
Elsbeth... Briony’s sister.
Daphne... Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

Sweet Dreams-26...Holy! F#*K, Did I just get A Life?

Sweet Dreams-26…Holy F#*K did I just get A Life?

Chapter 26

I love every moment now; I love every second of this now. I can’t even process not feeling that this isn’t something that’s right, deeply and truly right as we make love. I moan in his ear as he sinks into me with long strokes that fill me up with hardness and silk and pleasure and heat.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *08* Posh Frocks


Chapter *8.08*

Posh Frocks

I retrieved my steed and headed into town, I really wasn't looking forward to this! The posh frock shop, otherwise known as Eloise Couture is one of those places with the mannequins in the window wearing long dresses with prices that have too many noughts behind the numbers — and Mum was sending me here.

The Ram 28

This chapter deals with the outcome of the incident. The issue is not resolved yet because Arfon is still at large and now even more dangerous having been humiliated. Future scenarios and hopes are also described. Daphne is now 'out' to the police in Machynlleth. It seems she will have to come out fully in short order.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 28.

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.

Her Crewcut Humiliation and Masculinization

Her Crewcut Humiliation and Masculinization byTrapper_Jock_Mcintyre ©

It had to stop. She was spending far too much money on her hair with frosting and tints. The bill for her nails was ridiculous. It was as if she picked the most expensive place in town. And lingerie! For what she spent, we could have bought an entire Victoria's Secret. It was always spend spend spend, yet, she never once lifted a pretty finger to even try to get a job of her own.

Virginia in Bloom, Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"How much longer do I have to walk with these silly books on my head?" Emma protested.

"Until you learn to walk gracefully like a young lady should," the stern looking woman sitting in the corner with a stick replied.

The other girls in the room tried not to snicker. And Emma wasn't the only pupil being drilled on walking gracefully.

She found a kindred spirit in a spunky girl by the name of Maggie Madison, or Margaret Anne Madison as their teacher, Mrs. Balew preferred her she be called.

The First Queen in the village

The First Queen in the Village

by WannabeGinger

Pure fiction, inspired by two great British Comedians, one of whose characters was the First Gay in the Village. This Queen, however, is anything but gay, unless you count finding out that you’re a lesbian after coming out as a crossdresser! No such village yet exists but, who knows, one day….

Chapter 1 Behind closed doors

Virginia in Bloom, Chapter 2

Chapter 2

"Andy, Andy, wake up, you're having a bad dream," the young soldier said to his bunk mate.

"Lucian, I'm OK," his bunk mate said.

She couldn't possibly tell him the contents of the dream. She was surrounded by Confederate soldiers who had discovered her true identity. They were about to assault her when her bunk mate woke her up.

For My Princess: Part 10


While out for a ride Arabella gets a chance to test her skills but someone in their party seems to have a problem with her.

In the few steps back to Helene's side she heard, "It is just as I thought." Something in the back of her mind knew that it was aimed at her.

"Someone needs to learn some respect," Helene said in a voice only Arabella could hear. "That man has been making disparaging remarks the whole time."

"Well it is not like I gave a good display."

"Trust me there was more to it than that."


Boys Will Be Boys - 9

Boys Will Be Boys
by Saless
Chapter 9 — Verdict

Last time...
"Your honor, I believe there is a bit more to this recording that might help to clear things up for everyone." Mr. Darvin said. The judge gave him the go ahead to play the rest of the recording. Aunt Karen looked smug, probably figuring she'd won. She even glared at me with a smile, which was a weird combination if you ask me. But the smile went away fast!

On the recording I was watching aunt Karen leave the room. I waited for a few seconds and then dropped the doll and ran up to the camera, "If anybody sees this, please help me! She made me say all that stuff, and wear these clothes. I don't want to be a girl, I like being a guy! Look what she did!" In the recording I pulled my dress up so you could see all the bruises on my stomach and chest. They were pretty ugly looking, worse than I realized, really. I pulled it down real quick and look to make sure aunt Karen wasn't there before continuing.

"My aunt is crazy! Please, if anybody sees this, GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I said in the recording.

Virginia in Bloom

Author's note: This story takes place during the last half of the American Civil War. The war has already turned against the South. The casualty rates have devestated families in many Southern communities. A draft has been instituted. Unless a family held a large number of slaves, every male able to hold a rifle was suddenly called to fight for the Southern cause. As the war drug on, boys as young as 13 and men as old as 65 were expected to fill the already depleted ranks of the Army of Northern Virginia.

Chapter 1

O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes

O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes

O'Lantern's Halloween Costumes has a reputation for very 'special' Halloween costumes so it should be the perfect place for Bryan to find the perfect costume for his school costume party.

The Ram 27

In this chapter Daphne goes 'Head to head' with Arfon but the outcome is undecided. Sion is rescued by Daphne but at what costs to Daphne's nerves?

The Welsh Mountain Ram 27.

Briony... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

Jem...Chapter 23

Jem…Chapter 23

Chapter 23.


Oh…I’m actually shaking and I need to sit down and catch my breath. Mike, Mike had just about kissed me and then he made that joke so he could like take off because he had stuff to do but was it because he had stuff to do or did he make me? Does he know, or is he one of those guys that likes to toy with a girl or was it the thing going on between me and Raven that’s so a thing but not a thing and…

Oh God did I really want him to kiss me?



Written by Dauphin
A Mannequin boy gets life due to his special hair. He learns that being a girl is something that he wants
"A story that is not about a human, but Dauphin manages the human touch in a special way" Diana
"This was an attempt to write a different type of story. Another twilight type song" Dauphin


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