
Jem...Chapter 40


Chapter 40


The show was good, way more of a mellow thing than I though and yet I still really enjoyed the show and the whole little angry song hyped up bit for the crowd that Angel did for Adam was good but…

I slip over to her why she’s counting out the tips. “Hey, Angel?”

“Yeah Mike.” She stops and smiles at me. That’s one of the great things about Angel. She tends to smile a lot and she has a nice one but she will also stop what she’s doing and give you her attention. People respond to that.


When David Bowie and T Rex were making waves in music and their hair my characters find a new way of living. Another dip into the world inside my imagination. Not sure the pictures will copy, sorry if they have not.

Jem...Chapter 39

Jem…Chapter 39

Chapter 39


It’s been a good week, better than I thought. I’m getting used to this Mike asshole. Okay he wants to play around and do these little power games then fine. I get it he’s the Mounties kid, part time student the “Bad boy cop” thing.

And he’s hooked up with Jason.

Her Son's Makeover

Her Son’s Makeover
Part One

By Angel 101

Warning from the Author Angel101:

This story deals heavily with childhood sexual abuse and a neglectful Mother. I know themes like this, has caused problems with other sites in recent years and if it does here, I am sorry. But unlike some of those other stories, that isn’t the sole aspect of this story. This story will deal with it and how it impacts his life and the relationship with his neglectful mother. I have seen mothers that have chosen lovers over their own children this story deals with that. I don’t know how it will end, it could end pretty violently. This is the warning.

Jem...Chapter 38

Jem…Chapter 38

Chapter 38

I get into the house and hold the door open to the guys as they came with us and they are acting as roadies for us and ferrying all the stuff in from the vehicles and I tell them where to set the stuff.

Rayne actually comes out of the kitchen having been one of the first people in the house and she made coffee even this late and she has some of the cookies that I made out on a plate for them.

She’s got a nice smile on too doing this which is nice to see. I smile myself getting maybe a glance at the pre-gothy, pre-Summer girl she used to be.

Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

By Terry Hansay
Story line — A boyfriend helps his girlfriend in a college project. She needs to get human reaction to a shock factor in life for her thesis. The boyfriend (already a closet crossdresser) helps by wearing a bra in public under a shapely feminine top and ends up loving it and wanting to wear all “the” clothes forever.

Chapter One

Come fishin'

Come fishin'
by Charlotte Dickles

fishwalk lodge.jpg
When Kevin's boss, Rick, suggests a walking and fishing weekend, Kevin little realises he will have to act as a decoy for Rick's latest girlfriend.



Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

I've always been a risk taker and this has sometimes got me into trouble and for many years I have been an active transvestite. I am also something of a loner and in view of what has happened, perhaps that was just as well.

Hidden Jem

I spent a lot of time with my best friend Janey. I was nearly always at her house or she was round mine. We spent most of our spare time together and being in the same class at school meant we were pretty much inseparable. It was strange, at my school at least, for a boy of my age to have a girl as a best friend; but I did. Janey was such good fun. What ten year old wouldn’t want to be friends with her? The fact that the boys didn’t have much to do with me or, in fact, that I didn’t really mix with the boys made it quite important that someone wanted to be my friend.

Jem...Chapter 37

Jem…Chapter 37

Chapter 37

It’s pretty cool having the extra help with taking down the gear and I go over the tips in the tip box we’re doing pretty good. I call the girls over and the tree servers over and the barista guy. I count out the tips evenly. It’s a good haul and the barista guy looks at me.

“Wow um, thanks Jem. But why are you tipping us?”

“Because you’re all part of the whole show and the experience here and you work your asses off and it’s not fair if we just come in and get a lot of tips for the half shift we’re here.”

“Cool I mean we all can use the money.”

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *21* The King and I


Chapter *8.21*

The King And I

True to her word Heidi was on hand a short while later to help me get ready for the evenings festivities. The Residenz these days is home to various exhibitions and museums but hidden away upstairs there are enough rooms to allow several to be utilised as changing facilities for events held in the complex. I was a bit wary of changing with a load of other women but the room I was directed to was divided into smaller cubicles offering a reasonable degree of privacy.

The First Queen in the Village 13!

The following posting should not be taken seriously! It just reflects my inability to create visual images in electronic form! This is, in fact, a morning's work, creating a map of the Village - now named "MUCH HUMPING IN THE MARSH". The formatting is totally messed and none of the detail is readable. But I thought you all might have a laugh!! What I am to do - without a CD friend with computer art skills, I have no idea!! I'm gonna get back to writing!!!! Love you all! Ginger xx

The First Queen in the Village 13

by WannabeGinger

the dress

2012 copy write post on free sites but leave intact I got bored again here you go another one from me rues comments welcome

I saw the dress on line and had to have it. So I bought it.I had it shipped to a post box and if your wondering yes I love all things feminine.
I have been lucky as no one knows that I dress and have this deep wish to be a woman.
It started early in my life and has been kept a secret.
The dress caught my eye one night last month, no one had bid on it at all so with my shaky hand I hit buy now and got it for a few hundred bucks plus shipping.

How I became Clarisse

All started by a nigth event organized by a couple of friends for a costumed party with " you and its opposite".

being a male with some fantoms, I choose to transform me in femme while my wife, who's quite discrete choose to fake a Lady Gaga style.

Jem...Chapter 36

Jem…Chapter 36

Chapter 36

I make a motion for Mike to lower the lights and cue a soft spotlight on the stage and I smile out to the crowd and start to croon out a little vocalise warming up the pipes and Raven’s on the keyboard and I croon out a last warm up note to get the crowd warmed up instead of me.

“One and Only.” By Adele’s a great way to warm the crowd up for some evening café music. I take a deep breath and belt it out…

You've been on my mind
I grow fonder every day
loose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taking me so long


Names John Owenhimmer Johnathon Ernie Owenhimmer.

What not impressed? Oh good phew I though you would assume that .. well never mind. Anyways I am to my shame a crossdresser. Not a transvestite and certainly not a transexual.

How did I start? Now there is a good question. I was like maybe 8 when I put my dirty clothes in the clothes hamper at home. For some reason I got a small shock when I put them in. I touched something soft and smooth. Curiosity got the better of me and I pulled out mom's satin blouse. It started from there, just that one thing.

My Ken Doll Part 2 of 2

My Ken Doll

By Zylux

Part 2 of 2

It's Halloween, a time to let go and live out one's fantasies, even if it's just for one night.
Laura and Crystal talk Mike into stepping out while dressed.

Jem...Chapter 35

Jem…Chapter 35

Chapter 35

I’m still emotional as I lay there and try to let things matriculate with everything that happened. I slip my shoes off and actually just roll a little more on the bed and take one of my pillows and I hug it hard.

Yes I’m letting myself be Angel…so I hug my pillow and put my face into it and lay there replaying aside from the two goons…one of the best moments of my life. It’s so good some parts have me in tears.

My Ken Doll Part 1 of 2

My Ken Doll

By Zylux

Part 1 of 2

After catching her younger brother going through her closet, a teenage girl strikes a deal, one in which she agrees to satisfy his curiosity and he agrees to help her realize a childhood fantasy.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *19* Wedding Day


Chapter *8.19*

Wedding Day

“I'll take that as a compliment.”

“I mean, I'm sorry Gab its just that you're German is perfect, bit of an accent but I couldn't guess you aren't born here.”

The First Queen in the Village 12

The First Queen in the Village 12

by WannabeGinger

After setting forth into the unknown, both Christine and Andy have been unmasked very early on in their afternoon encounters. Bev and Heidi proved to be more perceptive than even the two Lovers expected. But what will they reveal to them in return?

No explicit details are contained in this chapter, so no need for CAUTION.

Chapter 12 — The afternoon that Bev and Heidi……really did!!

The First Queen in the Village 11

The First Queen in the Village 11

by WannabeGinger

After a morning’s relaxation (??!!) Christine and Andy have dressed for the afternoon’s encounters

No explicit details are contained in this chapter, so no need for CAUTION.

Chapter 11 — The afternoon that Bev and Heidi……did!!

Derby Day Surprise - Chapter 2

Derby Day Surprise — Chapter 2
By Julie D Cole

The flight was very comfortable and not busy so I had an empty seat at the side of me. One thing I found about travelling to US of A was I would be arriving just a few hours after the time I departed so I’d still have time to see a bit of New York this evening with luck.

The First Queen in the Village 11B - caution!

The First Queen in the Village 11B - caution!

by WannabeGinger

Taking things easy, Christopher and Astrid were enjoying their day of research into the proclivities of their neighbours in the village. Coffee had set them both up, as had the talk about having sex. Unsaid, both resolved that they would fore-go lunch and head for home before the joys of the afternoon.

Explicit details are contained in this chapter, so CAUTION if it might offend you.

Hillbilly Girl

Mark, a loner who grew up in a small Kentucky town, has always been a lonely and tragic figure. When his mother passes away it marks the end of his former life and forces him to rebuild as he moves away to attend college. Helped by Todd, his only friend, Mark finds himself anew but struggles to find happiness as Megan, his alter ego, insists on a place for herself.

Jem...Chapter 34

Jem…Chapter 34

Chapter 34

It feels really good to have Raven leaning into me against my back as she holds me while we finish the dishes I just get done washing the sink out when she turns me around and she tenderly kisses me and stares at me.

“You look really nice.”

“You already said that.”

“Well it bears repeating.”

“Thank you. I think that I have a really sweet girlfriend.”

“Say that again.”


The Ghost of the Summer of 85

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

Its a trip back the 1980s as Tony and Jeannie make new waves as new romantics in the summer of 1985.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

Blind Date 2

2012 copy write post on free sites only personal use is granted just give me credit for trying to write it . sorry about the punctuations !


Blind date 2

As the door closed behind me I turned and looked at Dani. "You had this planed from the start didn't you "!

With a slight soft chuckle a confident "yes "was her reply .

"So whats in store for me on this blind date? " I asked looking at Dani with a slight grin .

The lesson

I was reading another story of "petticoat punishment in girls school" When my muse decided that this should be part of the story. Oh well what can you do?

The young girl stomped down the hallway her black Mary Janes making an unusual clacking sound as she was visiably upset. She turned eventually into a dorm room and closed the door making sure it was as secured as possible via a screw trick she had learned in another life.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *18* Din Dins


Chapter *8.18*

Din Dins

Of course we weren't the only people in the room, my um 'guardians' seemed to know the mixed group of family and friends in residence, introducing me to various people that live in a world so far removed from mine that I doubt they've ever shopped in Aldi.


"Oh er sorry Frau Strechau, just admiring the paintings."

The First Queen in the Village 10

The First Queen in the Village 10

by WannabeGinger

Andy and Christine spent the evening before their ‘day of research’ just relaxing in the glow of an early evening bout of love-making. Andy remained in his Astrid mode. Christine relapsed into her married-woman-with-CD-husband mode.

Blind Date

A small short I found on my comp, I might as well post here . This is a fictional short story I have done . All copyrights 2012 . You can

use as you wish just give me credit in writing it no matter how bad it is rues

Blind Date

I could have choked Dani for this up as I ran around my apartment .

"What am I going to wear"?,as my mind raced at the notion of my first blind date. I wondered to my self if I should be daring or practical.

Jem...Chapter 33

Jem…Chapter 33

Chapter 33


I was a little embarrassed at Kim doing her bit with the sausage and I had to get the car going so I headed out to the garage.

It’s been hectic the last two or so days with the firebombing of my car. The girls showing up for this whole Sunday dinner thing that honestly I haven’t had it so long that it was almost a new experience. Heck I know that Dad loved it and Uncle Remy was right in his glory as a father.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *17* The Other Half


Chapter *8.17*

The Other Half

“Um morgen.” I offered to the woman I took to be Max's mum stood by the Cayenne at the bottom of our drive.

“Ah Gaby, nice to finally meet you, my son is always talking of you, Gaby did this, Gaby did that.”

“A um.”

“Get on with it Gloria!” the testy sound of Max's Gran called out.

Derby Day Surprise

Derby Day Surprise
By Julie D Cole

It’s not often I get invited to corporate event days since the Senior Executives in our Company have never invited minnows like me and like to mix with the millionaires and the celebrities who often frequent such events. The Derby is one such event and whilst some of my best customers have been invited as our guests there was no involvement from me save the issue of invitations and the follow up to make arrangements for hotels and for any special things I could think of for the wives that came along.


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