
The First Bodysuit

The First Bodysuit

By Stanman63

Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for


Synopsis:Many people have been Blessed with a totally new body that is free of any cancer and genetic defects as well as replacing lost limbs and healing any nerve damage. What you do not know is that I made the first bodysuit for myself and that if not for the help of my Beloved husband, it would have never been made.

First Bodysuit

First Bodysuit
By Stanman63
Thanks To Nora Adrienne for editing!
Synopsis:Many people have been Blessed with a totally new body that is free of any cancer and genetic defects as well as replacing lost limbs and healing any nerve damage. What you do not know is that I made the first bodysuit for myself and that if not for the help of my Beloved husband, it would have never been made.

A Life Ever Changing -3b- Hold Your Hand

"I wanna hold your hand, I wanna hold your hand..." -- The Beatles


A Life Ever Changing #3b - Hold Your Hand -

By Angel O'Hare

...Mrs. Brown then asked me if I was ready for my surprise? OH GEEZE!!!!...

The "napkin" man signaled someone and greeted Mrs. Brown and asked her how our meal was. She told him it was light and tasty. I just smiled! He told her that her car was ready and we left.

She then told me that normally we both would have gone to the facilities and freshened up after our meal. (Meal? She called that a meal?) I looked a little bewildered I think because she went on with, after a person takes refreshment they go to wash up and check to see that they look presentable.

"Like, wash their hands and comb their hair?" I said.

She chuckled and added, "Making sure they look as good as when they arrived."

"Ok," I said. I then thanked her for the "meal".

She smiled again as we got into her car.

I then mentioned, "I bet we're going to a barbershop."

The First Queen in the Village 19

The First Queen in the Village 19

by WannabeGinger

The answer to “will they, won’t they?” is emphatically “They will!” The days pass by and the preparations… and the excitement… grow and grow!

Chapter 19 — Are we ready???!

Jem...Chapter 47

Jem…Chapter 47

Chapter 47

I get things ready and I open about four cans of the chic-peas and Rayne’s looking in them as I wash them off in a strainer. It’s kind of cute really she looks so dubious of the whole thing. I grab a big soup pot and the food processor and in the pot I first add some chopped onion and oil and garlic and get that going. I chop some celery and carrots next and they go in and they need some time to cook down so I peel a couple of potatoes and dice them up and the chop up some bacon. Once the celery and carrots are mostly cooked the potatoes go in and I microwave the bacon on a plate in the microwave. I add the bacon fat to the pot seeing as there’s not that much of it from five slices and I reserve the crispy bacon…

Sigh…Rayne’s already into the bacon.

I swear I can hear my Mom’s voice in my head talking about Dad.

~If you need one pound of bacon for something you really, really should cook two. ~

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 3


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cause him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose
Part 3

By Shinieris

"When I grow up, I'm going to be your bride," the seven year old girl said to the older boy.

The boy smiled, "Then I will give you the best life you can possibly wish for, or I am not worthy of marrying you."

"Really?" the girl giggled, "You promise?"

The boy raised his right hand, with the other placed close to his heart, "I swear on my father's memory, I will regain my family's fortune and you will never want for another husband. But how about you?"

"What about me?" the girl smiled innocently.

"Will you wait for me, until the time when I can fulfill my promise, my dear Sophiana?"

"Hehe, of course. I will wait for you forever," the girl then kissed the boy's temple, and with a wave, ran home for dinner.

That was the last time they met each other. Two days later, the boy and his mother left the vineyards. For the harvest season is over, and there was not much work left for casual labourers to make ends meet.


Jem...Chapter 46

Jem…Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Early evening in the back corner of the Jackson Pub in Harpers Point. Two darkly dressed men in hoodies under leather jackets and sunglasses sat together nursing a bottle of Sauza Gold and watching the two McWhitter brothers sitting together at the bar reeking of fish and drowning their sorrows.


“So what?”

“Mikey’s got some new friends.”

“Those fucking losers? C’mon.”

“No exactly those fucking losers they’re cranked all to shit and they don’t exactly look like they’re the sharpest knives in the drawer.”

“And…your point…”

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 2


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cause him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose
Part 2

By Shinieris

"Are you sure about this, sis?" the woman with wavy brown locks said to a tired-looking, black-haired woman.

"Yes, I am sure. His men are very close to finding us. I won't be able to protect her anymore," the dark-haired woman said as she looked at her two year old daughter playing with building blocks.

"Are you sure you're protecting her? I fairly believe you're protecting yourself," the brown-haired woman asked suspiciously

"Please, little sister. Zul must not find her. I beg you this, for the first time in my life," the dark-haired woman held her sister's hand tightly.


Schoolgirl Mixup - Mom

I should note I didn't really want to post another chapter and may or may not continue this story as I really want to work on my other stories. However my muse seems to have other ideas.

Then again so do some people reading this story.

To Die and Know It 1/?

To Die and Know It 1/?
Lilith Langtree

For over a decade Nathanial Romanoff has been attending the ultra exclusive Red Room to sate his crossdressing desires. However, when his wife decides to up the ante and participate, the situation changes, and the true motivations of those that own the Red Room are reveled.


Jem...Chapter 45

Jem…Chapter 45

Chapter 45

I just sit there like that with Rayne for a while just being us and taking that time to soak in the world and love that I’m leaning on her and love this place that we’re at right now. I love the effect it’s having on her, I can literally feel her decompressing and unwinding. I get that. I think it’s easy to get, just try and think when the last time you sat, just sat outside with a coffee or a tea and just spend thirty minutes to yourself.

Work experience P4

After all the new experiences, fights with his mother and his internal discussions, which way will Joe go when the pressure builds.
This is as far as I will take Joe in his life, unless I can be persauded (not bullied off course) otherwise, or someone else can see his potential :)

My Summer In The Big City


This is the second of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In The Big City
By: Zylux

The First Queen in the Village 18

The First Queen in the Village 18

by WannabeGinger

The Invitations are ready, the Jockey Club knows what they want and the only question now is, “will they?, or won’t they?”…. come to the party!!

Chapter 18 — Publish and be damned!

A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 6 - Sun, Sand and Seacombe

Sun, Sand and Seacombe
by Charlotte Dickles

SYNOPSIS: Apart from sun, sand and Seacombe, there was one other essential ingredient for a good holiday for aging Abigail. Unfortunately, as she lay on the beach at that British holiday resort on the first day of her holiday, it looked as though that particular component might be in very short supply. Until, that is, the bloke just in front of her goes for a swim in the sea and has his clothes stolen. But how on earth can Abigail ensure that he doesn't go dashing off home as soon as his immediate problems are resolved?

Author's Note: To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year. It's worth saying that this, like most other of my stories, is meant to be fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site) often combined with sex and mayhem. Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.



Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 1


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and he was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cost him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 1

By Shinieris

Work experience

Schools like to think they are preparing their charges for the world outside the classroom and for many years have been making the students get a taste of what they might like to do once they leave the education system.
Joe enjoys the taste and can't stop going back for more

Schoolgirl Mixup

"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that young lady?" My grandmother asked me. I was poised outside of her house door dressed like most boys my age for school at the Smithsonian Private School. White short-sleeve dress shirt, school tie, blue pants that matched the darker blue blazer, dark socks in black dress shoes. I was caught poised with one foot in the air. I didn't have my new pink schoolbag either with the Hello Kitty on it.

Jem...Chapter 44

Jem…Chapter 44

Chapter 44

I like this as sort of tired as I am I really like this. Rayne’s kissing me and I’m kissing her and she’s on top straddling me. I mean it’s damn sexy as anything but it’s sort of not guy and girl sexual. She’s straddling my waist and her bottom is sort of resting on the top part of my pubic bone and she’s almost got that seal that girl get like that…the way she just sort of dovetailed to me.

Her hands are running over me and touching me…I like that, I like the intimacy of being touched and I go with it.

The Girlfriend

The GirlfriendThe Girlfriend
by Anon Allsop

I sat in the grass along the north side of the building and watched her walk past; I sucked air through my teeth at her beauty. My eyes followed her walk, swaying deliciously toward the little bench by the pines.

"Hey man... you even listening?" My friend Roger slapped my arm.

I glanced over at him and grinned, "Ever see her around here before?"

His eyebrows raised, "No... actually I haven't." He looked around me at the woman. "Why don't you go on over and talk to her... she looks like your type."

I frowned, "Now what the heck is that supposed to mean."

He smiled, "She's cute... not spectacular... just cute."

I looked again to see if we were talking about the same girl. "You're crazy. She's incredibly beautiful."

Jem...Chapter 43

Jem…Chapter 43

Chapter 43

I can feel it…

The crowd…the cheering them just as caught up in this as we are…waves of sound…of life washing over us from the crowd and I can feel it…


It’s like a rock movie, and almost a slow motion scene where I grab the guitar, settle her against me and turn to face the crowd.

Step up to them.

Start playing the rhythm, Kimmie’s instantly there with the drums and the crowd’s singing even before I am!

“Na, na, na, na, na, na, na!”
“Na, na, na, na, na, na!”
“Na, na, na, na, na, na, na!”
“Na, na, na, na, na, na!”

A Promise is a Promise - Sneak Peak -

A Promise is a Promise
By Angel O'Hare

Since the fire in our elementary school happened in the late summer, we all had to start this year in new schools. I was supposed to start the sixth grade this year, but since I’m one of the ‘brains’ they decided to have me skip a grade and start junior high school a year sooner.

Great, just what I didn’t want to happen. I mean I was the smallest in my class as it was; now, I’ll be the smallest in the whole darn school! Another year of utter torment, once I leave the house, get to the bus stop, the ride to school on the bus, and thankfully, quickly if at all possible into my classroom. I hope that the teacher will be there and I will be left alone. Safe until lunchtime, when again I am on the defensive until I make it into the library. Yes, I spend my lunchtime at the library, much safer and a lot more peaceful than anywhere else in school. After my so-called lunch and recess break, I wait for the last minute and head back to class. I wait with the others to board the bus; the ride home is anything but peaceful as the girls all the way home tease me.

My Summer In Wonderland


This is the first of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *25* Fallout


Chapter *8.25*


After last weekend I made sure I'd got all my kit today so when I emerged from the changing rooms it was in cargo shorts and a team top as we were gonna spend the afternoon watching the ladies race — they get to do three laps.

Jem...Chapter 42

Jem…Chapter 42

Chapter 42

It takes a few minutes for me to get a hold of myself after Mike does that whole serenade to Brooklyn and I’ll admit it. I went all sniffly melty and girly about the whole thing. I mean…I guess that it does say things about me doesn’t it.

The First Queen in the Village 17

The First Queen in the Village 17

by WannabeGinger

The Tipsters List has to be completed. The Invitations have to be delivered. Christine and Astrid’s party’s only a few days away. Is the village ready for all the excitement?

Chapter 17 — They’re under Starter’s orders!

Fairyland Trail, Part 1

A sensitive boy is gently asked to crossdress to allow his mom to go on an 'all-girls' minivacation to a National Park. Soon after arriving at the hotel McKenzie is read by a girl who gives him a mixed message. The park is a big place and he hopes he can avoid her for the rest of the trip. Will McKenzie be able to pass as a girl when out hiking?

The First Queen in the Village 16

The First Queen in the Village 16

by WannabeGinger

The first group of Runners and Riders having been listed, Christine wants to get on with the Invitation that they'll receive. That way, the party will definitely go ahead, then it's only a question of how many people to come?

Chapter 16 How to invite.... and to what???

Jem...Chapter 41

Jem…Chapter 41

Chapter 41

“Randy…Danny.” I nod to both of them as I just adjust my footing. They’re big guys and I might be able to get around them to the drivers side. I was just distracted enough that they rushed me. Randy first and I duck his swing and stomp kick the front of his ankle pitching him forward and bouncing him off my car.

Danny takes a swing just behind Randy and I lean back out of the way of the swing and give him a kick in the ribs.

It doesn’t slow him much.

The First Queen in the Village 14

The First Queen in the Village 14

by WannabeGinger

Astrid has had a wonderful afternoon with Heidi. Christopher, likewise, with Bev. Armed with ‘information’, both aim for home at the end of the day and Christine prepares to explain her plan in detail to Andy.

There are some explicit details contained early on in this chapter, so, though it’s mild, there’s a need for CAUTION.

Chapter 14 — The plot is hatched!


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