I didn’t know it could be like this. A story by Symphony Simms
I didn’t know it could be like this. Chapter 3.
I woke up in the morning about 8am having slept through the night as soundly as a lamb. I sat up and surveyed the room where I saw my cargo shorts on the chair from last night and noticed the pockets were damp.
Then I looked under the shorts to find a pair of pink bikini bottoms. I had almost forgotten that I had in my possession a frilly pink bikini and a pair of tan tights. So I went to my bathroom and put them on.
This time there was no girl in a pink dress to make me feel guilty so I just hammered it till I came all over the bathroom floor, remembering just how wonderful it felt to be dressed in Miranda’s clothes and make up etc last night.
I have never masturbated in my life before yesterday. OK I have had a couple of wet dreams but to intentionally violate myself was previously beyond me, now I found myself doing it to myself twice in in 12 hours.
I also realized that if I was going to do this often I would need to have some way of controlling the mess. Having to clean up this sticky stuff was awful. I would plan on taking tissues with me whenever I get the urge for self-violation, as it were. I left the things on the floor and got in the shower.
After I got dressed I had to think what to do about the things. I didn’t want Mom to find them and I couldn’t take them to Lauren’s so I took the bottom draw of my dresser and put them on the floor then put the drawer back.
I know Mom cleans under here but not often. On my way out of the house I grabbed a little coffee from the pot and a cookie from the jar, and headed over to Lauren’s’ house.
Lauren’s house was a good 20 minutes walk from mine, down the hill towards the center of town, across the walkway over the highway and up the hill to her development. She lived in an older development from mine but the houses were just as big, but with narrow tree lined streets and manicured lawns open to the road and no front fences.
From her front door you could see all of the houses on the other side of the street. In my avenue most of the houses had fences and bushes in front so you could not see from one house to another. I buzzed the door and Lauren greeted me looking her old self with her glasses on.
She was standing a step above me when she leaned forward resting her head on my shoulder and then kissed me on the cheek, putting her arms around my chest as I put my arms around her shoulders. Her hair drifted across my face so delicately tickling my cheek and deliciously smelling of apples.
She had the touch of an angel. She took my hand and walked me into the kitchen where her mother was cooking at the stove.
“Good morning Mitchell” her mother said. “I believe you were round at my niece’s last night babysitting?”
“Yes I was Mrs. Martini and good morning to you. Everyone is fine and little April slept all of the time I was there. Easy money for a babysitter I guess.”
I could see the family resemblance now. Mrs. Martini was stacked just like Miranda. I wonder why I have never noticed before but Mrs. Martini was good to look at and had a very fine shape. She was wearing jeans and a tank top showing very nice cleavage. She had all of her make up on and she also had the family twinkle in her eye. She was really attractive.
Lauren attracted my attention with her usual move of placing both her hands on one of mine and gently squeezing till you notice her. Lauren looked nice but she had no make up on yet. Her skin was pale and her freckles and ginger eyelashes made her look very sweet and innocent. The way she looked right now she could just about pass for 15.
“Have you eaten yet Mitchell?” Lauren asked.
“No I haven’t yet,” I said.
“I guessed not from the way you were watching my mother cooking,” she said.
I agreed with Lauren but that is not why I was watching her Mom. Mrs. Martini cooked us pancakes and sausages with orange juice which we ate while Lauren changed the subject to her new job.
Laura explained that it was a high class store for ladies called ‘The Parasol’ that sells beautiful silk dresses, coat, hats and undergarments for fine ladies. She said that they also had a department that made custom corsets for the lady who might need to pull her figure in a little after say having a baby.
They also have a bra measuring service to make sure a lady has the right size bra on.
“What do you think of that Mitchell,” Lauren said looking at me like I should be interested.
“You don’t think Mitch is interested in that kind of stuff, do you Lauren?” asked her mother.
“Mitch is interested in everything I do aren’t you Mitch?” Lauren said in a kind of tongue in cheek way hoping that she was right.
“Of course I am, but not for myself of course, but my Mom has been saying that she feels that she has got into a rut with her clothes and feels a little frumpy. Maybe she should go to your store and get some new clothes and that would brighten her up a little, what do you two think?”
“I never thought to see your mother shopping the ‘The Parasol’ “said Mrs. Martini, “but all women feel better in nice clothes and I see no reason why your mother shouldn’t feel the same way, even if she has never worn clothes like that before.”
“So, Mitchell, what are we going to do about it?” said Lauren. “Will you bring her to the store when I am working there one evening? Is that a good idea?”
“Er, sure!” I said, not knowing if I should weather I should accept that suggestion or not. “I don’t see anything wrong with that, except that it feels kind of silly, me taking my mother to a dress store.”
“You might like it,” said Lauren. “There are always lots of well dressed pretty young women around for you to look at!”
“And you will be there too!” I said, with witch Lauren hit me on the back of my hand with her fork.”
“I see you two still have a healthy sense of humor,” said Mrs. Martini. “I will be interested to know if your mother likes that idea Mitchell. Please keep me informed. And please remember I like shopping at ‘The Parasol’ too if you would like more support”
“I am working on Tuesday so you can bring your mother around to the store about 7 o’clock.” Said Lauren smiling prettily and turning her head to one side, as she had decided and we agreed it would happen.
“So while you two work out the details I have to go into the city to meet Mr. Martini on his lunch break, then I have some business and shopping to do, so you two will have to look after yourselves till supper time.”
“And remember you are here to do homework so I expect in to be completed when I get home. You two have a history of talking till you run out of time, so remember I will be checking!” Mrs. Martini said walking into another room.
Lauren winked at me when her mother was not looking. I don’t know what it could be but I guess she has a plan.
“We have it under control Mom. Homework will be completed as promised,” said Lauren as for some reason she started touching my face and looking at me kind of funny. Then she grabbed my lower lip and started looking at it.
Lauren’s mom then came back into the kitchen with her purse and keys in her hand. Lauren and I were silent as Mrs. Martini placed a hand on each of our shoulders then she kissed Lauren on the cheek and me on the forehead.
As she was leaning forward she gave me a terrific view of her magnificent cleavage and a pretty, lacy underwire bra she was wearing. “And behave your selves” she said.
“Bye Mom,” shouted Lauren as her Mom walked out of the door.
Then Lauren turned to me and stood up. “Just you wait there while I get something.” She said.
She returned with two cotton buds and some baby oil. I could not think of what she was doing, then I thought of make up. I couldn’t have left any on me could I? Lauren grabbed my bottom lip again and pulled it down. Then she rubbed the cotton bud on the inside of my lip and showed it to me.
It came out pink. I said nothing for I could not think of anything to say. What kind of excuse could I come up with?
She then took the cotton bud with a little baby oil on it. Placing one hand gently upon my cheek to guide my face toward her she brought the cotton bud towards my upper eye lid. I pulled back slightly.
“Stay still,” Lauren said with authority. “You have been discovered now. There is no use to try to hide it. Just let me get this stuff off properly.”
Then with a gentle rubbing motion she touched my eyelids with the cotton buds and showed it to me. There was a black smudge on it.
“So tell me Mitchell. How long have you been wearing women’s make up?”
I did not reply. I was trying to think of some smart story that would get me out of this situation but I could not think of one. I was just going to lay myself at the mercy of the court.
“You can tell me Mitchell. Remember that I have always loved you and I always will. You are my best friend. You can tell me anything and I will never tell. So fess up!”
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and a lump growing in my throat. My chin started to quiver then a tear ran down my cheek. Lauren moved closer, put her arms around me, kissed me gently on the eye and then she hugged me.
“There there,” she said. “If it was a bad experience you don’t have to tell me everything at once.” she said being very understanding.
”Was it a bad experience?” said Lauren.
“No” I said. “I really enjoyed it.”
“You enjoyed having make up on? She asked.
“Yes,” I said finding a tissue in my pocket and blowing my nose. “And a dress too!”
“You wore a dress and make up and you enjoyed it?”
“Yes,” I said.
“And who made you do this Mitch?”
“Nobody. It was my idea,” I said.
“And who was with you?”
“Nobody. I was on my own at Miranda’s house.”
“You wore Miranda’s clothes?”
“Yes,” I said. “I’m sorry.” I didn’t know why I was apologizing to Lauren but it just felt like the right thing to do.
“And why did you do this,” said Lauren.
“I don’t know,” I said. “I just wanted to know what it felt like to wear a nice dress and make up. You know. To feel like a girl.”
“I could have told you if you had asked me,” said Lauren.
“And what would you have said,” I asked.
“It’s wonderful to feel like a girl,” she said.
I looked Lauren straight in the eye. “I know,” I said. “I mean I only did it for a few moments, and nobody saw me, but I really enjoyed it.”
“So are you going to do it again Mitch?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” I said, knowing that now I had enjoyed that wonderful feeling of wearing a beautiful dress, I wanted to do it again and again.
Lauren took a couple of deep breaths then drew back a little so she could look me square in the eyes. She was shaping up to say something serious.
“Would you like to do it again? Now? You are exactly the same size as me and I have always wanted to put make up on that pretty face of yours.”
I felt like crying again for a moment because Lauren was such a good friend, but then I stared to get excited. I really wanted to do this. I wanted to wear one of Lauren’s beautiful dresses and look like Lauren. Oh my! I was getting an erection.
“Can we, really?” I asked.
“Yes, we can go up to my room and do it now. We have plenty of time. You heard my Mom say she would not be back for another seven hours.”
I smiled at Lauren and then my mouth fell open. My eyebrows started to go up and down in an involuntary way because I did not know what emotion I was feeling. I blew my nose again.
Lauren was waiting for a reply. Then I nodded my head. Lauren took my hand and looked at me without saying anything.
Was she serious? I thought to myself, that it had never entered my head that anyone, let alone sweet Lauren, my best friend, would take me to her room and dress me in girl’s clothes, just because I liked it!
Lauren stood up, and with my hand in her she led me out of the room. My heart started pounding and my stomach started to get all fluttery. She sat me on the chair in front of her dresser.
“Where should we start?”
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Very nice
that Lauren is such a great friend.
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Lauren is more than just a great friend as you will see in the next chapter, but you may not want to let the twins read it.
Big hugs.
Is it getting hot in here?
...I'm not sure I should be reading it then, either (blush) What a fun story! Thank you!
Love, Andrea Lena
It's great
that Lauren knows and approves.
May Your Light Forever Shine
thanks again for bringing this uver to BC.
great chapter, thanks
“Where should we start?â€
giggle. with some pretty underthings, of course!