
The New Girl in My Life

The New Girl in My Life

By Jessica C

My name is Jeff but for years now and then I get these compulsions to see myself as a girl. It has become a growing ongoing tension between me and my parents that was supposed to be a thing of the past. It was two weeks before school let out for Christmas break, and I had an urge to be sick at school. I worked myself up to be sick so I could get sent home from school. I had weeks ago found some clothes a friend was throwing out and I had taken them, without anyone knowing but not yet had a chance to try them on.

Act like a Boy or else . . . Chapter 1

Act like a Boy or else …

by Lesley Renee Charles

Chapter 1

I was walking down a tree covered lane, enjoying the fine early spring day. The dogwoods were all in bloom along the way scenting the street with their delicate fragrance. Their pink and white blossoms were glistening like jewels in the late afternoon sunset. I was enjoying my time alone when I felt rough hands grab me by my mouth. Another pair of hands held a rag with some sweet smelling substance under my noise. I started to feel to dizzy as I lost consciousness.

Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

wedding.jpgYou're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. -Rod Serling


Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Lee Parker loved hearing about his family's roots. His Grandmother has decided that Lee's interest should be rewarded, so she gives him the wedding gown that once belonged to his Great, Great Grandmother, Leeah. What Lee doesn't know is that his life is about to take an unsuspected turn, especially when you visit a relative in... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The Ram 39

This chapter describes the births of the babies and the preparations for the wedding.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 39

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.

Jem...Chapter 30 Part 3

Jem…Chapter 30 part 3

*To the readers. There’s a song here that I’m dedicating to everyone here that’s ever lost someone from Cancer. To those that have lived through it or might yet have to face that down themselves. But also this song was written for My Jonelle and especially for her sister. This was too long to put in the tags so…

Love You Jo.


Jem...Chapter 30 Part 2

Jem…Chapter 30 Part 2


It took me some time to process the fact that Angel had just told me that she wasn’t her sister. She wasn’t her…then that means…Oh…oh…and I just…

I’m not gay, I’m not even bi or I never thought that I was I mean I can sometimes see where girls get that whole a guy is cute thing but never really a same way. Like Brad Pitt, George Clooney kinda givens that’s right there in my processing range.

But I kissed Angel and apparently Angel is Jason.

But Angel looks, and moves and smells and sounds…and her lips are so soft…

The consequences of lying.

I was staring at my friend Andy, no Amy, no Andy, no Amy. She, no he, was standing in front of me in a set of grey satin underwear, which included a suspender belt that was holding up some glossy stockings. The hair was perfect, the make up ideal for the situation. The voice neither falsetto nor too deep, just sexy, no wonder I was confused.

Shawn the Maiden Chapter 3

Shawn the Maiden

Book 1
Chapter 3

By Princess

The young son of a powerful business man is set up by his greedy cruel step sisters when his father marries. The punishment for his arrogance is worse than he ever imagined. The cruelty of the nation he lives in becomes too clear to him. He is put to trial by a corrupt judicial system and he sees the true cruelty of his step sisters. Can he endure it?


The nuns error.

I am not pleased with this story so far the flow feels wrong. Suggestions are welcome of course.

"Ariel Grayson?"

"Here" I was not very entusiastic about having to respond to that name. As the teacher continued on with the roll call I thought back to how this all started.

The Girl, oops, Boy Can't Help It

The Girl, oops, Boy Can't Help It By Kozmik Alaska

Tommy Tisch, needs an act, Geraldine needs a gig. My tribute to Frank Tashlin's 1956 film, The Girl Can't Help It.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

Jem...Chapter 30 Part 1

Jem…Chapter 30 Part 1

Chapter 30

I watch Mike walk away and honestly I’m in a dazed kind of shock. He kissed me and there was this so different a feeling than anything that I could have ever described in my life.

But it was soft yet strong, short yet time seemed to slow down and it was so, so very intense. I could feel his stubble something I’ve never been able to grow. And there was the smell of him or rather the scent of a guy and I’ll admit that strong earthy musk mixed with aftershave and coffee from him drinking it before he kissed me and the lingering scents of the garage.

The Ram 38.

Daphne meets the rest of Briony's family and inevitably the wedding list gets longer.

When I am old, I shall wear purple and be disgraceful!.jpeg

When I am old, I shall wear purple and behave disgracefully.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 38

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.

The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

The Street Rat"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's pharmacy. As the angry youth realized he was developing feminine body characteristics, he began to use those characteristics and mannerisms on unsuspecting strangers, stealing much of what he needed to live. That is, until he faced a 'magician' in a crowded bar inside...THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

The First Queen in the Village 6

The First Queen in the Village 6

by WannabeGinger

After the interval, or chapter 5, the author returns to her keyboard having enjoyed a couple of weeks’ “R&R” away from it all. Some development of the storyline has been conceived in her mind and she hopes her readers enjoy getting further into life in this sleepy, but quietly boiling, English country village! Some readers’ comments have helped a lot!

Chapter 6 — back in the bar, and beyond

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *13* Road Rash


Chapter *8.13*

Road Rash

The lead group managed to make some ground through the feed and as we crossed the fens to the river crossing the neutral service car zipped past. Not the end of the world, it might even give them a false sense of security, but it was a little worrying nonetheless.

The Ram 37.

Daphne's first encounter with Jean Lewis, Briony's mother.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 37.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

Jem...Chapter 29

Jem…Chapter 29

Chapter 29


Oh… Well…

“No…I mean…honestly I’ve never thought of it as an option.”

“But you said that you would if you could?”

“I know…but I’m not…”

There’s this big knot of hurt starting and twisting up inside of me and I feel the tears slide down my cheeks and it’ just making things…worse? I’m in the kitchen, in a cute dress and totally all girl made over and everything and was comfortable too. But here I am crying and about to say that I don’t want to be a girl, but if I……..but if I’m like this then what the hell am I?

My Super Secret Life-21.

My Super Secret Life-21.

Chapter 21.


It was a rough night of sleeping really here there’s this hurt and want to curl up from the whole thing with me and Sunny then this whole storm of thing here between me and my folks so I feel kind of like after this hurricane ripped through me and I’m in that time after the storm when you’re not sure if it’s really over.

I can’t sleep even curled up like this.

I’m enhanced…

The Ram 36

This chapter describes Daphne's meeting with Briony's father. It doesn't go well. briony later meets her mother but Dapne hangs back.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 36

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion ... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.

The Amy Series: Prequel: A Girl's First Jockstrap

A Girl's First Jockstrap By Kozmik Alaska

Amy wins a prize at a big swimming competition. But that's not the only gift she comes home with. This story is a prelude to the rest of the series and is meant to serve as a character introduction for Amy and the adventures that lay ahead for her.

In many ways this is Slush Pile material, and quite a load of rubbish, but it is literally was the first piece of FTM crossdressing fiction I ever wrote, and certainly the first in The Amy Series. It was written in 1999. I struggled with including it in the canon of the series, but decided to after viewing it from the point of view that Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd didn't look like the later character presentation in classic Warner Brothers cartoons, and the Simpsons as presented on the Tracy Ullman show barely resembled the series characters. Heck, even Spock had emotions in the pilot for Star Trek, yet was still a Vulcan! It does however tie to some references later in the series.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

BUT!! Updated.

I stomped my foot on the ground with my arms held to my sides and my hands outwards away from my body.

"But I am a boy!" I screamed at the girls laughing infront of me.

"No offense Katie but there is nuuuu way you are a boy. Your just way girly." Brenda was, as usual, just being mean.

"My name is Kurt and your being mean to me."

"Katie enough already your gonna make me pee my panties." Carla was on the ground rolling around.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *12* Becks and Call


Chapter *8.12*

Becks & Call

"Where is everyone?" Dave enquired when he and Josh returned to the lounge area.

"The girls dragged Drew off upstairs," Dieter supplied, “is everything alright?”

"Looks like I'm driving back home tonight, my offspring hasn't got any riding kit, left it at home."

The Amy Series: 3 - Portrait of a Leg-End By Kozmik Alaska

The Amy Series: 3 - Portrait of a Leg-End By Kozmik Alaska

Amy and Tony discover that there's a story were the two become one, and they arrive at a perfect blend of their own. This story is based on true events and the hopes and dreams of the author (Kozmik Alaska's) - dreams that have come true. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.


The outfit

I remember the first time I saw that outfit. I was, once again, in my sister's bedroom watching her as she got ready for yet another date. I would lay on her bed and watch her spend hours, ok not really but felt like it, doing her makeup just so and then her hair. When she was done she would turn to me and say "So?"

Usually I would comment on how beautiful she was or something. That time though When she turned away and went to search through her pile of shoes for her outfit I spotted a new outfit hanging just inside the door.

Jem...Chapter 28

Jem…Chapter 28

Chapter 28

We all kind of sat there for a few seconds or minutes just watching where Mike had been. I mean he just…

Kimmie’s voice was that sort of quiet awed. “That has to be the best thing that anyone has ever said to me in my life.”

Brooklyn’s looking confused and her eyes are shining with near tears and she’s looking at the computer then pulls her knees up wraps her arms around them and rests her head on Kimmie. “I…are…we actually doing something good? I never though I’d ever do anything that’d make a difference.”

The Amy Series: 2 - There's More To Love Than Boy Meets Girl

The Amy Series: 2 - There's More To Love Than Boy Meets Girl By Kozmik Alaska

After 8 years, our girl Amy returns for an all new adventure that begins with an encounter as the laundry turns, and someone from the past returns. This story is based on true events and the author's (Kozmik Alaska's) hopes and dreams. Who says that dreams can't come true -- Koz know that they can. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

Plus ça Change

Plus ça Change By Kozmik Alaska

Kathy, a femme post-op M2F TS finds out that the more things change, the more they stay the same. When her girlfriend Casey breaks up with her, she must destroy herself to find herself.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.



I danced, moved and shimmied and full on bounced and gyrated and moved to the beat of the music as I cheered and cheered for our guys out there on the football field and we were winning. Winning is great Y’know especially when you’re a cheerleader. Well being a cheerleader rocks because even if you’re not at the top or part of that inner circle life’s pretty good.

The Amy Series: 1 - The Way the Croissant Crumbles

The Amy Series: 1 - The Way the Croissant Crumbles By Kozmik Alaska

Amy gets a job in the menswear department at Eaton's in Winnipeg Manitoba. Is the legend about rubbing Timothy Eaton's Foot true? Will a passing glance and a knowing smile from a shopper lead to more? And can you really get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant? This story is based on true events and the author's (Kozmik Alaska's) hopes and dreams. A proudly Canadian story!

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

The Ram 35

After Christmas Daphne unexpectedly meets Briony's father.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 35.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion... Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

Virginia in Bloom, Chapter 4

Virginia in Bloom, Chapter 4

Emma stared at the doll on the shelf at the store.

Her sisters had plenty of dolls growing up on the farm, but none never as nice as the one she fancied on the shelf.

As Emmitt, she made fun of her sisters, although privately she...or he...had wished to join in on the play. But she knew her brothers would make fun of her if she did.

She also remembered the words of her father: "Carolyn, sometimes I think you want to raise that boy as a girl."

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher

By Trapper Jock McIntyre

Chrissie Latham is an obnoxious teenage girl. All she ever thinks about is shopping and clothes. When her grades start to slip, her mother decides to send her to visit her Aunt Betty in a place way far away for malls and Limited Too. Can this place that is like night and day to Chrissie, change her from being a bad girl into being a good boy?

Started with a Prom Dress - 3 - The Prom

I was asked who had added the flowers. I was praised that the little touch was magnificent. I asked if they thought Jeff would like the gown. Mrs. Richards commented “He will love the girl in the gown and that you look so pretty. It will be the other girls who will compliment you on the dress, shoes, your makeup and the many other details.”

“Will Dawn and Denise know how beautiful it is?” Mom smiled at my interest on how I appeared and what friends would think. “Mom, did you notice my feet, I need that second pedicure you talked about.”

Started with a Prom Dress - 2 - The Date N More

Started with a Prom Dress? — 2 — The Date N More

I started to putting on the skirt and now had a complication.
“Too bad Jeff’s not here to help you,” Dawn said with a smile...
“Young woman I am more than happy to be here for you and share,
but I think you need to be honest with me and yourself...
You may not have planned to kiss back but you did.”

Butchytown 2

bike.gifThis is the continuing story of the adventures of the teenagers in Butchytown, a town where the boys are all very masculine, and so are the girls ... well, almost all of them. When last we left town, butch girl Kathy had caught femme girl Angie sniffing Kathy's jockstrap. With a gender bent setup like this, it can only get more complex. It may help to read the first bit, entitled simply Butchytown 1 (Parts 1 and 2).

An Accidental Meeting, 3

Tommy was constantly being bullied in school by Randy on a daily basis.
Tommy's life completely changes when he meets a mysterious girl after school
while riding his bike. This accidental meeting... led to something more!

An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 3

by Kayla Don

Copyright © 2012, 2013 Kayla Don
All Rights Reserved.


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