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A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?
Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.
We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.
Chapter 11
Diana was awake and out of bed before Geri for once. She had been more than half-awake when Geri had come into the room to remove the headphones and disk player, but she had feigned sleep. In the dim light of the morning, the makeshift earplugs went unnoticed. She'd anticipated Geri's actions to try and sneak the equipment away, because it appeared that this had been done before and she had never seen the headphones or player in the morning.
She waited to see if her wife remained in her room or if she was going to be moving around the house right away. When it became apparent that she was not going to appear immediately, Diana got up and gathered everything she needed to prepare for the day. With a huge smile on her face, she quietly went through the house to the bathroom and took care of business. She took a risk making noise with the shower, but she really needed one after his date last night and his subsequent nocturnal emissions.
The mental shift that seemed to have taken place last night was a little confusing. Diana knew that she was actually a guy named Rob, with a well-developed cock. At the same time, she found herself unable to think of herself as anything other than a woman named Diana, with something extra between her legs. She knew that she wasn't a woman, but she couldn't think of herself as a man or even a she-male. Diana was just Diana. She was happy to use feminine pronouns when she thought of herself.
The thrill of being in love with Jake, even if they were equipped with the same plumbing, was tempered by the knowledge that Geri was attempting to manipulate her behavior without her permission. And whatever it was, it did not seem to be in her best interests. The voice on the tape had apparently been telling her that she liked men and that she liked the attention she got from them. At first, the looks and leers and even the courteous things like having doors opened for her, made her feel uneasy. But now it felt good. Did that mean that her love for Jake was all a fake? That she had been programmed to fall in love and eventually in lust with him…or was it all an illusion? It didn't feel that way. Jake was a nice guy and she really cared for him; even if he did not know that Diana was a man too. What was Geri trying to do to her and why? Was her wife trying to get rid of her by making her fall in love with someone else? Why would she want her to fall in love with another man? A nasty thought popped into Rob's head, was Geri trying to force Rob into a gay relationship because Geri felt guilty because she was having an affair with a woman? After all Geri really seemed turned on when he was pretending to be the maid Diana. Rob was so confused, he really needed to talk to someone he could trust. Could she even consider Geri her wife now with how Geri was behaving? It was a conundrum! Did Geri think of Diana as her husband, playing dress up, or as a wife, or even worse simply as a house hold servant and no longer married at all?
Diana/Rob's quandary deepened when he thought, since I feel like a woman. Do I even want a wife?'
"Ouch my head hurts," muttered Rob. Diana was almost dizzy cataloging all of her questions.
She couldn't take the long showers she liked these days because she was still forced to stand on her toes or the balls of her feet and it hurt after too long. Trying to relieve the pressure on her legs and feet, she tried to rest the heels of her feet on a bar soap, just so that she could extend the luxury of feeling the water hammer on her skin and run down across her breasts and around his cock. As Diana relaxed her tortured legs down on to the soap, the predictable fiasco occurred and her legs flew out from under her. Fortunately, the bar of soap broke her fall and Diana spent the next few minutes gouging the remains of the soap out of halfway up her back door. She was thankful that she had not come down and broken anything. Except for her dignity. For all she knew, when she passed gas next, she would be blowing soap bubbles.
The situation with her legs frustrated her. She still had not seen any improvement in the stretching of then tendons in her legs. She hoped that would start fixing itself before too long. If this was going to continue, she would have to see what she could do about taking her showers. Something that would not involve bars of soap.
She patted herself dry and with a sigh of relief stepped back into her high-heeled slippers. Diana could hardly see anything of the old Rob. Examining herself in the mirror Diana was mesmerized by her new look.
'Damn, it maybe narcissistic, but I do look hot,' thought Diana. The longer she stared into the mirror the more she saw only a woman; there was no vestige of Rob left, only Diana. From a physical standpoint, the eyes were the same shape and color, but when Diana looked deeper, the image hidden inside his eyes was different from the one's he remembered. It was a terrifying realization; a once happily married man was gone forever. But what remained? Was it a homosexual man, a sissy, or was it a woman. Rob was no longer sure which of the above occupied his soul.
Looking back at her was now a pretty, wide eyed woman with high cheekbones and full pouty lips and the cute nose that she had come to like. Her eyes looked even wider due to the dark, thin eyebrows and long, thick eyelashes. For the first time in his life Rob understood why they were called vanity mirrors. Diana fluttered her eyelids, glad that her eyelashes were naturally long and that she didn't need false lashes. The golden blonde hair with soft red highlights framed her round face perfectly and fell to almost past her shoulders. The thought that she hoped her own hair grew out long enough to fall naturally to her shoulders before the weave came out just seemed to come from nowhere. Her concern over it evaporated almost as quickly as the thought itself had formed.
As she continued to study herself in the mirror, she looked down and around, admiringly. Her arms were rather thin, but she attributed that to not having had much time in the past year to go down to the corporate gymnasium. Her waist was so much narrower now and that had to be due to the work Doctor Winters had done as part of her disguise. She didn't even need a corset to give her an hourglass shape, though she was definitely a light-weight up top without her breast forms. What really thrilled her was how her legs looked. They weren't overly muscular like a lot of dancers she had seen. They looked like a model's legs. The high heels must contribute to that, she mused. And, she thought as she swiveled a bit to the side, they made her cute butt stick out sweetly.
She smiled at herself in the mirror as she brushed her teeth; even her mouth and smile looked girly and attractive. As she examined her chin and cheeks, it occurred to her that she hadn't shaved in weeks. She shrugged mentally and assumed it was a side effect of the depilation they had performed during the liposuction process. She ran her hands along her sides and down her legs, relishing the smooth erotic sensation. Almost immediately, she wished she hadn't indulged herself because it reminded her just how sensitive her skin was and all she wanted to do was start scratching. It had escalated to an almost painful level and Diana realized that she needed to speak to Geri about it. Rinsing out her mouth, Diana picked up the anti-itch cream that they had been using.
Geri had said that it was actually causing her breasts to grow, but it also helped to keep the itch in check. It was a choice between allowing her boobs to continue to develop or scratch her skin right off her body and Diana decided that she would just have to accept the side effects of the cream. She squeezed out a generous amount onto her hand and began smoothing it over all of her exposed skin. Within seconds, the almost maddening irritation was gone and she realized just how much the itch had been bothering her.
Now that she was relaxed, she looked at himself in the mirror again and admired the pretty girl that reflected back at her. It took her a moment to connect that thought and action with herself. By no stretch of the imagination did she look like a man and the only things that separated him from being a woman were her cock and her chest. And her chest appeared to be well on the way to developing a set of breasts just for her. What was wrong? Considering what Geri seemed to be doing to her mind, was she intent on completely transforming her into a woman like herself? How much longer did she have? She knew that her male sex drive was still there because she still got excited and everything appeared to still be working. If she were turning into a woman would it still work? The entire prospect of being changed into a woman against her will was depressing.
Diana was surprised at how quickly her mood had turned. She shook herself out of the depression and swallowed the fear that was building. Geri would be out of bed any minute and she wanted to be dressed before her wife appeared. She hurried out of the bathroom. As she crossed the kitchen, she could see Geri's bedroom door was still closed. It occurred to her that there might be some value of investigating the vitamin pills that Geri insisted that she take each night.
She grabbed the bottle, quickly removed the cap and shook a single pill out into her hand. The pill bottle was unlabeled, but it occurred to her that she might be able ask Tanya help check into what this was. She would ask her to consult with a pharmacist for her.
Getting the pill had only taken a moment and Diana moved on to her bedroom She hadn't had the door closed more than two minutes when it opened again and Geri stepped into the room. By that time, Diana had put the pill and the small tube of cream away in a drawer of her bureau. She loved her wife, but there was something going on that put her on her guard and until she had determined what was going on, it was better to keep secrets.
"Good morning, Diana," Geri said cheerfully. "You're certainly up early."
Diana couldn't help it when she curtseyed in her panties and said, "Yes, ma'am. I woke up and just couldn't get back to sleep."
"Thinking about your date last night," Geri said with a smile. "And your boyfriend."
"Jake and I are both guys," Diana answered. She fought hard to not say 'ma'am' at the end of her sentence. "He can't be a boyfriend because I'm not into guys." This last sentence was said with a lesser sense of certainty and more with a wistful tone, but Diana failed to notice.
Geri had noticed though and just smiled thinking, 'You may not be into guys, but it won't be long before they're into you. God I have to find a way to be there when he gets butt fucked the first time.'
But she quickly changed her demeanor and ordered, "When you're dressed, fix some eggs — make sure they are over easy, last time you over cooked my eggs. Don't let that happen again. Understood! I need to take a shower. We can discuss plans for the day during breakfast."
The war over obedience and wanting to tell her wife-now-mistress that she did not want to fix breakfast played across Diana's face for just a moment and Geri felt some satisfaction when obedience won. It appeared that her husband was incapable of refusing a direct command.
"Yes, ma'am," Diana answered, unable to avoid a curtsey this time.
Geri smiled with some genuine warmth at her servile husband and left the room. Diana finished dressing by fastening a bra around her chest and pulling on a simple housedress. The bra was somewhat too large, but it provided her growing breasts with some protection from the coarseness of the cotton dress.
She walked back out to the kitchen to organize breakfast. She could hear Geri just starting the shower, so she knew that she had sometime before breakfast needed to be ready. Eggs and toast were a simple meal to prepare and she was just starting everything when she heard the shower stop. She was somewhat proud of herself that she was putting a large plate of eggs and toast on the table at the same time as Geri was finishing in the bathroom.
Diana placed a cup of coffee in front of Geri's place and stood back. Over the past few days, Geri had made it clear that she was expected to conduct herself like a domestic servant and she found herself falling into the role. As a result, she had not set a place for herself at the table and expected that she would have to wait until Geri was done. Even then, she would have to eat her meal in the kitchen.
Geri took her seat at the table and looked up at Diana. "I meant for you to join me at breakfast Diana. I'm sorry if I did not make that clear." Her tone of voice seemed that she was talking to a child and that Diana should have known her intention. Diana just nodded and went out to the kitchen to retrieve a place setting and a glass of milk for herself. She quickly took a seat at the table opposite Geri and took a helping of the eggs and toast from what Geri had left.
To ensure there was no opportunity for backtalk, Geri waited for Diana to take a mouthful of food, and then began her list of what she had planned for the day. "Diana, I realized last night when you came home that you were not wearing earrings." Diana acknowledged this fact with a careful nod and Geri continued. "I saw a listing in the phone book for a shop in the mall that does piercings and tattoos."
Diana again just acknowledged Geri's statement with a nod. She was suddenly terrified that Geri would decide on something outrageous like a navel ring or a stud through a nipple.
"I thought that it might be nice if you went in and got your ears pierced. Don't let them talk you into some drab studs, I want to see bling. Make sure that you get some nice flashy dangly earrings too. I also think that it's time for a tattoo. You know something on your lower back, just above your butt? I think that they call it a tramp stamp. I think that they're very sexy. You can pick out the design, something femmy I think for our new girl."
Diana listened numbly, feeling like she wanted to cry. Now she knew that her wife had intended to humiliate her with the garish nails and sloppy hair weave. Those were easily removed. Even the holes from the earrings would eventually heal, but a tattoo was not readily reversible. With a tramp stamp and gaudy earrings, she really would project the image of a tramp.
"But Geri, I thought the idea was for Diana to blend in, not stand out!"
Geri didn't dignify the question with a response. She merely gave Diana a stare of contempt.
Diana got the message and to avoid possible horrendous consequences immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, mistress; I realize you know what's best."
Diana realized that for now, all she could do was acknowledge her wife's plans and obey. A feeling of utter helplessness settled over her and Geri's voice disappeared into the distance. She knew that her eyes were open, but her sight suddenly seemed to be gone.
Suddenly, her vision and hearing returned. Geri was looking at her like she was afraid that there was something wrong with her and her hand was shaking her arm, trying to get her attention.
"What…what happened?" Diana gasped.
"I don't know!" Geri said, concerned. "One moment you were looking at me and nodding. Then your eyes seemed to roll back in your head and you were just sitting there. Are you all right?"
"Yes," Diana said quietly. "I was just thinking and I guess that I just zoned out. I really do not want to get my ears pierced or get a tattoo."
Geri just waved her hand in dismissal of his complaints. "Darling, you are a girl now. You would look strange if didn't have pierced ears. Look around you, how many woman do you see without pierced ears? As for the tattoo, just think of it as art and it will be something we can tell our kids about when we're old and gray, besides I know I am going to find it sexy. And you know what that means!"
Diana nodded slowly. A still small voice spoke to her. Diana was beginning to question the whole 'dress up like a girl to hide from the bad guys' scenario. Diana, for the life of her, couldn't understand why, but she suspected Geri's real goal was humiliate him and to make him look and act like a slutty streetwalker. Diana needed to speak to someone to help her come to terms with it. She realized that she needed a woman's thoughts on this; Jake wouldn't be able to comprehend something like this. Tanya was the only she could think of. Maybe she could meet her at the mall.
Diana sat quietly through the rest of the meal, but Geri never noticed. She continued to chatter on about earrings and tattoos. She ran down about the same time as she finished eating. She left the table and directed Diana to clear the table and do the dishes. She vanished into her room to finish brushing her hair and dressing. By the time she finished, Diana had cleaned everything up and had gone back to her room to dress for her trip to the mall.
She decided upon a light yellow chiffon top that went well with the blue skirt that she pulled out of the closet. It seemed to her that most of the skirts Geri had bought ended about four inches above her knee. Knowing that Geri was doing something to her mind, she reflected that she shouldn't too surprised at the apparent lack of modesty that her wardrobe provided. It just served to increase her sadness and depression at the whole situation. She realized that she might be required to remove her blouse to receive the tattoo, so she decided to use the adhesive to attach her breast forms. It only took moments to apply the glue, attach the forms properly, and slip her bra back on. After pulling on the blouse and skirt, she selected the blue heels that went with the skirt. She quickly applied some blush and lipstick, leaving it at that. The effect was an attractive, but just-understated twenty-something woman. Running a brush through her hair, she pronounced herself ready to go.
Keeping an eye on the bedroom door, Diana took her vitamin pill, tube of cream and Jake's cell phone and stuffed it them in the empty space in her bra, fearing Geri might check her purse. She was glad that she had bothered to set it to charge before leaving on her date yesterday. She would be able to call Tanya once she left the house. The remaining contents of her purse were a makeup compact, a tube of her lipstick, and the tampons Geri had put in. She wasn't sure why she would want them, but something told her that it would be wise to leave them there.
Satisfied that she was ready to leave the house, she walked out into the dining room. Geri had gone back to her room for some reason, so Diana took a seat at the dining room table. She was certainly in no hurry to rush out to follow Geri's orders. At the same time, it seemed natural to her that he would allow these things to be done to her. Why just didn't seem to be important at the moment.
When Geri appeared almost half an hour later, she was surprised to find Diana at the table. "Why are you still here?" she asked, trying to figure out if she should be angry or not.
"I was waiting for you permission," Diana replied, as she quickly stood up, like a good maid.
Geri raised her eyebrows, not sure whether to believe her or not, even though the explanation was reasonable enough. "Well, you have my permission, so just go." Neither one pointed out that Diana could have taken the initiative of approaching Geri to ask her permission.
Having run out of excuses to not leave, Diana was finally forced to pick up her purse and go. For a moment, Diana was afraid that Geri had decided to come along this time, just so that she could watch her husband get his first set of earrings and a tattoo. She didn't think that she could live with the humiliation if Geri was watching her. But Diana had completely misread the signals because her wife did not follow her out the door. Instead, Geri watched Diana from the back of the house, her cell phone cupped in her hand, anxious to talk to her lover Evan and update him on their progress.
Diana pulled out of the driveway and headed toward the mall. Once she was out of the sight of the house, she pulled over to the curb and retrieved the phone from her bra to call Tanya. She was completely oblivious to the presence of the black car that pulled over at the same time, about half a block behind her.
"Hi, Tanya. How are you?" Diana was really happy to hear her voice and it must have come across to Tanya.
"Diana! I was just thinking about you." It was something that women always seemed to say to each other when they started a phone conversation. Diana knew that she had heard Geri say it numerous times.
"Are you okay?" Tanya asked, picking up on the tone of Diana's voice. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, Tanya! I think that my roommate is doing something to me and I'm not sure what!" Diana had already thought about what she could say to Tanya. She couldn't tell Tanya that Geri was her wife or Diana's mistress, so Geri had to be Diana's roommate.
"Diana? What are you talking about?" Tanya was very concerned about her friend.
"I think that she is doing something to me and making me want to obey her," Diana said weakly. "I have to go get my ears pierced and a tattoo now."
"Diana! I don't understand what you're talking about! Where are you going?"
"I'm headed to the mall. Geri knows that there is a piercing and tattoo outlet there, so she wants me to go there."
"I know the place," Tanya said. "I'll meet you there in an hour. I need to get a sitter for the kids. Don't do anything until I get there! Okay?"
Diana felt relieved and grateful and maybe even a little giddy at the thought of being around Tanya. She readily agreed to wait for her and continued on her way to the mall. The car tailing her started up a few moments later.
* * * * *
Diana was sitting on a bench near the tattoo parlor when Tanya came trotting up. She had obviously broken speed limits because she got there in far less than an hour. Diana looked depressed rather than distressed, but her face literally lit up when she saw Tanya hurrying toward her. They exchanged hugs and then Tanya held her friend out in front of her.
"What were you talking about?" Tanya looked into Diana's eyes searchingly. "You said something about getting your ears pierced and a tattoo. I got the impression that you didn't want to though."
"That isn't it. I guess that I don't mind getting my ears pierced and even the tattoo," Diana said. "But she wants me to get slutty earrings and some kind of tramp stamp. I don't want to be slutty; I want to be a lady." Tears were welling up in her eyes and her voice was breaking.
"Oh, honey," Tanya pulled Diana into a tight hug. "I'm not going to let anyone turn you into a slut. I'll help you. Come on; let's go see about getting you taken care of."
They turned toward the store and walked in, arm-in-arm. The young man behind the counter looked up and smiled as they walked in, seeing two lesbians with their arms around the other's waist. "Can I help you ladies?"
Diana smiled politely at him and said, "My roommate at home convinced me to get my ears pierced and to see about getting a tattoo."
"Certainly. How many holes are planning on? We can do your ears first and then we can see what kind of tattoo you would like."
"I think that I would only want one hole in each ear," Diana said. "I want to make sure that I look proper for work."
"Sure, we can do that right away," the man said. "If you will come over here, we'll take care of it." He gestured to a chair just behind the counter and Diana took a seat. In almost no time, he had used an ear piercing gun to pierce her ears and insert the keepers. He led Diana over to a display of all kinds of ear jewelry. There were small, tasteful studs that were practically invisible all the up to gaudy, dangly monstrosities that would hang at least three or four inches from the ear lobe. Diana knew that she wanted tasteful over slutty and selected a pair of pearl studs attached to silver posts. She quickly swapped out the keepers for the pearl studs and admired herself in the mirror.
When she modeled them for Tanya, she was rewarded with an approving smile and a nod. "Those pearls look really classy dear. With your coloring, sapphires and emeralds will make you look like a princess." She gave Diana a loving hug and said, "I'd kill to have your skin and hair."
It was when they were led over to the desk holding books of tattoo stencils that Diana looked to Tanya for help. They were able to eliminate almost half the books immediately because their contents were too gaudy or what the two women thought of as inappropriate for a 'lady'.
"What kind of design are you looking to get, ma'am?" the cashier asked. "If you can give me an idea of what you want and where you think you want it applied, I can help you go through these books a little faster."
"I really don't know," Diana said. "I don't want anything offensive or really big." Diana looked at Tanya and said, "I'm not even sure where I want it. Do you have a suggestion?"
"Well, when I was young and silly, I got one put in a somewhat embarrassing place. That way, I didn't have to worry too much about my parents seeing it and giving me a hassle. The only ones who have ever seen it is the girl that gave it to me, my OBGYN and my ex-husband Jerry."
Then in a playful manner Tanya said, "If you play your cards right I may give you a private showing."
The male in Rob briefly bubbled to the surface as she responded, "Promises, promises."
Without a clear idea of what they wanted, all they could do was leaf through the pages of stencils. Diana was almost through her book when she stopped and gasped. Tanya looked over to see an entire page of birds displayed.
"Which one?" Tanya asked, looking at Diana's expression. Diana had a far-away look in her eyes as she pointed to a rather colorful design.
Tanya craned her neck to read that Diana was pointing to a phoenix. "Why that one?"
"A phoenix is a symbol of renewal and resurrection. I'm coming out of a low spot in my life and opening my wings. It just feels right to have it be a phoenix." She lowered her voice and said, "As long as it isn't too big."
"But Diana! You could have this done across your entire back! And, if you do it properly, the tail feathers could extend down your legs."
Diana looked at her friend with an expression that was a combination of shock, fear, and betrayal. Before she could begin to voice her rather loud objection, Tanya's smile broke across her face.
"I was only teasing dear. Yes, you could have it done as a whole-body tattoo, if you wanted. But it would take weeks to do. I think that would be a beautiful tattoo at any size though. Where are you going to put it and how big do you want it?"
"I'm not sure if I want it on my shoulder or my butt cheek. But I know that I don't want it any larger than the palm of my hand. Do you think that would look okay?' Diana held out her hand to model the size that she wanted.
Tanya nodded, smiling. "I think that would be a good size and, if you put it on your butt, it would only be something you would show off at the pool or the beach. If you put it on your shoulder, you would never be able to go strapless without everyone seeing it."
Diana nodded happily. She waved at the cashier and they quickly made arrangements to have her butt turned into a work of art. A woman named Micala came of out the back of the store and was introduced as the artist who would be applying her tattoo. Satisfied that things were organized properly, Diana and Tanya were escorted back to the artist's work station.
Standing there, looking at the bench and chair in Micala's work area, Diana's eyes were drawn to the counter where the various vials of inks and applicators sat. She felt a familiar tremor in her knees as she knew that this visit would not be without pain. Her vision seemed to become gray as she remembered the visit to the dentist when she was young. The dentist had not injected the Novocain properly when he began a root canal. The smell of the dentist's office always seemed to come back to her when the memory surfaced, punctuated by the incredible pain that Rob had experienced when the doctor had forced the probe into the still live nerve. Rob had practically stood up in the chair screaming. That one memory was still with him today and caused him panic attacks when he was in situations like these.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Micala asked. She had seen this kind of reaction before when customers realized that they were actually going to have inked injected into them by a little needle, multiple times.
Diana shook her head sharply. "I'm sorry, Micala. I have to tell you that I'm extremely sensitive to pain. Just the thought of needles makes me hyperventilate. I'm afraid that I will be jumping quite a bit."
Micala smiled back at her and said, "That's okay girlfriend. I've had experience with that kind of problem before and I use an herbal anesthetic to ease the pain. You wouldn't believe the number of macho guys I've had in here who cry like little girls when I touch them with the needle and I have to put this stuff on. We'll just start out with it and you should be fine."
Knowing that it would take some time to apply the tattoo, Diana made use of the restroom first. She had realized that the presence of the gaffe might present a problem, so she slipped it off and made sure that she was well tucked before she stepped back out. Before she knew it, Micala had her laid out on the table and the herbal cream was applied to her exposed buttock. While she allowed it take effect, Micala used a computer workstation to print out a stencil of the tattoo Diana wanted. She positioned the stencil on her creamy white cheek and used mirrors to show her where it would be for the rest of her life.
Once Diana and Tanya agreed upon the positioning, Micala applied a light transfer solution to the skin and pressed the stencil against it. Diana found the pressure and heat of Micala's hand against her butt to be rather arousing. She was glad that she was lying on the table, face down, or it would have been embarrassing for everyone. As it was, Diana could feel her breasts and nipples hardening in arousal.
Micala carefully peeled off the stencil to reveal the clear outline of the tattoo she would be applying. "Now, did you want to change the coloring at all? Now is the time to make the final decisions because it will be harder to change it later. Not impossible, but you would need multiple visits to change the color."
Diana and Tanya were both happy with the colors of the example and decided that would be fine. Over the next two hours, Micala worked to outline the entire tattoo and then began the work to fill in the color. About halfway through, she was forced to reapply the anesthetic for Diana as she started feeling the needle too intensely. The alternative would have been to quit and have Diana return later. Diana could not apologize enough for her sensitivity and was almost in tears. Micala took it all in stride and Tanya comforted her friend with a hug.
Once Micala pronounced her work completed, she used a mirror to allow Diana to see her body art. There, on the side of her buttock, was a tasteful, palm-sized blue, green and gold bird rising up out of red and yellow flames. Diana was thrilled with the results and used most of the cash Geri had given her to pay for the tattoo and to give Micala a hefty tip. Micala explained that she should keep it covered for the rest of the day to keep it from drying out and gave Diana some extra bandages.
The two women left the store the same way they had entered, arm-in-arm. To show her appreciation for the encouragement she provided, Diana treated Tanya to lunch. Diana started to have second thoughts on the tattoo's location as she realized that she preferred to stand during lunch. Fortunately, Tanya understood the problem and they stood at a counter to eat and talk.
Diana found herself relaxing in the same way she had the night before with Jake. It turned out that Tanya had dropped the kids off with Jill in a whirlwind of a hurry and she had arranged it so that she could spend as much time as necessary with Diana, because she did not know what crisis Diana found herself in.
Over lunch, Tanya questioned Diana about her roommate. She found it hard to believe that Geri was actually brainwashing Diana and making her do things. Diana stretched the truth somewhat when she stated that her roommate was her business partner and that she was afraid that the brainwashing might have something to do with her trying to take over the business.
"I'm not sure what is going on anymore Tanya," Diana said, her voice faltering. Looking embarrassed, she continued, "Last night I had a strange dream where I was giving Jake a blow job and when I woke up I found a set of headphones over my ears playing a message to me that seemed to be encouraging me to act like a slut."
"Are you sure?" Tanya asked. "It wasn't just part of a long dream?"
"I'm sure. I made some earplugs out of wet tissue and I was awake when Geri came in to remove the headphones and a tape player. There are some things that I can't tell you right now, but I think that she has been feeding me some kind of drug before bed and then trying to program me with taped messages."
Tanya sat back in the booth, looking at her friend. Diana didn't look like an unbalanced person, she really sounded like she thought that something was being done to her.
"I brought some things with me because I was hoping that you could help me check them out," Diana said, reaching into her purse. She took out the tube of cream and the plastic bag she had put her vitamin pill in and slid them across to Tanya. Tanya looked at the items and then up to Diana's face.
"My roommate, Geri, has been feeding me these vitamins for the past year at night. The cream is anti-itch cream that I need because my skin has been really sensitive recently. I just get the feeling that this stuff might not be what she tells me it is. Do you know anyone who could analyze this for me?"
Tanya nodded briefly and pulled the bag holding the pill over to her. She looked closely at it and said, "I know a little bit about prescription medicine. This pill has a code printed on it, so I don't think that it is something you just buy off the shelf." She looked at the tube Diana had placed on the table and said, "And this tube of cream has a code number imprinted in the seam. I don't think this is over-the-counter either."
She looked up at Diana with a far less suspicious expression and said, "Diana, I think that these are both prescription medications of some sort. Did a doctor write a prescription of some sort for you?"
Diana's eyes grew wide and she shook her head slowly. "Does this mean that Geri might be trying to drug me?"
"Maybe…I just don't know, dear," Tanya said, shrugging. "My ex-husband was a pharmacist and when he walked out on us, he left a number of reference books around the house. "There are some books I can check to tell you more."
They had been standing for well over an hour and Tanya could see that Diana was starting to fidget. She smiled and said, "I can see that you need to get home and rest your butt. If you aren't busy tomorrow, do you want to be my guest at my day spa? I promise that you'll like it."
Tanya's tone was hopeful and Diana could tell that she was afraid that Diana would turn her down.
"I would love to come to the spa with you, Tanya. What time should I meet you there?" Diana's eyes met Tanya's coyly.
* * * * *
Diana got home about forty-five minutes later and took the time to park the car in the garage. She entered the house via the door in the garage and found Geri sitting in the living room relaxing. The car that had been following her drove on past the house and disappeared around the corner.
"So…I see that you got your ears pierce like I wanted you to. Why didn't you get the dangly earrings like I suggested?"
Diana thought for a moment and said, "I wasn't comfortable with the selection they had, so I just opted for the pearl studs instead. Don't you think that they look nice?" Diana flipped her hair to better display her jewelry.
"Yes, dear. They do look nice on you. Did you get the tattoo like I wanted you to?"
Diana knew that this would be more of a problem than the earrings and she hesitated.
"Well? Let's see it." Geri snapped.
Diana turned to the side and lifted her skirt to display the colorful bird rising from the flames. "It's a phoenix. It just felt right, so I decided to get it instead."
Geri's eyes narrowed. This was not what she had ordered her girly husband to do at all. He was to have come how with gaudy, tasteless earrings swinging from his ears and a tattoo stretched across the top of his ass. Instead, he was sporting a pair of pearl posts in his ears and a rather attractive tattoo on his right butt cheek.
"This isn't what I ordered you to do at all. Why didn't you get the tattoo I instructed you to get?" Her voice was tight and she was ready to begin yelling.
"I felt that the tattoo you had suggested wasn't really classy. I wanted something that a lady might be willing to wear and I put it in a location that would make it visible only when I was at the pool or the beach." This time, Diana met Geri's eyes proudly, almost defiantly.
Seeing Diana's behavior concerned Geri. It almost looked like Rob might be fighting the programming that Geri was attempting to impose and something needed to be done about it. She needed to speak with Evan to see what they could do.
"Diana, I got a call from the federal marshals today and they need to speak to me tomorrow. Do you think that you will be able to do without me around here tomorrow?"
"Of course, ma'am,' Diana said. "I was going to tell you that Tanya invited me to be her guest at her spa tomorrow and find out if it would be acceptable for me to go."
This development fit in nicely with Geri's needs. With Diana out of the house, she could have Evan come here to help her check the equipment, among other things. "That sounds fine, Diana. However, you will need to plan to be gone until about five in the afternoon. I'll have the key to the house with me."
"Yes, ma'am," Diana responded as she curtseyed.
* * * * *
Meanwhile in the black car, Jim pulled into a small parking lot to dial Sally's cell phone and waited for her to answer. Unfortunately, it went to voice mail, so Jim said, "Sally, this is Jim. I'm not sure what is up with your friend here. He left the house looking like a young preppy woman and spent the day at the mall with a woman. I don't know this person is...I just know that it wasn't his wife. I don't know whether to call your friend a him or a her at this point. I know that he is a guy, but this person really fills out a dress very well now, wears high heels with the grace of a ballet dancer and the face looks nothing like his picture that you provided me.
"I know that this is your friend because I recognize him or her from earlier in the week. _She_ just spent an hour in a tattoo parlor, but I'm not sure what happened there. Sally, this does not appear to be someone hiding from the police but someone living a totally different life. We need to talk about what is going on here before I go any further.
"Call me."
Jim broke the connection and sat thinking for a few minutes. From what he had been told, this guy was a straight arrow and had never given Sally any hint of interest in an alternate lifestyle. But, coupled with the fact that his wife and his business partner appeared to have connections with the Mob and that he did not, he wondered if Sally's friend was really the same person any more. He wished that he could get some information about that clinic that seemed to be where so much of this had started.
Memories from his time in the army niggled at the back of his mind. He remembered sessions that discussed how prisoners of war had been brainwashed. He was not an expert, but Sally's friend sure seems to be showing the symptoms of something like that. Jim really debated if he should mention that to Sally. He made a note to research the subject when he got a chance.
Chapter 12
Diana's pearl studs and phoenix tattoo appeared to have rattled Geri. Her wife didn't bother with any of the somewhat cruel teasing that she had been subjected to over the last few days. Instead, Geri complimented her on the selection of a tattoo and told her again that her earrings were pretty. Geri then asked Diana to please start preparing dinner. It almost seemed to Diana as if Geri was doing anything she could to avoid making her upset.
While Diana changed into a plain housedress and apron, Geri vanished into her bedroom. Diana busied herself in the kitchen to make a light meal. She found herself humming happily as she chopped lettuce for salads. She found cooked chicken in the freezer that she thawed to make Cobb salads.
As she worked, she could see that they were running low on some groceries, so she began writing up a shopping list. It was second nature to her because Rob used to do most of the shopping for food and much of the cooking. She enjoyed working in the kitchen as much as Rob did at home. She found that she could work on preparing dinner at the same time as she compiled her grocery list in her head. It was funny that Rob seemed to have the same kind of talent to be able to enjoy a football game at the same time as he could analyze investment strategies for a client and also compute betting odds for each team that was playing.
Diana just had an ‘ah haw’ moment when she realized she was thinking of herself as Diana instead of Rob and also thinking in feminine terms. She wondered when that metamorphosis occurred, it did not seem strange to her at all. In fact, it seemed normal and comfortable to her.
While Diana was working away on dinner, Geri was making a worried phone call to her real husband.
"Evan! ...I think that the programming I'm doing on Rob is breaking down!" Geri was practically frantic. She could envision the scam that she had planned coming down around their ears, somehow she had lost control of the person they were trying to frame.
Evan was a little calmer, even though the prospect of losing their patsy concerned him. "Are you sure? What's happened?"
"I sent him out today to get his ears pierced and to get the tattoo."
"What happened after that?"
"He was supposed to end up with some gaudy dangling things on his ears and a tramp stamp across the top of his butt. Instead, he came home with pearl studs in his ears and a tasteful little something on his right butt cheek!"
"But he still went and followed through on the instructions right?" Evan asked. "It sounds to me like perhaps he isn't resisting the tapes and there is something wrong with the tapes or the player instead."
"Maybe. We need to check it out though. He's got a spa date tomorrow with one of his girlfriends that he's met here in town. Why don't you come down here tomorrow morning and help me figure this out?" Geri was calmer now and the tone of her voice indicated that they would not be working on just the tape player.
"Hmm…That sounds like it might be fun. How about getting him out of the house by ten and I'll be there by eleven. Do you think you can keep him away for a while?"
"I told him that I had to meet with the government agents tomorrow and that he should not be home before five in the afternoon because I would have the house key. The poor dear didn't even suggest coming along with me or suggest that he take the house key with him. He's quite a ways gone, that is why this rebellion with the tattoo is so surprising. We need him to fully embrace these next tapes for him to really be our fall guy."
Geri could almost see Evan nodding as he said, "I know. But it sounds like just a glitch and we should have him under control again without a problem. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
They both rang off after exchanging pleasantries and expressions of affection that almost sounded authentic. Such were the personal lives of con-men, even those who were married to each other.
* * * * *
Geri was quiet at dinner and went out of her way to make sure that Diana was seated at the table instead of reinforcing the image of Diana being a domestic servant. Her reasoning was that, if she were losing control over her feminized husband, she wanted him to remember her as being friendly and gracious. If she were able to re-establish control, well then, it would just confuse him more when she started the training again.
During the meal, Geri maintained her isolation from Diana and did not engage in much conversation. She did quiz Diana about her proposed excursion to the spa with Tanya for the next day. She scolded Diana and pointed out that Diana should have consulted with her before accepting the invitation. Then switching personalities again Geri graciously consented to allow this excursion and Diana was free to go and enjoy herself. She repeated the cover story she had concocted about being away from the house until late afternoon and reminded Diana that she should plan on having dinner in town that evening.
Once they were finished eating, Geri walked behind Diana and gave her hug, thanking her for a great dinner. Diana might have imagined it, but she thought that Geri had brushed her lips along her neck in a kiss. Maybe this meant that Geri was thawing towards her somewhat. All she could think of was that Geri was somehow upset that she looked so much like a woman now and that Geri could not see herself as having an intimate relationship with another woman.
Geri civilly asked Diana to clean up and do the dishes and made sure to say please. Diana was pleasantly surprised that her wife was not treating her like a servant. She knew that it was getting late in the evening and that it would soon be time to take the pills Geri was dosing her with and then go to bed.
Geri had gone to her own room after asking her to clean up. Diana had no idea what her wife did there. She realized that she really had nothing to distract her like a book or magazine and the television had not been turned on since they had arrived here. It occurred to her that the only movies she had seen recently were the ones that Geri had her sit down and watch.
She thought about those movies as she brushed her teeth and then her hair. The women in those pictures were better endowed than she was, but she wondered if they were really any more attractive. She thought that some of the activities she had seen them engaged in were intended to be humiliating or just plain demeaning, but it looked like the actresses were actually enjoying themselves, even when it looked like they should not be. She smiled to herself, imagining herself in some of those scenes with Jake or maybe Tanya. For some reason, Geri seemed to appear in her thoughts as the dominatrix in one scene. Maybe the reason Geri fit that particular thought was because the image fit Geri's behavior.
Once she was ready for bed, Diana again prepared some more wet tissue to stuff into her ears and decided to turn in. She stopped in the kitchen and took the pills that Geri made her take. She found that she was essentially unable to break the habit of taking the pills. Unsure of exactly what the pills did to her she was glad that she packed her ears with the makeshift earplugs before consuming them and that Geri no longer watched her prepare for bed.
From experience, she knew that she had some time before she fell asleep after taking the pills. She took the time to put her clothes and toiletries away and to close the bedroom door. She verified that most of the sound around her was deadened. After getting into bed and turning off the table lamp, she was asleep in moments.
* * * * *
The sun shining in between the drapes managed to hit Diana directly in the face and wake her up. She wasn't sure if Geri had been in during the night to start up the tape player or not. She did find it interesting that for the two nights she had plugged her ears, she had not greeted the morning feeling like she had been up all night working.
She disposed of her earplugs in the wastebasket so that Geri would not have a chance to see her with them and she started moving to begin her day. It was still early morning, so she had quite some time before she would be meeting Tanya. It seemed to take her no time at all to take care of her shower and to brush her teeth before she was putting on the simple housedress and the ever present high heels she had worn the night before. She planned on changing into something more suitable before she left, so the housedress would serve for making breakfast.
She was almost done with preparing bacon and scrambled eggs for Geri and herself when mistress Geri appeared. She found that they were low on those items as well and she added them on to her growing shopping list.
"Good morning, ma'am," Diana said sunnily as Geri came into the dining room. She set a carafe of coffee on the table by Geri's seat and went back to the kitchen to finish up. Geri barely acknowledged her with a grunt and sat down; her wife had never been much of a morning person. Geri looked tired, as if she had been up most of the night. As Diana bustled around in her high heels, Geri seemed to give her a dark look as if to ask why she had the right to look so perky so early in the morning.
When Diana set the eggs and bacon out on the table, she still was not sure whether Geri would invite her to join her and had not set a place for herself. If last night had been a fluke of some sort, she did not want to risk Geri's acid tongue by assuming that she could join her wife for breakfast.
Geri had picked up her glass of juice when she saw that Diana was not sitting with her. She set her glass down and looked warmly at Diana and said, "Why aren't you eating with me dear?"
"I wasn't sure if you wanted to have me eat with you, ma'am, so I did not set a place," answered Diana with a curtsey.
"Nonsense, dear. After all, we are married, aren't we? This breakfast smells wonderful."
Diana quickly retrieved the place setting she had set out on the counter in the hopes that Geri would invite her to eat with her. In almost no time, she was seated across from her wife and was sipping a glass of juice.
"Thank you for letting me join you, ma'am," she said to Geri.
"You are welcome. What time are you supposed to meet with your friend?" Geri asked.
"I believe she told me to be at the spa at about nine thirty," Diana answered.
"Well, you should hurry then," Geri said, looking at her watch. "We have just enough time to eat and get everything cleaned up before you should leave. The marshals will be here in a little while." She knew that the only person who would be making an appearance would be Evan, but she wanted Rob gone so that she could get ready.
Diana nodded and began eating her share of the eggs and bacon. Breakfast passed in silence and they finished quickly. It was apparent to Diana that Geri was in a little bit of the hurry. So much so, that when she had finished, Geri took her plate, glass, and coffee cup to the kitchen where she rinsed them and set them beside the sink.
"Diana, when you've finished, just rinse your dishes and set them with mine. We have a lot do to today, so we need to get moving."
"Yes, ma'am."
Diana finished eating and obeyed Geri's instructions. Back in her bedroom again, for the first time, Diana used the adhesive to attach the breast forms herself. Her breast growth appeared to have slowed so that the addition of the forms did not suddenly make her appear to be over-endowed. She wasn't sure what Tanya had planned today, but it seemed wise to make sure that there would be no surprises with her bust.
At the same time, she realized that she might be in a situation where it would be impossible to wear the gaffe and that she would be risking a subject popping up that she would not want to discuss. She carefully applied the adhesive to the shaft of her penis only, too much and she might glue both of her legs together at the crotch. She pulled her penis back after pushing her man marbles into their cave. By pulling the now empty ball sake on each side of the penis is did an excellent job of recreating a pair of pussy lips - as long as no one got too close a look. Of course, it would be obvious to anyone that she did not have a vagina, so she would need to avoid the situation where that would be apparent.
She pulled on a pair of white cotton panties and fitted her slightly enhanced bust into the matching white bra. Just these few pieces of clothing seemed to make her look sexy in the mirror. Diana smiled at herself thinking that only a couple of days ago, Rob would have been mortified to be looking at himself in the mirror so critically. But, as Diana, she loved it. She sat on the edge of the bed and rolled up a pair of nylon stockings that ended on her upper thigh. The stay up band fell right across the part of her leg that was partly ticklish and mostly erotic. The sensation was heavenly.
She took out a light blue cotton blouse and white skirt that she thought would be good clothes to wear if they were going to be at the spa. She stood before the mirror to look herself before starting to get dressed. Holding the blouse up in front of her, she saw how the blue complemented with her blond hair and light red highlights. She turned her head to admire her earrings. She loved how the pearl studs looked under her hair and gave her a sophisticated look. She put the blouse back on the bed and set about getting dressed.
She pulled the cotton blouse and skirt on, making sure that her blouse was tucked in properly to preserve her modesty. She pulled a brush from her bureau through her hair a couple of times and turned her head a couple of times to check the results. She decided that she did not need to do anything with her naturally dark lashes and eyebrows, but she applied her lipstick and pursed her lips to check the result. Looking back at her was a very pretty young woman and she hoped that Tanya would be as thrilled with her appearance as she was.
The last thing she did before leaving the room was change out of her high heeled slippers and into her equally high heeled wedge sandals. She had become so used to wearing heels that it was second nature to her. She recalled that this was something else that annoyed Rob. But she loved how standing in the heels made her keep the calves and thighs of her legs tight. The way her butt seemed to stick out proudly made her smile at just the thought.
She picked up her purse and checked its contents. Aside from the Midol, condoms, and tampons that Geri must have put in there, she made sure that she had her compact and lipstick. Hoping that Geri would not look in her purse before she left, she added the cell phone that Jake had given her and the address of the spa. She snapped the purse closed and opened the bedroom door to step out into the dining room. Geri was apparently still in her room, so Diana set her purse on the table and went to knock on her wife's bedroom door.
Geri came to the door quickly and said, "Yes, Diana?" She was still half-dressed and was wearing a sexy looking teddy that she had not been wearing at breakfast.
Diana blinked for a moment and then said, "I'm getting ready to leave, ma'am. I thought that I might need some money though."
"Of course," Geri said. She went to her dressing table and returned with her purse. Taking out a folded wad of bills, Geri peeled off several bills and handed them to Diana.
"Thank you, ma'am," Diana said, forever remembering her manners. "Should I call before I come home…To make sure that you are back from the city?"
"Yes, Diana. That would be a good idea," Geri answered nodding. It hadn't occurred to her that Diana should do that, but it made good sense. That way, she would have some advance notice that Rob was on his way back.
"Very good, ma'am," Diana said with a curtsey. "I'll be leaving for the spa now and I will call before I come home."
Diana twirled, making her skirt flare and feeling sexy. Her legs had become sleeker over the past week and she enjoyed how they looked. She picked up her purse on the way through the dining room and picked up the car keys from the counter in the kitchen. She secured the cash Geri had given her in the purse and she headed out to the garage.
* * * * *
Evan had stopped down the street a few blocks so that he could see when Rob left the house. Once his partner had disappeared down the road, he restarted the car and pulled into the driveway. He parked behind the house again where the car would be harder to see from the street. As he got out of the car, he saw Geri leaning against the open back door waiting for him.
Even though she was concerned about whether Rob was breaking free from their mental programming, she had taken the time to put on the sheer white bustier and peach-colored silk robe that she had picked up at Victoria's Secret. To cap the look, she was wearing a pair of white 'fuck-me' stilettos that matched the bustier and her panties.
The smile that split Evan's face could not have been any greater. His eyes drank in the vision of his wife, lounging in the door waiting for him. Her breasts filled the cups of her garment to the point of overflowing, which was the effect she was going for.
"Hi honey, I'm home," he said, trying to break the ice. "Did you miss me? I know that I'm glad to see you."
"Hi," Geri said. "I'm glad you're here. Geri said pushing out her chest to emphasize her new bodacious boobs in the bustier. “I got this just for you, even when I was mad at you. Do you like it?"
"Yes…Yes. I think that you look beautiful in it," Evan said. He looked into his wife's eyes as he walked up to her and kissed her deeply. He hugged her tightly, because he had not seen her in a week and because she was so damned sexy. The kiss she returned as she pulled him into the house told Evan that she was no longer upset about the surgical enhancements he had slipped through on her.
Once inside the house and behind closed doors, Geri wasted no time in helping her husband disrobe. Shirt, pants, and shoes seemed to be strewn around the room as Geri frantically helped Evan strip down to his underclothes, all Evan had been able to get off from her was her robe. Kneeling in front of him, she could see that her appearance had strongly aroused her husband. She slid her hands up his bare legs and inside the bottoms of his briefs so that she could take hold of the elastic band at the top. The feel of her hands as they slid into his briefs and past his cock was incredibly erotic and Evan almost came at that point.
"That is so hot!" Evan said. He was stroking Geri's hair as their eyes locked. She gave him a devilish smile.
Geri pulled at his briefs and they slid down a little, only to be stopped by Evan's rock-hard penis. She pulled the briefs out slightly and pulled them down to his thighs. Once the restraint of the fabric was gone, Evan's cock sprang out into Geri's face. His arousal was strong enough that a bead of pre-cum oozed out the end. Still keeping her eyes locked on his, her tongue snaked out to just flick the end of his cock and lick the glob of moisture away.
When she moved closer to the end of his cock, Evan could feel her breath on his throbbing member. Evan's hands moved right along with her head, obviously with the intent of pulling her onto the shaft or keeping her from pulling away. As her tongue licked out again to caress the purplish head of his cock, the erotic sensation was too much for Evan and he began spraying shot after shot of cum into Geri's face and down her front. Geri tried to pull back in surprise, but Evan's hands trapped her front and center of its assault and she ended up with a face full of cum.
When his cock had finished spasming, Evan realized that his hands were wrapped in Geri's hair and he quickly let her go. She quickly stood up, both eyes almost glued shut. Being careful not to claw herself with her nails, she wiped her husband's sperm from her eyes so that she could at least open her eyes. Evan looked on with a grin as Geri found a box of tissues on a table and proceeded to clean up her face and exposed breasts. There was nothing worse than cold, congealing cum in your hair or on your face.
Even though she had been the one to instigate the blowjob, she was hardly happy about receiving a cum facial from her husband. She thrust her hand forward and smeared some of the slimy mess across his cheeks and mouth.
"That's the first time you ever shot from the hip," Geri said. "Maybe you should enjoy some of this too." She almost sneered at the momentary shock on his face.
"Sorry about that," he said. Being the man he was he had found it amusing that he had plastered his cum all over his wife's face, some of that amusement had faded with Geri sharing the mess with him. "It's hard to control yourself when you have a beautiful woman licking and sucking on your cock."
"Why is it that men think that it is fun to facialize a woman like that?" Geri asked. She was not altogether happy with her husband…again. This whole operation to con Rob out of his money was starting to show Geri just what kind of jerk her real husband was. She made a mental note that she might want to reconsider her choice of male companionship when this was all over. Until then, she would have to get through this without letting Evan know that she considered him dispensable. Right now, he was marginally more desirable than the vibrator she had in the bedroom.
Evan licking his lips clean of the disgusting cum, he again said, "Sorry." He pulled his briefs up over his cock and went into the kitchen where he found a hand towel that he got wet in the sink. He brought it back to Geri so that she could properly clean off her face and chest. However, she did not bother scrubbing at the spots on her bustier and panties as she planned on being out of them in a few minutes.
"Can I offer you a present to show you I'm sorry?" Evan asked. He fumbled with his trousers that had been thrown to one side and drew out a small box. He held it out to Geri, who took it with a smile and looked up at her husband. When she opened it, she saw a beautiful brooch with rubies set into the shape of the letter of her first name.
Her eyes practically glowed as she took the pin out of box to admire the pin. "Evan! It's beautiful!"
"Well, thought that I would get you something like a consolation prize since you're stuck out here in the boonies. Hopefully, we can finish this in a few more weeks and go off to Rio for a second honeymoon for a few months. He was practically drooling at the thought of spending time on the topless beaches."
"Thank you," she said. "I'm just looking forward to getting out of here." She hadn't gotten her release as yet and she looked at her husband and said, "Shall we adjourn to the bedroom? We need to check the tapes and player before you leave. But first I want some play time with a real man!" Evan watched her wiggle her way across the living room and into the bedroom, his eyes lighting up with lust. He was only seconds behind her.
It was a couple of hours before they had managed to sate their lust for each other. Geri was never really sure if there was love between them or just lust. Either way it sure as hell felt good. Where love left off, lust took over and they had managed to satisfy much of their sexual deprivation. With Evan back in his briefs and Geri wearing her robe, they sat down on the bed to check out the tape player and some of the tapes. They listened to the beginning minutes of a few of them and verified that the player mechanism was functioning normally. Unfortunately for the two con artists, they had neglected to consider the insidious nature of the programming tapes.
Thinking that the tapes only worked in conjunction with the pills that Geri had been feeding to Rob in the guise of vitamins, they had failed to understand Doctor White's explanation that the pills only helped to make the subject more easily programmable. Of course, he may not have worked very hard to make sure that they understood.
The pills actually worked to keep the subject asleep to let the subliminal messages on the tape deeper into the mind. It functioned something like the annoying commercial that you stopped listening to and then you found yourself wanting to try that new brand of soap for some reason.
By the time Evan had started the fourth tape, the relaxation portion at the beginning of each tape had claimed Geri and she had put her head down to sleep. Evan quickly succumbed as well. Their vigorous physical activity had done its part to wear them down, so the pair was caught listening to one of the early submission tapes. The tape player would run for about half an hour before rewinding itself and starting over. Evan and Geri were subjected to multiple repeats of the tape before they woke naturally from their 'nap'.
Evan woke first, not knowing immediately what had just happened to them and turned off the playback. He stretched to ease muscles from how he had been sleeping and he realized that he had been asleep for quite some time. As he had not been paying attention to the time, he couldn't know how long the tape had been playing or how many times.
Being the macho man that he was, he knew that admitting to Geri what had happened would make him look like a fool, so he carefully left the bed and stored the player and tapes away again. Then he stood for a moment, trying to take some kind of mental inventory to know whether he had somehow been affected by the subliminal programming on the tape.
After a few minutes review, he decided that he felt no different from before, so he must be okay. He saw no reason to say anything to Geri; she would probably get upset and start yelling and worrying. He waited a few more minutes and then shook Geri's shoulder a couple of times to wake her up.
"What time is it?" she asked, trying to blink herself awake.
"It's early afternoon. I'll have to get going in a little while," Evan said.
"I must have fallen asleep. Did you find anything wrong with the tapes?"
"No. I listened to a few more and I couldn't find anything wrong." Evan knew that he was shading the truth, but he hadn't found anything wrong, had he?
Geri stretched herself seductively, her robe falling open and displaying her charms. "Well, sir. If you have to go in a little while, why don't we play a little longer and then take a shower before you leave?"
Evan smiled widely and bowed slightly, "That sounds like fun, ma'am." He stripped off his briefs again while Geri got rid of her robe. The two met in the middle of the bed and proceeded to wrap themselves around each other. Their lovemaking was less intense this time, almost tentative and each thought that the other was just being more attentive. The sex lasted longer this time and seemed to be more intense as they took their time to consider the other's satisfaction.
Afterward in the shower, they talked about the programming tapes and Rob's apparent resistance. All they could assume was that Rob's behavior was some of the normal resistance that Doctor White had cautioned them about and that they should keep up with the drugs and tapes to see if they could bring him under control again. If not, it might be time to put their project into action.
"You said that he got his ears pierced and got the tattoo like he was instructed, but he did not go as slutty as you wanted him to, right," Evan asked.
"That's right," Geri answered.
"Well, he told you that he was trying to be lady-like," Evan said. "Maybe that is what we're running into that his subconscious idea of what a woman should be is fighting the image you are trying to press on him with the programming. If you keep up the tapes, you should be able to overcome his resistance and put him back on our track."
Once Evan was dressed again, he kissed his wife farewell and he was out the door and on his way back to the city while the sun was well above the horizon. Geri was dressed and relaxing long before Rob called to let her know that he was on his way home.
She surveyed the house to make sure that everything was ship-shape and found that Evan had dropped his money clip at some point, probably when they were in such a rush to get naked. It could only be his money clip because she recognized the large stylized E and that Evan's corporate credit card was part of a large wad of cash. The money clip went into her purse with her new brooch. She should be able to arrange something in the next few days to get Evan back down here and she could return it then.
* * * * *
It took Diana about half an hour to find the address she had gotten from Tanya. The spa Tanya had invited Diana to was actually part of the country club outside of town. As she turned through the gate, Diana could see that the club was huge and must have some old money in it. Which wasn't too surprising for a smaller town in the suburbs. There were probably one or two millionaires in the club's history.
Tanya was waiting for Diana at the edge of the parking lot and watched as she found a spot. She studied her friend as Diana just seemed to glide across the asphalt with grace, even as she was hurrying. She seemed to walk without an effort and her perfect breasts hardly even bounced as she moved.
Diana was a slender woman and about medium height. If she were to take off her four-inch high heels, she would have ended up being shorter than her. The first thing that Tanya had noticed about Diana was her smile. Anyone looking at her could see that it was genuine and that she was a good person. Diana's blue eyes and blondish-reddish hair had just added to her heart-stopping appeal.
Tanya found herself drawn to this woman for reasons that she could not fathom. Tanya had been taken with her from the moment Diana had knelt down in front of David and talked to him like a friend. So many adults seemed to look down at child as if from a great height and distanced themselves. Why couldn't adults see that kids just wanted to be friends? Diana was one of the special ones.
They exchanged a brief hug and a smile before Tanya tucked Diana's arm in hers and led her toward a sprawling building beside the club building itself. They walked along, Tanya keeping up a chatter of how glad she was that Diana had decided to accept her invitation.
"This will probably be the last time I can come here," Tanya said, only a little bit sad.
"Why is that?" Diana asked.
Tanya just shook her head briefly and said, "I'll tell you a little later." It appeared that she really did not want anyone standing around them to hear her. There were a few ladies sitting in the reception area, apparently waiting to be called for an appointment. Tanya stopped Diana from walking over to an armchair to take a seat and tugged her over to the door leading to the back.
When Diana gave her a confused look, as if to ask why they weren't waiting, Tanya said, "We have an appointment for our mud bath." She leaned over to whisper in Diana's ear, "It's one of the perks of being a member; we get to go ahead of non-member appointments. It's good to be the queen." She giggled as she said, "I always wanted to say that."
Diana momentarily started to panic at the thought of being totally naked in front of Tanya. Would her disguise hold up? She returned Tanya's grin as they walked down a changing area near the end of the hall. "The club prefers that we wear suits when we're in the mud, it cuts down on their cleaning process."
Diana breathed a sigh of relief at those words. Tanya anticipated Diana's objection when she said, "I knew that you didn't have bathing suit, so I picked one up yesterday. I'm pretty good at judging sizes, so I hope that it will fit okay." She held out a small shopping bag to Diana.
Diana looked at the bag and up at Tanya before taking it from her. "Thank you." It seemed like a long time since anyone had something like this for her. The last time she could recall was when Jake had given her a cell phone to use. The thought that strangers were being nicer to her than her own family triggered a stab of sadness that made her want to cry. She smiled at Tanya to stifle the feelings and turned toward one of the curtained changing rooms.
Once behind the curtain, she sat down on the short bench and put her head in her hands. She stayed that way for several minutes, trying to come to terms with the surge of emotion. She really did not understand why she was suddenly feeling this way, but she wished that it would go away. Once she felt that she had a handle on her sadness and had beaten it back into submission to return it wherever it (to the dungeon of his soul, where it had come from, she skinned out of her clothing. She hung her clothes in the locker there in the changing area and locked up her purse.
She was worried that Tanya would read her when she stepped out again, wearing a pretty one-piece turquoise swimsuit that allowed her to continue to conceal her breast forms and her tuck. Perversely, she was glad for the hours that Geri had forced her to spend outside washing the car; it actually helped her to feel comfortable as a woman in a swimsuit and it let her show off her tan lines. As long as no one looked at her and saw a guy.
Because of her tight ankle tendons, she was still wearing her high heeled sandals. There had been a pair of flip-flops in the bag as well, but they were unwearable on her feet. There was also a small padlock and key that she used to secure the locker holding her property.
Tanya was waiting for her again and gave her friend an approving look as she stepped over. "Couldn't you wear the flip-flops?"
"I'm afraid not," Diana said. "I have a problem with tendons in my ankles that won't let me flatten my feet against the floor. The doctor told me that it would be a few weeks before the tendons relax enough to let me walk normally. Until then, I get to wear these skyscraper heels everywhere. Even my slippers at home have heels."
"Well, we will just need to make sure that you don't slip on the floor," Tanya said sympathetically.
They walked through to the next room where there were two tiled tubs full of dark-brown mud. Walking over to the side of the tub, Diana looked at the steaming glop. "I've never done this before. Are we supposed to just get in?"
"Yes, just take off your shoes and step up the side and step down. Then you just sit down and cover yourself with the mud."
Diana looked a little dubious about sitting down in something that she had not touched since she was a child playing with mud puddles. Tanya just laughed.
"I know. It doesn't seem to make sense, but don't worry. This isn't like the slippery, slimy stuff kids play with. It's almost like sitting in warm gravel. I've found that the mud treatment is better than getting a massage because the mud and water is heated and it relaxes all of your muscles at once."
"Okay. Let's give it a try then," Diana said and she stepped down into the mud. She found that the mud was warm, almost hot and there was no sign of it being slippery. Instead, it was dense and a little gritty and she had to work to move around once she was standing in the tub. As she sat back in the tub, she almost had to fight her way down under the surface. Once she was immersed under the mud, she found herself floating in the semi-liquid, not moving up or down.
As they had stepped up to the tubs, an attendant had appeared behind them that Diana did not notice until she started to settle into her mud bath. The female attendant came over to her and said, "Hi…My name is Terri." She helped Diana to situate her head on a cushion at the end of tub and continued, "I'll let you ladies bake here for fifteen or twenty minutes and then I'll help you out so that you can rinse off."
She moved over to help Tanya step into her tub and get situated as well. "Once I have you rinsed off, I'll help you into the Swedish steam room next door."
"That all sounds wonderful Terri," Tanya said. "By the time we're done, we'll probably be so relaxed that we'll need wheelchairs to get to the car." She smiled wistfully.
"Don't worry, I'll be watching over you," Terri said with a big smile. "Would you ladies like an ice water or lemonade? We don't serve alcohol in here because we don't want you to dehydrate or lose consciousness."
Diana and Tanya laughed a little nervously at the thought of passing out and sliding under the mud. They both settled for no calorie ice water and Terri left the room for a few minutes to get their beverages. Once she had made sure that they were comfortable, Terri left them to relax while she went to check on her other guests. Diana luxuriated in the moist heat that felt like a hot and heavy wet blanket. The warmth seemed to sink into her very bones.
As she shifted around, she felt something that worried her. It appeared that they moist heat of the mud was loosening the adhesive holding the breast forms to her chest. She knew that she would need to do something about it once she was out of the mud.
Once she was gone, Tanya decided that Diana was entitled to hear the story she had promised.
"I told you that I would explain what I was talking about earlier. Would you like to hear the whole sordid story?" Tanya asked. Neither of them was able to easily look at the other as they were buried under a hundred pounds of mud.
"Yes, if you want to tell it," Diana answered. She was enjoying the warm cocoon she was floating within.
"Well, I think that you've guessed that I'm raising David and April alone," Tanya began.
"Yes. I assumed that you were divorced, but I didn't want to pry."
"I am divorced now. It was final about three months ago," Tanya said. "A little less than a year ago, I discovered that my husband had a hobby that I wasn't aware of when we met in high school. It turns out that he likes to wear women's clothing." She paused at that point, waiting for any comment that Diana might make.
"I see. I guess that grossed you out." Diana said. Hearing that her friend's husband was a guy who liked to wear women's clothing was something that scared her. Did Tanya's marriage break-up because her husband was a cross-dresser and what would Tanya say or do if she would out about herself?
Tanya continued and said, "Oh heavens no, in fact I came to love the fact he had a feminine side to his personality. I thought it was a lovely compliment he wanted to be more like me. It actually brought us closer together for a while. I love Jerry dearly and I saw nothing wrong in encouraging this aspect of his personality, if that was what he needed. I did do some online research into cross-dressing and I understood that this is very often something that a cross-dresser needs to do and it is not always a choice.
"Jerry only dressed after he got home from the pharmacy and I saw that not fighting it actually helped him to be able to relax. A lot of the tense behavior I used to see just went away. Everything was fine for a few months and then Jerry took his two weeks of vacation and he stayed dressed for the entire time." Diana could hear that Tanya was trying to keep from crying while she was telling the story.
"It was about that time that Jerry told me that he wanted to be called Stephanie while he was dressed as a woman. A couple of months after that, Jerry started leaving the house one or two nights a week while he was dressed as Stephanie. I sorry to say that it came as a total shock to me when Jerry came home late one Saturday to tell me that he was moving out of the house and moving in with someone he had met at the bar he went out to when he was out. "
Diana could hear that Tanya was crying by this point. Through her tears, Tanya continued as she said, "I didn't realize that Jerry had found someone like himself to love. I thought that I was doing everything I could for him physically and emotionally. I never knew that there was something missing in his life and it cost me the man that I love."
Diana was crying herself by this time. She couldn't hear the pain that Tanya had gone through without feeling it in her own heart. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."
All she could think of was, would this happen to her too? Was she going to be gay and find that she loved a man who loved other men? Would it be Jake? Was she going treat Geri the same way that Tanya had been treated by her husband?
"Thank you," Tanya said, trying to get control of her tears. "Damn this crying. I can't wipe my face without covering myself with this mud. Anyway, Jerry agreed to a generous child support plan and alimony for me. The membership here at the club was paid for the year, but it expires the end of the month and I won't have enough money to renew. This place is really expensive."
Diana sniffled, knowing that she couldn't wipe at her tears or runny nose either. "What happened to Jerry after the divorce?"
"He and his lover moved over into the city. He told me that he got a job with another pharmacy chain so that he could afford to keep paying as he agreed. He decided to stay out of the kid's lives because he spends all of his free time dressed as Stephanie now. He felt that David and April were too young to understand why their Dad looked more like a mother.
She gave a short laugh at that revelation and sniffled. "One of the things that really got to me was that the last time I saw him, he actually looked better than I do. He had gotten a boob job and is now a full DD. I am ashamed to admit I was jealous.
At that moment, Terri came back into the room. Her eyes were red and it was obvious that she had been listening to their conversation. "I'm sorry. We stay out of the room to give our members some privacy, but we have to listen in case you need something," she said apologetically. "I wasn't trying to eavesdrop."
Tanya smiled at her from her mud and said, "It's alright, dear. I wasn't working very hard to keep it a secret. In a town of this size, stories can't help but get around and I've heard some of the rumors already. I was only telling Diana because she's new in town and my friend. I wanted her to hear it from me instead of over-hearing any gossip."
Terri returned her smile and said, "Thank you for understanding, ma'am. I wouldn't have come in at all, but it's time to get you out of that mud. If I don't, you'll get over-heated. We need to pull you out and get rinsed off. We have you scheduled for a half hour in the steam bath and then a facial with a makeover." She took out tissues and helped each of her guests with wiping away the tears.
"Uh…Terri? I didn't request makeovers for us," Tanya said.
Terri smiled at them and said, "I know that. I'm throwing that in for free. A present from me." Her smile was a little sad, knowing that it might be the last time that Tanya could come into the spa. So many of the old dowagers she had to wait on throughout the day made taking care of someone like Tanya a pleasure.
In turn, she took hold of the arms of each woman and pulled them to a sitting position where they started scraping the mud off their arms and upper bodies. The cooler air in the room almost felt cold to them as they came up out of the almost hot mud. Terri helped Tanya to stand up in the tub and to clean off most of the mud before assisting her out and over to the showers in the corner. She returned to help Diana out and over to join Tanya. Terri had to support Diana as she walked because of the damned tendons in her ankles, but it was a very short walk and she was able to take a seat on the bench beside Tanya.
"I know that it feels a little chilly to you because you were in the mud," Terri said.
"Yes, a little," Tanya said.
"Well, the mud bath is over 100 degrees. But it steams so much of the toxins out of you and helps you to relax, so it's worth it, believe me. Don't worry, we're just going to rinse the mud off from you and I'm going to put you into the steam room for about half an hour."
"You sound like you're baking cookies," Diana joked.
Terri returned her smile, her eyes dancing.
"That's going to do a number on our hair, isn't it?" Tanya asked. "Diana has extensions in, will they be okay?"
"On no," Terri said with a laugh. "Extensions are made to take the same kind of treatment regular hair does, so it will be okay. Part of today's treatment is facials and makeovers, so your hair will look fabulous when we're done."
She handed each of them a hose with a hand nozzle on the end. "This water is nice and warm. You just need to rinse all of the leftover mud off and I have robes that you can wear over to the steam room."
Tanya and Diana took the hoses in hand and began sluicing the grainy dirt down their bodies. Because it had not had a chance to harden, it was fairly easy to wash off and a large puddle of muddy water soon grew around them.
Diana pressed the loose breast form back against her chest and felt that it had reattached itself. As she finished, Diana realized that the glue holding her penis had loosened as well. She consoled herself that it felt like the glue was continuing to work though. She looked over at Tanya and saw that her friend had not noticed her difficulty. A bit of the mud had managed to work its way into their suits so Diana used the hose to wash the dirt down and through her suit without revealing anything to Tanya. To the two women in the room, it appeared that she was just trying to maintain her modesty.
Tanya was less restrained as she removed her bikini top and rinsed off her front. She looked over at Diana seductively and asked her to rinse her back, even though the bikini strap was so thin that it could not have trapped anything. When she repeated the process with her bikini bottom, Diana almost lost it. Tanya removed her thong bottom to review a smooth slit nestled between her legs.
"This is almost as bad as when I go to the beach," she said innocently. "Sand just seems to get everywhere. Don't you have that problem?" She looked at Diana as if she half-expected her friend to strip down also. She looked a little disappointed when Diana made no move to remove her swimsuit at all. She put her thong back on quickly and finished rinsing herself off.
Terri was standing to one side holding a pair of robes over her arms. When she saw that her guests were done, she stepped over and helped each of them slip into the soft terrycloth robes. The change from chilly to comfortably warm was almost immediate and they relaxed once again in their robes.
"These robes feel so nice," Diana said. She was thankful for the fullness of the robes as it allowed her to hide the bulge that was trying to form between her legs. The sexy display that Tanya had put on for her and triggered the start of an erection and Diana was working hard to imagine ice cold showers and singing children's songs in an effort to distract herself from the erotic thoughts she was having about her friend.
Because she was wearing deck shoes for the wet floor, Terri helped each of them to walk over to the door of the steam room. Tanya had hung up her robe outside the door and had found a spot for herself by the time Diana was making her way through the door and scoping out the room. They were the only ones in the room at the moment and it looked large enough to hold about ten people.
Tanya continued to study Diana as she half-danced on her toes and half-tiptoed over to a spot on the bench by her. Her admiration of Diana wavered between lust and envy. As she watched Diana navigate on her toes, Tanya realized that something seemed wrong. Was it her imagination or did Diana's breast look like it was out of place? She didn't have much of a chance to study is positioning as Diana sat down.
Diana relaxed back against the wall of the room and let out a completely contented sigh. "This feels so nice, Tanya. Thank you for inviting me." The moist heat of the room seemed to soak right in. Instead of feeling oppressive like you might expect from a summer day, it felt more like they were sitting in front of a very warm fireplace after having played in the snow for hours.
Tanya smiled. "You're welcome. I can't think of anyone I would rather have here with me." She slid across the bench to be a little closer to Diana, reached out and took her hand in a loving gesture.
"It's been a long time since I was able to enjoy a day at the spa," Diana said sadly. "Geri and I seem to have been going our separate ways recently."
"Is she just your roommate? Or something more?" Tanya asked. She wanted to ask if there was a physical relationship, but held back, afraid to scare Diana off. She felt a perverse hope that her friend was having a falling out with her roommate. She knew that it was wrong, but she felt something for Diana and she was perfectly willing to find out what it might be.
"Ye…Yes," Diana stuttered. For want of a better term these days, that pretty much described her relationship with her wife. "We used to be best friends, but things seem to have changed recently. I really don't understand what is going on." The sadness she felt at the apparent collapse of her relationship with her wife must have come through in her voice because Tanya tried to shift her attention somewhat.
"Oh! I should have mentioned it sooner!" Tanya said. "I looked up the codes on the pills and the tube of medicine from yesterday in my ex's old pharmaceutical books. Those codes weren't in there, but they look like they fall into ranges that the government reserved for special drugs."
Diana turned and looked at Tanya. As she did so, she felt that damned breast form slide again. Trying to hide the fact that it looked like her breast was now sticking out of her armpit, she folded her leg up on to the bench as if she was trying to stretch a muscle in her leg.
"You mean that those are government drugs?" Her eyes were wide with surprise and fear.
"I don't know right now," Tanya said. "I called a friend of mine in the city who might know about what drugs would be registered under those codes and the doctor or doctors who might be working with them. She is supposed to call me tonight and I can call you with what I find out. Would that work?"
"Yes, please," Diana answered. "I want to know what is going on and why Geri might be feeding them to me."
"Are you afraid that she is trying to hurt you?" Tanya asked. She was obviously concerned for her friend.
"I'm not sure that is actually trying to hurt me, but I'm afraid that she is doing something to my mind."
"Are you safe going back there tonight? If you would like, you can stay with me," Tanya offered. She felt a little awkward making the invitation, but she accepted that she had somewhat of an ulterior motive in trying to get Diana into her house.
Diana's sense of self-preservation kicked in and she knew that she could not risk staying with Tanya without running the risk of having her secret revealed, regardless of her misgivings about living with Geri. She resolved that she wasn't going to take any pills before she went to bed this evening. There was something going on and she needed to discuss it with Geri before it went any further.
"I should be okay. I'm going to have a conversation with Geri when I get home tonight and see what she has to say. Depending upon that, I might not be living there tomorrow."
"Well…Let me know," Tanya said. "My door is always open." The way she said that caused a tingle to run up and down Diana's spine. It decided to stop at the bottom and Diana's hidden member took it as a signal to try to wake up.
Realizing that she needed to change the subject, Diana said, "Tanya, can I ask you a question?"
Tanya looked over at her and said, "Sure. What is it?"
"I thought that I noticed some tension between you and Jake at the restaurant yesterday. What's the deal with the two of you?"
The change of subject caught Tanya a bit flat-footed and she had to think before she answered. "We dated in school and we were pretty involved. I remember that we had a fight one night. I think that it was about having sex and we stopped dating."
"I take it that he was pushing you put out and you didn't want to?" Diana asked. "Guys always seem to want to go so fast."
Tanya shook her sadly. "No. Actually, I was the one who wanted to put out and he wouldn't do the deed with me. He said that he respected me too much to do that to me and he wanted to wait until we were out of school."
Diana turned toward her friend and wanted to give her a hug, but she felt the breast form slide even further down inside her suit before she trapped it by pressing her arm against her side. The adhesive must have completely broken down and she prayed that her remaining form stayed in place.
"I'm so sorry! Why didn't you want to wait?"
"Because I was stupid! I was feeling horny and a cucumber at home wasn't doing the job. I thought that I loved Jake enough that I wanted him to be my first and he wouldn't do it." The shame the memory brought back to her also brought tears that just seemed to appear and stream down her face.
Diana was crying too and she said, "But he did love you, Tanya. He was trying to save your virtue."
"I know that…now. At the time, it looked like he thought that I was trying to trap him. We argued and I think that we both said some things that hurt. I started going out with Jerry right after that, just so that I could have sex with my boyfriend."
"How did Jake react to that?" Diana asked.
"I think that he took it okay. He didn't talk to me after that," Tanya said. "Especially when I decided to have sex with Jerry and I got pregnant. I didn't set out to trap a guy into marriage and I ended up catching one that I really had no intention of wanting."
"Are you saying that you didn't love your husband?" Diana asked. The concept of marrying someone you did not love just because you were pregnant seemed to be beyond her ability to process.
"Oh…I did care for Jerry," Tanya reassured her. "There just was not the same kind of fire between us that there was with Jake. We were lucky enough that I wasn't really showing at graduation and we got married a couple of weeks later. Jake disappeared right after graduation and I didn't even know he was back in town."
There was a note in Tanya's voice that sounded 'off' to Diana and she didn't think that even Tanya noticed it. She suspected that there might be some feeling hidden away in the ashes of Tanya's love for her old boyfriend. Even though she herself felt drawn to Tanya, she wouldn't feel right about things if Tanya might still be thinking about her Jake. The thought that she considered Jake hers caught her by surprise. Was she going to be part of a love triangle?
It was at that point that the door to the steam room opened again and another couple of women made their way in. When the woman in the lead stopped and went back to the door for a moment, all Diana could see before her was Sally! It was Sally in a skimpy one-piece bathing suit, showing off charms that had been bothering Diana since Rob spoke to her on the phone a couple of days ago. She knew that this was not Sally, this woman was too old. But…all Diana could think of was being on the bed next to Sally, kissing and licking and nipping at each other's breasts. And the hands were roaming and rubbing and…
Diana was brought back to herself with the pain of her trapped cock attempting to come to attention. Between trying to keep her stiffening penis under control and get control of her breast form that kept moving in a different direction than she wanted it to, she was becoming a basket-case. She was scared to death that Tanya would look at her and realize that there were bulges out of place on her body. Her natural breasts were still small and the form that had stayed in place made the other breast look like a school girl's in comparison. The presence of the growing bulge in her groin would be much harder to explain.
It was Diana's good fortune that one of the women who had just come in had decided that they needed more steam. The air became less clear for a few moments as the steam generation system began releasing more steam from the vents in the ceiling. This served to distract Tanya and then she was wiping perspiration from her eyes.
The moment that Diana saw that Tanya's vision was blocked, she seized the opportunity and said, "Excuse me for just a moment, would you? I need to use the rest room." She bolted for the door like a deer running from a hunter.
Tanya did not even have a chance to answer before Diana was up and moving. The glimpse she had of Diana made her do a double-take and she was not sure of what she had seen because of the sweat that had run into her eyes again. As a result, she sat in stunned silence, trying to analyze what she thought that she had seen. She had gotten a very brief profile shot of Diana as she stood and was going to the door, but she could have sworn that her friend only had one boob on her chest. What really confused her was that she thought that Diana's missing breast was growing out of an ass cheek.
She was brushing more sweat away from her face while Diana spoke briefly with one of the women as she passed them. She looked at the other two women who had come into the steam room to see what their reaction was, but neither of them appeared to have noticed anything and continued to talk in hushed tones between them. The fact that the other two women had not seen anything made her feel better. Whatever was going on with her friend would remain her secret and she did not have to worry about being embarrassed.
Diana was just out of the steam room, trying to cover her chest and her crotch, when a voice behind her said, "Excuse me, I think that you dropped this."
Diana halted and turned slightly to see the woman she had thought looked like Sally reach down and pick up the wandering breast form. She couldn't possible not know what it was as she held it out to Diana. Diana felt like she changed color three different times. She could tell from the blond woman's expression that she knew exactly what it was, but she saw sympathy there instead of laughter. Diana realized that the lady looking at her thought that she was wearing the breast form for a totally different reason. She just prayed that her new friend wouldn't look down at her. All she could do was reach out with the hand she was using to hide her flat chest and thank her quietly.
She was rewarded with a kind smile of understanding. A quick look behind her at Tanya showed that she was still wiping the sweat away from her eyes. She bobbed her head to say goodbye to her helper and stepped out of the steam room. She knew that she needed to hurry or Tanya would be right behind her. The changing rooms were across the room and she started to run.
Foolishly, she had forgotten about her need to walk like a ballerina the warm mud bath and steam room had helped loosen her tight tendons and she momentarily forgot about her leg problems. She hadn't taken more than three steps before her feet flew out from under her and she went skidding across the floor for several feet. The silicone blob she was holding flew from her hand and disappeared. She yelped when she fell, but she thanked her lucky stars that she did not come down on her tailbone. As it was, she knew that she would be sporting a really good bruise on her other butt cheek to match with her tattoo.
Carefully, she climbed back to her feet, silently cursing the fact that her tendons had tightened so badly. She realized that she was no longer holding the breast form, but she did not want to take any more time to search for it. She had to tiptoe-limp to her locker where she quickly opened it and grabbed her clothes. She was into a changing room in a flash and it seemed like she was pulling off the swimsuit and putting on her street clothes at the same time.
She had spent almost five minutes assessing her mood and feelings before coming to the conclusion that she was falling in love with a kind and caring person who just happened to look like a very pretty woman. She decided that she needed to tell Diana how she felt and go from there. She hoped that Diana felt something for her also.
When she stepped out of the steam room, she was sure that she was not all that far behind Diana. But when she put on her robe and walked down to the locker area, Diana was nowhere to be seen. She looked around and saw Terri just coming out of the mud room with an armload of towels and she walked over.
"Terri? I'm looking for my friend…"
The attendant stopped and turned to her. "Oh yes, ma'am. She came out of the steam room and said something about not feeling well," Terri said. "She asked me to tell you that she needed to go home right away and that she would call you when she felt better. She must have really been in pain."
"What do you mean?" Tanya asked.
"She was crying when she left," Terri answered. She continued on to dump the wet towels in a bin to one side.
Tanya shook her head in surprise at being left in the lurch and walked back to her locker. She didn't know what to think or do. Had she said something to Diana that hurt her feelings or offended her? Had she picked up on how Tanya felt about her? What would she do if Diana didn't call her or didn't want to see her again? Tanya felt a twisting, sickening sensation in her stomach. She realized that she didn't know how to call Diana, she had never gotten her number. But Jake knew…Maybe she could talk to Jake.
As she was sitting down to slide on her shoes, she looked down to see something beneath the bench. It was in the shadows and up against the support. As she looked at it, she knew that it was completely out of place there and she reached down to pick up a breast enhancer or breast form. The more she looked at it, the more she wondered what was going on with Diana. Maybe she really did see what she thought she had. It made her wonder even more how she felt about Diana. Had she fallen in love with another gay man, like Jerry? Or was Diana a cross-dresser only? Or an under developed woman. Maybe Diana’s secret was that she had undergone a mastectomy and was ashamed of her body. That would explain a lot of things. She hadn't had a chance to tell Diana how she felt and to talk with her. Now, she really needed to call Jake.
* * * * *
Diana had gotten dressed in a hurry and rushed out of the spa before she had to explain what was going on to Tanya. She considered herself lucky that Terri was occupied someplace else when she unlocked her locker and ran into one of the changing rooms. The first thing she did was pull on the gaffe and get herself tucked properly. If it weren't for this damned appendage, she wouldn't have had to rush away from Tanya. Tears ran down her face because she had been enjoying Tanya's company. Now, she couldn't stay. All she could do would be to tell Tanya that she would call her later and try to apologize.
It wasn't until she was pulling on her bra that she realized that she was missing a tit. She realized that it must have slipped out of the bottom of her swim suit and she wasn't sure where it was. She looked around the floor of the changing room and the clothes, not seeing it anywhere. Wanting to get away without having to explain why she had to leave her friend in the lurch, she finished dressing and hurried out of the spa. On the way out, she met Terri and tearfully asked her tell Tanya that she did not feel well and that she had to leave.
In the parking lot, Diana looked down at herself and realized that she was now lopsided. Where the breast form gave her an impressive D cup, her other side was barely a B cup. Fortunately for her, her dress was loose enough that it would conceal the fact that her bra cups were not filled to capacity. She looked around the parking lot to make sure that she would not be seen and reached into her dress to peal the remaining breast form away. She'd felt it giving way in the steam room but it had managed to hold on longer than the missing form.
Once she had removed the form, it went into her purse for the rest of the day. She checked the time and saw that she had only been away from the house for a few hours, all told. Geri wouldn't be back until the evening, so she needed to find something to do for most of the afternoon. She had no idea what she was going to do, but her stomach was letting her know that she was hungry. She decided that the first order of business would be to get something to eat. She left the country club and drove back toward town, stopping at the drive-thru at McDonalds to get a kiddie meal and a diet drink.
She stayed in the car and ate slowly, thinking. She didn't feel that she could discuss her confusion about how she felt about Tanya with anyone, not even a man of the cloth. What could she say in that case?
'Sir, can you help me? I am a man who looks like a woman who thinks she is a woman and I am in love with another man and a woman at the same time.'
That would go over well. She'd probably burst into flames right there, no holy water needed, never mind going to hell first. She finally decided that this was something that she would have to figure out on her own. She cared deeply about Jake and Tanya. Jake had already told her that he cared about her and wanted to see more of her. She hoped that Tanya at least liked her enough to want to stay friends. Then there was Sally and Geri. She loved them too. She thought that there were some feelings on Sally's part, but they had respected the fact that Rob was married to Geri and had never tried to explore. Geri was another matter entirely. She loved Geri with all her heart; she wouldn't have married her if she didn't. But how did Geri feel about things? Everything that had happened in the last few weeks made her wonder.
She had long ago finished her lunch when she decided that she could end the afternoon by heading over to the grocery store and picking up the supplies that they needed for the coming week. She was glad that Geri had given her plenty of money for the day; it meant that she could do the shopping now without having to go home for money and then go back out to the store. She took her time driving to the store and she was still parked in front of the store within fifteen minutes.
Being in absolutely no hurry, Diana took her time walking into the store and doing her shopping. She was glad that she had thought to put the shopping list in her purse this morning as it made her job much easier. Eventually, she could kill no more time and she wheeled her cart up to the checkout. When she was finished paying for everything and had it loaded into the backseat of the car, she still had almost two hours to kill. She decided to take a chance on whether Geri was home yet, so she took out the phone and dialed the house number and listened to it ring. Geri answered on the third ring and had no problem with Diana coming home, so Geri ended the call abruptly and Diana started the car up to head home.
Now that she had somewhere to go and no reason to waste time, Diana was home in less than fifteen minutes. Even though she was not in the best of spirits, she was happy to be back where she could relax somewhat. Even with the concerns she had with Geri, Diana was glad to be going back to what she considered home. She would just need to not take any of the pills Geri seemed so bent on feeding her and hope that Tanya could get some information about what they might be. She made a mental note to call her tomorrow to check on any progress. They could discuss what had happened today and, hopefully, Tanya would not be too upset with her.
Diana hopped out of the car when she pulled up to the garage and opened the door. She reflected that the time she had spent at the spa had certainly loosened her up, she felt like she could run around the block a dozen times. She pulled the car into the garage and went back to close the door again. Fortunately, the garage was one of the old designs that allowed for plenty of space to walk around the car entirely. She went to the house side of the car and grabbed a couple of bags from the backseat.
When she entered the house, Geri was not in the kitchen waiting for her. She set the bags on the counter and walked through the house to find her. It was so quiet that Diana wasn't sure if anyone else was in the house. Considering that Geri had answered the phone, she should be here somewhere. Of course, it never occurred to Diana that she was calling Geri's cell phone and that Geri might not have been at the house at the time. Just when Diana was becoming concerned that something might have happened, she stepped into Geri's room to find her sound asleep. She had apparently waited for Diana's phone call and then had promptly gone in to take a nap. She must have had a tiring day working dealing with the federal marshals.
Diana closed the bedroom door quietly and went back out to finish unloading the car and to store everything away in the kitchen. Once she was done and trash generated from the shopping trip had been disposed of, Diana sat down at the table with a cup of coffee for a moment. It felt good to just relax and not have to worry about someone telling her what to do or to have to worry that she might make some slip and be discovered as not being a genetic girl but some poser.
Being able to actually stop being so focused allowed her to think about other things, one of which occurred to her immediately. She had lost a breast form, so she would look lopsided if she only had the remaining form to use. Realizing that her own breasts were still woefully under-developed, she tried to think of what she could do to keep from looking like an adult woman with a teenager's bust. She decided that she would have to defer that problem to discuss with Geri later. It might require a visit to a specialty store to get new forms.
Once she had finished her coffee, she rinsed the cup out in the sink and set it aside. Her gaze fell on the plastic bag she had put Tanya's swimsuit into. It would have been the height of bad manners to just leave the suit on the bench in the locker room, so Diana had brought it home to clean before she returned it. Maybe she would be able to come up with a suitable apology by that time. Maybe she could use the excuse of returning the suit as an opening to apologize.
Looking at the suit, Diana decided that she might as well gather all of the delicates that needed to be washed and get them all done at once. It made more sense to her than to do them in dribs and drabs. She went into her bedroom and picked up the basket that she had been using for her panties and bras. As she went back into the dining room she looked at Geri's door and knew that she would be expected to wash her wife's unmentionables also. At least, that was how Geri had been running things for the past couple of weeks.
She set the basket down in the living room and quietly opened Geri's door. She had become quite adept in walking in the four-inch heels and was able to practically tiptoe, so she made no noise as she gathered Geri's used undergarments. She saw a white bustier on the floor and grabbed that as well and put it all into the basket in the living room. She closed the door without having disturbed her wife at all.
It wasn't a large amount of clothes that needed to be washed by hand, but it was more than enough to keep her busy at the basin in the bathroom for a while. The last thing she decided to wash was the bustier. She had never seen it before, so Geri must have picked it up while they were replacing all of their clothes. She was a little sad that Geri had decided to where it while she was gone instead of modeling it for her. She missed the days and nights of fun that she had enjoyed with her wife.
She held it before her to imagine what Geri must have looked like in it, dancing around the house before Diana had come home. With her new measurements, she must have looked beautiful. It was while she was admiring it that Diana noticed several spots on the fabric. When she touched them, whatever it was had almost dried and become crusty. What had not dried was somewhat slimy and Diana had to look at it for a few minutes to figure out what it was. She discounted her guesses as being totally silly and proceeded to wash the corset-like teddy, paying special attention to the spots so that it would not stain. She rinsed all of the clothes when she was done and hung everything in the bathtub to dry properly.
Once she had completed that chore, she looked around to make sure that everything was finished. It would not due if she went in to take a nap and Geri woke up and found something lacking. For the past day, Geri had been polite to her, almost nice, but Diana had no idea how long that treatment might last and she had no desire to be scolded by her own wife because she had neglected some task. She knew that it made no sense for Geri to be treating her like an ignorant servant, but she couldn't help but accept the role.
Her eyes fell on her purse that was still on the counter, it belonged in her room. As she was putting down on her bureau, the thought that all of the money she had not used should probably be returned to Geri occurred to her because it was a sizeable amount of money yet. She only took out the folding money from her purse, knowing that the change would be inconsequential.
She could see that Geri had left her purse on the table in the dining room, so that would be a good place to put it. It was when she opened the purse and her eyes fell on the money clip and ruby brooch that Diana knew that there was something seriously wrong. She recognized the money clip, because Rob had watched Evan pay for breakfast with cash taken from it that morning so long ago when Rob had been signing papers. Even more damning was the corporate credit card stuck on one side of the wad of cash in the clip. It had Evan's name on it. Diana could think of no reason in the world how or why these two items could be in Geri's purse. When Diana studied that brooch that had been in the purse with the clip, she was sure that it had not been there when Geri had given her money that morning. That meant that the pin had been put into the purse along with the money clip.
Perhaps it had not been her imagination when she had been washing Geri's lingerie. It looked like her wife was having an affair. Her wife? That wasn't right. Diana started to shake as she continued to turn things over in her mind. Her wife? Geri couldn't be unfaithful to her, she was a woman. But she and Geri were married. That meant that she wasn't a woman. And she didn't have all of the equipment that a woman should have…She knew that too! If she wasn't a woman named Diana, who was she? She felt physical pain that felt like her head was going to split wide open.
It was gone as quickly as it started, leaving Rob feeling like he was sweating from every pore in his body and his heart going ninety miles an hour. He took a few deep breaths and he knew that he was probably going to have a splitting migraine later. He sat at the table, just looking at the damning evidence of his wife's infidelity.
It was obvious to him that Geri had some kind of relationship going on with his business partner; the dried semen on the bustier had been proof enough of that. How long had it been going on? Had Geri somehow manipulated him to think and act like Diana the maid? Was this a scheme to sidetrack him while she played around? She couldn't hope to divorce him at some point, the prenup made it pretty clear that she would only get a lump sum settlement. Was it intended to turn him into a puppet so that she could live off his income from the corporation while she screwed Evan?
All of the questions building up in his mind threatened to make his upcoming migraine even worse, so he tried to relax. The thing to do was to wait until Geri came out of her room and demand that she explain. There would be time for questions and answers later.
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Rob/Diana is finding things out and is still fighting. Especially now that she has to know that Geri is manipulating him/her and trying to turn her into a slut.
And the instigators got a taste of their own medicine while listening to those tapes. Oh,the possibilities here. I'll be watching for the next chapter for sure.
Rob/Diana's attraction to two other people is kind of a mess up, but I thing both of them will be important to saving Rob even if he emerges as Diane.
Oh! I've been waiting for this to begin
to happen! To quote a certain songwriter/performer, "It's a hard rain... gonna fall."
When all finally begins to make sense to Diana/Rob, there is gonna be a googleplex of paybacks and I can't wait to see them all happen.
I guess the only questions yet unanswered will finally be, will Diana continue or will Rob come back, OR, will Diana become a part of Rob's life with Tanya?
Great setup, great characterizations and a solid plot. What more can anyone ask of a really good story?
Thanks for sharing this with us.
huggles and love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
So, the plan is
coming apart. Vengeful Phoenix is resisting and the culprits have tasted the tapes. Wonder if Rob/Diana will chose to be Rob or stay Diana?
May Your Light Forever Shine