A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life?
Thanks go out to Marina Kelly for her very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story.
We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you.
Chapter 15
Walt Anders stood looking at his two lieutenants; his anger was very much in evidence. "What the hell do you mean that you can't find him? Didn't you have anyone watching him?"
The two thugs flinched back from the ferocity of his outburst. They'd been with him since grade school, but that wasn't going to protect them if they screw up.
Clancy spoke up. "Yes sir. I sent a couple of the guys over to his place right after you called me yesterday. He wasn't there and they couldn't find him at his office either. They reported that it looked like there was a lot of activity going on at his office. The police were there at one point. I sent them over to sit on his place, but he hasn't shown. Neither has his wife. The cops were crawling all over there too, so we had to keep it real low key."
"What about at the house on the west side?"
Davis answered, "I sent Tyler out there to toss the house, but the place is empty. It looked like it had been broken into and searched."
"Damnit!" He looked back at the first man and said, "You said that the cops were at his office and his house?" He got a nod in response.
"That must mean that he screwed up. We probably aren't going to see any of that half billion either. You can bet your ass that someone is going to pay for this! I want that son of a bitch found!"
He looked at his assistants, men who had been his friends since grade school. He knew that either of them would kill him in a heartbeat if they could take control of the organization away from him. All it took was a show of weakness or a serious mistake. This situation was approaching that point and required that he look like he knew what he was doing. A bad plan executed aggressively was better than a good plan executed passively.
He looked at the first man, "Clancy, I want someone watching his place round-the-clock. We have to assume that the Feds are involved, so tell them not to be seen themselves. And make sure that asshole doesn't go sneaking in and out of his place either!"
He turned to Davis and said, "Put the word out on the street that I want Stevens and his wife. Offer the standard bounty, but I want them alive and well. If I get them back leaking, the guy that did it will be singing soprano in the church choir from now on. Understand?"
Both men nodded in agreement. To make sure that they knew that he was still in control, he knew that he had to fill them in on his plan to cut their losses.
"Honor requires that I at least get my expenses back. I'll be at that clinic talking to our pet doctor."
The two men left on their assignments, glad to get out of there with all their body parts intact. Anders left a few minutes later to travel across town to the clinic they had taken over. On the way, he was glad that there had been no contact with Homeland Security with the clinic. He needed to get this business over with so that everyone in the clinic could be eliminated. If even one of the them talked to HLS, the Feds would be giving the place a thorough going over.
He arrived at the clinic and drove around the block checking for tails and scanning for possible surveillance. He parked in an ally and walked through someone’s backyard to end up at the rear entrance. He cut the alarm and sneaked in the door and made his way to Winters' office. He walked in without knocking, finding the man alone at his desk. Winters looked up as Anders closed the door behind him and took a seat on the other side of the desk, putting his feet up. Anders toyed with a cigar and his gold cutter. Winters suspected that Anders didn't smoke, he had none of the tell-tale signs: stained fingers or the aroma of cigar smoke in his clothing. Rumor had it he lugged the tobacco around to give himself a reason to carry the cigar cutter. He had heard that it was Anders signature torture, to slice the tips of a victim's finger tips off.
"Where do you stand on programing your latest Frankenstein?" He looked at Winters like he owned him and with his family being held hostage, Anders did own him.
Winters looked up at the Mob boss. The man was a typical Neanderthal. Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster. He knew that he walked a fine line with Anders. He had a fair amount of leeway because he was the only one who could do what Anders demanded, but that same leeway could cost him the lives of his wife and daughter. As it was, he didn’t know how safe any of them really were, so he didn't bother to correct Anders' literary ignorance.
"Mr. Tanner still knows who he is, but he is starting to identify with the external image of a sexy woman. I am confident that in a few days he will do more than identify with that image he will begin to physically respond like he was one. In a couple of days, he will be unable to react as anything but the air-headed sex starved bimbo that his wife demanded."
Anders used the cutter to snip off the end of a pencil eraser and looked Winters in the eyes.
"Yes, well about that. Stevens and his wife have disappeared. They owe me a great deal of money. I've decided that their little play toy is mine now. So Mr. Tanner is going to help me I get my money back. I want him to be nothing but a good little she-male slut in two days. I want him addicted to sex. He'll work off Stevens' debt. It may take him years — but that doesn't matter to me. He's my property now." Seeing the expression that crossed Winters' face he continued, "Will that be a problem Doctor? If it is your wife and daughter can take his place."
The doctor could barely suppress a shudder at the emptiness he saw behind Anders' eyes. He was truly sorry for the hell that he was about to subject Rob to and for what the man was going to endure. However, if it came to a choice, his family came first. The doctor sighed in resignation as he realized Rob was going to wish that he was dead.
* * * * *
Two days later, Rob's indoctrination was almost there. That damned Hippocratic' oath of 'first do no harm', haunted the doctor every day. Winters fought his conscience and justified what he was doing as being a form of self-preservation.
The doctor knew that Rob’s personality was only being overlaid by the impulses of a whore. Anders was insistent on the time frame; but it would take days if not weeks to completely erase Rob’s personality. Winters could only delay the inevitable. He had wept as Rob tearfully begged him to not do this to him. But, in the end, Rob ended up the way Evan had predicted he would.
Whenever the opportunity presented itself though, Dr. Winters had helped Rob reinforce the concept of compartmentalizing himself in his mind. During school, the doctor had been taught ways of helping schizophrenics deal with their condition, but in his wildest dreams he never envisioned trying to create a schizophrenic personality. He comforted Rob that over time that, without the constant brainwashing sessions; most of his base personality would reassert itself. Winters could only hope that Rob's personality was strong enough to withstand the brainwashing. If Rob gave in, he would collapse mentally and become the mindless sex addicted creature Anders wanted.
As Rob fought off the conditioning, he found that he could remain Rob and just become an observer, watching Diana degrade herself. As a man, Rob had always enjoyed sex, but he never fixated on it. As Diana, he found his body obsessed with the idea of sexual gratification. When Diana was in charge, his body was constantly horny and on the prowl for potential sexual partners.
In one of Rob's lucid moments, Doctor Winters cautioned Rob to always play the part expected of him, not to reveal he had some control. He might not like what he was doing, but he would still be the one in control. Rob could act like a whore, but it would be Rob’s decision, not Diana’s. The end result wouldn’t be any different but it would leave the door ajar for possible escape.
Sadly for Rob, outwardly he was forced to appear to be the compliant and eager-to-please slut. After Rob's conversation with Doctor Winters, Rob had found that he was unable to resist the programming he was subjected to as it continued the process of making him into Diana. Even with the warnings and instructions doctor Winters had given him, Rob found himself hard pressed to keep from losing himself completely. He feared he was becoming a true schizophrenic, when he was Diana, he could relax and be free from all the pressures and burdens of being a husband and business owner. Those periods were euphoric; his only responsibilities were looking pretty and making himself available to a sexual partner. Even during those times, he felt there was always a part of him that still wanted to return to being Rob.
As a result, it was Diana who had worked harder and harder to embrace the thoughts and images that she was bombarded with. The part of Rob that he tried to hold on to so desperately was almost washed away by the drugs and subliminal feelings he was hit with. He was able to divert some of the attack upon his mind though. By the end of Anders' deadline, Diana was acting completely like the slutty woman she appeared to be. As it was, Winters and the staff had to be careful of Diana's advances. She had become a complete slut, and repeatedly tried to seduce every man and woman on the clinic staff.
* * * * *
Anders was punctual. Anders stormed in and demanded to know if his 'acquisition' was ready.
He showed up on the morning of the third day just as the staff had finished dressing Diana in the outfit sent over for her, a super tight spandex dress that appeared as if it had been painted on her. Every curve and bulge was clearly on display — including the one between his legs.
When Diana curtsied to Anders' and scampered over to take his hand like a love-struck schoolgirl, Winters felt physically ill. To have destroyed the mind and personality of another person, even when he had no choice, was horrifying to him and went against everything he believed in. The doctor knew his own life would never be the same.
For his part, Rob found himself helpless to control his actions. Winters had injected him with something, explaining that the drugs would help him deal with the trauma he would experience over the next hours. The last thing he wanted to do was hold some stranger's hand; but he felt like that was the script he had to perform. He couldn't even stop the happy smile that was on his face. All he could do was watch his body move and wonder why he was unable to control himself. It was almost like he was a living, breathing robot. He couldn't even scream in frustration.
Anders pulled his hand out of Diana's grip with a distasteful frown. Diana was unfazed by his rejection and reached up with both hands and grabbed his bicep, as she cooed, "What's the matter sugar? If I did something to upset you, I'll make it up to you."
Anders yanked his arm free and said, "Get away from me you freak."
It was obvious that he saw his new acquisition as something he really wanted nothing to do with. Even though Diana looked like a pretty twenty-something street walker, he knew exactly what 'she' was and his machismo would not even let him be touched by her.
He looked at Winters and asked, "What's its name now?"
Winters looked at Anders and directed a sad look at Diana. "Her name is Diana. She thinks and acts exactly like the person that she appears to be."
"Will she do anything she's told to do?" Anders stressed the word 'she', accepting Winters statement, but obviously had a problem dealing with the fact that Diana was a she-male. He would probably have been just as comfortable referring to Diana as 'it'.
"Yes. Diana is very willing to please. But she will need periodic sessions about once a month to reinforce the programming." Winters stressed the need for additional sessions to make sure that Anders knew that there was still a need for him and his staff members.
"That is not what I asked, you dimwit."
Even acknowledging what he had done to Rob was distressing to Winters. If the lives of his wife and daughter were not under Anders' control, Winters would have actually considered killing himself over the perversion of his abilities.
"Yes sir, we have found nothing here at the clinic she rebelled against."
"She isn't soiled is she?"
"Heavens no, she is sexually aggressive and as naive as a twelve year old. But I can assure you no one here has taken advantage of this poor child."
"Good. I have just the place to put her to work. If she is as willing as you say she is, she should bring me enough money to let me break even on this fiasco."
Anders turned and swept out of the door without looking back. Diana watched him leave and then realized that she was supposed to follow him. She hurried after the mobster, catching up with him as he was reaching the door to the rear parking lot. She had to walk quickly in her heels because she was unable to take longer strides in her tight skirt.
At the limo, the driver held the door as first Anders got into the car and then Diana. He never even thought to question why Anders did not show any chivalry to the woman riding with him. It was obvious that Anders only looked like a gentleman.
In the back, Anders gave instructions to drive to the club and closed the barrier between the driver and the rest of the car. Diana sat across from Anders, a vacant smile on her face and her hands folded in her lap. Inside, Rob wanted to scream, he thought about wanting to open the door and just throw himself into traffic to end his nightmare. He realized that would only let Geri get away with her evil plan and he had no control over himself anyway. He consoled himself by thinking that he would wait it out and find some way to pay Geri back for the misery he was going through.
All Anders could do was look at the thing sitting across from him. He saw what appeared to be a pretty blonde woman with a good figure, a completely clear complexion surrounding a short, up-turned nose. Blondish-red hair framed large blue eyes that stared at him from a completely unlined face. If he did not know that this person was almost thirty years old, he would swear that it appeared to be no more than twenty-one. Anders shuddered at what had been done to this guy by his wife for god's sake; she took not only his manhood but his dignity away. Anders made himself a promise. When he caught that bitch and her boyfriend he was going to enjoy watching them die.
Anders looked up and saw the freak staring at his crotch. Anders shifted nervously in his seat and challenged his prisoner, "Hey bitch, what do you call yourself?"
She shifted her gaze to her captor's face and she replied in a low polite respectful voice, "Diana, sir." Her demure response Anders found unnervingly sexy. Her expression barely changed while the friendly smile remained firmly in place.
"You know who I am?"
"Yes, sir. You are my master, I belong to you. Doctor Winters explained it to me this morning," she responded. That had been right before Winters had given her the injection. Rob could agree that whatever Winters had shot him up with was helping him cope, but it also had the effect of making it harder for him to concentrate. As a result, the Diana side of him found it easier to 'drive the train'.
"Well, if I'm your master, let me tell you what is going to be happening," Anders said.
Diana almost appeared to be drugged, but he assumed that it was more the result of the hypnotic programming she had been subjected to. It didn't matter anyway; most of his girls were drug addicts, which was how they coped with their lives. As long as she looked good in the club and on the auction block, he didn't care how she acted.
Anders continued, "We're on the way to the one of the clubs I own. You're going to be a waitress and one of my special hostesses. Do you understand?"
The way Anders said special hostess did not leave Diana feeling at all comfortable. Fortunately, the numbing effects of the tranquilizer had the effect of making Anders' comments seem like meaningless words to Rob. For the personality of Diana, it wasn't much better. She ended up coming across more like an air-headed valley girl.
"I understand being a waitress, sir. I'm not sure what being a hostess entails." Diana slurred.
"As a waitress, you'll be on display for the next few weeks and everyone can get a good look the merchandise before the auction."
"Display?" Diana asked, struggling to understand.
"Yes, display. Your wife and her boyfriend have disappeared. So I'm out the money I fronted their little operation and I'm going to take it out of your ass by selling you at auction." He spoke slowly annunciating every word as he explained as if to a small child. "You are going to be on display to all of the prospective bidders. I might even let a couple of the special customers test drive the merchandise." Anders smiled, watched Diana's face. The only reaction he saw was a single tear that slowly crawled out of the corner of her eye. She never moved and the smile on her face never wavered.
* * * * *
Anders did not speak to Diana again. He spent the rest of the half hour drive reviewing documents in the briefcase beside him, writing notes on most of them. He wrote a note as a reminder that Diana would require refresher sessions with Winters. That would only be necessary if he could not get the auction done in the next several weeks. He reflected that Winters and his clinic could have greater value to him as a means of eliminating his enemies. Eliminating them would be a waste of resources, he would just need to tighten his control.
Finally, the limo pulled up to the curb and the driver opened the door to let his passengers out. Of course, Anders exited first and proceeded into the building while Diana was left to fend for herself. She slid over to the door, first turning her legs out of the door and then standing from the car seat. This time, the driver assisted her with an offered hand and she responded with a grateful smile and stole a quick kiss much to the chauffeur's surprise. Diana hurried to catch up with her owner; she swayed her butt and left the driver with a lighthearted giggle. She was rewarded with an admiring smile.
Diana trotted after Anders like a girlfriend eager to please her inattentive beau. Anders went through the door first, but he did hold it for her to enter as well. Again, Diana's million-watt smile showed her gratitude and it was enough to trigger a matching smile from Anders, who was barely aware that he was returning it. Through it all, Rob wanted to just run away.
The manager must have been expecting them, because he was hurried over almost as soon as they were through the door.
"Mr. Anders! Good morning!" Diana reflected dimly that everyone must call Anders, Mister. She wondered what kind of man he really was. Then to Rob's disgust, Diana began to wonder what size cock he had.
"Vargas," Anders replied, acknowledging the manager's greeting. "I brought the package we discussed." He gestured to Diana.
Vargas turned to study Diana. Even through the haze of drugs in her system, she felt like she was being fondled mentally by him. Vargas smiled appreciatively and looked back to Anders.
"She's a fine looking piece of ass boss. I'll bet she goes for a princely sum." he said laughing at his pun.
"Yes, 'she' looks very good, but remember what's under the hood," Anders replied. "I want her on display, waiting tables; but for now, that's all. Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir," Vargas answered. They had done this kind of thing before, but the merchandise had not been 'free-range' so to speak. They had a lock-up in back for those particular items. Vargas did not expect any problems; he had already been informed that his temporary waitress would be obedient and willing to do anything.
"Then you take over from here and I'll go check the books," Anders left without looking back, leaving Vargas gawking at Diana.
As Vargas leered at Diana, she still felt like she was being undressed in his mind, but Diana was starting to like it and she smiled at him and pushed her chest out to emphasize her boobs.
"I don't have time to deal with you. Just do what Julie tells you to do." He pointed back over to the long bar, with a huge mirror behind it that ran up to the ceiling. At one end was an attractive blond woman with an incredibly curvaceous body; she wore a gold lame sheath dress with a beaded keyhole collar and an apron as she washed and dried glasses.
"Julie," Vargas yelled across the room and she looked up at him. He pointed at Diana and called, "Put her work!"
Julie looked at Diana and waved her over. Diana trotted over to the bar her smile beaming away.
Julie's breasts were huge and out of proportion to her trim body. To Rob this was a first clue that it wasn't all natural.
Julie looked at her for a moment, obviously assessing the girl that she saw. She held out a hand and said, "Hi, My name's Julie. What's your name?"
"Diana, ma'am," Julie found Diana's girly voice was much too cheerful for this time of day and she made a face.
Julie looked around to make sure no one could hear and said, "No I mean your real name."
A confused look crossed Diana's face as she fought hard to recall her name.
"Well, never mind Diana. My name is Julie, not ma'am. I'm the head bartender and assistant manager around here. You do what you're told and we'll get along fine. You cross me; I'll have your generous tits in a wringer. You got me?"
Diana nodded vigorously as she reflexively covered her breasts with her hands and said, "Yes, Miss Julie. I'll do anything you say. Please don't hurt me."
Rob shivered on the inside as he continued to see the world through a roll of gauze, 'What have I gotten myself into and how do I get out of here.'
Julie looked at the girl before her and had the vision of a puppy wagging its tail as fast it could, hoping for acceptance and encouragement. Well, a couple of nights with the crowd that this place pulled in would burn that eager-to-please attitude out of her.
She shrugged and said, "Okay. Come with me, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."
Rob could see that Julie had the figure of a fashion model, with an exaggerated swagger to her walk that seemed out of place. They came to a divide in the hall and Julie turned and cautioned the new girl.
"These rooms are for the working girls. Stay out of them unless Vargas tells you to go there."
"Working girls?"
"Yes dear. This club has different kinds of adult entertainment. Vargas and his partners provide a place for gentlemen to find some companionship for a price. They take a cut of the girls' take each night. I don't know if Vargas intends to put you to work or not, so you stay out of there. Understood?"
"Okay." Diana fantasized about the kind of work, Julie was talking about.
Staring into her face, Rob surfaced briefly as he found her eyes exotically attractive. He was getting lost in those lovely pools of brown chocolate. His heart raced; Rob had to force himself to look away. Julie was not exactly the next Bond girl, but he was sure Sean Connery would be proud to have her on his arm. However, there was something a little off; Rob discerned a subtle but noticeable sharpness to her facial features, and just the hint of a widow's peak showing at her hairline. She was attractive but he thought that perhaps she wasn't quite what she seemed. Being an observant individual Rob speculated that he was probably not dealing with a real woman. Rob realized that was why the way Julie walked seemed off.
Opening up a room, Diana beheld a bed, a sink and a commode.
"This is where you'll sleep. The club will provide you with uniforms and costumes, so you don't need a closet. Leave your purse in here. I'll show you around the club."
She led them back out to the main floor of the club and over to the bar.
"Anytime you don't have customers come back to the bar and wash glasses. Once they're dry, they all need to be hung back up in these racks." Julie pointed to the overhead slots where the drink glasses hung by their bases. She put Diana to work washing new glasses and went down the bar to work.
While he robotically washed glasses and then started hanging the dry glasses up, he took the opportunity to look around the club. It was public restroom clean, a thought that disgusted Diana, her time as a maid made her want to scrub and disinfect the entire place. Rob's mind forced its way through the fog as he pictured Diana on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. He thought, 'It will be a cold day in hell before anyone made him do that.' Then a chill passed over Diana that made her shiver to remind her that she was pretty close to hell now.
The monotonous routine of picking up a glass, washing it on the bar brush in the sink, and then rinsing in the other sink was enough to 'distract' the Diana side of Rob's mind. Winters had explained to Rob that the hypnotic suggestions would get stronger when they were reinforced by his actions and behavior.
The bar he stood behind ran the length of one side of the room and paralleled a raised stage that also ran the length of the other side of the room. It stood out with its disco ball hanging proudly over the stage. The ceiling was high and painted completely black, probably to conceal light fixtures and heating vents. The walls were windowless and completely blank, there was no sense decorating what was apparently a dimly lit nightclub. The wall through which Diana had entered with Anders was similar to the back wall, with the exception that there was a double door set into the middle. Doors to the back of the club were on either side of the bar. The club floor was littered with over two dozen smallish tables that appeared to have no logic to their placement.
When Diana had finished washing and hanging the drink glasses, Julie put her to work wiping tables and then sweeping the floor. Julie had started out looking upon Diana as just another piece of eye candy that was going to be in the way, but as she watched Diana work efficiently and tirelessly, she began to change her opinion. Diana on her own initiative set the chairs on the tables to ensure a thorough cleaning. This was someone who looked for work to be done, rather than hide from it.
Julie was somewhat amused as she watched Diana still dressed in her latex skirt as she worked. Out of the corner of her eye, Diana caught Julie watching her so she put a little extra sway and wiggle into her walk. As Diana worked, she wondered what was between Julie's legs, was it a pole or a hole. Diana's inner slut sought the attention of the good looking bartender.
Diana needed some kind of release. Rob temporarily fought through the Diana persona as he contemplated trying to seduce Julie and foster an ally. In his imagination he kept seeing Diana and Julie locked in sexual bliss. He fought hard to force his voyeuristic vision to bring Rob to the front and push Diana back down into his subconscious. The fact he found Julie attractive scared and thrilled Rob simultaneously.
Before her behavior became too exaggerated, Vargas returned to the club floor to check on its readiness to open for business. Seeing Diana sweeping, he called out to her, "Hey…Diana! Come here!"
Diana hurried over to him, still carrying her broom. Even as she came up to him, her movements tried to seduce him, her hands sensuously stroked up and down on the long wooden handle. The effect was not lost on Vargas, but he had received instructions from Anders that he needed to implement.
"Follow me."
Diana tried to walk close to Vargas, but he stopped and looked at her. "Stop acting like that around me! The boss gave orders that you were going to be sold as a virgin and I'm not going to have him castrate me because you managed to get it out of my pants!"
Diana backed up and looked down at the floor, her smile gone and tears starting at the corners of her eyes. "Yes, sir, Mr. Vargas," her lip quivered like she wanted to cry, which was just another ploy at gaining sympathy.
Rob wanted to tell Vargas that he had no interest in the slug of a man, but could not speak a word. He hated behaving this way and it made him angry, he just hadn't the willpower to stop it. Rob hated feeling like only an observer, wondering why he was behaving in this manner when he knew that he did not feel that way.
Vargas led the way past what was apparently his office. They stopped at an open storeroom and Vargas went to a set of shelves in the back. He looked at Diana critically for a moment and started taking various items of clothes from shelves and handed them to Dian. When he was done, she held a complete waitress uniform, right down to the thong, not designed to hide his manly part but rather to accentuate it.
"Put those on," Vargas directed.
With a total lack of modesty, Diana did a modified striptease on the spot, being naked in front of a strange man she felt tingling in her nipples and her groin. She stood there legs spread and hands on her hips daring Vargas to look at her.
Vargas had to adjust the front of his trousers and he angrily said, "Damn it girl, just get dressed!"
Rob could not understand how he could be doing this, what happened to his feelings of modesty? He turned his back to Vargas and put on the waitress uniform. He was glad that he was doing this with only Vargas present, even though the manager was ogling him. Obviously, Vargas didn't care that Diana was a man.
Then a little voice in his head said, 'I wonder if he thinks I'm pretty?'
Diana dressed quickly and efficiently. Once she was finished, Vargas looked her over and nodded in satisfaction.
"You'll be waiting tables tonight," he said. "See Julie, she'll get you fed and then ensure you are properly made up. She'll tell you what you're supposed to do."
Diana nodded and started to turn toward the door, putting a wiggle in her walk. Suddenly, she found herself pressed up against the wall with Vargas' arm across her throat. She hadn't even seen him move.
"Now listen up bitch!" he hissed into her face. His breath smelled of tobacco, coffee, and breath mints. Diana blinked in surprise and fear. "We're selling you in a few weeks. The boss wants you to be a virgin. If you're not, I'm the one who'll pay for it. So you're going to be a good girl!
"I'll be watching you and making sure that you're not fooling around. You're supposed to be on display. That will require you to tease the customers but if you cause any trouble, I'll whip you until you can't sit. You got me?"
Vargas' venom cut through Diana's bimbo facade, anger rose in Rob like bile and Rob felt himself break free of his Diana persona to respond to Vargas directly.
"Yes, sir! I can assure you. The last thing I want is to lose my virginity to you or any of your disgusting customers." Rob reveled in the fact that he was saying what he wanted and not acting like a submissive bimbo.
"You better, bitch!" Vargas stepped away from her and shoved her toward the door. "Get upstairs and see Julie. She's expecting you."
The shoes that Vargas had thrown at her had five inch heels and Diana found herself grabbing the door frame to keep from falling. While she wasn't familiar with them, they weren't uncomfortable to walk in and were similar to those she had worn under Geri's guidance. She found herself adapting to them fairly quickly and was walking in a normal sissy gait by the time she reached the main area of the club.
She tracked Julie down and went over to receive her instructions. Julie turned to see her coming and stopped for a moment to look her over.
Julie sighed, "You look pretty good; Vargas told me that you're to wait tables tonight. There's more work to be done yet and then I will take care of your makeup, its dark in here and all the girls wear rather dramatic makeup. The goal is to standout, not blend in. After tonight, you'll do your own."
Julie leered playfully at Diana and said, "You'll be working these tables at the back of the room, where I can keep an eye on you."
She gestured to a small group of tables that were somewhat separated from the larger tables that were closer to the stage.
"The working girls are at those tables, so you'll be taking drink orders only from the customers. I'll be working this end of the bar and setting the drinks up for you. Do you understand?"
Diana gave Julie her biggest smile and did a perfect curtsy then answered, "Yes, ma'am."
"The customers back here will be concentrating on the dancers and the girls, so you should not have any problems. Just as long as they don't think that you're on the menu, because some of them can have a problem with girls like us."
Diana reached down and grabbed her own crotch to confirm what she had suspected about Julie, "You mean that you're…?"
Julie answered sadly, "Yes, I am. You don't think I'd work here if I had an alternative, do you? If I had my choice I'd be working in a steno pool somewhere. When I go on an interview and tell them that I'm transitioning, they suddenly lose interest." She blinked away some tears of frustration.
Rob was angry and the anger served to bring Rob to the forefront. He was upset that his new friend would be treated like that. "Isn't there any other job you can do?" Rob asked. Apparently, being sympathetic was allowed by his programming.
"Yes, here. I'm an excellent manager," Julie said as she gestured Diana to have a seat on a bar stool.
Rob looked around to make sure no one could over overhear and said, "I'm sorry, not all employers are that way. When you get a chance, apply for a position at Tanner Investments, ask to speak to Sally."
Julie smiled sadly and said, "The other reason I can't leave is that Vargas owns my debts and he'll demand that I pay them in full before I can leave. If I don't pay, his friends would probably kill me."
Julie leaned in close to Diana and said, "I know that they plan on having an auction to sell you as a sex slave, but I don't know when. I don't dare do anything to help you to escape or they'll kill me and my family. That's how these guys work. Even when you reach a point where you don't care what they do to you, they can still use your family and friends against you. But, I promise that I'll take care of you while you're here though."
Rob had receded, mentally, and Diana wondered why anyone would want to escape being a sex slave. She sat quietly while Julie pulled out a makeup kit from behind the bar and began to transform Diana from a pretty young woman to a sexy vixen.
When she was finished, Julie allowed her to take a look at herself in the big mirror behind the bar. Diana stopped in awe when she saw herself. With only a bit of eyeliner and foundation, Julie had transformed her into a sex kitten. Somehow, her blue eyes looked larger and bluer. Diana knew that Julie had not done anything more to her hair than brush it out, but the red highlights seemed to glow among the blonde hair. She looked up at the ceiling and saw that the spotlights must be helping.
By now, several girls had reported for work, dressed in their waitress costumes. Julie introduced Diana around and told them that as a new girl she would only have the tables at the back of the room so that Julie could keep an eye on her. A few of them looked at Diana with some annoyance, not happy with more competition for tips.
Candy jumped in, "Those are normally my tables, I'm getting screwed without any foreplay."
Diana started to speak to offer Candy the foreplay, but Rob cut her off and said, "Candy, I'm sorry. How about I split my tips with you?"
Candy studied her for a moment, not sure if there was some other motive at work before she smiled and hugged Diana and said, "Thanks that's fair I guess. It's just so competitive for tips, if you're just a waitress. It's the girls that dance and take guys for recreation back to their rooms that make the big bucks."
* * * * *
The evening went fairly smoothly, at least at the beginning, with customers filtering in fairly quickly to fill the place. Rob quickly observed a number of inefficiencies. Some waitresses had to run an obstacle course of tables and chairs to get to the bar to place orders. When he had a break, he took a cocktail napkin and sketched out a suggested new floor plan and handed it to Julie.
There were a few customers who took seats toward the back of the room, where they were joined by one or two of the working girls. Most of the time, they did not stay at the table long before disappearing through the door beside the bar that lead to the girls' rooms. When a customer would sit down and a lady would join him, Diana would go over to take his order. It didn't matter what he ordered for his new companion, Julie would set a drink up and make sure that Diana knew which one was for the lady and which was for her friend-of-the-moment.
In hindsight, it may not have been a very good idea to put Diana in the midst of so many men, and women, in her constantly aroused state.
Diana did not make any friends with the working girls that night as she kept flirting shamelessly with the johns. In at least one instance, the guy left because he wanted to get to know Diana better and his escort of the moment told him that she was not available.
When one of the customers made a grab for Diana during one of her trips back from the bar, he was stopped by another of Diana's admirers. Diana and the hooker watched in shock as punches were thrown and the two fighters went down when the bouncers zapped them with their stun guns and tactical police batons.
Both men found themselves in the back alley, recovering from their shocks and unable to get back into the club. The working girl favored Diana with a venomous glare before she returned to her table to wait for a new john to come in the door. Diana found herself being escorted from the floor and back to her cell. Diana stood in the room for a few minutes, wondering what would happen to her.
She realized she was in deep shit when Vargas showed up.
"I told you that I didn't want any trouble from you, didn't I?" He face was dark with anger. "I had to throw two paying customers out and Marla lost out on at least one john because of you!"
Without another word, he took out a stun gun and stabbed into Diana's thigh. She screamed wordlessly and her vision was filled with flashing colored lights as Vargas pulled the trigger. She collapsed bonelessly to the floor as Vargas left the room, locking the door behind him.
As she started regain consciousness, she didn't know how long she had been out. She had just finished cleaning herself when Vargas slammed open the door. Her body hurt from the high voltage shock and the burn where the stun baton had contacted the skin of her leg.
All Diana could do was sob in pain. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll behave, I promise." She continued to babble her apology at him as he stood looking lustily at her. She was too far in shock to realize that the skirt of her costume was up around her waist.
He decided to take advantage of Diana's apparent breakdown and said, "There's a sandwich and a bottle of water there on the nightstand. Consider this a warning, you tramp. You misbehave again and this session will seem like a walk in the park. Do you understand?"
Through clenched teeth Rob nodded and said in his best girlie voice, "Yes, sir." Vargas left the room and locked the door behind him. He was long gone by the time Rob realized that he was able to think as himself again instead of a sex-crazed bimbo. Then he turned to the business of eating and sleeping.
* * * * *
Sometime later he was awakened by the cell door being unlocked. Rob sat up in bed and, to save his modesty, he pulled the blanket up to cover his chest. The door was opened and what appeared to be a sobbing teenage girl was unceremoniously shoved into the room. Vargas simply said, "Morning twinkle toes, you have company."
The new girl was wearing only a floral lace robe and chemise nightgown with satin sheer cups embracing an impressive pair of boobs; she stumbled across the room and collapsed on the bed crying hysterically. In a motherly fashion, Diana gathered the poor distraught thing into her arms and cradled her. When the sobs had diminished Diana looked down at her cellmate and said in a cheery tone, "Hi, I'm Diana, what's your name?"
"What the fuck difference does it make? My parents named me Steven. But I've been warned to only respond to people when they call me Sophie the Sissy." Her voice was low pitched, almost throaty, giving her voice a smoky quality.
Grabbing her very prominent breasts, she pushed them up and declared, "They made sure that I would never be seen as anything other than a walking pair of tits. Please, think of me as a woman just like you." Then the tears started again.
Diana studied the girl for a few moments. Now that she knew, it was easy to pick out the too strong features and rough voice that told her that this girl, despite her massive tits, would be read quickly. It was obvious that this was what the intended result. When she had been pushed into the room, Diana had gotten the impression of a slender woman, with hair grown out to almost her shoulders, so their captors wanted Sophie to at least attempt to pass as a woman. She could only assume that the goal here was to make Sophie appear to be a parody of a woman, to humiliate the man he had been.
Sophie's suffering forced Diana to beat a hasty retreat as the bimbo-slut personality could not deal with this kind of thing and Rob took over. He couldn't help but hug the crying girl tightly, as if trying to squeeze the grief and terror out of her. For some reason, seeing what had been done to Steven brought everything that had been done to Rob into sharp relief for him. He found himself crying for what both of them had lost.
The two of them sat on the bed crying and commiserating. The passage of time meant nothing as they tried to console each other. Rob was not sure which of them cried themselves out first, but they finally found themselves just holding each other, just taking comfort in the touch of another person. Rob was shocked to find he had his arms tightly wrapped around a partly naked woman and he felt no physical reaction. Why wasn't he feeling aroused?
At the end, they were two little girls sharing a platonic moment, who had had their masculinity and freedom taken from them and their lives turned inside out. Diana knew that the mob boss intended to sell her at some kind of auction and she was intrigued by the idea. Rob was scared shitless at the thought. He had no idea what was going to happen to the girl he held, but it was quite probable that the same fate was intended for her.
Rob realized that he would need to be the one with strength for them both or they would be reduced to a pair of helpless sex slaves. Which was quite probably what was intended for them.
Stroking Sophie's back gently, Rob asked, "Can you tell me about what happened to you?"
Sophie pulled herself into a sitting position and sat back against the wall. She took a deep breath to prepare herself, causing her magnificent breasts to swell out.
"I'm not sure how to start," she said, wiping away the last of her tears. "I met my wife in college. I was just finishing my accounting degree and she was auditing some courses to help her in her father's business. I tutored her a little and we got to know each other and fell in love. I can't believe how fast sometimes."
Sophie smiled at the memory.
"Even though Maria was ten years older than me, we loved each other and we were married just months after I graduated. Of course, I went to work for her father in their business supply firm. We'd been married about a year and we were happy. I just hadn't shared my hobby of liking to dress up as Sophie with Maria."
She looked apologetic as she tried to explain, "I mean, we fell in love and got married so fast that I never had a chance to tell her about it. One of the last things I remember is that Maria was going to spend the weekend with her mother at a retreat and I decided that Sophie could come to visit. I was enjoying a glass of white wine in the den when Maria walked in with her mother."
Sophie started to tear up again as she said, "Maria just screamed something at me about being a pervert and they ran out. I tried to call her cell phone and at her parent's house, but nobody would answer my calls. I scrubbed Sophie's makeup off and changed my clothes back to Steven's. When I went to her parent's house, her father met me at the door and told me that his daughter had made a mistake in marrying a pervert like me. I didn't get a chance to explain before he punched me. When I woke up, I was somewhere upstate and this had been done to me. I've been beaten and tortured almost every day to make sure that I walk, talk, and act like Sophie the Sissy.
"I was dragged out of wherever I was late last night and stuffed into the trunk of a car. This morning, they shoved me in here with you and they told me that if I was a good girl I might get lucky enough to find an owner when they auction me off." The tears were flowing freely again as she said, "I don't understand what is going on."
Before Diana could explain where they were and what was going to happen to them, Julie appeared at the door.
"We are the only ones here other than Vargas," her tone of voice was gentle, but businesslike. "Come take showers and get dressed. We'll sort out some food for you and I'll put you to work. I'm afraid that you have a long day ahead of you."
Sophie was up quickly enough, but she had to help Diana to stand. Diana needed to get her skyscraper heels on before she was halfway stable and able to walk along. She quickly related to Sophie what had happened the night before and cautioned her to be careful about doing what she was told to avoid being punished.
Julie led them over to the deserted working girl area and got them started with getting freshened up for the day. By the time they were done with their showers, she had returned with clean clothes for them, right down to clean bras and panties. Julie explained quietly that it was to make sure that the girls left nothing of a personal nature in the club. She led them down to a small kitchenette where they were fed microwaved breakfasts that Julie brought in.
Rob was coming to appreciate the fact that Julie might be a good ally or protector to cultivate, at least for the time that they might be here. He could only hope that something might happen to save them from the fate that seemed to have been arranged for them.
When they were done eating, Julie led them back to the office. In a matter of minutes, both girls sported a thick silver bracelet. Julie explained that it was similar to the electric collars dogs wore to keep them in their yards. These would cause the doors to lock if they got too close. They wouldn't be running through an unguarded door to escape.
Julie put them to work cleaning up the main room. It was simple enough work, sweeping and mopping the floor and cleaning tables. Julie was a generous task mistress, only having them do the work that they could and not overworking them. Their final chore was to move tables into a new arrangement that seemed familiar to Diana. Vargas was passing through the main floor when he saw the tables being move around.
"What's going on?"
Julie was supervising the work and stepped in to defend her two workers. She was holding a napkin with a floor plan marked out.
"I saw how the girls were having trouble with our regular layout last night. It occurred to me that organizing the stations a little differently would help the girls and save us a few dropped drinks." She flashed a quick wink at Diana when Vargas was looking away who nodded with a grunt and went on about his business.
Julie looked at Diana and said, "I didn't think he would be happy if it was your idea, sorry."
Diana just shrugged and smiled as if she had no idea what Julie was talking about.
The evening's business went pretty much as the previous night, with Sophie helping behind the bar and Diana was serving drinks to the special tables in the rear. It was a quiet night, except for one incident that would impact several lives.
Despite the lesson that had been meted out to her the night before, Diana's inner slut began to slink its way to the forefront again. It would not have been a big problem except that Marla had decided to deal Diana some payback for the john she had lost out on.
When the guy she was with expressed more than a passing interest in Diana, Marla encouraged him and explained that Diana was not normally on the menu. But, if he were to go back to one of the rooms, she would arrange it with Diana for her to join him. She knew that it would be easy to do because Diana had already been to the table twice, flirting outrageously.
Once she had the john in position, Marla called Diana over to the table and whispered to her. The poor girl's eyes lit up and she actually licked her lips. Inside, Rob wanted to scream, run, shake her head, something; but the programming overrode almost all logical thought.
What saved Diana was that her fellow servers had been alerted by Julie to help keep Diana out of trouble. It was policy that only the working girls went back to the rooms. When Diana disappeared through the open doorway, she was quickly followed by three of her co-workers who dragged her back to the main floor, protesting.
The disruption did not go unnoticed by Vargas, even though it barely caught the attention of the two nearest tables. He was there in an instant, demanding to know what was going on. The other girls vanished in an instant, letting Vargas handle it.
When Diana explained that she was going back to one of the rooms and that Marla had assured her that Vargas had approved it, the man's expression became darkly angry. Marla denied everything and claimed that Diana was making it up. What saved Diana from another night of torture was that the john's story essentially matched hers and Marla was quickly escorted off the floor and down to one of the basement cells, where her screams could be heard until the music started up again.
Vargas told anyone who asked the next day that Marla had been moved to one of the other clubs.
* * * * *
Diana had seen that several of the girls split their time between waiting tables and performing on stage. The tips the performers got were better than the nights they were waitresses. She had watched several of the acts and they were pretty much the old bump-and-grind to recorded music. Some of the girls actually looked bored while they gyrated their hips and breasts.
She began to fantasize about what it would be like to be up on stage in front of all the men and women that populated the club at night and it made her hot. For some reason, Rob, who had always fancied himself a good dancer, found himself wondering what it would be like also. He was only a little worried that the division between himself and the person he was forced to behave like might be breaking down.
Two of the regular performers called in sick so Vargas made a change that Diana and Sophie would be trained as backups so he wouldn't be caught shorthanded again. The thought of performing caused Diana to squeal with delight. Sophie was far less excited about the prospect.
Shortly thereafter two patrons got into a verbal argument over whether their waitress was Diana or Sophie.
Vargas quieted down the two when he was forced to comp them for the night. He dragged the two girls to the bar and said, "I've never had the problems the two of you seem to cause as waitresses, so you're going to be dancing on stage instead."
He leered at them and said, "Pay attention to the acts because you're going on when I think you're ready. I figure that it's safer to put you on display on stage instead of running around the tables. Besides, it'll raise your value in the auction if we can say that you have talent." As if he thought that someone would pay more for a she-male who can dance in addition to being able to suck and fuck.
Diana and Sophie spent the evening watching what the girls did on stage. There were more than a few of the girls who both performed on stage and worked as waitresses. Some even found their way to the back rooms, with Vargas' approval of course.
The dancers appreciated the fact that Diana was willing to help them and learn from them. She took most of the pressure for them so that they could concentrate on their preparations for their individual acts. Over the course of the next afternoon, they discussed various methods of presentation. Things like how to show a lot of skin without actually letting the audience see anything at all and the importance of getting just close enough to be touched without being close enough to be grabbed. The bouncers were there to make sure that no one got out of hand, but the girl who got grabbed was soon taught that she shouldn't have been in the first place.
Of course, Diana fantasized about was being grabbed and fondled by the audience.
* * * * *
It was after closing before Sophie had a chance to talk with Diana. Some of the girls were still sitting around resting and Sophie drew Diana a bit away from the rest. Sophie had helped with the behind the scenes work throughout the night, but it was obvious that the prospect of having to dance in front of a large group of people who would make fun of her terrified her.
"C…Can I talk to you Diana?" Sophie stuttered.
Even though she was tired, Diana's smile lit up her face. "Sure, Sophie. Is everything all right?"
It was obvious that Sophie had a problem; it looked like she was ready to break down into tears at any moment.
"I'm scared, Diana." Now the tears were really running. "I barely look like a woman and I only sound like one because of what they did to my throat. If I go on stage, everybody will laugh at me."
Diana looked at her friend and could see that there was actual fear on her face. She did the only thing that she knew to do and that was to wrap Sophie in her arms and hold her tightly.
"It will be okay, Soph. I know that you're scared and I am too, somewhere inside. This could be fun and is a lot easier work than waiting tables."
After a few moments, she held Sophie out in front of her and looked her in the eyes.
"There is nothing wrong with being afraid. The question is whether you will let people make you feel ashamed. You did not choose to be here and to be this way. Vargas is going to force you out on stage, with a cattle prod, if it comes to that.
Rob swam up though the muck that was Diana's personality and surfaced long enough to say, "Now…you have two choices. You will either show your audience that you are ashamed of what has been done to you and that you're afraid of what they think or you will show them that you are better than what they think you are and that they can't beat you down."
Diana shook Sophie slightly and said, "You need to show them that you're a stronger person inside and that they can physically abuse but they can't control your mind, unless you let them."
Sophie stood before Diana for a moment, suspended at arm's length. As she thought through the simple philosophy that Diana had put forth, she realized her friend was correct. She had been pushed down a mountain that she had no hope of reaching the top of again and all she could do was to keep from being destroyed by the avalanche that had now been started behind her. As that realization came to her, she nodded and hugged Diana in gratitude.
Some of the girls behind Diana had heard what she said to Sophie and were nodding in agreement as well.
* * * * *
The following morning, Julie put Diana to work on the act she would be doing on stage while Sophie did some office work for Vargas. Diana had suggested a karaoke version of a Shania Twain song and Julie had thought that it would be workable. She watched as Diana gathered her props, consisting mostly of tear away pieces of clothing. Once Julie was satisfied that Diana would not need any further help, she went off to do her own tasks.
It was mid-afternoon before Diana even saw Sophie. Sophie came over to help with some of the clothes and she whispered to Diana, "I think that Vargas may be cooking the books."
Diana glanced around to check their privacy and whispered back. "What do you mean?"
"He knew that I was an accountant in my father-in-law's business, so Vargas had me do some work for him this morning. He must think that it's okay if I know what he's doing because they're going to sell me off and get rid of me."
"That's interesting. He must not be worried that you will tell anyone about it or that you wouldn't know what he was doing. You had better just keep your mouth shut, you never know when knowing something like that might come in handy."
Sophie smiled back at her friend. "I'm learning, believe me."
The pattern was repeated over the next few days. In the morning, Sophie would work in the office while Diana practiced and became comfortable with her strip tease act. In the afternoon, they both practiced. At night, they continued to wait on tables, but there were no more troubles with customers. By now, Rob had established enough control over himself that he was able to keep Diana from getting into trouble with Vargas. In addition, Diana had become friends with several of the other girls, who turned out to be she-males like Diana and Sophie. Diana's not-so-inconsiderable tips were distributed amongst the other girls because Diana knew that she would not have any use for the money.
It was still frustrating to Rob that he had been able to gain control of himself for the most part, but he found that he was unable to tell anyone who Diana really was or to ask for help. In some ways, this made Rob feel like more of a prisoner than the special bracelet that he wore that would lock exit doors to him before he got to them.
Every night, Rob would sit upon his bed, trying to bring his mind to a point that would let him be in control of himself again. Every morning, it would become apparent that he had failed again. He actually began to wonder if there was something about himself that did not want to break free from the subliminal programming and become just Rob again. Something about Diana that attracted him.
* * * * *
After allowing both Diana and Sophie a week to practice their routines, Vargas had decided that there would be some amateur night performances. Diana and Sophie would perform on the weekend so that prospective bidders in the coming auction would be able to check them out.
It had become Friday night, almost before they knew it. Diana would be the second act tonight and Sophie would be dancing the following night. While Sophie was still terrified, Diana was rightfully proud of her body and actually looked forward to being the center of attention.
Half an hour before she was due to go on stage, her whole body felt like it was vibrating. She was sure that the girls standing near her must be able to hear her body actually buzzing from excitement. She knew that any sane person would be scared stiff to perform for the first time, but she wasn't. She wanted to be out there on stage, seducing every man and woman in the place.
What was interesting was that Rob was just as excited to be doing this and he did not really understand why. Rob knew that the hypnotic programming he had been subjected to was making him go along with this, but he felt like he wanted this just as much as the Diana portion of his mind did. As a normal male, he appreciated a gorgeous woman's body. He knew he was good looking and he wanted to share himself with everyone else. He didn't even care that he wasn't upset about it.
Diana had taken special care with her makeup. She had used just enough rouge on her pale skin to give her face a glow. One of the girls had given her a set of glamour length false eyelashes and a jar of body glitter. Eyeliner enhanced her eyes without giving her a Goth look and the crimson lipstick drew attention to her lips, giving her a total look of sex.
To accent the red in her hair and makeup, she was wearing a black skirt and blouse. The black fishnet stockings and the black four inch pumps stood out against the paleness of her legs. With the exception of her reddish-blonde hair, Diana thought that she made for a pretty good Shania Twain. She was so psyched for this performance that she was already humming the song to herself and swaying back and forth in time with the tune.
One of the other girls, who was dressing to head back out to the club floor, looked at Diana and smiled. "Diana, it would be so easy to hate you right now. You know that?"
Diana snapped out of her trance and immediately lost her smile as she looked around at Debbie. Her eyes went wide and looked like they were about to fill with tears. She didn't want Debbie to be mad at her.
"Why Debbie? What did I do wrong?'
Debbie smiled again and slipped over to give Diana a hug of reassurance.
"You didn't do anything kid. You just make this look so easy. Do you know how much I've gone through to even look this good?"
Debbie was one of the tgirls who had gone all the way years ago. She was ten years older than Diana and knew that the younger girl was no threat to her. She had been happy to take Diana under her wind and coach her. The bonus Vargas had offered Debbie to be Diana's mentor was nice, but she would have done it for free. Vargas considered it an investment in improving Diana's value at the auction next week, but Debbie liked Diana and enjoyed the girl's company.
"I can see how much you want to be out there and I can see that you know what you're doing. You're a natural at this." She hugged Diana again in encouragement and stepped away to tie the abbreviated apron around her waist. It was only there to call attention to the fact that it was barely longer than the skirt is claimed to protect.
Diana stood in the wing of the stage, watching as Cyndi was approaching the finale of her act. There were still several minutes left and then she would be gathering her tips and picking up the pieces of clothing that she had dropped on the stage. The girls always dropped the clothes that they were going to reuse on the stage. The giveaways always got thrown out into the crowd. Almost all of the girls threw thongs and panties. Of course, this revealed that most of the performers were actually she-males.
Diana peeked around the edge of the curtain to get a look at the crowd. With the lights down low backstage and spot lights on Cyndi, she wasn't worried about being seen. It looked like almost a full house tonight, which was why every available server was running drinks.
She could see Sophie working the tables on the near side of the stage. It was good that she was being allowed to serve tables because it was helping her to get some confidence in herself. She was going to need it for her stage performance tomorrow.
Sophie looked like she was actually enjoying herself as she sashayed through the tables. Of course, she had been warned by Vargas that he would make her life hell if her attitude turned off the customers. The pep talk Diana had given her might have helped too. She had just explained to her that it was her life and her body. Sophie could either be depressed and moan about what had been done to her or embrace it and try to find a reason to like herself. But it was up to Sophie to figure out what the reason was.
Rob hoped that Sophie's current burst of confidence would last through her performance tomorrow. For simplicity, they been given the same act to perform on different nights so that it was easier to teach them and practice. She really hoped that Sophie wouldn't freeze up in front of the customers the way she had in her first couple of practices.
Cyndi had finally finished taking her bows and grabbed her pile of clothes as she scampered backstage. She was practically crying as she went by Diana saying, "Bastards! All they're tipping is ones! Not even a single five dollar bill! " Diana watched Cyndi stalk away, feeling bad for her. Tips meant nothing to Diana and Sophie because they essentially prisoners and were going to be sold at auction next week anyway. But girls like Cyndi and Debbie actually depended upon those tips to make ends meet.
The house lights came up once Cyndi was off the stage, allowing the customers in the club to see to go to the restrooms, wave down a server, or to just see the other people around them so that they could discuss the relative merits of the performance they had just seen.
* * * * *
Pete and his wing-person, Terry, had just come in to catch the show. They had met at a LGBT meeting months ago and had decided that going to clubs together would make good sense. Being together would prevent unwanted advances. They had heard about some amateur acts that were going to be showcased this week and had decided to check them out. It was a pretty good crowd for the middle of the week and they considered themselves lucky to find a small table for two on the outside edge.
A server made her way over to them and took their order. Once the server was gone, the two of them looked the place over. While there were several tables where a man and woman were seated together, the lion's share of the clientele was split rather evenly with tables being occupied by men or women. Pete could see that there only a few hetero couples in the whole place. He was glad that he and Terry had decided to come out together. Appearing to be a hetero couple would allow them to enjoy the show and meet people without feeling any pressure from anyone to join them for a drink or engage them in a conversation that they really did not want to be in.
It was while he was looking across the room that Pete saw someone who caught his eye. She was making her way through the tables, doing her best to maintain her balance in the high heels she wore. There was something about her that fascinated him.
She was obviously a dude in transition and she was doing her best to look comfortable as a man in high heels and a miniskirt. She was rather over-endowed and Pete had to assume that she had been the victim of a bad breast enhancement surgery. On the surface, she obviously would fit the definition of a chick with a dick, but the thought of that term made him angry.
The individuals that he was attracted to had always been manly and she definitely did not fit that description. He had always believed that he was gay because he was attracted to manly men. Now, he found himself thinking about a feminine man in a romantic setting. He really wanted to meet him/her and learn who this person was.
Everyone else in the club seemed to fade into black-and-white and all Pete could see was Sophie smiling and serving drinks. Without trying to be obvious, Pete kept his eye on her until the house lights went down for the performance that they had come to see, but Sophie never came over to their side of the club. Terry could see that Pete's attention was on the waitress also, so she settled back to enjoy the stage show and to enjoy watching Pete.
* * * * *
On stage, a spotlight lit one side and the lead-in for one of Shania's hit songs started up. A girl in a black, ankle-length trench coat and hat stalked across the stage and stopped dead in the middle. She turned to the crowd lowered her head for a moment and then snapped it up as she launched into 'Man I Feel Like a Woman!' Her arms opened wide as the lyrics changed from 'Let's go girls!' to 'Let's go folks!' and she owned the audience from that moment on.
She strutted, she shimmied, twisted, and turned, keeping time to the music and appearing to sing to the words. Her body seemed to ooze sex and send an invitation to everyone. She had the attention of every man and woman in the place as she danced. Every one of them believed that Diana did feel like a woman.
As she slinked through the spotlight, the trench coat swirled around her and came off to reveal a black skirt and vest over a white half-shirt. With each bump and grind across the stage, another article of clothing came loose and dropped to the floor behind her. When the blouse came off to reveal her black bra, there must have been twenty hands out with cash in them. She smiled shyly at the men and women who were waving at her.
Kicking off the skirt, she revealed several multi-colored wedding garter belts on each thigh, high up on the thigh. Easily pulling one off her leg by undoing the velcro strip, she danced around by one of the studs waving a twenty at her and she deftly stripped the bill from his hand as she left the garter behind. Anyone watching her act would have thought that Diana had been doing this act for months instead of for the first time.
The whole act might have lasted less than five minutes, but the entire club had come to a standstill in those minutes. Looking at the stage from where he and Terry were sitting, he thought that the girl on stage looked familiar, but he wasn't sure. But then, he still had Sophie's image on his mind.
By the time Shania had finished her song, Diana was down to just her thong and that wasn't about to come off. What she did was stuff all of her tips down the front of the thong…guys with 20's got to stuff it in for her. She might want to screw everyone in here tonight because she was just so horny, but Vargas had been very clear with her about what would happen if that thong didn't stay on. She really did not want another encounter with Vargas' stun gun.
She still had a few garters left and she traded them for tips. When the belts were gone, she started letting them put a kiss on a leg or her ass. If the tip was really good, she let them put one on her cheek. Finally, her admirers were done and she wiggled her way back across the stage, gathering her articles of clothing as she went.
When Diana came off the stage into the wings, it was dead silent backstage. The clapping from the audience and the various shouts of Diana's name and calls for an encore were loud, but made louder because there was no competing noise from the girls around Diana.
Diana's eyes were glazed with arousal and hadn't realized that everyone backstage was just standing there, staring at her. As her breathing slowed, her breasts stopped heaving quite so much. She started to come down from her high and looked around her to see that the girls all had a shocked look on their face. Debbie came around the curtains from the club floor and passed the rest on her way. There was a huge smile on her face.
"Wha…What's wrong?" Diana faltered, wondering what kind of trouble she was in.
Debbie stepped over to her and hugged her to reassure her. "Nothing! You were wonderful!" She held Diana out at arm's length and continued, "I swear that you had every guy and quite a few of the women out there wanting you."
That broke the spell that seemed to keep everyone frozen and all of the girls started laughing and congratulating Diana on how well she had done. One of the girls asked, "How did you do that so well?"
Diana laughed and replied, "I just let my inner slut out to play!" It was Rob who was grinning at how it felt to have been so uninhibited in front of so many people, regardless of his appearance.
Julie came back to shoo the girls out to the floor, telling them that there were a lot of customers who had yelled themselves hoarse cheering for Diana and needed something to drink. Everyone scattered, knowing that the crowd was in a good mood tonight.
Julie looked at Diana and smiled as broadly as Debbie had moments ago.
"Good job! You have everyone out there raving about you and they'll be coming back to see you again. We're going to have to come up with a separate act for you." She frowned as she said, "I wish that we could keep you here, you would be great for business."
Not even the fact that she was going to be sold at auction to some kind of white slaver could affect Diana's mood at the moment. She stepped over to Julie and hugged her tightly.
"Right now, it just doesn't matter!" She was practically bouncing up and down like a school girl because of the adrenalin in her system. "That was fun!"
Julie pushed Diana back and looked down at her. "Don't you think you should put a little more on?"
Diana looked down at her bare torso. All she was wearing was her thong, fishnets, and black heels. The thong made no secret of what it contained, but the detached side of Rob noted that his cock was quiet and calm, as if he had just taken a cold shower. Diana's breasts however where sporting aroused nipples that looked hard enough to cut glass.
"I suppose!" Diana practically yelled as she laughed. "But I'm so turned on right now! I can't wait to do it again!"
Julie had seen this before with dancers when they had their first couple of good nights. A bad night or two usually permanently destroyed the attraction of the stage and then it just became a job.
"I know! I know!" Julie replied, grinning at the girl. "Slip on something sexy and come out to the bar. You can help serve drinks and I can keep you out of trouble with our guests." She could see that putting Diana out on the floor would be foolish. The girl wouldn't be able to take two steps without one of her new fans trying to accost her.
"Okay," Diana said playfully, like a reluctant child. "Can you take care of this?" She held out the double-handful of bills that she had gathered from her audience.
Julie's eyes widened when she saw the wad Diana held out and said, "What did you do? It looks like you went out and robbed a bank!" She was glad that Diana had decided to turn her tips over to the other girls; they might kill her if she was making these kinds of tips and taking them home. Some of the girls would still be upset at the attention she would be getting.
While Diana pulled on her white shirt and black skirt, Julie snagged a small box and dumped the cash into it. It looked to her like Diana might have brought in a few hundred dollars. Diana strapped several more garters onto her thighs before Julie led her down to one end of the bar. Julie had arranged it so that Diana could dispense drafts for the rest of the night to walk-ups. A bouncer stayed close to the bar to make sure that no one got out of hand with Diana or with each other.
Diana had plenty of business from anyone and everyone who wanted to chat with her. She ended up selling the garters for a tidy sum and had to actually sell kisses to a lucky few. The cash ended up going into her stash under the bar. Vargas was at the end of the bar grinning at ear-to-ear at the spectacle. They hadn't had this kind of performance in a long time. As a result, he was making a killing just selling draft beer tonight.
Out on the floor, Pete and Terry had enjoyed the show as much as everyone else. There was something erotic about the dancer that naturally attracted them both and they had been clapping and cheering as much as everyone around them had been. Of course, Pete did not feel drawn to try to speak with Diana when she came out to work the bar. This was fortunate as there was a line of at least ten people at any one time waiting to buy a draft beer from her. Instead, Pete continued to scope out the waitress that had caught his eye earlier. He wanted to make his way over to chat her up, but the club had become so crowded that he saw that it would be a lost cause. He decided that he might have better luck tomorrow if he tried to meet her earlier in the evening.
The rest of the night was a blur for Diana. The crush of customers at the bar wound down about an hour before closing. She stood behind the bar with her tits peeking out of her half-buttoned shirt and the skirt that showed off her legs and some folks were drawn back to bar for multiple refills. The tips that Diana had raked in were split among the rest of the girls, who were shocked at how much Diana had made on her first night. Diana felt a thrill of satisfaction at how her co-workers reacted.
Finally, Julie led a dazed Diana down to her room in the basement. Julie stripped her down to her thong and pulled the cruel-looking heels off Diana's feet. No one seemed to realize that heels this long were the only way she could walk comfortably. Diana had long ago resigned herself to the fact that she would be wearing shoes like this for the rest of her life. Vargas had sent down a meal for Diana, he was obviously happy with her performance this evening.
Sophie came down about half an hour later and she too was smiling at how well Diana had done on stage. There was also a certain amount of fear and uncertainty on her face because she would be performing tomorrow and she knew that she could never match the energy and eroticism that Diana had managed to inject into her dance. Diana was already going to sleep and drowsily assured Sophie that she would help her practice tomorrow. The two of them quickly settled down in the bed together, like two sisters so that Julie could lock them in for the night and lights were turned off.
* * * * *
Diana was moving a little slowly the following morning, but she quickly loosened up as she moved around. Once they were released from their rooms, she and Sophie hurried to the shower and got cleaned up for the day. Their breakfast was better than they had had in several days. Obviously, Vargas saw fit to take care of his two special performers if he wanted them to perform at the level he had seen last night.
After breakfast, they helped to clean up the club and then went back stage to allow Sophie to practice her act. Diana offered suggestions from her experience the night before, like what to think about while she was dancing, how to move, and how to remove items of clothing. Sophie made good use of her ideas and felt more confident about the mechanics of her upcoming performance. She still wasn't sure if she would be able to get over the terror of her stage fright.
Diana helped Sophie with her act until a couple of hours before opening. Then the two were allowed to sit down for a while. Diana noticed that they were being treated less harshly now, probably because Vargas wanted them rested and healthy for the auction that was supposed to be coming. When it was time to open, Sophie went backstage to dress in the same kind of costume that Diana had worn the previous night and Diana dressed in her brief waitress costume.
Pete had come back alone tonight and his only objective was to chat up the waitress he had seen last night. He had a strong suspicion that she was not a genetic female, that much had been pretty much obvious last night. But she presented herself as a woman so he thought of her the same way. There was just something about her that made him want to talk to her, so he had to come back tonight to make the attempt.
He had wanted to sit at the vacant table in the area she had been working last night, but he had been told that it was reserved and he had ended up at a small table nearby. He planned to move to wherever she was working in the club, but he hadn't seen her as yet. He had seen the dancer from the previous night working some tables on the far side of the stage, but he hadn't seen his dream girl yet.
He had resigned himself to the fact that she must not be working tonight and decided that he would at least check out the beginning of the amateur show before he left. Last night's dancer had been pretty good and she looked attractive enough as she waited tables, even though he was not into girls. He was attracted to his dream girl because he knew that she was a guy, but he didn't know what kind of guy.
Just before the amateur show was due to begin; Pete saw a man and woman being escorted to the reserved table in front of the stage. The age difference between them was obvious and, from the way they behaved with each other, they were father and daughter. The gentleman conducted himself as if he were some kind of prince, somewhat arrogant, like he thought that he deserved to be sitting at the reserved table as a matter of course.
* * * * *
Backstage, Sophie had managed to give herself a case of stage fright. Fortunately, Rob had anticipated that his friend might need some encouragement and had come backstage to check on her. Around them, the other dancers chattered and dodged around, each working on their makeup and costumes.
"Hey Soph," Diana said, wrapping her arms around her friend.
"Hi Diana." The fear was obvious in Sophie's shaky voice and it brought Rob's personality out.
Rob smiled warmly at Sophie, radiating friendship and confidence.
"Okay, I can see that you're scared. Tell me what you think is the worst thing that could happen out there."
When Sophie just let out a shuddering gasp of breath, Rob sharpened his girly voice to get Sophie's attention.
"Sophie! Look at me!"
When he had Sophie's attention, he looked her in the eye and said, "We talked about this while we were practicing. These people can't do anything to you and you're never going to see them again. Right?"
Sophie responded with a reluctant nod of agreement and slumped her shoulders.
"What do you think will bother you more? Going out there and showing them that you've figured out how to deal with what they've done to you or collapsing into a sobbing mess in front of them? Which do you think would bring the greatest joy to the creeps that mutilated your body?"
Sophie dropped her eyes and answered, "You know the answer to that Diana. It's just that I saw Vargas seat my wife and father-in-law in front of the stage. They're the ones who did this to me." Tears of shame rolled down her cheeks as Sophie contemplated the prospect of his wife watching him do a strip tease in his sissified state.
Rob shivered at the thought of his wife and Evan being in the gallery mocking him. He needn’t have worried. At that very moment Evan and Geri were cowering in fear in a flea-infested hotel room.
Rob used a napkin to dab at Sophie's eyes to save her makeup. He smiled sadly, "I know how you feel Sophie. My wife did the same thing to me and I ended up here somehow. This is perfect, don't you see. If you go out there and wow them with your performance, it will show that you have won, not them."
He moved his head to get into Sophie's line of vision. "You know…They're at one of my tables. Would you like me to dump a strawberry margarita down the front of your wife's blouse? I bet that would cause some excitement." He grinned at her friend.
Sophie giggled in response. "No. As much as it sounds like it would be fun to watch, I don't want you to get in trouble. I'll go out and dance. Maybe my wife won't even know that it's me. Then they'll go away and leave me alone." She became serious again at the thought of what the future might hold for her.
Rob hugged her again and asked, "Are you going to be okay to dance? I could talk to Vargas and ask him to let me take your place."
Sophie nodded and said, "Yes. It's only five minutes and then I can hide again. I'll be fine now. Thank you. I want to show them that they can put me in chains, but they can't keep me down."
Sophie smiled and lightheartedly said, "I am woman, hear me roar."
Rob laughed and said, "You do realize that's Helen Ready and not Shania Twain. Now go out there and break a leg." In response Sophie hugged Diana and turned toward the stage. She knew that she only had a few more minutes to dread having to perform before she would actually be out there, taking her clothes off. Rob gave his friend another long look to satisfy himself that she would be okay and hurried back out to the club floor.
* * * * *
Diana scrambled to make sure that everyone at her tables was happy before she had stationed herself at a good viewing point by the bar. She was positioned across from Sophie's wife and father-in-law so she was able to see the expressions on their faces. The wife appeared to be confused about why she was watching the stripper act, but the father-in-law seemed to get some kind of perverse enjoyment from watching Sophie dance and strip to the same song that Diana had danced to the night before. From expressions of the two of them, Diana began to suspect that Sophie's wife might not know who was dancing before her, but her father sure did.
Diana turned her attention to Sophie's performance and nodded in appreciation. As she started, it was obvious that she was embarrassed to be stripping down to just her thong in front of the crowd. But as the act progressed, Sophie appeared to become more at ease with herself. By the time she was done, she was in time to the music and it looked like she might actually be enjoying herself.
Sophie finished her act to solid applause and actually got a fair amount of guys waving bills at her as she swapped her garters for tips. Her smile was genuine as she minced around the stage on her high-heeled pumps. She even went so far as to moon the audience and shimmy her plump cheeks at them to roars of approval. When she was done, she picked up her discarded clothes, bending from the waist and giving her admirers another show before striding off the stage.
Diana watched Sophie's father-in-law lean over to Vargas to say something. Vargas acknowledged him with a nod and left the table to go back stage. He returned a few minutes later with Sophie who was dressed only in her black skirt and vest. Vargas stopped behind her while Sophie approached the table, still tying the vest closed to conceal her generous breasts. The tassels Sophie had added to her act were still attached her breasts and hung out around the edges of the vest.
Diana knew that she wanted to be closer to the action and decided that she needed to check on how her few tables were doing on drinks. She began working her way over to where Sophie was going.
As she came up to the table, Sophie faltered. She could only assume that Maria already knew who she was and only wanted to humiliate her more. All Sophie wanted to do was run down to her cell and hide in shame.
Mustering the last vestige of her courage Sophie said in her best feminine voice, "Hello, Maria, it's nice to see you again. How have you been?" She wasn't prepared for the look of shock on Maria's face instead of the sneer that she expected.
Maria looked at her father and said, "What have you done?" Her voice was filled with horror at what she saw.
He looked at Sophie with disgust and answered, "You came to me crying that your husband was a pervert because he liked to dress up like a woman. We merely made him fit his clothes properly. I considered having his one of balls removed and made into a bronze key chain for you, but I was informed that the results would be unsatisfactory."
Maria could only look at her father as she said, "You told me that he had left town after you talked to him."
"He did. I had him taken to a hospital in New York that I have connections with. They made modifications to his chassis, as you can see, and he has been trained in all of the feminine arts. Now he looks more like the fairy he wants to be. We even had his makeup tattooed on and made sure that he had a nice girly voice. Of course, he needs to wear a wig yet, but I'm sure that his hair will grow out just fine and he will make someone a good wife or maid."
Sophie's face was bright red with shame during the entire exchange. He couldn't even look up to meet Maria's eyes as she studied her feminized husband. Sophie knew that she was not a pretty woman. It was obvious that she was a man with permanent makeup, prominent breasts, and a dancer's body. She still needed to shave in the morning, though it had never been a dark or heavy growth. But she knew that she would never look manly again either.
"Steven?" Maria said. Sophie raised his head to look at his wife. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know that Daddy had done this to you. I thought that you had left me."
Something in what Maria was saying, coupled with the sadistic abuse that he had suffered over the past few months finally reached a breaking point for Steven. He looked at his wife with eyes that would have burned her on the spot if they could shoot fire.
"You thought that I left you?" he hissed at her, he practically shook with sudden rage. "You took one look at me and assumed that I was some kind of pervert. Instead of talking to me about it, you ran back to daddy. Do you know what he did, Maria? This bastard kidnapped me and had me changed into this. You just believed him that I had left you and that I never tried to talk to you. You must have a very low opinion of me too, Maria."
"No, Steven," Maria protested. "Father told me that you were ashamed of what you were and that you had agreed to leave so that you did not embarrass me or the company."
Steven just looked at his wife, unable to process the statement that he would just meekly exit the life of the woman he loved and that she would believe that he did not love her enough to even bid her goodbye. He came to a life-changing decision in that one instant.
"My name is Sophie now, Maria. I'm a night club stripper now. And a damned good one at that!"
Sophie went and sat in his father-in-law's lap and stuck her breasts out proudly, his tassels tickled the man face. Much to his surprise as Sophie wiggled her bare bottom to get comfortable she could feel her father-in-laws manhood starting to react. Reaching up and running her fingers through his hair as she said, "Your father has seen to that."
The tone of Sophie's voice made it clear that she was closing the door on her past. Even if he could escape from this nightclub, Steven would be an object of ridicule. The only life left to Steven was to embrace Sophie's new existence and hope that it was not too vile.
It was obvious to Maria's father that the person before might have started out as a meek she-male, but he was rebelling against the abuse that he had been subjected to. At that point, his control broke. How dare this creature who he had allowed to marry his daughter insult them? He pushed the slut to her feet and rose from the table and slapped Steven across the face with the back of his hand. Steven stumbled back wiping blood from a split lip. Several things seemed to happen at the same time then.
Diana rushed over to her friend to make sure that Sophie was okay. It was quickly apparent that it was just a gash and the bleeding stopped rapidly.
Pete seemed to materialize in front of Maria's father as if he had been teleported there. He had been watching the conversation between Sophie and Maria, as had guests at the other tables nearby. When he recognized that the exchange at the table was becoming heated, he had prepared himself to become involved. Almost before Sophie had finished falling back from vicious hit, Pete was swinging a roundhouse blow at the older man's jaw. And he went down like a marionette with its strings cut.
Finally, two of the bouncers on the floor were suddenly there. They had been watching the table because Vargas was there. When voices started to become tense, they had prepared themselves for the possibility of becoming involved, which they did as soon as Sophie was hit. Even though Sophie was technically a prisoner of the club, she was still one of them and they acted to protect her first.
Interestingly, the bouncers only stepped in front of Pete to keep him from taking another swing and to keep him from leaving. No one took out a stun gun to use on Pete.
While one of the toughs helped Vargas get Maria's father back into a chair, the other one escorted Pete and the girls backstage. He looked at Pete and said, "Sir, I will have to ask you to leave the club. We do not allow violence here. That was a good punch though." The bouncer smiled at Pete to let him know that there was no animosity involved.
Pete nodded and said, "That's fine. But I would like to make sure that Sophie is okay first." He was thrilled to have discovered her name, that made getting thrown out of the club worth it.
Pete turned to the girls and said to Sophie, "Will you be all right, Sophie?" He felt like a school boy, being able to call her by name.
"Yes, I'll be fine," Sophie answered. "It's just a bruised lip. But it was worth it to see his face when I told them off!" She smiled at the memory. "I'm going to remember that for a long time."
Diana looked up at Pete and smiled, "Thank you for coming to our rescue. You do realize who it was that you decked out there? He's connected to the Mafia. You had better make yourself scarce for a while."
Pete returned the smile, struck again by how familiar the girl seemed to him. "It was my pleasure ma'am. I wanted some reason to be able to meet Sophie, I'm just sorry that she had to get hit to do it." Sophie blushed like a teenager and smiled at him.
Pete turned as the bouncer put his hand on his shoulder to steer him out of the club. "I'm afraid that I have to leave. It was nice to have met you Sophie." He looked at Diana and said, "You too miss."
He turned and walked away with the bouncer. Instead of being thrown out the back door like most undesirables, Pete was taken through a side door to the front entrance and wished a good night by the bouncer. They exchanged handshakes; it appeared that no one liked someone who hit women. He walked up the street to his car and headed back to Sally's apartment.
The drive home seemed to pass unnoticed as Pete thought about how his evening had turned out. He had gone to the club to try to meet the intriguing girl and had managed to do so. On top of that, he felt like a knight in shining armor for punching the guy that had hit her. He had even talked to the woman that seemed so familiar to him, but it hadn't help to jog his memory.
The apartment was dark when he let himself in, Sally must have turned in early again. Being in charge of the company was starting to tire her out faster these days. He turned on a table lamp while he hung up his jacket and got a glass of water from the kitchen. He looked over the mail that Sally had set on the desk for him and discarded the obvious junk mail. As he set the important envelopes down, he saw the folder for Sally's friend lying open.
He looked at the picture on top of the stack and realized that he knew where he had seen that girl before. He turned on the lights and started banging on Sally's bedroom door, calling loudly, "Sally!"
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Thank you...Monica and Marina
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A glimmer of hope...AT LAST
The *good guys* know where Rob/Dianna is now.
Rob/Dianna has made some allies at the club.
Sophie's wife was not the bitch he thought and did not know what her Mafia tied father had done thought whether she will or can help her ex is unknown. Though Sophie's reaction is one that even if Maria were to *BUY* her freedom Sophie could never forgive or love her. At least not easily. And then we have Pete to consider.
And Rob/Dianna's bigamous wife and her real husband are on the run from the mob and likely also the law now, nearly penniless as their attempt to transfer all those millions and frame Rob was thwarted.
Even the mobster who wants to sell Rob/Dianna into slavery to recoup his losses and keep control wants to make the wife and lover suffer for what they did to Rob.
And the doctor regrets what he did. Mind you if his keeper has his way he will have lots more to regret in future.
As to Rob worrying he likes aspects of Dianna too much... he was and still is a confident person. As he told Sophie the best way to get back at their tormentors is to show that they can find something good about their forced lives.
So is he simply proud and thus must embrace his outward appearance -- IE make lemonade from lemons -- or is it the duality many people have and his inner woman is at the surface? Or is it Stockholm syndrome as he is stuck for who knows how long, likely the rest of his life in that shemale body.
The lack of male arousal... all the drugs? Is he chemically castrated? Surgery we don't know of or all the feminization combined with the brain washing has messed up his responses?
Can he ever function as a man again? And the need to high heels? Can't tendons be slowly stretched? I have to believe much of what was done IS reversible to an extent.
It is all matter of time, pain, the degree and location of any scarring and whether he is chemically castrated. And to how badly the brainwashing and drugs have damaged his mind.
So will he and some/all of his new friends escape? Will it be too late and its sexual slavery?
Mind you if there is no hope -- IE he is about to be drugged and shipped off to sexual slavery -- I'd say set fire to the club then she and Sophie move to the nearest exits where the bracelets will lock the doors and everyone will die in the fire.
Those bracelets are as much weapons as restraints.
Here's hoping for justice but knowing it doesn't always happen in the real world. Be sweet of the club manager got tazered mercilessly, the mob boss killed while killing the bigamous wife and her lover and the father-in-law with Mafia ties got full SRS . Or all or most got prison time where they would not live long for having screwed the mob.
There, got it out of my system. I feel better now.
LOVED the Shania Twain bit.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
The coincidence of Pete being at that club and wanting to meet one of the T girls, then meeting Diane too was very well played out. I was just wondering about this story yesterday, by the way, and this chapter didn't disappoint at all. Diane is emerging as a very strong person with Rob at the helm and has won the respect and friendship of many of the girls working the club legitimately.
Now, if Sally and Pete can get help to extract Rob and Sophie before the auction...
I can only hope.
I can only hope for what is revealed in the next chapter. How much the two lead prisoners will suffer before the end of their ordeal. What of Pete, Shopie's wife & father-in-law, Sally, and Diana's situation? Thmbs-up on the story.
With Rob/Diana making friends
as well as becoming very popular, Pete and Sally have a very good chance to rescue all of the girls controlled by Vargas and Anders. But which doctor created Sophie? Will Maria's dad be caught? What about the entire slave trade, let alone Stevens and his wife.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Rob needs more
Control over Diana and it looks like it is slowly coming. Look forward to next chapter.
Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be
Great Chapter!
There is no making this chapter any better if you ask me!
Funny how Pete didn't recognize Diane any sooner but his mind was on Sophie the whole time anyway. Was his mind in the gutter? LOL!
That was one of the most intense chapters of this story yet.
Things are definitely starting to heat up and are coming to a head. The next chapter is going to be an interesting one. It won’t be to long now before we see Diana raising like the phoenix from the ashes of Rob’s old life and at long last extract her vengeance from those who have wronged her.
Tamara Jeanne