A Christmas Love Affair

Thomas was glad that the rental car was heavy enough to barely notice the heavy winds that had come in with the storm. The car's solid construction and the studded snow tires he had insisted upon had saved him at least twice on the way to the resort.

He knew that he only had a couple of miles left before he reached the hotel, but the snow was coming down heavily and the wind was causing a virtual white-out situation. He hadn't seen another car, moving in either direction for over a quarter of an hour, so he crept along so that he would not run into a vehicle that might be stopped ahead of him. Even though it was Christmas Eve, only the most foolish of individuals would have braved the storm, knowing that it was building into what the news was reporting as the blizzard of the decade. Only Santa Claus and Rudolf would be comfortable on a night like this.

He knew that he was a fool to be out on a night like this, but it would have taken more than a blizzard to keep him away from Rachel Marie – her very name rolled off his lips like the kiss of an angel. He was in the business of assessing risk versus reward. He considered the risk of driving in the storm worth it.

He had met Rachel only once, face-to-face, and it had been the most magical night of his life. Not only was she beautiful beyond description; but she was smart, quick witted and delightfully flirtatious. This was not a woman to be taken lightly. He still found it hard to believe a woman like this hadn't been snapped up already.

They had known each other for better than a year before that though. They had found each other by accident in a web chat room, while surveying other writers as part of the on-line creative writing class exercise that they were both taking. They had started out discussing the style and relative merits of one of the writers they were studying and their conversation had blossomed from there. They quickly found that although they had different backgrounds their interests and attitudes on life were very similar. They found themselves chatting whenever they had free time and had collaborated on a couple of assignments for the class, which resulted in both of them getting an excellent grade on their course work.

Thomas had been travelling for his company and then, just six weeks ago, he found himself in Rachel's home town. Having a layover of several hours, he had called her to see if she was free for dinner. As luck would have it, she had no prior plans.

Thomas had arrived at the restaurant early, almost shaking in anticipation. He had requested a table where he could keep an eye on the front door. He had exchanged photographs with Rachel but on the web you never know how honest people are. He glanced up at each woman who entered the room, but none were his date. He looked up from the wine menu he had been scrutinizing and spotted a woman scanning the dining room as if looking for someone. Thomas's heart seemed to stop as he focused on her, an apparition stood framed in the doorway. The picture she had sent didn't do her justice. The woman at the door was surly Aphrodite reincarnated.

The first thing that he noticed about her was her eyes. They were a beautiful jade green and they seemed to glow when the light struck her face just right or it might have just been the affect caused by the constant, pleasant look on her face. She didn't need to smile to let everyone know that she as a happy, friendly person. Her oval face was framed by shoulder-length, soft auburn tresses the color of an autumn moonbeam, it curled slightly at the ends and rested on her broad shoulders. Her nose was a counterpoint to her face, not too long or bulbous and not too short or sharp. All-in-all, it was a face that you wanted to keep looking at. That was obvious from the behavior of some of the other gentlemen in the lounge.

Rachel saw him starting to rise from his chair and she walked toward him, flashing him a million-dollar smile. Her understated heels brought her to eye-level with him and the edges of her eyes seemed to crinkle when they made eye contact.

Thomas was the object of envy from every other man in the room when he bowed slightly to Rachel and kissed the back of her hand instead of shaking it when she held it out in greeting. The chivalrous action made her blush and she giggled in a delightful school girl way. The other envious patrons knew who Rachel would be spending the evening with and each wished that it was himself. He took her arm and tucked into his own and guided her to their table.

Ordering and eating almost passed unnoticed, Thomas only pecked at his meal. The food was of little consequence, as they resumed their last on-line conversation as if they had never paused. They both found themselves enjoying themselves and they moved from one topic to another, enjoying the fact that there was no pause in their conversation. Before they knew it, the manager was standing at their table explaining that the restaurant had closed half an hour ago and that they really must leave now.

Both Thomas and Rachel had been embarrassed to realize how much time they had spent talking. They had also been thrilled to know that here was someone who could totally engage their hearts and minds that they could lose track of the world around them. Thomas had walked Rachel to her car and kissed her chastely good night, after extracting a promise that they would find an opportunity to meet again when they had more than an evening to spend together.

@ @ @ @

It hadn't been too difficult to talk Rachel into spending Christmas with him, as neither had any family. He told her tongue in cheek he was sorry but they would have to share a room; the hotel was full for the holidays. Her only demand had been for separate beds and a promise from him to be a good boy and behave himself. For the entire three hour drive up Thomas had amused himself playing mental games over what constituted being a 'good boy.'

Pulling into the parking lot, he found it hard to locate an empty parking space. Thomas had to force his car door open fighting against the storm's strong gusts. He ventured out of the warmth of the car and made his way to the rear of the car. He opened the rear hatch and pulled his suitcase out and set it in a small snow drift that had quickly formed next to his rear tire. He reached back into the rear compartment to retrieve his special package. He clutched it to his chest, careful not to squish the bow. He picked up his bag, leaned into the icy wind, and trekked toward the front door. As the sensor detected his presence, the doors slid open and he was hit with a blast of warm dry air. He gladly stepped inside and checked his watch. As the doors slid closed behind him, he stamped his feet to dislodge the accumulation of snow and ice. He shook his heavy coat to free it of the accumulated moisture, producing a secondary flurry of snow as the white flakes drifted to the titled entryway where it quickly melted and added to the puddles on the floor. Tom's eyes were immediately drawn to the field stone fireplace that went from floor to the top of the vaulted ceiling; it brought an Aspen-like feel to the Midwest hotel. After the frigid walk through the crowed parking lot, he luxuriated in the warmth of the lobby. He walked in the direction of the reception desk and placed his case at the periphery of a mountain of other luggage piled just inside the doors.

He could see that the reception desk was being mobbed by a frenzied horde of stranded travelers trying to find rooms. The highway patrol had just closed the interstate highway, stranding hundreds of travelers trying to get home for the holidays. Thomas casually moved to the far end of the desk to the area reserved for Gold Card holders. He waited patiently for service and an assistant manager eventually made her way over. He handed her his Hilton Honors card and waited for her to process his reservation.

"Welcome back Mr. Price, it's always a pleasure."

She handed him his key card and said, "Your deluxe suite, with two queen beds has been set up just as you requested. Fresh flowers and champagne are in the room. The fire is lit and ready for you."

"Has my...guest checked in yet?"

"You mean the pretty redhead? She arrived about 45 minutes ago. We issued her a room key. I can ring the room, if you like but I believe I saw her headed for the lounge a few minutes ago."

"No, that won't be necessary; our arranged rendezvous time isn't for a few minutes. I'll take a mug of that hot chocolate you are distributing and wait for her by the fire. It will give me a chance to thaw out."

"Certainly sir, if there is anything you need just ask. Let me get the bellboy to take your luggage and the box you're holding to your room."

"Thanks my bag is over there, it’s the black one. I'll hang on to this box, it's kind of special."

"Certainly sir."

Tom looked down briefly to sign his room registration as the manager snapped her fingers to summon a forlorn, pimple faced adolescent boy that appear to be too young to be working fulltime.

"Billie, please take the gentleman's bag up to suite 327."

Having been eavesdropping on the conversation, Bill sprang into action envisioning a generous tip. He vaulted over several bags and grabbed up a black bag. Much to his surprise, the bag was lighter than he expected and it literally flew up and the latches released, spilling the contents all over the floor.

To young Bill's horror all kinds of sex and bondage gear and fell out and scattered about.

An old grandmother type looked faint as a lifelike plastic dildo skidded to a stop at her feet.

The mortified bellboy looked at Thomas and said, "I'm so sorry sir, I'll pick up your things and get your bag to your room."

Tom smiled and replied, "I have a lot of those same toys at home, but that isn't my bag."

He pointed to a bag that was identical to the one that had spilt open. "See the one with the yellow name tag on it? That one belongs to me."

The bellhop seemed a bit addled by the whole thing and was stuffing all the sex toys back in the bag as fast as he could. The bag sat upright and for every two items he threw into the suitcase one seemed to fall out. Then catastrophe struck, a very large and realistic dildo fell to the title floor and it started vibrating, bouncing off the ceramic title and making a very distinctive sound. The bellhop picked it up and tried unsuccessfully to find a way to turn it off. Tom took pity on the poor man and said, "That's an XL1000 model I believe. You must squeeze the ball sack to turn it off."

The desk clerk, not being pleased at having to work on Christmas Eve, took out her anger on the poor boy and teased him by telling him to make sure that everything is accounted for and in good working order.

She said in mock indignation, "I don't want the owner complaining that she can't find her favorite vibrator."

Tom arched one eyebrow in astonishment and stood grinning at the bellhop's red face.

The brief disturbance alerted an elderly woman, who it turned out was using the less than original nom de plume of Mrs. Smith. She gave the impression of a woman who tended to look down her nose at everyone. It was obvious that she once had a spectacular figure but it was starting to turn to plump. She strolled over to examine the cause of the commotion. In an elegant and aristocratic tone she announced, "That is my luggage! What in the world are you doing going through my things? I'll have you arrested, that's an invasion of my privacy!"

She turned to her young companion man who was very attentive and deferential to her and her obvious boy toy. He was clueless as to the contents of the valise and equally embarrassed by its revelation. She dictated to him, "Donald, see to my luggage. Get that boys name in case there is any damage to 'my' paraphernalia, and I want you to personally ensure all our luggage is taken to our suite. I'll be in the bar, I need a brandy."

She reached into her purse and fished out a dollar bill. Stuffing it in his coat pocket she said, "If you're thirsty, use the vending machine and get yourself a soft drink. Wait for me at the elevator with our bags."

Thomas, still grinning at the small one play act at the reception desk, walked into the inviting lounge, the light from the roaring fire danced across the room making it welcoming. The oak log fire burning in the open grate, its light danced over the room accompanied by the crackling and popping as the oak logs dissolved into ash. The hearth was inviting to the weary traveler, the fireplace was the room's most dramatic feature an impressive rustic focal point. The wood fire blazing cheerily sent its warmth and light far out into the lobby. The space was aglow with the ambiance of the cozy fire. The natural stone fireplace created a warm inviting space for guests to congregate, as waiters flittered about the room distributing mugs of hot chocolate to guests hoping for rooms.

Tom held his steamy mug of hot coco with the little marshmallows melting and forming a taste delight of sugary skim on top of the beverage, as he strolled over to cozy up to the fire. Tongues of flame licked the brick walls in a vengeance as if the fire had a life of its own. He got lost as he stared into the flames as they danced in the fireplace and watched in awe as the plumes of black smoke raced up the chimney. The smell of the wood and the crackling sound transported him from the winter hell outside to a place of warmth and peace.

Tom finished his drink and felt refreshed, checking his watch he realized it was time to meet Rachel. He handed his empty mug to a waiter and made his way to the elevator.

Tom watched the young man who was accompanying Mrs. Smith as he struggled with several heavy cases, waiting for the elevator car to empty. Several people pushed pass him into elevator. Mrs. Smith who was already there spoke over her shoulder in an imperial manner without turning her head, "Donald stop dilly dallying around and get our cases in here so we can get to our room. I have big plans for tonight."

Tom moved aside to let the young man into the elevator and said to him quietly, "Have a good time, but do me a favor try and keep the noise down."

The lad looked away confused by the comment for a moment before his face turned fiery red. Tom looked up poker-faced and could see the face of Mrs. Smith watching him in the mirrored panel of the rear of the elevator. The cougar caught his eye and gave him a knowing smile and a slight, almost undistinguishable nod.

Donald pushed into the lift and sat the case down, "Yes, madam, it won't happen again, I'm sorry."

"Not as sorry as you are going to be, now take my arm and let's get moving."

He grabbed a hold of Mrs. Smith's arm with his free hand.

Her luggage filled the remaining space in lift. Tom, still clutching his package, decided to wait, he was still a few minute early. He headed back to the lounge to wait until it was time to head upstairs.

@ @ @ @

Meanwhile, in Suite 327, an entirely different drama was taking place.

Rachel sat huddled in her chair, her hands clenched between her knees. It was all she could do to keep from shaking from a combination of nervousness and fear. She looked into the delightful fire burning in the room's hearth, trying to analyze why she felt this way and what she could possibly do about it.

She had a good self-image and knew she was a remarkable person, certainly a one of the kind. Any man should be happy to spend time with her. Yet there were still doubts; was she good enough for a handsome man of the world like Thomas. He had given every indication he had strong feelings for her, yet hadn't actually used the 'L' word. Would he accept her with her birth defect, or feel sorry for her? The latter option would be harder to handle than revulsion.

What was she doing? She'd met Thomas only that once on a whim and had thoroughly enjoyed their time together. But most of what she really knew about him was what he had told her in their on-line chats.

Did she truly want to be here? She could just grab her bags and go back down to her car. He wouldn't even know that she had even been here. It would just look like she had changed her mind and Thomas would think that she had stood him up. She could come up with an excuse to give him when she talked to him online next time.

Then she mentally scolded herself. She was an adult! She knew what might happen this weekend and it had excited her all the way here. She didn't know what Thomas might be anticipating, especially since she had insisted upon two beds. But the possibility that they might be in the same bed had gone through her thoughts several times and contributed to some graphic fantasies.

Thomas had impressed her when they had met that time and she hoped that her feelings about him were correct. The thought of doing more than just talking or chatting added to the fluttery feeling in her belly. What if he wanted her to touch him down there? Or is he wanted to touch her. How would she react? How might he react?

A knock on the door startled Rachel and she quickly glanced at the room clock. She was relieved to see the red LED numbers indicated it was not the appointed time for their rendezvous. She mumbled to herself, "If he has shown up early without giving me time to get dressed, I'll never forgive him!"

Rachel cautiously moved to the door and with the chain lock firmly in place opened the door and peaked into the hallway. Seeing the hotels bellhop, she let out a heavy sigh and said, "Yes, what is it?"

The young man replied, "I'm sorry to disturb you miss I have Mr. Price's suitcase. He asked that I deliver it to his room."

"Is he here?" Rachel asked breathlessly.

"Yes ma'am. The last I saw of him, he was in the lobby standing by the fire."

Rachel pulled her bathrobe tightly about her and opened the door allowing the bellhop to deliver his load. He put the case on one of the beds and stood waiting for his tip. It took Rachel a minute to grasp why he was stalling before she went to her purse and found her wallet. She had no idea what was appropriate for a tip, so she took out a $5 bill and handed it to the lad, who seem appreciative of the tip and wished her a Merry Christmas as he left.

She checked the clock and realized she had fifteen minutes to get ready. Why had she waited to get dressed? She knew why, she wasn't 100% convinced he would show up. But he was here so she went to the closet where she took out the long halter dress she had purchased the minute Thomas had extended his invitation to spend the holidays together. She held up the Hot Pink chiffon floor length A-line Princess Halter dress and smiled. It emphasized her slim figure, and with her hair hanging about her shoulders she knew she would look gorgeous.

During their only brief encounter Rachel felt a physical attraction to this man, she couldn't explain. Thomas had been a perfect gentleman; she wasn't going to let him get away with that this time. The deep V neck and slit at the front, and semi sheer skirt was perfect for a night of seduction. She slipped the dress on and pulled up the back hidden zipper. She admired herself in the room's full length mirror and thought the dress accentuated her best features and yet still managed to conceal her less than feminine attributes.

She sat at the desk in the room that she had converted into her personal vanity makeup center and applied her cosmetics like she had been doing it her entire life. She was satisfied with the dramatic, almost mysterious, effects her smoky eye makeup gave her. With one eye on the clock she spent the available time with a hairbrush and curling iron trying to get her hair perfect. It gave her time to contemplate the possibilities the weekend presented for her. On the positive side, it could mean a lifetime of joy and contentment with the man she had fallen in love with; albeit over the internet. Nonetheless, she was head over heels in love with the person she spent so many hours chatting with. On the other hand there was always the possibility that once Thomas got to know the real Rachel he might reject her like her last boyfriend had. She thought from their talks that Thomas was open minded enough to except her flaws, but only time would tell. Still she squirmed in her seat at the possibilities his acceptance or rejection might bring.

She slipped on a pair of high heels and pulled up their back zippers. She was glad she had decided on nylons over the yucky pantyhose. Next she fastened her favorite helio dangling earrings; she adored the way they just lightly brushed against her bare shoulders when she moved her head. One last time to the bathroom where she added a final coating of pink lip gloss, and a spritz of her White Diamonds perfume. With sweaty palms, she picked up her satin and crystal clutch handbag, ensured she had her room key and posed in front of the mirror trying to find any flaws in her presentation. Satisfied she looked as good as possible considering her nervous state she headed into the hall to meet her holiday companion. She stepped into an over crowed elevator and waited for what seemed an eternity for the doors to close.

Finally, they arrived at the first floor. With her heart aflutter, she took a few tentative steps towards the lobby. With Christmas carols playing lightly in the background, the mass of humanity clustered in the lobby made Rachel feel almost claustrophobic and her anxiety rose to unprecedented levels. Her nerve abandoned her and she turned to escape and bumped into a grumpy elderly woman, who looked down her nose at Rachel and intoned in an aristocratic manner, "Watch where you're going young lady. Have some respect for your elders."

Before Rachel could apologize, the woman headed into the bar. The crowd continued to crush in on her; she looked for an escape route. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder that made her jump. Turning her head to see who it was she saw Thomas standing there with a look of pure bliss on his face.

"There you are. I was about to come up when I saw you walk in. My lord, your beauty took away my breath! How have you been?" As much as Tom wanted to embrace her, he could tell that Rachel wasn't ready for that at the moment.

Rachel took a deep breath to settle her nerves and replied, "To be honest I was as nervous as a mouse in a barn full of hungry cats. I wasn't sure you'd be here."

A concerned Thomas asked, "Why would you think that?"

"With the blizzard outside I was afraid I would be spending Christmas all alone again."

Tom closed the distance between them and impulsively gave Rachel a reassuring hug. "It would take more than a snow storm to keep me from getting here to you. I have been living for this day, not even the storm of the century was going to keep me away."

Rachel gave Tom a squeeze in reply to his compliment. Then she inquired, "Would you like to go to our room and freshen up before dinner?"

"No, I think I'll just stand here the rest of the night admiring the most beautiful woman in the state."

Rachel felt the heat on her cheeks, from a bright red blush, and then turned her head as if scanning the room.

"What are you doing?" inquired Tom.

"I'm looking for this ravishing beauty of which you speak," quipped Rachel.

Tom shrugged in defeat and said, "Alright you win, let's go to the bar and have a drink."

One quick glance and it was obvious there was nowhere to sit at the bar. Not to be stymied, Tom handed his package to Rachel said, "Hold this and wait here. I'll get us something."

Tom fought his way to the bar and finally got the bartender's attention. He ordered two hot rum toddies – the perfect drink for a night like this. He carried the drinks back to Rachel who had maneuvered to a position with her back to the roaring fire. As Tom approached, she answered his unasked question, "I was a bit chilly so I decided to camp here. Is that alright?"

Tom set the drinks on the mantel and said "Sure, open your Christmas present. That might help keep the chill off your shoulders."

Rachel wore a big smile as she carefully removed the large white bow and handed it to Tom to hold while she investigated the contents of the oblong box. An onlooker would have thought that they were looking at a little girl opening a special gift from under the tree. Finally, she removed the tissue paper hiding the contents and let out a high pitch squeal of delight, attracting attention from everyone in the lobby and those eating dinner in the restaurant that overlooked the massive reception area. Inside the box was the most fabulous white Mink Wedding Stole.

"Is this for me?" she asked in a hushed voice.

Wrapping the stole around Rachel's shoulders, Tom said, "Of course it is, it would look silly on me! The salesman said it is the perfect accessory for a winter wedding."

At the mention of the word wedding the people around the two stopped talking and listened.

Rachel was lost in the luxuriousness of the fur and its silk lining; she finally had to ask, "Who's getting married?"

Tom dropped to one knee and took her hands in his he said, "You are if you'll have me. Rachel Marie, I love you. Will you be my wife?"

The room held their collective breath to hear her response.

She looked into his eyes and answered, "Thomas I do love you, with my whole being."

At which the room erupted in applause. Tom stood, feeling rather foolish kneeling, so that only he heard the rest of her reply. "But please forgive me; I am hesitant to give you a direct answer to your proposal until you know all there is about Rachel. There is something I am obliged to tell you about myself. I have a birth defect that you might find repugnant; others have when they discovered my secret."

"There is no physical attribute that can dissuade me from loving you."

"Oh Thomas, don't make promises you can't keep."

He stood there, confused and disappointed. He comforted himself with the fact that she had not turned down his proposal. He smiled at her as he handed her a glass and they toasted Marry Christmas.

Tom managed to find an unoccupied foot stool and pulled it over near the hearth. The two shared the stool, in perfect harmony and sipped their drinks, lost in the other's company. The alcohol fueled the glow in their stomachs, the bonfire blanked them in warmth and their shared loved stoked the fires in the souls. Nary was a word spoken between them, yet they communicate volumes though their gaze. Both thought they had found paradise. Tom hoped that his paradise would not leave him.

The notoriety caused by the elegant mink coat and the public proposal, had guests delivering free drinks to the couple as they sat by the fire. It wasn't until the two had consumed a magnum of champagne that had someone sent over, that Tom realized he was the tiniest bit tipsy. Rachel was way past tipsy, she rarely consumed alcohol and never in such quantities. The two stared into the hypnotic flames of the fire, as the last glass of wine was consumed. Rachel finally broke her trance long enough to say, "We have a fire in our room and it is a lot more private. How about we go there and maybe if you're a good boy I'll show you my deformity."

Tom leapt to his feet at the invitation and the room began to spin around him. Rachel stood to help stable her future fiancé. She wobbled like a weeble, foolishly assuming she could stabilize her drunken friend. Tom wrapped both arms around her and clung to her as if his life depended on it. He took one step forward and brought them both down crashing to the floor where Tom's head impacted on the stone hearth with a thud. Even though he was only semiconscious, Tom refused to let go of the woman he loved, even as he heard her say, "Please someone help me get him to our room."

The hotel staff rushed over and wouldn't let him be moved until a doctor had given permission first. Tom lay on top of Rachel trapping her and her fur coat under him. He drifted in and out of consciousness, long enough to answer some foolish questions from the doctor.

The doctor pronounced Tom sound enough to be moved claiming he was more drunk than hurt. He prescribed several aspirin, telling Rachel her friend would have a headache in the morning. Rachel sat to one side, wrapped in the cocoon of her fur coat and her head swirling from the drink. She found herself mesmerized by the flames in the fireplace and sat there watching the logs be slowly consumed in the fire.

Tom drifted back to wakefulness to see Rachel seated by the fire, looking into the flames. He moved himself to sit beside her and put his arms around her. Rachel leaned into him fully, partly from the effects of the alcohol and from relief that the man she loved was okay. When she turned to look at him, Tom's mouth was there, covering her own.

Her alcohol addled brain now had to contend with her own passion-stunned mind and also Tom's. Her toes curled as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Her lips tingled as they were squish together with a sense of urgency; then he moved one hand to squeezed one of her breasts, which caused it to feel like it were on fire, she arched her chest trying to push harder against his hand.

A hunger was building deep inside her, threatening to consume her, but something was telling her to try to control the situation. Tom suddenly latched on to one breast; his hand now inside her gown. Suddenly, his mouth replaced his hand on her breast and the cool air caused her nipple to harden as it was exposed. His lips closed around the rock-hard piece of flesh, tongue swirling across it before he began suckling. He was licking and sucking, and then lightly blowing on the damp flesh, making her shiver as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her.

Eager to help, she shimmied it a little to get the gown out of the way and provide Tom with better access. Her feelings of wrongness grew stronger but were overruled by the electric shocks coming from her breast. She wanted this to go on forever. She was so distracted by these things she hardly noticed when his hand began its exploration of her nether regions. She felt a tickle along her knee as he had snaked one hand beneath the hem of her gown and was teasingly advancing it up her leg, his fingers skating slowly along her silky flesh. She shivered and wiggled beneath him as his ran along the inside of her thigh, moving inexorably to the essence of her being.

The annoying little voice in her ear started to get her attention and she moaned into his ear, "Stop, please."

Tom was a typical guy and his ears did not pass her plea on to his brain. The alcohol and the blow to his head did not help either. He allowed the tips of his fingers to glide across her skin lightly touching the core of her again. Her hips bucked instinctively. The thought of Tom's possible rejection of her drifted away to float in the far reaches of her mind as she was consumed by the different points of pleasure spring to life inside her.

With a groan she said, "Tom, please don't hate me. Let me explain."

Before Tom could respond, someone very close coughed in their ears and said "Excuse me; this is not the place for this kind of activity. I must ask you two to take this to your room, I am sure you will be more comfortable there."

Rachel's eyes became round saucers of shock as she realized they weren't on the floor in their room but rather in the lobby with a large audience observing their passion play. The redness of both of their faces should have made them pass out from the sheer amount of blood being pulled from the rest of their bodies.

Rachel quickly pulled her gown back around her to restore her modesty. She smiled crookedly as she apologized to the hotel manager for the show. Mentally shrugging away her embarrassment of being partially naked in public, she wrapped her fur tightly about her shoulders.

Everyone, around them and in the restaurant above, was watching the two of them have fun on the carpet and enjoying the show. As the manager assisted them both to their feet, he told them quietly that this kind of thing was not uncommon here, but the management still preferred that the athletics take place in the guest's room and not in public. Especially because of the number of children who were stranded with their families this evening.

A pair of older ladies had been watching from their table in the restaurant above. From their expressions, it was obvious that they had been enjoying Tom's display of affection and that it had had an effect upon them.

"Janet, I miss that kind of passion in romance these days," one said to the other, looking rather shyly at her.

Janet reached across the table to take her hand. "I do too Sarah." Standing up, she drew Sarah to her feet and pulled her lightly along with her. "Let's go see if we can recapture some of that feeling." They left the dining area with their arms around each other.

The scene was somewhat different at a table further down the dining room.

A father was giving instructions to his teenage daughter. "Darcy, please take your brother back to the room and get to bed. Your mother and I will be along in a minute." Then he said, "Michael! Stop looking down there and go with your sister!"

Darcy was up and took her brother's hand. As their children we leaving the dining room, Michael looked up at his sister and said, "I think that Dad didn't want us watching those people by the fireplace."

"I think you're right," Darcy answered.

"I don't know why Dad was upset," Michael said. "They were doing the same thing that Mom and Dad do, but they were enjoying it more."

At the table, their father was speaking to his wife. "Let's give them some privacy Dorothy. Come on." He was rose to leave the table, but his wife remained seated.

"Don't be such a prude Howard," she replied. "Those two down there aren't doing anything wrong. In fact, I think that what they're doing is kind of fun."

Howard's eyes widened slightly and he moistened his lips. It was only a few minutes later that he and his wife were telling their children to get some sleep in the other room of their suite. Howard told his children that he would be closing the door to their bedroom so that Santa would not wake them up. As he closed and locked the bedroom door, he turned to his wife with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the impromptu floor show was over, the audience booed the hotel staff, reigniting Rachel's discomfort.

* * * * *

After their hasty retreat from the lobby, the two mortified lovers made it to their room, Rachel still clutching her stole. Thomas only released Rachel's from his embrace long enough to get his key card out to open the door. She had never known such passion could exist; she didn't want him to ever let her go. She shivered, as she realized Tom still was unaware of her deformity. Despite his promises of love, he could still reject her.

Once the door was closed, there was a real sense of privacy. Rachel could read the passion in his eyes and decided now was the time to divulge her secret, before things went too far. She reached around to her back and unhooked her dress, then shrugged her shoulders. Her dress slid off and puddled on the floor around her feet. She took a deep breath, stepped out of her dress and braced herself for the worse. She looked over at Thomas and was startled to see him doffing his clothes, he was shirtless and his pants were down around his feet.

"Tom what are you doing?"

Tom stiffened at what seemed a strange question and arched an eyebrow in curiosity, "Why I'm getting undressed. I assumed we are about to consummate our engagement." Then, as if a light bulb had gone off; he said in a timid voice, "If you want to wait until after the wedding, I'm willing to wait."

Rachel fought off the urge to throw herself at this man. She stood there trembling.

Tom could see that his beloved was upset about something and he asked, "Rachel, is everything alright?"

She smiled tentatively and said, "I could use a drink to stiffen my courage thanks."

Tom scanned the room and spied the minibar. Without freeing his ankles, he shuffled toward the small refrigerator. It wasn't a fast trip with his legs restricted with his pants. Rachel had to bite her lip at the sight of Tom crossing the room with his ridged manhood pointing the way like a divining rod and his family jewels hanging out and swaying back and forth.

"Gin alright?" asked Tom.

With just a hint of a giggle, she replied, "Yes, anything."

He managed the return trip without spilling anything and handed the small bottle to Rachel...who promptly consumed the liquid fire in one gulp. Putting the bottle down, she kicked off her shoes and said, "Thomas, I must show you my deformity. I have an extra appendage that most women don't have."

Thomas smiled a large grin and looked at her nylon covered feet. "Rachel, an extra toe or two doesn't bother me in the least."

Rachel stood as regal as a queen, "I said appendage, not phalanges." She reached down, quickly slid off her panties; spread her legs to release her secret from where it had been safely tucked.

Thomas stood perfectly still, his eyes round as saucers. In a calm voice he asked, "Would you please remove your bra and stockings for me?"

She complied and then Thomas said, "Hold your hair up off your shoulders and slowly turn around for me."

Rachel did as asked and waited with baited breath for his judgment. She prayed like she had never prayed before that he would not reject her. Still he said nothing just stared at her.

She stood as tall as she could, facing him full on with hands on her hips. She was done hiding; it was now all out there for him to see. Still he said nothing, he went to the bed picked up his suitcase and carried it into the bedroom.

Rachel could only assume the worst. She remembered how her parents had rejected her when she told them she was not their son but their daughter. They threw her out of the house. Then there was that terrible Thanksgiving when she had returned home after living on her own for a year.

The effects of her hormones were obvious and her father called her a slut for wearing a form fitting knit dress that showed a little cleavage. She had not seen or spoken to them since that over three years ago.

The heartbreak of rejection was still fresh in her soul. She could hear Thomas coming and braced herself for what was to come. Thomas had lost his trousers and changed into an expensive looking tailored suit. He took several forceful steps toward Rachel; she flinched expecting to get hit. Instead, Tom again dropped to his knee and this time held out a large ring box. "Rachel Marie, I love you, please say you'll be my wife and life partner."

Rachel found herself still stuck in neutral, mentally, and did not fully grasp what was happening.

"But what about my deformity?"

"Darling, I don't see anything that meets that description. I see only the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

"But what about my thing?"

Reaching out, he rested it in the palm of his hand, "I have just two questions, first does it work?"

"No, not the way you mean, it doesn't squirt anymore."

"Alright question two. Is it sensitive enough to bring you pleasure?"

"Yes it is; but...

"Then that is that; you simply have an oversized clit, we can work with that. We will just have to find ways to give each other pleasure, there is no right or wrong. Honey, love is not about sex, it is about caring for the other person.

Tears filled Rachel's eyes as Thomas gave the tip of her 'clit' a sweet kiss.

* * * * *

Rachel lay before the fire, still wrapped in a cocoon of mink. The events of last night had a kaleidoscopic reality to them. She woke slowly, small mewling moans slipping from her lips before she was even conscious of what was causing them. She sighed with a breathy moan as she felt a delightful sensation radiating from her nether regions.

Despite her hangover headache, she felt sore and sated at the same time. She reached out blindly for Thomas knowing that he had to be the source of her bliss. It took a minute for her to find him, he was not directly on top of her, rather he was further down, his face buried between her legs and it felt delicious. She had been afraid he would be repulsed at her misplaced male member. And now he was treating it like a treasure. He swallowed, licked and sucked like it was made of honey. She felt it very unladylike to simply lay there while Tom explored her oversized clit with his mouth.

As her pleasure grew, she reached for him intending to push his head away before it was too late. His tongue rasped over her pleasure center and when he slid a finger into her to join his tongue's caresses, she screeched and bucked like a wild stallion. Wave after wave of pleasure exploded within her as she emptied her essence into his mouth. She had said "it doesn't squirt anymore", but the dam had burst and her normal trickle seemed to turn into a flood. In her wildest dreams she had prayed only for acceptance, now her lover's reaction seemed to be one of enjoyment; it truly was a Christmas miracle.

Much to her relief, Tom moved up her body crawling to cover her. She thought back to last night, her great anxiety of revealing her condition, his acceptance and their first union. It was awkward as both parties were exceedingly nervous. Rachel had shown Tom her deformity. He had said it didn't matter he was in love with the inner person and not concerned by the shell holding her soul. Despite the clumsy start, once that the first time jitters were gone the second go around went much better. With the sexual tensions relieved each partner became more concerned about giving than receiving pleasure. The room had been filled with moans, which seemed to grow to shrieks towards the end.

Tom was totally spent and flushed from his bedroom conquest; the wondrous, glorious, sublime feelings consumed his very being. Before yesterday, he had no inkling that Rachel was anything but 100% woman, he now knew in his heart their physical and emotional bond transcended gender and kindled a flame that seemed unquenchable.

He laid his head on Rachel's very feminine bosom and the words seemed to cascade out of his mouth. He breathlessly asked that age-old question, "That was great for me, how was it for you?"

Rachel was quick to put him in his place with, "It was nice, not what I had expected at all."

Reaching out with her left hand, she laid it lovingly atop of his limp manhood and said, "Maybe it will get better with practice, lots of practice."

Thomas was crestfallen at his failure. Rachel could not contain her composure any longer as she broke out in a huge grin and admitted it had been an earth shattering experience, it was far better than she ever imagined. Still joking she said, "It was probably the best 15 seconds of my life." This prompted Thomas to roll her on top of him where he wrapped his arms around his future wife and squeezed for all he was worth. Surprisingly, he was able to recover and they went at it again. The third time was the charm. They both managed to come together. Once Rachel was able to catch her breath, she patted her lover on the chest and said, "Thank you. That was delightful, you're definitely improving."

The two settled in for a morning of just cuddling until hunger drove them from their warm bed. Standing next to the fireplace still warm with its glowing embers, the two helped each other get dressed. After which they made their way hand in hand to the second floor restaurant where they had entertained so many people the evening before. After a healthy breakfast they returned to their room where they snuggled on the couch and talked. Belated pillow talk if you will. Both opened up their hearts as they discussed things they had been reluctant to talk about before their coming together.

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