Paying The Price - Part 01

 © November 2012

Part One

    A change of pace from Sara this time folks, Paul helps a friend in trouble and pays a terrible price, which just goes to prove that ‘No good deed goes unpunished’

Chapter One

    Paul sat at the table in the pub with three women all looking at him with daggers, while a fourth woman was at the bar getting them all drinks. Paul had a pretty good idea what they wanted to see him about, and he wasn’t looking forward to it one bit.

    He worked in an office with two of the women sat with him at the table, there was a third woman that worked with them called Kim, but she was fighting for her life in hospital at the minute, and that was the reason for these women having him sat here with them right now. The two women that worked with Kim were Stacy and Rebecca. The other two women Paul had seen a couple of times when they came to the office to see one of the other three, but he’d found out their names were Karen and Casey.

    Paul’s problems had started just under a week ago at the office when he bumped into Kim while she was taking a stack of papers to another part of the office. Paul had said sorry to Kim as he bent down to help her pick up papers he’d caused her to drop all over the floor.

     “I’m really sorry Kim.” Paul said with a worried look. Paul knew that Stacy and Rebecca would be close by keeping an eye on Kim, just like they always did. The three girls looked out for each other.

     “Don’t worry about it Paul, these things happen.” Kim said with a smile. “I should have been looking where I was going.” Kim added with a little giggle.

    Before Paul could say anything else he heard the dreaded voice of Stacy as he saw a pair of high heeled boots appear next to him. Paul couldn’t help but think how cute they looked on her and he wished he could dress like they all dressed on a daily basis.

    At this point I should explain that Paul was transgender and was only working at the office while he saved up for the operation. He, or should I say she also worked at a night club that catered to the rock and heavy metal scene called The Rock Shack.

     “Is this freak bugging you Kim?” Stacy asked with anger in her voice.

     “Easy Stacy, he was just helping me pick up some papers I’d dropped when I bumped into him.” Kim said as she looked up at her friend. “I was too busy daydreaming again and not looking where I was going. And stop being mean and calling him a freak!” Kim added the last bit with some anger in her voice.

     “What are we going to do with you girl?” Stacy said as she let the anger vanish from her face as she crouched down to help get all the papers together. “Sorry about the freak comment Paul.” Stacey added with a smile, but Paul could see that Stacey still didn’t trust him.

    Paul still looked worried as he saw Rebecca rushing over to have a go at him as well. The three girls always stuck together, and god help anyone in the office if they upset one of them. Paul had heard rumours one of the sale’s rep’s called Martin who told everyone that he’d scored a date with Kim when he’d really been turned down and sent packing. He was found asleep in his car a couple of days later dressed as a hooker right outside the office building. He left the company a couple of days later after telling everyone that he’d been turned down by Kim and never went out on a date with her. So Paul was worried when he saw the look on Rebecca’s face.

     “Are you okay Kim?” Rebecca asked as she crouched down and looked at Paul with an evil glare.

     “Cool it Rebecca. Kim was daydreaming again.” Stacy said with a roll of her eyes. “Paul was just helping her pick up the paperwork.” She added with a smile.

     “Oh, that’s okay then.” Rebecca said with a smile now. “I thought it strange that you’d be trying to hit on our little Kimmie here.” Rebecca added with a giggle.

    Paul look hurt when Rebecca said that to him. He knew he wasn’t much to look at, but it would have been nice to at least rate as being worthy of dating someone like Kim. Before he could dwell on that thought for too long he was side tracked when Kim reached out towards his chest and grabbed hold of something.

     “This is pretty Paul. Where did you get it?” Kim asked as she took hold of a shiny polished black stone that hung around his neck on a chain.

    Paul gulped when he realised what Kim was talking about. He thought it looked a little to girly for a boy to wear, but it’s the only thing he had left to remind him of Samantha, a girl he knew as a boy growing up. Samantha had found out about him being different from all the other boys and she played with him during the school holidays. Samantha’s parents had taken them both to the beach one day during summer and they had found this black stone that looked a little like a heart, so they had kept it. Samantha had polished it and then got her dad to drill a hole through it so she could put it on a chain to be worn around the neck.

     “I want you to have this Paula.” Samantha had said towards the end of their summer break. “That way you will always have me close and a little bit of Paula with you at all times.” She’d added with a smile.

    Paula was the name Samantha gave Paul’s female side when they played dress up in her bedroom. Samantha’s parents knew about Paul dressing like a girl, but they let it go on when they saw how much happier he was as Paula. Paul spent a lot of time around at Samantha’s house due to his parents always arguing.

    Samantha’s parents had been killed in a car crash not long after that, and Samantha moved away to live with an Aunt. They still kept in touch even now, but he had a lonely child hood after she moved away.

    Paul’s parents split up not long after Samantha moved away, and his mum started living in a bottle of booze after that, so as soon as he was old enough to leave home, Paul left and was now working two jobs and saving up to start his RLT and finally get the surgery to make the mind fit the body.

     “Me and a friend found it on a beach when I was younger, and she said it looked like a heart.” Paul said to Kim snapping him out of his own daydreams as he pulled it out of her hand at tucked it back into his shirt out of sight.

    Kim looked a little hurt when Paul snatched the necklace back and hid it from her, but she shrugged it off as him just being nervous around Stacy and Rebecca. Kim knew that Paul wasn’t like the other men in the office, he always had an odd look on his face when he looked at the women in the office, not checking them out like the other men did, but more like apprising them for looking nice. She and the other two had spoken about it a couple of times. Rebecca said it looked a little creepy, but even she said he looked harmless enough.

     “She? Do you have a girlfriend and you never told me?” Kim asked playfully with a pout.

     “No, she was a friend from school when I was much younger. She moved away just after she gave it to me.” Paul blurted out before he could stop himself. He blushed as he stood up and handed the last of the papers to Kim and dashed off after saying sorry to her again.

     “You two didn’t need to come down on Paul so hard.” Kim said as she watched Paul dashing off. “He looks scared to death most the time as it is.” Kim added as she took the last of the papers from Stacy and Rebecca.

     “If I didn’t know better Kimmie, I’d say that you have a thing for our little friend Paul.” Rebecca said with a grin.

     “I like him as a friend Bec’s. You know that I don’t date men.” Kim said in a whisper.

     “Well he’s not much of a man is he?” Rebecca shot back at her.

     “Leave him alone Bec’s, he’s a nice guy that just happens to be shy.” Kim said just before walking away to deliver the papers to the person waiting for them. Kim couldn’t shake the feeling that she did have feelings for Paul, but not like a girl should have feeling for a man. Kim had tried dating men in the past, but she just found them to macho for her to deal with, so she found comfort in the female sex, but even that didn’t feel right to her either. Kim had started to think of herself as a freak, that was why she snapped at Stacey when she called Paul a freak.

    Paul had kept out the girl’s way for the rest of the week. He found it hard working two jobs, but he didn’t have any friends, so he wasn’t missing out on much of a private life. Paul would get home from the office and take a quick shower before getting ready as Paula to go to the Club and start his second job as a bar person. Paul hated shaving, so he’d spent a fair bit of money having all his body hair removed with electrolysis, so he had beautiful smooth skin.

    Sorting through his wardrobe Paul soon put together an outfit to wear and he set to work on turning himself into Paula for the night, just like he did every night. Paul was still carrying a little puppy fat as he liked to call it, so once he had a Basque on he had what looked like breast poking out the top. He tucked his male part up and under before pulling up his panties after attaching stocking to the black Basque he was wearing, then he set to work on his makeup for the evening. Paul never went out in the sun, so he had an almost white look to his skin to start with, so with a little white powder on his face and on his chest and neck, he could see the gothic princess starting to show. He loved the way the plain looking boy that worked in the office all day vanished minute by minute as he added eye shadow, then lipstick and finally he drew on new eyebrows after hiding his thicker bushier ones using a trick with some wax.

     “Welcome home cutie.” Paula said to the gothic girl looking back at him from the mirror, now she had the long black wig on and pinned in place. Paul had longish dirty blond hair, but he’d used a wig cap to hide it and then pinned the black wig to it just before she teased it out into a more wild look that suited the makeup she was now wearing.

    Paul now Paula got up and set to work slipping into a long black peasant skirt that flared out around her due to layer upon layer of lace falling from it. She then slipped on a little PVC jacket before she sat down to put on a pair of PVC ankle boots with a three inch heel to make her look a little taller. Paula took one final look in the mirror checking to see if she looked alright.

     “Necklace!” Paula shouted when she realised that she hadn’t put it back on yet after doing her makeup.

    Once she had the necklace back on, she sat down to add some black nail polish to her fingernails before she grabbed her purse, which just happened to be a little backpack shaped like a coffin. Paula took one final look in the mirror before leaving for work on the Friday night.

    Paula had been told by some of the other girls that worked at the club, that she reminded them of Abby from the TV show NCIS. Paula wished she was as smart as Abby was, then she wouldn’t have to work two jobs trying to get some money behind her ready for the real life test she’d have to start one day.

    The taxi was waiting for Paula when she got down to the street so she got in and told the driver where she wanted to go. The taxi driver knew the club well, and wasn’t shocked that someone looking like Paula wanted to go there. Paula was good at sounding female; Paul had never had a very manly voice in the first place, which Paula was now glad about. She was soon at the club and being let in by one of the bouncers on the door getting ready for when the club opened.

     “Looking good Paula.” He said with a smile as he let her in.

     “Thanks Stan.” Paula smiled back at him. “How’s the boyfriend?” She asked.

     “He’s fine, just worried that he’s putting on weight again.” Stan said with a roll of the eyes. “I keep telling him I don’t care; it just gives me more to cuddle.” He added with a giggle.

    Paula still found it odd to hear a man that looked like Stan did, giggle, but he knew about Paula really being a male still, and didn’t care, nor did any of the others at the club. After seeing some of the sights they all got to see on a nightly basis, you become blind to it all.

     “Wow girl! You look super cute tonight Paula!” Tink shouted as she ran over to Paula when she saw her walking over to the bar they would be working at together.

    Tink’s real name was Tina, but everyone called her Tink because she loves anything to do with fairies and she has blond hair and causes about as much trouble as Tinkerbell does in the Disney movies about her.

     “Hi Tink, what you broke now?” Paula asked as she gave the girl a hug. Paula always worried when Tink was this happy to see her.

     “I’ve not broke anything Paula.” Tink said with a pout as they broke the hug.

     “So what do you want me to do for you then?” Paula asked looking even more worried now.

     “Same as I always want girlfriend.” Tink said with a grin. “You to start coming out shopping with me.” She added with a giggle.

     “I’m not ready to reveal Paula to the world yet Tink.” Paula whined as she stepped back from Tink and headed over to the bar and then through to the back room where they kept their coats and bags. Paula and Tink had the same chat almost every night, and Tink always got the same answer.

     “I’m going to keep asking until you cave and come shopping with me as Paula.” Tink said with a pout, just before kissing Paula on the cheek to let her know they were still friends.

    Paula always felt a pang of pain when Tink spoke like that. It was just another reason for Paula to be let loose on the world, but he knew that building up a nice safety net for after the big reveal was important too. Paul wasn’t sure if he’d be kept on at the office, or if he even wanted to keep working there once everyone found out about Paula. Paula’s job at the club would be safe, he already knew that, but it didn’t pay enough to keep a roof over his head, or Paula’s head as it would be by then. Paula soon put them thoughts to the back of her head and got stuck in setting up the bar with Tink.

    They knew the club was going to be busy tonight; it always was on a Friday and a Saturday night. The music was soon blasting out and people started to enter the club. Paula and Tink were soon having trouble keeping up with the flow of customers wanting drinks.

    Paula soon found her heart was beating louder than the sound of the music though, when she looked up to serve a blond girl when she realised it was Kim from the office she worked at, or Paul worked at. “What you drinking hon?” Paula asked, hoping that the sudden look of shock was hidden by all the makeup.

    Kim had never been to this club before, but she’d been talked into coming by a girl she’d been talking to online. Kim was glad to be away from the others for a bit as well. She was getting a little sick of how protective they all were about her. “I’ll have two Jack’s with coke!” Kim shouted to the gothic girl behind the bar that had just asked her what she wanted.

    Paula took a couple of deep breaths as she sorted out the drinks. “It doesn’t look like she knows who I really am.” Paula thought to herself as she kept stealing the odd look at Kim while she waited for her drinks, but then she saw Kim give her a strange look before looking down at her chest again, then back up at her face with an open mouth. Paula suddenly remembered the necklace she was wearing and the fact Kim had seen it at work a couple of day ago.

    Kim found herself checking out the girl sorting out the drinks for her, Kim thought she looked cute in all her gothic clothing and makeup. Kim also thought she looked familiar to her as well, but couldn’t work out why? She thought it was something about the eyes. Kim just happened to peak down at the girl’s breasts and saw a shiny black heart shaped rock hanging just above the dip line between the girls breast’s. “That looks just like the one Paul has at work?” Kim thought to herself absentmindedly. That’s when it hit Kim where she knew those eyes from and she took a closer look and let her mouth fall open as she realised that the gothic girl was really Paul from work.

     “Paul?” Kim mouthed the question when she managed to get her mouth to work again.

    Paula thought about playing dumb, but the look of fear on her face would have given her away if she tried, so Paula just nodded her head up and down as she spoke. “It’s Paula. Nice to meet you.”

     “Hi Paula. Very nice to meet you.” Kim said with a grin as she took the two drinks from Paula and paid for them before wandering off to carry on talking with her friend.

    Paula watched Kim walk away, stealing the odd look back in her direction as she made her way through the crowd of people. Paula let out a sigh of relief when she saw that Kim wasn’t in the club with Stacy, Rebecca, or either of the other two girls she’d seen come to the office to see them.

    The night was turning into the worse nightmare ever for Paula as she had to serve Kim a couple more times and got the same weird smile from her. Paula knew that come Monday the whole office would know about her. Paula noticed a little later that Kim was having an argument with the girls she’d come to the club with, and it ended with the girls storming off and Kim following her.

    Paula tried to put it all to the back of her mind, but she was having trouble doing that, so was making some silly mistakes. Paula was glad when one of the other girls came to take over while she went for her break.

     “You okay Paula?” Tink asked looking worried for her friend.

     “I’m fine, I just need to go and get some fresh air.” Paula said as she went through the back room and out though the fire exit that led out into the side alley. This is where the others went to have a cigarette while taking their breaks, but Paula just liked to feel the breeze blow across her exposed upper chest and lower legs when she was wearing a shorter skirt, but tonight she couldn’t feel much on her legs with the long skirt on, so she settled for the soothing breeze across her chest instead.

    “Looks like I’ll be looking for a new job come Monday.” Paula thought to herself as she leaned against the wall enjoying the fresh air. Paula didn’t like the smell that the dry ice made as it was pumped our all over the club.

    Paula had only been stood out there for a couple of minutes when she heard a couple of girls arguing just down near the end of the alley that led to the street where the front of the club was.

     “Please Beth! Don’t be like this.” One girl shouted.

     “Don’t please Beth me you slut!” The second girl shouted back. “I saw the way you were looking at that woman behind the bar.” She added with venom in her voice.

     “I wasn’t looking at her like that hon. I think I know her from work, but she looks a little different here at the club.” The first woman said.

    That’s when Paula realised that it was Kim talking about her, and she said that she knew “Her” from work, and “She” looked a little different. Paula then started to worry again about what Stacy and Rebecca would do to Paul on Monday at work. Paula was snapped out of her worries when she heard the other woman shouting at Kim.

     “Look Kim, why don’t you just piss off back inside and spend some time with you friend from work then? I knew I was wasting my time with a wimp like you.” The woman said with real anger in her voice just before storming past Paula and heading deeper into the alley.

    Paula was stood in the shadows where the woman couldn’t see her as she walked past. Paula watched as Kim started to follow her, but gave up on the idea and turned to return to the main street and probably the club, but her path was blocked by a couple of men that seemed to be heading straight towards her.

     “Hello darling, you and your girlfriend have a falling out?” One of the men asked with a sick sounding chuckle.

     “Maybe you should find yourself a real man instead of looking for another woman.” The second man said. “Tell you what darling, why don’t my friend and I show you what you’re missing, and see if we can’t convert you back to liking men again.” He added with an evil grin.

    Kim panicked and tried to run past the two men, but she was not fast enough and they soon had her pinned up against the wall behind a dumpster out of sight of the main street, while one of the men clamped his hand over her mouth while the other one started to lift up her skirt.

    Paula without a second thought ran down the alley and pulled one guy off Kim and kneed him in the balls just before punching him right in the face.

    The man fell to the ground in a lot of pain. His partner in crime had turned on Paula, letting go of Kim to help him out, but he was soon turning back to face Kim when she grabbed the man’s hair and started pulling it out at the roots.

    Paula turned around just in time to see the man pull out a knife and spin round to plunge it deep into Kim’s belly. Kim let out an ear splitting scream as she let go of the man and fell to the ground in pain. The man then kicked Kim in the stomach a couple of time before kicking her once more in the head and then charging at Paula. Paula jumped out the way as he pulled his friend to his feet and they ran off down the alley with a couple of people chasing after them.

     “Kim? Kim? Oh got Kim please don’t be dead.” Paula said as she knelt down on the ground next to the still body of Kim. Paula jumped when Kim’s hand made contact with her face leaving four scratches down one cheek.

     “Get away from me you bastard!” Kim spat out in anger, and then screaming in pain as she felt the pain from being stabbed.

     “Kim, Kim, it’s just me Paul. Don’t move, I’ll go and get you some help.” Paula said in a calm voice.

     “Paul? You look cute as a girl.” Kim smiled as she looked up into the face of this gothic looking girl she knew to be a man. “I’m going to die aren’t I?” Kim asked as the pain got worse and she reached out trying to grip something to make the pain stop. She found something to grip and she felt a slight popping sound as she pulled on it and it came away in her hand, but it felt good to keep gripping it.

    Paula was too worried about Kim to notice that she’d just grabbed and pulled on the black heart shaped stone she’d been wearing around her neck, or the fact that Kim was now gripping on to it. “Someone call for an Ambulance! She’s been stabbed!” Paula shouted at a group of people heading towards them up the alley.

     “They’re on their way!” Someone shouted as they got closer.

    Paula soon saw the flashing blue lights and she was glad to see the Ambulance pull up just to the side of her and she got up and let the paramedics do their job. Paula looked scared when she saw a couple of police cars pull up, so she stepped back and faded into the background before going back into the club and telling Tink she wasn’t feeling to good and was going home.

     “Do you want me to get a taxi to take you home hon?” Tink asked looking worried.

     “I’ll be fine Tink, but thanks for caring.” Paula said with a forced smile as she left through the back door again and slipped down the alley without being noticed by anyone.

     Stacy, Rebecca, Karen and Casey all burst into the hospital emergency room looking scared as they tried to find out what had happened to their friend. Karen worked at the hospital, so they were soon let into a private waiting area while surgeons worked to save Kim’s life.

     “She’s still in surgery.” Karen said as she wandered back into the room with a plastic bag in her hand. “They gave me her things to look after until she’s out of surgery and in a room.” She added as she put the bag down on the table in front of her after she sat down again.

     “I never should have let her go out on her own.” Stacy said, blaming herself for what happened.

     “We all feel the same way Stacy, but none of us knew anything like this was going to happen.” Rebecca pointed out as she pulled her sobbing friend into a hug.

     “Do any of you know who she was going out with tonight?” Casey asked.

     “No, she just said it was a new friend.” Rebecca said with a shrug.

     “You don’t think it was them that did this to her do you Casey?” Karen asked.

     “Who knows with some of the sick freaks that are out there?” Casey replied.

     “Well if I ever get my hands on them, I’ll make them wish they were never born.” Stacy said through gritted teeth.

     “Maybe there’s a clue in her purse?” Rebecca said as she looked at the plastic bag on the table in front of them.

    Karen was soon tipping the bag of stuff out onto the table, so they could look and see if there was any clue as to who might have done this to Kim. It was just Kim’s purse and some jewellery, so Karen opened the purse and looked to see what numbers came up on Kim’s mobile, but other than the girl’s and a couple of numbers with silly nicknames there was no clue there.

    They were all soon looking at Stacy when she shouted. “What the hell is this doing here with Kim’s stuff?” Stacy was holding up the broken chain with the black polished heart shaped stone on the end of it.

     “What’s so special about that?” Casey asked with a puzzled look as she held the black stone in her hand.

     “Isn’t that Paul’s from the office?” Rebecca asked when she realised where she’d seen it before.

     “Yes it is, and the only way Kim would have it, would be if Kim had seen him tonight.” Stacy said with anger in her voice.

     “You don’t think it was Paul that did this to Kim do you?” Rebecca said with a strange look on her face.

     “I don’t know who this Paul is, but the chain on this necklace is snapped like Kim ripped it off someone while being attacked.” Casey said as she looked at the broken chain again.

     “We should go and tell the police about this, so they can go and arrest the bastard.” Karen said as she went to get up and leave the room.

     “No Karen, stop!” Stacy said as she grabbed Karen’s hand to stop her leaving the room. “I think we should deal with this ourselves.” She added.

     “In what way Stacy?” Karen asked. “This isn’t some pig that told a Lie at work you know. This bastard tried to kill our friend and he should be dealt with.” She added as she pulled her hand away from Stacy’s.

     “I plan to deal with him Karen, but I’m not going to watch him talk his way out of trouble, or watch as Kim gets dragged over the coals just because she’s a girl and they think she asked for it.” Stacy said angrily.

     “And just how do you plan to carry out this punishment?” Karen asked as she took her seat again to listen to what Stacy had to say.

     “I was thinking of getting him to the house, and then we could carry out our own form of prison time for him.” Stacy said looking very serious about it. “We could keep him down in the cellar. There’s no window, and the house is far enough away that he won’t be heard if he starts shouting.” Stacy added as she looked at the others.

     “You’re serious about this aren’t you?” Rebecca asked as she looked her friend in the eyes.

     “What if we find out he’s not the one that did it?” Casey asked.

     “There is no way Kim would have that thing if he wasn’t the one to do it to her.” Stacy said as she pointed at the black stone still hanging from the chain in Casey’s hand. “I think Kim ripped it from him to let us know that it was him that did it to her as well.” Stacy added.

     “How do you know that this belongs to him, and not just the same thing brought by someone else?” Casey offered as an argument to what Stacy wanted them to do.

     “He said it wasn’t brought from a shop, but him and a friend found it on a beach and then made it into a necklace.” Rebecca pointed out as she remembered what Paul had told them earlier in the week. “I find it a little strange for Kim to be attacked by someone with the same looking thing within the space of a week.” She added.

     “I bet the little pervert’s been planning this for ages.” Stacy said getting angry again. “I say we teach this freak that he can’t get away with hurting our friend.” She added as she looked around the other three women to make sure they were all onboard with what she had in mind.

     “Okay I’m in, but only if we know for a fact that he did it.” Karen said. “We need to ask him some questions before we do anything drastic.” She added as she looked at Stacy to make sure she wasn’t planning to just push him out a window or something silly like that. Not that carrying out their own version of a prison sentence wasn’t silly enough.

     “Stacy and I will go into the office tomorrow and find out where he lives, and then we can all meet with him over the weekend and find out where he was tonight and show him this.” Rebecca said as she took the black stone off Casey and held it up. “If he can show us the one he was wearing the other day, then we will leave him alone, but if he can’t then we drug him and take him to the house to start his sentence.” Rebecca added in a matter of fact way.

     “They said that Kim must have scratched her attacker, because they found traces of skin and blood under her fingernails.” Karen informed them all. “So we should look for any signs that he’s been scratched by someone.” Karen added.

    The girl’s all agreed to the plan and then waited to see if Kim would pull through. It was a couple of hours later when the surgeon walked into the waiting room and told the girls that she’d lost a lot of blood and had a lot of damage done to her when the blade went into her, but it looked like she’d be okay in time. The girls were happy to hear that, but they were still angry that someone could do such a thing to someone as sweet as Kim.

    They all left to go and get the cellar set up for their new guest, if the evidence they had matched up with the fact Paul couldn’t show them his necklace with the same looking stone on it. And he had any scratchers like Karen had said Kim gave to her attacker. Then they knew they had the right person.

    Paula had got back home and then realised that she was covered in Kim’s blood, so she quickly undressed and then took a long shower trying to get it all off, but it still felt like it was there. Paul stepped out the shower and looked in the mirror and could still see bits of makeup on his face, so he sat down in his bedroom and used a couple of wipes to remove the rest of it before doing his normal skin care routine.

    Paul looked at the four nasty looking scratches Kim had left him with when she thought he was one of the attackers about to have another go at her. They were very sore, but he brushed it off when he thought about all the pain Kim would be in, if she was still alive.

     “God I hope Kim’s okay?” He said to the face in the mirror.

     “No she’s not okay you fool, she just got stabbed and you ran off and left her all alone.” He argued with himself, or the other version of him in the mirror.

     “I never should have left her side. I should have waited and told the police what the two guys looked like.” He told himself in the mirror.

     “Yes, then they would have thought I did it and locked me up for attacking her, while being dressed like a female goth.” The face in the mirror said back at him.

     “Maybe I should call the police and tell them what I saw, and tell them that I work at the club and I was just taking a break when I saw it all happen and rushed over to help, but got scared that I’d be in trouble because I knew the girl?” He said thinking out loud.

     “And they would still think me guilty and lock me up.” He argued back.

    Paul decided to call in sick tomorrow night at the club and see how things played out on Monday at the office and find out how Kim was doing. He just hoped she’d lived through it all. He put his skirt in soak and picked up the PVC Basque to make sure all the blood had been washed off it before going to bed.

    He didn’t get much sleep that night, and he was sat around most of the day on Saturday like a zombie. He’d tried calling the hospital a couple of times to find out if Kim was okay, but just got told that he had to be family to find anything out. He was puzzled when his mobile rang and it was an unknown number.

     “Hello?” Paul asked with worry in his voice that it was going to be the police asking why he left the scene of a murder, and how come he was dressed like a girl when he did so, but it wasn’t the police.

     “Hi, Paul?” A woman asked on the other end of the phone.

     “Yes this is Paul. Who am I speaking too?” Paul asked slowly.

     “It’s Rebecca from work. I just wanted to let you know that Kim was stabbed last night, and is very ill in hospital.”

     “She’s still alive?!” Paul shouted down the phone before he could stop himself from saying it.

    To Paul it sounded like excitement that Kim was alive, but to Rebecca and the other three all listening on the other end of the phone, it just sounded like shock she was still alive. It wasn’t looking good for Paul.

     “Yes she’s still alive, and should make a full recovery Paul, but her parents are having her moved to be closer to them, so I was wondering if you’d like to come and see her before she get’s moved?” Rebecca asked.

     “Why does she want to see me? Did she ask to see me or something?” Paul asked with worry in his voice.

     “No she’s not woken up yet, but you two do seem to get along okay at work, and I’m sure she’d like to see you when she wakes up.” Rebecca said. “We can come and pick you up if that helps?” Rebecca asked.

     “We? Who’s we?” Paul asked.

     “Stacy and I will come and pick you up later on, and then you can come with us to see her.” Rebecca said, but pulled a pained face when she realised her slip up.

     “I’m sorry Rebecca, but I’m working tonight at my second job.” Paul said, worried that Kim might be awake and has already told them about seeing Paula last night. “I’d be happy to go and see her tomorrow though? Can you tell me what ward she’s on?” Paul asked.

     “Okay that sounds cool, but I’ll come and pick you up, and then you can join me and the others for a spot of lunch before we all go over and surprise her.” Rebecca said sounding all bubbly.

    Paul could hear that Rebecca was eager to talk to him away from work. He wondered if they just wanted to ask him about how Kim had seen him dressed the night before, or whether it was them wanting to warn him to not go back to the office or they would out him. Either way Paul thought it best to find out away from the office rather than Monday morning when he walked in.

     “Okay lunch sounds good to me Rebecca. Do you know where I live?” Paul asked.

     “Yes we were in at work this morning and looked it up on the computer.” Rebecca’s happy sounding voice said on the other end of the phone. “That’s how we got your number as well.” She added with a giggle.

     “Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Paul said with some shock in his voice at what he’d be doing tomorrow.

     “That’s great! So I’ll pick you up at twelve tomorrow then. Bye!” Rebecca said just before the line went dead.

    Rebecca, Stacy, Karen and Casey were all sat outside Pauls flat waiting to see if he decided to run or not after the phone call, but they left to go home after he didn’t look like he was going to be leaving anytime soon. They called in at a hardware shop on the way home to pick up some eye bolts and heavy duty chains and padlocks ready for the new house guest if it was proven that Paul had tried to kill Kim.

    Paul called in sick at work again before spending another night worried about what Kim might have said to Rebecca and the others. The truth was Rebecca and the others hadn’t spoke to Kim, but it was true that her family were going to have her moved to a hospital closer to her old home so her mum and dad could look after her while she recovered.

    The girls had all decided that they would lock Paul up and keep him that way until such time as Kim returned and handed out his sentence. Or she just let them know what they could do to him if she decided not to return to live with them.

    Paul was stood outside his flat the next day waiting for Rebecca to pick him up so he could go to lunch with them. Paul hadn’t realised until this morning that he’d lost his necklace at some point the other night. He was gutted to realise that, but wasn’t going to go looking for it at the crime scene.

    Rebecca pulled up in her car and Paul watched as one of the girls jumped out the back and let him get in the middle before getting back in herself.

     “Hi Paul. I’m Karen and this is Casey.” The woman that had got out too let him get in said with a smile as she pointed at herself and then the woman she called Casey.

     “Hi Karen, hi Casey.” Paul said with a nervous smile. None of the girls seemed bothered if they did know about Paula, so he took that as a good sign.

    Paul felt even more nervous when he realised that he was smaller than the other four women sat in the car with him.

    None of them said much as Rebecca drove to a place where they could eat lunch, she pulled into a nice looking pub that served Sunday lunches and they all got out. Paul thought it felt nice to be hanging around with four beautiful women while going out for lunch. They soon found a nice quiet table in a far corner and they all sat down while deciding what to have. Once they had all made up their minds. Karen went up to the bar to get them all a drink and order the food.

     “Paul, I was telling Casey here about that beautiful black heart shaped stone you have around your neck. Can you show her for me sweetie?” Rebecca asked with a smile.

     “I’d love to Rebecca, but I’m not wearing it at the minute.” Paul said as he felt even more nervous now, and had an idea where this chat was going.

     “Is it that you’re just not wearing it at the minute, or that you don’t have it anymore?” Stacey asked looking daggers at him.

    All four girls had already noticed the scratches down his cheek, and had a pretty good idea where they came from.

    Paul noticed that Rebecca and Casey were also looking at him in the same way. “I don’t have it anymore. I lost it Friday night.” Paul said as he hung his head in shame. He knew that everything was going to come out now.

     “Where were you Friday night?” Stacey asked as she leaned across the table with her hands balled into fists.

     “I have a feeling you already know the answer to that question.” Paul said, not wanting to say it while in a public place where everyone could hear him.

     “So you own up to the fact you did it then?” Rebecca asked in shock that this freak could sit so calmly and own up to stabbing their friend.

    Karen had come back with the drinks and handed Paul his first before giving all the other girls theirs. Paul being nervous had a dry mouth, so he gulped his glass of coke down pretty much in one go. Karen smiled as she nodded at the others so they knew she’d just spiked Paul’s drink, and he was already feeling it.

     “I’m not feeling too good.” Paul said as the room started to spin, then he just blacked out.

    Karen never ordered any food in the first place, so they all got up after finishing their drinks and managed to get Paul out to Rebecca’s car where they dropped him in the trunk and then chained his hands and feet together, just in case he woke on the way back to the house. Karen didn’t think he would, but better safe than sorry.

    Once back at the house they all dragged Paul into the house and down to the basement where he would be living from now on. They stripped his clothes off him and were shocked to see that he was hairless from the neck down.

     “That just looks so weird.” Stacey said as she looked at his smooth skin.

     “I saw that on one of them cop programs.” Casey said looking excited. “Sexual predators get rid of all their body hair to stop the cops finding any DNA at the scene of the crime.” She added with pride.

     “Looks like we truly caught ourselves one sick little puppy then.” Karen said as she helped Stacey get Paul chained to the wall before they then chained him to what looked like an old saw horse with his naked backside on show as an easy target.

    Karen pushed a large ball gag into his mouth and buckled it tightly shut before she added a padlock to keep it in place.

     “Where did you find that thing Karen?” Rebecca asked with a raised eyebrow.

     “That sex shop up on London road.” Karen said with a grin.

     “Can he still breathe alright?” Rebecca asked looking worried.

     “It would save us the trouble if he didn’t.” Stacey said as she kicked Paul’s leg and made him groan. “He’s already owned up to stabbing Kim, and god knows what else he’s done to women before that.” Stacey added with another kick.

     “I’m not going to be party to murder Stacey!” Karen snapped as she pulled Stacey away from Paul before she did something they would all regret. “The ball has a hole through the middle, so he can breathe just fine.” Karen answered Rebecca’s question.

     “I agree with Karen.” Casey said looking worried at the way Stacey was acting. “We’ve taken him off the street now, so girls are safe again, but I won’t be part of killing someone. That would make us no better than him.” She added as she pointed at Paul who was just starting to wake up.

Chapter Two

    Paul started to realise that he’d blacked out, but he couldn’t remember were, or what he was doing when it happened. He went to move his mouth and realised that it was wedged open with a large ball in it, but he could still breathe through it. Feeling around with his tongue he found a hole in the middle that he could suck air through. Then he tried to move his arms but they were tied to something, or it felt more like they were chained. He opened his eyes and saw Rebecca, Stacey, Karen and Casey all stood looking at him. Paul tried to move again, then he started to panic and really thrash around when he realised that he was chained up and very naked.

     “What are you doing to me?” Paul asked, but nothing but mumbles came out.

     “I’m sorry sweetie, but we can’t understand a single thing you’re trying to say, not that we’d be interested in any of it.” Karen said as she knelt down to look Paul in the eyes. “You see you’ve already told us that you stabbed Kim while trying to rape her on Friday night.” Karen added as she slapped him across the face.

    Paul was in shock when he heard Karen say that about him. Paul suddenly remembered what Stacey had asked him, and he owned up to it, but he thought that she was talking about him being dressed as a woman, not that he’d tried to rape and then kill Kim.

     “I didn’t do it!” Paul tried to scream at them all, but nothing that sounded like that came out of his mouth, just more mumbles.

     “Let me guess? You didn’t do it now; it was some other man that was wearing the same shiny black heart shaped stone around his neck?” Stacey said looking angry at what she thought Paul had done to Kim. “I bet it was some other woman that gave you those scratches as well!” Stacey shouted at him.

    Paul started pulling at the chains holding him down to the saw horse even more now as he shook his head from side to side.

     “We thought you might change your mind when you realised that your prison time would be served out in this room.” Stacey said with an evil gleam in her eyes.

    Paul watched her get up and walk over to a table where she picked up a long stick and walked back over to where his head was facing.

     “We know we can’t keep you gagged all the time, as you will need to eat and drink. When we feel like feeding you that is.” Stacey said as she playfully tapped the stick against Pauls face and arms. “To show you what will happen if you ever try to speak when the gag is out, we will now each give you ten strokes with this cane.” Stacey added as she walked behind Paul to where his naked backside was on show for them all to see.

    None of the girls were happy about hurting Paul even if he did stab Kim, but they had all talked about it and decided that doing this now could stop any trouble later. They hoped it would scare him into behaving himself.

    Paul was in a wild panic now as he felt the cane tap against his bottom. He’d never been caned before, but he had a very low tolerance for pain at the best of times, never mind being struck forty times. Paul let out a scream from his throat as the cane struck him for the first time, he’d never felt anything like it before in his life. Then he felt another and another until he lost count as he cried and begged like a baby for them to just stop, or kill him now to end it all.

    Casey was the last of the four to give Paul his ten strokes of the cane, and she hated every second of it. She never realised that a man could cry and scream like that, but he did and they left him passed out from the pain. while they went up stairs to calm down.

    If they were out to break what little spirit Paul had, they’d done it with the cane. He would have done anything they asked after that, just so he never felt that thing go across his bottom again. His backside was on fire when he finally woke again, still chained to the saw horse.

     “Karen? Do you have anything you can put on them welts to take some of the pain away?” Casey asked as they all sat at the kitchen table with bottles of water.

     “Yes, I’ll go back down in a minute and sort it out.” Karen said with a sad look. “This just got very real didn’t it?” Karen asked as she saw the others felt the same way she did.

     “He sure didn’t look like much of a sexual predator just now.” Stacey said. She didn’t look like the same angry person that first took the cane to Paul’s backside.

     “It wasn’t the thrill you thought it would be then Stacey?” Karen asked as she got up and left the room to go and get some cream to put on Paul’s backside.

     “I thought punishing him would make me feel better, but it didn’t. I just feel worse now.” Stacey said as Karen came back into the room with a tube of cream.

     “I’ll come down with you Kaz.” Casey said as she got up from the table with her half drank bottle of water in her hand. “I’m not going to let him die of thirst.” She added when she saw the strange look Karen gave her.

    Karen just smiled as she led the way back down to the cellar where they could still hear Paul sobbing as he tried to free himself from the saw horse. “I’ll put some cream on you, and then I’ll let you loose from that thing.” Karen said as she crouched down to look Paul in the eyes.

    Paul jumped when he saw Karen crouch down and talk to him; he was worried he’d made to much noise crying so he went quiet and just looked at her with fear in his eyes. He didn’t understand what she’d just said, but he saw the tube of cream in her hand just before she got up again and walked out of sight.

     “Casey, can you clean his face up while I put this cream on his bottom and the backs of his legs, where we whipped him?” Karen asked as she started putting the cream on his bottom. Paul jumped, but never let a sound escape his mouth, worried that it would earn him another caning if he did.

    Casey was already on the case and she wiped away the tears, snot and drool from his face and chin. “We’ll unchain you from this thing in a minute and then you can go and lie down.” Casey said as she pointed at the saw horse and then the mattress in the corner of the cellar.

    Once Karen was done putting the cream on, she and Casey got the keys to the locks holding Paul to the saw horse and they undid the chains holding him down, so the only chain left was the one that bolted a chain from his left leg to an eyebolt in the floor to stop him escaping. Even at full stretch Paul could only reach half way across the floor, so anyone entering the cellar was safe from being attacked.

    Paul scurried onto the mattress and went right up into the corner as far away from the two women as he could get, wincing as he sat down on his sore bottom. He lay on his side but still tried to make himself as small as he could.

     “Do you want some water Paul?” Casey asked as she knelt down on the mattress and went to remove the gag from his mouth.

    Paul nodded, but looked worried when he saw Casey getting closer and closer to his head with something in her hand.

     “Relax Paul; I just need to remove the gag so you can drink.” Casey said in a calming voice. “As long as you stay quiet, then you can stay with the gag out.” She promised him as she undid the lock and then undid the strap and pulled out the large ball from behind his teeth.

    Paul worked some feeling back into his aching mouth as he took the half full bottle of water from Casey and drank it all down. He wanted to thank her, but not being able to speak meant that he couldn’t so he bowed his head until it touched the floor just in front of where Casey was now stood with Karen looking down at him.

     “I think he’s trying to thank you Casey.” Karen said as she watched.

     “You keep doing as your told Paul, and you’ll not be hurt anymore than is needed.” Casey said as she took the bottle from his hand and then followed Karen up the steps and back into the kitchen where Rebecca and Stacey were still sat at the kitchen table.

     “Did you unchain him while you were down there?” Stacey asked.

     “Yes we did, and he’s lying down on the mattress now resting. Casey took the gag out and he had some water, but never even tried to speak to either of us.” Karen added, so Stacey knew that he understood that making a sound would lead to another caning.

    Paul was cold and sore, but he just lay on the mattress shivering as he thought about the mess his life was now in. He found himself thinking about Kim, and what Samantha his old friend was doing at this moment? Then he started crying again as he thought about how he’d never get to just walk down the high street window shopping, or going for a burger when he got hungry. Then he thought about how he’d never get to be Paula again, or have the surgery to complete the mistake he was born with.

    Rebecca and Stacey took a couple of blankets down to Paul a little later as well as a sandwich for him and a full bottle of water. Paul was asleep so they went to cover him with the blanket and let him sleep a little longer, but he woke as Rebecca covered him up and he screamed as he saw Stacey looking at him.

    Scared that he just earned himself another caning. He was soon kneeling with his head touching the floor just in front of where Stacey was stood looking at him, he tried to show her he was sorry for making a noise.

     “What’s he trying to do?” Stacey asked with a puzzled look on her face as she looked at Rebecca for an answer.

     “He’s trying to say sorry for making a sound.” Came Karen’s voice from just behind them as she came down to check on his bottom while they were feeding him. You told him not to make a sound, or he’d get caned again, so this is how he lets you know he’s sorry for making a mistake.” Karen added as she looked at Paul’s bottom while he stayed knelt on the floor in front of Stacey.

    Karen could see that Stacey didn’t expect this kind of response from him; Karen knew that Stacey wanted him to fight her, and give her a reason to hurt him, but this was just too easy. “How do I make him stop?” Stacey asked as she stepped back from him.

     “You need to tell him he’s not in trouble, and he can eat his food.” Karen said with a shrug, not really knowing if that would work or not.

     “I’ll let you off this time Paul, so just sit up and eat your food.” Stacey said in a firm voice.

    Paul grabbed the sandwich and went back into the far corner of his mattress and started to eat while he kept an eye on them all. Once he was done he came back to Stacey and put the plate at her feet and knelt like he had to say sorry.

     “You did well, now lie down and rest.” Stacey said just before she picked up the plate and went back to the kitchen.

     “We need to sort him out with some clothes to wear. I’m not keen on going down there and looking at a naked man every day.” Casey said to the others as they all sat around the table.

     “We could get him some overhauls like they give normal prisoners.” Stacey offered as an answer to their problem.

     “That won’t work because we’d have to remove the leg shackle to put them on and then change them when they got dirty.” Karen pointed out the problem with that. “We need something that will cover him up, but leave it so he can use the bathroom and change without us needing to unchain him.” Karen added with a thoughtful look on her face.

     “What about putting him in a dress of some sort?” Rebecca offered. “It will keep him covered, but also make it easy for toilet trips. He also won’t be eager to try and escape if he’s wearing a dress either.” She added with a grin, as she thought about him running down the road while wearing a dress.

    That could work.” Stacey said looking excited at the thought of putting him in a dress. “It will also let him see that he’s no better than a woman as well.” She added with anger, as she thought about her friend still very ill in hospital.

     “I’ve got a couple of old dresses he can wear.” Karen said as she left the kitchen to go get the two dresses she was thinking about.

    Karen soon returned with the dresses, and they all went back down to the cellar to give Paul his new prison uniform.

    Paul had to shield his eyes when the light came on, as it was pitch black down there without it. There was no window, or outside light of any sort when the single strip light in the middle of the room was turned off. The strip light was behind a protective guard, so Paul couldn’t break it and use it as a weapon against them. Not that he could reach it with the chain attached to his leg and the floor. Paul was curled up in the corner of his makeshift bed as his eyes got use to the light again. He looked scared to death when he saw the four women looking at him.

     “This is what you’ll wear from now on Prisoner.” Stacey said as she threw one of the dresses at him.

    Paul held up the cloth that Stacey had just thrown at him and saw it was a orange dress that looked a couple of seasons out of style now, and looked nothing like the Goth clothing Paula liked to wear. Paul worked out which way was the front and he slipped it over his head and winced when he pulled it down over his bottom, aggravating the welts that the cane had left behind.

     “You’ll be given three toilet breaks each day Prisoner!” Stacey shouted to get Paul’s attention. “One in the morning, one in the evening when we all get home from work, and then again just before lights out!” Stacey added with a boom to her voice, just like she’d head them do in the movies.

    Karen, Casey and Rebecca just looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Stacey saw the look and just shrugged at them.

     “I think we should leave him a bucket to use, just in case he can’t wait for one of his toilet breaks.” Casey pointed out.

     “The prisoner better be able to wait, or the prisoner will feel the cane again.” Stacey said with an evil grin as she picked up the cane and flexed it in her hands while looking straight at Paul.

     “I agree with Casey on this one Stacey.” Karen said as she pulled Stacey back and took the cane off her when she saw how scared Paul looked as he tried to push himself further and further into the corner of his mattress. “He could suffer permanent bladder damage if he’s not allowed to use a toilet when he needs to.” Karen added.

    Stacey went to say something, but stopped when she saw the look the other three gave her, so she decided to torment Paul in other ways that the others wouldn’t know about.

     “Okay, you make a valid point Karen.” Stacey said with a smile as she walked over to the other side of the room and picked up a plastic bucket and brought it back over to where Paul could reach it.

     “Do you need to use the toilet now Paul?” Rebecca asked. Paul looked up at her and then the others, just before he nodded his head up and down to say yes he did. “Okay then, but we need to put these on you before you can leave the cellar.” Rebecca said as she held up a set of handcuffs and a set of leg irons.

    Paul looked worried, but let Rebecca put the leg irons on him and then she and Casey helped Paul to his feet. Paul put his hands out to let them put the cuffs on, but jumped when Stacey shouted at him.

     “Put your hands behind your back prisoner! We don’t trust you not to try anything if we leave them in front.” Stacey took the cuffs out of Rebecca’s hand and spun Paul around quick enough to nearly cause him to fall over if Karen hadn’t been there to catch him.

     “Take it easy Stace! We don’t want to have to explain how he got hurt at a hospital.” Karen pointed out through gritted teeth.

    Stacey got the message, as she realised that turning up to an A&E with a handcuffed male would cause problems for them all. “He may wish he was dead soon.” Stacey said as she looked straight into Paul’s eyes. She smiled when she saw him cower away from her as she looked at him.

    Karen let Stacey lead the way up the stairs and then they let Paul follow her, while the others followed behind. It took some time for Paul to get up the stairs due to the short chain between the leg irons. He had to go up one step at a time, but they wanted it this way to stop him being able to run away if he tried.

    Paul shuffled his way through the kitchen and out into a hallway and across to another door that led into a downstairs toilet that was large enough for them all to enter. Paul saw that a chain had been placed around the base of the toilet bowl and padlocked in place with a small amount sticking out.

     “Take a seat on the toilet for us prisoner.” Stacey said as she pointed for Paul to sit down.

    Paul did as he was told, but looked a little puzzled as he did it, but all became clear when he watched Stacey use another padlock to lock the leg irons chain to the chain wrapped around the base of the toilet.

     “The prisoner will always sit down to use the toilet, and will be chained to it before the handcuffs are removed. Once you’ve finished, you will then put the seat down and put the cuffs back on with the hands behind your back before you are unlocked from the toilet again.” Stacey said as she looked Paul in the eyes.

    Stacey was hoping he’d slip up and say yes he understood, but Paul just nodded his head at her while not making a sound. Stacey just huffed at him as she let Karen take the cuffs off and let him use the toilet.

     “We’ll be just outside the door Paul, but the door will be left open at all times.” Karen said, not that Paul could walk over to the door and close it while he was chained to the toilet like he was.

     “I think one of us should stand in here and keep an eye on the prisoner.” Stacey said as she tried to brush off Karen’s hand when she went to lead her out the bathroom.

     “Out now!” Karen said as she gave Stacey a stern look, and pointed out into the hallway.

    Stacey knew better than to argue with Karen when she had that look on her face. Karen had worked her way up to head nurse at the hospital by not taking crap from people; Stacey would be one of them people too.

     “We shouldn’t leave the prisoner alone in there Karen.” Stacey whined once they were out in the hallway.

     “And what do you think he’s going to do? Try to kill us all using a toilet roll?” Karen asked sarcastically. “And what’s with all this, the prisoner crap as well?” Karen asked.

     “I want him to know just what he is while he’s here.” Stacey said trying to look hurt at Karen’s comments. “I’m also just making the rules clear to him as well. You’ll all thank me when he tries to escape, or kill you in your sleep.” Stacey added looking a little crazy.

     “I’m going to cut back on your coffee intake I think Stace.” Casey said looking worried for her friend and how all this was affecting her.

     “He doesn’t look all that scary to me Stace, he looked ready to wet himself down in the cellar when you started shouting at him.” Rebecca said with a sarcastic laugh.

    Karen had heard enough from Stacey, so she poked her head around the toilet door to see if Paul had done. She saw him sat on the toilet with his hands behind his back. Karen being paranoid because of what Stacey had just been saying kept a wide birth of Paul while she checked to make sure he had put the cuffs back on properly. She saw that he had, so she knelt down and un-cuffed him from the toilet and then helped him to stand up. Karen had noticed he looked to be in some pain, but he had been ordered to sit down on the area that they had all caned him earlier in the day.

    Paul shuffled out the toilet and then followed Stacey and Rebecca back through the kitchen to the cellar door and then let Karen and Casey lead him back down the steps one at a time. Once at the bottom he was put back on the single leg cuff before they removed the set of leg irons, and then sat him down on his mattress before undoing the handcuffs.

    They all stood and watched Paul scurry over to the corner again and curl up into as tight a ball as he could with his back to them all, to scared of what they might do to him next.

    That’s how things went on for the next couple of weeks as they each took it in turns to take food down to him and they would put leg irons and cuffs on him when he needed the bathroom or a shower. Not once did he ever try to speak or lash out at any of them.

    They were all sat in the living room after returning him to the cellar after a toilet trip when Karen told them about an idea she’d had. “I’ve been thinking of chemically castrating him.”

     “What?” Casey said. Shocked at what Karen had just said to them all. “He’s not been any trouble at all. Why would you do such a thing?” She asked with anger.

     “It won’t hurt him Casey. I just want to block production of testosterone and give him some female hormones to make him a little calmer.” Karen said.

     “He’s calm now though Karen! I think you’re all beginning to take this a little too far.” Rebecca said looking angry at the thought of turning Paul into a girl, or some form of a girl.

     “He does kind of look a little girlish anyway, so I can’t see as it would hurt anything.” Stacey said, siding with Karen.

     “You want to make him into a girl?” Rebecca asked. “What happened to us waiting for Kim to come back and decide on his punishment?” She added.

     “None of us have spoken to Kim since all this happened, and at this point I don’t even know if she will ever come back.” Karen pointed out.

    Kim’s parents had got Kim moved before she ever woke up. The only contact the girls had with Kim for the time being was through her mum and dad, so they couldn’t really ask what had happened, or what she wanted them to do with the guy that did it to her.

     “I’m against the whole idea myself. Hell I’m not even sure he was the one to do all that stuff to Kim now.” Rebecca said. “I’ve not seen one sign that leads me to believe that Paul could stab Kim.” She added.

     “Then how else do you explain the reason for her having the necklace?” Karen asked. “We all know that the police say a woman saved Kim’s life that night, but vanished before police could question her.” Karen added.

     “Do whatever you want, but don’t expect me to give him any drugs that will make him a woman.” Casey said as she got up from the table and went up to her room. She wasn’t going to stop them from turning Paul into a woman, but she wasn’t going to help do it either.

    Rebecca didn’t say anything at all, but she’d had very little to do with Paul since this all started. She just let the others sort him out while she blanked it all. Rebecca just wanted her friend Kim back.

    The weeks turned into months and Karen kept providing the drugs for them to give Paul. Paul started to notice changes in his body as his chest became itchy to start with, and then he saw that it was getting puffy. He was also gaining weight in the same places a woman would and he knew that they were feeding him female hormones, but didn’t care about it anymore. He just woke and dressed in the clothes provided to him and then sat in his little room in the cellar waiting to be taken to the bathroom or toilet and then returned to the cellar.

    Karen would check on him every couple of days to make sure he was still healthy enough. Casey would make sure he got fed a couple of times a day and Stacey would entertain him in the evenings. She would have him sit for hours practicing his makeup, but she never noticed how good he was to start with.

    Stacey kept up the fear factor with him though, even though he’d never tried to speak since that first caning they gave him. She would tell him that Kim would be coming home soon, and then they would all decide what they were going to do with him.

     “How would you like to become a prostitute? You could start to earn your keep then.” Stacey said one night while she sat and watched him applying his lipstick for the tenth time.

    Paul looked scared when he heard Stacey say that to him. He didn’t want to become a prostitute, or do anything like that with a man. He cried himself to sleep on nights like that, as he tried to work out why Stacey was always so mean to him when he never did anything to upset her.

    Stacey had filled his head so full of rules that he was scared to even breathe around her most the time. She would sometimes shout at him for no other reason than she’d had a crappy day at work, and felt the need to reduce Paul to tears to make herself feel a little better.

    Karen and Casey would just sit down there and read a book while Paul sat on his mattress looking bored for something to do. Karen and Casey finally started talking to Paul, but he never answered either of them, or tried to nod. He was just an ear to listen to them when they wanted to talk. Paul liked to listen to them; it made him feel just that little more like a girl. He would sit and cry for no reason as one of them told him a story. He put that down to all the hormones they had him on.

    Kim had been recovering at her parents’ house for the past five months now, and she was ready to return to her friends and get back to a more normal life again. She was still a little weak, but she’d not been doing much walking around with her mum playing shadow when ever Kim tried to get up and do anything.

    The other reason for Kim getting back to her friends and work, were so she could finally sit and have a chat with Paul about what happened the night she saw him working at that club. She wanted to thank him for saving her life, and stopping her from being raped by them two men. The police had caught them both, but Kim hadn’t been able to talk with her friends about it because of her mum not letting her.

     “I really think you should give it a couple more months before you try going back to work dear.” Kim’s mum argued as she watched her daughter packing her bags ready for her dad driving her back to her friend’s house the next day.

    Kim hadn’t called and told the other girls she was coming home, she was going to surprise Stacey and Rebecca at work the next day.

     “I love you for all you’ve done to help me get well again mum, but I’m going to go nuts if I stop here any longer.” Kim smiled as she gave her mum a hug to thank her for looking after her.

     “I know I can be a pain dear, but it’s only because I love you so much.” Her mum said as she hugged her daughter back.

    Kim got an early night and was up and dressed when her father came down the next morning. Kim made her dad some toast and a mug of tea before they left for the long drive back down to be with her friends.

    Rebecca was sat filing some paperwork just before lunchtime when she thought she was seeing things. She looked up and saw Kim walking towards her desk with a big grin on her face.

     “Kim! Is that really you girl?” Rebecca shouted as she got up and ran over to hug her friend.

     “Hi Bec’s! Did you miss me?” Kim asked with a giggle as she let Rebecca hug her.

     “Have I ever shrimp.” Rebecca giggled. “Things have been insane since you went home.” She added with a frown.

    Kim was soon being hugged by Stacey as she walked back into the room and saw Kim stood talking to Rebecca. “Why didn’t you call and let us know you were coming back today?” Stacey asked as she stepped back to take a better look at her friend. “You’ve lost weight girlfriend.” Stacey added with a frown.

     “Getting stabbed will do that to you Stace.” Kim giggled as she did a quick spin to let the two of them take a good look at her. “My dad’s waiting down in the car, so I’ll head back to the house and get settled in.” Kim said as she got ready to leave.

    Kim kept looking around in some hope that Paul would be around someplace, but she couldn’t see him. She was soon looking at Stacey when she said that Kim should put her stuff in Rebecca’s car and then spend the afternoon with them getting back into the swing of things ready for her starting back herself soon.

     “I like the sound of that.” Kim said with a grin as she walked with Rebecca and Stacey down to move her bags from her dad’s car to Rebecca’s. Her dad gave her a hug before getting back in his car and driving home again.

    Kim wandered around the office saying hi to everyone in the afternoon while Stacey and Rebecca got on with their work. Kim decided to ask Mandy the floor head about what happened to Paul as she still hadn’t seen him around yet.

     “Hi Mandy. Can you tell me if Paul is still working here?” Kim asked as she sat down on a spare seat next to Mandy’s desk.

     “No he left around the same time you got attacked Kim.” Mandy said with a sad look. “He just never turned up on the Monday morning. No phone call or letter to explain his reason.” Mandy added with a shrug.

     “Poor guy must have been too scared of me telling everyone about him.” Kim thought to herself as she let out a sigh.

     “You thinking of coming back to work here?” Mandy asked.

     “I’ve not told Bec’s and Stace yet, but I spoke to the bosses last week, and I start back here tomorrow.” Kim said with a grin.

     “That’s wonderful news Kim. It will be nice to have another body around to help with the work load.” Mandy giggled as she gave Kim a quick hug, before letting her go back to Stacey and Rebecca.

    Stacey and Rebecca hadn’t missed Kim looking around, like she had lost something. “Do you think she remembers that it was Paul that attacked her?” Stacey asked Rebecca.

     “Well she’s looking for something, but she doesn’t look too worried or upset about it, so it’s hard to say.” Rebecca said.

     “How do you think we should handle her meeting Paul again?” Stacey asked Rebecca.

     “What you asking me for Stace? I want nothing to do with any of this crap anymore.” Rebecca said as she raised her hands in some form of disclaimer.

     “You’re still part of all this Bec’s.” Stacey warned. “You gave him ten good strokes with that cane the first day.” Stacey reminded her.

     “I remember it Stace. I have nightmares about it most nights.” Rebecca snapped at her friend. “I still think it was wrong to do what we did, and that’s the reason I’ve had no part of what you’ve been doing to him since that day.” She added just before Kim wondered back over to them.

    Stacey slipped away long enough to call Karen and Casey to warn them that Kim was back and would be returning home with them later this evening when they finished work. They were both happy to hear about Kim being back, and said they would keep Paul down in the cellar until later in the night when they let Kim decide what they should do with him.

    Kim smiled when Rebecca pulling into the driveway of their home and she was glad to see Karen and Casey come running out the house to great her.

     “God we’ve missed you Kimmie!” Casey screamed as she gave Kim a big hug.

     “Hi Casey. I’ve missed all you too.” Kim giggled as she let Casey bounce her around in a hug.

     “I hope you’ve had enough of seeing your parents? Because we’re never letting you leave again Kimmie.” Karen warned just before she also gave Kim a big hug.

    The girls all helped Kim get her bags into the house and up to her room before they all returned to the living room to find out what Kim had been up to the past five months.

     “I’ve not been doing much at all. Just resting and being driven mad by my mother.” Kim giggled. “I spent some time talking to the police about the man that stabbed me as well.” Kim added with a shiver.

     “Did you ever remember what he looked like?” Karen asked.

    Kim looked confused about something for a couple of minutes as she tried to work out whether or not to tell them her big secret. She decided that since Paul had moved on, it wouldn’t hurt for her to tell them what she knew now.

     “I left some details out about the night I was attacked when I finally spoke to the police.” Kim said looking nervous.

     “You knew the person that attacked you.” Stacey more told Kim than asked her.

     “No, he was just some drunken asshole that wanted to turn me back to liking men again.” Kim said with a shrug. “The thing I left out was the fact I knew the woman that saved my life.” Kim added with a sigh.

     “How could you not know it was Paul?” Stacey asked in amazement.

     “You already knew about Paul?” Kim asked with a puzzled look, not understanding that they had crossed lines about what happened that night.

     “Yes we worked it all out the night you were stabbed hon.” Karen said as she took hold of Kim’s hand to comfort her.

     “Why did you never tell the police about him?” Stacey asked.

     “I didn’t think it was right to drag him into it all after what he did.” Kim said looking sad that she never got to thank him for saving her life.

     “Why would you want to protect that freak?” Stacey snapped at Kim.

     “He wasn’t a freak! He was just confused.” Kim snapped back in his defence.

     “Confused? You call going around stabbing women is just him being confused?” Stacey asked.

     “No! That asshole is in prison awaiting his trial as we speak.” Kim huffed at Stacey.

     “How can he be in prison Kim?” Karen asked confused now, just like the rest of them were.

     “The police caught the two men that attacked me. They arrested them just over two months ago now.” Kim told them.

     “What about Paul? He was the one that attacked you Kim.” Stacey said.

     “Paul never attacked me. Paul was the one that saved me; he was dressed as a woman when he did it though. Looked really cute as well. Dressed as a Goth.” Kim told them as she remembered watching him, or her drop one of the men to the floor with a knee to the balls.

     “Paul was the girl that saved your life?” Karen asked as her throat went all dry and she looked like she was about to throw up. None of the other girls looked to healthy after hearing what Kim just said to them either.

     “Yes, I was shocked when I realised who she was, or he was.” Kim said looking confused. “I took a girl I’d met to that rock club, The Rock Shack and I was getting some drinks from the bar when I noticed that the girl serving me had on a necklace just like the one Paul was wearing earlier in the week, and then it dawned on me where I knew the girl from.” Kim told them.

     “How did you get from being served drinks in the club, to you being attacked and stabbed in an alley?” Rebecca asked.

     “I was so surprised to find out that Paul was also a girl that worked in a night club, that I kept checking her out and my date didn’t like it, so she left and I followed to try and explain it to her. One thing led to another and I was soon being man handled by a couple of creeps, then Paul was there laying into one of the guys and distracting the one that was trying to rape me.” Kim said with a shudder as she remembered that night like it was just yesterday. “I started pulling the guys hair to stop him ganging up on Paul and then he turned and stabbed me.” Kim added as she put her hand over the spot where she’d been stabbed.

     “How did you end up with Paul’s necklace then Kim?” Casey asked.

     “I didn’t know I had, but I do remember grabbing something as I was in a lot of pain.” Kim said as she thought back to laying on the ground while Paul cradled her in his arms. “He stayed with me until the paramedics turned up, then he left so the police didn’t ask him too many questions I gather. I think I scratched him when I thought the man was coming back to finish the job he started, but Paul had scared them off.” Kim added looking sad again.

     “Oh god what have we done?” Stacey said with a look of dread on her face as she looked at the other three.

     “Are you all the reason he’s not working at the office anymore?” Kim asked. “Please don’t tell me you scared him off?” Kim added looking hurt that they had done that.

     “No what we’ve done is much much worse Kim” Karen said as tears started streaming down her face.

    Kim braced herself as the four girls explained what they’d done to Paul.


To Be Continued Next Friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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