Paying The Price - Part 05

 © November 2012

Part Five

Chapter Nine

    Paula woke to find Kim had already got out of bed. She turned over and looked at the clock on her bedside table and saw that Kim would have already left for work and it was just after nine in the morning, so she had to get a move on, or she’d never be ready for when Tink turned up for her. She took a quick shower and then got dressed in a peasant skirt and matching top after putting on bra and panty set she’d brought the other day while out shopping with Kim and the others, then she slipped on a pair of ankle boots and grabbed her leather biker jacket before making her way downstairs to wait for Tink to arrive.

     “Morning Paula!” Casey said with a smile when she saw her enter the kitchen to get a bottle of water out the fridge.

     “Morning Case!” Paula smiled back at her just before she took a drink from the ice cold bottle.

     “You’re going out early again today?” Casey asked when she saw how Paula was dressed to leave the house already.

     “Yes, I’ve got to do a fasting blood test, so Tink’s taking me early, and then we’re going to do the shopping we never got done yesterday.”

     “What happened to stop you doing the shopping yesterday?” Casey asked looking worried.

     “Tink called a friend who has a doctor in the family and they managed to fit me in right away, so we went to see them and then she put me in touch with a shrink, so I saw them as well.” Paula said in a matter of fact way. “By the time I’d done doing all that, I didn’t have much time to go shopping.” Paula pouted.

     “How did it go with the doctor? Did you have to tell them about Karen giving you the pills?” Casey asked looking even more worried now.

    Paula couldn’t help but notice that Casey was more worried about Karen getting in trouble than she was about the fact that she could have done some serious damage to herself by taking the pills in the first place. Paula was beginning to see what Tink was getting at about them not being her true friends now. This bothered her a lot, and made her wonder what their end game might be, and why they wouldn’t just let her move out, or back to her old apartment once they found out the truth. She was snapped out of her thinking when the doorbell chimed to let her know that Tink was here for her.

     “That will be Tink, so I’ll be off then!” Paula smiled, but wasn’t feeling very happy with Casey at the minute. “I’ll be out all day, and then going to work after, so don’t make me any dinner again.” Paula added as she slipped her leather jacket on and grabbed her purse.

     “Will we ever get to have dinner with you again?” Casey whined. “I was getting use to having you help me out with the cooking and cleaning.” She added with a pout of her own.

     “I’m sure I’ll be here for dinner every now and then Case, but it’s a little mad at the minute with me getting used to the new job.” Paula pointed out. “Tink gave me my own office at the club you know!” Paula added looking excited about it.

    Casey didn’t seem as excited as Paula did. “What do you need an office for? You’re just some form of a hostess aren’t you?” Casey asked.

     “No I’m not Casey!” Paula sapped with some anger in her voice. “I’m helping her to run the club, which is a little harder than just walking around smiling at people.” She added sounding just as angry.

     “If you say so hon.” Casey said sounding a little snippy with her.

     “I don’t have time for this Case! I’ll see you later.” Paula said as she put the bottle of water back in the fridge and went to leave the kitchen and then leave the house.

     “Sounds like it will be tomorrow morning before I’ll see you again!” Casey said sarcastically to Paula’s back as she left the house.

    Paula didn’t even bother to respond to that, she just opened the front door and took a deep breath before smiling at a very happy looking Tink stood there looking back at her.

     “Good morning Paula! You okay?” Tink asked when she saw the look on Paula’s face. “Worried about the blood tests?” She asked thinking that was the reason for the look.

     “I’ll tell you once we’re in the car and on our way to the hospital.” Paula said in a lowered voice as she closed the front door and followed Tink down the drive way to where her car was parked out on the road.

    Once they were in the car and Tink was driving down the road Tink asked what was going on. “What happened Paula? Have they done something to upset you?”

     “Casey was just a little snippy with me this morning, and when I told her about finding a doctor to help me sort out my transition, she was more worried as to whether I’d got Karen in trouble than she was about anything to do with me.” Paula said with a huff. “Then when I told her about how cool it was that you gave me my own office, she just played it down and said she couldn’t see what I needed an office for if I was just a glorified hostess for you.” Paula added with a grrrr on the end because she was so angry about it. Paula was a little shocked when Tink just started giggling.

     “I’m sorry Paula, but you sound just like a girl when you said all that.” Tink said between giggles.

     “I am a girl!” Paula said with a hurt look on her face.

     “I know you are, and that’s what I’m trying to say to you.” Tink tried to explain. “You can’t fake that sort of response hon.” Tink said with a warm smile.

    Paula had to smile when she realised that Tink was paying her a complement, not trying to hurt her feelings. “Thanks Tink, it’s nice to have real friends I can rely on.”

     “So you’re beginning to see what I’ve been telling you then?” Tink asked with a sad smile that said she’d wished it wasn’t true.

     “Yes I can Tink.” Paula said with a sigh. “I was just so excited that I had friend that I never looked to closely at their reasons for wanting me around.” She added with an unhappy tone to her voice.

     “What you going to do about it?” Tink asked looking worried.

     “I’ll stick with it for now because of Kim, but I think I’ll end up moving out and getting my own place again in the end.” Paula said with a thoughtful look on her face. “I’m living there for free at the minute, so I might as well get something back out of them while it’s being offered, but I would like to put a safety net in place, just in case I run in to trouble later.” Paula added with a sly grin on her face.

     “That’s my girl!” Tink said with a grin. “What do you have in mind?” Tink asked looking excited to see Paula making plans to finally get away from the women that locked her up for five months.

     “I was thinking about getting you a set of keys cut, just in case they try anything before I get sorted and moved out. I could move out now, but I want to see if I can talk Kim in to moving out with me.” Paula said before Tink could ask her that very same question. “If anything seems off, then you can swoop in and rescue me. I’m sure Stan and Ronald will help you.” Paula giggled at the thought of Tink, Stan and Ron bursting into the house and playing the heroes if they tried to put her back in the cellar.

     “You can count on it Paula, and after the way you got on with the other bouncers at the club. I think there will be a coach load of them pulling up outside to also help rescue you.” Tink giggled as she thought about them all wanting to rescue Paula from the evil step sisters just like poor Cinderella.

    Tink was soon parking up outside the hospital and they made their way in. Paula grabbed a number and then sat down to wait for her turn with the blood suckers. They didn’t have to wait long for her number to come up, and she went in and handed over the paperwork that Prue had given her the day before.

    Paula sat and watched as the nurse first stuck a needle in her arm and then she proceeded to stick test tube after test tube on to it. “They sure want you to have a lot of tests done hon don’t they?” The nurse asked as she took yet another test tube full off the needle in her arm and put another one on.

    Once the nurse was finally done, she put all the test tubes full of blood in a basket with all the paperwork and the pot of pee that Prue had also asked her to provide. Paula was then free to leave, which she was only too happy to do as she grabbed Tink’s hand and almost ran out the place.

     “I need a hot sweet cup of tea and a chocolate chip cookie.” Paula said as they stood outside getting some fresh air. “I’d go and get a late breakfast, but I know that you want to have lunch with Craig, and I don’t want to spoil that by having already eaten.” Paula added as they walked back to Tink’s car and got in.

     “One cup of tea and a cookie coming right up.” Tink smiled as she pulled off and made her way into the city to park up and get Paula sorted out with a drink and a biscuit.

    Tink was sat trying not to giggle twenty minutes later as she watched Paula getting intimate with a cookie and a mug of tea. Tink thought it reminded her of that scene in the film, When Harry Met Sally, but without all the screaming.

     “Feeling any better now?” Tink asked quickly before she had to slap her hand back over her mouth to stop from laughing.

     “Much better thank you.” Paula said with a smile.

    Tink thought about asking Paula if she wanted a cigarette looking at the smile she now had on her face after finishing the last of the cookies and draining the mug of tea dry. Tink thought it looked like that point in movies when they lie down after sex and smoke a cigarette, but Tink knew that Paula didn’t smoke and she wasn’t sure she’d understand the joke if she asked her.

    They were meeting up with Craig at one o’clock and it was just after eleven now, so they decided to start their shopping. They were meeting Craig at his father’s hotel and eating there. Paula knew of the hotel for two reasons, one was because it was one of the largest and best in London, and the second reason was because it was also the location of the changing service for the night club his father also owned called The Closet.

    Paula hadn’t found out where they were eating until after she’d left the house this morning, so she was now worried that she was a little underdressed to eat with them. Tink looked okay in her grey leather trousers and silver blouse and little grey leather jacket to match her trousers.

     “I’m thinking I’ll skip lunch and let you catch up with your friend while I do some window shopping Tink.” Paula said as they walked back to the car with the things they’d brought so far.

     “What’s brought all this on Paula? You seemed eager to meet Craig earlier.” Tink said looking worried. “Are you not feeling well?” Tink asked.

     “No, I feel fine Tink, but I’m not dressed to eat at a hotel like the one Craig’s father owns.” Paula explained. “I bet they have a dress code, and I won’t even get in the place.” She added.

     “We’re eating with the son of the man that owns the hotel and restaurant! Who is going to stop us from entering the place?” Tink asked with a giggle. “And besides I think you look really good dressed like that.” Tink added.

    Paula could tell that Tink had no plans to have lunch without her, so she just let out a sigh and then followed Tink to her car and put all the bags in the trunk before they took a nice walk to the hotel where Craig was going to meet them for lunch.

    All too soon they were entering the hotel and Paula was amazed at the sheer size of the place and how posh it looked. Paula saw Tink wave at someone, but when she looked to see who she was waving at, all Paula could see were a couple of women stood talking to a young smartly dressed man in a very expensive looking designer suit. The man waved back and indicated for Tink to make her way over to him.

     “Hello Tink. God you look more beautiful every time I see you.” Craig said as he gave Tink a hug.

     “Hello Craig. You always were the smooth talker.” Tink giggled as she hugged him back. “Hi Jayden, Kara. You both look amazing as always.” Tink added looking jealous, but was soon grinning as the two women hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

    Paula just stood off to one side as she watched Tink flirt and laugh with the three of them. Craig was cute Paula thought, but not in a macho rugged way. Jayden and Kara were just stunning as they stood talking to Tink with confidence pouring from them. Paula found herself wishing she could be like them instead of feeling scared all the time. Paula jumped when she suddenly heard Craig speak to her.

     “You must be Paula?” He asked as he held out his hand to shake hers.

     “Yes it is. Thank you for the help finding a doctor.” Paula said as she held up her hand to shake Craig’s. She was shocked when he lifted her hand up to his lips and kissed it.

     “I’m glad I could help you Paula.” Craig smiled as he watched her blush. “I trust that Nan got you sorted out?” He asked as he released her hand.

     “I hope she can. I had to go and give a lot of blood so they can run some tests to see how much damage I’ve done.” Paula said looking ashamed that Craig was aware of just how silly she’d been, even if the truth be told, she didn’t really do it herself. “She also sent me to see a friend of hers called Sarah.” Paula added before she realised what she was saying.

     “Sounds to me like Nan’s already taken you under her wing so to speak.” Craig smiled. “She only ever sends her special patients to see Sarah these days.” Craig added with a raised eyebrow.

     “Is that a good thing then Craig?” Paula asked, not sure if she should be glad or worried about that piece of news.

     “That’s a very good thing Paula. Gran will help you down the path you should have been on from the start.” He smiled.

    Paula suddenly realised that Tink and the other two women had stopped talking, and were stood looking at her and Craig talking. She started blushing and was worried they might laugh at her, but they just smiled.

     “You look very pretty Paula, and I know that Prue will be able to help you.” The woman called Jayden said as she stepped over to Paula and hugged her. “I’m Jayden, and this little firecracker here is my husband Callum, but most the time he goes by the name Kara.” Jayden said with a grin.

    Paula’s mouth must have been hanging open because Kara stepped over to give her a hug, but lifted her hand to Paula’s chin first and helped her to close her mouth. “Hi hon, nice to meet you.” Kara said as they hugged.

     “Are you like me Kara?” Paula asked in a whisper when they broke the hug.

     “What? Extremely pretty and looks hot in anything?” Kara asked with a grin.

     “Stop teasing the poor girl.” Jayden said with a giggle as she playfully slapped Kara on the arm before Paula could say anything.

     “No I’m not like you Paula. All you see here can go back in the box so to speak.” Kara said as she waved her hand up and down her body. “I run the changing service here at the hotel for Craig’s father.” Kara added with a grin.

     “You make one hell of a good advert for it Kara.” Paula said as she looked at Kara, still in shock at how good she looked.

     “Thanks hon, it’s not as easy as it used to be to look this good.” Kara said with a sigh.

     “You still look cute to me my love.” Jayden said as she wrapped her arms around Kara and then kissed her. Paula found herself thinking of Kim when she watched the two of them kissing like that.

     “Do you want to join us for a spot of lunch Jayden, Kara?” Craig asked as he pointed towards the restaurant.

     “We’d love to, but I have a meeting to get to, and Kara has to take a couple of guests over to Mystiques so they can spend lots of money on new underwear.” Jayden said with a grin.

     “I’m sure that Aunt Chrissy and Aunt Amy will charm them into doing that.” Craig chuckled.

     “I need to get you over there to see them Paula.” Tink said with a grin. “You are lacking in the underwear department.” Tink added with a frown.

     “They will both be glad to see you again Tink. I’m sure Aunt Chrissy will give you the friends and family discount as well.” Craig said with a grin.

     “I don’t mind paying full price with the quality they sell.” Tink said.

     “Maybe so, but just try doing that with Aunty Chrissy running the place.” Craig said with a raised eyebrow.

     “I’ll take Paula over there later on today then and say hi.” Tink smiled. “You’ll love Chrissy and Amy to bits when you meet them.” Tink giggled.

     “We better go and eat then and let these to lovely ladies go and get some work done.” Craig said as he gave Jayden and Kara a hug.

     “It was very nice to meet you both.” Paula said as she held out her had to shake there’s, but found herself being pulled into a hug by them both.

     “Friends don’t shake hands hon.” Jayden giggled as she broke the hug.

    Paula was grinning as she watched the two of them pull out a business card each and then write something on the back of them before handing them over to Paula. Paula looked on the back of the cards and saw that they had each wrote down their mobile numbers and under it wrote the words. Call any time.

     “Do you really mean this?” Paula asked as she looked at each of them in shock.

     “Yes we do Paula.” Kara said in a firm voice. “You are not alone in all this, and if you ever feel lost or just down, call one of us and we will meet up and help you get through it.” Kara added as she gave Paula another hug, which led to Jayden joining in as well.

     “Now go and eat girl!” Jayden said in a playful way. “You look way to skinny, you’re making me jealous.” She added with a pout.

    Paula couldn’t help but giggle as she looked at the two women that looked like movie stars, acting like they were jealous of her for some strange reason. Paula found herself wishing that she could look half as good as them one day.

    Tink grabbed Paula by the arm and dragged her in the direction of the restaurant with Craig leading the way. Paula gave Jayden and Kara one last wave before she was pulled around the corner out of the line of sight. Paula turned her attention to where they were going and saw a waiter run over and lead Craig, her and Tink over to a large private table in a corner away from everyone else.

     “I hope the table is okay for you both, but I thought we could talk without being overheard by anyone.” Craig said after the waiter went to get them all a glass of water. Craig had to drive later, and he already knew that Tink was driving, so she never bothered with any wine.

     “This table is perfect Craig.” Tink smiled. “See Paula; I told you we wouldn’t have any trouble getting in.” Tink added with a grin.

     “I hope you haven’t had trouble eating here before Paula?” Craig asked looking worried.

     “No! I’ve never tried eating her before now. It’s a little out of my price range.” Paula blushed.

     “I’ll have to fix that then won’t I?” Craig said with a grin as he waved over a man in a suit.

     “Is everything alright sir?” The man asked as he looked for anything that might be out of place on the table.

     “Don’t look so worried Keith; you’ll make me start to think I should be looking for something being wrong.” Craig chuckled, which put Keith at ease. “I need you to sort out two platinum members cards for my guests here.” Craig said as he pointed at Tink and Paula.

     “May I please have your names so I can log them to the cards?” He asked with a smile as he pulled out a small notepad and a pen to make a note of them.

     “It’s Tina Bell and Paula?” Craig looked at Paula for her last name.

     “Witherston, Paula Witherston.” Paula said just before she burst out in a fit of giggles at Tink’s real full name. “I’m sorry for laughing at you Tink.” Paula said when she finally got her giggling under control.

     “You’re best friends, but you never knew Tink’s real name?” Craig asked with a puzzled look.

     “No.” Paula said looking ashamed that she didn’t “It was always just Paula and Tink while we worked behind the bar together.” Paula added as she looked down at the table all the joy gone from her now.

     “Hey! Don’t feel bad for not knowing Paula. It’s not something I let a lot of people know, and I didn’t know your last name until the other day when you walked back into my life.” Tink said as she reached out and took hold of Paula’s hand.

     “I thought you just had a thing for fairies, and you do kind of look a little like Tinkerbell.” Paula said as she looked a little happier again.

     “Don’t forget about her talent for getting into trouble just like Tinkerbell.” Craig added with a grin.

     “Is she really that accident prone? I thought it was just part of her act to see how the club was being run.” Paula said as she looked at Craig with a grin.

     “Oh yes, she really is that bad.” Craig said, but before he could say anymore Keith returned with two platinum coloured credit cards for each of the girls.

    Keith was also carrying a card scanner with him. “I just need each of you to enter a pin number to add to your cards ID. This way no one can use it without you letting them.” Keith said as he let Tink do hers first, then Keith stepped around and did the same for Paula. “I trust that you will explain the card use to them Craig?” Keith asked as he looked at Craig.

     “Yep, I’ll cover that bit for you Keith. Thanks for sorting the cards out for me.” Craig said just before Keith walked away again to go and sort out some trouble at another table.

    Paula and Tink were both grinning as they looked at the posh looking cards in their hands. “What can we do with these Craig?” Paula asked as she held hers up.

     “That will allow you to eat here for free and also got you a room for the night also for free. It will also get you into the VIP section at The Closet. Not that you’ll have the time to go, with you both running your own night club.” Craig said with a smile.

     “We can come here and eat for free?” Paula asked as she held up the card again.

     “Yes, and you are always guaranteed to get a table because we always keep a couple reserved just in case a platinum card holder calls in for a meal at any given time.” Craig explained.

     “What would happen if I came with a friend and there wasn’t a table free?” Paula asked.

     “You’d be given a room and the meal would then be served for you in there.” Craig said in a matter of fact way.

     “I can see why this is the best hotel in London now.” Paula said looking impressed.

     “Thank you for saying so Paula, you’ve just earned your platinum card for that.” Craig said with a grin.

    Tink wasn’t bothered about paying for her meals at the hotel, but the fact she could now get a table whenever she wanted would mean a lot when she wanted to impress people while trying to push her club.

    Craig told them to order whatever they wanted and Paula did because she was starving with not having any breakfast this morning because of the blood tests. The cookies had worn off leaving her very hungry now.

    Craig told Paula about some of the things Tink did while at business college and Tink even got in a couple of funny stories about her and Paula which Craig found really funny. As the meal went on, Paula found that she forget about being dressed like she was and just relaxed into the role of being a young woman out for a lunch date with two friends.

    Tink had noticed how relaxed Paula had become as she joined in and told Craig about some of the funny things she’d seen at the club when she worked behind the bar, and she told Craig how much fun it was helping Tink run the club now, and she was looking forward to telling Tink about some of the ideas she had for the place. Tink was grinning when she heard Paula say that little bit.

    The meal was over far too soon and Paula looked a little sad when it was time to leave, but she smiled when Craig told them they should do it again soon, as it had been far too long, and he hoped that Paula would join them again as well. Paula didn’t like Craig in a sexual way, he was just a really good friend that treated her like he did Tink, and she liked that about him.

    Craig gave them both a hug after he walked them to the front of the hotel. “Tell Aunt Chrissy that I said Hi, and that I sent you over to see them to do a code one on Paula here.” Craig grinned.

     “What’s a code one?” Tink asked looking worried.

     “Trust me it’s nothing bad, but it will let Aunt Chrissy know Paula is just blooming and needs some extra help.” Craig smiled.

     “Thank you for all the help Craig, I don’t know if I will ever be able to repay you for all this.” Paula said with a tear in her eye.

     “And you will never have to Paula.” He smiled. Let me give you my numbers, so you can call if you ever have any problems with anything.” Craig added as he held out his hand to put his number in Paula’s phone, he then called his phone and saved it off into his friends section.

     “You soon get use to him doing stuff like that Paula.” Tink giggled as she watched him sorting out the phones. “He’s a real diamond.” Tink added with a grin.

    Paula couldn’t help but notice the look Craig gave Tink before he looked at Paula to see if she knew what Tink was getting at, but he smiled when he saw the blank look on her face.

     “You’ve not told her then?” Craig asked looking impressed that Tink hadn’t let slip to Paula what his little secret was.

     “No! I wasn’t sure you’d want her to know, so I lied to her.” Tink said with a hurt look for lying to her best friend.

    Paula was looking really hurt now as she felt like an outsider, or someone not worthy of knowing something important. “Why would you lie to me Tink?” Paula finally asked.

    Tink looked at Craig with a pained look on her face, but she still wouldn’t spill the big secret she was carrying, not unless Craig let her.

     “You going to put your friend out of her misery, or just leave her looking hurt and upset Tink?” Craig asked with a grin.

     “I promised I’d never tell anyone Craig! And I always keep a promise.” Tink said with a frown.

     “I release you from that promise and give you permission to tell your friend... Sorry, our friend all about Diamond.” Craig smiled as he looked at Paula.

    Tink smiled as she turned to face Paula and wiped away a tear that had ran down her cheek. “I lied to you when I said that Craig didn’t cross dress. He does, and he does it very well.” Tink said with a grin.

    Paula whipped her head around to look at Craig and try to work out what he looked like as a girl, but she couldn’t picture this man in a dress at the minute. Craig must have worked out what Paula was trying to do because he pulled out his wallet and then opened it and pulled out a picture that he handed over to Paula.

    The picture had three women stood on it all looking very glamorous. Two of the women were taller than the third one which was stood in the middle with one of the warmest smiles she’d ever seen.

    Who are these three women Craig?” Paula asked as she took in all the details of how perfect the three women looked.

     “Would it shock you to find out that only one of them is actually a woman?” Craig asked.

     “What!” Paula asked as she looked even closer, but as she did little things started to pop out at her. The two taller women looked like sisters and the shorter blond looked a little like the woman on the left, and much younger than the woman on the right. Paula still couldn’t work out which two were not women though.

     “That picture is of me, my mum and my dad.” Craig finally said, putting Paula out of her misery to a point, but she still couldn’t work out which one he was out of the two taller women. “I’m the one on the left.” He added with a chuckle.

     “Wow, you look amazing Craig, but how do you go from this to that?” Paula asked as she kept looking at the picture and then Craig.

     “My family do own a large changing service you know.” Craig grinned.

     “I’d love to hear all about you and your family Craig. They sound quite amazing.” Paula said as she handed the picture over to Tink.

     “It’s a long story and starts with my Aunt Chrissy, but I promise to tell you all about it in time.” Craig smiled as he watched Tink looking at the picture she’d just taken off Paula. “Of cause that means us all getting together more often than we have been doing.” He added with a frown as he looked at Tink.

     “When did you start dressing and going out with your mum and dad?” Tink asked with a shocked look as she passed the picture back and watched Craig put it back in his wallet with a smile on his face.

     “That’s a long story as well, which you two don’t have time for if you plan to carry on shopping this afternoon, and I have some things to go and sort out.” Craig gave each girl a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sending them on their way.

    Paula noticed the way Craig kept looking at Tink and could see that he had feelings for her that went beyond them being just friends. She also noticed that Tink had a little extra bounce in her step after they left him stood just outside the hotel waving at them as they walked down the road towards another group of shops Tink wanted to check out.

     “I like Craig; he’s nice and funny too.” Paula said as they looked at dresses in an alternative clothing store that mainly catered to skateboarders, but they did find a couple of nice tops for her. “He likes you, you know?” Paula added as she looked at Tink to see what her reaction looked like. Paula saw a look of shock, followed by hope, and then it settled on one that kind of said she’s gone nuts, which made Paula smile.

     “Paula, he could have any woman he wanted. Why would he want me?” Tink said putting herself down.

     “Maybe for the same reason you wanted me for your BFF Tink.” Paula shrugged. “The universe doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to happen.” She added with a giggle. “How do you feel about him?” Paula asked.

     “I think he’s great, but I was always worried about losing him as a friend if we ever hooked up and it didn’t work out between us.” Tink said looking worried.

     “Now you just sound like me with the, what if it doesn’t work out, and look where that got me.” Paula said as she wrapped an arm around Tink and smiled at her. “If I can take a chance on becoming Paula inside and out, then I’m damn sure you can take a chance on Craig.” She added with a serious look on her face.

     “Do you really think I stand a chance with him?” Tink asked looking nervous.

     “Haven’t got a clue, but I’ll be there for you if it doesn’t work out girlfriend.” Paula grinned. “And I really would like to find out how he got from what I saw at lunch to how he looked in that photo.” Paula added with a giggle.

     “What’s with the sudden lease of life BFF?” Tink asked when she saw how happy Paula looked.

     “I’ve met two people today that to a point understand how I’ve felt all my life and they were nice to me about it.” Paula said like she was about to burst with happiness. “I don’t feel so alone with it anymore.” She added as she pulled Tink into a hug with her in the middle of the shop.

     “You already had me that understood you.” Tink pouted.

     “I know that Tink, but you have always been a girl, so it’s hard to talk to you about some of my feelings and doubts.” Paula tried to explain. “But for everything else you will always be the first person I come to.” Paula added as she kept hugging her.

    They broke the hug when they realised that most the shop had stopped to look at them. They paid for the tops and then left the shop hoping that none of them heard what they were talking about, but at the same time Paula didn’t really care if they did. They decided to call it a day and make their way over to Mystiques so they could get Paula kitted out with some quality under things, and Tink also wanted to get Paula a corset because she thought Paula would look stunning in one.

     “I really am sorry for lying to you about Craig and his crossdressing.” Tink said as they made their way back to the car.

     “It wasn’t really a lie Tink. You just said it was for him to tell.” Paula pointed out. “I don’t call that a lie, just a case of keeping a promise to keep a secret.” Paula added with a smile.

Chapter Ten

    Tink must have known where she was going because she never programmed the sat nav to show them the way. Paula was proved right when Tink parked her car right outside a shop with mannequin’s in the windows were wearing very sexy looking underwear. Paula looked up and saw the shop sign said, Mystiques.

     “This place looks a little personal service to me Tink. Will I be okay shopping here?” Paula asked looking worried as Tink dragged her over to the door and then into the shop.

    Paula felt like running back out the shop when the door made a loud chiming sound and the two women on the shop floor both turned and looked right at Tink and her. One was a very beautiful looking blonde, and the other was just as beautiful but with long flowing black hair. Paula was hopping the shop had lots of other customers in it, but sadly it was just Tink, her and the two women that worked at the shop.

     “Tinkerbell! Is that really you?” The blonde one asked as she ran down the shop and gave Tink a hug.

    They were soon joined by the black haired woman as she also gave Tink a hug. “Hey Tink, how’s it been going for you? I hear that you’re dad gave you a club for your birthday?” The black haired woman asked in a happy bubbly fashion that made you just want to join in with her.

    Tink must have thought the same thing because she was soon bouncing up and down as she told the black haired woman all about her Club. Paula worked out that the black haired woman’s name was Amy, so Paula guessed that the blonde one stood next to her watching the other two bounce around must be Chrissy.

     “Do you think you can stop talking long enough to introduce us to your friend here?” The one Paula thought to be Chrissy asked with a giggle.

     “Sorry Chrissy, Amy.” Tink said with a blush. “I forgot how much fun it was to see the two of you.” Tink added with a giggle.

     “Well if you called in to see us a little more, then you wouldn’t forget would you?”

     “Sorry about that Chrissy.” Tink said with a pout as she held out her arms to get another hug from her.

     “Okay, you’re forgiven, but we still need a name for you young friend here.” Chrissy said as she looked at Paula again.

     “Amy, Chrissy, I’d like you both to mean my BFF Paula.” Tink said with a grin as she pointed at each woman in turn and then pointed at Paula before she stepped back for some reason Paula couldn’t work out why to start with, but it soon became clear when both women gave her a hug one after the other.

     “Hi Paula! Nice to meet you.” Amy said as she hugged the life out of her.

     “Hi Amy, it’s nice to meet you too.” Paula found herself saying with a grin on her face.

     “Hey! leave something for me to hug sis!” Chrissy said as she playfully slapped Amy’s arm to make her let go. “Hello Paula, it’s nice to meet Tink’s best friend.” Chrissy hugged Paula as she said it.

     “It’s really nice to meet you both.” Paula said looking nervous as to how the two of them would react if they knew her secret.

     “So what brings you to our little shop then Tink, Paula?” Chrissy asked with a smile that Made Paula want to tell her all her darkest secrets.

     “Craig sent us over because Paula here needs some serious help with her underwear problems.” Tink said with a pout as she looked at Paula. “He said to tell you it’s a code one, whatever that means.” Tink added with a shrug.

    Paula thought code one must mean something pretty serious because Paula soon found herself being dragged over to the changing room and told to strip down to bra and panties so Chrissy and Amy could measure her and help get her sorted out right away.

     “I think I should let you know something about me before we go any further.” Paula said as she was being helped to undress by Chrissy.

     “If you’re going to tell me that you’re transgendered, I already know that dear.” Chrissy smiled as she took Paula’s jacket and hung it on a coat hanger for her.

     “How did you know? Do I really look that bad?” Paula asked with panic in her voice.

     “Calm down hon.” Chrissy smiled as she took Paula by the hand. “The only reason we know what you are is because a code one means a sister is in need of a TLC package.” She added.

     “A TLC package?” Paula asked with a puzzled look. “What’s one of them?”

     “Just something to make you feel a little extra special.” Chrissy said as she waved for Paula to keep undressing. “I can see that you really do need it and fast!” Chrissy added when she saw the ill fitting bra Paula had on.

    Chrissy soon had the bra off and took a look at what Paula had to work with, then Chrissy shouted to Amy with some sizes and soon Chrissy had Paula in a much better fitting bra and some small forms to give her a little extra size to balance out her body mass.

     “Go full range on this size sis!” Chrissy shouted as she handed Amy an empty box that had just had the bra in it that Paula was now wearing.

     “What about the panties sis?” Amy shouted back through the curtain.

     “Just about to work on that part!” Chrissy shouted back as she looked at Paula waiting for her to strip of the panties she had on.

     “I’ve seen it all before hon, so take them off, so I can get you to try some of these on.” Chrissy said as she tapped a finger on a pile of boxes. “You can turn around if you want, but I need to see which ones have the best fit for you my dear.” Chrissy added with that same heart warming smile.

    Without thinking Paula turned her back on Chrissy and slid the panties down and stepped out of them. Paula was soon spinning around when she heard Chrissy let out a gasp.

     “You poor thing, whatever happened to you honey?” Chrissy asked when she saw the scaring on Paula’s bottom.

     “It was a misunderstanding, but I’m in a much better place now.” Paula said as she held her hand out to try on the first pair of panties.

    Seeing that Paula didn’t want to talk about her scars, Chrissy got out the first pair of panties and let her try them on. It took a couple of tries before they found the perfect fit for Paula, and then Chrissy shouted for Amy to get a full range in that size.

     “I’d also like to treat her to a couple of good quality corsets as well Chrissy!” Tink shouted from out in the shop.

    Amy was soon handing Chrissy a stack of boxes with different styles of corset in them. “Will this be painful?” Paula asked looking worried as Chrissy got the first corset out for her to try on.

     “No, I’ll start you off with a light one that will just take a couple of inches off your waist.” Chrissy smiled as she wrapped it around Paula’s waist and started to clip it shut at the front before she walked around to the back and started to lace it up.

    Paula liked the feel of it by the time Chrissy had it laced down. Paula also liked the way in made her figure look a lot sexier as well. “I think I could get use to this.” Paula said with a grin as she turned from side to side while looking at herself in the mirror they had in the changing room.

     “I want to see your cute little butt out here once you have a corset on missy!” Tink said from just out in the shop.

    Feeling a bit vain Paula grabbed the curtain and pulled it back before she struck a sexy pose for Tink. “So how do I look boss?” Paula asked in a husky voice.

    Tink just stood with her mouth open as she took in the sight of Paula stood in a sexy pose while wearing a black corset that pushed up her breasts and made them look a lot bigger than they normally did. “She’ll take it!” Was all Tink said with a grin. “She’ll take one in white as well.” Tink added.

    Chrissy and Amy sorted out the white corset and added it to the black one once Paula had been released from it. Paula got dressed again, but kept one of the new sets of bra and panties on. Paula looked a little shocked when she saw the large pile of boxes sat on the counter where Tink was stood talking to Chrissy and Amy when she got done getting dressed.

     “I can’t afford all that!” Paula said with a shocked look. “I need to save all the money I can so I can have my surgery one day.” Paula explained.

     “It’s already been paid for Paula.” Chrissy smiled as she helped Amy get everything in bags.

     “Tink! I can’t let you buy me all this stuff. You’ve already spend a small fortune on me as it is.” Paula pleaded with Tink.

     “I’ve not spend a single penny in here this afternoon.” Tink said with her hands up in the air.

     “I don’t understand?” Paula asked looking puzzled.

     “It’s just a small gift from Craig and his family.” Chrissy told her.

     “Why would Craig’s family want to do anything for me?” Paula asked.

     “Because we think you could do with a little happiness in your life.” Chrissy said as she stroked Paula’s cheek.

     “We? You’re part of Craig’s family?” Paula asked as she pointed at Chrissy and then Amy.

     “Yes. Craig is my nephew.” Chrissy giggled. “He called while you were in the changing room and told us to take good care of you because you’ve had a rough time of it over the past couple of months.” Chrissy added with a pout.

     “Having seen the scars you carry Paula, I dread to think what you’ve had to put up with, so the least we can do is help you to feel as girlie as we can from now on.” Chrissy smiled.

     “I’d like to refuse to accept any of it, but I have a feeling it would be a waste of time.” Paula said seeing the look Chrissy and Amy had. “So I will just say Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, and may I give you both a hug?”

    Paula saw both women start grinning as they attacked her from each side in a group hug. Paula had to giggle when she watched Chrissy and Amy pull out a couple of business cards and write on the back, just like she’d seen Jayden and Kara do back at the hotel.

     “Here are all our personal details, and our home address, just in case you ever need to talk to someone about your transition.” Chrissy said as she handed over the business cards.

     “Thanks, but I can’t see what help you’ll be able to give me about all that stuff.” Paula said as she put the cards in her purse, until she had time to enter all the new numbers into her phone later in the day.

    Paula was too busy putting the business cards away to see the look Chrissy and Amy gave each other. Amy nodded to Chrissy, to let her know it was okay to come clean and tell Paula their secret. “I won’t go into our full stories here and now Paula, but Amy and I have a little more information than you might think.” Chrissy said with a grin. “Amy and I were the same as you once Paula. We were both born with birth defects.”

    Paula and Tink both had the same look as they looked at the two women stood in front of them. Neither one believing what Chrissy had just told them. “You can’t be serious.” Tink finally managed to get out when her mouth started working again.

     “We’re very serious Tink.” Chrissy said all joking aside. “Amy and I know how you feel right now Paula, and it will get better, but you will also have to suffer a lot to get the result you’re looking for, so if you ever feel like you can’t cope, please call one of us and we’ll help you get through it.” Chrissy said in a pleading voice as she took hold of Paula’s hands in hers. They were soon joined by a smiling Amy who also understood the pain Paula had had to live with all this time.

     “I think it’s time for a cookie and a cup of tea sis!” Amy said as she looked at the time. “Do you want to join us for one?” Amy asked as she walked down the shop and locked the door before putting a sign in the window that said back in half an hour.

    Tink and Paula took that to mean they were stopping for a cuppa whether they wanted to or not. Amy and Chrissy led them through to a back room where they all sat and talked about Chrissy and Amy’s journey to womanhood. Talk soon came back to Paula, and for the second time today she spilled her story of how she came to be locked in a cellar and how she got the scars. Chrissy and Amy were upset with tears running down their cheeks by the time Paula finished telling her story. They were both glad that Prue and Sarah were helping her get everything sorted out. The biggest shock was all the hugs the two women kept giving her. Paula found it quite healing though, so she didn’t mind.

    By the time Paul and Tink were ready to leave, Paul was beginning to think it would be quicker for her to type up her story and do some printouts to leave with people to save her time for other things, but at the same time, telling the story to people was helping to heal her. Every time she told it, she felt a little less scared.

    Tink sent Paula’s details to Chrissy and Amy before they left the shop, and Paula got a final round of hugs from the two women before they finally left with all the under things and two corsets. Paula found out when she unpacked it all later, that Amy and Chrissy had also added a large number of different coloured stockings and tights to go with everything.

     “How you dealing with everything Paula?” Tink asked as she drove back to the club, so Paula could drop off all her new stuff. Tink still didn’t trust the motives of the girls back at the house, so she wanted to keep most of Paula’s new clothes away from any of them.

    Paula wasn’t about to argue with Tink, not after the way Casey was acting this morning before she left the house. “I feel like my tiny little universe as just been blown wide open.” Paula smiled. “I still can’t believe that Amy and Chrissy weren’t born girls though.” Paula added with a shake of her head, still not believing it.

     “It must fill you with hope though seeing them looking like they do.” Tink smiled.

     “It all fills me with hope Tink. Having a super cool best friend like you and a ton of friends all only a phone call away.” Paula said with a grin as she patted her purse where her phone was, and all the business cards there with every ones details on them.

    They were soon back at the club and Stan was already there again, so he helped them get all the stuff up to Paula’s office and then Tink helped her get everything put away while Stan sorted out some dinner for them all before they got ready for another busy night. Ronald turned up again, and Paula told the two of them about her adventures through the day while they all ate. Paula left out the details about all the cross dressing and Chrissy and Amy once being just like her. She wouldn’t like people talking about her behind her back, so she wasn’t going to start talking about others.

    Tink helped Paula get ready and then she did Paula’s makeup and hair again before she went to get ready herself. It was another busy night, but Paula was happy to work another part of the club, so they could sort out twice as many problems when they cropped up. Paula had a bouncer called Simon walking around with her, he didn’t say much, but he was good at his job.

    The night was another big hit, and by the end of it, Paula was ready for her bed. She’d talked Tink into letting her get a taxi home so Tink could just go straight home herself and get to bed a lot earlier than she would if she drove her home first.

    Paula was joined by Kim again once she was in bed, but Kim didn’t bother trying to speak tonight. She just cuddled up to Paula and was soon asleep again, just like Paula was.

    The next couple of days were just as busy as the others had been. Paula could see that all the girls were a little off with her since she was not in the house much now. She’d got up with Kim on the Thursday morning to have breakfast, but didn’t bother again after that because they all thought she was spending too much time with this Tink.

    It was soon Friday and the girls were going to get a taxi to the club and then get a taxi back with Paula at the end of the night. Paula was going in at lunchtime because she and Tink had things to sort out, so Stan was going to radio her when the girls arrived later that night.

    The Club was heaving when Paula got the call to say that five girls were outside asking for her, so Paula made her way down with Tink at her side. Tink was eager to see just how these women treated Paula. The girls all gave Paula a hug and looked impressed with how she was dressed in the second PVC dress that was hiding the black corset and garters holding up the purple stockings she was wearing under the knee high lace up PVC boots she was wearing. Tink had really gone to town on Paula’s makeup and hair as well.

    Tink thought all the other girls looked plain next to Paula, which was just the thing Tink wanted. Out of all the girls, the only one not to look jealous at what Paula was wearing was Kim. Tink thought she just wanted to help Paula get undressed as she looked at her. Tink noticed the jealous look later in the night when Paula was spending more time with Tink than her, but Paula was working, and having a lot of fun doing it as she teased and flirted with the customers.

    The girls all had a little too much to drink, and then they started making fun of Paula behind her back. This didn’t go unnoticed with Tink, and she could see that they were a tight little bunch and Paula was always going to be an outsider. The thing that upset Tink the most was how easily Kim just went along with them.

     “You and Tink look like the best of friends now Paula.” Stacey teased when Paula was taking a ten minute break to spend some time with Kim.

     “Tink and I are just really good friends Stacey! Don’t start reading more into it than there is.” Paula said as she saw Kim looking a little upset at the thought of her loosing Paula to this woman called Tink. Kim had been knocking the free booze back quite freely since arriving at the club.

    All the girls looked wasted well before the end of the night, so Paula helped sort out a taxi to get them all back home again. Kim thought Paula was just trying to get rid of her, and the others were all too drunk to see that Paula was just worried about how flirty they were getting with some of the other customers.

     “I’m sorry about that Tink.” Paula said after they had left and Paula was back in the club walking around with Tink. “I had no idea they could all drink like that.” She added with a frown.

     “Don’t worry about it Paula.” Tink smiled as she wrapped an arm around Paula’s waist while they walked around the club making small talk with some of the customers. “Kim looked a little unhappy when she left, will she be okay?” Tink asked.

     “Stacey was teasing me about how close we seem to be, I think it’s got Kim thinking we’re an item behind her back because we’re spending so much time together.” Paula explained.

     “This Stacey looks like the type that isn’t happy unless she’s upsetting other people.” Tink said not looking to happy with the woman. “I can’t say I like any of them except Kim. She’s seems really nice, and I can see that she loves you.” Tink added.

     “They're not the friends I thought they were Tink, but I can’t see Kim moving out with me when I get my own place again.” Paula said with a sigh.

     “Kim does seem easily led by the others. She’s like the baby of their little family.” Tink giggled. “Do you think you’ll be able to talk some sense into Kim, or do you want me to come around and sort it out with her?” Tink asked.

     “I’ll sort it out Tink, but thanks for the offer.” Paula smiled. “I think it would just make it worse if you turned up at the house.”

    The rest of the night went okay, and Paula got a taxi home. She was looking forward to not needing to get up and go into work until four in the afternoon the next day, and then getting all day Sunday off due to the club being closed on a Sunday.

    Paula got ready for bed and lay there hoping to see Kim sneak into the room and get into bed for a cuddle, but Paula fell asleep alone, and was still that way the next morning when she woke. Paula decided to make the most of the time off she had, so she was soon down the hall filling up the bath after she’d spent twenty minutes cleaning it out. She thought the others could do with a full time maid with the mess they could make. The more Paula thought about it, the more she came to realise that living in a large house with five other women wasn’t for her. It had been nice to start with, but she liked to keep things neat and tidy, but most of the others seemed to like living in a mess. She was soon relaxing in a hot bubble bath and letting all the stress of the past week soak right out of her.

    Karen, Kim, Stacey, Rebecca and Casey were all sat in the living room when Paula finally dragged herself out the bathtub. None of them looked to good at the minute, not that Paula thought they would after all the alcohol they managed to put away between them. They were all sat with large glasses of water, but they all shot Paula an evil look as she entered the room.

     “Hi everyone. You’re not looking to good; can I get any of you anything?” Paula asked on her way to the kitchen to sort out some breakfast, or lunch, as it was close to midday by now.

    Paula had kept her voice soft and quiet, but it still made all the girls moan. She got shakes of the heads from them all, which looked like it didn’t help with how they were feeling, so knowing that none of them wanted anything she wandered off into the kitchen to sort out something to eat.

    Rebecca entered the kitchen to get a refill of her now empty water glass, and she stood looking at Paula while she grilled herself some bacon to go in the BLT she was making herself.

     “You’ve upset Kim you know?” Rebecca suddenly said.

    Paula turned to look at her, shocked at what she’d just heard. “How have I done that?”

     “The way you were acting last night with that woman Tink, and then some of the other people at the club.” Rebecca told her looking a little angry.

    Paula felt a pang of fear when she saw the look Rebecca was giving her. Paula had a flash back to the first time she woke up and found herself down in the cellar chained up. “Tink’s my best friend Bec’s, and I was just doing my job at the club.” Paula explained, but had to hide a smile when she raised her voice a little too high and made Rebecca wince.

     “I think you should dial it down a bit Paula. None of us will be happy if you hurt Kim’s feelings.” Rebecca warned.

     “I know that Rebecca! I still have the scars to prove it!” Paula snapped as she turned back to finish sorting out her sandwich.

    Rebecca flinched back partly in shock of how Paula had just snapped at her, and also because her head was thumping. She went to speak again, but thought it best to just go back to the living room and wait until her head was a lot clearer before she got into it again with her.

    Paula finished making her sandwich, and the mug of tea she’d started before she took them up to her room to have them where she wouldn’t risk the wrath of any other housemate.

    Kim and the others all watched Paula go storming through the living room and back up to her room with a mug in one hand, and a plate with a sandwich in the other one. The smell of the bacon made them all feel a little sick. Paula would have found that funny if she wasn’t so pissed off over what Rebecca had just said.

     “What’s wrong with her?” Karen asked just before she groaned as her stomach let her know it needed food, but wasn’t sure it would let her keep it down.

     “I think I just upset her in the kitchen.” Rebecca said in a whisper, so it didn’t hurt her head as much.

     “What did you say?” Karen asked in such a way as to make it sound like Rebecca was always upsetting someone.

     “I just said that she’d upset Kim with how she was acting last night, and she should dial it back a bit.” Rebecca whined.

     “Was that all you said Bec’s? Paula looked way more pissed off than for just that.” Karen asked.

     “I just said we wouldn’t be happy with her if she hurt Kim, and she snapped back that she already knows that and has the scars to prove it.” Rebecca mumbled, knowing that she’d said the wrong thing to Paula in the kitchen.

     “I wish you would all stop trying to protect me all the time!” Kim snapped at them all, but regretted it when she felt a stabbing pain in her head from the hangover she was suffering with. “If I have a problem with Paula, I will deal with it in my own way. She’s been through enough already.” Kim added.

    Kim wanted to go up and have a word with Paula about what she saw and felt last night, but she just couldn’t face it right now, so she curled up on the sofa and was soon asleep again hoping that she felt better when she next woke up.

    Paula had taken her brunch up to her room and sat having it while she sat programming all the new numbers into her mobile. Then she cleaned up her room and sorted out some clothes to wear when she left the house to go to work. Tink had offered to come and pick her up, but Paula was glad she’d talked her out of it, saying that she’d get a taxi.

    All the clothing that Paula would be wearing at the club was in her office there, so she just needed some normal street clothes for when she left the house. She soon had them sorted out and she made a start on getting ready to leave the house. Paula wanted to call in at a hardware store on the way to work, so she could get a couple of good bolts for her bedroom door. She didn’t trust Rebecca and the others after the way she was just acting in the kitchen.

    Once Paula was dressed and ready to leave the house, she took her mug and plate down to the kitchen. Kim was fast asleep curled up o the sofa. Stacey and Rebecca had left the room, and Karen and Casey were sat watching some soap on the TV. Paula took her things into the kitchen and then rinsed them off before walking back through the living room. She stopped to look at Kim sleeping, and then she knelt down and kissed her on the cheek before standing up and going to leave the room without saying a word.

     “Paula? Can we have a quick word with you?” Karen asked in a whisper.

     “No need Karen, Rebecca made it perfectly clear in the kitchen where I stand.” Paula said just before she left the room and then the house. Paula hadn’t kept her voice quiet like Karen had, so it woke Kim up, but Paula was long gone by the time Kim was awake enough to understand what had just happened.

     “Was that Paula I just heard?” Kim asked as she rubbed her eyes, feeling much better now. “Is she in the kitchen, or has she gone back up to her room.” She added as she went to get up and go to find her.

     “She’s just left for work Kimmie.” Casey said looking a little sad. “She’s not in the best of moods with us at the minute.” Casey added with a frown.

     “I can’t think why?” Kim said heavy with sarcasm. “God she must think we all hate her now.” Kim added as she slumped back on the sofa.

    Kim was worried that she might lose Paula to Tink. Kim thought Tink was very pretty, and she seemed to be more outgoing than she was. Kim also knew that the way she’d started acting towards Paula the night before hadn’t helped things either. She’d had one too many drinks and then let Stacey wind her up to the point she believed that Paula and Tink were lovers and doing it behind her back. The hard part was Kim couldn’t get that image out her mind now.

    Paula had caught the bus into the city and then called in at a hardware store and got the locks she wanted for her bedroom door. They were two heavy duty bolts that would still be hanging from the doorframe well after the door had caved in before they ever gave way. This would have to do until she could sort out her own place again. Paula realised that the thought of her and Kim doing it together was getting further and further away with how upset she was over her working with Tink. Paula wasn’t going to give up anything though, just because it might upset Kim. Paula thought that she and Kim could break up at any point, and she’d have given up a shot at a great future, so no, Paula was going to focus on her friendship with Tink and all her new friends, and find a new place to live.

    Tink was already at the club when Paula got there, so they hugged and then sat to talk about some idea’s Tink had for the club, and then Paula told her some of her own ideas. The talk soon came around to what happened the night before at the club, and how were the girls with her today when they saw her.

    Paula tried to play it all down, but Tink knew Paula well enough to see that something was wrong. “Come on Paula, spill it?” Tink told her.

     “It’s just some crap Bec’s came out with in the kitchen this morning.”

     “What did she say?” Tink asked.

     “She said I’d upset Kim, and I should dial back the way I act around you and everyone else.” Paula said with a roll of the eyes.

     “I have a feeling that there was a little more said than just that hon?” Tink said seeing the worried look in Paula’s eyes.

     “Bec’s said they wouldn’t be happy with me if I hurt Kim.” Paula finally came clean. “I told her I ready knew that and had the scars to prove it, and that was it. Karen tried to talk to me just before I left the house to come here, but I guess it was just going to be the same sort of warning.” Paula shrugged.

     “I really do think you should move out before they have some crazy idea to put you back in the cellar Paula!” Tink looked worried as she said it.

     “I’ve already decided that I’m going to get my own place. I’ll start looking on Monday.” Paula reassured Tink with a smile.

     “I have a spare room at my place you can use. It would be cool having you as a roommate as well.” Tink said looking excited about it.

     “As much as I’d love to do that Tink, I just don’t think it’s going to help me sort out the problem with Kim.” Paula pointed out. “I’m not sure if Kim and I have much of a future together, but I would like to give it my best shot before I give up all together.” Paula added. “I also think we could be seeing a little too much of each other at that point.” She giggled.

     “Good point hon, but the offer will remain on the table, so even if you only move in until you find your own place you will have somewhere to sleep.” Tink smiled. “Wow! Wait a minute! I’ve just thought of something.” Tink suddenly said as she jumped up off the sofa they had been sat on in her office and ran over to her desk and started rooting through one of her desk draws for something.

    Paula sat and watched her, and then Paula looked puzzled as Tink stood up again holding a set of keys in her hand. “What are they for Tink?” Paula asked.

     “They belong to the apartment over the club.” Tink grinned.

     “There’s an apartment over the club?” Paula asked, not having any idea that there was.

     “Yes there is, but I’ve never done anything with it. I thought about moving in myself, but I love my place to much to move, and no one would want to live above the club, so I never bothered trying to rent it out to anyone, but it would be perfect for you to have.” Tink said looking all excited about it.

     “Why would it be perfect for me?” Paula asked, not understanding where Tink was coming from.

     “Well when you think about it, the times when the club is going to be at its noisiest is going to be the same times that you’ll be in it working, so it makes perfect sense to let you have the place.” Tink explained as she took Paula by the arm and pulled her out the office and down the hallway to a door that Paula had never took any notice of before.

    Paula watched as Tink played around with the keys until she found the right one and unlocked the door that had a staircase on the other side that led up to an upper lever. They were already above the club as it was, so they were now going even higher. Tink then used another key to open a door at the top of the stairs then led them into a large apartment that had two large bedrooms off to one side. It had a nice looking bathroom with a large tub and separate shower stall. The kitchen was in the corner of the living area which was pretty large and empty at the minute.

     “Wow Tink, this place is amazing!” Paula said as she looked around. “How much do you want for the place each month?” She asked as she walked over to a set of glass doors in the middle of a long set of windows. Paula turned the key that was in the lock and then opened the doors and stepped out onto a large balcony that over looked the street and a big chunk of the city as well.

     “It’s yours if you want it Paula. No charge.” Tink smiled as she stood next to her looking out over the city.

     “I can live here for free” Paula asked with a shocked look on her face.

     “Yes. The place has been empty since Dean got the sack, and you do help me run the club, so you could just call it a perk of the job.” Tink grinned. “We had all the locks changed when Dean left, and you also have another entrance you can use, so you don’t have to keep going through the club.” Tink added as she took Paula back into the apartment and showed her another door way at the other end of the living room.

     Paula watched as Tink unlocked the door and then led her down a couple of flights of stairs before they had to unlock another door that led them out onto the street just around the corner the club. Paula saw that there was an intercom there. So she would be able to buzz people in, and not have to keep running down all them stairs, or leave the door unlocked and worry about god knows who getting in.

     “You also have a camera just here, so you can see who you’ll be letting in.” Tink said when she saw Paula looking at the intercom. “So what do you think to the place?” Tink asked.

     “I’ll take it Tink.” Paula said with a grin as she threw her arms around her and started hugging her.

    Tink started grinning as she handed all the keys over to Paula. They walked back up to the apartment and worked out what needed to be done so Paula could move in as soon as possible. They worked out it would take about a month to get everything sorted out. The place needed a fresh coat of paint a little building work done to fix some damp patches, and Tink wanted to get someone in to sort out the wooden floors to make it look stunning when Paula moved it. Paula was going to start looking around for some furniture to put in the place once it was ready for her to move in.

     “Do you think you’ll be able to stick it out at the mad house for a month?” Tink asked as they made their way back to the office’s so they could get ready for another busy night running the club together.

     “I’ll cope Tink. I’ve brought some heavy duty bolts to put on the bedroom door, so they won’t be able to burst into my room after tomorrow. I’m just hoping I can get things sorted out with Kim.” Paula said with a sigh.

     “Just remember to get her away from the others before you try talking to her about any of it.” Tink warned. “I noticed last night that she is easily led on by Stacey and Rebecca, but she seemed fine when they were on the dance floor and it was just her, Karen and Casey sat around chatting.” Tink added.

     “Stacey and Rebecca have always been able to lead Kim around with them, and she just doesn’t know how to say no to either of them. Stacey was the main one involved in me being taken and punished as she called it.” Paula said as they started to get ready.

     “How do you plan to fix things with Kim then hon?”

     “I was thinking of taking her for a meal at the hotel.” Paula said with a grin “Craig did give me the platinum card, so I might as well use it.” She added with an even bigger grin.

     “If that doesn’t show Kim that you love her, nothing will.” Tink grinned back.

     “My thoughts exactly.” Paula said.

    They talked as they got ready, and even though they were both nearly naked at one point, they still only saw each other as friends, nothing more. Once they were ready they made their way down to the club and went over to the food counter and shared a plate of chips while they waited for the club to get busy. They were soon sorting out problems and making sure most of the people had a good time, and the ones just looking for trouble were led out of the club with some help from Stan and his team of bouncers.

    Tink wished Paula luck at the end of the night when she dropped her off at home. Paula had said she’d get a taxi, but Tink said she was going to keep an eye on her until the apartment above the club was ready for her to move into. Paula could tell by the look in Tink’s eyes that she would be wasting her time trying to argue the point with her, so she gave up and accepted the lifts.

     “I want a couple of calls from you tomorrow, so I know you’re safe.” Tink told her just before she let Paula get out the car. “We need some sort of code for you to use, just in case they force you to call me when you’re really in trouble.” Tink added.

     “Like what? I don’t want to be talking to you and make a slip that has you, Stan and Ron turning up on the doorstep if nothing’s wrong.” Paula said looking worried.

     “True, that would be a problem wouldn’t it.” Tink said as she tapped a finger against her lip while she thought about it. “I know, you just ask me if Stan made up with his girlfriend. We both know that would be something neither of us would ever say.” Tink giggled.

     “Not unless Ronald has a sex change, and I can’t see him doing that.” Paula giggled at the thought of Ron trying to pass himself off as a woman. He was over six feet tall and wall to wall muscle.

    Tink was laughing now as she thought about Ron in a dress, not a pretty sight. “Speaking of Ron. What time is he coming over tomorrow to fit the locks on your bedroom door?” Tink asked.

    Ron had gone to the club so he could spend some time with Stan, and also see how Paula was settling in at the new job. Paula had told them about the trouble she’d had, and how she’d be moving out just as soon as they could get the apartment sorted out above the club. It turned out that Ron owns his own building company and offered to sort the place out and get it looking perfect for Paula. He also said that he’d call round the next day and fit the locks on the door so he knew it had been done correctly. Paula showed him the bolts so he knew they were good ones, and he was impressed that Paula had brought some of the best on the market.

     “He said he’d be here at eleven, and I gather Stan will come with him to help fit them.” Paula grinned.

     “They just care about you Paula.” Tink smiled. “Not like some that are just trying to hide the guilt they feel.” Tink added as she looked over towards the house.

     “I’m sure I’ll have some questions to answer when they see Ron and Stan fitting extra locks on my bedroom door.” Paula said as she thought about what she was going to say, but she didn’t really care what they thought. Bec’s made the threat and she was just reacting to it and protecting herself.

     “Let them ask, but they should already have the answer.” Tink said with some anger in her voice. “Just remember that you’re not on your own anymore hon, you’ve got BFF protection.” Tink added with an evil grin.

     “Why do I get the feeling that you want them to try something?” Paula asked with a puzzled look.

     “I never want to see you get hurt by them again Paula, but I would like a reason to give them a piece of my mind.” Tink said looking mad.

     “Are you sure you can spare it Tink?” Paula asked with a grin.

     “Hey! What you trying to say?” Tink said as she playfully started slapping Paula on the arm and leg. They were soon giggling and then they hugged each other before Paula got out the car and looked back in at Tink before closing the door. “Be safe Girlfriend.” Tink smiled.

     “I’ll try BFF.” Paula smiled back. “I’ll speak to you later and let you know how the building work went, and then again after I’ve got things sorted out with Kim.” Paula added as she lifted her hands and crossed her fingers for luck.

     “I’ll be waiting for your call Hon.” Tink said as she also lifted her hands and crossed her fingers to show she was also wishing her friend luck with Kim.

     “You need to get a life Tink.” Paula giggled. “Why don’t you give Craig a call and see if he’s got any plans for the day?” Paula pushed a little.

     “I’m sure he’s already busy doing something.” Tink argued.

     “You won’t know if you don’t call him and ask.” Paula countered. “If you don’t call him tomorrow, then I will call him for you, and tell him that you’re deeply in love with him.” Paula teased as she sounded all breathy with her hands on her heart.

     “Okay, I’ll call him, but I’m telling you I’m wasting my time.” Tink said with a sigh. “Now go to bed, or we’ll never get anything done tomorrow, or later on today.” Tink said after looking at the time and seeing it was already ten after three in the morning.

    Paula closed the car door and then waved to Tink as she drove off down the road. Paula then walked up the drive to the house and let herself in and went up to bed. She was shocked to hear the bedroom door open and them close again, she was worried it might be the others coming to sort her out, but once again it turned out to be Kim wanting some company. Paula never spoke; she just spooned into Kim’s back and wrapped her arms around her before they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.


To Be Continued Next Friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you.

    Note to reader: Chrissy, Amy, Craig. Prue and Kim are characters from my ‘You Have it all Wrong’ series, so if you want to find out their stories, and more about their family, you will need to read them, but you don’t need to too understand this story.



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