
April Fools or Are You Serious?

April Fools
Are You Serious?

By Angel O'HareAngel_Jeans_0.jpg

Did you ever contemplate murdering someone? I have! My older and much too devious sister Megan was number one on my hit list. Well, Megan and three of her friends i.e. Mary Beth, Susan and Emily, Emily being the most devious of them all!

Jem...Chapter 32

Jem…Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Really we should’ve not have stayed the night again with it being Sunday and with raven having to get to work and Brooklyn and the girls having to get ready and for school. We shouldn’t have stayed up really, really late with Dad and ate more and watched the movie with him even it was really cool and actually something that they raved about while we were getting ready for bed.

I’m removing my make-up when Raven comes up behind me and she rubs my shoulders and massages my neck. “You okay Angel…?”

“Huh…what?...yeah…why? aren’t you?”

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *16* Countdown


Chapter *8.16*


Could I? Well I know that I'm not interested in boys so that should be easy enough to comply with.

“I guess so Mum.”

“And don't think I've gone soft, I haven't forgotten that €650 dress.”

“How much?”

Reluctantly Marcie - Part 3

Finnaly! Wow is reloaded and I can play again!

What do you mean I can't?

Common get real! I fed you yesterday.

I am NOT, I repeat NOT responisble for paying off your poker bets.

Whatever I am going to play...


This is a work of Fiction. No transpeople were harmed during the making of this story. Muses on the other hand are about to lose some limbs...

Reluctantly Marcie - Part 2

I was playing that!

Do you understand what a solo story means?

You do realize that the term new chapter also means it goes on further than a sequal.

Fine let me know I'm going back to playing wow... Where the flagnar is my icon?


This is the work of fiction. No transpeople were harmed in the making of this story. Muses on the other hand....

Reluctantly Marcie.

Let me go back to sleep.

What do you mean you have something new to write?

How can a muse play strip poker?

Oh you didn't! I am so gonna get in trouble for this. Wonder if I can write up a muse police squad thing.

Ok that is just not fair at all!

This is a work of fiction. No transgender people were harmed in the making of this story. Animals and bigots I'm not so sure about.

"No! N.O. End of discussion! I'm Not gonna even think about it!" I slammed my bedroom door on Gwen.

Tilting at air-conditioners.

Tilting at Air-conditioners.

I heard this a lot y’know. “You’re so pretty and talented you should be a cheerleader!”

My Name is Stacy and I live in hell.

Well not quite hell but out here in the suburbs it’s kind of the same thing. I’ve even sort of grown up in hell.

Mom’s a housewife and that’s all good and everything and Dad works in a bank and we’re well off. Even with that whole banking thing we’re still kind of rich, definitely upper upper middle classed. See Dad was the quarterback of the high school team and he was that guy that was the sports star and hero. My dad’s not a hero he’s a lucky jock.


I sat there crying through my tears as I stared at the debris of what had
once been Emma's life- piles of books and makeup and clothing all spread
around her room whilst we decided what to give up and what to give away or
sell at a car boot sale. Emma had been a great sister to me even though we
did not always get on well together, and we had created an entire
imaginary world together. That was before the cancer got her. After that
she went downhill very fast, losing her hair to the attempts at treatment.
Despite her doctor's advice, she started drinking alcohol near the end to

The First Queen in the Village 9B - caution!

The First Queen in the Village 9B

by WannabeGinger

If you’re of a sensitive disposition, and maybe explicit description of the joy that a crossdressed husband and his crossdressed wife can have in intimate love-making is not to your liking, then please return to the series of chapters that make up the story of Andy, Christine, Astrid and Christopher.

One of the Girls - Chapter 3

One of the Girls Chapter 3

By Julie Dawn Cole

As we walked along the line shaking hands she was the last one and so was I apart from Kaz who was talking to their coach a few yards behind. I wasn’t too happy about shaking hands since she’d clattered me several times but at least I had the satisfaction that it cost them the game.

I couldn’t ignore her whatever she’d done and afterall this is England the home of sportsmanship and fair play. So much for that opinion!

A Change of Summer Camps

Change of Summer Camps

By Jessica C

My name is Willy and Summer Camp started for me and my sister as soon as school was out in mid-June. I started at Camp Arrowhead but that and a few other things changed on my tenth day. Willy will get the full experience of being a Rainbow Camper.

The First Queen in the Village 8

The First Queen in the Village 8

by WannabeGinger

It seems that Heidi will be central to whatever happens in Christine’s plan for Andy and the extra time she wants them to stay in the village as Astrid and Christopher.

Chapter 8 — The plot thickens

In Penny Lane there is a crimper showing photographs
Of every head she's had the pleasure to have known
And all the people like to come and go,
Stop and say hello
(with loving appreciation of Lennon and McCartney)

One of the Girls - Chapter 2

One of the Girls
By Julie Dawn Cole
[Sorry to cause any confusion but this is real hockey in England played by girls in short skirts with no padding. — except for the oranges used by Little Bo.]
Back to the story.
Rachel looked across at me as I ran on to the field of play and my presence seemed to give her a boost. She called for a huddle and a pep talk as soon as play stopped for an injury to one of the opponents.

Tell me why!

I ran into my room very upset after today's events.

Dear Diary

Why does everyone think that not only am I a girl but that I need to be one?

All my friends are now calling me Deedee its so not fair! I didn't do anything to make them think that I'm a girl!

It started a week or two, no more like a month, or was it last year sometime? God this is so confusing!

I thought I was just a regular boy, I mean I have that thing pointing down between my legs and that makes me a boy, doesn't it?

Jem...Chapter 31

Jem…Chapter 31

Chapter 31

I’m curled up with my back to the corner of the couch watching raven play with tears in my eyes as she’s playing something she wrote for me.


There’s parts where I’m staring right into her eyes and I’m not sobbing but the tears are flowing as hard as they ever have in my life.

I can’t stop myself if I tried mouthing. “I Love You.” to her as she plays.

Raven’s crying too but she keeps playing…we do that, cry, hurt…play…sometimes playing that music is the only thing you can do.

She stops and looks at me.

The Angry Mermaid 52 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 52.

Well, after completing 'The Ram' (not very satisfactorily I might add.) I've returned to 'The Angry mermaid.'Lets see if I can do a better job with this story.



The Angry Mermaid 52


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 52

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.

There something about Maury - the date

What do you mean I HAVE to post more to this?

Ok fine but I better have a break from writing my fingers are getting sore.

I can't believe I am about to do this. Here I am a 22 year old male dressed up in a little black dress that shows off plenty of cleavage and is a touch too short. I am about to go out on a dinner date with a doctor no less, who cannot seem to understand what the word no means at all.

A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 5 - The Beach Picnic


The beach picnic was almost surreal. Even as it was happening, I knew it was one of those events that would be lodged in my mind for decades to come.

Author's Note: To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year. I have decided to also include this one, although it does not actually incorporate Big Busts products. Still, it was written in a similar vein.

It's worth saying that this, like most other of my stories, is meant to be fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site) often combined with sex and mayhem. Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.

The Ram 41.

This is the last Chapter.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 41.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.
Gabriella (Gabby)... Angels’ foal (Gift to Sion.)

The First Queen in the Village 7

The First Queen in the Village 7

by WannabeGinger

A new character, one who is especially well-connected in the Village is someone that Christine feels that Andy should meet.

Chapter 7 — Through the looking glass

Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story (Part Two)

This story is part of a trilogy, the first portion is more like a horror story, and the 2nd and 3rd portions have the TG in them.

ancient_mirror.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE
By Anon Allsop

Part Two


A young acne-laden teen sat beside his bike and watched the workers run the slip scoop at the water's edge. At 14, he looked forward to the day when he could get a job like the one he was watching. A local crew had been contracted to dig out a portion of the river so a suitable structure could be erected to span its width. The bridge was heralded to become a gem for the city, grand and gleaming for all visitors to see.

Micah was well out of the way, positioned high above the working machinery. He was seated on the edge of the sidewalk which actually spanned the entire work site. He had always held a fascination with the heavy equipment, but as yet, never dared to venture down near its operation.

The Replacement -1-

It had taken a lot of bribes, just to get hold of him. And then the surgery had cost a lot more, but for the parents, it was worth it to have their Amber back again. They knew that he would not want to replace her, which was why they had implanted a little electro-shock device into him for training purposes. As well as that, a bangle that *she* could not take off contained a GPS device so they would know where their little princess was at all times. They waited for *her* to wake so they could attach the hair extensions and tell *her* her fate.

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective: A Chance Encounter Pt2

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective
This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Two
by Trapper Jock McIntyre

Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it.

The Ram 40.

Coming close to the end of this story now, this might be the penultimate or 2nd penultimate chapter.

The Ram 40.

Briony Davies Nee Lewis ... Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy... Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Davies... Brionys’ abusive and unfaithful husband.
Dave Cadwalloder... Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie... Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie... Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy... Daves’ sows.
Angel... Daves’ mare.

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective: A Chance Encounter

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective
This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part One
by Trapper Jock McIntyre

Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it.


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