The Girls-Only Club - Part 4

Blake is picked on by some bullies and rescued by some girls who invite him to join the Girls-Only Club.
Problem is you have to look like a girl to belong to the club.
As a result Blake discovers his true inner self....Pamela.

The Girls-Only Club
Part 4

by Pamela

Copyright © 1997,2002,2011,2013 Pamela
All Rights Reserved.


CAUTION: Part 4 of the Girls-Only Club contains extremely explicit sexual scenes and some scenes of violence and is rated XX because of this content. If you are adverse to reading this type of material, even if it is brief, please skip reading this posting of Part 4 of the story arc entirely. You have been warned. ~Sephrena.

Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for use from - photo_16375217. Divider licensed for use in publishing from ~Sephrena.

Acknowledgments: The Girl's Only Club was first written and posted chapter by chapter at in the late 1990's. The author has long wanted to acknowledge a debt to Nostrumo who gave much pointed and useful criticisms of the chapters prior to release - saving the plot from many more bizarre excesses than it already has. His advice made this a much better story than it would have been. ~Pamela

Historical Note: This second edition of The Girl's Only Club clears up a vast number of typos, misspellings, bad punctuation, miss-named characters and so forth. Moreover, those already familiar with The Girl's Only Club will realize that some changes to the plot have been done with the most significant ones in the last chapter. In fact, the modifications are designed to make the outcome more consistent with my original plan for The Girl's Only Club than the somewhat abrupt and incomplete ending (particularly in regards to Joanna) that was originally posted. At the time, I had become convinced (wrongly) that no one was reading The Girl's Only Club, so I had ended it prematurely, and the Joanna subplot had become an unfortunate victim. This revision helps to remedy this at least in part. While an additional chapter concerned with the aftermath of Blake's transition to Pamela seems logical, it is also anti-climatic, and I prefer to let each reader imagine in their own way how things turn out for Pamela in the future. ~Pamela.

Historical Versions: Originally posted at in 1997 (Girls-Only Club 1 - 15), Nifty's Archive in April of 1998, Crystal's Storysite in 2002, and Fictionmania in 2011. ~Sephrena.

Legalities: Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that: 1) You must have contacted the author, Pamela, and have asked permission first and received said permission to host this particular work. 2) No fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") or any form of barter or monetary transfers in order to access viewing this work *and* (3) PROVIDED that this disclaimer, all author notes, legalities and attribution to the original author are contained unchanged within the work. 4) The author of this work, Pamela, must be provided free account access at all times the work is hosted in order to modify or remove this work at her sole discretion.

This work is the copyrighted material of the respective author. ~Pamela


Part 3



Chapter 10
The next day Blake went to Kathy's house as early as he could so he would have time to dress up as perfectly as possible for the party. He also wanted to be available to help Mrs. O'Connor in the preparations in case she needed any.

For the occasion Blake made sure to put his breasts on with the glue, to shave his legs and do any other little things to make Pamela as pretty as possible. Kathy and Mrs. O'Connor recommended he wear his blue party dress and he didn't give them an argument about it. He especially loved its full skirt with the lace trim. He was also happy to have the opportunity to wear high heels. After he put his wig on, Kathy insisted he tie a pink ribbon into it, and he didn't raise an objection about this either. He spent an extra long time in the mirror applying his makeup. Mrs. O'Connor and Kathy helped him choose a nice shade of red lipstick and blush, and helped him with his fingernail and toenail polish. He had been a little worried that Beth might walk in on him before his transformation was complete, but she was always a late sleeper and she didn't come out of her bedroom for breakfast until Blake was a very cute looking Pamela.

When Blake was ready for the party he asked Mrs. O'Connor how he could help her. "It's kind of you to offer Pamela. There's so much work involved and I would love your help."

"Great, Mrs. O'Connor, I really want to do something nice for you for a change!"

"Pamela, just being yourself has been more than enough payment to me!" Mrs. O'Connor said. "Just to see how pretty you are and to see you blossoming as a young lady, is really wonderful. Lord knows you've been through so much the last couple of weeks, it's a miracle you've stuck with it and have kept your positive spirit."

"It's you and the girls in the club and such nice people as Diana and Doctor Wentworth which have made the difference!"

They smiled at each other for a few seconds and Blake said, "so what can I do to help?"

Mrs. O'Connor found a pretty apron for him to put on over his dress. It was light blue with ruffled edges and had "Mom's Little Helper" stitched across the chest, with a picture of a young girl below it. "This one is a little corny," Mrs. O'Connor said, "but it sort of fits you a little doesn't it?"

Blake laughed at the joke and put it on. Mrs. O'Connor tied the string tightly behind his back. She assigned him to vacuuming and dusting the living room, where the guests would be congregating. He also put out coasters and got the silverware and glassware ready. In the kitchen he helped Kathy prepare vegetables for the dips and helped with some other cooking chores. While they were working together Kathy said, "it's so much fun having you here helping out, Pamela. You're like a sister my own age!"

"I really love having this chance to help you and your mom. I'm so excited about the party. I've never been to a wedding shower before!"

"Neither have I, Pam!" and they laughed.

While they were working together, Beth came in to have breakfast. She was wearing only a very short see-through nightie and matching panties.

"Good morning, girls" Beth said, smiling at Blake and Kathy as she helped herself to orange juice.

"Good morning!" they said in unison.

"You look very pretty today, mom's little helper!" Beth said.

"Thank you," Blake said blushing and feeling that he was perhaps dressed a little bit too much like a little girl.

"I'm surprised to see you here so early helping out."

"I had nothing else planned this morning, and I thought it would be fun to help Kathy and your mom prepare for the party."

"I'm glad you feel that way. I know how much work it must be and they won't let me do anything!"

"You're the bride to be, so it would be terrible for you to have to help!" Blake said.

"I suppose you're right. Anyway I do appreciate your coming."

"It's no bother at all!"

"Pamela, that's a pretty dress you have on with those cute bows and little hearts."

Blake stopped what he was doing for a second to turn around so she could see the back.

"You must be very happy getting married," Blake said.

"Yes, I am. Brad is such a nice guy. I feel lucky to have found him."

"You look so nice together."

"Thanks for saying that. We're both surf bums, I guess you could say. We love hanging out at the beach!"

"I saw his picture and I couldn't believe how strong he looks."

"Brad does like to work out. He's a real jock. That's the kind of man I've always been attracted to. The bigger the muscles, the better. I like real manly men. Men whose masculinity is just popping out of their skin. You know, a man who's as far from a sissy as you can imagine. You'd be surprised how hard it can be to find hunks like Brad. So many men today are effeminate sometimes, even pretty, dressing in slightly feminine clothes. Ugh, that's not for me."

"Gosh, Beth," Kathy said, "could you answer a question for me?"


"Do you like masculine men?" After a pause, Beth laughed followed by Kathy.

"Yes, I guess I did get carried away a bit. Anyway, the bottom line is that a really strong guy makes me feel feminine which is how I want to feel."

Blake had fallen silent thinking about what Beth would think about him. He was about as far from a manly man as a boy could get. Now he was 'mom's little helper.'

At that moment the doorbell rang and Kathy went to answer it. In a minute she came back into the kitchen with the rest of the girls from the club: Amy, Karen, Penny and Janet. They were also there to help with the preparations.

They greeted Beth and wished her well, and Beth said, "I've got all my bridesmaids here together! You're the most beautiful bunch of girls I've ever seen!" The girls were wearing dresses in different pastel hues, with stockings and heels. Among the members of the club, only Blake's dress had a wide skirt; the other girls had worn slinkier, more grown up dresses. It didn't bother Blake, since he felt like the youngest girl anyway and in a sense he really was.

"Just wait until we have our bridesmaid dresses on!" Karen said.

"We can hardly wait for the big day. But you must be so excited!" Penny added.

"I can hardly sleep at night!"

Mrs. O'Connor came in and assigned the girls some final jobs to do, while Beth went upstairs to get ready for the party. When they were done, the six girls sat down on the sofas in the living room. Amy, Blake and Karen were on one sofa and Janet, Penny and Kathy were on a facing one. They were silent for a few minutes looking at each other.

"What pretty earrings you have Amy," Penny said, "I just noticed them."

"Yes," said Kathy, "they're really pretty."

"I borrowed them from my mom. I thought they would match my dress better than my own."

Blake turned to admire the long dangling gold earrings. "Are those new shoes Janet?" Kathy asked.

"Yes, my mom took me shopping yesterday. I told her that I just had to get some new heels for the shower. She gave me a hard time about it but in the end she gave in."

"I know how that goes," Amy said. "Sometimes it's hard to get the things we really need."

"Only lucky Pamela got all new clothes!" Janet said.

Blake blushed, "I haven't even worn everything yet! I was so happy that today I got to wear my blue dress. And yesterday I got to wear my red skirt and white blouse and I wore one of my girdles."

"You've got so many girdles Pamela, it'll take you a long time to get to wear all of them!" Amy teased.

Blake and the girls laughed. "Today I'm wearing pantyhose. I can see a bit what you mean about girdles being kind of restricting. After two hours yesterday, my hips felt a bit squeezed in it. I mean it still was a nice feeling, but it was a bit of a relief to take it off."

"My mom warned you," Kathy said.

"No, I still really like girdles and I'm so happy we got several of them. They give me a kind of safe feeling that I like. It's nice to wear stockings also, then I don't have to pull down my pantyhose when I pee."

"Don't you pull down the girdle?"

"Well, the French one is open. I found that all I have to do is pull it up a little higher and then pull down just my panties. That seems to work well. Of course with my panty girdles that won't work."

"Are your bras comfortable?" Janet asked.

"Oh, yes. I've mainly been wearing my Maidenform bras, and I did wear the Olga bra a couple of days. Pretty soon I think I would have worn each of them at least once."

Blake looked around and realized that he was only one not wearing earrings. "Don't you think I should get my ears pierced? I realized that you're all wearing earrings."

"By all means, you should, Pam, but that's one thing your mom and dad will notice right away!" Kathy said.

Janet added, "don't feel bad. Someday I'm sure you'll get it done. In the meantime you should get some clip-on earrings."

"Do any of you have earrings I could borrow?"

"I do," Kathy said, and she went upstairs to her bedroom to get them. She came back a minute later with pretty clip-on earrings with two small pearls dangling from thin silver strands. She helped Blake put them on.

Blake could not contain his excitement at getting to wear earrings and he raced to look at himself in a mirror. "So darling," he said when he came back.

"They look great on you," Amy said, "but tell us how your shopping adventure went Pam, we're dying to know."

"I got something very pretty for Beth. I sure hope she likes it."

"How was it like being Pamela all alone without us to help you?"

"Well initially I was scared, but after riding the bus awhile I started to feel pretty comfortable. I could see the men admiring me but I didn't flirt with them! Later, on the way home, I ran into Clifford while I was waiting for the bus."

"Oh, no!" the girls exclaimed.

"I bet he went right after you," Amy said.

"Well I guess you're right, only it really wasn't so bad. I was sitting waiting for the bus and he came up to me and sat down next to me. Before I knew it he gave me a long kiss which was really kind of dreamy. I think I even asked him to kiss me again. But then the bus came and I ran off without telling him where I live or anything."

"Pamela!" Amy said, "how could you kiss a boy like him. You know what a bully he is. I can't believe you like him."

"I didn't really have a choice. I mean he's so strong and he put his arms around me and pulled me toward him. I got all weak and fluttery, and I thought he was very handsome."

"You're so innocent Pamela! Clifford does that dreamy eye stuff to any girl he can get his hands on. He's such a creep. None of us would ever let him touch us!"

Blake looked crestfallen and Amy took his hand. "Ask yourself one thing. Do you think that Clifford cares about your mind and what you're thinking?" Blake thought about this a minute. "I guess not."

"Then do you really want a relationship with a boy like that? Sure, we girls can get crushes on guys, but someone like Clifford, who has no other nice values, except his cute smile is not the sort we're willing to date. In the blink of an eye he'd be trying to make love to you, and soon as he did, he'd consider you a tramp and treat you like one. I bet he'd get the other boys in the class thinking they could screw you too. I mean he would just boast to everybody about how he conquered you!"

"I'm sure you're right Amy. And he always was so cruel to me as Blake. Why should I let him kiss me as Pamela?"

"There are a million boys out there. And many drop dead gorgeous ones who would fight to have a date with a girl as pretty as you. You don't have to settle for someone like him! The next time he sees you as Pamela, I want you to look him right in the eye and tell him you're not interested in a relationship! Oh, he'll kick up a ruckus and he'll flex his big muscles and smile and charm you. Just don't do anything you really don't want to do!"

"You couldn't have said it better," Kathy added.

"OK, I think you're right. Next time I see him I'll try as hard as I can to say no." Blake tried to say this convincingly, but in his heart he remembered how much he liked kissing Clifford and especially the feeling of Clifford's strength. I must be like Beth, he thought, wanting a very strong man to love. He thought of his father and how strong he was and also Barry. Maybe this is the way I want to love my Dad: as Pamela. His reverie was interrupted by Mrs. O'Connor who had entered the room saying, "everything's done! All I've got to do is get dressed. Pamela, why don't you come up with me and keep me company?"

"I'd love to Mrs. O'Connor!" and Blake got up to follow her upstairs to her room. Upon entering it, he sat at the end of her bed, while Mrs. O'Connor stepped out of her clothes.

"Happy?" she asked.

"Why yes, Mrs. O'Connor, you know that I am!"

Mrs. O'Connor smiled at him, "go get a bra and panties and some pantyhose for me while I wash up."

Blake went to her drawers and decided which of each she should wear. He saw her new Olga bras and he picked one of them. It was a shell color. In the panty drawer he found a lacy pair which partially matched the bra. Mrs. O'Connor's stocking drawer had many different colored stockings so he asked her which she wanted to wear.

"Any pair of nude stockings will do," she called out to him.

He gathered up a pair of pantyhose and laid it on the bed along with the bra and panties. He could see Mrs. O'Connor sitting at her vanity applying makeup and walked over to her.

"I put your things on the bed."

"Thank you honey," Mrs. O'Connor said.

Blake couldn't help but admire how attractive she was. "Mrs. O'Connor, you're such a beautiful woman. I mean my mom is just a couple of years older than you, but you look so much younger than her."

"It's kind of you to say that Pamela. I guess I do really work hard at keeping trim. Your mom has four kids to look after. It's very exhausting and I'm sure it doesn't leave her much time to be beautiful, though I think she really is quite an attractive women. It's hard being a woman, Pamela."

"I know that already. I've had such a hard time with boys and men and I don't know what's going to become of me. So many people now know about me being Pamela, I think the whole town will know soon. Dr. Wentworth told me what to expect and now I'm mixed-up as to whether I should be Blake pretending to be Pamela all the time or else I should have the doctors make me into Pamela permanently. Beth was telling us how much she prefers masculine men, like Brad. Part of me feels that way also. It's like I want to be as pretty as I can be so a big strong man will come and hold me and kiss me."

"Those are very common feelings for a young girl."

"But don't you see that if I was to be like that, I'd probably become a real girl, I mean have an operation. Then, I guess I might find a man to marry me and I could be his wife. But we couldn't have babies and I so much want to have a baby."

"I see, it's really complicated."

"On the other hand, maybe I could find a very strong woman who would want to love me as a very feminine girl. I wouldn't have any surgery, she could have the baby but I would be the mommy, once she delivered. Only maybe after we have all the children we want, I could have surgery and become a real girl."

"That sounds OK also."

"But Mrs. O'Connor," Blake said with emotion, "are there any women like this? I mean a woman who could love and respect a man who dresses and acts like a girl?"

Mrs. O'Connor looked earnestly at Blake. "Honey, you don't know how many times in the last few weeks since you became Pamela that I thought how wonderful it would be if only we were of similar ages. I would have loved to be married to a man like you, to have you be my girlfriend or wife. While I wouldn't be really dominant over you, say like your sister Anne, I would still be happy to take the male role and let you be just as pretty and feminine as you want to be."

Overcome with emotion, Blake started to cry, and he ran into Mrs. O'Connor's outstretched arms. They hugged each other and cried together for they both knew that there was a big age gap and Mrs. O'Connor could never have Blake as they might wish.

"Someday you'll meet a girl just like that."

"But I'm sure that none of the girls in the club or in my class at school would ever feel like that."

"Young girls are caught up in experiencing their femininity for the first time. It's exciting to have boys pursue them and they're really very innocent as to what it is that makes a good husband. If you look at older women who have experienced some men, say women in their late twenties, they're starting to realize that many many men are difficult to be close to, particularly the ones who are very masculine. They're remote and preoccupied with their careers or sports. Finding a man who's sensitive and caring is not easy. In fact, finding a man who's like a woman becomes what many women begin to search for. So maybe in just a few years you'll find that more and more of your girl friends might start to fall in love with you as a girl."

"I hope you're right," Blake said.

"If not, you always have the option of finding the right man."

Mrs. O'Connor completed her makeup and then turned to Blake and applied a little makeup around his eyes where he had been crying. He said, "what perfume will you put on today?"

"What would you like me to put on Pamela?"

"I don't know, let me smell some of these." Blake picked up a number of bottles one by one and smelled them. There was "Red Door," "Escada," "L'Air du Temps" and others. "I really like the Escada," he said after some reflection.

"OK, then I'll wear some of that." Mrs. O'Connor put a few drops on her neck and in her décolleté and then asked Blake if he wanted some.


She put some on his neck and Mrs. O'Connor got close to him and smiled at him. They looked into the mirror together and smiled at each other. Mrs. O'Connor, naked with her large breasts topped by her puffed up nipples, and Blake in the lacy dress with his apron still on.

Blake couldn't contain himself and he said, "I love you Mrs. O'Connor."

She smiled even more and held him tightly to her. "I love you too Pamela."

They left the bathroom and Mrs. O'Connor put on her bra and then stepped into the panties Blake had selected. She sat down and put on the pantyhose. From the closet she took out a beautiful light orange pastel dress and with Blake's help she put it on and zipped it up her back.

"It's such a pretty dress," Blake said. The two of them got their makeup and hair and everything else in perfect order and Mrs. O'Connor said. "Shall we go down? The first guests are about to arrive! But first take off your apron. You can put it back on later if you have to."

Blake turned around so Mrs. O'Connor could undo the knot, and he took the apron off. Holding hands they proceeded downstairs to wait with the other girls for the guests to arrive.


Not long after Blake and Mrs. O'Connor came downstairs, the guests began arriving for the party. Blake stood with Amy and Janet and the rest of the girls in the club watching as woman upon woman entered the house carrying elegantly wrapped presents for Beth. They congratulated her and exchanged excited greetings with her and Mrs. O'Connor.

Whenever one of the guests was familiar, the girls would make a point of introducing Blake to her. They seemed to know just about everybody and Blake was overwhelmed by the many new names to remember. He smiled politely at each woman and either held out his hand or lightly kissed the cheek of the woman in greeting; whatever the other girls did, he did. He was introduced as Pamela, a new girl in town, who would be one of the bridesmaids at the wedding.

Beth's friends came singly and in groups, some being dropped off by their boy friends. Kathy's aunt came with her two 16 year old twin daughters, Christina and Angela. They had on exquisitely shear dark gray dresses with very low décolleté. For girls their age, they were unusually large breasted and Blake felt an immediate pang of jealousy. The women being introduced to Blake were very friendly with the exception of Christina and Angela who were so haughty that they barely acknowledged his presence. Blake found out later that they were always like that, and in fact that was why Beth had insisted they not be bridesmaids. This could also explain why they were particularly arrogant to the Girls-Only Club members.

Blake observed that many of the women were stunningly beautiful like Beth. They wore an assortment of sophisticated dresses, many in light pastel shades of blue, pink and yellow. Many were tight and low cut. Blake noticed the many stockinged legs and graceful high heels. There were pretty bracelets and long dangling earrings. So many different perfumes and such loud excited chatter.

The foyer was crowded with more than two dozen women and several men. One by one the Girls-Only Club members drifted off intermingling with the women and Blake stood shyly alone to one side. He saw Mrs. O'Connor across the room and she smiled and gave him a wink. She was laughing gaily at something a woman near her had said. At that moment Blake became aware of Angela and Christina walking over to him. As they walked up to him he couldn't stop his eyes from darting down to take in the view of their breasts. They had truly phenomenal young breasts that rode high and jutted out in amazing proportions. With their skimpy dresses a very large part of their breasts were showing. Looking up at them as then drew near to him, Blake knew that they had seen his glance.

"Angela," Christina said to her sister, "remember this is Pamela one of Beth's bridesmaids."

"I remember her quite well," Angela said, "she's just the cutest girl here!"

From the way she said it, Blake wasn't sure if it was a complement.

"Tell us, Pamela," Christina said talking directly to Blake, which made him avert his eyes, "wherever did you get that pretty Barbie dress?"

"What do you mean Barbie dress?" Blake asked, unsure as to what they meant by the remark.

"Your dress is just like a dress I had for my Barbie, years ago when I used to play with them," Christina said airily with a hint of humor.

"I guess it's just a coincidence," Blake said, "I bought it at the dress shop at the Mall.

"Oh, did you now! How darling," Angela said, "you bought it at the mall."

Her voice had overtones of baby talk as she said this. Christina continued, "well it's a very pretty dress for a special girl, and it's nice because it has plenty of extra room on top if you were to develop a bust."

"But I'm an A cup," Blake protested.

"Oh, my goodness, Pamela, you're an A cup. I didn't realize it! See Angela, Pammy is really very grown up already!" Her tone was now clearly baby talk and Angela and she were fighting back giggles.

"So you're wearing bras now! You've got your first bra!"

"Yes, I have a lot of bras!"

"I'll bet you do Pammy. Are they pretty ones?"

"Yes, they are!"

"Show us your bra."

"I can't, it's under my dress," Blake said. The dress had a high neckline and short sleeves.

"Too bad, Pammy. But we'll take your word for it," Angela said.

"Someday you might have breasts like us," Christina said and moved very close to Blake so her chest was just touching his chest. Blake looked down at her large cleavage and all he could think to say was, "I don't think so."

"When you're a big girl you very well might have large titties," Angela joked and Christina laughed.

"I AM a big girl now," Blake said, realizing that this sounded silly.

"Yes, honey, we know you are! You're a very big girl now! We love your very pretty pink bow in your hair, don't we Christina?"

Blake wanted to walk away from them but the two girls had him trapped in a corner. He didn't know what to say and kept silent.

"That's a complement, Pammy, don't you say thank you?"

"Thank you," Blake said, "I'm sorry." He was afraid to get them angry.

"Pammy, how cute. You're wearing clip-on earrings," Angela remarked. "Don't you want your ears pierced?"

Blake couldn't help noticing that the girls had long pretty gold earrings, with little diamonds in them. "Yes, I do want pierced ears."

"Then why don't you get them done?"

Blake realized that he had to give some explanation and said, "my mom says I can get them pierced next week."

"How nice, just before the wedding!" Christina said.

"We'll be looking forward to seeing your new studs at the wedding!"

Blake wasn't quite sure what they meant by "studs," so he said nothing. Somehow he would have to have pierced ears for the wedding.

"Tell us, do you still play with Barbies?"

"Yes," Blake said thinking of a few weeks earlier. This set the girls off laughing and they walked away from him holding onto each other fully enjoying the joke at Blake's expense.

Feeling dejected, Blake surveyed the many women in the room. They seemed so elegant and womanly. Even Penny must be wearing some falsies, he thought, because her chest looked very prominent today and he knew that they both wore A cup bras. He admired the dress she was wearing. It was a beautiful halter cut in a light purple. She looked to be at least 21 in it. Looking at his reflection in a long mirror next to the front door, Blake saw that his own dress, while very pretty lacked the sophistication of the dresses worn by the other girls. It was a Barbie dress, he could see clearly now.

He felt young and immature and he knew that the nasty implications of what the two sisters had said about him was true. He became acutely conscious that his breasts were really small compared to the others, and his dress was really very girlish. He wanted to be like one of the other girls. He wished he could have a vagina inside his panties instead of his horrible penis, and he wished he could be as large breasted as Angela or Christina. He was so envious he didn't know what to do. The other club members looked so much more sophisticated than him and he understood now why they had chosen to wear the kinds of dresses they had. He wished he could run upstairs and hide. He desperately wanted to change his dress, but now that everyone had seen him in it and had been introduced to him it would be too conspicuous to suddenly appear in one of his other dresses.

The women around him seemed to be so comfortable with themselves. He could see clearly that they knew how to be pretty, how to find a perfect dress, how to wear it, how to select shoes and a purse, how to set their hair and apply sophisticated makeup. He turned and walked quickly up the stairs and then ran into Kathy's bedroom and threw himself on the bed and began sobbing hysterically into a pillow. After a few minutes he heard someone enter the room, and then felt an arm gently on his shoulder. He turned around and saw that it was Penny.

"I saw you run up the stairs, Pam, and I was worried about you. What happened with Christina and Angela? What did they say?"

"Penny they were so mean to me, making fun of my dress and my not having big breasts and saying other hateful things. But I think they're right, Penny. I'm not a real girl. The women downstairs, including you club members are so self assured, you know how to be women. I don't know who I'm trying to kid, but I don't see how I'll ever become like you. I so desperately want to, but I have no real breasts and I don't have a vagina, and my periods are just pretend." Blake broke out into sobbing again.

"Come, come, Pam, you know that it isn't as bad as that. They're jealous of how pretty you are, and that you'll be a bridesmaid and they won't. It's just jealousy, and of course you have a while to go until you become a sophisticated lady. Just be patient, just think how far you've progressed in just a few weeks already."

"Are you sure, Penny? Do you really think I'm making progress?"

"Yes, Pamela, there's no question about it. Kathy told you before how mean Angela and Christina were, so you shouldn't listen to anything they say."

"They called my dress a Barbie dress, and I think they're right! And they said my pink ribbon makes me look like a little girl!"

"Your dress is very pretty and suits you perfectly. Why should you have to dress grown up yet? The main thing is that the other women see you as a very sweet, delicate growing girl. You have plenty of time later to become a grown woman."

Penny's reassurance had the desired effect and after a few more minutes, Blake felt restored enough to face the party again. Penny held him tightly, and assisted him in fixing up his make-up. "Now let's go down and enjoy ourselves!" Penny said, and they went back downstairs.


As Penny and Blake entered the foyer, Mrs. O'Connor was calling out over the din, "the men have got to go now, we have to start the party!"

One of the men joked to Mrs. O'Connor, "Aw Shucks! Can't we stay!"

Laughing, Mrs. O'Connor said, "This party is for girls only! You have your own separate party for Brad! Or should I say orgy!"

The handful of men still remaining said their goodbyes to Beth and their girl friends. When the front door closed on the last one, Blake felt a sudden return of his insecurity. Here he was with so many women and he was like a male spy among them. For a moment Blake felt like he ought to leave too, but Penny squeezed his hand and he knew that she knew what he was thinking. Before he had another moment to think about himself, Mrs. O'Connor came up to him and said, "would you grab a tray of appetizers and circulate with them?"

Thankful for the chance to be helpful, Blake said, "sure!" and ran to the kitchen behind Mrs. O'Connor. Mrs. O'Connor put the same apron on him that he had worn before and fastened it around his waist. He wanted to protest but didn't have the heart to criticize her judgment. Evidently, she had no problem with him wearing it so why should he! The guests had now drifted into the living room and were sitting and standing informally. Blake summoned up his courage and carried a tray of crackers with salmon pate into the room and offered them to the guests. Kathy was circulating with a tray of pate de foie gras. As each woman took a cracker and thanked him, Blake smiled politely and made a tiny curtsey. Many of the woman thought his "Mommy's little helper" apron was precious and complemented Blake on how he was just the perfect little helper for Mrs. O'Connor. Blake found himself blushing profusely and accepted the fact that by being the youngest girl at the party it was natural for the women to treat him special.

When he brought the tray to Christina and Angela, they laughed at him and made fun of his apron. "Why did you go upstairs before, Pamela?" Angela said, "did we make you cry?"

Christina and her sister laughed and Blake said, "you're not very nice!" He decided not to say anything more since he was afraid to get them angry lest they be like Anne and her friends.

When the tray was empty he went back for another. After the food had been served, Mrs. O'Connor announced that it was time to play the first of several games. One involved carrying ten grains of rice, one by one from a bowl to a plate using a tooth pick. Another consisted of tying different ribbons together. The games created much excitement and laughter and Blake found himself thoroughly enjoying playing them.

It finally was time to open Beth's many presents. Mrs. O'Connor had her sit in a large chair facing everyone and announced, "we need someone to bring the presents to Beth!"

Amy called out, "that should be the prettiest girl here, except for the bride of course!"

Mrs. O'Connor said, "who's the prettiest girl?"

"Pamela!" someone called out.

Blake was caught by surprise and shrieked and then covered his face when everybody laughed.

"Yes it certainly must be Pamela," someone else said.

"Yes of course, it's Pamela!" the girls in the Girls-Only-Club all called out together.

"I think it should be Angela and me," Christina said in a loud voice making the room quiet down.

Sensing trouble, Mrs. O'Connor intervened, "you two are just as pretty as Pamela, but in the case of a tie we need to pick the youngest!"

The women loudly agreed with this and so it was decided that Blake would choose the presents one by one for Beth to open.

Blake sat down on the carpet in front of Beth's chair, with his blue skirt spread out around him. From this vantage point he could pick presents from the nearby pile and hand them up to her.

"What one shall I choose first?" he asked Beth.

"It's for you to decide!" Beth said, "that's your job!"

Looking at the many beautifully wrapped packages he selected one in silver paper with many bows and handed it to Beth.

"Tell us who it's from," Beth said.

Reading the label he said, "it's from Helga."

Beth took the package and opened it. She held up a pale yellow negligee with a gathered waist and a full skirt with several layers of soft silky satin. Blake gasped with excitement. "It's so pretty!"

Beth laughed and said, "thank you Helga it's really stunning! But I think you'll have to get one for Pamela too!"

While Blake blushed, Helga called out, "try it on Beth!"

"I'll be happy to show you later," Beth said, "I couldn't possibly try on every one's outfit!"

"Yes you can!" several girls called out.

"But there's nowhere to change here!" Beth said.

"Doesn't matter. Try it on!" Then the assembled women picked up the chant until everyone was shouting," Try it on! Try it on!" Finally Beth gave in and said, "you asked for it!" Standing in front of Blake, she lifted her dress over her head revealing her white slip. She stepped out of her heels and pulled the slip over her head. Wearing just her panties, pantyhose and a bra she arranged the negligee to try on. Helga shouted, "Beth, take off your bra and pantyhose!" Laughing loudly the women agreed and demanded that Beth do as Helga said. Beth reached behind her back and undid her bra releasing her enormous breasts for everyone to admire. Blake was awestruck looking up at Beth from the floor in front of her. Sitting down for a second, Beth took off her pantyhose and then in an act of bravado flung off her panties which accidentally landed on Blake's head causing everyone including Blake to laugh at the silliness of it. Blake put her panties with her other clothes and Beth put on the negligee.

The yellow nightie was gorgeous and everyone cheered loudly as Beth walked back and forth in front of Blake modeling it. When she was done, she signaled to Blake to give her another present. This time it was from her friend Hope who had given her an exquisite matching bra and panty set. The bra had a delicate pattern of tiny red roses over the cups which were edged with a floral lace. The bikini panty had the lace in a rose shape over the center. When Beth tried it on, Blake could see her pubic hair through the lace. The set fit beautifully and she took an extended walk around the room as if she was modeling in a fashion show.

Present by present the fashion show continued. There were teddies and more nighties, bras and panties. A friend of Beth's had given her a black leather corset with a whip and mask. While modeling it, she pretended to be a slave driver and stood over Blake saying, "give me the next present, slave!" and had whipped him across his shoulders. It didn't exactly hurt, but Blake wasn't sure if she was serious or not and was relieved when Beth laughed at the joke.

Other presents were a garter belt, some slips, stockings and even a pair of slippers. Blake's present turned out to be one of the more exciting and Beth looked ravishing in the red velvet lace-up teddy that he had purchased. One of the gift boxes had no name on it, and when Beth opened it up she found a huge plaster replica of a penis with an inscription in black lettering, "Beth's Boss."

"Oh, Yuck!" Beth said, "This must have been planted in here by one of the guys."

The women, who had initially laughed at the statue, changed their tune. "I wonder which creepy guy is behind this!" one of the women called out.

"Boy, I'd love to get my hands on him!" another shouted, "and so would I!" yelled a third.

"Men are such pricks! When you get down to it, they really just are big penises trying to lord over their wives and girlfriends." This was greeted with a chorus of agreement.

A woman called out "Men aren't good for anything more than carrying their penises around for us!" and the women laughed.

"They're just big penis carriers!"

"Men think through their penises!"

"If at all!"

As the women got more and more carried away they chanted, "Who needs men! Who needs men!"

Then someone called out, "cut their pricks off!"

"Yeah!" a dozen women said laughing.

"Cut their cocks off!"

Now the woman chanted in unison, "cut them off! Cut them off!"

A woman ran to the kitchen and came back with a butcher's knife and shouted "let's form a posse and cut off the first one we find!" The women found this hysterical and they laughed and shouted in glee. Blake had a weak smile on his face while he sat quietly looking around in fear. He noticed that the club members were participating in the frenzied crowd. They were shouting and chanting with everyone else, "cut them off!"

Angela noticed that Blake was the only one not shouting and she yelled over to him, "Come on, Pamela, you cut off the first one!" Some of the other women joined in saying "Pamela gets the first one!", "Pamela gets the first one!"

"Why aren't you excited?" some of the women near him called out. Out of fear of being caught he began to shout along with them, "cut it off! cut if off."

Once he started saying it he found himself getting more and more excited and caught up in the mass frenzy. The women were on their feet now, raising their fists and shouting. Some of them took off their clothes and others joined in. They were being silly and they knew it but it was too much fun to stop. After a few minutes everyone was stripped down to their panties and bras, except Blake who was so nervous that he couldn't undo the zipper of his dress.

As the women ran around laughing, they changed the chant to "smash the prick! Smash the prick!" and a woman grabbed the plaster penis which had started the riot and put it in on the tiles in front of the fireplace. Angela yelled out, "make Pamela smash it!" and everyone agreed. A hammer was produced from somewhere and passed up to Blake who knelt down in front of the penis and, after looking back at the 25 crazed, shouting women in their bras and panties, he awkwardly lifted the heavy hammer and aimed it down upon the penis. He was lucky and his blow hit it directly upon the glans and smashed it into a hundred pieces. A huge cheer went up in the room, and woman upon woman ran up to Blake and hugged him and congratulated him upon being their "savior."

The scene had been both terrifying and funny at the same time, yet it had also brought Blake closer to the plight of women and girls than he had experienced since he had discovered Pamela inside himself. Smashing the penis was a metaphor for smashing the bonds that tied himself to being a genetic boy. Blake now knew, from the bottom of his heart, mind and soul that he had crossed a line into becoming a real female, a line he could never come back across again.
Chapter 11
The next morning while Blake was walking to his first period class, one of the girls from his homeroom, Marilyn, came up to him and whispered in his ear, "I can't believe you're wearing a bra." Caught by surprise, Blake blushed and then realized that Valerie must have told her. "Yes I am," he said.

"Can I take a peek at it, you know, to make sure."

"I can't do it here in the hall. What about at lunch time recess?"

"OK, that'll be fine. But Blake, could you tell me why you're wearing a bra? I mean you don't have breasts, I mean, like a girl does." Marilyn herself was a late developer. She was slight of build and some days she wore a trainer bra and some days no bra at all.

"I guess it's because I'm not really a boy. I mean, I suppose I look like a boy, but I feel like a girl."

Marilyn looked at him intently, like she was really trying to understand. He then saw the beginning of a smile go across her mouth and he said, "I'm serious. I'm not kidding!"

"I don't know what to think Blake. It does seem kind of strange and all."

"You won't tell anyone will you? I'm scared the guys will beat me up if they find out."

"You know, Valerie has been telling the girls in the eighth grade. By now I bet everyone knows your secret. So far, I don't think anyone will tell the guys, cause it really is a girl thing and most of us have always liked you."

"Thank you Marilyn, I really appreciate it. I'm very afraid of Clifford and Roy. I don't know what they might do to me, besides probably telling everyone else including the teachers. And then they might call home and I'd be in really big trouble with my mom and dad."

"You could not wear a bra to school," Marilyn said, "that's another possibility, isn't it?"

Blake looked at Marilyn and said, "it's not so simple. I'm sure I'm a girl and I wouldn't feel comfortable not wearing a bra."

"Some days I don't wear a bra," Marilyn said.

As they walked down the hallway, Blake could see other girls pointing at him and giggling amongst themselves. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Valerie, and she walked up to him and Marilyn.

"I'm sorry Blake, I couldn't stop from telling some of the girls and before you knew it, everyone found out. We're so excited that you want to be a girl, and I think your secret is really safe with us, isn't it Marilyn?"

"Yes, of course! It's so neat that you can be so honest with yourself. Guys always act like they're so much better than girls. It's really just insecurity I think."

"I don't feel like I have anything in common with the guys. I just wish that I could be a complete girl, like wear dresses to school and pretty shoes and makeup. And I really love to wear nail polish."

"Isn't there anything you can do about it?"

"Maybe latter in my life; right now I don't think I can do anything more than I'm doing."

"Well from now on, we'll treat you like one of us, as much as we can," Marilyn said.

"Thank you," Blake said.


At recess, Blake joined up with the club members and they walked to their usual bench to sit and chat about things. One by one the other girls in the eighth grade walked over to join them until virtually every girl, more than a hundred of them, were gathered around Blake. The effect was eerie, and the boys stopped what they were doing to stare over at the huge crowd of girls. The guys were so intimidated by seeing that many girls together that none of them had the courage to go over and see what was happening. The presence of Blake amongst the girls did not go unnoticed, and the guys proposed various theories to explain why he was there. They agreed that Blake had some sort of special charm that drove girls crazy. They vowed that, no matter what, they would get him to share his secret with them.

For himself, Blake was surprised at the intense curiosity the girls had about him wearing a bra to school. They crowded around him demanding to see it, and with the encouragement of the Girls-Only club members, he finally raised his shirt enough for everyone to look at it. Hidden from view of the guys on the other side of the field, Blake revealed his delicate pink bra. Out in the open, with his pale skin and slender arms, and barely a trace of hair, he appeared fragile and girlish.

He suddenly couldn't help smiling, and many of the girls smiled back at him. It was clear by his posture, his shyness, the natural fit of the bra and most importantly his self-confidence that he was very much more than a boy masquerading as a girl.

"Go show the girls your panties," Amy said, and without hesitation Blake undid the front of his jeans and pulled them down enough to show the top of his pink lacy panties.

A tall, stout girl named Joyce, who had been staring at Blake the whole time said, "I don't see why you don't just be a girl. If you're so sure about it you ought to just be one."

Joyce had a reputation as being somewhat slutty since it was known that she had allowed a number of the boys to have sex with her. The boys alternately teased her and begged her to give them something. She was not the smartest girl in school, and could often be coaxed into meeting them after school in the woods for a rendezvous. One rumor had it that she had allowed a dozen of the boys to screw her at once, though it was not clear that this was really so.

Karen leapt to Blake's defense saying, "Joyce, Pamela has to worry about her parents. Don't you see?"

"Pamela?" Joyce said, "you mean Blake is calling himself Pamela?"

"Yes. To us she is our dear friend Pamela. And we hope that you girls will feel the same way about her. Give her some time, and eventually she'll be a girl all the time. But don't rush her!"

Several of the girls voiced their support of Karen, and Valerie even made a point of giving Blake a hug to let him know that she understood his dilemma. Joyce remained skeptical saying, "I really don't see why Pamela is afraid of her parents. If he or she is a girl, she's a girl, and tough shit for them."

"But don't you see Joyce," Blake said, "I'm afraid mainly of hurting them, not them hurting me. I don't want to hurt them."

Joyce seemed to be thinking about his answer and then said, "if you're a real girl then you have to have crushes on guys."

Several of the girls laughed at this, it seemed so incongruous: Blake being attracted to the boys. "But I do sort of have some crushes on the guys," Blake said.

"Then you're just a fag," Joyce said.

"No, I'm not," insisted Blake. "I just had the bad luck of being born looking like a boy!"

Karen interrupted and said, "Joyce, don't be mean to Pamela. She's a girl through and through, and we should treat her as we would any of us. I think eventually, she'll be able to wear dresses to school, but for now she has to dress like a boy so her parents and the guys and teachers won't suspect anything. I want all of us to keep this amongst ourselves, especially you Joyce! It's a girl thing and we have to stick up for one another!"

Several of the girls cheered at this, but Joyce was undeterred, "But Blake doesn't have a pussy, does he? How can he be a girl without one? And what about his breasts? He may be wearing a bra, but real girls have breasts."

"You don't understand, Joyce!" Karen said with some exasperation. "Those are just external things, which one day Pamela will have corrected. The main thing is that she has exactly the same feelings and attitudes as any of us girls. For example, she was just as excited about getting to wear her first bra as any of us were! And you should just see how much Pam loves pretty things. She loves beautiful lace and she was just in ecstasy when she got her first pair of heels, and her dresses and things."

"I really do prefer wearing dresses, Joyce" Blake said, trying to get her to accept him.

"Pull your pants further down," Joyce said, and Blake lowered his trousers enough to reveal all of his panties.

"What's that bulge?" Joyce asked.

"That's Pamela's clitoris," Karen said.

"Yeah, right. Let her answer," Joyce said, "what is it Blake?"

"It's my clitoris!"

"It's your dick!"

"No, don't say that Joyce! I tell you it's my clitoris. It's my clitoris. I don't have a dick! I'm just as much a girl as you. When I grow up I'm going to have large breasts. I know I am!" Blake was getting upset, and starting to cry.

Valerie said to Joyce, "look you made Blake, I mean Pamela, cry. Don't talk to her like that. Even if she might not yet technically be a girl, she clearly wants to be one and she believes that she is."

"Yeah, Joyce, don't hurt Pamela like that!"

Realizing that it would be hard to get Joyce to see what the true story was, Karen said, "yes, in a way Joyce, Pamela does have a vagina."

"And breasts, too," Amy said, "only they're just an A cup now, but they're growing!"

"OK, I want Blake to prove that he's turned on by guys," Joyce said.

"But I'm turned on by guys!" Blake said, "I mean, some guys, anyway! How can I prove it to you?"

"I don't know Blake, but if you want me to treat you like a girl then I want to see you act and look like one around a boy. In fact, I'd like to see you seduce a boy, make him think that you're a real girl" Joyce said.

"What boy are you talking about"

"I know some guys. Let's say tonight we meet, with you in a dress and we'll see if you can seduce a guy. If you can, I'll believe you're a girl. If you can't then I might just go ahead and let Clifford and Roy know about you."

Terrified of what Joyce had in mind, Blake pleaded with her, "Please can't you just believe me!"

"Blake, I'm giving you this one opportunity, what's it going to be?"

Several of the girls joined in telling Joyce to be nice and think of something else Blake could do to prove his femininity. But Joyce was determined, and the girls realized that Joyce had her mind made up and there was no changing it.

"Meet me tonight at 2 in the morning in your back yard dressed fully as a girl. No wait, just in panties, pantyhose, bra, high heels and some lipstick. Got it?"

"Yes, Joyce, I'll be there" Blake said with resignation. He couldn't imagine what she would have in mind for him that evening.


Blake was so scared as to what would happen that night that he barely slept until his alarm woke him at 1:45 AM. He quickly and quietly put on his panties, pantyhose, a bra and inserted the breasts. He put on some lipstick and picked up his high heels and tiptoed downstairs and out the back door. There was a brisk wind blowing, and misty clouds passing over the partially full moon. The many trees in the backyard loomed over him. He felt alone and vulnerable dressed only in his underwear, with the wind whirling around him. He wished that Joyce had allowed him to wear a dress at least. He imagined creatures of the night staring at him, as he waited by himself for Joyce to come.

The wind blew without letup, making the only sound. He sat down on the edge of a picnic table bench near the back of the yard. Beyond that was the forest which ran between his development and a farm on the other side. The time went very slowly and he began to think that maybe Joyce had only been tricking him, and that she wasn't actually going to come. It was nice wearing some of his girls' clothes outside again, and he was especially happy to wear his high heels, though he began to feel a bit chilly and he wished that Joyce would hurry up and come, so whatever was going to happen would happen and then the sooner he would be done with it.

Blake worried about what sort of guy he would have to seduce. What if he were ugly or fat. What did Joyce mean by seduction? How far did he have to get the guy to go with him? Maybe this whole thing was one giant mistake and he ought to just let his parents and everyone else find out his secret. It seemed like it was almost inevitable that they would. But it was just so hard to get over the thought of his dad finding out about his wearing bras that he knew he had to at least try to delay that day as long as possible.

It must have been 2:30, and still Joyce had not come. In his rush not to be late he had forgotten to pee and now his bladder ached terribly. He decided he had to do something before they came, so he pulled down his pantyhose and panties and squatted down like a girl to pee. He was near a tree so he could hold onto the trunk with one hand to maintain his balance. He started to pee almost instantly, and then became frantic with fear when he saw three girls walking to him from around the side of the house. The one in the middle was tall, and he recognized her as Joyce, while two shorter girls next to her he didn't recognize.

His pee froze in him just half way relieved and he hurriedly pulled up his panties and pantyhose as Joyce watched. "Look at the little dog, peeing in the yard," Joyce sneered at Blake, and her companions laughed. They were much younger than Joyce or Blake, and they had a toughness about them that said they were not from among the normal kids at school. One of them was carrying what looked to Blake to be a whip, and the other a long rolled up rope.

"Angie, put the leash on him," Joyce said, and the girl carrying the cord stepped forward and roughly forced one end of it around Blake's neck and snapped a clip. It turned out it was a dog's leash. "Come on we're a little late," Joyce said and she headed back toward the forest. Angie followed her causing the collar to jerk Blake forward and he rushed to keep up with them. The other girl, Carrie, walked behind him. The collar was tight on his neck, and as he reached up to stop it from hurting him, Carrie, immediately hit his fingers with the whip.

"Don't touch it," she said in a rasping tone. "Do it again and I'll hit that pretty bottom of yours."

Blake called out to Joyce, "Joyce, where are we going? And why did you put me on a leash? And why is she whipping me?"

Joyce stopped and came back to face Blake. "I decided to test your male instincts. I want to see if you can fight back. From the look at what has happened so far though, you might be right about you being a girl!"

"But you didn't say anything about doing this to me!"

"What are you going to do about it?" Joyce said.

"Please take this collar off, it's choking me. All you said I had to do was seduce a guy."

Joyce turned to Carrie and said, "she's being real uppity and it's annoying me."

Carrie let out with a tremendous hit across Blake's pantied bottom causing him to cry out in pain and then start to cry uncontrollably. Angie then jerked his neck once again and they continued on their way. Joyce had picked up the pace as they walked on a trail in the forest to a destination Blake did not know. If he didn't keep up fast enough with Angie then the collar strangled his neck and Carrie hit him hard with the whip. The strokes were painful, like sharp bites.

After fifteen minutes of hiking, Blake heard voices ahead and Joyce halted the group. She said to Blake, "OK. Here's the situation. You better perform like Pamela. I expect these guys to fall for you and to come in thirty minutes tops."

"What do you mean come?"

"Jesus, Pammy, don't you know anything? You've got to make the guys shoot their wad? Got it?"

"How many guys?" Blake asked in shock. He was expecting maybe one guy to seduce.

"You'll find out," Joyce said and pushed him on ahead. In a minute he entered into a clearing. Four boys were sitting there who got up when they entered.

"Where have you been? We thought you'd never get here."

"We got here, that's all that counts."

"Is that your girl friend?" one of them said pointing to Blake.

"Duh, who else do you think she is? Phil, Max, John, and Dave, meet Pamela. Like I said she's real hot."

The guys were physically enormous, and Blake felt like he was being mentally raped as they hungrily looked over his slim body dressed only in a bra, panties and pantyhose.

Joyce said, "Pamela, these guys are the front line of the Madison high school varsity football team." Madison high was the rival school of their own. Beside everything else happening that night, it was bizarre to think that Joyce would be friendly with football players from the enemy school.

Max said to Joyce, "hey she's really hot looking, Joyce, are you sure she's going to let us touch her?"

"Just ask her," Joyce said.

Blake sighed and said, "Joyce, could you tell Angie to take off my leash? I won't run away."

"Go ahead," Joyce said and Angie removed the leash from around Blake's neck.

From one perspective Blake realized that this evening and what was about to occur was truly abhorrent. On the other hand, it now seemed that his life had taken on a trajectory that he had very little control over, except if he were to announce to his parents that he was a girl. Then Joyce could not black mail him into doing what he was about to do. He wondered to what lengths he would go in order to protect his parents from the truth about himself.

Resigned to his fate and anxious to be done with the task at hand, Blake walked up to Max and said, "What's your name?"

Nervously, Max said, "Max."

"Max, what a nice manly name to go with such a big strong guy!" Blake said this like he was pretending to be Marilyn Monroe. "I'm so flattered that you think I'm pretty, I can't imagine why you wouldn't think that I'd want to touch you! In fact, I can't wait to find out what's inside your pants. I'll bet you've got something in there that would make us girls go wild!" Blake looked in Max's eyes and smiled at him.

Startled, Max said, "oh, oh, sure, Pamela."

Blake turned to the other boys and said, "why don't you get closer?" They gathered in a tight circle around Blake. They towered over him, and with their muscular bulks Blake felt like he was in a cave of flesh.

"Now, I want to give you big boys a nice time. I'm going to start with my big handsome Max here. While I'm getting a chance to play with him I want you other boys to be as affectionate to me as you can."

Turning to the boy next to Max, Blake said, "and who are you?"

"Phil." Like Max, John and Dave, Phil had the massive arms, shoulders and legs of football linemen. Blake's arms seemed like thin white straws next to their bulging biceps and triceps.

"Phil, give my boobies a little squeeze. I really want you to!" Phil reached out and cupped his hand over Blake's bra. "Wow, Pamela, I've never touched a girl's bra before!" His hand awkwardly grabbed the underlying breast and squeezed it. Turning to the next boy, John, Blake directed his hand to touch his bottom through his pantyhose. He then turned to Dave and reached up putting his arms around his neck and looked up at him with his lips puckered. Dave was the handsomest of the four boys. He had a rugged, swarthy look and sandy colored hair. He leaned over, put his arms around Blake and crushed him to his chest giving Blake a brief kiss. Unlike the other boys, he didn't seem to be afraid to be with a sexy girl.

"Wow, Dave" Blake said coyly and then turned back to Max and opened his zipper while Dave put his hands around Blake's waist and edged his fingers inside his panties. Blake, crushed between Max and Dave, felt Dave's probing fingers and realized he better stop him there. "I'm sorry Dave, I'm having my period!" Dave pulled his fingers out of Blake's panties and confined his caresses to the outside. The guys seemed to be getting excited and Blake felt pleased with himself that they were getting aroused so fast.

With Max's zipper open, Blake reached his hand inside and felt the hard wall of Max's swelling penis through his underwear. "Oh my God, what have we here!" he exclaimed, "Jesus, it's just such a huge cock. Oh Max, you're just so big." He snaked his hand through the opening and into the underpants, and with a little luck and help from Max, he was able to get the member out into the night air. "Just look at this big one. It would make any girl so happy! Will you like it if I sucked it Max? Do you want me to suck on your big cock?"

Blake batted his eyelids at Max, who shyly looked down and said, "yeah, Pamela, I guess I really want you to do that. I never had such a pretty girl want to touch me." Blake smiled a girlish smile at him and cupped his penis with his left hand and used his right hand to undo Phil's zipper. "I'll be right back to you Max, let me first do some exploring in Phil's pants. I think there's a bulge of something in there! What could it be?" Phil kept his hand on Blake's bra and Blake felt his ass being squeezed hard and slightly pinched until it hurt.

"Dave, you're hurting my bottom, with those pinches!" Blake said.

Dave looked at him intently. "Sorry, honey."

"I'm going to get to you in just a second. Let me get Phil and John started, and then I'll just love to see your penis also. I'll bet it's a big one like Max's."

"You'll find out," Dave said, causing a chill to go up and down Blake's spine.

Turning quickly back to Max, Blake saw that his cock had grown rock hard while his hand had been gently stroking it. "Do you like that Max? You've gotten so hard, I think you're ready for my mouth. Blake reached in through Phil's open zipper and found his large and swelling organ. Phil put his hand on top of Blake's and guided it around his underwear so that Blake could pull it out of his pants. It sprang out so Blake had one hand on Max's cock and one on Phil's. "Phil, you're a giant also. God, the two of you together have the biggest and handsomest pricks. I can't decide which one I love more!"

"Twenty five minutes," Joyce said, causing Blake to cry out in fear. He was barely anywhere after five minutes. He dropped to his knees in front of Max and sucked on the penis while still holding onto Phil's cock. Momentarily taking Max's member out of his mouth he said to John, "John, please come around over here," indicating a spot just to Max's right. When John obliged, Blake was then able to opening his fly while also sucking on Max and fondling Phil.

John was so anxious to get touched that he took out his cock himself. It was smaller than either Phil or Max's, but Blake exclaimed anyway, "Oh, John, what a pretty penis! It's just so perfect, isn't it?"

Max and Phil snickered at the obvious size difference and Blake remanded them saying, "you boys be kind to John! Size isn't everything! How pretty it looks is just as important to a girl! I think it's gorgeous!" He sucked John's cock vigorously for a few seconds, until Max said, "c'mon back to me Pamela."

Blake sucked on Max again while now he fondled John with his left hand and Phil with his right. John's pants fell down his legs, and out of the corner of his eye Blake could see how phenomenally well developed his calves and thighs were. Blake felt the large tight muscles and gently squeezed the dangling balls and felt the surge in John's smallish erect member.

Dave was being left out and Blake was worried that he would be getting mad. He stopped everything he was doing and turned back to Dave. "I haven't forgotten about you, big boy!"

Joyce called out, "twenty minutes" and Blake attacked Dave's zipper with two hands. He got it open and was reaching into it when Dave said, "you won't get it out that way."

Blake had no idea what Dave was talking about. Dave pushed Blake away and undid his belt and the button on his trousers. "Pull down my pants and you'll find out."

Afraid as to what he might find, Blake pulled down on Dave's pants. They fit tightly on his thick muscular legs and Blake had to struggle to get them to slide down. He was unprepared for what he saw when they finally gave way. As Dave stood in just white underwear, it was clear that something of truly titanic proportions lay within them. An immense bulge was visible and Blake felt an explosion of fear and excitement. "Holy cow, Dave" he said in a small voice and gulped. Dave pulled open the elastic of his underpants and pulled them down over his huge muscled thighs. Staring Blake in the face now was a colossal penis, fully twice as big as Phil or Max's. "Oh, my god Dave, it can't be real, can it?" Blake said imploringly. He couldn't imagine how he would ever get such a huge penis to climax in the few minutes remaining. He didn't see how he could ever get such a penis to climax even if he had all day!

Blake touched it and it slowly sprang up into an incomprehensibly large erection. It reached out and out and up and up as Blake stroked its underside. The glans was a large glowing red orb in the moonlight. Blake licked it and felt the reflex in Dave. Max and Phil were getting frustrated waiting for Blake and they moved in closer to rub their penises on his back. Max said, "hey c'mon Pamela, you're teasing me. Get your face back here."

"I'm sorry Max," Blake said, and reached back with his hand to hold Max's cock.

"Suck me off, then you can go back to that big freak," obviously Max wasn't a fan of Dave's huge organ.

"Do you mind, Dave, if I take care of the others first. I promise I'll make the wait worthwhile."

"Just hurry up," he said.

Blake now devoted his full attention to Max. He sucked vigorously on the organ and used his hands to caress his balls and thighs. While he was doing this, Phil and John pressed in close from either side so their cocks were just inches from his face, waiting their turn. Dave moved up from behind and plopped his huge penis over Blake's shoulder. It felt like a hot iron weight pressing down on him. As excited as Blake felt while Max got closer and closer to coming, the thought of what lay ahead of him, that he would have to find some way to coax Dave's massive prick into coming, gave him a strange excited feeling like none he had experienced before. He was happy that he would have this to look forward to in a few minutes. It was a test of his womanhood and his female cunning and he so much wanted to treat Dave's cock with the respect it deserved.

Because Max was young and inexperienced, Blake was able to bring him to a climax by the time Joyce called out, "fifteen minutes." It was just a matter of sucking it hard and using his tongue to lick around the lower part of the glans. Max ejaculated a torrent of hot semen into Blake's mouth which he swallowed like he had done with Mr. Morris. Max's many cries and groans as he came echoed through the forest and gave Blake a wonderful feeling of power and importance. It was nice being a girl, just to have the excitement of watching men hunger for him and to be able to gratify their needs. Someday, Blake thought, he'd have even bigger breasts, maybe even real ones and when he wore a bra they'd be so big and prominent that men would be driven crazy by them. Blake felt pride in the fact that he could make a man come so explosively because of his carefully placed touches.

While Max staggered away to lie down and rest, Blake grabbed onto John and Phil's penises and pulled them gently close to him. He began earnestly sucking on Phil's cock while holding onto John's. He slid his mouth out and back over the long shaft being careful to give extra attention to the glans and the soft skin just below it on the bottom. Phil said, "Jesus Pamela, you're good!" and moaned softly.

Joyce called out, "ten minutes, Pamela," and Blake freaked out thinking that all this work would be in vain if he couldn't satisfy her condition. He sucked frantically and worked his hand hard over Phil's thighs and rear end. Phil seemed to be enjoying it so much he was trying to extend the time. Finally, in desperation, Blake told Phil to sit down and Blake got down on all fours in front of him. He pulled his pantyhose and panties down off his bottom and turned to John and said, "honey could you fuck my rear please? I'm having my period now, but my rear is just as nice. Will you?" His voice was almost begging. Since John's cock was so small, it seemed like a reasonable thing to have him enter this way.

John was surprised by the request, but didn't object. He got behind Blake, and coaxed his erect penis into Blake's bottom. Meanwhile Blake resumed sucking on Phil's cock. The three of them struck up a rhythm with John thrusting hard into Blake causing Blake to deeply swallow Phil's engorged member. Again and again they performed this intimate connection until Phil could no longer resist the temptation to come, and come he did in massive spurts deep up Blake's throat. John for his part could not contain himself either and the pent up excitement caused him to come hard up Blake's rear in a quick set of jerking motions. Wasting no time, Blake disengaged himself from the two exhausted men and turned to face the greatest challenge of all.

Dave had been watching the entire scene along with Joyce, Max, and the two younger girls. It was evident that it had aroused him, and Blake could see that the girls were also excited as each of them had a hand down their panties and were vigorously stroking or fingering themselves. Perhaps, this should have given Blake an inkling as to what was going to come later, but he was anxious to get down to work with Dave.

Joyce hadn't yet said 5 minutes so it seemed like he had a real chance at making it in time. He was tired and his mouth was a bit sore. His rear end was wet inside his panties and he could still taste Phil's cum in his mouth. As sexy as he could be, he went up to Dave and said, "now I'm going to make you feel better than you've ever felt before. I've saved the best for last."

Dave took off shirt so he was naked. It was an awesome sight to behold, the almost poetic collection of well chiseled muscles on his massive frame and a phenomenal penis arching out in mythic proportions from his loins. Blake felt like a small pale bird approaching a Greek temple. He kneeled in front of the God-like phallus as if to worship it. He opened his mouth as wide as he could and tried to get the end of the penis inside. To his relief it just fit and he was able to make respectable contact with it. As his tongue darted up to tickle it, it solidified and nearly raised Blake off the ground.

The feeling of submission to this cock was so intense, that Blake almost fainted from excitement. Using both hands, he encircled the mighty shaft so his thumbs were touching on its top and his other fingers on the bottom side, and began to stroke it. The long organ vibrated in response to his fondling and got even longer if that were possible. The top of the penis took over all of Blake's feelings as he rode it up and back an inch or two in his mouth. His jaw muscles had become numb and his brain was in a stupor.

As the precum leaked steadily into his throat it acted like an opiate and he lost track of time and forgot about Joyce and the other men and everything. His world floated around the end of Dave's penis. At one point he moved a hand to explore the huge balls accompanying the phallus and they were bouncing around like softballs to Dave's steady movements. Dimly he was aware that the pace was quickening and then he felt the first spurt of cum. Luckily he had the sense to pull the penis out of his mouth for he would have surely drowned in the ensuing flood.

Dave grabbed his cock and guided the Amazon river of cum at Blake. It landed all over his head and ran down his shoulders and onto his bra and then into his pantyhose. When Dave was finally done, Blake fell over onto the grass in relief. Like a woman who has come a dozen times, he felt spent. Though soaking wet and aching he felt wondrously feminine and he dreamed of the day when he would be able to be a girl all the time.

Dave got up and dressed silently. He turned to Joyce and said, "when am I gonna see her again?"

"Hey don't you want to see me?" Joyce said, "I've done you better than Pamela."

"But she's a lot prettier and I like a pretty girl touching my cock." Dave laughed and said, "you have her back here next week. She's going to turn out real good after I'm done training her."

With that, Dave and the other guys left the clearing.

No sooner were they gone than Joyce said, "prettier than me! A fucking sissy boy is prettier than I am!"

"Joyce, I'm sorry he said that. I think you're very pretty." Blake was terrified by the tone of Joyce's voice.

She was silent and Blake said timidly, "I did pass your test didn't I?"

"No," she said sharply. "It took 35 minutes. You spent over ten minutes on Dave."

"After all that, and you're still going to tell my parents!" Blake was hysterical. He was so tired and dirty and on top of that it was all in vain.

"I don't know when I'll tell them, but until I do, me and the girls are going to make you into our personal dildo. Got it?"

"What do you mean?"

Joyce signaled Angie to fasten the collar back around Blake's neck. "Now your gonna make us feel good. Carrie whipped Blake on his rear end and Angie pulled him toward a spot in front of Joyce. She spread her legs apart and said, "go eat me out." Blake couldn't believe that this night was still not over, and he hesitated causing Carrie to whip him again which gave him the energy to put his face up against Joyce's vagina and lick it. He had never done this before and he tried to rely on instinct to guide him towards the clitoris. He didn't have to worry, however, since Joyce grabbed his head and forced his mouth to find the desired target.

Joyce was wet from her excitement at seeing Blake service the four guys, and Blake noted the slightly sweet taste of her vaginal juices, as his tongue caressed her opening. He licked around the vagina and then delicately over the small bump of her clitoris. Periodically, he slipped his tongue in and out of her vagina causing her to moan, "very good, Pamela, keep it up."

As Joyce got increasingly excited she wrapped her large legs around his head and squeezed tightly, forcing her vagina into his face. He felt the hardness of her muscles pulling against his cheek bones. It was painful and he even worried that she might break a bone in his face as she flexed her thighs harder and harder. His tongue and jaw ached with the exertion and he didn't know how much longer he could last. Luckily, as he tired, Joyce moved her hips back and forth vigorously, using Blake's face to masturbate against. Over and over across his mouth and nose and chin she rubbed her swollen pussy at an ever accelerating pace until finally she came with a piercing shriek of ecstasy.

No sooner had Joyce climaxed, then Angie and Carrie shouted, "she's ours now, she's our now!" They yanked Blake by his leash causing him to be pulled back roughly away from Joyce's legs. Angie whipped him several times getting him to lie down on the ground on his back. The two younger girls took off their jeans and panties and pulled off their blouses so they were dressed only in their bras.

"I'm going to get her first!" Angie cried and she squatted down over Blake's head so her little bare pussy was against his mouth. She had barely any pubic hair and her mons just pushed out slightly from between her legs. She was facing Carrie who stood with one foot between Blake's legs very close to his crotch. Angie rubbed her vagina against Blake's mouth, which was so weary that he didn't try and lick her. Angrily, Angie said, "Carrie, she's not doing anything!" Immediately, Carrie used her foot to kick Blake in the balls, causing him to scream in pain and start to cry. When he tried to protect his crotch with his hands, Carrie whipped his arms so he put them back. He then began licking on Angie's small opening as hard as he could while he wept.

After a few minutes Angie got excited, but then she suddenly stood up and said, "oh darn, I've got to pee."

"So do I," Carrie said, and laughing, the girls squatted down over Blake's legs and within a second they were peeing on him. He felt the hot liquid drenching his pantyhose and then saw Carrie get up to position herself over his stomach and then resume peeing. It flowed down his side onto the ground together with his tears of exhaustion. When she was done, Angie resumed sitting over Blake's face and he licked her again. A slight odor of pee was now evident around her cunt and Blake could not stop himself from crying. Even as he sniffled he continued to work Angie's clitoris and vagina so he wouldn't get hurt again. It didn't take her long to come and then Carrie took her place. Her pussy was slightly more developed than Angie's but still only had a slight covering of blonde pubic hair. Luckily for Blake, she came almost immediately.

While the girls quickly got dressed, Blake lay on the ground sobbing quietly and afraid to move. Joyce knelt over him and Blake flinched thinking she was going to hit him again, but instead she said, "you can go home Pamela. You passed the test. I won't tell your mom or dad. But I may want you to meet us again some nights. I'll let you know at school." With that she and the girls left down the path out of the clearing. Too surprised and confused to fully appreciate what she had said, Blake got up and walked slowly behind them back toward his house. He felt the pee in his wet pantyhose, and the wetness in his own panties, and the stickiness from the four boys and the girls on his face and body. He would have to wash off with the garden hose before entering the house.
Chapter 12
Blake awoke the next morning, after just a few hours of sleep, feeling miserable. Besides his physical exhaustion including numbness in his jaw, he remembered vividly the degradation of the previous night. Joyce, Carrie and Angie had done with him anything they wanted and he knew he had been powerless to stop them. He wondered how he could face Joyce that day in school. She must have nothing but contempt for him. After all, he couldn't stop the girls from peeing on him and was afraid even to protest. He wanted desperately to cry and tell somebody about what had happened. He wanted to be comforted and loved.

He climbed up into the attic and looked at his collection of bras and underwear. "I can't let last night discourage me," he thought. It occurred to him that he hadn't yet worn a girdle to school, and on impulse he decided to do that. It would be a sort of statement to the universe that he wasn't going to back down from being a girl. He selected one of his favorite white girdles, a pair of stockings, some panties and a bra and went back to his room to put them on.

When he had his underwear on he looked at himself in the door mirror. The image he saw of the sweet girl he longed to be was a comfort and he felt a bit better. Suddenly he heard a knock on the door and before he could say anything it opened and Janice came in.

"Oh, thank God it's you," Blake said with relief.

Shocked at what she saw, Janice said, "my God, Blake, why are you dressed like that now? Don't tell me you go to school like that."

"I'm sorry, Janice, but I can't help myself."

"A girdle and stockings? Underneath your jeans all day long? My, but that must be terribly uncomfortable?"

"I like wearing girdles, Janice, just like mom does!"

"Yes, but she wears them under a dress, so she can still move around in them. With the jeans on, you'll be so packed in, it will be uncomfortable."

"I don't care, Janice, it's just something I really need to do today."


Blake was so anxious to share his feelings that he decided to tell Janice everything about the previous night. Everything, except being peed on. When he was done she sat down on his bed speechless and then started to cry. She indicated for Blake to come close to her and they sat there for a few minutes hugging each other.

"Oh, my poor baby sister," Janice said, "I wish I could have protected you. I can't believe it, four football players. You're so lucky they didn't get violent and seriously hurt you. And that boy Dave's penis sounds so unbelievable. What if he had wanted to rape your bottom with it in place of John? Blake, this whole business is getting out of control. I feel just so anxious about it. Can't you just go back to being a boy for awhile?"

"No Janice, being a girl is the only thing which keeps me going right now. As a girl, I have so many wonderful friends and I feel I belong with them."

Janice looked at him for a few minutes. She had to admit to herself that he looked natural in a bra. In fact, he looked as if he had been wearing them his whole life. And the girdle fit perfectly and the way he moved in his stockings looked right to her. He didn't really belong in boys' clothes, she could see this clearly. "OK, honey, I'm sorry for suggesting it. I guess you're right. Anyway, you shouldn't spend any extra time dressed like that, cause mom or dad could come in any second. Go put on your clothes and I'll join you in a bit for breakfast."


When Blake entered the dining room, his mom was just about done with her breakfast. She greeted him saying, "honey, you look very tired, even haggard. Are you having trouble sleeping?"

"No mom. I mean, I guess I had some insomnia last night." Blake was exhausted, and he was scared to see that it showed so obviously.

"Is everything OK with you? Do you have some problem you need to talk over with me?"

"No mom. I'm OK, really. Just a lot of tossing and turning." And then in an attempt to be light hearted he sang the beginning of the famous insomniac song from Iolanthe:

"When you're lying awake with a dismal headache, ..."

His mom looked at him with concern. Blake looked away from her and felt scared again. He wanted to confess to her that he was becoming a girl; that he wanted so desperately to be her daughter. He imagined that they could have a good cry over it and once they got past it they could hug each other and begin a whole new relationship. In his fantasy, she would plot with him to break the news as gently as possible to his dad. But the reality of confessing his secret to his mom was still way to scary, and he knew he couldn't do it.

Ahead of him was having to go to school and confront Joyce. He had no idea what she would do or say today. The girls in the club would surely want to find out what had happened, and he knew he couldn't lie to them. So then they would be very angry with Joyce and maybe even be mad with him for letting her do what she did to him. It was so confusing. When was he ever going to become the girl he wanted to be? A world of pretty dresses and make up and being a mommy. God would he love to be a mommy. He wanted to have a baby. He had never thought about it before, but it was true. He glanced up at his mom and realized that what he wanted more than anything else in the world was to be like her. He thought to himself, "we're probably both wearing girdles now," and it made him feel close to her.

He got up and walked over to her and gave her a hug. She was surprised, but quickly hugged him back. He could feel her fingers go over his bra strap through his shirt and half wished that she would find it and settle the whole business. But she wasn't expecting to find it and didn't notice it.

"I'm really OK mom, don't worry," he smiled at her.

She smiled back and said, "thank you for doing that, Blake. You are my most precious child."

He sat down and ate his breakfast, while his mom got up to get ready for her day. He thought about having a baby and realized that it probably meant he would have to find a woman to love one day. One who would let him be the mommy of their child. How could he ever find such a woman? He vowed that he would ask the girls in his club about it. His reverie was broken by Ann sitting down at the table across from him. "God, Blake, you look like hell. Keeping late hours?" she said snidely.

Ann reached across the table and put her hand over Blake's breast to see if he was wearing a bra. He tried to move away but she was able to catch hold of one of the straps and pull it back and let it snap. It was painful and the sound was loud causing Blake to worry that someone could hear it. "Lift up your shirt and let me see."

Blake knew better than to fight her and raised his shirt revealing his Playtex bra. "Blake you're such a fairy. Do you like the little pink ribbon on your bra?"

"Yes, Ann, you know I do."

"Don't be insolent."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm going to give you a bra for next Christmas. Then you'll have to open up the package in front of everyone."


"I will Blake. Just you wait and see."

Blake got up and said, "may I be excused, Ann, I have to get ready for school."

She looked him over for a second and then waved him away. He then hurriedly left the room before she changed her mind.


As luck would have it, the first person Blake saw when he arrived at school was Joyce. She motioned for him to come over to her. Smiling, she said, "Blake, I mean Pamela, I liked you eating my pussy. It was real good."

"You're not mad at me?"

"For what?"

"For what Dave said?"

"Oh, who cares about that asshole. I can fuck any guy I want. Who needs him? But I think he really has a thing for you. And that bullshit about your period won't last forever. He's gonna want to fuck you silly one day, and when he finds out you ain't got a pussy, all hell will break loose."

Thinking back to Dave's huge cock, Blake shivered at the thought of him screwing a girl, any girl. "Did he fit, you know, his big thing inside you?"

"He sure did! It was incredible. I never felt a screw like that one. I think it just about reached my throat!"

Blake laughed with Joyce. In spite of what he might want or wish, he could see that they had become girl friends in a sense. The night before was just a rite of passage, an initiation, and now they could be girls together. He felt like she really did see him as her girl friend.

"Well Joyce, I'll have to tell him I'm not interested."

"Dave doesn't take no for an answer. I'll tell you one thing, he has a bright red Mustang, and he cruises around in it on the weekends. Just make sure that if you're dressed as Pamela, he doesn't see you."

"I will." They stood together watching the other kids arrive. Then Joyce said, "Pamela, I really want you to eat my pussy again some time. It felt real good."

"OK Joyce. I guess I can do it." Blake had no idea when or where.

"I'll let you know when. Maybe in the girls' bathroom during sixth period. I hate French class."

Blake was shocked. He would have to get a pass to leave class at the same time as her and rendezvous in the girls' bathroom. It was very risky if the teachers caught him. "But Joyce, it would be so rushed and dangerous."

"Don't worry, I come real fast, and we'll be in a locked stall. No one can see you. I'll slip you a note at the beginning of the class."

With that Joyce winked and walked away. Blake felt relieved that Joyce now saw him as a friend and wouldn't give away his secret, but he was terrified about what she had planned for him later that day. And what if she insisted he do it all the time? Things were still not turning out like he hoped they would.


At lunch time, the boys in his class stopped Blake before he could meet up with the girls. They were anxious to find out what it was that was going on between him and the eighth grade girls.

"C'mon Blake, my buddy," Clifford said, "you got to tell us your secret. Yesterday all the fucking girls were flocked around you. I mean not even just Karen and Amy but all the fucking girls. What the hell do you do for them?"

"Like I told you before, Clifford, it's just that they like me cause I talk to them with respect."

"Bullshit, Blake, it's got to be more than that. You look like you spent last night fucking every one of them. Is that it? You have some sort of incredible prick?"

Roy said, "yeah Blake, I bet you got a magic wand for a prick that gets the girls hot."

One of the other boys said, "make him show us his rod."

Quick as lightening, Roy grabbed Blake's wrists and pinned them behind his back. Several of the boys started to go after his belt buckle to open it. Blake kicked and thrashed around trying to stop them. He was frantic that they would find his girdle and stockings. In desperation he called out for help. This made Roy and Clifford angrier and they redoubled their efforts to pin him down so they could inspect his cock.

Just when it seemed they had him, Clifford yelled out in pain and let go. Looking up, Blake saw that Joyce had grabbed him by the hair and was pulling him back. In another second, Amy, Karen and Penny showed up pushing the other boys away from Blake. Once freed Blake jumped up from the ground and dusted himself off. It was a miracle that the girls rescued him just a second before his girdle would have been exposed to everyone. Still shaking, Blake allowed the girls to lead him off away from the boys over to their usual spot. He could hear much shouting and arguing as a large group of girls formed to tell the boys to leave Blake alone.

Blake sat down and caught his breath as Joyce and the club members made sure he was OK.

Blake said, "I can't thank you enough. Especially you Joyce, you saved my life."

"Hey Pamela, it was the least I could do for my special friend."

The Girls-Only Club members were happy to see that Joyce had accepted Blake as her friend. In particular, they noticed that she called him Pamela.

After a few minutes, Joyce excused herself saying to Blake, "I'll see you later."

When she was gone, Amy asked him, "what did she mean by that Pam? It's so neat that you've made a new friend. So it looks like everything went OK last night. We were really worried about you."

Blake didn't know where to begin telling the girls about what had really happened between him and Joyce. "Oh Amy, it was terrible last night! And I'm sure you're going to hate me when I tell you what happened. And I guess Joyce is my friend now, sort of, but I really think I have become her playmate more than anything. She wants to be my friend cause she wants me to meet her in the girls bathroom so I can do some stuff for her."

Shocked, the girls asked him, "what do you mean?"

"Last night I had to get four boys to come and when that was done then Joyce made me lick on her vagina and then her two friends made me do the same for them. I was so tired and hurting but they were very rough with me. They had a dog collar and a leash and a whip and, oh it was so horrible!" Blake was crying now from the release of emotion.

The girls looked at each other in disbelief. Tears were forming in their eyes also, until Penny and Kathy couldn't hold them back any longer and they cried also and then finally Amy, Karen and Janet cried. They had a good long cry, until finally Blake got a hold of himself and said, "thank you all for being here for me. Just to know that you care for me, is more important than anything that Joyce did to me."

When she had collected herself, Penny asked, "who were the boys?"

"They were football players for Madison high. Big giant guys, they were linemen or something I guess. Three of them were kind of innocent I guess, I mean I made them nervous cause they thought I was so pretty." The girls laughed at that thought. "But the fourth guy, his name was Dave, had an absolutely giant penis. Like he was Paul Bunyan or something. I mean it was unreal. And there is something about him that scares me. I lied that I was having my period, but I think if he ever sees me again he'll force me to have sex with him. I think he would rape me. Anyway, I guess I made him come pretty well. When his member got hard it was like a baseball bat, I had to suck just on the end of it a little bit and then hold it with both hands. He made it come all over me."

"Gosh, first Mr. Morris, now Dave and these other boys, it must just be some kind of bad luck," Janet added. "You're going to get such a wrong impression about being a girl!"

"Oh no Janet," Blake said, "I understand. It's just as long as I'm afraid for my mom and dad to find out, I'm vulnerable. I really am happy I'm a girl now and I never want to go back. And I think that soon I'll get the courage to tell at least my mom. At breakfast today, I was thinking I ought to tell her. But I got scared and couldn't."

"So what are you going to do about Joyce in sixth period?" Kathy asked.

"I guess I have to do what she wants."

"Pamela, I don't think you should!" Amy said.

"Yes, Pam, I agree with Amy," Karen said.

"But you and Amy are stronger than me and if I don't meet her I'm sure she'll get mad at me and probably hurt me. I don't think she would tell my mom and dad anything, cause she does sort of really want me to be her girl friend and lover. I mean I think now she sort of sees me as her little girl friend who has to do what she wants. It's kind of eerie like I'm her sex slave or something. She saved me from the boys I think because she sees me as her property and they were hurting me. But last night with her friends helping her, I was just a sexual object to them. They were whipping me and choking me, so I had to do what they wanted." The memory was making Blake cry again so he stopped talking.

"Look, if Joyce tries to hurt you we'll protect you."

"Yes. When sixth period comes, you really have to stand up to her at all costs!"


Ten minutes into sixth period, Joyce received permission from the teacher to go to the bathroom. She signaled to Blake as she was leaving the room that he should remember to do what she had written in a note to him: exactly two minutes after she left, he was to be excused and join her in the girls' restroom. She had given no indication as to what he should do if there was someone in the hall who could see him enter it, or even worse, if he ran into a girl other than Joyce in the bathroom. He supposed that Joyce was not smart enough to think about these things.

He counted silently to himself, two minutes and then raised his hand to get the teacher's attention. He could see Amy frowning at him and he was torn between fear of Joyce and losing the respect of the Girls-Only Club members. Just when he had decided to lower his hand and not go, the teacher called on him to find out what he wanted. Caught off guard he asked to be excused and the teacher gave him permission. He saw see Amy roll her eyes sarcastically, and as Blake walked past her desk, he whispered to her, "I won't do it!" and Amy smiled back and gave him a thumbs up sign.

Blake stepped out into the hall and walked toward the boys' room which was adjacent to the girls' room. Just as he got there, Joyce came out of the girls' bathroom and signaled for him to follow her. She had such a determined look in her eye that he lost courage and followed obediently behind her into the girls' bathroom. Luckily it was deserted and she led him into a stall and locked the door behind them.

"Now my little cutie, you're going to do for me what you did last night! First I've got to pee." It was awkward with the two of them in the small space and they had to hold each other tight for Joyce to maneuver around Blake to where she pulled down her jeans and panties and sat on the seat to pee. She let out a stream and then cleaned herself off with toilet paper. Blake stood next to her trembling while she did this. He tried to tell himself to leave but couldn't do it. He looked so terrified that Joyce said, "calm down, Pammy, this is fun, isn't it?"

"I'm scared Joyce. What if somebody comes in?"

"Don't worry about it, they won't look under the door. Take off your jeans and shirt; I like it when you look like a girl. OK?"

Blake was afraid to protest, so he stripped down to just his bra, girdle and stockings. "I'm going to lean back on the seat and put my legs up in the air while you get down on your knees in front of me and I'll put my legs over your head. Blake did as he was told and found himself with his head trapped between her thighs with her pussy inches from his face. He could see past her vagina to the toilet bowl. To get balance he held onto to the sides of the bowl with his hands. Joyce said, "c'mon princess, give it a good licking, like last night." Blake inched his face down towards the vagina and Joyce spread her legs apart wider so he could get in better. As he got in closer his head was just inches from the toilet bowl and he could see her urine in the water and could smell its faint odor.

His mind reeled with revulsion at what he was doing. This was going too far. He knew that he couldn't allow himself to be treated so abjectly. Joyce grabbed his head and pushed it down the final few inches. His jaw was practically touching the rim of the toilet, and her vagina was an inch away from his mouth. He stuck out his tongue ready to lick it as Joyce forced his head hard up into it. As his tongue ran across the pussy his arms slipped and he fell forward completely into it.

Something snapped within him and he jerked back in a frenzy trying to free his head from between her legs. Although she was stronger than him and held him tightly, he managed to get his head out and struggled up to his feet. He cried hysterically, "I can't I can't I can't. I can't do it Joyce. I'm sorry, I just can't do it, I'm not that kind of person. I just can't do that. I'm sorry, don't beat me up and don't be mad at me. I just can't do it." He was shaking so hard and crying so hard that Joyce was taken completely by surprise. He faced away from her covering his head and pressed it into a corner of the stall. Joyce stood up, pulled up her panties and jeans and said, "it's OK, Pamela. All you had to say was you didn't want to do it. I won't force you."

Through his crying Blake said, "you really mean that Joyce. You're not mad, you won't hurt me?"

"C'mon Pamela, you're my friend now. I don't hurt friends. I thought you'd really like to eat me out. Last night you seemed to really like doing it."

Blake couldn't imagine that Joyce and he were on the same planet last night. She must be incredibly dense he thought. Sort of a female counterpart to the football players.

"We better get back to class," Joyce said. "Put your clothes back on and wash your eyes in the sink."

Joyce opened the stall and stepped out at the exact same moment as the door to the bathroom opened. Blake, standing there in his bra and girdle looked up in shock to see Mrs. Gardner, the school assistant principal. The shock on her face rivaled that of Blake's.

"What in tarnation is going on here? I heard a commotion from the hallway." Looking back between Joyce and Blake, Mrs. Gardner said, "Blake, what are you doing in the girls' bathroom. And why in heaven's name are you wearing girls' underclothes? Joyce what is going on here? Why is he in here with you dressed like that?"

Joyce who didn't appear to be fazed by the presence of the assistant principal said, "I was just going to the bathroom, Ms. Gardner and Blake was just showing me his new clothes."

Frowning at Joyce, Ms. Gardner said, "Joyce go back to your classroom. Tell your teacher that I asked Blake to come with me. Blake, put on your pants and shirt."

Joyce left the room and Ms. Gardner watched as Blake put his clothes back on. "In all my years...." she said to herself. Blake shook like a leaf. He had never been so frightened in his life as he was now. Getting caught in the girls' bathroom was probably cause for expulsion. What could he say to his parents? What was to happen to his career? His chance to go to college and what about the harassment he would surely get once the other boys found out?

Blake dressed and followed Ms. Gardner to the school office where the school secretaries smiled at him as he passed. Blake was an honors student and they knew him well. Blake half-heartedly smiled back and was relieved that Ms. Gardner quickly led him into her private office, where she shut the door behind them and told him to have a seat.

She paced back and forth for a minute deep in thought and then said, "explain yourself Blake."

"Ms. Gardner, I won't lie to you. I wear girl's clothes as much as I can. I'm sure I'm really a girl." Her face was impassive. Blake had never before been in a position to sit across from her this close, and he saw that she was about his mother's age, maybe a little older. She was wearing a gray suit with a skirt and jacket, a white blouse and a scarf around her neck.

"We'll deal with that later, but what were you doing in the girls' bathroom and why were you there with Joyce of all people?"

"Joyce told me to meet her there. I mean she's become my friend and she wanted to meet me there, and I guess I didn't want to do it, but I'm kind of afraid of her, afraid to say no to her. She's one of the really tough girls, you know and I thought it best to go. But then when I was in there, I got so scared and I was sure it was wrong, so I then told her I had to leave. That's when you came in. I mean you must have heard me telling her I had to leave. I guess I had gotten kind of hysterical, cause I was afraid she would hurt me."

"Blake. why did Joyce want you in the bathroom. It looks to me like you were both in the stall together, and you were undressed!"

"Joyce sort of likes me sexually, Ms. Gardner. Am I going to be expelled from school?" Tears formed in his eyes and he began to cry.

Ms. Gardner reached in her purse and took out a lace hanky and passed it to Blake. "Here, wipe your eyes Blake. I'm not going to expel you from school, but I must have some answers to my questions. Of all the students in the school I think you're the last one that I could imagine this happening to. What did you mean by saying that Joyce "likes me sexually?" I know Joyce quite well since she's been here many times for misbehaving, and the faculty have long been concerned about her promiscuity. But this is the first time she's dragged one of our best students down to her level."

"Please don't tell anyone else, but last night she made me have sex with four guys, I mean I had to lick on them until they came. Then she made me suck on her and two other younger girls who I never saw before. Then today, she tells me that I'm now her good friend and she wanted me to lick on her again in the bathroom. But something snapped in me Ms. Gardner and I knew that I couldn't do it. I knew that no self respecting girl would let herself be coerced like that, and I decided to put my foot down and refuse. I was so sure she would hit me that I got hysterical but I knew I had to stop it. Ms. Gardner, from now on I'm never going to let anyone take sexual advantage of me again. And to be honest I realize that I am partly to blame about what happened with last night, since I should have just said NO!"

His long speech was said with such sincerity that Ms. Gardner felt moved by it. The passion of the young boy in front of her touched her heart and she said gently, "yes you should have refused, and if you're having a problem with another student, particularly if you're afraid of being hurt by them, you have to tell a teacher about it."

"I know you're right Ms. Gardner, but Joyce knew all about my dressing up like a girl and that kind of made me afraid to defy her. She could easily tell the guys about me."

"So the point is you should not be coming to school wearing a bra and girdle and stockings. Then you'd never have had any trouble at all."

There was silence as Blake thought about how to answer that. "Part of me thinks you're right Ms. Gardner, but an even bigger part of me needs for me to dress like a girl. If I don't wear a bra, I feel undressed, and I don't feel complete unless I have some pretty lacy panties or girdle on."

Ms. Gardner smiled and said, "let me take another look at your clothes."

"What, Ms. Gardner?"

"Take off your pants and shirt again so I can get a better look at you. I've never met a boy like you before. Young boys are almost always anxious to grow up and be men. They show off their strength and athletic prowess and now here you are, just as determined to be a girl. "

Blake did as he was told and stood shyly in front of Ms. Gardner wearing his bra, girdle and stockings. Ms. Gardner looked him over carefully. "Come closer," she said and Blake stood next to her chair. She gently touched his bra cup as if trying to determine if he had any bosom or not. She let her hand drop down until it touched the lace on his girdle, and then she ran it over the garters holding up his stockings. She seemed deep in thought and said to herself, "very interesting, to see the girls underwear go across your skin like it belongs there. I really wonder what I should do?"

She buzzed the front office intercom and said, "Marsha, could you and the other secretaries come in here for a second."

A moment later the door opened and the ladies joined Ms. Gardner in the office. The shock of seeing Blake dressed in girls' underwear caused them to laugh. "What's going on Principal Gardner? Why did you dress Blake in a bra and girdle?" Marsha asked incredulously.

"No, no, Marsha, I found Blake in the girls' restroom like this." She explained the story to the women and said, "I asked you in here to help me. What should we do? Do we have to call up Blake's parents?"

"No, no, oh, no!" Blake cried out, "I'm thinking of telling my mom soon, but I just can't do it yet." Tears flowed from his eyes and he buried his face in his arm.

It upset the women to see Blake cry, and they did their best to calm him down. They talked among themselves hoping to come up with an answer as to what to do. The bell announcing the end of class rang and a minute later there was a knock on the door. Marsha opened it a crack to see who was there and said, "hi Amy."

Blake and the women heard Amy say, "we're looking for Pamela, I mean Blake. Joyce said he was here. Is there anything the matter?"

Ms. Gardner walked to the door and said, "don't worry Amy, oh, and Janet, Penny, Kathy and Karen. Blake is fine. Why are you so concerned?"

Realizing that the club members had come for him, Blake ran to them and said, "I'm so glad you're here. Ms. Gardner caught me with Joyce. But it's because I refused to do what she wanted."

"You know each other I see," Ms. Gardener said. "Come on in girls, maybe you can help us out here."

Blake was comforted by having his friends with him. They gathered around him and faced the four older women. "Why are you girls so involved with Blake?"

Karen spoke up, "Principal Gardner, Blake, who is really Pamela now, is a member of our Girls-Only Club. We had known that Joyce was going to force him to go to the bathroom with her. Then, when only she came back to class and told our teacher that Pamela was coming here, we were concerned that something had happened to her."

The women found it amusing that Karen referred to Blake as a girl, and Ms. Gardner said, "you mean to say that you call him Pamela?"

"Yes, we do."

"Like I was saying Ms. Gardner, I'm a girl now. I so very much want to be a girl just like the others. I know I don't think like a boy at all."

Ms. Gardner said, "OK, OK honey you made that point very well. But you must understand this is a hard situation for a school to deal with. We have rules and regulations, yet I doubt if there is any precedent as to what to do in this case. I'm not sure what needs to be done."

Marsha spoke up, "Ms. Gardner, Blake or Pamela, doesn't have a "you know what" down there. So how can "he" or "she" be a she according to the school system?"

"A good point," Ms. Gardner said. She reached her hand up inside Blake's girdle from the bottom until she encountered his panties. "He's wearing panties!" she exclaimed. She snuck her hand around in Blake's panties until she found his penis. She gently grasped it in her fingers and while using her other hand to stretch back the lower part of Blake's girdle, pulled the penis out. "Look at this thing!" Ms. Gardner said. While she talked she grabbed it and pulled it and slid her hand over it.

"My oh my, it's a boy's penis," Marsha said and the other secretaries chuckled. Marsha grabbed the end of the penis while Ms. Gardner had her fingers around the base. The excitement and stress of the afternoon was too much for Blake. In a sudden, uncontrollable shudder his penis stretched out and ejaculated.

Ms. Gardner and Marsha fell into a fit of laughter, while Blake and the girls ran for tissues to mop of the cum, which had scattered over the carpet and top of the desk. Getting control of herself, Ms. Gardner said, "I'm sorry Blake, I know I shouldn't have laughed, but this is the silliest thing I think I've ever seen. Now we have to make some decisions about you and your status in the school."

"Ms. Gardner, I know that my clitoris is like a boy's penis; I can't tell you how much I hate it, and I am thinking that I'll have surgery to remove it someday."

"Blake," Ms. Gardner said, "we don't want you to hate yourself!"

"I don't hate myself, I mean as Pamela, I don't. It's just that, one day I want to have babies. I've thought a lot about it lately, and I'm sure that that is what I really want in my life. Of course, I can't ever have a baby but I think if I met the right woman, I could have a baby with her and then I could be the mother. After that, I could have the operation. You see what I'm saying."

"But what about your career Blake? You're one of our most gifted science students."

"I'm still interested in science, and I would continue to pursue it, but I wouldn't feel like my life is complete unless I could be a mother."

Marsha spoke up, "I think you'd make a fine mother, Pamela."

"Thank you for saying that."

"We're getting off track," Ms. Gardner said, "the problem for us now is how are you going to be dressing in school. I suppose as long as you want to wear women's underwear out of sight of the other students, we have no right to prohibit it. The real question is, what are we to do if it becomes common knowledge that you're doing it? Of course, if you decide to come to school dressed like a girl, that would be a whole different problem, wouldn't it?"

"But Ms. Gardner," Amy said, "all the girls in the school know Blake's secret.

"That's true," Janet added.

"Let me rephrase the question. What happens if the boys find out? In that case, it will be impossible to protect Blake."

"I don't see why that is so," Penny said. "Right now, none of the boys would ever attack one of the girls, and if they found out that Blake was a girl, then they would leave him alone also. I guess there would be a brief time of adjustment, but if we worked together, I mean all the girls in the school, then I'm sure it could be worked out."

The bell for the next class rang and Ms. Gardner said, "you're late for class now, I'll have to write you excuses. I must say I'm impressed at how much you care about Blake or Pamela. He/she is very lucky to have friends like you."

"I sure am Ms. Gardner. I promise I'll never go in the girls bathroom again as Blake. And I also promise that if there's any way I can figure out how to become Pamela all the time I'll do it. I can't thank you enough, you and Marsha and the other ladies for being so understanding. You all are so lucky to be women and I want so much to be a woman just like you."


The next day, Wednesday, was a meeting of the Girls-Only Club, followed by a wedding rehearsal at the church and then a dinner at a nearby restaurant. Upon arriving at Kathy's house, Blake changed into his yellow dress, put on his makeup, breasts and wig. He felt alive and pretty after the last detail of his dressing up was done. The dress had a high collar ending just below his throat. Being zipped into it up his back and with its matching belt snugly tightened around his waist gave him as nice a figure as he could hope to have. His bosom pushed out with womanly grace against thin vertical pleats decorating the chest area. "I look a little like Donna Reed," he thought to himself and smiled inwardly. He casually walked into Kathy's room to join the other girls; there was no longer a need for exclamations of delight and approval, he was one of them now, and their appreciation and admiration for how pretty he was, was exchanged in subtle smiles and knowing glances.

When Penny saw Blake she said, "Pamela, you should put on a slip! I can see the outline of your legs through your skirt!"

"I didn't realize it," Blake exclaimed and saw what she meant. When he smoothed the yellow cotton fabric of the dress against his sides the shadow of his legs was visible. He fetched a white half slip from among his clothes, stepped into it carefully so as not to catch the waist band on the long pointy heels of his shoes, and lifted it up into place underneath his dress. Looking in the mirror he saw that the slip had the desired affect of hiding his legs. "Just when I thought I knew everything, there are still things I don't know," he scolded himself. "I've got to concentrate on being the perfect girl!"

Blake rejoined the club members, and they decided to cancel their meeting since they were too excited about greeting the members of the wedding party as they arrived. The six club members gathered downstairs to await the guests. Brad was already there, whom Blake had never met before. In person, he was even sexier than his photo and the girls gathered around him to wish him their best. He greeted Blake, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "So you're the famous Pamela I've been hearing so much about," he said, causing Blake to blush.

"I'm pleased to meet you too," Blake said, "and I'm so excited about getting to be a bridesmaid. I can't thank you and Beth for letting me."

"The pleasure's all ours, especially to have such a beautiful girl lighting up the podium and more so if you have a smile like that one on the wedding day!" Blake's smile grew even wider if that were possible.

The doorbell rang and six classmates of Brad who would escort the girls down the aisle entered. After introductions were made, the assembled group was joined by Mrs. O'Connor and Beth, who set about deciding who would be paired with whom for the wedding march. Since Amy and Blake were the tallest they were matched with the tallest of the men. Blake's partner was to be Juergen, who, at six feet was more than half a foot taller than Blake. "Will you dance with me at the party?" he asked Blake.

"Of course Juergen, I want to dance with everybody!" Blake said smiling up at him.

"And a slow dance, too?"

"Yes, indeed!" Blake added, flattered by Juergen's interest in him. Juergen, was several years older and gorgeously handsome which made Blake nervous even though he tried hard to relax. It was difficult to believe that Juergen would even notice a girl as young as Blake, particularly if he had sex on his mind. But Blake would definitely not let himself be taken advantage of ever again! On the other hand, Juergen was nicer looking than Clifford or Dave. If Juergen held him tightly in a slow dance he knew he would melt and wouldn't be able to resist petting with him. No doubt Juergen would have a hand going up his dress in the dark, or would reach inside his dress to sneak inside his bra. He imagined himself saying, "I'm ashamed of you Juergen! We hardly know each other. You'll have to wait until I know that you're really serious about me!"

Blake's thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of some more members of the wedding party, including Kathy's aunt who came with her daughter Rachel and son-in-law. Rachel had her six-month old twin babies with her, a boy and a girl. The Girls-Only Club members were excited about the babies and Blake, in particular, found them to be adorable. Rachel was resplendent with pride at her two lovely children and Blake felt both great joy but also deep envy. He would love to have his own babies to show off.

With time to kill before the rehearsal, the girls retreated with Rachel and the babies up to Kathy's bedroom, leaving the men behind. The babies began to cry and Rachel said that it was time to feed them. In the privacy of Kathy's room she unbuttoned her blouse revealing her large white nursing bra. She undid the snaps holding the bra cups and, with the help of Kathy and Karen, positioned the babies across her lap for feeding. The babies eagerly suckled on Rachel's engorged breasts.

Blake was sitting across from her and watched with wide-eyed fascination. His jealousy gnawed at him and he even felt a slight sympathetic tingling in his own nipples. How he would love to be nursing a baby. He found himself sweating with confusion and self-pity. In spite of his frustration, he loved watching the babies tiny hands gently grab the sides of their mother's breasts and to hear the soft sucking sounds and Rachel's contented smile as the pent up tension in her breasts was relieved.

Blake sat back on the sofa and straightened his dress and folded his hands in his lap. The difference in size between his own breasts and Rachel's was enormous. Just when he thought he was becoming a girl, he had a terrible feeling of inadequacy next to her. He fought the temptation to feel sorry for himself. "I'm very feminine," he thought, "and in some ways more feminine than Rachel. For example, he could see that his bra was sexier than hers, and so too his panties. He also noted that he was wearing high heels and Rachel wasn't and his nails were polished and hers weren't.

While lost in these thoughts, Rachel finished feeding the girl baby and asked "who would like to burp her until I finish feeding the boy?" Though too shy and nervous to say anything, Blake's face signaled how eager he was to take on the job, and Karen spoke up for him, "let Pamela have the honors, she probably has never done it before."

"Can I?" Blake said excitedly.

"Sure. You've got to get some practice in before you get one of your own!"

Though the comment hurt, Blake said, "so true, Rachel. I can't wait to have my own baby one day!" Blake gingerly reached out to take the baby from Rachel. He supported her carefully under her arms and back and went back to his seat. Karen helped him position the baby across his chest with its head against his shoulder so he could burp her. He gently patted the baby until she let out a loud burp, which startled Blake and made everyone laugh.

"A satisfied customer!" Blake said smiling. After a few more moments of burping, he adjusted the baby to lie in his cradled arms against his breasts. As he looked down at it, his hair fell over the baby's face and he brushed it aside.

"Sing her a lullaby," Rachel said, and Blake complied. He was so choked up with maternal feeling that he could barely sing. "Pamela's going to make a wonderful mother some day," Rachel said. Moments later the little girl was asleep.

When the boy was done feeding Rachel burped him. Unlike his sister, he was not sleepy and he eagerly enjoyed being passed from girl to girl as they took turns holding him. While they were thus admiring the child, Mrs. O'Connor came in to tell Rachel and the others to come down stairs to meet Brad's parents who had arrived. Seeing Blake with the baby she said, "what an absolute picture postcard of domestic tranquility!"

"Mom, don't you agree that Pam would make the perfect mother" Kathy added.

"I do, I was thinking the same thing."

"Kathy, don't tease me!" Blake said laughing. He felt so content holding the baby, he wished the moment would never end. "Rachel, I'll be happy to stay here with the baby so she doesn't wake up."

"Would you Pamela? That would be great! You're sure you don't mind?"

"I'm loving every second of it. Really, please let me just stay here. It'll give her a chance to rest so she'll be better during the rehearsal."

"OK. If she wakes up and is cranky, give her something to suck. Between you and me just give her your nipple if you want. She won't realize it's not mine! If she's still crying, check to see if she's wet!"

Blake nodded his agreement and the rest of the group left to go downstairs to join the festivities. Kathy was the last one out and she closed the door part way, turned off all except one lamp and wished Blake good luck with the baby. Blake sat in the semi-dark with his skirt spread out on the sofa around him and the little baby sleeping in his lap with its head resting on his arm. It was quiet enough to hear the breaths of the baby and an occasional sound from the crowd downstairs.

Blake imagined what would happen if his dad walked into the room and saw him. Maybe he would first see his son wearing high heels and stockings. Then looking higher, the hem of his skirt spread out over the edge of the sofa and then the little baby sleeping in his lap. Certainly his chest would appear girlish and his thin arms and the delicate pink polish on the ends of his fingers. Looking up he might have some trouble recognizing his son, since his face was made up with lipstick, mascara and rouge and the long perfectly brushed hair. His dad would say, "is that you Blake?" and Blake would say, "yes dad, except now my name is Pamela and I'm your daughter. Are you mad at me?"

"No, Pamela, just a little surprised, But I do see you as Pamela and I love you just the same. In fact, I admire your courage and I'm happy that you found yourself."

Blake's reverie was abruptly interrupted by the baby crying. He attempted various ways of comforting her to no avail. In exasperation he decided to follow Rachel's suggestion that he pretend to nurse her. Reaching behind his neck he unzipped his dress, pulling the zipper down to his waist. He slipped out of the top of the yellow dress, pulled the left strap of his bra down over his shoulder and pulled the bra cup away exposing his breast. Gently he maneuvered the baby so that her mouth covered the nipple. She immediately latched onto it with her mouth and steadily suckled.

Blake was afraid that she would complain about there being no milk, but she seemed to be quite happy the ways things were. Her pressure on the nipple was gentle and Blake felt a small pleasurable feeling in his real nipple through the breast form. Over time, the feeling grew in intensity and he began feeling an overwhelming love for the baby. "So this must be how mothers bond to their children," he thought.

That he could feel this emotion so intensely made him wonder how he could have ever thought of himself as a boy. He steered his thoughts back to his dad. Then he thought how much he wanted to share this experience with his mom and Janice. He would definitely tell Janice about it and one day soon he hoped he would be able to tell his mom.


End Part IV
To Be Continued...

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