Wife and Mother

Wife and Mother

by Pamela

([email protected])

Wanda invited me to be her date at the upscale charity banquet that her company sent her to. I wore my finest suit and did my best to be sociable. After we arrived Wanda found two of her colleagues, Stu with his wife Sara, and Drew with his wife Clara and we stood with them in a circle chatting. The two couples were dressed to the nines. I wished that my suit was as nice as those of Stu and Drew but it was the best that I owned. Stu suggested that we get drinks, and he and Drew asked their wives what they wanted. They chose champagne. Before I could ask Wanda what she wanted to drink she asked me and I said, “Make mine champagne also.” The two men and Wanda headed off to the bar leaving me and the two wives to get acquainted. Clara and Sara seemed to know each other and they asked me how long I’d been going with Wanda. “Six months now,” I said. They told me that Wanda was one of the young stars of the company. Their husbands have been very impressed with her skill and knowledge and think she’s really going to go places. I thanked them for telling me. This was a side of Wanda I didn't know too much about. The conversation then drifted to talking about how nice everyone was dressed for the charity ball and the women complimented each other on their dresses and I said that I agreed that their dresses were very attractive.

Wanda and the men reappeared with drinks and Wanda handed me a champagne flute. I noticed that she and the two men were drinking Scotch. Drew glanced at me holding the champagne and I felt a little bit embarrassed. I should definitely have asked for a more manly drink. Wanda and the men began a conversation which seemed to have something to do with economic trends and the geopolitics of Asia. I couldn’t follow most of what they were saying but figured I should make a remark to show them that I’m part of the discussion. When I finally did say something, no one responded to my comment. It was as if I was talking to myself.

Let’s stop right here. I have a Ph. D. in chemistry. I’m not a dummy. I have a good job at a lab doing research. I can handle my own in a discussion of chemistry and many other topics. Thus you can surely imagine my frustration in their dismissive attitude towards me.

A minute later Stu and Wanda laughed at something Drew said, but I didn’t understand what was funny. I found it harder and harder to pay attention to Wanda and the men and I glanced around at the people having cocktails. Sara leaned into me and said, “They can go on like this for hours. It’s so boring. Welcome to the wives club. Well, in your case the spouse club, but you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, it seems like they just go on and on about something. I have no idea what they’re talking about.”

“Tell me about it. If you and Wanda stay together you’ll find that there will be many such occasions where they bring us along, but we’re just decoration. We’ve learned to ignore their highfalutin discussions and have our own, much more interesting conversations.”

“That’s a relief,” I said.

“By the way, I’m Sara and this is Clara.”

“I’m Greg.”

“We both have one-year old babies. They’re home with their sitters. We’re trying to wind down our breastfeeding.”

“Really?” I said. I’ve always liked breasts and I can see that having a discussion about them would probably be pretty interesting. I asked the ladies a few questions about breastfeeding and before I knew it, we were having quite a nice time chatting about milk flow, and the ways that babies suckle. I learned about nursing bras and what it feels like emotionally and physically to go back to regular bras. I was quite interested in hearing about the many changes breasts go through in terms of shape and size and function throughout pregnancy and in the year after birth.

"I've got my breast pumps with me in my handbag," Clara said. "I'll have to pump some milk during the dinner."

"That's really neat," I said. "Will you be doing it at the table?"

She laughed, and said, "In the restroom."

"I've never seen a breast bump work," I said.

"You're welcome to watch," Clara said.

“Wow,” I said, “that is so kind of you, but obviously I can’t go in the ladies restroom.”

“Sure you can. I’ll be pumping as soon as the speeches start. The restroom will be empty. You can get up and sneak in and watch. It’ll be fun. A bit naughty but you seem to have a genuine interest in breasts and their use.”

“I do, I do, I do,” I said, perhaps a bit too jolly.

Clara and Sara smiled at me. Sara said, “It's exciting the first time you see a breast pump in action. Once you’ve been doing it for a year, it’s not so glamorous.”

“There’s a lot I don’t know about being a mother, that’s for sure!”

Our conversation went on to talk about whether or not Sara and Clara intended to have more children in the future. I was intrigued with their stories about how they trimmed their bodies back to their pre-birth size. They told me about what kind of new foundation garments they had to buy to help them with their changed bodies. When we sat down at our assigned table for the dinner, Wanda asked me if I would mind if I switched places with Stu so that she could chat with he and Drew during dinner. Her question caught me by surprise and I said that it was fine. Thus I ended up sitting between Clara and Sara.

I was a bit miffed at this turn of events since I had barely seen Wanda at the charity ball and I had been expecting that we would be together. However, during the dinner I snuck glances at Wanda and saw how very intelligent she was. I felt proud to be her date for the evening.. She talked frequently and the men listened carefully to what she said. Once I got over my surprise at being seated with Clara and Sara, I realized that I very much enjoyed being with them. The neglect of our spouses had created a degree of camaraderie between us. Clara and Sara asked me if I wanted children and what kind of father I would be. The one joke I made, if you can call it a joke, was to suggest that if Wanda and I married, it was pretty obvious that I was going to end up being the stay-at-home mom. Wanda was way too ambitious for that role. My new lady friends thought that was pretty funny, but only because it was probably true.

As soon as the banquet hall was called to attention so that some speeches could be made, Clara got up and headed to the rest room. Five minutes later I got up and quietly snuck off following her. When I got to the vicinity of the ladies room, there was no one around and I entered it. I discovered that there was an outer parlor with stuffed chairs and Clara was sitting in one with breast pumps attached to each of her nipples. The device was plugged into a wall socket and there was a rhythmic sound of the pumps working and some milk had already collected in the bottles attached to the pumps. “Oh my God, Clara, this is so amazing,” I said.

“Isn’t it? I just have to sit here like a cow in a dairy barn and get milked. Before I got these pumps I’d have to be pushing in on my breasts again and again. It’s hard work.”

“Did Drew help you?”

“I wish. At the beginning he did a little bit of pumping but he never got the hang of it.”

“That’s too bad. I think if my wife needed me to pump her breasts I’d rise to the occasion.”

“How sweet of you Greg. Actually, if you want to see what it’s like to pump milk I’ll let you.”

“Oh my God. You can’t be serious?”

“I’ll just unhook the pump on one tit and give you instructions. We’ll collect the milk in the bottle.”


I watched as Clara unhitched the pump on her left breast and got the bottle ready to collect milk. “First thing, I sit up straight so gravity helps the process. Secondly, a little massage of my breast helps the milk to flow.”

After a pause waiting for me, Clara said, “Go ahead. Massage my breast a little.”

I gingerly reached out my hand and gently rubbed her breast in little circular motions. Her breast was warm and kind of hard with the milk that was in it. “That’s very good, Greg. Now form your thumb and forefinger into a C shape and place it over my nipple about an inch away from the center. Then press into the breast and then very gently compress your fingers and then release. Try that.”

I put my hand around her aureole as she had told me to do and then pushed into her breast. Her hand gently guided my fingers to compress her breast and lo and behold some milk squirted from her nipple into the bottle. I was beyond excited and delighted and Clara said I was a natural. Then I continued to follow her instructions to press, compress and release and another squirt of milk came out. At that moment, the door to the bathroom opened and Sara came in.

“What a pretty picture this is!” she said.

“I’ve taught Greg how to milk me,” Clara said. “Drew was such a clod he couldn’t or wouldn’t figure out how to do it, but Greg is an absolute natural at it. He’s tender and obeys instructions. See how well my milk is flowing. I think he’s even doing a better job than the breast pump.”

“Oh, wow,” Sara said. “I need to be milked also, I’ve brought my bottles, though I don’t have my breast pumps with me.”

“I’m happy to help you,” I said, “as long as Clara doesn’t mind.”

“Go ahead and milk Sara. I can reattach my pump.”

Sara opened up her blouse and I saw she was wearing a white nursing bra. She undid the flaps and exposed her large milk-laden breasts. “Let’s see if you can get me flowing.”

Sara sat up straight and I gently began massaging her two breasts by making circular motions over the surface around her aureoles. “That feels good. I can already feel the milk wanting to let down.”

While Sara held up the bottles, I formed a C shape with my fingers in both hands and simultaneously pressed them on each of her breasts, then gently compressed the breasts and released. After just a few cycles milk started coming out of both of her breasts and Sara said, “Oh, my goodness Greg, you’re so good at this!”

I laughed and said, “I’m glad I have talent for something!”

“Wanda will be so lucky if the two of you get married and have children!” Clara said.

“Yeah,” I said. “I really like Wanda, but you see how she treats me. I tried to get into her conversation with Stu and Drew and she just ignored me.”

“Welcome to the club,” Clara said. “I’ve suffered this with Drew for as long as we’ve been married. I don’t know if he thinks I’m dumb or just that I couldn’t possibly know anything about economics but he always ignores me at these affairs with his colleagues. If I complain about it, he tells me how madly he loves me and then one thing leads to another and he’s licking my pussy and being sweet and then boning me to a great orgasm. He leaves me so sexually fulfilled I can’t keep up my resolve to make him take my mind more seriously.”

“It’s the same way with Stu,” Sara said. “I read a lot. I was smart in college. But he never encourages me to be involved in an intellectual discussion. I had gotten to the point of thinking that it’s just a sick thing about men, when now I see that Wanda does the same thing to you. Some people are just too self-absorbed to realize that they hurt the ones they love.”


On the way home from the fete I said to Wanda, “I liked meeting the wives of your colleagues, but don’t you think that I should also participate in your conversations with Drew and Stu?”

“Our conversation is pretty high-powered, Greg. It’s about topics that you’re not familiar with.”

“But don’t you think it would be a courteous thing to do, instead of ignoring me, Clara and Sara?”

“Do you, Clara and Sara think that you have something intelligent to add to our discussion?”

“I don’t know. We never get a chance to find out.”

“Well look, Greg. Anytime that you, Clara, and Sara are sure that you have something intelligent to say to Stu, Drew, and myself, then just chime in.”

“Thanks, but what the ladies and I would like would be for the men and you to go out of your way to include us in a conversation.”

“In an ideal world we would. But the fact of the matter is that we have a lot of important business to discuss and so we have to use our time wisely. Having a conversation about something of interest to you ladies, I mean you and the ladies, sorry, would take up valuable time for us. I hope I’m not hurting your feelings, Greg, because I do really love you and care about you and your happiness. Tell me what you and the ladies talked about.”

I felt a bit stung by Wanda. She was making me feel like none of my conversations are as important as hers. “What were you talking about?” Wanda repeated.

“The ladies and I talked about how they’re trying to stop breastfeeding their babies.”

“They did, did they?” Wanda laughed. “Let me get this straight. You want me, Stu, and Drew to talk about breastfeeding? That’s not going to get very far. What did you contribute?”

“I learned a lot about it.” I wanted to tell Wanda about pumping milk in the restroom but was afraid to tell her that I had touched another woman’s breast.

Wanda didn’t seem to have any interest in asking me what I learned about breastfeeding. She simply didn’t care and I felt a bit down. When we got back to her apartment, which is where we spend most of our evenings together, I could see that Wanda was quite aroused and was going to want to have sex with me. I said, “Sometimes I think that you only see me as being a sex partner. Almost like I’m a toy that you can play with. But I have a brain too, you know!”

Wanda laughed a little and said, “Greg you're so cute. You're a cute little sex toy. You’re so pretty and scrumptious. I love your soft skin. Your handsome face. I’m absolutely crazy about that pretty butt of yours. Oh my God, I could watch it all day.”

“You’re not being serious,” I said.

“Come here, Greg,” Wanda said as she sat down on the bed.

I sat next to her and she put her arm around me. “You know I love you, Greg.”

“Yes, Wanda. You’ve made that clear.”

“Do you love me?”

“You know I do.”

“I’ll try and be more attentive to your thoughts, honey,” Wanda said.

“You will?” I said, brightening up.

“Of course I will. You mean everything to me.”

I started to feel weepy and before I could shed a tear I felt Wanda pulling off my jacket, taking my tie off and then unbuttoning my shirt. When my shirt was off she lifted my undershirt off over my head and pushed me back on the bed. Then she unfastened my belt, pants button and zipper and pulled my pants down. “Before we get into it I need a bit of kielbasa for appetizer,” Wanda said, and pulled my penis out and began sucking on it. This wasn’t the first time she had made this joke. She was a woman with a large sexual appetite and fortunately for me, I suppose, she found my body to be the kind that fulfilled her needs. When she had coaxed my dick into standing hard at attention, she raised the skirt of her dress up and took off her pantyhose and panty. She moistened her hand and wetted my hard penis and then impaled herself on it. She vigorously humped away and as happened so often, she began orgasming within a few minutes. She would have several of these spaced a few minutes apart. They’d build in intensity. The stronger her orgasms got the harder, faster, and more athletically she pushed her hips down on my cock. Her last orgasm always coincided with mine. I don’t think I had any control of the process. She was so wound up and determined to get her sexual pleasure from me that I had long since stopped trying to assert myself. Her hands invariably held mine down over my head so I couldn’t invent a new way of touching her or showing love for her even if I wanted to. I’m not complaining here. Wanda and I had the kind of mind-blowing sex that I’m sure every man dreams about getting. I often told myself that I was one lucky dude.


A week later Wanda completely surprised me. We were eating at our favorite French restaurant and were having some memorable pâté de foie gras with truffles when I saw Wanda take out a little jewelry box and put it on the table. She said, “This is for you.”

“A present for me?” I asked.

“It’s more than a present. Open it, my dear.”

With a pounding heart I opened it up to see a gold diamond ring. The gold band containing a diamond was of gender ambiguous size. Not exactly a ring for a woman, but also not a large masculine ring for a man. The style seemed old fashioned and Wanda said, “This is a ring that my grandmother used to wear. A family heirloom. I want you to wear it, Greg. I want you to marry me. Will you?”

I stared at Wanda in disbelief. I knew we were in love. I knew I loved her. I knew that I had thought of marriage with her many times. But I also never thought that she felt quite that strongly about me. “Say something, Greg,” Wanda said. “Say yes.”

I felt a huge rush of tears coming into my eyes and I thought about our many months together, about how I had never dated a woman before that I cared so much about and then clarity came to me. There was no way in the world that marrying Wanda would be a mistake. Wanda was brilliant, very sexy and attractive and she truly did love me. Sure, I had some quibbles about her not appreciating my mind as much as she could. But she was always in a good humor when I complained about that and she always said she would try and do better. “I’m weeping, Wanda. I’m so surprised and also very happy. I’m sure I love you and I do want to marry you. There’s just one thing I think we need to understand, however.”

“What’s that?”

“You know I would like a family.”

“Oh, you mean we would have a child or two?”

“Yes, of course. That means you’d have to go through pregnancy.”

Wanda laughed. “I love how you understand the basics. Yes, Greg. I want a baby or two also. I also expect that I’ll get pregnant and have the babies. I also assume that you’ll want to become a stay-at-home dad? Am I right?”

There, like a ton of bricks fell the one thing that I had always wondered about but was afraid to ask. I could sort of see Wanda being pregnant and working, but I could never see her giving up work to care for an infant. I had the suspicion that she would expect me to be the stay-at-home de facto mom and I was right. “What do you say, my dear?” Wanda asked.

Perhaps the wine was giving me some bravado that tweaked my rational thinking a bit, but I said, “My answer is yes. I will love to be your husband and if that means that I become a stay-at-home dad, then that is fine with me. It’ll be your child as much as mine and helping you by raising your child will make me very happy.”

“I love you Greg. It will be so thrilling for us to be husband and wife. Now put on the engagement ring.”

Wanda slipped the ring on the ring finger of my right hand and I admired the pretty diamond in its antique setting. Wanda said, “So pretty, Greg.”

“I’m going to get you an engagement ring!”

“I’ll be thrilled with whatever ring you present to me!”

After dinner we went to Wanda’s apartment and made wonderful love together. That night when we went to sleep I had a bit of insomnia as I thought about the new direction my life was going to take. I thought a lot about how it was odd that Wanda proposed marriage to me and gave me a ring instead of the more traditional scenario in which I popped the question to Wanda and gave her a ring. Should I be concerned about that? On the other hand, I had to admit that her proposing to me seemed natural, and made more sense than me proposing to her.


Wanda and I picked a wedding date six months in the future. This gave us enough time to plan a nice wedding. At the first company function since my engagement, Clara and Sara noticed my engagement ring almost immediately after we reconnected. They were very excited for me and praised the beautiful ring that Wanda had given me. “She must really love you,” Sara said.

“She does, and I love her. I’ve been walking around on cloud nine ever since she proposed to me.”

“Wanda proposed to you? That’s so darling,” Clara said.

“Yes, we were out at a fancy restaurant and she pulled out a small jewelry box that she gave to me and this ring was inside.”

“That’s so romantic.”

“I know. I even cried a little. I was so happy. I want you to be my maids of honor.”

Sara and Clara laughed and said that that was for Wanda to decide. “I suppose we could be groomsmen.” Clara said, joking.

“One way or another I’d like you both to have an honored position at the wedding.”

Sara asked me about our plans for a family, and I told them that Wanda and I had agreed that I would be a stay-at-home dad.

“Isn’t that a big sacrifice for you?”

“You mean giving up my career?” I said. “You’re right. It is. I like doing research in chemistry but there’s no way that Wanda would ever give up her career. But it isn’t exactly a one-way street. She’s making some sacrifices herself. After all, she’s going to be pregnant for nine months. Part of that time she’ll be at work with a large belly, and then she’ll miss some work time at the end when the baby is due. I think I know what I’m getting into by marrying someone like Wanda. She’s like an alpha male except that she’s a woman. Our little family is going to run the way she wants it to, and I’m planning to do my part with the baby. The thing is I love Wanda and that motivates me to want to be a de facto mom for her baby.”

“That’s such a sweet sentiment, Greg,” Sara said. “In my family Stu pretty much runs the show. I’ve learned to keep focused on raising our son and being Stu’s little wifey. I suppose this works because I’m aware of what he’s doing, and he gives us a lavish lifestyle.” Sara laughed and said, “What a girl won’t do to get chic clothes and a swimming pool!”

“I can say, ditto, ditto, ditto,” Clara said. “I spend my time raising Drew’s baby in order to give him the freedom to work at the company. It’s what I’ve signed up for and no one twisted my arm to get into this kind of relationship.”

“I just want to say that I feel like I’m headed into the same kind of marriage that you both have. Wanda already has made me feel like she’s fully in charge and I accept that. Having you two as my friends will mean so much to me in the future. It’s nice to compare notes about our relationships and to have sympathetic ears to listen to our tales of woe, as well as whatever joys come our way!”

“I could not have said that better,” Clara said.

“I agree,” Sara said. “I’m curious. Has Wanda said anything about whether or not she’ll be breastfeeding your baby?”

“We haven’t talked about it, but I’m sure that Wanda won’t be breastfeeding. I’ve read up on whether or not I could produce some milk myself for the baby and the best that I can figure out is that it’s kind of iffy. I do have the equipment needed but I have to get extra prolactin. I suspect that I'll be feeding my baby formula."

“On the other hand, Greg,” Sara said, getting excited, “as you know Stu and I plan to have another baby. If Wanda got pregnant right after you marry, then I could delay my getting pregnant to be at the same time as her so that we would have our babies together. In that case, I'd be more than happy to do at least some breastfeeding of your baby.”

“Me too,” Clara said. “Drew and I are planning to get another baby. Getting pregnant six months from now is about the perfect timing for us. Won’t that be wonderful if we all have new babies to take care of at the same time. I’ll be happy to share some of my milk with your baby,” Clara said. “I already produce more milk than my son Evan can drink.”

“I also tend to produce more milk than I need,” Sara said.

“That would be fantastic,” I said. “The three of us could meet with our babies and feed them and compare notes. I’d then have two expert moms who could help me become a good mom also.”


A few days later I got a phone call from Clara. It seems that she and Drew had tickets to the opera that night, but their sitter had to cancel and none of their other sitters were available. She wanted to know if I would be able to babysit. “I think you’ll be a fabulous sitter. I’m sure I can trust you with Evan. It’ll be good practice for the time when you become a parent.”

I was only too happy to help Clara. I asked Wanda for permission to do it and she said it was fine. “Anything that binds us closer to Drew will be good for my career,” Wanda said. “It will also be good practice for you in learning how to take care of infants.”

When I arrived at Drew and Clara’s house, she ushered me up to their nursery where Evan had a crib. Clara went through the details of things I needed to know. She had some bottles of mother’s milk in the fridge that I should use to feed him. She was still winding down with the breastfeeding. Just once a day now. She was also pumping less extra milk each day. Drew came into the room and smiled at me and said to Clara, “Are you about ready, we have to leave.”

“One more minute,” Clara said.

When Drew left she closed the door to the nursery and said, “Sometimes Evan is cranky and gets a bit freaked out that I’m not here. There’s one surefire way to calm him down, get him to eat and then sleep. Our regular babysitters do it and it works so I want to mention it to you. You might find it a bit embarrassing, but I wanted to tell you anyway. It’s up to you if you do it or not.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“I’ve so often fed Evan wearing my bra and panty that he takes comfort when the babysitter is dressed that way.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Our usual sitters are girls. If Evan is being a bit cranky they take off their shirts and skirts or jeans and hold Evan on their lap. The proximity of their panties and bra comforts him while he’s feeding. Perhaps he thinks it’s me.”

I blushed and Clara said, “I know that this is bizarre for you, but cranky babies can drive people to do all kinds of things. Anyway, I’ve left a bra and panty on the shelf over there in case you decide to wear them. I chose my most plain white bra and panty. No lace or girlie details. No one has to know that you wore them. You can even keep it a secret from me if you want.”

“I don’t know what to say. I hope Evan isn’t cranky. If he is, then I guess I’ll have to figure out what’s best. But thanks for the tip and have a wonderful time at the opera!”

When Drew and Clara left, I was alone with Evan. He and I looked at each other and I took out some toys for him to play with and we had a nice time together. He would need a feeding at about eight o’clock and then I would put him down for the night. As it neared his bedtime he must have figured out that his mommy was not going to be there for him and he became fidgety and then cranky. He cried without any indication that he was going to stop and I realized that this was a situation where I should probably do what’s best for him and not worry about myself. I was all alone anyway. I took off my clothes and stepped into Clara’s panty. I was surprised how soft the fabric was and how nice it felt against my skin. Next I held up her bra and looked at it. I had seen Wanda put on her bra many times and I had helped her take off her bra. Among the few girlfriends that I had had before Wanda, some of them I had also seen putting on and taking off their bras. Despite this stored-up imagery, when confronted with putting the bra on, I had to think hard to understand how it might end up in the right place and not be inside out or upside down. Fortunately, I figured it out and now stood next to the fussing and crying Evan dressed like his mommy would be. Looking down at myself, I had a strange feeling of actually liking what I saw. I liked the sight of a bra on me and I wondered why. I sat on the sofa and put Evan in my lap and fed him a bottle of his mother’s milk. He calmed down quickly and it was cute the way his little hands gently tugged on my bra. While he drank I tried to take a survey of my emotions and understand what was going on. It came to me in a flash that I liked the bra and panty because they made me feel like I was channeling Clara. I had a desire to be like her and probably Sara, as well. The three of us had already been thrust together because our spouses didn’t really think that we were very intelligent. Wearing Clara’s bra and panty helped me align myself more closely with the two mothers.

As I sat on the sofa feeding Evan and dressed as I was, I felt increasingly like I was truly a mother. There was no difference between me and any mother putting her baby to sleep at night. I felt elated in a way that I could not remember ever having felt before. It was weird what was coming over me. A peacefulness. A happiness. A contentedness. Sitting on the sofa, feeling the soft fabric of the bra and panty on my skin and the gentle suckling sound of Evan feeding put me into a state of relaxed bliss that made me begin to cry. I didn’t know that I had the capacity to feel such euphoria. When Evan was done feeding, and I had burped and changed him, I put him into his crib, turned out the light and closed the door. He was sound asleep and it was 8:30 and Clara and Drew were not due back until midnight. I figured that I was now supposed to take off the bra and panty but I felt reluctant to do so. Instead I found a bathroom mirror and gazed at my image. The bra was white and fit me snugly. It had a little bow between the cups which I inspected closely and decided that I liked. It was sort of like a badge or medal like a soldier might wear. I noticed that the panty had a little bow right in the front also. It was darling. I then curled up on the living room sofa and turned on the TV. I wondered why I was so happy. It was as if taking on a female role and wearing women’s underwear had given me a glimpse of a way of living that I had an innate desire for, but had not been aware of previously. After I was married and had a baby to take care of I could see that I would have a strong desire to be as much of a mom as I could be. I would have no inner resistance to stop myself from seeking out motherhood. How would Wanda react to my desire to be a mom? Would she forbid me from wearing a bra and panty? As it is now, she doesn’t seem to mind sometimes putting me into a female role, but would pretending I was a mommy while spending my days with the baby be going too far?

At eleven I took off the bra and panty, folded them neatly and put them back where I had found them. At midnight when Clara and Drew came home, Drew asked me if he should take me home and I laughed. “I have my own car,” I said.

“I was just joking. Most of our sitters are teenage girls.”

“Evan was a very easy child to take care of. He went right to sleep. No problem.”

“Thank goodness it was an easy night,” Clara said. Drew walked off and Clara said, “It wasn’t easy, was it?”

“It became easy as soon as I used your trick. He calmed down immediately and I fed him and he went right to sleep.”

“It’s amazing how well that works. I hope it didn’t freak you out to wear a bra and panty.”

“Not at all. The truth is …” I hesitated not knowing how much I should confide in Clara.

“The truth is …” She prompted me.

“I’m sorry. The truth is that I liked pretending I was a mommy, and wearing the bra and panty certainly helped with those feelings.”

“I think you’re a very special kind of man. The fact that you’re open to such feelings.”

“You’re not going to tell Drew are you?”

“Oh no. He would never understand. Do you mind if I tell Sara? I don’t really keep secrets from her and besides she’ll be as positive about your mommy pretending as I am.”

“That’s fine. A little secret between you, me, and Sara.”

“And Evan, of course,” Clara said, laughing.


“Drew and I will keep you in mind for future babysitting. That will give you a chance to continue exploring the mommy side of yourself before you actually have to become a mom.”


I met up with Clara and Sara at a barbeque at the company president’s large estate. Wanda, Stu, and Drew together with several other executives congregated into a heated discussion about something or other. The ladies and I sat down with gin and tonics in three lawn chairs in the shade. Sara said, “Clara told me about your babysitting experience.”

“You mean about my wearing …”

“Her bra and panty, yes. I just wanted to say that I admire your courage in doing the right thing for Evan.”

“Thank you. I have to admit that at first it seemed like it would be difficult to do, but once I was wearing the bra and panty, I’m ashamed to say that I rather liked it.”

“Why should you feel ashamed?” Clara said.

“That’s not exactly the right word. Let’s say I was surprised to find that I liked it, and then I thought about it and I realized that wearing a bra and panty made me feel good because it was making me feel more like a mom. And the thought that I can feel like a mom gives me intense pleasure. It’s almost as if I have met my destiny. Even stranger is my realization that I’m envious of the way that you and Sara get to be moms and wives.”

“You’re going to be getting your own baby and once you do, you’ll have many opportunities to feel like a mommy.”

“I hope that’s true. I really do.”

“In the meantime, I’m happy to help you practice being a mommy,” Clara said. “I can arrange to have you babysit again. I always handle getting the sitter. Drew will believe me if I tell him that our regular sitters are all tied up.”

“I would love to babysit Evan again.”

For the rest of the party we talked together. I found out that Sara was also on her last legs in breastfeeding her son. He would be fully on formula within a few weeks and she would stop pumping. “Then I have a little break for my tits. In a few months will be your wedding and then Wanda hopefully will get pregnant. I know that Stu is itching for us to get our second child, so about the time that you and Wanda are having lots of sex you can imagine what’s going on in my bedroom. I’m going to have to take in a whole lot of his sperm. He doesn’t like leaving anything to chance!”

“And Drew will be humping away also. My pussy hurts just thinking of all the sex he’s going to want. So besides thinking that we’re not smart enough to be part of a conversation with them, our men regard themselves as bulls and us as their cows. When the bulls decide it's time to impregnate their cows they pursue us relentlessly until we're exhausted and they get what they want. You’re lucky that you’re not going to be married to a bull like Stu or Drew.”

“You don’t know Wanda the way that I do. She makes love to me whenever she wants to, and we do it according to the way she wants. I’ve been tossed down on our bed so many times I can’t begin to tell you. She pins me down with my hands over my head so I have to take whatever she wants to give. She collects the sperm from me and then she’s off doing whatever it is she needs to do. Usually gets back to work. She's like a female bull and I'm her cow!”


True to her word Clara arranged for me to babysit Evan again. When I joined her in Evan’s room she pointed to a bra and panty and said that I could use them. “I hope it doesn’t bother you, but the bra and panty are lacy. My plainer bras and panties are in the laundry.” I told her that it was no problem but when I later went to put on the bra I could see that the lace caused quite an escalation in my emotions. Lace added an additional element of girlishness to what had been essentially functional. I felt excited about getting to wear a lacy bra and panty. After putting on the underwear and holding Evan, I felt motherly as I had the first time, but now in addition, I noticed that the bra and panty made me feel a bit girlish. It was hard not to feel feminine wearing pretty underwear. That combined with the feeling that I was carrying out the role of mother gave me as much if not more joy than I had felt the first time I had babysat.

After I put Evan to bed and was sitting on the sofa I wondered if I now needed to tell Wanda what was happening. The feelings I was having were becoming quite powerful. She would be marrying me soon and I would hate to deceive her about myself. My desire to wear a bra and panty was something that she probably needed to know about in case she would then want to break off our engagement.

When I drove home that night from Clara’s I saw that Wanda was working on some documents and I decided that this was not the right time to tell her about the bra and panty. I had only done it twice. It wasn’t necessarily something I would be doing again. Why bother her with this before it had become a truly serious issue.


A few weeks before our marriage Clara had me over one more time to babysit. This time I decided that it was best not to wear her bra and panty unless I was fully ready to confess to Wanda and thus risk my future marriage. My resolve was shattered, however, when I noticed that the bra and panty Clara had left for me were bright pink and decorated with the most adorable lace and bows. I knew that I would have no resistance to the alluring garments, and I suspected that Clara was purposefully guiding me in the direction that she and Sara knew I was meant to be headed. I sighed with resignation to my fate and long before I had to put Evan to bed, I put the bra and panty on. The feeling that this was right and fully aligned with my inner self was overwhelming. Why live a lie, I thought? Why fight what is so deeply ingrained in me? Of course, I would tell Wanda and hope that she didn’t end our engagement. The thought that because of what I was doing I might not get a chance to be a mom was very upsetting, but I knew that I had no stomach for deceiving Wanda about who I truly was as a person.

The feminine pink bra and panty inflated my feelings of motherhood and femininity to such a degree that I could see that beyond any shadow of a doubt my true nature was to be a wife and mother. I wondered if Wanda had already seen through my male veneer to the real me that lay within. She’s so smart she probably already knows who I am. I would tell her tonight as soon as I got home. I’d say something like, “I want to be very clear Wanda. I love you beyond reason. The best way I can show you my love is to be your wife and the mother of your child. I know that that sounds outrageous, but I’ve got to tell you the truth. I’m sorry. If you have to break things off, I’ll understand, though I’ll cry a river and jump off of a bridge.”

After I put Evan down in the crib, I sat down in the adjacent large, stuffed armchair and listened to the baby sleeping. I surveyed the crib, the pretty bra and panty that I was wearing and I allowed contentment to sweep over me. This was the life of domesticity that I looked forward to if everything went as expected with Wanda. I must have fallen asleep in the chair for I was awakened by Drew and Clara standing over me. “Oh, shit!” I exclaimed, realizing I was wearing the pink bra and panty.

“Greg. Why are you in ladies underwear?” Drew said in a harsh whisper so as not to wake Evan. “What’s going on here? What kind of pervert are you with Evan? I’m going to call the police.”

“Drew!” Clara hissed. “I told Greg to wear the bra and panty to help Evan fall asleep. It’s a trick all the babysitters use.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

“No, seriously. It tricks Evan into thinking it’s me and he calms down quickly and goes right to sleep. I left the bra and panty for Greg.”

“But why are you willing to wear a ladies bra and panty?” Drew said to me.

“I did it for Evan, so he wouldn’t cry.”

This answer seemed to derail Drew’s criticism. “Does Wanda know?”

“No,” I said.

“Then you better tell her or I will.”

“I’ll tell her tonight when I get home.”

“Drew. You’re bullying Greg. Don’t be so full of yourself that you can just walk all over him.”

“Clara, I think if Wanda is going to marry a man who’s willing to wear a bra and panty, she should know about it.”

“That’s your judgement, Drew. You’re the one who thinks he has the right to decide what Wanda needs to know. That’s conceited and ridiculous. You just keep out of it. Greg will do whatever he wants to do. So help me I better not hear about you blabbing to Wanda!”

“All right, all right, all right,” Drew said. “I have no iron in the fire here. If one day Wanda freaks out that Greg is wearing a bra, it won’t be on my head.”

Drew left with a huff, and Clara turned to Greg and said, “Just forget about him. He might lord over me all the time, but sometimes a wife has to stand up for what she believes in.”

“I can’t thank you enough for defending me. I do want to tell Wanda about wearing your bra and panty just because I’d feel guilty marrying her and keeping it a secret. She has a right to know who she’s marrying. Besides that, I’m not ashamed of wearing your bra and panty. As you know, I really enjoy wearing your underwear since it makes me feel more like a wife and mother.”


The next time Wanda and I ate dinner together I decided to tell her about my wearing Clara’s underwear. I said to her, “I have to confess something that I’ve done. I want to get this off my chest before we get married, because it’s been weighing me down. It might change your opinion of me. You might not want to marry me. I don’t know. I hope you’ll forgive me and accept my human frailty.”

“Golly, Greg. This sounds serious.”

“I’m afraid it is.”

“Did you kill somebody? Were you in prison?”

“Stop joking, Wanda!”

“Okay, tell me.”

“To get Evan to sleep Clara told me that it’s easiest if I wear her bra and panty. So I did that the first time I babysat. But that bra and panty were kind of plain white. The second time I babysat I also wore her bra and panty to help put Evan to sleep, but they were lacy, though also white. When I babysat a couple of days ago I also wore her bra and panty but they were pink and lacy.”

“This sounds like a fairytale.”

“Wanda, all her babysitters do it. She thinks that it makes Evan think that mommy is still home.”

“That hardly seems like something that should end our marriage.”

“No, Wanda. Don’t you see. I liked wearing the bra and panty. The prettier the bra and panty, the more I liked wearing it. That reveals a lot about me that might be grounds for you breaking off our engagement. I’ll fully understand. Of course, I’ll want to kill myself because I love you so much.”

“Greg, calm down. You’re liking to wear a bra and panty, even a lacy pink bra and panty, is not something that would cause me to break off our engagement. I can’t believe that it isn’t plainly obvious to you that our future relationship is built on a tacit understanding that you’re going to assume the roles of de facto wife and de facto mother and I’ll be the de facto husband. Our relationship has developed this way as much from my impulses as yours. I haven’t noticed many masculine traits in you since the time we met. I’ve gladly filled that vacuum since I have no lack of male impulses. Decision making and plotting our direction as a couple are roles that come naturally to me. Accepting your subservient position in this hierarchy comes naturally to you. My qualities are perfect for advancement in my career with all its concomitant benefits to our family and your qualities are perfect for maintaining our household and nurturing our children. To tell me that you have recognized an innate love for pretty bras and panties tells me that you’re growing ever more deeply into your future role as wife and mother. That’s a great thing, Greg. That’s nothing to be ashamed of, or to think that I would object to. If you feel that wearing women’s clothing helps you to perform your roles better and more holistically in our marriage, then by all means indulge yourself.”

Wanda’s speech caused me to weep and she came over and held me. I felt like a large burden had been taken off my shoulders. I was now utterly free to pursue the two things I most wanted to pursue. Being a loving and helpful wife and being a nurturing and loving mother. “You're such a precious dear,” Wanda said. “You’re almost making me cry and I never cry.” Her saying that made me cry even harder until finally Wanda gently guided me to the bed and began taking off my clothes. As she did so, she said, “Now I know exactly what to buy you for our wedding night.”


Our wedding was a smashing success. I wore a well-tailored new suit and Wanda looked beautiful in a relatively simple white gown. The wedding ceremony was a bit odd, since I had Clara and Sara as my groomsmen. They stood on my side dressed in light blue gowns, while Wanda had some lifelong girlfriends and her sister on her side in light pink gowns. My parents, siblings, and relatives and Wanda’s parents, siblings, and relatives came and met each other and liked each other. It was a perfect day. While we danced our first dance as husband and wife, Wanda whispered in my ear that she was off of birth control pills and that at the first opportunity we would begin our effort to get a baby.

After the wedding we went to the airport and flew to a posh resort on top of a mountain in Colorado. As we began our first night as husband and wife, Wanda handed me a prettily wrapped present with a card that said, “To my beautiful and sexy wife, Greg. May this help us to quickly become a family. Love, Wanda.” It was the first time that Wanda called me her wife and I got choked up. Then, when I opened the package I saw that it was a beautiful 1950’s style negligee with a matching panty. All ruffly and made of the softest pale blue fabric. As soon as I put it on, Wanda was all over me. It was a wedding night to remember. For the remainder of the week, the fresh mountain air and sweeping vistas invigorated our love making. By the time we were ready to go, I was sure that there wasn’t a drop of sperm left inside my body.


Based on the timing of her first positive pregnancy test it was clear that Wanda became pregnant during our honeymoon. I henceforth excitedly looked forward to adding mother to my new role of wife. I became busy in completing my transformation from husband to wife and future mother. The negligee that Wanda had bought me was only the first step in acquiring a wardrobe that fit my new persona. Wanda encouraged me to rely on Clara and Sara to get advice and practical help in learning how to be a wife and mother. They took me shopping to buy clothes. Before I left to meet them I asked Wanda what size bust she wanted me to have. She said, “ I know that you’re the kind of girl that would only be satisfied with large breasts, a lot bigger than mine. Am I right?”

“Well, I guess you’re right about that Wanda. I hope you don’t mind that about me.”

“As I said before. I want you to be the girl and wife and mother that you want to be. You can surprise me with what breast size you end up with.”

With that input from Wanda, I told Clara and Sara that I wanted DD breasts. They helped me select and buy a half dozen 36DD bras and a large number of panties. We also bought a nice pair of DD sized breast forms to fill out the bra cups. Clara and Sara were especially helpful in locating and buying girdles, garter belts, stockings, pantyhose, slips and everything else I needed to round out my intimate wardrobe. Under their guidance I bought dresses, skirts, blouses, jeans, short pants, and shoes. Late in the afternoon they escorted me to the beauty parlor where I got my hair styled and had my toe and fingernails painted. Clara and Sara worked with me on my makeup until they thought that I was as feminine looking as they were.

When I brought the myriad packages home with me, Wanda complimented me on my new look and insisted that I put on a fashion show for her. First I modeled each of the bras, panties, and foundation garments I had bought. Wanda especially loved looking at my ass when I was wearing a girdle or pantyhose. She insisted I take a break in the show to lick on her vagina while she felt my ass at the same time. I knew that this was going to make her especially horny so that as soon as the fashion show was over I could expect her to have her way with me.

Wanda and I planned that I would leave my job after we had the baby. In the meantime, with my ladies clothing I could begin exploring my female side in earnest. When I wasn’t at work, I dressed up as Wanda’s wife in my pretty dresses and skirts. With some coaching from Sara and Clara I became pretty good at putting on my makeup. I also had my ears pierced and enjoyed selecting and wearing earrings. Often I wore bracelets and necklaces. I made dinner and cleaned up every night. I did the laundry and cleaned the apartment. Wanda usually came home from work after me and I would make her a cocktail and take her shoes off and rub her feet. I liked making her comfortable and content in our home. She sometimes told me a little about her day. Nothing too technical since she didn’t think I could understand it.

While Wanda was pregnant, I found out that both Sara and Clara had become pregnant as well. Our dream of the three of us being new mothers at the same time was thus going to happen just as we hoped for.


Nine months after the wedding Wanda gave birth to our lovely daughter Laura. From the moment we came home from the hospital Laura was my responsibility to feed and take care of. I quit my job at the lab to become a full-time mom. My co-workers found it hard to believe that I would give up a good career in chemistry to be a stay-at-home parent, and they made up various theories as to why I had done it, such as that Wanda had held a gun to my head. I explained to them that true love can make people do all kinds of amazing things. My boss said that I'll be welcome back when I no longer have to stay at home with the baby. I doubted, however, that I would ever want to return to that life.

For weeks after Laura came home from the hospital I was up for much of the night feeding and comforting the baby so Wanda would get her sleep. From time-to-time Wanda checked in to admire the baby. Sometimes she held Laura. One time she said that Laura was as pretty as I was and I blushed, I spent my days with Laura while Wanda worked. I maintained the house, cooking and cleaning and taking care of Laura’s needs.

Within a few weeks of the birth of Laura, Clara had a son, Alvin, and Sara had a son, Alfie. Clara, Sara, and I formed a new-mothers group that met almost daily at one or the other of our houses. Sara and Clara’s two-year-olds would play together while the three of us watched our babies, fed them, burped them, changed them, dressed them, played with them, and put them to sleep. At first I was a bit envious of the way that Clara and Sara could breastfeed their babies while I had to feed Laura from a bottle. But Sara had a brainstorm one day and said that there is no reason why I couldn’t put Laura on my nipple to suck once she had finished with her bottle. Babies will reflexively suck on a teat for comfort even if they’re not hungry. Granted my nipples and breasts are rather puny compared to Sara and Clara’s, but for a little baby’s mouth my tits could adequately serve the purpose.

The next day when we met, I made sure to wear the one nursing bra I had bought for myself. When I sensed that Laura was full of the formula I was feeding her, I lowered my bra cup and held her in my arms so she could latch onto my nipple and suck it. I didn’t have to do anything to coax her to take my small teat. She latched on tightly with her little mouth and began sucking. It was an amazing sensation. While I had grown very fond of holding Laura against my chest while wearing my bra with my DD breast forms, this new experience brought out an even greater sense of nurturing and motherly presence than I had felt before. A wonderful feeling of being needed as a source of nourishment to a baby descended over me. I said to Clara and Sara, “I can’t tell you how much I love doing this. I can now see how satisfying it is to women to breastfeed their babies.”

“You’re such a natural girl, Greg,” Clara said. “You’re so good on picking up what girls feel.”

Now we had many wonderful days together. Clara, Sara, and I sitting together facing each other with our babies suckling on our tits. The sensation of my little baby happily sucking away on my nipples brought me immeasurable joy. I would stare at her little lips as they puckered and sucked and smell the unique baby scent that comes with newly minted skin and hair. I felt like I was truly a mom. I’m not able to put into words just how perfect such days were. Chatting together with Sara and Clara and fussing over our babies. Three moms.

Sometimes when it was nap time for the two-year olds and our three babies were sleeping in their cribs, Clara, Sara, and I would lie down in a bed together. I often wore one of my wide skirts or a dress with a wide skirt. I had even gotten in the habit of putting a crinoline or two inside my skirt with Clara and Sara’s encouragement. Sara said to me that if I’m that kind of girl, why not go for it. I wondered if being too feminine would be a poor role model for Laura, but Sara said, “Of course Laura also has Wanda as a role model! Without you, she’d have no inkling how to be a girl!” Clara followed that saying, “Laura will become the kind of girl she wants to be and while you set one example, it’s only one example of many. Look at yourself, Greg. You're not even genetically female at birth and your parents were traditional role models, but you still turned out to be a girl.” I could see that Clara had made a good point. Laura would grow to be what Laura will be. I shouldn’t worry about it.

My favorite times in bed with Clara and Sara were when I got to be in the middle between them. The three of us would be tired and we’d lie close holding each other. Our skirts would be bunched up against each other. It would be nice and warm and cozy sandwiched between the women. I felt safe and loved.


Sometimes we’d take our strollers and our children and go to the park or go shopping at a nearby mall. It was nice to have girlfriends I could confide in. Tell them about my feelings. Ask for their advice. We helped each other out as much as we could. It made being a mother easier and less scary.

I especially enjoyed buying outfits for Laura. I gravitated to the cutest little pink onesies, the more feminine the better. Wanda rolled her eyeballs when she saw what I bought for Laura, but otherwise she happily accepted my love of frou frou. I looked rapturously at the little pink dresses that stores sold for when Laura was older. I had to wonder if I was trying to vicariously live the girlhood that I never had through Laura. Dressing her up as my little doll, wishing that I had been that little doll. I hoped that eventually Wanda would supply a counterbalance to my frivolous and girlie nature. A little bit of masculinity coming from her would be a good influence on Laura.

Looking far ahead in the life of our family, I’d be the one to talk to Laura about boys, about her period, about how to grow into the woman she wanted to be. I’d be taking her for her first bra and giving my blessing on the clothes she wanted to wear. Sometimes I got more than a little anxious worrying about such things – what did I know about inserting tampons? Between Wanda and my girlfriends I prayed that I would get the support I needed when the time came.


Every so often the company sent Wanda, Stu and Drew on business trips lasting anywhere from a day to a week. A couple of weeks after they had spent a week in St. Louis, Clara, Sara, and I were meeting as usual when Sara said, “I’m sorry to say this, but I have a feeling that Stu might be having an affair.”

“Oh, my God, how awful,” I said.

“How do you know?” Clara said.

“Stu is working many late nights now at the office.”

“So is Drew,” Clara said.

“So is Wanda,” I said.

“Yeah, that in and of itself doesn’t mean much. The company drives all of our spouses very hard. But here’s the thing. I’ve noticed that before the St. Louis trip, Stu would expect me to have sex with him at least three times a week. After the trip, we do it maybe once a week. He’s definitely changed his attitude toward sex. The only explanation I have is that he’s cheating on me.”

“That’s unbelievable what you’re saying,” Clara said. “I’ve also noticed a big slowdown in sex with Drew since the St. Louis trip.”

The two women turned to look at me. My face showed the horror I was feeling. My dear Wanda who was always ravishing me for sex now seemed too preoccupied to initiate sex with me, and it coincided exactly with the St. Louis trip. Ever since Laura was born and I had become Wanda’s wife in spirit and in appearance, she had still been pushing me down on the bed to have her way with me. Instead of taking off my shirt and pants and boxers, she now would lift up my skirts, yank off my girdles and panties and get my penis hard and then have intercourse. She still had multiple orgasms and we still came together. “I’m sorry to say that my sex with Wanda has also slowed way down after St. Louis.”

“It looks to me as if the three of them have entered into some kind of sexual entanglement beginning with this trip.”

“A threesome?”

“That’s what it looks like.”

“Knowing Wanda, I have to say that I can’t imagine that she would be inhibited from having a three-way if she wanted it. One of the men could approach her doggie style while she sucked on the cock of the other. Or I suppose she could lie on her back and accomplish the same thing.”

“What are we going to do about this?” Clara said.

“I think we need to confront them all together. Catch them by surprise and force them to spill the beans before they can produce excuses.”

“In a couple of weeks there’s another company function that we’re all invited to. So let’s plan on confronting our husbands that night.”


At the event two weeks later I wore a little black dress together with charcoal gray stockings and my favorite bra and girdle. I spent extra time on my make-up and hair and wore a pair of black high heels. This was not my first public appearance at a company event dressed as Wanda’s wife, but I still wanted to go out of my way to make sure that everyone in the company understood that I took my role as Wanda’s wife very seriously. I believed that a sharp and chic physical appearance for the wife of such an important executive was an important part of my role in Wanda’s life. I wanted everyone in the company to forget about whatever they thought of me in the past when I accompanied Wanda as her husband wearing my frumpy suit. Before we left for the affair Wanda said to me, “You look very pretty tonight, Greg. I appreciate your effort at looking so gorgeous.”

“You know I’d do anything for you,” I said.

“I’m glad,” Wanda said. “That’s one big reason why I love you so much.”

If Wanda was cheating on me there was certainly no hint of it in our conversation. I wondered if I should just ask her why we were having less sex lately. Maybe there was some other reason than an affair.

When we arrived at the company event, the three couples met up as usual. Clara and Sara complimented me on how nice I looked and I returned the compliment. There would be a half hour before we had to sit for dinner and Wanda, Stu, and Drew looked to be making their usual move to get away from their wives, when Clara said, “Wait up! We have something we need to say to our husbands.”

Wanda, Stu, and Drew stopped, drinks in hand and looked at us in amusement. Drew said, “If you want us to include you in our conversation, could we wait until dinner? We have some things that we need to discuss.”

“No. We have to talk now.”

“OK, dear, what is it?”

“Your wives have been comparing notes, and we’re certain that the three of you have had sex together in St. Louis on your recent trip and have been continuing to do so ever since. This is the only explanation why all three of us are getting less sex after St. Louis than we had before and the three of you husbands are working late practically every night.”

From the expressions on the faces of Wanda, Stu, and Drew it was clear that they had been caught red-handed. They looked at each other clearly not knowing which of them would be the first to speak. Suddenly, Wanda took my hand and said, “I need to talk to my wife in private,” and she led me away from the others. For the first time in all our years together I saw that Wanda was crying. “I’m horrible, Greg. I won’t try and defend what I’ve done. It happened in St. Louis and only there. The three of us had had an enormously stressful week and had a big success with our client and we drank way too much when celebrating and we were about to go to our three separate rooms and then one thing led to another and we fell into releasing all our pent-up energy in a threesome. When it was over, I felt awful and so did Drew and Stu. How could I have done something like this to my dear faithful wife, the person I love beyond all reason? The person who is raising my daughter, has given up everything else in her life to be my loving wife?” Wanda sobbed and real tears came down her cheeks. Wanda held me while weeping and I said, “But what about since St. Louis?”

“No, no, no, Greg. It was the one time. Since then I’ve had a urinary tract infection that has made it uncomfortable for me to have sex. Haven’t you seen that I’ve been taking Cipro?” It was true, Wanda had been taking a new medicine of late. “I promise that as soon as the infection is over, in a week I think, I’ll be very horny for you as often as I have in the past. But of course, if you never want to sleep with me again, if you want to divorce me, I’ll understand. My heart will be broken for having broken your heart. There is no heart in the world I care more about and love more than yours. Please forgive, one alcohol addled, stressed out sexcapade that meant nothing at the time and means even less now.”

Wanda’s speech had the effect of making me love her even more than I had in the past. She had human frailties that I had never seen before. She could cry, she could make a mistake, she could seek forgiveness. She admitted how much she loved me and appreciated my role in her life. I said to her, “Please don’t cry Wanda. Crying is usually what I do and it scares me a bit to see you cry. You know I love you with every fiber of my being. Becoming your wife and the mother of your child has been the greatest thing to ever have happened to me. I accept your apology and I do understand how alcohol and stress together clouded your judgment. We’ll put this behind us and go forward as much in love as we have always been.”

Wanda took me behind a pillar where no one could see us, and she put her arms around me and gave me a soul shaking tongue kiss that must have lasted for five minutes and left me panting and seeing little stars dancing around. We then looked for the others and found the two other couples deep in conversations. The remainder of the evening was subdued for all six of us. Stu and Sara as well as Drew and Clara each in their own way worked out the kinks in their marriages. If there was long term damage to the couples it was not evident that night.


When Clara, Sara, and I met again with our babies, we compared notes on what our husbands had said in their private conversations with us about the incident in St. Louis and the aftermath. According to Clara, Drew said that he pulled a muscle in his hips from the awkward doggie style he had done with Wanda. This made it painful to have sex when he got home from the trip but he’s starting to mend and he hopes soon to be back to normal. Stu told Sara that he has been relying on little bits of Viagra for a few years now, but has been waiting for his doctor to prescribe a refill. In the meantime he had to space out his sex to prolong his tiny supply of Viagra. Finally, the new prescription is ready and he expects to get back to his normal routine with her.

“So all three of us forgave our husbands?” Clara asked.

“I did,” I said. “Wanda was weeping and I’ve never in my life seen her weep before.”

“Drew has been so bloody nice to me since then that I wish he’d stop it already.”

“Yeah, Stu has been pretty sincere in his apologies. On the other hand, what’s done is done and can’t be removed from history.”

“So what do you mean?” Clara said.

“What I’m saying is that I love the both of you and I think that just one time, to match their one time, that we have a little dalliance while our babies are asleep. A little Lesbian dalliance. Girls getting cozy with girls if you know what I mean.”

“My God, Sara, you’re so bold!” Clara said. “Yes, I agree that our husbands have gotten away with this too easily. While I wouldn’t want them to find out about our having a little fun together, I think it does even the score which will make it easier for us to justify forgiving our husbands in the long term. What do you think, Greg?”

“First of all, I love both of you and I have to agree with everything the two of you have said. I won’t feel guilty so long as our little threesome doesn't stray into me having to use my penis for intercourse. I can live with three girls pleasuring each other.”

“I agree. No intercourse! Good!” Sara said. “I can already feel my pussy getting wet. We’ll continue feeding our babies for another half hour and then put them to sleep.”

When the babies and the older kids were napping, Sara, Clara, and I decided to get into bed together wearing just our bras and panties. I stepped out of my favorite pink skirt and the crinolines I had underneath and took off my blouse. Sara and Clara took off their skirts and buttoned blouses as well. The three of us formed a pretty picture with my large DD breasts and Sara and Clara's milk engorged breasts. Sara said that I should get in the middle between them. “We’ve got about an hour,” she said. “At the first baby cry, we all cum. So we should fill the time until then as best we can. Got it?”

“Got it!” Clara and I said.

The two girls rolled over so their lips came onto mine and the three of us started with a three-way kiss which was quite funny. After a minute, Clara and I tongue kissed, and then Sara and Clara tongue kissed and then I tongue kissed with Sara. We repeated this for a while causing each of us to get increasingly excited. Then Sara and Clara rolled onto their backs and we lay together side by side. The two girls working their hands up inside my panties to where they found my penis and began massaging it. I, in the meantime used my two hands to reach for Clara and Sara’s pussies. With one pussy in each hand and the two girls both working on my penis, balls, and rear end we steadily drove ourselves up to a feverish pitch of sexual excitement. Besides the marvelous physical feeling from our hands, we also felt happy that we had this chance to share our mutual love with each other. I loved these women as any woman loved another woman and it was a joy to give them pleasure with my fingers. They in turn loved pleasuring this wannabe woman and mother.

After quite a long stretch with the three of us lolling about in ecstasy, Clara said, “We need some oral in the mix.” The women arranged me with my head in Sara’s lap and she undid her nursing bra and fed me on her large succulent, milk laden breast. At the same time, Clara found her way to my penis and began sucking on it. My cries of pleasure were muffled by my face being held tightly to Sara’s breast while Clara’s cries of delight were muffled by my penis embedded in her throat and mouth. Sara moaned with the pleasure of me suckling her. We carried on this way for a long time, until Clara and Sara switched roles and now I got to suck on Clara’s breast while Sara latched her mouth onto the erect penis that Clara had assiduously erected. The three of us shameless wives pursued these pleasures for some time until Clara detected the tiniest cry from one of the babies. Then we switched back to our original position with me fingering Clara and Sara while they in turn worked on my member. We rubbed on each other steadily and carefully and lovingly and just when it seemed that all three babies had awoken and were hungering to be with their mommies, the three of us let out our own cries of delight. With our passion tamed we resumed our motherly duties.


Later that day when I had put Laura to sleep and had served dinner to Wanda she said, “You seem unusually cheerful tonight.”

“Having my darling hubby here all to myself and getting to take care of her needs after a hard day of work makes me more cheerful than anything!”

Wanda laughed, and said, “And my little dearie wife is going to be so rewarded tonight for being a sweetheart.”

Later while Wanda was holding me down and her hips were forcing herself on me and I was listening to her ever more vocal orgasms I was so happy that our life had returned to normal. Of course, hidden with me now was a little tiny secret that helped me to forgive Wanda. As I felt the powerful strokes of her hips up and down on my penis and her sexual fury taking pleasure from my body I let myself be carried along in the current of pleasure flowing through me. Whenever I came I would come. Along the way my mind drifted back to this afternoon and the thought that maybe, just maybe, Clara and Sara might ask me if I wanted to revisit our girls only lovemaking some day in the future. I wondered what I would say to them.

The End

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