The Baby Game

The Baby Game



([email protected])

I've had a major crush on Karen's kid sister Penny for at least a year now. Karen is my stepsister Kristina's best friend. Karen and Kristina are both 15 years old and two of the most popular and attractive girls in the local high school. Where Kristina is vivacious and self-confident, I'm shy and a bit socially awkward. Though my name is Peter, Kristina and most other kids call me Petey, perhaps because I project a sort of cuteness. Anyway, Kristina has told me that I'm "cute," but while encouraging, that has not been enough to give me the self-confidence needed in finding a girl friend.

I'm four years younger than Kristina so her world of acquaintances is completely different than mine. Most of the time I don't think that Kristina is even aware of my existence, and why should she? We've been in the same house hold only for about three years now ever since her dad married my mom. I've learned that Kristina takes her boy friends and dating very seriously, so I've gotten good at "vanishing" whenever she brings a boy over to the house on a weekend afternoon.

Many weekends it’s Karen who is visiting Kristina and every time I see her I can't help but think about her sister Penny. Penny is exactly my age and she's a very pretty girl. She goes to the same school as I do and is in a couple of my classes. She has pretty light brown hair and a sweet smile. Even though I've never talked to her, even once, from all I've seen of her interactions with other kids and the teachers at school, I am confidant that we have a lot in common. There is no other girl in school that comes close to what I feel about Penny. I have such a huge crush on her. I'd do anything to get a chance to talk to her, to ask her out on a date. The one thing in my favor is that all the boys at school are equally scared to talk to her, because she is so pretty. What is it about pretty girls that makes boys get so uptight they can't even utter a sentence around them?

Every day at school the first thing I do is see what outfit Penny has worn to school that day. She's the feminine kind of girl who seems to prefer dresses and skirts to jeans and tends to wear tops of various shades of pink. I've wanted to tell her countless times that I like the skirt she's wearing or the top, or tell her I love her hairdo, but I never do. Boy, I'd love to ask her to go ice skating with me, or to a movie, but I'm so shy and week after week goes by and I never say a word to her even when I see her at school.

One Saturday when Karen was over the house visiting Kristina I suddenly got the inspiration that there must be some way that Karen could help me meet Penny. After all, Karen always says hello to me when we meet. Why couldn't Penny also be my friend like that? I decided that I would ask Kristina to talk to Karen about figuring out a way for me to meet Penny. What were sisters for if not to help their younger brothers out in a tough situation like this! However, when I mentioned the idea to Kristina she gave me a look that seemed to suggest I was crazy for asking, but then her expression changed and she said that she'd have to think about it. She'd give me an answer in a couple of days.

I waited a few days for Kristina to make up her mind and then she came into my room one night while I was doing my homework.

"I've spoken to Karen and we've decided that we'll help you meet Penny on one condition," Kristina said.

"Great," I said, "I'll do it!"

"You haven't heard what the condition is, so let me tell you," Kristina said.

"OK, sorry," I said. I couldn't imagine anything that she would ask that I wouldn't gladly do in order to talk to Penny.

"Ever since Karen and Penny's mom gave birth last month to a baby girl, Karen and I have become fond of playing the baby game."

"What's the baby game?" I asked.

"The baby game is just a game that Karen and I like to play in which we pretend we're in charge of a baby, that we're mommies to a baby."

I made a slight face and Kristina said, "its a game for girls only. Boys would never understand the baby game and would probably run away screaming if anyone suggested they play it!"

"How do you play the baby game," I said trying to sound positive about it.

"It's a game in which we think about what its like to be a mommy and what its like to be in charge of a baby. It's so much fun. Karen and I love to play it."

I couldn't see why Kristina was bringing this all up to me. "I don't understand what I can do for you," I said.

Kristina said, "this week Karen's mom and dad and the baby are away visiting their Chicago grandparents, and Karen is home in charge of Penny. Penny has her dance lesson on Saturday morning, and what Karen and I were thinking is that you could come to their house with me that morning and play the baby game with us. Then, when Penny comes home you'd be there and you could meet her and talk with her."

"How can I play the baby game? You want me to be a mommy?" I said incredulously.

Kristina laughed out loud. "No, no, you're not a mommy, you're the baby. Karen and I want to play the baby game with you as our baby, instead of the baby dolls we've been using up to now."

"Be a baby?" I asked.

"Yes. You just have to play the role of the baby in our game. It's like acting."

"I thought that you were going to make me do something really obnoxious, like all your housework for a week or something like that. But all you want is for me to play at being a baby?"

"Yes, that's all, but the game might take a couple of hours," Kristina said.

"So all you want me to do is play the baby game with you and Karen? That's the condition?" I said.

"Yes," Kristina said, "and of course you must play the game until we say the game is over. No fair, quitting it early."

"Why would I want to quit the game early?" I asked.

"Since its a game for girls you might find that you don't like playing it."

"I'm sure I won't find that a problem," I said. If the truth be told I was quite happy to play girl type games if it could mean that I could play with girls.

"Good," said Kristina.

"And the game will be over by the time that Penny comes back from dance class?" I said

"Girl scouts honor," Kristina said.

"Then its a deal!" I said excitedly and gave Kristina a hug. I couldn't believe my good luck. A couple of hours allowing Karen and my sister to play at being my mommy and then I could meet Penny. I was so happy that I wondered how I would pass the time until Saturday morning.


Saturday morning finally came around and Kristina and I walked over to Karen and Penny's house a few blocks away from ours. When we got there, Karen was alone and greeted Kristina and then said to me, "you're such an adorable baby!" causing me to blush. Karen led us up the stairs to her bedroom. She was wearing a white skirt and light blue buttoned blouse. Her long, light brown hair cascaded down over her shoulders.

"A real live baby will be so cool!" Karen said. "Did you tell him he has to be a baby girl?"

I reacted with surprise and Kristina said, "no, I didn't get around to it." Kristina laughed and said, "Petey, your expression is hysterical."

"A baby girl?" I said.

"It's best this way," Kristina said. "We want to keep this among us girls. Maybe the next time we play it we could have you be a boy, but for now you should act like a baby girl."

"How do I act like a baby girl, I mean compared to a baby boy?" I asked.

Karen said, "don't be rambunctious like some boy babies are. You should try and be as pretty as you can be and remember that as a baby girl you'll grow up to be a mommy yourself. Baby girls have a special bond with their mommies."

"You'll be just fine," Kristina said. "I can't think of a boy who would be better prepared to be a girl baby than you are."

Seeing my look of astonishment, Karen said, "what she means is that as far as boys go, you're thoughtful and considerate and mature, like a lot of girls your age tend to be. So you'll be perfect for being our girl baby today."

"So lets just remind ourselves of the rules," Kristina said. "Once the game starts, we all have to stay in the game, so you can't be Petey, you've got to be our baby girl."

"I'll try and do my best to be a baby girl," I said.

"That's the spirit," Karen said.

"And if I'm a good baby you'll introduce me to Penny?" I said.

"Yes indeed," Karen said, "I already told her that there will be a mystery guest when she gets home."

The reality that Karen had actually told Penny to expect someone made the experience seem that much more real. Whatever the baby game consisted of, soon as it was over in just a few short hours I'd get to finally be in a situation where I could talk to Penny. "I'm ready to play," I said.

Kristina laughed. "Good, so Karen and I are your two mommies for today and you're our little baby girl, Cathy."

"Cathy?" I asked somewhat surprised.

"Isn't that a pretty name?" Karen said, "we like it a lot."

While I stood wondering what I would have to do as a baby girl, Karen wheeled a baby's crib into her bedroom from a room down the hallway. "What's this?" I said.

The girls ignored my question and I watched as Kristina lowered the wooden bars that were on one side of the crib and said to Karen, "first thing is we get our baby to lie down in her crib!" Kristina ushered me to the crib and while I stood in front of it she had me raise my legs one by one and helped me take off my shoes and socks.

The two girls, who each were a good six inches taller than me, indicated that I should climb into the crib. "Come on Cathy," Karen said, "get in your crib!"

"You want me to lie down in the crib?" I said.

"Lie down little baby, your mommies have to change you." Karen and Kristina giggled among themselves as I sat down on the crib and swung my feet up so that I was lying on the mattress. The crib had a large pink mattress decorated with dancing babies, dogs and cats that I could lie on as long as I curled up my legs a bit. Karen said, "that's a good baby."

"We need the mobile," Kristina said and she turned and left the room coming back a minute later with a mobile of little teddy bears that she attached to the headboard of the crib and wound up and set running. As I watched the bears dancing to lullaby music, Kristina began unbuttoning my shirt and then she and Karen had me sit up while they took it off me. I looked surprised and Kristina said, "baby has to be changed!" Then she and Karen went to work on my pants, unfastening my belt and the button on my jeans and then unzipping it. It looked like they were intending to take off my pants so that I'd just have my underwear on. Making me lay down on my back they tugged on the cuffs of my pants legs and pulled them off exposing my white underpants. I couldn't imagine that they intended to do more than this when Karen pulled on the top elastic of my underpants signaling me to lift up my hips. Realizing what they were doing, alarmed, I said, "what's going on? You're undressing me!"

"Shush Cathy! We have to change you!" Karen said. She used her hand to raise up my hips and the next thing I knew I was lying on my back naked on the mattress trying to use my hand to hide my private parts from the two girls. I looked up at Karen and Kristina while the bears slowly danced around over my head.

"Little girls shouldn't play with themselves," Kristina said and she gently took my hands and moved them away from my member.

"I like girl babies," Kristina said. "They're sweeter and less rambunctious than boy babies." To Karen she said, "shouldn’t you check her vagina to make sure its clean?"

"Probably it's a good idea before we powder her," Karen said.

Karen proceeded to 'inspect' my member moving it this way and that as if she was searching for something. It seemed to me that the baby game was not as innocent as I might have thought. While on the one hand what Karen was doing seemed quite inappropriate, on the other it wouldn't be viewed that way if I was a real baby girl. I was afraid to cause a commotion and have Kristina yelling at me, so I decided that I should just let the two girls play their game so I could reap my reward. I thought of Penny in her dance class. Was it ballet or modern? Or was it tap? I imagined her in a pretty pink leotard and how wonderful it would be to just break the ice with her so we could maybe be friends.

"It looks like her little pussy is clean," I heard Karen say.

"Good, I'll get the diapers and you can powder her," Karen said to Kristina.

"Diapers?" I said in a tiny voice.

"Of course," Kristina said. "Baby girls need their diapers until they become potty trained."

Kristina fetched a tin of baby powder and sprinkled some over my private parts. She patted the powder gently on my member and balls and then turned me on my side and sprinkled my tush with powder and then I felt her hands smoothing it into my buttocks and along my thighs.

Karen came back and helped Kristina turn me on my other side and watched as Kristina sprinkled more powder. "You think that's enough powder?" Karen said laughing.

"I don't know what I'm doing!" Kristina said giggling.

"Now the baby's all powdered up and dry!" Karen said.

I sneezed which caused Karen and Kristina to crack up all over again. "There's powder everywhere," Karen said, "my mom's going kill me."

"We'll vacuum it up," Kristina said laughing.

Karen said, "Let's get her diapered."

"Before she wets all over!" Kristina said.

Surely she's joking I thought to myself. I would never wet the crib.

Karen held up a large cloth diaper and with Kristina's help they lifted up my legs and arranged the diaper on the mattress underneath me with the top folded over. "We had better double diaper her," Kristina said and then she got another diaper and rolled it up and positioned it underneath the center of my butt and my penis.

"Don't you think we should triple diaper her?" Karen said.

"Triple diapers!" Kristina said laughing.

"My mom triple diapers my baby sister when she's going down for a nap," Karen said. "And we're going to feed our baby and then put her down for a nap!"

"Cool," Kristina said while I wondered what in the world she meant by feeding me? And a nap? Were they serious?

Kristina got a third diaper and combined it with the second diaper and now lay the two folded diapers inside the first diaper. Karen lifted up the outer diaper between my legs and over the inner diapers and pulled it tight. Kristina got some diaper pins and handed them to Karen saying, "you better do that. I'm sure I'll poke holes in the baby."

"Me?" Karen said, "I was hoping that you'd do the dangerous part."

"No way Karen! Just try to avoid an artery," Kristina said.

"Hey!" I said.

"Uh, oh, it looks like we've scared the baby," Karen said.

"You just yell if Karen pokes you with the pins," Kristina said laughing.

"Here goes nothing," Karen said as she fastened the ends of the bulging white diapers. I cringed while I watched her intently working with the safety pins.

Kristina laughed and said, "look at the expression on her face! Its priceless."

Karen finished one side and then with the help of Kristina the two girls wrestled with the other end of the outside diaper to fit it around the two large bulky diapers inside of it. They somehow managed to get the two ends together and then Karen pinned it. She said, "all done, and no blood!"

"Very good Karen!" Kristina said. "Nice and snug. That is one perfectly diapered baby."

I lay on my back with my legs up in the air and spread apart with my middle section gripped by the three diapers. I wondered if I could even move my legs any more.

"We better put some plastic pants on her," Karen said, "if she pees too much, it'll leak all over the mattress."

I wasn't planing on peeing but it seemed like their fantasies were an important part of the game. Karen came back with pink plastic pants with princesses on them, "check these out Kristina. Are these cool or what?"

Kristina laughed, "they're gorgeous. Look Cathy, mommy found you the perfect girly plastic pants. Darling little princesses dancing all around!"

I rolled my eyes and Kristina said, "I think she adores the pretty pants. She loves being a princess!"

"How do we get these on her?" Kristina said.

"Just aim for the leg holes and pull them up," Karen said.

"OK, let's go for it!" Kristina said and the two girls held up my legs and put my feet through the openings of the plastic pants and slid them up as high as they would go. "Now the good baby can help her mommies by lifting her hips!" Kristina said and I did as she said and then she and Karen were able to get the plastic pants to sit properly over my diapers. Lying on my back with my legs bent, and wearing the puffed up pink plastic pants, I looked like a rather large baby, but a baby nevertheless.

Karen and Kristina stood back and admired their creation.

"All powdered and diapered and ready for lunch!" Karen said. "You can go first," she said to Kristina.

"No Karen, you have the honors! You're the real mommy," Kristina said.

"We're equal mommies," Karen said.

"OK, but you go first anyway!" Kristina said.

I had no idea what they were talking about. I wondered if they were going to sit me at a high chair and feed me.

Karen looked down at me as I lay in the crib and said, "you look so darling lying there, but now I've got to feed you, so come with mommy to the sofa." The bars on the side of the crib were still down, so I was able to swing my legs over the end of the mattress and sit up. I wondered why they wanted me on the sofa.

I was wearing only the diapers and plastic pants and Karen said to Kristina, "do you think the baby might be cold. Should we put her in a little dress? What do you think?"

Kristina came over and the two girls regarded me. The room was not really cold and I wasn't uncomfortable. Kristina said, "what dresses do we have for her?"

"I'm thinking," Karen said, and then becoming animated she said, "I know just the thing! I have a very pretty little pink nightie that will fit her perfectly! I used to wear it when I was about 8. It is so pretty. It's made of pink see-through gauzy material with gathered cap sleeves and all kinds of lacy trim and ribbons."

"Perfect!" Kristina said. Karen rummaged through the back of her closet and then through the lower drawers of her dresser looking for the nightie. She finally found it and unfolded it and then held it up for Kristina to see. "See what I said," Karen said.

"It's so precious!" Kristina said.

Karen then put the nightie over my head and put my arms through the sleeve holes. The nightie came down to my waist just at the top of the plastic pants. Wearing the pink nightie took me to a place I had never been before. I felt that the pretty pink fabric covering my upper body together with the pink plastic pants had conquered my boyhood. I had been absorbed into Karen and Kristina's feminine world and my identity had become one of a girl. The nightie had the effect of nullifying any thoughts I had of feeling or acting like a boy, leaving only the thoughts and feelings of a girl to replace them.

As if seeing my inner surrender, Karen said, "my God she looks adorable."

Kristina looked at me and seemed to realize the powerful effect that the nightie had had on me. "Cathy is such a girl, isn't she," Kristina said. "So pretty in her little pink nightie and diapers. Now come join mommy Karen on the sofa."

"Can baby walk?" I said.

"Baby better walk, or baby won't get fed!" Kristina said laughing.

Karen sat down on a small sofa in her room. I watched as she straightened her skirt before sitting down. "Come here Cathy, such a big girl" she said. I stood up next to the crib and made my way toward the sofa. On account of the bulk of the diapers I waddled more than I walked. "Come sit next to mommy," Karen said. I did as she said. It was thrilling to sit so close to Karen. I had never been seated next to a girl like this before and the closeness of her warm body and feminine clothes affected me deeply in ways I had never felt before. To my surprise I saw her unbuttoning her blouse. She gently pulled me over so my head went into her lap. I could see that Karen was wearing a lacy blue bra and I was transfixed by the sight. Karen cradled my head in her right arm and with her other arm pulled up her bra to expose her small breast with a bright red rosy nipple capping it off. "Oh my God my breasts are so full of milk they ache," Karen said. "Come Cathy make mommy feel better. Suck my milk!"

I could look up from where my head was and see Karen's puffed up nipple. She leaned forward and used her hand to position her nipple in my mouth and I began sucking on it gently. In front of my eyes was her bra which I looked at for a minute or two until my eyes closed and I let myself take in the sweet sensation of her small breast in my mouth and feminine scent of her chest. I relaxed and sucked gently. "Oh Cathy, mommy needs you to latch on. You must suck a lot harder than that." I increased the pressure of my mouth and tongue on her nipple making sure to keep my teeth away from it. I also made a slight movement of my jaw and head so as to pull a bit on the nipple and Karen said, "yes that's right. Not too hard, not too soft. You're being a very good baby now. That's feeling good. The milk is coming down now."

While I suckled her Karen said, "see Kristina, that's how its done. My mom says you have to get the baby to latch on and then the milk comes. If the baby's sucking is too wishy washy, then it don't stimulate the release of the milk which probably means that the baby is not hungry. She also says you have to make sure your booby doesn't block their nose or else they won't be able to breathe." Karen used her hand to hold down the soft flesh of her breast that was pushing against my nose.

No milk was coming out of her breast and I figured that that was probably the way it was supposed to be. On the other hand, Karen had talked about the milk as if it was coming out so I thought that maybe she would want to know that there wasn't any. Out of the corner of my mouth I said, "is there supposed to be milk?"

Karen and Kristina roared with laughter. "Oh my God that's so funny," Kristina said. "What's the matter Karen, you all dried up?"

"You're not serious," Karen said looking down at me smiling.

For a moment I felt I was Karen's baby. The pretty smile on her face was so genuine and loving that I felt for sure that she was showing true affection for me. I smiled up at her and said, "I was just making sure."

"You're so precious!" Karen said and I felt she was saying that specifically about me, that I was the precious one. This was just not a line in the game we were playing. Confirming my suspicion Karen leaned forward crushing my face fully into her chest while I managed to keep her nipple in my mouth and continue my sucking. I suckled another five minutes or so and heard Karen and Kristina occasionally say something to each other.

Karen then sat up and said, "time to switch boobies." I felt her fingers gently secure her nipple and pull it out of my mouth.

"You've got to burp her first," Kristina said.

"Right!" Karen said.

Karen got me to sit up and then she gently patted my back until I let out a small burp, causing her and Kristina to laugh. "Good baby!" Karen said. "Now its time for the other side." Karen adjusted her bra so that her other breast was exposed and available and now with some shifting I was able to get her other nipple latched into my mouth for sucking. "I could get really into this," Karen said to Kristina. "It feels really good." Karen's hand stroked my face and tummy as I nursed and I felt utterly blissful.

"I wish I had a camera," Kristina said, "a mommy and her baby."

"Isn't she precious," Karen said. "We should check if she's dry."

"How do you do that?" Kristina said.

"You put your fingers up inside her diaper," Karen said, "I see my mom do it all the time."

Since I hadn't peed and God forbid I would ever pee in a diaper, I wondered if I should just tell Karen that I was dry. Her nipple was well ensconced in my mouth and I was so totally enjoying sucking on it that I didn't want to do anything to change the moment, so I said nothing.

"Why don't you put a finger up inside her diaper?" Karen said. "I've got my hands full."

"Sure," Kristina said. I felt her place her hand on my leg and then slide it slowly up my leg and then inside my plastic pants and diapers.

She moved so slowly that it tickled me and I started to squirm and laugh. "Oh my God, she's so ticklish," Karen said.

"I'm almost in," Kristina said, and her hand wiggled further inside the diaper until it was touching my member. I felt it grope over and around it and she said, "nope, she's not wet at all! Just a ton of powder in there." Kristina removed her hand.

"We'll check later," Karen said absentmindedly. It was clear that she and I had formed a kind of special dreamy bond with each other. After what seemed like a long time, Karen stirred and then gently inserted a finger into my mouth to separate me from her nipple and then pulled my head away from her breast. "OK, the dairy is closed for business," Karen said jokingly. I watched as she put her breast back in her bra. I sat up and she burped me again.

"Now its my turn," Kristina said, sitting down on my other side. She lifted up her blouse as if to take it off when Karen said, "I have a better idea. Why don't you feed Cathy a real bottle?"

I could see Kristina's bra from where I sat. It was white and had little pink flowers all over it. I had never seen inside her clothes before, even though she was my stepsister and I saw her everyday in the house. The bra seemed familiar to me and I was sure that I had seen bras like that when my mom was doing the laundry.

"You know that's probably a good idea. It may not be too swift to have 'you know who' experience his big sister like that," Kristina said.

"I know what you mean. I'll go get one," Karen said. She left the room and I now lay with my head in Kristina's lap looking up at her. Kristina used one hand to button up her blouse. While she did that I could see that she was somewhat more developed than Karen and my eyes examined every nuance of her bra and her skin inside her blouse. There was a slightly pudgy area right where her flesh met the side of the bra, and I was fascinated by the sight. When she had buttoned the last button, she had inadvertently left a raised fold in the blouse so I could see her bra through the opening. Kristina had never been so close to me before and I started feeling pangs of happiness that she was my sister now. I was thinking of telling her that I loved her, when Karen returned holding a baby bottle with milk in it. "I warmed up the bottle," she said.

"Good," Kristina said sitting up straight and getting ready to feed me the bottle.

Karen handed the bottle to Kristina. "Now the baby gets her bottle," Kristina said and she moved as if to put the bottle in my mouth.

"Wait!" Karen yelled, "you're supposed to test it to see if its too hot aren't you?"

"Right!" Kristina said. She shook the bottle so some of the milk came out onto her wrist and she said, "not too hot. Just right."

Kristina then inserted the nipple of the bottle into my mouth and I found myself sucking warm milk down my throat. "She's just like a real baby," Kristina said. "I like feeding her."

"It was really neat to nurse her. It made me feel relaxed and mellow," Karen said, "I think I'm going to really love being a mommy one day."

I looked up at Kristina's face as I sucked on the bottle and she smiled down at me. That was something she rarely did when we were home. I continued to drink the milk and enjoyed the feeling it gave me as it settled into my stomach. After I had drunk about half the bottle, Kristina lifted me up and burped me and this time I let out a large burp that made Karen and Kristina laugh. Then Kristina resumed feeding me and I happily slurped up the warm milk.

I kept drinking and after a while I felt a growing fullness in my bladder. When there was just a few drops of milk left in the bottle I reflexively yawned and stretched my arms out a bit.

"You should see if she's wet," Karen said.

Kristina snaked her hand inside my diaper, this time entering through my waist. "Still dry," she said. With all the milk I had drunk I now really did have to pee and I thought about telling the girls that I had to go. My need to pee seemed to be slowly rising as the last of the milk was now hitting my bladder. I felt a slightly uncomfortable ache but put it out of my mind.

"What do we do?" Karen said. "The baby is tired but she hasn't peed?"

"She'll probably pee the moment we put her down to sleep," Kristina said.

"You're right," Karen said. "It's like that every time. Anyway, she's exhausted and she'll end up being cranky if she doesn't get some sleep."

Turning to me, Karen said, "OK, nap time little one!" She and Kristina had me get up, and they took my hands as I waddled in the thick diapers and pink nightie back across the room to the crib. Before I climbed in I thought of telling them that I really did have to pee now, but figured that nap time would no doubt signal the end of the game.

"Come on honey," Karen said. "You're so sleepy you can barely keep your eyes open!"

I climbed into the crib and lay down. Karen put up the side gate on the crib and cranked up the mobile. Even though my bladder was now really starting to ache it was not yet an emergency. There had been worse times in the past. I probably had nothing to worry about just yet. I looked up at the mobile and watched the bears. Karen looked down at me and said, "here's a binky for the baby so she goes to sleep without fussing," and she put a pacifier in my mouth. I immediately began sucking on it and felt consoled and relaxed. This had been a nice experience, being a baby. I especially liked the nursing part and would love to do that again. It seemed clear to me now that putting me to sleep was the last part of the game. I enjoyed sucking on the pacifier and let it continue to calm me down. All I felt now was a slight, dull ache in my bladder that I would take care of as soon as the girls announced the game was over. I couldn't wait for the girls to tell me that I had been a great baby.

Kristina, abruptly turned out the lights in the room and said, "nighty night Cathy." She leaned over the railing of the crib and gave me a kiss on my forehead. Then Karen did the same and as the two of them headed toward the door I heard Kristina whisper to Karen, "I'm sure she's still dry."

"It's for the best," Karen whispered back, "we won't have to..."

The door had closed and I missed the last few words. It was clear, just as I thought, that my actually peeing was not part of the game. Thank goodness, I thought, they'll be back soon and then I can look forward to meeting Penny. I lay there in the dark listening to the tune being played by the mobile. This had been an unforgettable experience. I let my mind run through the silky joy of nursing and it was hard to think of anything in life that could be better than that. My mind focused on the bulky diaper and I smiled thinking how the girls had struggled to get it on me. The truth was that I was a bit tired but was sure that I'd revive once I got to meet with Penny.

My thoughts gravitated to Penny and what I would say to her. I wondered if Karen would have told her that I'd been playing the baby game. I hoped not, since Penny might not take it too well. The mobile stopped and it was very quiet in the room and I couldn't hear any sounds in the house. If the game wasn't about to end and I didn't have to go pee so bad, I was sure that I'd fall asleep in the crib, diaper and all. In the semi dark of the room I looked closely at the pink nightie I was wearing. It was soft against my skin and I could see why girls liked wearing pretty, delicate things like that. I would be lying to myself if I were to day I didn't like wearing it. It was pretty and it was also nice knowing that it was Karen's. Karen was a very pretty girl. And to think I had been sucking her breast! I shifted my leg and my bladder now down right hurt. When are the girls coming back I wondered. They really needed to take off my diaper and let me use the bathroom.

The urge to pee was growing steadily to the point where the feeling of discomfort was becoming a constant annoyance. I realized that I should have spoken up before I climbed into the crib. How would the girls have known that I had to pee since I didn't say anything? They would definitely have assumed that I'm not so dumb as to really use the diaper to pee in. Worrying about peeing seemed to increase the need to pee and I began feeling some powerful stabs of pain in my bladder. After a few minutes more I started feeling panicky. What if they didn't come back soon? A wave of anxiety ran up through my aching bladder that momentarily felt extraordinarily pleasing before crashing back into an intense pain. The sharp line of pleasure had run through my bladder out to the tip of my little penis as if to coax me into peeing. My need to pee had now become an emergency, that was for sure. I was afraid to move my body lest it cause me to pee. All my effort was now devoted to consciously holding myself back from peeing and I worried how long I would be able to stay like this. I called out "Karen?" "Kristina?" Far in the distance I heard a door slam and realized that the two girls had gone outside. I called out louder for Karen or Kristina and then I began crying "mommy!" with a feeling of deja vu as if I had done this in the past. Perhaps calling out to my mother at night, scared because of a bad dream or perhaps I had had the need to pee.

The pain in my bladder was now unbearable and I decided that I had no choice except to climb out of the crib and get to the bathroom. The game had gone on too long. The girls should not have left me for such a long period of time. First I would get out of the diaper and then climb out of the crib and run to the bathroom. I reached for one of the safety pins and in the darkened room I struggled to open it up. Not knowing much about safety pins I wrestled with it to no avail. It was an awkward angle and despite my frantic efforts I couldn't figure out how to undo it. I felt for sure I would pee any second now and I called out again to the girls, "Karen, Kristina, Mommy!"

I tried to calm myself down. All I had to do now would be to climb out of the crib and perhaps then be able to squirm out of the diaper. I got up on my knees to investigate the gate on the crib. Somewhere on it was a latch mechanism and I felt around with my fingers searching for it. I cursed myself for not watching what the girls had done. I just couldn't find where the latch was and with the great pain in my loins I decided I had just better climb out of the crib. The sides of the crib did not appear to be too high to swing my leg over if I stood up, but then I'd have the problem of where to put my foot on the other side. I would have to take the chance. I stood up but when I swung my foot up toward the railing I realized that with the bulky diaper and plastic pants on I couldn't raise my leg high enough to get over the top of the side. I tried in vain over and over again to raise my leg. Every gesture hurt my bladder and I desperately tried to hold in my pee. Exhausted and in pain, I lay down on the bed and began crying out again, "mommy!, mommy!," as loud as I could yell the whole time fighting the urge to pee. I waited and listened. I heard voices outside. Karen and Kristina were sitting outside in the backyard. I concentrated on waiting out the time, second by second until the girls would come back. I fought against my bladder but no matter how hard I tried I felt myself losing control. I screamed "mommy!, mommy!, mommy!" and began crying hysterically. Everything would be ruined if the girls found my diaper wet. Kristina and Karen will hate me and I didn't even want to think what Penny would say once she heard about this fiasco. Kristina's little brother pees in his diapers!

The pain was now unbearable and in my misery I just lay down quietly, crying, and decided to just let go. They could all just laugh at me and hate me, but I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. As I stopped trying to hold the pee in, first a little dribble of pee came out and then a squirt, and then, weeping at the thought that the girls would never forgive me, I gave into the need to pee. Anything to get relief from the pain and I felt the pee rush out of me and fill up and spread over the three diapers with a hot, surprisingly comforting sensation. On and on it came, and as it flowed and took away my pain I saw a crack of light as the door to the room opened a bit. The pee was still coming out into my soaked diapers when I heard a voice, "did someone call for mommy?" and then I saw that Penny had stepped into the room and was looking at me in the crib. While I gazed at her in horror the last of the pee came out of me and I felt the unbelievable weight of the warm wet diapers surrounding me. I felt ashamed and scared. Bad enough that Karen and Kristina were going to kill me, Penny was starring at me wearing the pink nightie and pink plastic pants and lying in the crib.

"Is that you Petey?" Penny asked.

I turned my head away from her and began crying again.

The light in the room was suddenly turned on and I heard Karen say, "You're home early."

"My teacher became ill and dismissed the class early," Penny said. "When I came home, I heard someone calling for their mommy, so I came up here and peeked in the room."

"We were out back and didn't hear the baby. Sorry Penny. We've been playing the baby game with Cathy," Karen said.

"Cathy?" Penny said.

"Yes, our little baby is Cathy," Karen said and then to me she said pleasantly, "how's the baby?" and when she realized I wouldn't turn toward her and was crying she said, "oh my God Cathy? Why are you crying?"

My chest heaved up and down as I tried to calm down. I was mortified enough about my wet diapers without Penny being present to find out that I had wet myself.

"I doubt if Cathy is hungry," Kristina said. "Perhaps she wet herself."

"That's probably it," Karen said. "Let's check."

I wailed as Kristina put her hand up inside my plastic pants near my thigh and said, "oh my God that's it! Boy did she wet herself!"

Through my tears I was able to formulate some words and between breaths I said, "I tried and tried to get out of the diaper but I couldn't figure out how to do the pins!"

"Calm down Cathy," Kristina said, "you're so upset."

"And then I couldn't get out of the crib. I couldn't raise my leg up!" As I said this, I turned toward Karen and Kristina and saw that their faces looked like they were trying to keep from smiling or laughing. "I called to you, to both of you, and nobody came, and then I tried as hard as I could and no matter what I did it started to come, I couldn't stop! I'm sorry!" My chest continued to heave up and down and more tears found their way outside my swollen eyes.

"It's OK baby girl," Kristina said. "Your mommies left the little baby for too long and she had to go pee pee in her diaper and then little Cathy couldn't sleep because her diaper was so wet and uncomfortable."

"But your mommies are here now and can clean you all up and make you nice and dry," Karen said.

"I kept yelling mommy!" I said.

"We know you did, Penny heard you. But we were outside and didn't hear," Kristina said.

"Do you forgive us?" Karen said.

The pacifier was lying on the mattress near me and Kristina put it back in my mouth and I shook my head indicating "no".

Kristina laughed, "Cathy is mad at her mommies. But we'll clean you all up good as new and then you can play with Penny."

Penny had stepped aside so Karen and Kristina could tend to me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking and I was surprised that she had stayed in the room. Karen lowered the side of the crib so that she and Kristina could get access to me. The two girls together began pulling down the plastic pants and Kristina said giggling, "I don't think I've ever seen such wet diapers!"

At any second I expected her and Karen to scold me for peeing in the diapers but they didn't. They even seemed kind of pleased that I had wet myself. With some effort the girls managed to pull my plastic pants down to my ankles. Then Karen unpinned one of the safety pins and then the other so that the diaper opened up revealing the totally soaked two inner diapers. "We're going to have to get her to the bathtub!" Kristina said.

I saw that Penny had come over to get a closer look. "That's just one bottle of milk," Karen said. Karen gingerly picked up the two wet inner diapers with two fingers revealing my member for everyone to see. I could see Penny's eyes looking at my private parts. From all the crying I had done my eyes were red and teary and I desperately had to blow my nose. On top of that I had the binky in my mouth. With Kristina's help Karen lifted up my hips and took out the third diaper, and then pulled the plastic pants back up to my waist. "I've got to get these diapers into the washing machine," Karen said and left the room holding them.

Kristina looked at me and then Penny. She pulled the pacifier out of my mouth and said, "Penny, this is my younger brother Petey."

Penny laughed and said, "I know Petey from school. Hi Petey."

I couldn't say a word and, instead, nodded my head a little. I so wanted to cry but was frozen in the presence of Penny. She was wearing a pink leotard with a short white skirt and looked so pretty I couldn't stand it.

"That's Karen's old pink nightie you're wearing. Isn't it so pretty! I've always loved it," Penny said.

My head was about to explode from confusion and I still couldn't speak.

"Karen and I have to give Cathy a bath," Kristina said to Penny and to me she said, "let me help you off with the nightie." I sat up and she pulled the nightie off me over my head.

Karen came back and went to the bathroom to start the water in the tub. Then she came to me and said, "can you make it to the bath or should your mommies carry you?"

Without answering I swung my legs off the bed and wearing just the pink plastic pants went to the bathroom. I wanted to run away, but there was nothing I could do. In the bathroom Karen instructed me to get in the tub and then take off my plastic pants so she could wash them in the hot soapy water. Karen had loaded up the tub with bubble bath and a few floating toys. "Now your mommies will give you a good scrub. We have to get you clean again after sitting in a wet diaper for so long," Karen said.

With Penny watching, Karen and Kristina got on their knees and washed me using a wash cloth. They even shampooed my hair. You would think this was the most fun they ever had in their lives as they laughed and threw soap bubbles at each other. The whole time I sat in the tub starring at the rubber duck in front of me and every so often glancing up to see if Penny was still watching. I wanted to vanish. I couldn't believe that Kristina would do this to me. Every time she and Karen called me Cathy or made reference to me being a baby girl I was mortified, but there was nothing I could do about it. I would just have to wait this out. The irony was that Penny now definitely knew who I was. I prayed that she wouldn't tell anyone else at school about me being Cathy.

After what seem an eternity, Karen pulled the drain plug on the tub and then rinsed me off in the shower. Finally she found a large pink fluffy towel and wrapped me in it and patted me dry.

"Well, that's the end of the baby game!" Kristina said to me. "Don't tell me you didn't have so much fun!"

"You make such a perfect baby girl," Karen said to me laughing. "You're a lot more fun than a pretend dolly. Anyway, as Kristina and I promised here is my kid sister Penny. Penny, you've met Petey."

I glanced at Penny and was surprised that she seemed to be smiling at me, as if the whole experience was nothing to freak out about. If I was her I would have run as far from myself as I could. Since all I was wearing was the pink towel around me, I said to the three girls, "I've got to get dressed."

"Sure, go ahead," Karen said and pointed to my clothes sitting on a chair in the bedroom.

With the three girls making no attempt to give me any privacy, I turned my back to them and took off the towel, and got dressed. When I was done, I stood awkwardly wondering what would be next. Should I even bother to try and talk to Penny or not. Luckily, Kristina spoke up saying to me, "why don't you and Penny have your chat out in the backyard while Karen and I clean up here?"

Penny said, "sure, that sounds like a good idea. Come Petey."

I then followed her outside where we sat down on some lounge chairs facing each other.

"I'm sorry about all this," I said.

"You don't have to be sorry," Penny said. "Karen told me why you were doing this, but you didn't have to do this. Any time you wanted to talk to me at school you just had to come over and say hello."


"Yes of course, Petey. I don't bite!"

"I guess I've really screwed up, haven't I?" I said. I wanted to tell her that she was so pretty that I was afraid to ever talk to her but realized that it would sound lame.

"I've always liked you Petey. I'm glad that we now can talk to each other."

"But aren't you freaked out about me being Cathy?"

"I think its adorable that you were willing to do all that just for the chance to talk to me. It's very endearing. Very sweet. I'll have to call you sweetie Petey!"

I laughed and said, "would you be willing to go ice skating with me one day, or to a movie?"

Penny smiled at me and said she would love that very much.

We spent some time talking and it was clear that we had a lot in common and enjoyed each others company. When it was time for me to go I said, "I was so sure that you'd never ever want to talk to me, after seeing me as a baby girl."

Penny smiled at me, "I thought you were very cute. In fact, I was a little jealous of Karen and Kristina. It looked like a lot of fun to play at being a mommy. Who knows, maybe you and I could play the mommy game one day too."

What that I said goodbye to Penny and walked home slowly replaying her last sentence over and over again in my mind.

The End

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