Crossdresser Heaven

Crossdresser Heaven*

By Pamela

*With a nod toward Toy Story and a particular short comical essay about human organs.

([email protected])

Mickey looked back on his long life of crossdressing. He had had many fine outfits, pretty lingerie and a vast number of delightful afternoons and evenings lounging about in his clothing and being happy. During his life he had been a nice person. He was generous and caring and strove to make the world a better place than he had found it. He often laughed to himself thinking that if there is such a thing as crossdresser heaven, that is where he would end up.

Around this time he felt that his end was coming and one night when he went to bed wearing one of his lovely negligees he had the distinct feeling that this was it. He would probably die in his sleep and then he’d find out if there was to be another chapter to his life or not. Probably not he would have guessed but you never know. People buy lottery tickets with ridiculous odds but then somehow somebody somewhere wins the big prize.


Mickey woke up. Everything was different. There were very bright lights everywhere and he felt that his body was unlike the one he was accustomed to. In fact, it was odd but he felt like he didn’t have a need to pee like he always did when he woke up in the morning. He also didn’t feel hungry or even have a desire for coffee. How bizarre he thought. Then he looked around and saw that there were bras and panties in every direction. Racks and racks of bras and panties. He then heard a voice near him saying, “Look who just woke up.”

“What?” Mickey said.

“You’re new,” the voice said and laughed. “It will take some getting used to.” Then strangely the voice called out, “Hey everybody, we have a new bra!”

Mickey heard a cacophony of “Hellos,” directed to him. Some friendlier than others. Some sounded bored and a few even kind of spiteful.

“Be nice, everyone,” the voice said. “He had no choice.”

“Who are you and what are you referring to?”

“I’m Henry and I’m right next to you on the rack.”


“You see all the bras, right?”



“Holy shit, I’m a bra?”

The voice laughed as well as many others nearby. “I love it when a new guy shows up and figures out what’s happened.”

“What’s happened?”

“You were a crossdresser in your past life?”

“Why yes, how did you know?”

“And you were a nice person?”


“Well, ta da, you’ve ended up in crossdresser heaven!”

“This is crossdresser heaven?”

“Yes. You must have been a super nice guy in your past life because you, my friend, are now a Prima Donna Madison side-support bra in bluebell. You’re a $133 bra. The crème de la crème of beautiful bras. Look at your lace, man. Look at the pretty blue checked pattern and the fine craftsmanship! On top of that you’re a 36D. My goodness I can only imagine the beautiful breasts that you’ll carry one day.”

“You’re blowing my mind! How can I be a bra?”

“I don’t know about the how part, but indeed you’re a bra. I’m also a Prima Donna Madison side-support bra in bluebell, but just a 38C. Pretty good but man, the D cup bras are really the best as far as that goes. Though I must admit that some of the A and B cup guys can get to hold some very pretty and well-formed breasts.”

“So what you’re saying is that I’ve been reincarnated as a bra?”

“Duh, can’t you see that?”

“Everyone around me is a guy that has been reincarnated as a bra?”

“Now you’re starting to understand. This is crossdresser heaven. After they die, crossdressing guys that have been nice people come back as bras, but also panties, pantyhose, slips, negligees, corsets, bodysuits, and girdles. Items of women’s underwear. We’re all former crossdressers.”

“You’re blowing my mind!”

“It is what it is. Everyone here has gone through the same reaction that you’re going through. At least you’ve reached one of the highest pinnacles. A Prima Donna bra! Me too! We obviously were both truly fine people in our previous lives. If you look around you, you’ll see that some guys ended up in relatively inexpensive Playtex bras, or bras in unusual sizes, colors, or designs. Some guys are sports bras – not exactly my cup of tea. Imagine the wear and tear and the sweat. Sweat, sweat, sweat. Of course, it could be argued by some guys that ending up as a panty is better than a bra, that’s a matter of personal taste. The panty guys could have quite a nice bush to admire and enjoy, but they could also have some rough days if there are yeast infections. Some guys might like having menstrual pads stuck on them, some may not, it depends. You never know. I must admit, that for me personally it’s a tossup of being a bra or a girdle. Whoa! Girdles really get to have a nice tight, close hugging of the butt cheeks. If there’s a nice panty inside them, then they can have quite a nice day of conversation in a very intimate setting. Add in a pleasant slip and it makes for some nice socializing. As a bra we sometimes have a slip to talk to, but it’s a bit lonelier experience. The other thing about girdles is that women are prone to save them so that you might end up becoming a vintage girdle. Years may go by and then one day you find that you’re in demand again.”

“What about all-in-ones or bodysuits?”

“You’re perceptive. Guys who end up as all-in-ones consisting of a bra, panty, and girdle in one garment do have a great experience. Boobs, pussy, midriff, wowee, zowee that can be fun. The drawback, however, is that the women that tend to like all-in-ones are older and usually trying to create a shape that they don’t have anymore. That can be cool but if you’re looking for a smoking hot girl, you’re much better off being a bra or panty.”

“We don’t have any control over which woman we end up with?”

“Of course not.”

“So a famous woman could come in here and buy me?”

“Sure, it’s possible, but this is a department store and famous women tend not to shop in places like this. I’m personally hoping that a beautiful woman wants me. I don’t care if she’s famous or not.”

“All these bras and panties that I can see around me are hoping to leave here and end up in the lingerie drawer of a woman who buys them?”

“Yes indeed. You see, we’re all new bras so for us it is an exciting time to find out who we end up with. Many of us have made it as far as the dressing room where women try us on and boy is that an amazing experience the first time it happens. Just you wait until the first time you settle in around a couple of nice breasts. Whew boy! I’ve been tried on about five times already, but no one has bought me. It’s because of my high price. Not too many women spend over a hundred dollars on a bra. The guys over there on the Playtex and Maidenform rack get tried on constantly and many have been sold. I suggest you don’t make friends with them because they’ll be gone soon. Women who buy Playtex tend never to buy Prima Donna so it’s very unlikely that you would end up in a women’s lingerie drawer together.”

“This is mind blowing. How come you seem so nonchalant about this?”

“When you’ve been here awhile you get accustomed to it. It becomes the new normal for you. While we all look forward to being bought and then spending whole days holding up a woman’s breasts, it’s kind of fun to be here. Sometimes when a woman comes shopping we buy into a pool predicting which bras she’s going to try on and which ones she buys. It’s fun.”

“I think there must also be a downside to this, isn’t there?”

“Well, sometimes a bra is bought and we say goodbye and then it comes back. The feelings of rejection on the poor bra would make us all weep if we could actually weep. Bras are often returned for not being comfortable. Ouch, I’d hate for a woman to think I was uncomfortable.”

“But you said that you’ve been tried on but not bought.”

“Being tried on and then rejected is usually because you’re the wrong size. Admittedly it is a rejection of sorts but it’s nowhere as hurtful as when you actually make it home with a woman and then come back here.”

“If a bra is ugly then what?”

“Of course, some of the bras around here are a piece of work and you wonder what idiot designed them. Also some bras with J or K cups can sit here forever. I’m glad I’m not front closure and especially glad that I’m not a strapless bra. Imagine having to be readjusted all day long while being afraid you’re going to slip off the titties.”

“That’s funny.”

“Maybe the worst fate for a bra is when a crossdresser comes in here. Usually a very nervous guy and he wants to buy a bra for himself though he pretends it’s for his girlfriend. Imagine if he buys you. You’re not going to be getting breasts to hold. You might get nothing or you might get a breast form. Not very exciting and kind of tragic.”

“Now you’ve made me feel bad thinking of all the bras I bought over the years.”

“You didn’t know. You were innocent.”

“I hope you and I can be friends.”

“Yes, you seem like a nice guy but as long as you’re 36D and I’m 38C we’re never going to end up being bought together.”

“So I should make friends with other 36D bras?”

“Yes, in your price range. You also have a matching panty if you look at the rack below us. It’s quite common for one of us to be paired with a panty that looks like us and then we can end up spending a very great amount of time together. Let me introduce you.” In a loud voice my bra friend said, “Hey Prima Donna panties! Let me introduce you to …?”

“It’s Mickey.”


A chorus of panties introduced themselves to Mickey. Mickey said, “I want to say hello to everyone here. I wish you all the best!”

One of the panties said, “I knew a crossdresser named Mickey. Are you from Toledo, Ohio?”

“No,” Mickey said, “I was crossdressing mainly in Atlanta.”

“Is that so?” one of the panties said. “I’m George and I’m also from Atlanta. I’m a size 6 which is often paired with 38D, so maybe we’ll be bought together.”

“That would be nice,” Mickey said.

“George, there are two other size 6 panties here next to you. We might end up with Mickey,” another panty said.

“I know,” George said, “and if you end up with him, I’m sure the two of you will get along.”

“Don’t mind the panties,” Henry said. “They often like to ramble on and on.”


A short while later a woman entered the bra section where Mickey and Henry were. Henry said, “She’s probably looking for mid-price bras. Could be brands like Glamorise or DKNY.”

“How do you know?”

“From her clothing. She’s not a bargain basement shopper but she definitely does not have the bucks.”

“She’s coming over here!”

“It’s probably because she’s intrigued by the high-end bras. She wishes she could afford one but not today. She might even try one of us on, but she’s not going to be splurging on a bra that costs as much as we do.”

“What about sales?”

“You’re right. Once I was reduced to $90 and several of my Prima Donna friends were sold. Unfortunately, no one was looking for a 38C at that time.”

“What size do you think this woman is?”

“I’m afraid she’s never going to be a D cup. I’d say a B. What do you think Ralph?”

“I’m guessing a 34B,” Ralph said. He was a bra further down on the same rack as Mickey and Henry.

“Nice to meet you,” Mickey said.

“Same to you Mickey.”

“Look you guys she’s coming right to us. Look at the longing in her eyes. She’d really love to have a top-notch bra like us.”

“She’s looking at our sizes! She touched me and looked at my 38D! Look at that, she’s taking Ralph!”

“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy,” Ralph said, as the woman added him with several other bras she was intending to try on. “Even if she doesn’t pick me, I’m going to be so happy to hold her breasts!”


Thirty minutes later a saleswoman put Ralph back on the rack. “How was it?” Mickey asked excitedly.

“I’m still in a state of shock. She loved me. She had me on longer than any of the other bras. The other bras were a bit pissed that I seemed to hog so much of the dressing room time. She loved the way I fit and man does she have nice nipples. I close my eyes and all I see are her beautiful nipples.”

Henry laughed. “Calm down Ralph, you’re going to give us all hard-ons.”

About a hundred bras laughed at once. “What did she buy?”

“She bought a couple of Bali bras and a Glamorise. Not bad bras actually. She has good taste. One of the Bali’s was Ted and the other was Fenster. The Glamorise was Jose.”

“I see what you mean about how exciting it can get around here,” Mickey said.

“The one bummer,” Ralph said, “was the bra she was wearing for her shopping trip. It was an old Flower Bali that had seen so much use that the underwires were bent and it was frayed here and there. A guy named Norman inhabited the bra and he was very much scared and depressed when he saw that his woman was buying three new bras. He was pretty sure that he was never going to be worn again and he had formed such a loving and close relationship with the woman’s breasts, besides all the friends he had made with her panties, bras and other lingerie.”

“Well what happens if a bra is so old that it’s no longer worn?” Mickey asked.

“We don’t know,” Henry said. “It’s a mystery, just like the existence of crossdresser heaven was a mystery to all of us.”

“I bet that Norman is going to go to another heaven of some type.”

“Imagine if there’s a boxer heaven!” Ralph said.

“Where you spend your days holding a dick!”

“How weird that would be.”

“Now I think we’re into crazy talk. I’m sure that if we pass through crossdresser heaven to another place, it’ll be a place that crossdressers would like to be.”


A week later Prima Donna bras were reduced by 20% and Henry sold. Mickey was a bit lonely after that, but he made friends with a very pretty Cosabella 36D bra that was a couple of racks away and soon he was quite happy to spend his days looking at the women and comparing notes with his circle of friends.

Several weeks later there was quite a stir in the bra department when the famous movie actress, Anne West, showed up with her entourage of lady friends. This was the most excitement Mickey had seen since he became a bra. Anne stood conversing with her friends apparently thinking about which bras she ought to get when they all turned toward Mickey. Anne strode confidently across the floor, right to him and checked his size and then pulled him off the rack. With her beautiful eyes she carefully looked at Mickey and he stared into hers. He felt that he was falling in love with her. He looked at her expensive silk blouse and saw her prominent bosoms. How wonderful it would be to be inside the blouse holding those amazing boobs? Anne walked around and picked out a few more bras and went to the dressing room. She hung Mickey on a hook and he watched in fascination as she unbuttoned her blouse and saw the bra she was wearing underneath. It was an Empreinte bra which was in excellent condition. He thought that it would be a friendly gesture to greet her bra so he said, “Hello, I’m Mickey.”

“A Prima Donna? Hmmm. I’m Claude. Anne loves very pretty bras like me. I have to admit that you’re pretty attractive and apparently Anne thinks you are, but she is very much into comfort. If you aren’t super comfortable she’s not going to buy you.”

“Thanks for the tip.”

“No problem. I know that Anne loves me. I’m her favorite bra and have been for some time now. She’s not sending me off to Good Will anytime soon.”

Anne took off Claude and put him on a hook. Anne’s breasts were like two perfect mounds of sweetness topped by perfect nipples. Never in his life had Mickey seen such perfect bosoms. He was instantly orgasming as Anne held him and arranged his cups underneath her breasts and then lifted him into and over them getting his underwire underneath them and putting her arms through the straps. Mickey was amazed that she could clip her bra by reaching behind her back – a skill that he had never acquired. In a second she was wearing him and then she adjusted her breasts in his cups and she looked into the mirror to see how he looked. Claude was quiet and probably wondering if he should worry about being replaced as Anne’s number one bra. Mickey was holding his breath waiting for a sign from Anne that she wanted to buy him. She used her hands to gently hold the bra cups and feel her breasts. Mickey felt glorious to be squeezed between her lovely hands and breasts. Anne turned sideways and looked at herself in the mirror. This was a view that Mickey had always loved doing when he wore a bra since it made him feel like he had real breasts. The combination of Anne’s breasts with Mickey as her bra produced an extraordinary and delightful projection that any breast lover would love. Mickey saw Anne smiling and he heard Claude kind of grunt. Claude must know Anne well enough to see a telltale sign of her liking me. Then she did the most amazing thing, she sort of twirled around a bit in front of the mirror and said out loud so Claude and Mickey could hear, “I love this bra! It’s so comfortable and I love my shape!”

Mickey had never been so happy in his life than to hear this. At the same time he could see that Claude was miserable. “I bet she still loves you,” Mickey said trying to comfort him.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I knew this day would come. Being her number one bra is the best. You get worn for all the best events, especially the Oscar ceremony that is coming up. I was there last year and it was so much fun and I was hoping to go again.”

The Oscars? Mickey thought to himself. Now he knew that he’d be miserable if she didn’t buy him and wear him to the Oscars. “I’m new to the whole crossdresser heaven thing. This is the first time a woman has put me on. I’ve been waiting about a month for this to happen.”

“I hear you. Anne will still wear me, I’m sure of that. She treats her bras very nicely. We’re only hand washed and we get to dry outside in the Los Angeles sunshine so it’s pretty pleasant. I’m just a little envious of you because it was just a year ago that she made me her number one bra.”

“What bra did you replace?”

“Old Pete. She still wears him though he’s getting a little worn. I’ll introduce you to everyone back home in the mansion if she buys you.”

Anne took Mickey off and tried on a few other bras. He was pretty confident that none of them were a threat to him. They were much cheaper bras. When Anne was done she left the dressing room carrying Mickey in one hand, having left the other bras behind. She walked over to where she had found Mickey and said to one of her friends, “I love this bra. It’s so comfortable. Now I need the matching panty. A size 6.”

To Mickey’s great joy Anne went through the matching panties and picked out George. When she placed him against Mickey, Mickey said, “My man George! Isn’t this great!”

“I’m in a state of shock. I’m going to be Anne West’s panty. Oh my God, I can only imagine how beautiful her vagina is. I wonder if she shaves her pubies or not. Either way will be fine with me.”

“You don’t know the least of it, George. Claude, her current bra, told me that she very well might wear us to the Oscar ceremony.”

“Wow! What a magical day this is!”

While Mickey had the chance he said goodbye to the bras and panties he had become friendly with. As Anne carried him and George to the cashier, she stopped at the pantyhose display causing quite a commotion among the stockings after they recognized who she was. She took a few pairs of pantyhose. Mickey could hear the pantyhose squabbling among themselves as to which one of them Anne would wear first. They didn’t seem like such nice guys. Then Mickey realized that crossdressers who became pantyhose must be those who just squeaked into crossdresser heaven. Once a woman bought them they’d be lucky to last two weeks before they had a run and she’d toss them away. That was a tough future. Short and intense, but perhaps a bit better if the woman doesn’t wear panties with them.

Before getting to the cashier one of the ladies accompanying Anne stopped to look at the display of all-in-ones. She was on the full-figured end of the spectrum and Mickey could hear the men making some rather crude jokes about which one of them would be all over the woman. Apparently experiencing a woman’s body through an all-in-one brought out the caveman in the men. Underneath the woman’s dress the current bodysuit was telling the men to behave themselves. She was a fine lady and she didn’t deserve to wear some lecherous animal masquerading as lingerie. That didn’t stop the men at all. The woman picked up a Panache Envy bodysuit named Irving and admired it. Irving began boasting about how he was definitely the prettiest all-in-one in the store. “This woman is in love, L O V E, with me!” The woman told Anne West that she’d catch up with her later and then went into the dressing room carrying Irving. The last thing Mickey and George heard was Irving announcing, “I’m going to make her look sooooo good!”

At the cashier Anne paid for George and Mickey. The saleslady put them into a paper bag. All was dark for a while and the next thing they knew, they were taken out of the bag, their tags were cut off and Mickey was put in a drawer with a dozen or more bras and George was put in a panty drawer. George and Mickey had to say a quick farewell to each other and hoped to see each other soon. “I hope to see you on Oscar night!” Mickey said. “Same to you,” George said.

Inside the bra drawer, Mickey announced, “I’m the new bra, a Prima Donna, and I hope to make friends with you all.”

“I’m a Wacoal bra named Fred. Let me introduce you to the others.”

“Thanks.” Fred introduced the other bras to Mickey including Old Pete. It was a congenial group. A few of the older bras were resigned to being sent to Good Will, but they tried to be philosophical about it. They might be bought in a thrift shop by another voluptuous woman and life would go on with new adventures.

A bra named Jacques asked how Claude was. “Is he miserable?”

“He’s coping. He’s actually taking it pretty well all things considered. He said he’s going to miss not going to the Oscars assuming Anne picks me instead.”

“Claude is a good guy.”

After a few moments I said, “Hey, Old Pete.”

“Yeah, what?”

“Claude told me that he replaced you as number one bra.”

“True. I had a great run,” Old Pete said. “Man, I loved attending some really cool parties up in the hills with many famous stars. They’d sometimes go skinny dipping in the pool or hot tub and Anne would take me off and hang me from a tree branch with bras from other actresses. Boy did we have tales to tell. A lot of these stars are sex crazed! We laughed until we were ill. The good old days and now they’re just a memory.”

Another bra that Mickey couldn’t see said, “Claude has been sharing his experiences with us and we hope you will too.”

“Of course I will. If I’m lucky enough to go to the Oscars I’ll give you a full report!”

“We’ve been lucky because Anne prefers relatively low-cut gowns so you’ll be in an ideal position to see what’s going on. A lot of men will be looking in the direction of Anne’s boobs and you’ll be holding them up so they’re perfectly displayed.”

“I sure hope so.”


A few days later Claude was back in the drawer with me. He had been washed and now put away with several other bras. He said, “Oscar night is coming up, Mickey. Anne seems to be saving you for that night.”

“I hope so. I’m so excited.”

“We want to know all the details. So keep a sharp eye out for other celebs. You’ll probably meet many celebrity bras and panties. The after parties provide some of the nicest get togethers for us. Anne is an A-list actress so you can count on meeting many bras and panties from other actresses. She might get a little tipsy by the end of the evening and she will surely end up with her boyfriend Ron Dexter, the famous actor. Last year they had sort of a drunken romp at four in the morning. It was so sexy and comical at the same time.”

“Thanks for the heads-up,” Mickey said. “We still don’t know for sure that she’ll wear me for Oscar night.”

“She will. I know Anne as well as I know myself and she bought you with Oscar night in mind.”


Anne had not worn George and Mickey since she had bought them, which confirmed for the other bras and panties that Anne had specifically bought them for Oscar night and the blue gown she would be wearing. In the meantime, Mickey became accustomed to Anne West’s bra habits. She tended to separate her bras into everyday bras and the chic bras for special occasions. If she went out to a social event it was usually in one of her fine bras like Claude. To rendezvous with Ron Dexter, she always put on her best lingerie. Claude regaled the other bras with funny stories of Ron unhooking him and hanging him on the back of a chair from which vantage point he had a great view of Ron and Anne having sex.


On Oscar night, when Anne fetched Mickey from her dresser she was stark naked having just come out of the shower. She held up Mickey to her face and said, “If I win the Oscar tonight it’ll be because of you, and you’ll become my favorite bra of all time. My lucky bra. You’re so pretty and so comfortable, I hope you’re also lucky.”

All Mickey could think now was how much he loved Anne West. He would hold her breasts the best any bra has ever held breasts. He was determined. Anne picked him up and put him on the same way she had done in the dressing room the day she bought him. “Here we go,” he thought to himself. One breast and now the other. Oh happy day. Now he was in rapture! Her skin was so soft and smooth and her breasts were so warm and smelled sweetly of a very delicate perfume.

Mickey watched as Anne then fetched George from her panty drawer. He enjoyed watching her step into George and pulling him up her legs until he was shoved up against her shaved vagina. Mickey heard George say, “I’ve died and gone to heaven. You have no idea Mickey how glorious this is.”

“I can imagine, but you’ve never hugged and loved a boob before in your life like I’m doing right now. Talk about crossdresser heaven!”

Both George and Mickey continue to voice their joy in moans and sighs until several of the bras and panties back in the drawers told them to cut it out. “We got the point. Enough histrionics. Now keep quiet already, you’re making us feel bad.”

Mickey heard one of the bras, he thought it might be Jacques, say that Claude had been the same way a year earlier.

Next, Anne put pantyhose on. He was named Ollie and he said, “What’s the special occasion?”

“This is Oscar night,” George said.

“You’re kidding. Wheeeoooo!” Ollie said. “Now I don’t care if she gets a run in me by the end of the night. I would have gone down in glory!”

Anne put on her dress and heels, checked her makeup, and was shortly picked up by a limo that took her to the Oscar ceremony. On the red carpet, Mickey was blinded by the bright lights as he gently and lovingly held Anne’s tits while she was interviewed and photographed. Inside the theatre she had a seat close to the front and next to Ron.

Anne was one of the nominees for Best Actress award. When it came time to announce the winner, Mickey was astonished how heavily and fast Anne’s heart was beating. He prayed that if there was a God, then please have Anne win the Oscar. Then, the winner was read out loud and it was Anne West and she jumped up from her seat and squealed. Then she carried Mickey up to the stage and the limelight. Never in his life had Mickey expected to be appearing on stage with the winner of an Oscar. As the cameras showed Anne smiling and thanking those who had helped her get where she was that day, her breasts were held up high and proudly by Mickey. He did everything he could to make sure they were prominent and deserving of being Anne West’s chest.


Following Mickey’s great triumph at the Academy Awards, Anne took him to several after parties at estates up in the hills. At the home of Roy Fitzell, a major director, while Anne was talking to a group of women, Mickey, George, and Ollie had their own conversation about the evening and how it had gone. George was telling them that Anne’s walk up to the podium was especially thrilling from a panty’s perspective. He had sensed an excited throbbing in Anne’s vagina. Ollie agreed that her thighs seemed filled with excitement as she walked. In the midst of this conversation, Mickey heard a voice saying, “Mickey? Is that you?”

The voice was familiar and he said, “I recognize the voice. Give me a second… Oh my God. Henry? Prima Donna Henry?”

“Good memory, Mickey!”

“Your voice is coming from the woman to Anne’s left.”

“Yes, I’m her bra. She’s Mary Fitzell, Roy’s wife. She’s the one who bought me on sale that day.”

“What a small world.”

“But you ended up with an A-lister. Wow. Anne West. Mary’s boobs are nice and I really am one lucky guy to get to be her bra, but to be Anne West’s bra! And the bra she chose to wear on Oscar night.”

“I know, pure luck,” I guess.

“That and the fact that we’re very pretty bras.”


“Hey Henry, we knew each other also,” George said.

“George? You’re the matching panty with Mickey? That’s so cool. You’re also one lucky son of a bitch.”

“I know. Anne West! I am so in love with her pussy.”


The next morning Micky found himself in the hamper with George and some of the underwear that Anne had worn that week. Though everyone in there was a bit gamey, it was all Anne’s sweat and juices and they didn’t mind that at all. In fact, it was kind of earthy in a nice way. It was like they had all been together on an adventure and they had shared memories.

Anne’s maid washed the delicates by hand. Mickey enjoyed the personal attention. The maid’s fingers massaged his tight spots and he felt great afterwards. She hung him out to dry on a clothesline in the back of Anne’s estate. There he slowly waved and swayed in the gentle California breezes surrounded by friends and waiting to dry and be put back in the drawer.

Life was good and Mickey had no idea what his future would be. Eventually he would no longer be Anne’s favorite bra though he figured that he’d be worn for several years to come. Maybe at next year’s Oscar ceremony Anne will be wearing a new bra. She might even go shopping for the new bra wearing Mickey. One thing was certain, however, and that was that Mickey was the bra that Anne West wore the night she won an Oscar. He would always be her lucky bra. That could never be taken away from him. It might mean that one day he’d be sold in auction as Anne West’s most important bra. Or she might one day send him off to Good Will. There was no way of knowing. He could end up in the Smithsonian Museum in a glass case as one of the most famous bras in history. That would be an interesting experience. Lots was possible. Whatever his future was to be, he’d always have his memories of holding Anne’s breasts and that was good enough for him.

The End

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