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Problem is you have to look like a girl to belong to the club.
As a result Blake discovers his true inner self....Pamela.

All Rights Reserved.
CAUTION: Part 3 of the Girls-Only Club contains extremely explicit sexual scenes and some violence and is rated XX because of this content. If you are adverse to reading this type of material, even if it is brief, please skip reading this posting of Part 3 of the story arc entirely. You have been warned. ~Sephrena.
Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for use from - photo_16375217. Divider licensed for use in publishing from ~Sephrena.
Acknowledgments: The Girl's Only Club was first written and posted chapter by chapter at in the late 1990's. The author has long wanted to acknowledge a debt to Nostrumo who gave much pointed and useful criticisms of the chapters prior to release - saving the plot from many more bizarre excesses than it already has. His advice made this a much better story than it would have been. ~Pamela
Historical Note: This second edition of The Girl's Only Club clears up a vast number of typos, misspellings, bad punctuation, miss-named characters and so forth. Moreover, those already familiar with The Girl's Only Club will realize that some changes to the plot have been done with the most significant ones in the last chapter. In fact, the modifications are designed to make the outcome more consistent with my original plan for The Girl's Only Club than the somewhat abrupt and incomplete ending (particularly in regards to Joanna) that was originally posted. At the time, I had become convinced (wrongly) that no one was reading The Girl's Only Club, so I had ended it prematurely, and the Joanna subplot had become an unfortunate victim. This revision helps to remedy this at least in part. While an additional chapter concerned with the aftermath of Blake's transition to Pamela seems logical, it is also anti-climatic, and I prefer to let each reader imagine in their own way how things turn out for Pamela in the future. ~Pamela.
Historical Versions: Originally posted at in 1997 (Girls-Only Club 1 - 15), Nifty's Archive in April of 1998, Crystal's Storysite in 2002, and Fictionmania in 2011. ~Sephrena.
Legalities: Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that: 1) You must have contacted the author, Pamela, and have asked permission first and received said permission to host this particular work. 2) No fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") or any form of barter or monetary transfers in order to access viewing this work *and* (3) PROVIDED that this disclaimer, all author notes, legalities and attribution to the original author are contained unchanged within the work. 4) The author of this work, Pamela, must be provided free account access at all times the work is hosted in order to modify or remove this work at her sole discretion.
This work is the copyrighted material of the respective author. ~Pamela

Chapter 7
Blake's outburst had taken Mr. Morris so by surprise that he ended up just saying good bye and leaving Blake to find the girls and Mrs. O'Connor on his own. This was not the ending that Mr. Morris had wanted; in fact, he felt an affection toward Blake which would nag at him in the weeks to come. Blake stayed alone in the office a few minutes recovering from his tears. He took out his compact and straightened out his lipstick, makeup and hair. Luckily, the dress was not hurt by the encounter and so he would have no explaining to do. Anyway, he decided that he did like the dress after all, and would want to buy it.
As he walked across the shop to the fitting room looking for Mrs. O'Connor, he resolved that he would project a brave front to everyone and not let them know what had happened. He couldn't stand the thought of Mrs. O'Connor feeling bad about her own predicament or have her feel bad for the fact that he had given Mr. Morris what he wanted in order to protect her. In his heart of hearts he felt saddened that he was growing up too fast as a girl, much faster than he wanted to. If only he could just put on his pink ruffly dress and lie safely in his new bedroom in Mrs. O'Connor's house playing with his Barbies.
The girls had not yet returned from their errand when he entered the fitting room so he decided to try on one of the other dresses. He chose the pretty blue one, and was just stepping out to take a look at it in the mirror when the girls appeared with Mrs. O'Connor. They oohed and ahhed at how pretty he looked and then asked him a few questions about what Mr. Morris had wanted. He told them nothing too specific - just that Mr. Morris thought he had a "fresh" look that the public would like. He noticed that Mrs. O'Connor was holding a package from a shop that they hadn't been in, and changed the subject by asking, "What's in the package, Mrs. O'Connor?"
"Oh this? The girls decided to buy you a little present to show you how much they appreciate what you are going through to become one of the club members. They'll give it to you when we get home."
Blake was very moved by the sentiment and had to fight back tears. Then he got busy trying on the rest of the dresses. Everyone of them looked stunning on his slim figure and he ended up buying them all. Though he was exhausted, he didn't protest when Mrs. O'Connor suggested they go to a shoe store and buy him some heels as well as a few other more casual pairs of shoes. He would have to get a pair of black heels to go with the cocktail dress, and pink heels to wear for the wedding.
The shoe shop was a few doors down from where they had bought the dresses. There were many elegant heels displayed in the window and on counters in the store. As soon as they walked in, a short wiry salesman, about 30 years old, slightly balding and wearing a brown suit asked them if they needed assistance. Mrs. O'Connor said that she was interested in some black patent leather, 2 1/2 inch heels for her daughter. The salesman showed them a selection from which Mrs. O'Connor guided Blake to a darling pair with a small black bow-tie on the toe. "These will be perfect," she said.
"What size is she?" the salesman asked.
"You'd better measure her, she's grown a bit lately," Mrs. O'Connor said, "Pamela, take a seat over there."
Blake walked over to a row of seats and sat down carefully keeping his skirt tucked under him and just overhanging his knees. The salesman sat on a stool in front of him and took off each of Blake's shoes leaving him in his stockinged feet. Blake kept his legs together as best he could so the man couldn't see up his dress. The salesman had him stand up on a measuring device from which he concluded that Blake had size 8 1/2 feet.
"They're a tad large for a girl her height," he said to Mrs. O'Connor, but I think I can find a pair in that size."
"The girls in my family tend to have larger feet," Mrs. O'Connor said smiling.
The salesman went to the back room to find the shoes, while Blake waited nervously. After a few moments the salesman returned carrying a shoe box. He set it down and took out two very shiny black shoes. He leaned forward and took Blake's stockinged right foot by the ankle and gently guided it onto the shoe, and then repeated this with the left foot. Blake felt his feet assume a strange posture as he placed them on the ground in front of him.
"Now up with you miss and take a walk around," the salesman said.
Blake was so scared that he would topple over that he wasn't sure he could summon up the courage to stand. Sensing his fear, Amy came over and offered her hand for Blake to hold on to. "Pamela, these are the highest heels you've ever had, aren't they?"
"Yes, Amy, by far!" he said.
"Don't be afraid, you'll get used to them quickly, just like I did. I remember the first time I got high heels I teetered all over the place!"
"My goodness, I didn't realize that these are your first heels," the salesman said, becoming supportive of Blake's predicament. "First stand up, and your friend will make sure you're OK."
Blake now stood, and instead of feeling unsteady, he felt that he could stand comfortably. He said, "I think I can walk in them. They feel comfortable." He took a few steps and realized that it felt like he had been walking in heels his whole life. He was ecstatic. Here he was in his first set of high heels, and he knew instinctively how to walk in them like a woman! He walked back and forth as Mrs. O'Connor looked on with pride. He walked over to Penny and they embraced each other in a hug as Blake laughingly said, "my first heels! Aren't they great!"
The salesman looking on with amusement said to Mrs. O'Connor, "it never fails to amaze me how excited girls get when they buy their first high heels. I guess it means they're finally becoming a woman."
"You're right. Pamela, has been growing up so fast lately, she's no longer my little girl. She's been begging me for heels and a new fancy dress for so long, I finally broke down. Her friends are wearing heels now, and it wouldn't be fair to her not to get them also."
"I take it then that she does want to buy that pair!"
Mrs. O'Connor laughed, "you can wrap them up. Next on the list are some pink heels which Pamela can wear to my older daughter's wedding."

Walking through the parking lot to the car, the girls were weighted down holding the multitude of packages containing Blake's new wardrobe of dresses, lingerie and shoes.
"You really did get a lot of pretty things," Penny said.
"I think it turned out really well," Karen agreed.
"With these new clothes, you'll now fit in great in the Girls-Only Club meetings," Kathy added.
"I think from now on we're equals, as girls I mean," Amy said.
"You've now got some different bras and panties you can choose from each day. And you have some nice pantyhose and slips. You'll have to start thinking about what you should wear depending on your mood," Janet said. "Of course there are many other things you'll have to eventually get to become completely a girl. There are hair clips, and jewelry and sweaters, handkerchiefs. A raincoat, a girl's umbrella. A jewelry box, some pretty stationary, you know, lots of things."
"Enough! enough!, Janet," Amy said, "your scaring Pamela!"
Blake laughed, "thanks, Amy."
They climbed back into the car after putting the packages in the trunk. Mrs. O'Connor said, "I know we're tired, and especially Pamela, but I do think it's important to do one last errand! We'll finally get our dear new girl friend a few of the pretty girdles that she has so patiently been waiting for! Is that OK with everyone?"
"Yes, yes!" Penny exclaimed. "We won't think of going home without first getting Pam her girdles!"
"I second the motion," Janet said, and the girls laughed.
Blake said, "I guess I would like that very much. Thank you."
Mrs. O'Connor started up the engine and proceeded to drive to the lingerie shop Mrs. Taylor had mentioned. Before they had even gotten out of the parking lot, Blake found himself so sleepy that he leaned his head against Amy's shoulder and closed his eyes. He put his arms across his chest just under his breasts and felt their gentle weight against his wrists and sighed. Amy whispered, "there, there my sweet Pammy, you deserve a little rest. Go nighty-night." She took her right arm and put it around Blake's shoulders, and within a minute he was softly sleeping as the car rocked him against her.

Amy gently woke up Blake when they arrived at Diana's Bras and Girdles. It was a small store, with a dizzying array of shelves and racks containing bras, corsets, girdles, slips and many other kinds of lingerie. The owner of the shop, Diana, greeted the girls warmly, and didn't raise so much as an eyebrow when Mrs. O'Connor told her that they were there to buy her daughter Pamela some girdles and at least one pink slip.
Diana led them to a corner of the store where there were many shelves containing girdles and started pulling them out to show them to Blake. "This is a Smoothie controller waistline girdle, with a side zipper. It comes in white only." She held it up for Blake to see. "Now this one over here has a boned front and lightly boned back and sides. It too is only in white. What do you think?"
Neither of the girdles had lace on them, and Blake was disappointed. Mrs. O'Connor figured out the problem quickly and said, "do you have any with lace?"
"Why of course, I should have known. Such an effeminate girl like her!"
From the next rack she took down some more girdles. "This is also by Smoothie. It's called a hi-rise panty girdle. It has lace jacquard knit elastic, hose holding lace leg, a high waist and a firm nylon lace front. It comes in white or black." She held it up to Blake's waist to see if it was the right size. "What do you think?" Before he could answer she had pulled out a couple of black girdles and said, "this lacy one is a brief panty style and this one is the same thing but as a real girdle. These both come in white also and we have some of these with side zippers and long leg panties. So how are we doing?"
"I think these are very pretty," Amy said, and the other girls nodded their heads in agreement. "Try them on Pamela."
"I also have some more over here." She took some more girdles down from a high shelf and said, "here I've got a Vanity Fair Tulip control panty girdle. This is one of my best sellers. Many women find it to be very comfortable. See its got a nylon/spandex power net with tummy and hip panels and comes in white or beige. And wait a minute, here is Poirette's cotton next to me pull-on girdle. It has this little lace trim around the waist and a little ribbon and four garters. The Poirette's use cotton/lycra spandex/nylon for two way stretch. This also comes in a panty girdle style."
"They're all just lovely," Janet said, "Pamela what do you think?"
Before he could answer, Diana, said, "look at these honey. This is Smoothie's diet skinny waist panty girdle. It has a nip-in waistband and criss-cross tummy support and see the lacy long leg panty style. The garters are protected underneath the lace legs. Oh, and this one is one of my favorites, the Warner's full comfort long leg panty girdle with detachable garters, in white, black or beige."
Blake carefully studied each girdle that Diana held out to him. He held them up by the waist band and placed them against his skirt. "How am I ever going to decide which one to buy!" Blake said. "They're all so nice!"
"Honey, you can buy one of every kind as far as I'm concerned," Mrs. O'Connor said.
"Do you really mean that? Oh thank you so much mom. I guess I'd like to try on every one of these, I mean the ones with lace," Blake said this a bit hesitantly.
Mrs. O'Connor goaded him, "is that all you want Pamela?"
Blake blushed and Mrs. O'Connor said, "come on tell the lady."
"What is it young girl? Don't be afraid to speak up!"
"Well, my mom told me that I could get a lacy pink girdle, and I'm wondering if you might have one."
"Well let me see, a pink girdle. We really never have much demand for that, but let me think a minute." The woman stood there frowning in thought, and suddenly said, "wait a minute. I might have just the thing you're looking for!" She went to a cabinet on the other side of the room and opened a large lower drawer that was filled with girdles and corsets. At the very bottom she found a girdle and pulled it out. It was an exquisitely detailed lace pull-on girdle in a soft pink color. "This is a very special girdle, imported from France. See this lace work, it's really unusual. This will make any girl feel like a queen!"
Blake's heart had skipped a beat seeing the beautiful girdle, which appeared to just perfectly match his fantasy of what he was looking for. He took it from the woman and put it against his waist and said, "Oh it is so pretty. Can I try it on?"
"Of course, young girl. Just go behind that curtain over there, put it on and then come out for all of us to look!"
Blake rushed to the back room taking the pile of girdles he had selected: three in white, two in beige, one in black as well as the pink one.

Behind the curtain, Blake was surprised to see that there was another customer trying on lingerie. Helping her was a teenage girl who worked part time in the shop. The customer was a tall woman, about 50 years old and heavily made up. She was dressed in black mesh stockings hooked to a large black corset. Her figure was remarkably shapely for a woman her age. She had a titanic chest whose large breasts jutted out filling up the bra top of the corset. Her hips swelled outward from her waist, perfectly proportioned to the size of her body. Her arms were attractive, as if she worked out aerobically. She had a charisma and force of presence which reminded Blake of famous opera singers he had read about.
The sales girl, in contrast was extremely pale and thin, with long blonde hair. She was having a hard time keeping up with the demands of the woman. "Now be a good girl Brenda and go off and get me that Arabella corset. You know the pointier one. Hurry, I don't have all day."
"Yes Ms. Charlotte, an Arabella in size 40." The girl ran off leaving Blake alone with the woman.
Blake put his girdles down on a chair on the other side of the small room from the woman. Turning his back to her, he nervously undid his skirt, stepped out of it, then lowered his slip to his ankles and stepped out of that. Finally he pulled off his top and found himself under the intense gaze of the woman as he stood awkwardly wearing only his pantyhose and bra. As he readied the pink girdle to put on, he realized that he did not know whether or not to take his pantyhose off. Not wanting to make a mistake in front of the woman, he stuck his head out of the curtain to attract the attention of one of the girls. Amy noticed him and came over, "What's the matter Pam?"
Blake whispered, "should I take my pantyhose off to try on the girdle?"
"Yes, of course!" Amy whispered back smiling.
As Blake went back to his seat, Ms. Charlotte said, "of course you take off your pantyhose!"
Blake blushed, "this is my first time buying a girdle."
"I don't see why you need girdles, you're rather thin."
"It's just that I think that it would help my figure a little."
"What you really need to get is a corset like one of these." She indicated the one she was wearing. "It will shrink your waist and give you a chest that'll get the boys crawling at your feet."
Blake blushed even more.
"I own a dozen like this one. Whenever I want a good time, I put it on under a tight black dress and go to one of the bars at the Hyatt Regency. I never have to order even one drink before some middle aged executive comes over to hit on me. I make sure he can see the top outline of the corset and from then on he is dead meat. In his room, I take off the dress and then lead him through whatever scene I want. They beg to touch the hem of my corset. Men are just like little boys. Appeal to their fantasies and they lose control of themselves."
"Yes ma'am, but I'm not yet dating boys. I just wanted to get a girdle."
"You look like the kind of girl who's going to have a lot of trouble with men. I bet when a guy looks at you, you get speechless, and you find yourself doing whatever they want you to do."
Blake nodded. "Boys scare me. I think they only want my body."
"You're right about that."
"My mom is waiting for me," Blake said, "I better try on my first girdle." Blake sat down and took off his pantyhose. He had been so distracted by the conversation that he failed to realize that the tight pantyhose had effectively hidden his penis. As soon as he stood up facing the woman, wearing only his panties and bra, he realized that his penis was now clearly visible. He made a move to hide it but it was too late. Ms. Charlotte's eyes opened wide in surprise and she said, "what have we here! Come over here!"
"I can explain everything!" Blake said frightened. He walked over hesitatingly to where she sat. She reached out and pulled his panties down to his knees.
"My, my, look at that little thing." She grabbed it hard in her hand examining it. "Here you are spying on women in their lingerie. Maybe I should yank it off and you'll really be a girl."
"I can explain everything!" Blake repeated.
"I'm sure you can. Imagine that. You're not even in high school and you've got the balls to run around town like a pretty little girl. Where is your mother? Is she behind this, or are you here by yourself?"
"No, that's not it. Please let go of it, you're hurting me!"
"Then what are you doing?" she said as she let go of his penis.
"It's just that I'm a girl now. I mean I want to be a girl. That's what I am. My friends are all girls and they believe I was meant to be a girl. I belong with the girls and I just wanted to get a few girdles because I like them. My mother wears them and I want to wear them also."
"Do you find boys attractive?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't be dense. Girls are attracted to boys. I'm sure your friends think about boys all the time. What about you?"
"I don't know ma'am," Blake was upset at Ms. Charlotte's questions. "I guess I'm attracted to boys."
"What do you mean 'you guess'? Are you or aren't you?"
"Yes, I am." Blake said it to get the woman to stop cross-examining him. "I even sucked on a man's penis." Blake didn't know why he said that except for the fact that the woman made him feel confused.
At this moment the salesgirl come back in the dressing room carrying a black corset. Ms. Charlotte said, "Brenda, see anything odd about this little creature?"
Brenda noticed Blake's penis and gasped and then started to laugh. "Oh my, what's going on here!"
"This young man believes he's a girl."
The salesgirl still laughing said, "this must be a joke. Does his mother make him dress like this?"
"Lord knows. What's your name?" the woman asked Blake.
"I mean your real name."
"Blake, my boy's name is Blake." Blake was on the verge of tears now.
The woman said, "look, there's no need to cry Blake, Pamela whoever you are."
"His mother and friends are waiting outside," Brenda said.
The woman got up and opened the curtain. She saw Mrs. O'Connor and said, "I think you better come in here and help your son."
Mrs. O'Connor, Diana and the girls came running over to the fitting area. Blake still hadn't pulled up his panties and his penis was in full view of everyone. Diana said, "oh my lord, what is going on here? She's a little boy! Mrs. O'Connor, is he your son?"
"Please, none of you be alarmed," Mrs. O'Connor said as she put her arms around Blake as if to protect him. "He's actually a friend of my daughter, Karen, and her friends. Blake here has joined their club and to do so he agreed to become a girl. Trust me, if you knew Blake you'd realize that he's as much a girl as any of us, except for his penis obviously. We feel that he ought to have the opportunity to let out his female nature, so we've been helping him. Please don't be critical, he's had such a tough time today already!"
"Mrs. O'Connor," Diana said, "and Blake, you have nothing to fear from Diana's Bras and Girdles! Every so often a man comes in here to buy lingerie, and we treat him with the utmost respect. From a women's perspective, wanting to be a girl is the height of flattery. Remember that Brenda! I realize that you've never experienced this before, but I'm sure you will again. It's rare that I can't spot a boy pretending to be a girl, but I must say that Blake truly had me fooled. That is a testimony to everything you were saying Mrs. O'Connor. He's naturally very feminine."
Diana picked up the pink girdle, walked over to Blake and said "come on lets help you on with this girdle." She lifted up Blake's panties so that they covered his penis, held out the girdle in front of him and told him to step a leg into it. He did so and while leaning against her Blake put his other leg in. Then Diana firmly grasped the girdle and pulled it up Blake's legs and over his panties. "There Pamela, how does that feel? You see Mrs. O'Connor, it's the right size since the top will not roll down. Here, let me get some stockings, so you can judge it better." Diana retrieved some stockings from the other room and sat Blake down while she slipped one on each leg and then fastened them with the garters. Blake stood up and she said, "walk around the room a bit." With everyone watching, Blake walked around the fitting room in his bra, girdle and stockings.
Ms. Charlotte said, "I must admit he looks like a little doll. That sweet little ass would drive any man crazy." After a pause she continued, "what about his parents? Do they know?"
"Definitely not," Mrs. O'Connor said.
"Won't they find out?"
"I don't see how. Pamela doesn't dress up in front of them."
"Well if he spends enough time prancing around like this, he's bound to start walking and talking like a girl, and sooner or later his mom and dad are going to figure out that something strange has happened to their son."
"They'll probably think he's gay," Brenda said
"I wonder if you girls have thought out carefully what's to become of Blake in the long term?" Ms. Charlotte said. "Right now he gets to play the role of a girl, and gets to dress up in pretty clothes. But eventually, he has to choose to be either a boy or a girl, not both, and the way things are going here he won't have a choice, his parents will force him to be a boy."
"Ms. Charlotte," Karen said, "I don't think you really understand Pamela the way we do. You think of him as a boy dressing as a girl, but we're sure that he's no more a boy than any of us are. When he's dressed up as a girl he's as pretty as any of us. He likes feminine clothes even more than we do and he has the kind of physical weakness that goes with girls."
"But you're all sexually attracted to boys, and I'm not so sure that your Pamela here feels the same way. For all you know he's sexually attracted to you - as girls!"
The girls-only club members looked at Blake with wonder. "Pam, what do you think about that? Do you find us sexually attractive?"
"I don't know what I feel. I mean I've never been so happy in my life as I have been being a member of the Girls-Only Club. In a way I feel a sort of love for you all and Mrs. O'Connor as well. But I never think that I want to be a boy friend to any of you. During the first few days with you, I was afraid that there was something wrong with me as a boy and that none of you girls would ever love me as a boy, or want to ever date me. Because I was dressing up as a girl you wouldn't see me sexually. But later I began to feel that we can be even closer to each other as girls; that I can become even more intimate and loving with you than I ever could if I'm a boy and you're girls. And now I'm just starting to think about boys, that they might supply something to my life; perhaps make me feel even more like a real girl."
"What do you mean you're just starting to think about boys?" Ms. Charlotte interrupted. "It might be embarrassing for me to say this, but you did tell me that you've already given a man a blow job!"
Mrs. O'Connor and the girls were shocked to hear this. "What! How could that be!" Penny exclaimed.
"Pamela has never done any such thing!" Karen said.
"Then why in the world would he lie about it to me?" Ms. Charlotte said.
Mrs. O'Connor faced Blake and said, "Pamela honey I want you to tell me the truth now. When did you ever give a man a blow job?"
Blake burst into tears and through them told his tale: "When I was sitting on Mr. Morris's lap, he grabbed my crotch and discovered my horrible secret." Blake wailed with tears and the girls tried to comfort him.
"Go on, Pamela, don't be afraid," Kathy said.
"Mr. Morris then took me to the office of the dress shop. He said that if I didn't suck on his penis until he came he would tell everything and Mrs. O'Connor could go to jail for allowing me to be dressed up and everything."
"That awful man!" Ms. Charlotte said. "I'd like to wring his neck."
"The strange thing was that Mr. Morris was in some ways very nice to me. I mean, I felt that he had actually sort of fallen in love with me in a sense, and that he had no choice but to want to have sex with me."
"He was just conning you!" Ms. Charlotte said.
"He said he wanted to help me really become a girl and that by sucking on his penis, it would help me to do that. He implied that if I were really serious about being a girl I wouldn't hesitate to suck on him. I don't know, I was so confused and scared it seemed like the best thing to do was to go ahead and suck on it."
"You think just like a girl, Pamela," Brenda said. "I mean, I could imagine myself feeling just as helpless if it had happened to me. Men have a way of making girls do things that they have a hard time imagining why they agreed to do so."
Mrs. O'Connor, Diana and Ms. Charlotte continued to ask Blake questions about what had happened. Finally, the three ladies left the dressing area deep into a conversation about what if anything they could do about Mr. Morris and the general subject of Blake's transformation to Pamela that Mrs. O'Connor was helping to facilitate.
The Girls-Only club members and Brenda stayed in the dressing area chatting about boys and sex. Blake sat in a chair wearing his girdle, bra and stockings. After a while, he took off the pink girdle and found one of the others to put on. Amy, observing him, came over to help him pull on the second girdle. After modeling it in front of the girls he took it off and then both Amy, Kathy and Brenda volunteered to help him put on another one. With so many hands helping, it became comical and they began to laugh. It then turned into a game after Kathy suggested that everybody should help Blake put on the next girdle. After modeling the one he had on for everyone, Janet, Penny, and Karen joined Amy, Kathy and Brenda in selecting a white girdle for Blake to wear next. They helped him step into it, with such confusion that everyone was laughing and giggling.
After Blake had the girdle on, Penny whistled at him as if she was a construction worker and tried to pinch his bottom. While Blake minced around the room, the girls made cat calls pointing out how sexy he was. While they were laughing and being silly Amy said, "I have an idea, lets everyone put on one of Pam's girdles."
"Great!" said Janet. Then the girls raced to take off their jeans and put on a girdle over their panties. When they were all dressed, the five of them stood with Blake admiring each others forms. Since the group of them were about the same size, the girdles fit pretty well. Their beautiful rounded figures were enhanced by the graceful lines of the girdles. Amy and Penny had on white girdles, Janet had on the black girdle and Kathy and Karen each had on beige girdles.
Brenda said, "you're all so kooky!"
Janet said, "Why didn't you know? We're known as the Girdles-Only Club!"
Everyone screamed with laughter at this one. Then Amy said, "let's get like Pamela. Take off our tops!"
They thought this was hysterically funny, and they now raced to take off their blouses until they stood with Blake wearing just bras and girdles.
"Let's form a chorus line!" Penny said, and the five girls and Blake lined up holding each others backs like they were the Rockettes. They pretended to do a dance step or two and kicked their legs in unison. The sight was so comical, that Brenda fell to the ground convulsing with laughter. Finally, they fell down on top of each other on the carpet, laughing uproariously. Blake lay happily buried in the five club members, up to his neck in their bras and girdles. While catching their breaths, Kathy, whose face was just inches away from Blake's said, "Tell us Pam, what is it like sucking on a penis?"
"You mean you've never done that?"
"Why of course not! None of us girls have had that much experience with boys, but we're certainly curious!"
The girls sat up surrounding Blake. "Yes, Pam, go ahead and tell us what it was like. Even though we think Mr. Morris was awful, you now know more than us about men!" Janet said.
"Well, first of all he made me take it out of his pants and even his balls. He made me reach in and take them out."
"What was that like?"
"Well his penis got really large the moment I touched it, and his balls were like real soft and squishy with some brown hair on them. You're embarrassing me!" Blake said, blushing profusely.
"Go ahead Pamela, this is important for us to know."
"It sort of stood out from his body staring at me. I thought it was very large, I mean it was kind of long I guess and it was really wide around, much more than I guess I expected. I looked at it for a minute or so while he was telling me to go ahead and start sucking on it, and then I licked it a little."
"What did it taste like?"
"I don't know exactly, it had sort of a male kind of athletic smell, maybe sweat. I guess it was a tiny bit salty and there was a drop of some sweet stuff at the very end of his penis."
"Was his penis hard?" asked Penny.
"It got harder and harder the more I sucked on it. I had some trouble fitting it into my mouth. I mean I think I hurt him with my teeth cause he told me to be more careful."
"How much of your mouth did it take up?"
"It was pretty wide, that's why it hit my teeth initially. Then I had to force my teeth to stay away which took some getting used to. His penis is very long I guess, since I don't think I ever quite got all of it into my mouth. Near the end he held my head tightly and forced it down my throat. I was helpless at that point; I mean there was just this big penis being pushed up inside my mouth and I couldn't breathe. He just held me there. I did get kind of scared like I would suffocate to death. He was way too strong for me to move my head out of his grip. Then he was coming and coming in my mouth. I thought it would never end. Each pulse just put more and more of his hot semen in my throat." Blake shuddered slightly at the memory, thinking how much he had wanted some air.
"So you just let him move it in and out of your mouth, or did you go after it?"
"I guess at first he stood there and I moved in and out to get it into my mouth. But then after he got hot, I think he was doing all the moving, and at the end I couldn't move at all."
"What did his cum taste like? Was it hot?"
"Yes, I guess it was hot when it came out. At the time I was thinking more about just how much liquid there was in my mouth, like I was going to drown in it or something. It tasted like a swimming pool, I mean chlorinated. Not really a bad taste. Just kind of unusual."
"Did you swallow his cum?"
"Actually at the end I had a whole mouth full of it and I didn't know what to do. I was still gasping for air and then he told me to go ahead and swallow it. I did then. It took a few gulps till I got it all down."
"That's really interesting Pam, none of us knows anything about how to do it. Now I think we have a lot better idea what to expect when we get to that stage with a boy," said Janet.
"I was on a date with an older guy who was a friend of my brother in college," said Amy, "and in the car he tried to convince me to put my head down in his lap while he was driving and open up his zipper and suck on him. I guess I was a kind of hot myself because I sort of started to do it. But when I saw his penis after unzipping his pants, it scared me so much, that I just looked away and instead but my hand their for a while."
"What happened?"
"Well I was too scared to touch it really. Eventually he took me home and said come back in a few years when I knew what I was doing."
"I hope you girls don't think I'm a bad girl," Blake said.
"Why of course we understand Pamela. What happened was like a rape. You had no choice. And it was very brave of you to want to protect Mrs. O'Connor the way you did," said Amy.

A short while later, the three women peeked in the dressing room and had a hard time suppressing their laughter upon seeing the six girls wearing bras and girdles. "I wish I had a camera," Diana said. "I've been telling people for years how much fun girdles are and very few women believe me."
"In any event," Mrs. O'Connor said to Blake, "this episode with Mr. Morris is very serious, but our options are few. Had you jumped up immediately when Mr. Morris groped you, you would have risked having everyone find out about your secret, particularly if the police were called in on it. This still remains the issue - whether or not you're willing to have your parents and everyone else find out about your becoming Pamela."
"Isn't it also about putting you in danger?" Blake said.
"I don't know. Is buying a bra for a boy who wants one a crime? Is a store that sells you a bra in legal danger? I'm not so sure. In any event, you shouldn't have to worry about me, though I appreciate your concern."
"What we're saying," Ms. Charlotte interjected, "is that if reporting Mr. Morris to the authorities causes you more harm than good, then it doesn't make sense to do so."
"I'm afraid to have my parents find out about me."
"It could break up your family," Mrs. O'Connor said. "That would be terrible."
"Yeah, so I don't want to report Mr. Morris. It's also that he promised me that he would pay for me to get breasts, I mean surgically, whenever I tell him that I'm ready for them. That's a good thing, isn't it?"
"Perhaps, but he did rob you of your innocence," Mrs. O'Connor said.
"Give me a chance to rob Mr. Morris of his innocence!" Ms. Charlotte said.
"I'm not saying that he isn't awful," Blake said, "but I also think that maybe some good has come from it besides having him buy me breasts. I don't feel traumatized by the experience, even though I probably should be. Mr. Morris was gentle with me and pointed out how it was a learning experience and in that I have to agree. The idea of being intimate with a man will no longer represent something that I have to be anxious about, so I can devote myself to more important things." This last remark was greeted by a chorus of "amens" and not a little laughter.

When Mrs. O'Connor, the girls and Blake returned to Kathy's house, they carried the packages up to Mrs. O'Connor's room. "What do you think you should take home with you Pamela?" Mrs. O'Connor said looking over the large assortment of clothes.
"I don't really know. What do you suggest?"
"Well, let's see. Beth will be moving out in a couple of weeks and then you'll be able to put your things in her room which will become your room. For the moment you can leave most of the clothes in my room. I have some extra closet space where we can hang up your dresses, and I'll make space in my drawers where we can put your bras, panties, girdles, slips and stockings. They'll be right next to my things!"
"Pamela should take home just a couple of bras and panties for now," Kathy said. "If there's anything else she wants I can bring it to her at school."
"That's a good idea," Blake said.
The girls helped him open up the packages, and following Mrs. O'Connor's directions they put the clothing away in various drawers and the closet. A separate package of two bras and panties was put aside for Blake to carry home. When they were done, Karen announced that they should go to Kathy's room to have a special meeting of the Girls-Only Club. When they were assembled and sitting on the love seats and sofa, Karen stood up and said, "Pamela, this has been a very big day in your life. Now you have acquired the basic wardrobe you needed to be a proper member of the Girls-Only Club."
The girls gave a big cheer and Blake blushed at the attention. Karen continued, "and we have been amazed at how fast you have learnt to become a girl. Your mannerisms and the way you think seem to have become as feminine as any of us. And just like we were hoping, the Girls-Only Club has become a much richer and stimulating club with you participating in our activities. To sum up, we want to give you a small present of appreciation and love; something that we're sure you'll appreciate." Karen handed over the mystery package to Blake.
When he unwrapped it, Blake saw that it contained a most extraordinarily pretty negligee of pink lace and satin. It had delicate, thin, pink ribbons for the straps and several layers of light gauzy pink satin material bunched up around the front and billowed down and out to about knee level. Fine pink lacework decorated the seams. Accompanying the negligee was a matching see-through pink jacket smartly decorated with ribbons and lace. Together the ensemble was as romantically feminine as anything could possibly be. Of course Blake was stunned into silence by the outfit. He held it up against his chest admiring the pretty, vivid color and exquisite delicacy of the garment and found himself fighting back the urge to cry with joy. "I can't thank you enough. I can't believe that I now own such a beautiful nightie of my very own. I love you all so dearly. Oh, how I wish I could wear it to bed every night!"
"Someday, you will. Someday, you will," Amy said as she gave him a hug.
Chapter 8
The girls and Blake decided it was best if he wore just a bra and panties under his regular clothes when he went home, rather than risk being caught with his breasts still on. Taking them off along with his makeup, wig and other clothes gave Blake a sad empty feeling. It made the girls sad too, but there was nothing they could do about it. Blake would have to get used to the trauma of switching between Pamela and Blake. At least he had the happy memory of their big day at the mall and could look forward to having many fun times with the girls in the future. The most exciting time of all that would come soon enough was the upcoming wedding where Blake could wear his beautiful bridesmaid's dress the whole day long and even into the night.
The girls had insisted that Blake take the pretty nightie home with him together with the two bras and panties. Every night at eleven O'clock when he was going to bed, the girls in the club had agreed that whatever they were doing they would stop and think about each other. If possible, Blake agreed that he should put on the nightie as a symbol of their closeness.
Blake got home just in time for dinner. His father, Ann and Barry had returned a short while earlier from the baseball game and were excitedly talking about what had happened. Blake had dreaded seeing Janice, but she went about her business helping his mom prepare dinner without giving the least indication that she had anything to say about what had happened earlier that day in the mall.
Sitting at the table, Blake's dad said, "you missed a fantastic game, Blake. The Orioles won 7 to 6 in the bottom of the ninth on a comefrom -behind homer by Smith!"
"Sounds great dad," Blake said, trying to show enthusiasm. In spite of all his previous years of liking baseball, he now felt detached from it because it was something that mostly boys found interesting.
"Janice and I ran into Mrs. O'Connor and the girls in the lingerie department at Lord and Taylor," his mom said. "They said that you were with a friend."
"Yeah, I ran into Clifford and some of the guys and we hung out awhile while Mrs. O'Connor went shopping for some things for herself."
"Did you buy a nice suit?" his mom asked.
"Yes. It looks really good on me. It's getting a few alterations so I'll pick it up next weekend." Mrs. O'Connor had told Blake that she would buy him a suit during the week so he would have one to show his parents. Blake could see Janice rolling her eyes at the mention of the suit.
"There was a lovely new girl with Mrs. O'Connor. I forget her name."
"Oh, you must mean Pamela," Blake said, "she's a new friend of Kathy's and the other girls."
"I never met such a polite, shy young girl as her. She was so pretty and sweet. Just like a little flower."
"I had the feeling I've met her before," Janice said, looking straight at Blake.
"She's new in town," Blake said, as he tried to signal to Janice to please not divulge that she knew the true identity of Pamela.
"So there were six girls plus Mrs. O'Connor and you, and you went to the mall together in a single car?" Barry asked.
"What car?"
"Mrs. O'Connor's Plymouth."
"God, Blake. You must have been in heaven. Six pretty girls and you crammed into one car!" Barry said. "How did you sit?"
"Well, four of us were in the back seat, and Penny sat on Amy's lap in the front." Blake realized that it sounded implausible, but he would have to stick to the lie.
"Sounds real fishy to me," Ann said, "like Mrs. O'Connor would drive you without seat belts."
"It was a special situation. They weren't expecting Pamela to show up, and they didn't want to disappoint her."
"Pamela was trying on bras, when we saw her," Blake's mom added. "I'm sure Mrs. O'Connor was making the best of the situation."
Blake couldn't quite figure out how to interpret what his mom said, but it seemed to end the discussion, so he left it there. After dinner, his dad suggested they play some baseball in the backyard, while Blake's mom and Janice did the dishes.
Blake wanted to help in the kitchen rather than play baseball, but his father wouldn't hear of it. "Blake, what has gotten into you? Why are you worrying about your mom getting stuck with the dishes? Let's just have some fun."
So Blake joined Ann and Barry in the backyard, taking a baseball glove from the garage. His father threw a ball to Barry, who threw it to Ann, who threw it as fast as she could at Blake. It came very fast and Blake jumped away in fear while letting out a high pitched scream.
"What in tarnation are you afraid of Blake," his dad yelled as Ann laughed. "You know how to catch don't you?"
"Sorry dad. It was just so fast it surprised me." He fetched the ball and felt fearful that he wouldn't be able to throw it far enough to reach his dad. As he raised his arm back to throw the ball he became acutely aware of the bra he was wearing. He had to make sure the straps didn't fall to the side or else they would become visible through the arm holes. The end result was an awkward motion, very much like a girl throwing the ball. It went in a slow high trajectory falling far short of his dad.
"Blake, you threw that ball like a girl!" Ann said.
"I'm sorry dad. I'm just tired from the day. I'm sure I can throw it right tomorrow. Can I go now?"
Shaking his head in disgust, his dad said, "OK, Blake. Go help your mom in the kitchen."
Blake ran into the house feeling a mixture of shame and pleasure that he didn't have to play baseball. When he got to the kitchen his mom was surprised to see him. "I'm too tired to play," he told her, "but I don't mind helping out in the kitchen."
"Well, in that case, you and Janice can do the dishes, and I'll sit down."
His mom left leaving Janice to take over washing the dishes with Blake drying them.
"Janice, I'm sorry for what happened today."
"Blake, you have me very worried about you. I can't believe that my brother is trying on bras at Lord and Taylor, pretending to be a sweet little girl named Pamela. I don't understand how the other girls and Mrs. O'Connor go along with this."
"But you said the other day that there was nothing really wrong with a boy who wants to wear girls' clothes."
"I know I said that, and that is why I didn't just run and tell mom. But it's such a shock anyway. You're my brother after all. And we both know how much it would hurt mom and dad if they found out! I'm sure that it would really crush dad. I mean he might get a heart attack. He might never speak to you again."
The thought of this terrified Blake. "I don't know what to do Janice. Today was the happiest day of my life. When I'm with the girls I feel like I'm one of them. I feel so pretty and alive and happy. I know that deep down inside myself I'm a girl. I'd love to be your sister!"
Janice stopped washing the dishes and starred at Blake. "Blake, I don't know what to say. I love you and care about you. And I see that it took a lot of courage to say what you just said. But I really am in a dilemma." She took a long pause before continuing. "I also love mom and dad, and I can't stand the thought of them being hurt. My guess is that mom would learn to accept you as a girl; she could never abandon one of her kids. But dad is another story."
"Janice, this only concerns you and me right now. They don't know and if all goes well they'll never know."
"How can you say that? After what I saw today, and what you just said a moment ago, it's clear that you'll someday become a real girl. What then?"
This was going so much further than Blake had ever really thought about. He only knew what he felt right now, but he could see that Janice had a point. It looked like there would never be a time when he would just suddenly give up wanting to be a girl and just become a man. As long as he was alive, he was going to want to be a girl, and he would never be able to accept being a man. He remembered Mr. Morris's offer to make him a real girl and for the first time he realized that one day he might very well want that to happen to himself.
"I guess you're right Janice. I know deep inside that I can never turn back. I feel so awful just wearing these male clothes right now. I want to put on a skirt and blouse right now! I want to have breasts in front of me like the other girls. Oh, and Janice, Mrs. O'Connor bought me some high heels. I just loved walking in them, and I wish that I could wear them now too!"
"Blake, get control of yourself! If it's of any consolation to you, I'll go along with you being my sister, but you must promise me that you'll do everything you can possibly do to keep it a secret from the rest of the family."
"Of course I will Janice," Blake said smiling. He embraced her and Janice held him tightly. They each had to wipe away a few tears from their eyes when the moment passed.
"It looks to me like your friends have got you off to a great start in feminizing you, but there are a lot of little things I could probably help you with on a day to day basis."
"That would be marvelous, Janice!"
"I could teach you more about make-up and styling your hair. Also I could show you how to sew and how to arrange flowers."
"One thing I really want to learn is how to not let boys take advantage of me!"
"That's weird, you dating boys! Imagine how crazy it would be if we went on a double date together!"
"I'm not ready to date yet, Janice, but I feel like I have to be prepared to deal with men. Today I got the feeling that they find me very sexy; I mean when I walk by them, they stare at me."
"That happens all the time to girls. Ever since I was your age, I've constantly noticed boys and men sneaking peaks at my legs and my breasts," Janice said. "All girls experience that, and it's something that you eventually accept as second nature."
Janice was looking at Blake with an expression of slight bewilderment. This was so strange to deal with. She asked him, "do you only dress up when you're with the girls?"
Blake didn't say anything so she said, "do mean you also dress up other times? Are you wearing anything now?"
Blake's continued silence prompted her to say, "let me look Blake." She pulled open the front of his shirt and saw his bra. "Oh my god, Blake, you're wearing a bra at home here! And I bet you have panties too!"
Blake nodded his head. "One false move and mom or dad will catch you. Or maybe even Ann or Barry! This is going too far!"
"But Janice, I'm very careful. They suspect nothing and I always make sure I have on tops which fully hide the bra straps. See?" Blake turned around. "Do you see them?"
"No, not really, but if I smooth out the shirt, or pat you on the back, I would see or feel the place where it clips. That part always sticks out a little."
"No one will pat me on the back."
"Where do you keep your clothes? Mom could find the bra in your room any time."
"I put the clothes in the attic. But now that you know, could I put them in one of your drawers?"
"That would be worse, since Mom would easily see that I have some new bras that she didn't know about, if she was to put the laundry away. Anyway, your bras are what cup size?"
"Yes, and I'm a C cup, so she'll really see the difference. In the attic you could at least pretend they're some old bras of mine, if she were to find them."

When Blake's dad, Barry and Ann came back inside from playing ball, Blake was sitting with Janice and his mom in the family room. His mom and Janice were talking about a quilt they were planning to sew, and Blake had been asking questions about how they would do it. The newcomers sat down so that the entire family was sitting together.
The doorbell rang and Barry said, "it's for me" and got up to answer it. He came back with a friend, Steve, who was giving his barbell set to Barry. They went back and forth in several trips carrying the weights from Steve's car to a spot in the family room where Blake's dad said it was OK to put them. When they were done, Blake's dad and Ann got up to take a look at the set.
"You've got about 200 pounds of weights there."
"Actually, there's 250 pounds," Steve said.
"Let me try and lift some," Ann said.
"Sure," Steve said, "how much weight do you want? Twenty pounds?"
"Give me a hundred pounds."
"A hundred pounds? You've got to be crazy. There's no way a girl your age, or a girl any age can lift that much!"
"I said a hundred pounds," Ann said angrily.
Steve did as she told him. When it was set up, Ann walked over to the bar, stooped down with bent knees, grabbed it firmly and straightened up so the bar was held at her waist. Everyone looked on in astonishment.
"Now, I'll curl it," she said, and she proceeded to do a perfect curl with the hundred pound weight. Blake watched her biceps bulge out under the strain, and a vein in her neck stood out by the effort. Next she suddenly jerked the weight straight over her head and held it there, and then quickly brought it down to the ground. Blake's dad was beyond excited and said, "that's my girl! Fantastic!" and Barry said, "Ann, you're just a knockout. How did you ever get so strong?"
"I've been working out in the gym after school, everyday for a year."
Ann was beaming with pride at her accomplishment.
Barry said, "Now let me show you what to shoot for." He added another hundred pounds, and repeated the same movements as Ann. Almost effortlessly he was able to manipulate the 200 pound weight. "Very impressive, Barry, now let me try," Blake's dad said.
His mother quickly intervened saying, "you know you'll throw your back out for a month. Don't try it," but he ignored her and proceeded to do one curl with the weight, but didn't try to get it over his head.
Blake couldn't help but admire the awesome strength of Barry and his dad as he watched their arms bulge tightly under the weight. Ann then said, "come on, Blake, let's see what you can do."
Surprised that the attention had been turned to him, Blake said, "oh no, I'm not very good at that."
"Come on, Blake," his dad said. "Let's just see where you are, then you can aim to get a little better. Put it back to a hundred pounds."
When the bar was adjusted back to a hundred, Blake had no choice but to attempt it. Very conscious of his bra, he reached down awkwardly, grasped the rod and tried to lift it. It didn't move at all. It was as if it were welded to the floor. "I guess this is too much for me."
"I'll say so," said Ann.
"Now don't be nasty, Ann," Blake's mom spoke up.
A ten pound weight was taken off each side, and Blake now tried it again at eighty pounds. His thin arms pulled it as hard as he could and this time it rolled backward a bit, but didn't get off the ground.
"Jesus, Blake," his dad said, "can't you do eighty? You weigh more than that!"
"Dad, I said that I'm not good at this. I guess it doesn't really interest me to lift weights."
"Come on now, try sixty pounds,"
This was set up and Blake was only able to get one end of the bar a little off the ground. Barry lowered the weight to 40 pounds, and finally Blake was able to stand up with it. He tried hard to do a curl with it, but he couldn't bend his arm; the weight hung down straight. Barry now lowered the weight to just twenty pounds, ten on each side. Through a great struggle, Blake managed to barely do one curl.
"Congratulations, Blake," his dad said sarcastically. Ann smirked and Barry and Steve shook their heads in amazement. Only Blake's mom and Janice were clearly upset at his predicament.
"That's very fine Blake," his mother said. "All it takes is a little practice and you'll be just as good as Ann or Barry."
"You all stop teasing Blake," Janice said, "why should he be good at weightlifting if it doesn't interest him?"
Blake felt both ashamed and hurt. His dad had been inconsiderate to make him lift the weights in front of everybody. "Dad, I don't care about being strong. I don't want to be strong. It serves no purpose."
"If your little sister can lift a hundred pounds, and you can only lift twenty, and barely that, then I really wonder if you're a boy!" his dad said angrily.
"Don't say such a thing!" his mom interjected.
"Well honey I don't want to be cruel but Blake has the choice to do some exercise to get himself in shape. Like Ann did for herself. Right now he has the strength of a girl. I mean, how can he stand that? Maybe we should put him in little dresses and put bows in his hair."
Ann, Barry and Steve couldn't stifle their laughter and Blake ran out of the room crying. After a minute his dad went after him to apologize.
"I'm sorry Blake. That was really mean of me. You know that I'm proud of you. I just got a little upset that you don't try harder to do some exercise. If a girl like Ann could work hard to get to 100 pounds, then I don't see any reason why you can't do it too. In fact, it should be a lot easier for you, since you have male hormones and she doesn't."
"I'm really sorry dad. You're right, I'll try and practice everyday and see if I can get stronger." Blake knew he was lying. If he got large muscles the girls would not like it; they might even ask him to leave the club. No, he knew that he would never get manly arms.
Later that evening his mom came up to his room and told him to just be the way he wants to be. "The family has enough muscle men running around here. We don't need any more. I like how sensitive you are, honey. I wish all boys were like you, and especially Ann!"

Later that night, Blake put on the nightie and got under the covers of his bed. At eleven O'clock he thought of each of the girls in turn: Penny, Kathy, Karen, Janet and Amy. A short while later he heard a faint knock on his door. Petrified, he raced to take off the nightie but the door opened before he could take it completely off and hide it. It was Janice, and in the semi-dark of the room, she whispered. "Blake, honey, or I mean Pamela, I want to chat with you for a second."
Relieved, he said, "OK, sure," and turned the light on.
Janice saw Blake's nightie and said, "wow is that a pretty nightie!"
"The girls gave it to me as a present."
"You're really lucky to have such nice friends."
Janice was wearing a nightie also, and she got into bed with Blake and snuggled up to him, so they were lying close together.
"Aren't we two pretty sisters!" Janice said, and Blake giggled. "I think I'm going to like you being my sister. You know I could never do this with Ann. She's always been such a tomboy." After a pause she continued, "the reason I came in here was to tell you that no matter what happens I'll always accept you for who you are. Even if one day you break Dad's heart - and I do think it's inevitable that it will happen - I'll still care about you, and I'll help you out as best I can."
Blake started to cry, and Janice held him tightly to her breast. Anyone looking in on them would have seen two sisters lying together in each other's arms, secure in the love they have for each other.

The next day was Sunday. Blake's mom and dad went off to play golf and Barry and Janice had made plans for the entire day, so that Ann and Blake were left alone in the house. Blake sat in a chair in the front yard enjoying the sun and reading "The Idiot" by Dostoyevsky. At about noon time, two girls that Blake had never seen before came up the lawn to the front door and Ann came running out to meet them. The girls wore skin tight black leather pants, and faded tee shirts; one had a Budweiser Beer ad on the front and the other had a Harley-Davidson insignia. They had short hair, and they each were carrying a paper bag. One of these clearly contained a six pack of beer. Neither of the girls took notice of Blake.
Ann led them into the house in open defiance of one of the most strictly held rules of their family: no one was allowed to bring strangers into the house while mom and dad were away. The situation made Blake nervous: he couldn't ignore such a blatant action by Ann, yet he felt powerless to do anything about it. The previous evening had convinced him, if he had any doubt before, that he had better not get her angry since there was no telling what she might decide to do to him. The thought of her biceps bunched up as she lifted the barbell made him shiver. How had she ever gotten so strong being a young girl? It mystified him, but he was smart enough to realize that he had to avoid a confrontation with her, lest he really get hurt.
His agitation made it difficult to read, so he closed the book. Looking at the cover, he joked to himself that Dostoyevsky must have had Ann in mind when he wrote it. He got up to go inside to see if there would be any possibility that he could do something about the situation. When he entered the house, he saw that Ann and the girls were sitting in the living room drinking beer. He couldn't believe that Ann could be so openly defiant and his face showed that he was shocked. The girls had their feet propped up on the coffee table and were talking loudly and laughing. Seeing, Blake, Ann called out, "got a problem Blake?"
"Ann, how can you drink beer?"
"What's it to you?"
"And you also know the rule..."
"Listen Blake, come over here!" Ann said, cutting Blake off in mid sentence.
Realizing that he probably shouldn't have said anything, he walked over to where Ann was sitting. "You're not going to mention any of this to mom or dad, are you?"
"Ann, that's not fair."
Ann looked at her friends and said, "watch this." She got up and walked over to Blake, who started to back away not sure of what she was about to do. She caught up to him and grabbed his wrist. Her grip was like iron and she forcefully led him back to the living room. "Sit down," she ordered him.
Blake sat down in an arm chair. Ann paced back and forth in front of him drinking from her beer can. "Now, I'm going to ask you this again. You're not going to mention any of this to mom and dad are you?"
"Blake!" she yelled menacingly.
"No, Ann, I won't, but you should stop drinking the beer and your friends should leave."
"Blake, you're really irritating me. I don't like you telling me what to do."
"I'm sorry, Ann, but you're putting me in an awkward position," Blake said in an exasperated voice.
"Blake, behave yourself" she warned and then turning to her friends said, "By the way, Connie and Len, this is my older brother, Blake."
Connie, wearing the Harley tee shirt said, "he's really your older brother?"
"Hard to believe, isn't it?" Ann said. "The only thing male about him is his prick. You should have seen him throw a baseball yesterday. It was like a girl. And the funniest thing was watching him try to lift some weights."
"Ann, I don't really appreciate you talking about me like this to your friends. I never did anything to you. Can I go now?"
"No, you can't," Ann said. "Go in the family room and bring the weight set in here."
"Are you going to fucking question everything I say? Get your ass in there and bring the weights. I want to show Connie and Len how pathetic you are."
Feeling trapped, Blake shrugged his shoulders, and went to the family room to get the weights. The bar had 100 pounds on it and he couldn't budge it. He picked up one of the ten pound weights and carried it back to Ann.
"Ann, I can't lift the bar with the weights on it, could you bring that in for me?"
Ann laughed, "what'd I tell you? You just bring the extra weights and I'll get the bar."
Ann left and came back carrying the 100 pound barbell, while Blake went back and forth carrying the individual weights.
Ann took 60 pounds off the bar and said, "Blake, show Connie and Len what a muscleman you are. Lift this over your head."
"Ann, this is ridiculous."
"Blake, I'm not going to take any more shit from you. You either do what I say, or I'll make you do what I say." The beer appeared to be having some effect on her, since she slurred her words a little. She reached for a second beer, opened it, and took a long drink. "Now lift."
Blake got in front of the bar and with all his effort tried to lift it. The bar wobbled terribly and he strained hard but could not get it even up to his midsection. He finally half dropped it back to the ground. Ann ran up to him and slapped him hard on the cheek.
"Oww," Blake yelled.
"You can do better, Now try again." Ann stood next to him, swaying slowly. She was clearly drunk and getting drunker. Once again Blake reached down for the bar. This time he could barely get one end off the floor. He was in a near panic afraid that Ann would hit him again and he dropped the bar and ran toward the stairs with the idea of locking himself in his room. As drunk as Ann was, she caught up to him before he got to the stairway. She caught hold of him by his shirt and it tore across his back with a loud ripping sound. The strap of Blake's bra was clearly visible. Ann, Connie and Len let out whoops of laughter as Ann pinned Blake's arm behind him and led him back to the living room.
"If you run anywhere again Blake I'll really make you hurt. Take off your shirt."
"Please, Ann, I beg you, please let me go."
"Take off your shirt and your shorts as well," Ann said while slapping him in the cheek again. "I told you not to give me a hard time."
Blake took off the ripped shirt revealing his white Maidenform Chantilly bra. Slowly he pulled down his pants revealing a pair of pink lacy panties.
"God, Ann, your brother is really fucked up," Connie remarked.
"What do you mean 'brother'," Len said, "she's Ann's sister. And boy isn't she into pretty little clothes!" Len took hold of the waist band of Blake's panties, gave it a snap and laughed loudly. "Look, he's even wearing a maxipad!"
"Let me take a look!" Connie said, and she held out the front of Blake's panties to look inside. "Oh my god it's true. The little sissy is wearing a maxipad!"
Ann came over and looked. "Jesus, Blake, your penis is really wasted on you," she said with disgust. "Where did you get the bra and panties and why the fuck are you wearing a maxipad?"
"I bought them, and I'm having a pretend period now."
"A pretend period!" Ann laughed. "Jesus! If only dad knew."
"Ann, I can explain everything, but just don't tell mom or dad. Please promise me!"
"Blake, I won't promise you anything. But if you really don't want me to tell dad, you better do whatever I tell you to do from now on, got it?"
"That's blackmail, Ann! It's completely unfair. I can explain everything."
"Shut up Blake, I don't care what's fair. I'm sick and tired of you always getting to play with dad cause you're a boy. For years and years I've had to be stuck with the girl's shit: the stupid laundry and dishes and sewing, yuck. Now, I'm finally getting what's due me, and I'm going to make sure that you'll be my little helper."
"OK, Ann, whatever you want, just don't tell Mom or Dad."
Turning to Len and Connie, Ann said, "what do you think we ought to do with our little sissy?"
"Ann, you must be embarrassed having a brother like that. It's so creepy, him sneaking around wearing girls things under his clothes," Connie said.
"We ought to make him know what it's really like to be a girl. How about making him suck on the dildos," Len said.
"We could even rape him!" Connie added, and the three girls laughed.
Blake was terrified listening to them decide what to do. The beer had clearly gotten the best of their judgment. He was afraid to run away, and afraid to stay. There was nothing he could do except wait.
"Let's have a little fun. First we'll show him how to be a proper little lady." Addressing Blake, Ann said, "go upstairs and get me three pairs of your boys underwear."
"I told you to cut out questioning my orders," Ann said as she walked over and spanked Blake three times very hard on his pantied bottom.
"Ouch, Ann, stop that!"
Blake ran upstairs to get the underwear. He came down in a minute with it and gave it to Ann. While he was upstairs the girls had taken three large strap-on dildos from one of the bags. They were lifelike replicas of very large penises. Ann took the underwear from Blake and said, "strap this penis on Len."
Len had taken off her jeans revealing a plain white panty. She took this off and Blake knelt down in front of her as she explained to him how the dildo was to be strapped on. When he was done, she put on a pair of Blake's underwear. The dildo underneath caused a large tent to be evident in the underpants. Blake then proceeded to do the same for Connie and Ann. When he was done the three girls had nothing on but tee-shirts and Blake's underwear with the large phalluses poking up.
"Now watch some real men," Ann said as she loaded up the barbell to 100 pounds.
"Hey, Ann," Connie said. "Have your sister put on a dress. It ain't proper for a girl to parade around in her undies like that!"
They laughed at this and Ann said, "Blake, go up to Janice's room and find a nice dress to wear. Something feminine. Come down after you put it on."
Blake got up and went upstairs, more frightened then ever. After a minute he hadn't come back and Ann yelled, "Blake!"
He yelled back, "I'm coming. I had some trouble finding a good dress."
Blake came down the stairs in a pink dress with a pink lace pattern around the bosom. "The back is not zipped up," he said. Ann came over and without warning slapped Blake on the cheek again, "you moron, you're supposed to wear a slip with that dress. Go find a slip and put that on first. And stuff something into your bra, so you're not flat!"
Blake cried from the pain and ran up the stairs again. He found a white full length slip and put it on. He also stuffed some panties in the bra cups, put on the dress again, and managed to zip it up himself.
When he came down the stairs Ann said, "that's much better. You look pretty cute now, little sister. Now sit down and watch us do some exercises."
Ann did a heavy workout with the hundred pound barbell. Blake watched her musculature strain with the weight. The whole time her permanent hard-on was visible in the white Jockey shorts she was wearing. The image was so bizarre that Blake watched spellbound.
When Ann was done, it was Len's turn. She added ten pounds on each side and proceeded to press 120 pounds. After fifteen minutes, Len passed the bar to Connie who began her workout. Ann lay on the sofa and told Blake, "Massage my arms and back." Blake kneeled down next to her and proceeded to squeeze her biceps and shoulder muscles. They were hard and much wider and stronger than his own.
Ann's biceps had powerful knots of muscle in them that he felt as he ran his fingers over them. Ann moaned with pleasure. After a few minutes, Len told Blake to do her, and he did so. Her shoulders were even more well developed than Ann's; in fact, if he didn't know better he would have thought her a man. Her large muscles were a challenge to rub firmly and he found himself exerting himself to do the job. When he had massaged Len for a while, Ann said, "go get us some sandwiches."
"What kind?"
"Whatever you find in the fridge."
Blake went into the kitchen and made the sandwiches. He carried them back on a tray. In her drunken state, Connie knocked over a beer can while reaching for a sandwich and Ann yelled at Blake, "don't just stand there, get a sponge and clean it up."
Not wishing to get Ann mad, he resigned himself to being the servant they seemed to want. He dutifully cleaned up the beer and with a wet sponge got out any trace of it in the carpet. While he was doing this, he bent down with his back to Ann. Without warning she gave him a mighty smack on his behind, which sent him toppling over and made him cry in pain. "What's that for Ann? Stop hurting me!"
"You have a cute ass Blake. I think you look good in panties. Connie, do you want your cock sucked?"
Connie laughed and Ann said, "Go on over and suck Connie's cock." With a sigh, Blake knelt down in front of her and took the penis out of the underwear and started to suck on it while Connie reclined on the seat. This went on for a few minutes. It was strange sucking the plastic, but Blake thought at least he didn't have to worry about hurting her with his teeth.
"Put some energy into it Blake. Show that you love doing it," Connie said threateningly. Blake pretended he was really into sucking on the penis. After a few minutes, Connie took Blake by the shoulders, spun him around and pushed him down on the sofa on his back. She straddled him with her knees and leaned forward and put her mouth up to his. Held in her strong grip, Blake felt his mouth forced open by Connie's tongue and she proceeded to French kiss him. After a few seconds Connie pulled back and said, "Ann, your little brother doesn't have any passion. He's acting like he's dead."
Ann walked over and slapped Blake again on the cheek. "Blake, I want you to show Connie that you worship her. If she complains again, I'll take care of you once and for all."
This time when Connie inserted her tongue, Blake kissed back with as much feeling as he could show. He put his arms around Connie's neck and tried to squeeze her. He looked in her face and saw her eyes were closed. She suddenly opened them and looked at him.
"That's fine, now you've got the idea."
The taste of beer was all too evident in her mouth as Connie alternately sipped beer and forced Blake to kiss her. She kissed him so deeply that he found himself feeling possessed by her. It was a very lovely dress that he had on, and he had to admit to himself it was nice to get to wear it. He hoped Janice wouldn't mind; if he ever did tell her what had happened. He closed his eyes and felt the power of Connie's tongue and the force with which she easily held him down on the sofa. It was like Mr. Morris all over again as he felt some stirrings of affection for Connie. It was sort of nice that she wanted to kiss him so hard.
Blake got pulled out of his dream world when Connie stopped the kiss and said, "C'mon Len lets do him real good now. You can go first."
Connie got up and sat down facing the other way next to Blake's head so that her dildo came over his forehead. Looking up, he could see the plastic balls that came with it. Connie directed the end of the dildo into his mouth, and he started to suck on it. Len then lifted Blake's legs up in the air and climbed onto the sofa so Blake's feet were on her shoulders. Ann helped hold his legs steady. Blake felt Len groping inside his dress and slip until she found his panties, which she pulled down. Then he felt a sudden sharp pain in his bottom hole which he realized was being attacked by Len's dildo. "Ouch," he mumbled around Connie's dildo which was deep in his mouth.
Blake saw Ann go away and come back with a bottle of lotion. Then she and Len covered the dildo with it. Blake started to struggle, realizing what they had in mind. Ann gripped his legs tighter, and Connie reached forward and held his arms and shoulders down. Suddenly, he felt the dildo forced up again into his bottom, and it hurt even more. Len pushed harder and he felt it penetrate a tiny bit. The pain was increasing and he whimpered and tried to squirm. The three girls were much stronger than him, and he could barely move. They held him down tightly. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes.
"Come on little sister, you're going to get raped," Ann yelled as she feverishly helped Len to get the penis into the small opening. Len pushed harder, and Blake let out a wail.
"Shut up faggot!" Ann cried, smacking Blake on his ass. Blake started to cry and Ann proceeded to give him a solid spanking which made him cry even more. Len backed out the dildo a bit and pushed forward again, getting it to just begin opening up the sphincter muscle. The dildo was too big for such a virgin ass and Blake was in terrible pain. Pinned down by Connie and Len and held by Ann he was unable to stop them from their rape. He cried hysterically. Len tried pushing forward again and caused a small cut in Blake's skin that started to bleed.
Ann said, "Oh shit, he's starting to bleed. We better stop this."
Blake felt relieved that Ann actually had a limit to her sadism. The sight of blood had sobered her up enough to take some pity on him. "Please, Ann, let me up. It's really hurting now," he said.
"OK, Len, you better stop," Ann said again.
"Fuck you Ann, this is fun," Len said as she tried pushing the dildo in again. "I know, all we have to do is switch to the other dildo. Get it Ann."
"No, Len, we're going to screw up his asshole or something and my parents will find out."
"They aren't going to find out anything. Since when will his mom be looking at his asshole?" Len laughed.
"Ann, don't be a shit," Connie said, "your brother has to keep his mouth shut regardless of what we do. This is too much fun. Go get Len the smaller dildo."
Reluctantly, Ann retrieved a smaller and thinner dildo which had been in the bag and gave it to Len. She stood up over Blake whose head was still looking up into Connie's crotch with the large dildo next to his face. Roughly, Len turned him around and said, "OK little faggot, put this dildo on me," as she handed it to Blake.
"Please Len, Ann is right. My bottom hurts a lot and my parents may find out."
Len, suddenly angered and terribly drunk, let loose with a sharp slap on Blake's face which made his head ring. He burst into tears and fumbled as fast as he could to put the new dildo on her. When it was on, Connie and Len flipped him over, pushed his head down again beneath Connie's lap and raised his legs in the air. Connie guided her large dildo back into his mouth and yelled at him to suck it as hard as he could.
"Give me the lotion," Len said to Ann.
"C'mon Len, this is going way too far," Ann said impatiently.
"Ann, give me the lotion."
After a pause, Ann gave the lotion bottle to Len, who then proceeded to coat the smaller dildo with it.
"Now let's get inside the little faggot."
Len raised Blake's skirt up. She found his opening with the smaller dildo, and this time after one hard push, it went in. Blake let out a yelp of pain, but once it was inside him, the pain faded away. He did feel an intense pleasure when the dildo ran along his prostrate. An intense warm sexual feeling came over his loins at the same time he felt fear and anger at the girls.
Ann looked down on her brother as he lay there caught in the powerful hold of Connie and Len who started to rhythmically pump the dildo in and out of Blake. "This is what a rape is like," Len said. "You want to be a girl, so you got to take what the men dish out to you."
"Hey, Blake, I want you to thank Len for fucking you," Connie said.
"Thanks, Len," Blake said as he watched Len intent on pounding her dildo back and forth inside of him.
"Am I your man?" Len asked.
"Yes, Len."
The action of screwing Blake caused Len to get hotter and hotter. She began to moan loudly and finally as she approached orgasm she began yelling, "Oh, my fucking little faggot! What a sweet pussy!" Until finally she came with a mighty heave at Blake. Each of Len's thrusts had forced him hard against Connie. Len was very powerful and by the end his bottom and mouth ached terribly.
"It's my turn," Connie said jumping up, once Len had withdrawn the dildo from Blake. Once again they grabbed Blake and forced him to switch the dildos between them. Ann sat in the sofa watching. Blake looked pleadingly at her but there was nothing she could do. Connie and Len were older and stronger than her. Connie forced Blake around and rudely shoved his head face down now into Len's lap where he once again put the large dildo in his mouth. This time, while his ass was sticking up in the air, Connie came behind him and lined up the dildo and slowly pushed it in. "Doggie style, honey, I'm going to fuck you like the bitch you are!"
Connie began to rhythmically push the dildo in and out of Blake, occasionally slapping him on the buttocks. "Oh, yes, Blake is such a pretty bitch," she said. "Come on Blake, keep on thanking me for raping you."
Blake, delirious from fear, started talking without stopping, "thank you Connie, honey, Oh thank you honey. It feels so good, I love you Connie, please do it more and more, please honey, oh thank you honey."
After what seemed ages, Connie reached an orgasm and then pulled out of Blake. She shoved him to the side and sat down. Blake lay on the floor in his sister's dress feeling a numb pain in his bottom, and crying quietly.

When Connie and Len had gone, Ann said to Blake who was still lying on the floor, "get up and straighten the room."
In no mood to resist, Blake got up and cleaned up the beer cans and food, and helped Ann put the weight set back. He cleaned the sofas and floor until the living room was like it was supposed to be.
"Mom and dad will be home soon. Can I take off the dress and slip and return them?" Blake asked Ann.
"Just wait Blake, I'll let you know when you can get undressed. Just stand there in the corner."
Blake walked to the corner of the living room and stood, while Ann busied herself looking at some magazines. After a few minutes Blake said, "Ann, they'll be home any second now. You've got to let me get out of the dress."
"Shut up Blake, I'll let you know when. The next time you talk, I'll smack you."
Ten minutes passed with Blake standing in the corner. He had to pee very badly and he was anxious about his mom and dad catching him there. "Please Ann, I've got to pee, let me go!"
Ann got up and walked over to Blake. She threatened to hit him and he raised an arm to protect himself. When she lowered her hand, he lowered his, and then she quickly swung up and slapped his face. She sat down again.
His bladder was aching, he was standing in his sister's dress in the living room, and his parents would be home from golfing any second. He would have to stand up to Ann, but as much as he tried to get the courage to run upstairs, he was sure she would not only hurt him, but she would tell dad everything. The minutes ticked by, and he was frantic. Ann acting nonchalant slowly read the magazine.
In a few minutes, Blake heard his parent's car pull up the driveway. "Ann please let me go!"
"Shut up, Blake, I'll let you know when."
Blake was in a near panic. He could hear his parents steps going up the walkway. In his excitement he felt like the pee was about to come out. He heard the key hit the lock and suddenly Ann said, "Now faggot, go upstairs."
Blake ran out of the living room and up the stairs just as the door opened. He made it into Janice's room unobserved, took off the dress and slip, put them back and then, listening to make sure his parents were still downstairs he ran to his room. He took off his bra, and put on a shirt and pants and ran to the bathroom to pee. When he was done, he ran into his mom just coming up the stairs. "How was your afternoon, honey?"
"OK, mom, it was OK," he said as brightly as possible.
Chapter 9
On Monday, Ann gave Blake a good idea how their life together in the same house was going to be. Every time they were alone and even sometimes when they were dangerously close to his mom and dad or Barry, Ann would treat him as if he were her personal servant. She made him do her household chores, straighten up her room and even made him go into the bathroom with her while she was peeing. His job was to rip off some bathroom tissue to give to her, and then give her a towel to dry her hands with after she washed them. She made him give her a clean pair of his underpants every day, which she wore underneath her jeans. Every night he had to get the dirty pair from her to put in the clothes hamper. She made no attempt to talk to him about the situation, and if ever he dared to criticize her she would think of a new way to humiliate him.
Ann's attitude toward him was not much different than toward many of the boys in her class. She pushed around the weaker ones, ignored most of the girls and cultivated friendships with the most athletic boys in the class. Blake had even heard through other kids that Ann regularly boasted about her control of him: that she ruled over him and that he had to do whatever she wished. He always vehemently denied this, and he dreaded next year when she would enter seventh grade and be in the same school as him. Things might end up getting out of control. Luckily he wouldn't have to face that situation until after the summer.
Monday at recess, Blake told the girls what had happened to him on Sunday and they were beside themselves with anger at Ann, Connie and Len. Unfortunately, they couldn't see what to do. The only long term solution was for Blake to become a girl and live at Kathy's house, but that was just impossible for the short term. They did resolve to try and spend more time with Blake after school, and to call him up to chat more often so as to deprive Ann of the opportunity to carry out her mean spirited ideas.
During recess, when the club members were walking together on the far end of the field, Kathy handed Blake a sealed envelope addressed to Pamela, and told him to open it up. He couldn't imagine what it would be, and was surprised to see that it was an invitation to a wedding shower for Beth, this coming Saturday afternoon. It was to be a lingerie shower and Beth's clothing measurements were listed.
"Do you know what a lingerie shower is," Kathy asked.
"Is it where each of the guests brings an item of lingerie for the guest of honor?"
"Yes, exactly. You see that Beth's measurements are given."
"Who's going to be there?"
"The girls in the club are invited, as well as about 12 girl friends of Beth, my mom and grandmom and some other cousins. I guess there'll be about 25 girls and women present."
"Wow, it sure sounds like fun!"
"It's going to be just super. Now you have to buy Beth some item of lingerie to give her. We'll leave it up to you to do your own shopping!"
"What does Beth like? What are you getting her?"
"You can get her anything: a bra, a camisole, a peignoir. Whatever you find really pretty!"
"We're going to go shopping separately. It'll be more fun to see what each of us picked out on our own!" Janet said.
"I'll go shopping Friday afternoon right after school. I can hardly wait!" Blake said.

The next day, on Tuesday, as Blake was leaving school with the girls, he was surprised by the sudden appearance of his mother, who had been waiting near the entrance for him.
"Oh thank goodness I caught you before you walked home," his mom said hurriedly as she smiled at the girls, "today you have a doctor's appointment, and I completely forgot to mention it to you this morning! We're due there in fifteen minutes, I've got the car parked around the corner."
"No problem mom, I'll be with you in a second," Blake said. Turning to the girls he said, "I have to go with my mom to the doctor. I'm glad it's today since tomorrow is our meeting!"
"Then we'll see you tomorrow in class, goodbye!" Amy said.

A few minutes later while Blake and his mom were driving toward the doctor, his mom said, "they're such nice girls. I'm glad you've made such good friends."
"I like them a lot mom." While he was thinking about the girls, his thoughts wandered to the fact that he wanted to be a girl also, and then he was thinking about what would happen if his mom knew. It suddenly dawned on him that he was wearing a bra and panties underneath his boys' clothes. It was almost certain the doctor would ask him to take off his shirt to listen to his heart beat. He broke out into a sweat trying to figure out what to do. It occurred to him that he could ask to use the bathroom as soon as he got there, which would give him the chance to remove the bra and put it in his pocket. He could do the same for his panties in case the doctor wanted to check his balls, which he always did. Of course he would then not have any underpants on, but he could just say that he forgot to put them on that morning. That would certainly sound ridiculous, but at least it wouldn't be as embarrassing as being caught wearing panties.
His doctor was Dr. Norbet Peterson, who shared a practice with a female pediatrician Dr. Margaret Wentworth. Dr. Peterson tended to see the male children, while Dr. Wentworth concentrated on the female.
Upon entering the office, the receptionist greeted Blake and his mom and signed them in. Blake's mother said she had to do some errands and would be back in half an hour. After she left, in some agitation, Blake went to the receptionist and asked if he could use the bathroom. She told him to go right ahead. There were several examining rooms branching out from behind the reception area. Those to the left were where the girls went and the boys went to the right. In the past, Blake and Ann had often had appointments at the same time and they had frequently been ushered to the back rooms with Ann going off to the "girls' territory" and Blake in the opposite direction to the "boys." The rooms and hallway toward the girls' side were painted a light pink shade, while the boys' side had blue walls. There were two small bathrooms, one marked "boys" and the other "girls" in the corridor between the examining rooms.
Just before he got to the boys room a young boy walked in ahead of Blake and locked the door behind him. Blake was forced to stand in the corridor waiting to go in. He noticed that the girls' bathroom was not in use, and he debated whether he could be bold enough to use it. The young boy seemed to be taking forever in the bathroom, and Blake was very worried that his chance to take off his bra might slip away from him.
In desperation he made up his mind to use the girls bathroom. Just at that moment, however, a girl walked up to him saying, "hi Blake."
It was Valerie, a girl in his class. "Oh, hi, Valerie."
"Getting your physical exam today, also?" she asked.
"So am I." Valerie seemed very happy to see Blake and he felt embarrassed to enter the girls' room in front of her. The two of them chatted about school and visiting the doctor. While pretending to be casual, Blake anxiously awaited the opportunity to get into the bathroom. Finally, he heard a flush and then the boy fumbling with the lock. The door opened and Blake was ready to break off the conversation with Valerie, when suddenly a nurse came up to him and said, "are you Blake?"
"Oh, good. You can come back to the examining room with me." Noticing that he was in front of the bathrooms, she said, "can you wait a bit before using it? We'll need a urine sample today anyway?"
With Valerie smiling at him, he was afraid to tell the nurse he had an emergency. Instead he said, "OK," said goodbye to Valerie and followed the nurse to one of the boys' examining rooms down the hall.
His mind raced to find some other pretext where he could go back to the bathroom. Then he remembered that usually there would be a few minutes alone in the room until the doctor came, so he would use that time to take off his bra and panties.
"So Blake, how old are you?" the nurse said as she led him into the room and closed the door behind them. She was a few inches taller than Blake, blonde with her hair pinned up over her head. She had on a white nurse's uniform, with white stockings and white shoes. She was a little overweight, with a large chest and her face was a bit homely. Blake couldn't help but see that she was wearing a white lacy slip underneath her dress, with bra straps visible underneath the slip.
"I'm fifteen."
"So you're in eighth grade?"
"Yes." When is she going to leave Blake thought to himself in desperation. She showed no signs of leaving.
"I'm just going to do a few routine things before the doctor gets here. So take off your shirt and I'll take your blood pressure and listen to your heart."
Blake froze in fear. This had never happened to him before. Usually the doctor did the blood pressure work. The nurse was occupied with getting out the blood pressure kit, and when she turned back to him, Blake still hadn't done anything.
"Come on, honey. Don't be shy, you've got to take off your shirt."
Blake was in a panic.
Looking at the strange expression on his face, the nurse said, "Is there anything the matter? Come on take off your shirt!"
Blake resigned himself to whatever might happen and proceeded to take off his shirt. He gathered up the bottom and began pulling it up over his head. As soon as the bra was partially exposed, he heard the nurse let out a little squeal of surprise.
"Oh, my goodness, Blake! I hope you forgive me but this is the funniest thing! Since Dr. Peterson usually sees the boy patients, I was thinking that you were a boy. I guess the name Blake can be both a boys and girls name. I'm new here and I didn't realize that Dr. Peterson has some girl patients."
Not believing his ears, Blake said, fumbling for words, "Oh, that's all right, Dr. Peterson is a friend of my dad's so I guess it's always been the case that he sees the kids in our family."
"That's nice. It was just a bit of a shock. Now that I have a good look at you I can see that you're a very pretty young lady."
Blake looked at himself in a mirror hanging on the opposite wall. With his bra, thin feminine arms and his hair just starting to grow out now, he did seem to be feminine.
"That's a very pretty bra you've got on," the nurse said.
"Thank you. It's my favorite, a Chantilly by Maidenform."
"Did your mom help you choose it?"
"No, I went shopping with some friends."
"I can see that you were a bit eager." The nurse reached toward Blake's back and took the bra tag in her fingers from under the strap so as to read the label. "It's a B cup and I'm not so sure that you're quite up there yet!"
Blake could see in the mirror that his own very small boys' breasts did not begin to fill out the bra.
"Yes it's a bit big. I just thought it was so pretty and we couldn't find one in an A cup. I guess I'm kind of jealous of my friends who are getting more developed than me. I hope I start to grow out soon."
"What size bra does your mom wear?"
"She's a D cup!"
"Wow, just like me and like my mom also. I bet that you'll one day be just like your mom. That usually happens, at least if you look more like her than your dad."
"I do look a lot like my mom."
"There, so there's no need to worry. Some girls are just a bit slower to start puberty than others. Have you started your period yet?"
Blake nodded his head.
"No problems?"
"Do you use tampons or pads?"
"Mainly pads."
"Why is that? Most girls your age like the tampons so they can be more active. So they can swim and play tennis."
"I'm not very athletic, I'm afraid that I tried using the tampons and they hurt me a bit."
"I think you probably just need someone to help you learn how to put them in. Did your mom show you how?"
"One time she did."
"I'll be happy to show you again. Just pull down your jeans and I'll go get a tampon from down the hall."
"It's all right, I really do prefer pads. Maybe next year when I take swimming at school I'll have to wear them and then you can show me then."
"It's really no bother, I could show you now."
"No, it's OK, thank you very much though."
"You know Blake, you're a very precious girl. Very shy. That's good up to a point, but you shouldn't be afraid of too many things."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Blake, are you dating boys yet?"
Blushing, Blake said, "a couple of times."
"Are you prepared?"
"Do you mean for sex?"
"What else!"
"Oh, I won't let them get that far!"
"Well, as you get older you might find yourself in a mood one day when you just let the boy do what he wants. You might not be able to say no. Some boys are very insistent."
"I know what you mean. I do feel scared of boys. On one date, my boyfriend wanted me to touch his penis and even to put my mouth on it."
"What happened?"
"I just touched it a little with my hand and then stopped."
"I'm glad you're able to say no when you don't feel comfortable. If you ever get to the point where you know you're going to let a boy insert his penis in you, then you had better insist on a condom!"
"I will."
The nurse proceeded to take Blake's blood pressure. "Now take off your pants so I can weigh you just in your underwear. It's a lot more accurate than with clothes on."
Blake gingerly pulled down his jeans and took them off neatly, so he was standing in just his bra and panties.
Looking at the maxipad bulging in his panties, the nurse said, "Oh I see you're having your period now."
"Yes ma'am."
"And what a lovely figure you have. So slim! I remember when I was your age I had a figure just like that. Then, I started to grow breasts and all the boys were bothering me. Then I got married and pregnant and then I gained the weight and never lost it."
"I think you're very attractive now."
The nurse laughed, "you're so sweet. You're also so lucky that you don't seem to get any pimples or blemishes during your period."
"No ma'am, I guess I've been lucky about that."
"And it's really nice that you don't wear any makeup, too. I bet that helps keep your complexion so nice."
While Blake stood on the scale in his underwear, the nurse weighed him and then checked his height. Suddenly Blake heard voices out in the hall and Dr. Peterson opened the door and walked in while still talking to someone outside. Turning around toward Blake he said, "and how is my friend Blake?"
A look of bewilderment raced across Dr. Peterson's face, like he might have walked into the wrong room. He said, "oh, I'm sorry," and started to turn around as if to leave. Then he suddenly turned back and stared straight at Blake. "What in tarnation is going on here? Linda, why in the world is Blake standing there in a bra and panties?"
"I was just checking her weight. It's more accurate without her pants and blouse on."
"What do you mean her pants and blouse?"
"Who else's would they be?" nurse Linda said confused.
"I mean why in the world is Blake wearing a bra and panties? Blake, why are you wearing a bra and panties?"
"My mom forgot to tell me that I had a doctor appointment today, and she picked me up from school with no warning. I had no chance to take off my bra before coming here. Then I wanted to do it in the bathroom, but someone else was using it and then the nurse came along and made me come here."
Linda was a picture of complete bewilderment. "Dr. Peterson I don't understand why Blake shouldn't wear her bra and panties for a check up? What's wrong with that?"
Dr. Peterson looked at Linda like she was from outer space. "You're asking me why?" With great sarcasm he continued, "maybe it has something to do with the fact that only girls wear bras and panties."
"Dr. Peterson, I know that very well indeed" Linda said, "I've been wearing bras and panties my whole life! I've also always worn them to the doctor's office for checkups!"
Dr. Peterson was a bright shade of scarlet. Anger and frustration cascaded through his face as he struggled to understand what Linda was saying. Suddenly it dawned on him that Linda thought that Blake was a girl and he broke out into a huge smile. "Linda, why don't you take a look inside Blake's panties?"
"Dr. Peterson, how vulgar!"
Ignoring her, Dr. Peterson reached for the waist band of Blake's panties and pulled them out and down. Linda screamed, "oh my lord in heaven!" while Dr. Peterson said, "a maxipad, how charming! Blake, when did your mom start dressing you up like a girl?"
"It's not my mom's fault!" Blake said. "She doesn't know anything about it!"
Linda stared at Blake in utter disbelief. "I can't believe all that talk about girl things! Dr. Peterson, you should have heard him talk. He seemed so feminine and knowledgeable about girl things. When I saw the bra I just naturally assumed he was a girl."
"It all right Linda, this is a big shock to me as well. The last time Blake was here, he was wearing boys' clothes. So what's the story Blake? How come you're wearing girls' things. And do you really actually wear a bra to school?"
Blake nodded his head.
"Don't you find that strange? I mean you have the girls in your classes wearing bras like they're supposed to, and then there's you, a boy, wearing one too? I mean why don't you wear a dress like the girls? and pantyhose? or maybe you do wear pantyhose. And why in heavens name are you wearing a maxipad?"
"Every month I have a pretend period, like the other girls do. Please don't tell my mom anything! I beg you please don't tell!"
"Blake, I think your mother would really like to know about this."
"Oh no please don't. It would be awful!"
"Well why should it be? Then your mom could fix you up in dresses and skirts and have your hair cut like a girls. And probably she would change your name to a girl's name!"
"Dr. Peterson, I think I'm really a girl and it's just the way I feel. I like wearing bras like the other girls in the class, and I wish I could wear pantyhose also. And I really want to wear heels. "
"So what's the point? You're not a girl, you don't know what it's like being a girl. You don't have a vagina or breasts."
"But I want to try and become a real girl."
"Well, I feel sorry for you. I think you really do need help."
Blake started to cry.
"Blake, I only treat male patients, and from the looks of this I don't see how I can be of any use to you. I think if you're going to dress like this in public, you should be put with the girls. If I could, I would have you find another practice, but your dad is a good friend of mine. We've played golf together for 20 years. If he knew that a son of his was dressing like a girl, I think it would just about do him in. There are so many times he has told me how proud he is of you."
Between his sobs Blake cut in, "but I can only feel what I feel Dr. Peterson."
"Maybe so, maybe so," Dr. Peterson said under his breath. "The point is you've put me in a compromising position. If I tell your dad then it breaks his heart. If I don't then I'm deceiving him." The doctor thought a moment and then said, "the only way out of this is if Dr. Wentworth is willing to take you on as one of her patients. Then, she'll be in charge of whether or not your parents need to know about your medical condition. Let me go find her."
Blake was reeling from this and could not stop sobbing. Before turning to leave the office, Dr. Peterson said, "to tell you the truth Blake, I must admit I'm ashamed of you. I hope for your sake that Dr. Wentworth is willing to take you on as a patient."
After a few minutes, Dr. Wentworth entered the room accompanied by Linda. In the interim Blake hadn't taken off his bra or put back his shirt; it hadn't seemed important to do so.
"You see Dr. Wentworth, he's wearing girls' underwear. For fifteen minutes we were talking as if he was a girl, and the whole time I had no idea he was a boy."
Dr. Wentworth was a petite woman about 50 years old, with slightly graying hair which she wore relatively long and covering her ears. "I see, Linda, thank you." To Blake she said, "Blake, I'm Dr. Wentworth. Of course, my patients are girls, and Dr. Peterson has asked me if I would be willing to take you on as a patient to save your family the embarrassment of finding out that you're a transvestite. Now, I'm not willing to take you on if that is all that you are, but I am willing to take you on as a patient if I can decide that you're really a girl who just happens to have a penis, to put it crudely. So put on your shirt and let's go to the girls' side. I'll ask you some questions when we get there."
Blake hurriedly put his shirt back on and followed her out of the room towards the girls' end of the corridor. When he had crossed over to where the walls were painted pink, he came face to face with Valerie. She was just exiting the examining room to which Dr. Wentworth was leading him. The top few buttons of her blouse were open and Blake could plainly see her white bra underneath.
Valerie acted surprised to see Blake in the girls' territory. "Blake, what are you doing here? With Dr. Wentworth!"
"Hi, Valerie," was all Blake could think of to say. He was blushing profusely.
Dr. Wentworth said, "I see you two know each other. Valerie, Blake has to be examined here today. Come on in Blake."
After she, Blake and the nurse entered the room, Dr. Wentworth closed the door behind them. From the expression on Valerie's face Blake was sure that everyone in his class would know tomorrow how he had been examined by a girl's pediatrician.
Blake noticed how much prettier the examining room was here than on the boys side. The room was decorated with pink wallpaper with small white flowers in a pattern. The examining table had stirrups folded along the side which could be set up so the girls could get their vaginas examined.
"Sit down on the table," Dr. Wentworth said. Blake sat on the end of the bench. "Take off your blouse and pants."
As Blake fumbled to get a hold of the bottom of his shirt he realized that it had been only partially down his back. In his rush to follow Dr. Wentworth he had not pulled it all the way down. He then realized that maybe the expression on Valerie's face was not merely about his being seen by the girls' doctor. He wondered if maybe a part of his bra had been visible. With some anxiety he finished taking off his shirt and pants so he was sitting in just his bra and panties.
"You know it's odd, Blake, but for many years, I've been Ann's doctor and she has often confided in me that she wishes that she was a man. Well that can't be much of a secret, just look at her incredible muscles! Amazingly enough you want the exact opposite. You pretend to be a girl, just like she pretends to be a boy."
"Dr. Wentworth, Ann has been so cruel to me lately! She's become much stronger than me and she makes me do anything she wants. I've been so scared to even do one little thing against her wishes, because she'll hit me real hard, or wrestle me to the ground and hurt my arms."
"I'm sorry to hear that, I'll have to have a talk with her."
"I think she only respects very strong boys. So she wants to ridicule me all the time. The other day even..." Blake suddenly stopped when he realized that he oughtn't tell Dr. Wentworth about his rape.
"What happened the other day?"
"Blake, it sounds important, you better tell me!"
"Promise you won't tell Ann any of this!"
"I promise."
"Well last Sunday when my family was away except for Ann, two of her girl friends came over to the house and the three of them were drinking beer."
"I'm very disappointed in Ann. She knows better than that."
"Well, Dr. Wentworth that was the least of it. Anyway, she and her friends got sort of drunk and they ended up picking on me, and Ann found out that I wear bras, I mean she ripped my shirt, sort of accidentally and saw my bra. I guess I wear a bra everyday day now. I don't feel comfortable without one. Anyway, then Ann and her friends raped me hard in my bottom." Blake started to cry thinking of what had happened. "I was so scared I can't tell you how much."
"How did they rape you? With what?"
"They had strap on dildos. They made me strap them on them, and then they put some lotion on them and while holding me down they forced them in my rear. After a while they seemed to become sated and they stopped. I guess somehow they had enough pleasure to reach a climax or something. But they really had to push it in and out hard to get that excited, and it hurt a lot."
Dr. Wentworth and Linda were utterly shocked and couldn't speak. Finally, the doctor said, "Blake, this is very serious. Ann and her friends can face significant prison terms for what they did!"
"But I can't have my own sister go to prison!" Blake said emotionally.
"I understand Blake, but this is very bad. We have to find out some sort of solution to this problem. Anyway, let me look to see if she did any damage to you. Pull down your panties, and don't be afraid. We're here to help you!"
"You poor dear," Linda said. With all of Blake's revelations she had slowly warmed to him, and was no longer angry for his earlier deception. She and Dr. Wentworth pulled the stirrups into position.
"Lie down on the table and put your legs up with your feet in the stirrups." Blake did as he was told. He was now wearing just his bra and lay on his back on the table with his feet up. Dr. Wentworth and the nurse spread apart the cheeks of his bottom and raised up his small penis to examine his bottom hole. Dr. Wentworth put on a disposable rubber glove and said, "I see some evidence of where you were cut. I'm going to be touching it very gently and I want you tell to me if it hurts."
"Yes, ma'am."
Dr. Wentworth put some lubricating jelly on the index finger of the glove and began to gently probe Blake's bottom. At first she touched outside, and he said it hurt just a little at the location of the biggest scar. Then she said, "I want to make sure that nothing inside got hurt," She then proceeded to slowly insert her finger up his anus and feel around. Blake could feel Linda's strong hands holding his rear end and the doctor's left hand gently holding one cheek of his tush to get leverage as she moved her finger in further and further. Her finger felt around along his prostrate and then around the wall of his intestine. After a minute she withdrew it slowly. "I need to get in a bit further," she said as she put some lubricant now on her middle finger and once again she inserted it slowly up his rectum and moved it around in all directions.
After a minute or two she said "It seems to be all right inside there, you're lucky!"
The nurse said, "I was so mad at Blake for tricking me, but I see now that he really is a dear."
Blake blushed at the compliment.
"I didn't want to lie, but I was so scared. I still am, I'm afraid that you might tell my mom."
"So tell me Blake," Dr. Wentworth interjected, "do you have a girl's name?"
"Yes, it's Pamela."
"How pretty! If you don't mind I'll call you Pamela from now on. You can pull up your panties now." The doctor noticed his pad and said jokingly, "You're having a period now?"
"She has a pretend period, can you believe it?" the nurse said.
"My oh my, I don't know any girls who actually want to have periods, and you, who doesn't have one, likes to pretend that she does!"
"My girl friends have been having their periods now and I wanted to have my pretend period at the same time as theirs. It makes me feel closer to them."
"Who are your friends?"
"There are six of us girls that make up a club called the Girls-Only Club. You see only girls are allowed in it."
"Well actually the girls said I could join as long as I dressed like a girl. But they could tell that I wanted to dress as one anyway, so I fit right in."
"How did they know that you wanted to wear dresses?"
"I saw my friend Kathy's dress that she's going to wear to her sister's wedding, and I thought it was so wonderfully pretty, and the girls realized that I probably was as excited about the dress as they were, maybe even more so! So then they said I could join and I've never been as happy as I am now!"
Linda laughed. "What other clothes do you have?"
"I have lots of things. My friends helped me shop one day. I got to pick out a whole bunch of bras, panties and stockings. And I have some skirts and pretty dresses and some blouses and heels."
"Wow, sounds like you're all set!"
"They even bought me as a special present, the most pretty pink nightie!"
"OK, Blake or Pamela," Dr. Wentworth said, "I think we can agree that you're very serious about being a girl. But I wonder if you've really thought through all the implications of what you're doing."
"What do you mean Dr. Wentworth?"
"Pamela, I think you have three choices for your future if you're absolutely certain that you'll not try and live as a normal man. You may not find any of these three to your liking, however."
"What are they?" Blake sounded worried.
"The first choice is you could try and become fully a girl. I mean you would have to have an operation that could remove your penis and give you a vagina instead. Nowadays, this surgery is pretty safe and will give you a very nice looking vagina."
"I would love to have a vagina!" Blake said excitedly.
"The earlier you do this better since it could be possible to stop your male development where it is now which is barely pubescent. This means that after some hormone treatments you'll look extremely feminine."
"Wow that would be great!"
"I said your vagina would look nice, however, in some cases the new girls don't get very good sexual feelings ever again. That's a big risk."
"I see," Blake said sounding suddenly depressed.
"Of course you could have sexual intercourse with men or women for that matter; your vagina would function in this sense but you could not have babies! You have to ask yourself if you're willing to risk being a girl who can't have sexual feeling, or a boy who definitely can? Though if you're lucky, and some are very lucky, you could get both."
"What are the two other alternatives you mentioned?
"If you don't get the operation, you could still take the hormones and so forth. These alone will give you breasts about two cup sizes smaller than your mom. Since she's a D you would be a B cup which as you know is quite substantial. You could have your hair permanently removed off your face, legs and chest. Judging by your graceful figure, you would be a very pretty girl who happens to have a penis! Of course, all those female hormones could make you impotent! As long as you have your penis, you could find a woman to marry who might want you to be her husband or wife. With her you could have children and a family I suppose, though once they hit adolescence they might become pretty confused about you being a sort of half man half woman. You could also be a woman for a gay man, sort of his wife. The third choice is for you not to take any hormones or anything, but just to live as a man who dresses up as a female. You would have full use of your sexuality - it wouldn't be changed in any way. Once again, either a man or a woman might be attracted to you."
"I could get breasts from surgery couldn't I?"
"Yes, that's true, I hadn't thought of that. Only you know which of these ways of living you would eventually be happiest with."
"I guess right now, I've been thinking that I'd want to date boys and maybe I would fall in love with one of them. Just like my girl friends think about boys. But I guess I don't really know for sure. I really appreciate you talking to me about these things, and I can't thank you enough for agreeing to be my doctor."
Dr. Wentworth was so moved that she gave Blake a hug. "If you have any problems don't hesitate to come by here. I'll make sure that your secret is kept by the staff and that your mom does not find out."

The next day in the school yard during recess, while Blake and the girls were walking together in their usual fashion, Valerie came up to the group and said, "do you girls know what I saw yesterday?"
"No, what?" said Amy.
"Yesterday at the doctor's office, I ran into Blake, and the most amazing thing was that he was being seen by the girls' pediatrician and not the boys'."
"Valerie, that was only because of a special condition I have," Blake said.
"Blake already told us about that Valerie," Karen added.
"Well, I think I know what your special condition is Blake. While Dr. Wentworth was leading you to the examining room, you didn't quite have your shirt all the way down, and I'm sure that I saw a bra strap peeking out!"
"Valerie!" Blake said, "you don't know what you're talking about!"
"Oh yeah, Blake? I'm positive you were wearing a bra. Can you imagine that? Blake was wearing a bra!"
"Valerie, why in the world would Blake be wearing a bra?" Janet said.
"That's what I'd like to know! Blake, tell us all why you were wearing a bra!" Valerie said.
"Valerie, I was not wearing a bra!"
"Bullshit Blake!" Valerie walked up to Blake and looked at him angrily. "Tell me the truth, or I'll tell everyone!"
"Valerie," Amy interjected, "don't be so mean to Blake. If you promise to be nice to Blake, we'll let you in on some secrets."
"Look, I don't want to hurt Blake, but seeing as you all spend so much time with him, it's occurred to me that maybe Blake has sort of become a girl and is wearing bras all the time. I want to know if what I saw yesterday is really true."
"OK, Valerie, we're going to trust that you can keep a secret," Amy said. The girls nodded in agreement with her and she continued, "we know that Blake wears bras. It's no secret to us, but we promised Blake that we wouldn't tell the other kids."
"See, I knew I wasn't imagining it!"
"I'm sorry Valerie, I didn't want to lie but I'm afraid that you might tell everyone."
"I won't tell Blake, I've always liked you. Somehow it doesn't really seem so surprising to me that your wear bras."
"Blake wears a lot more than just bras. We helped buy him a whole very pretty wardrobe," Karen added.
"Wow. I'd love to see you all dressed up Blake!"
"Someday I'll meet you dressed up and we can go somewhere together as girl friends," Blake said.
"That'll be great!"
After Valerie left, Amy said, "well, I'm sure every girl in the class is going to know sooner or later that you dress up. Valerie can't keep a secret like that!
"Let's just hope that none of the girls in the class tell any of the boys!" Penny said, and they nodded their heads in agreement.

On Friday afternoon Blake accompanied Kathy home to her house so that he could change into Pamela for his solo trip to buy Beth a present for her wedding shower. He was very happy that Kathy and Mrs. O'Connor were home to give him encouragement before his big adventure, since he was scared about going across town by himself dressed as Pamela.
With their help Blake picked out a white short-sleeved blouse and red skirt from his wardrobe and got changed in Kathy's room. He had learned at Wednesday's meeting that he could use the breast forms without gluing them in, as long as he wasn't planning to take his bra off. That greatly simplified his preparations. He decided to wear a girdle with stockings since he was going to be going to Diana's shop to buy his gift, and she would probably ask him how he liked the ones he had bought there. He would then be in the happy position to tell her that he was wearing one of them. In fact he decided to wear his prettiest girdle, the pink lacy one from France.
Blake had become adept at putting on his wig and makeup and within a short time he was ready to go. He got his purse and shoes, and Kathy and Mrs. O'Connor accompanied him to the front door to wish him luck.
"I'm so nervous," Blake confided.
"Don't worry you poor dear," Mrs. O'Connor said affectionately, "I'm sure you'll do very well."
"I hope I don't run into any boys!"
"Just remember Pamela, you don't have to even acknowledge their presence if they try and talk to you. Without an introduction, they're being rude to you, and you don't have to worry about being rude in return," Kathy said.
"Just don't give them any encouragement," Mrs. O'Connor added.
"Okay, and thank you both. I'm so excited about the shower tomorrow and I really want to find Beth a pretty present."
"Bye, bye," Kathy and Mrs. O'Connor said, and Blake was off by himself for the very first time as Pamela. He walked carefully along the sidewalk out to the avenue to get the bus which would take him to a stop very close to Diana's Bra and Girdle Shop. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and he felt pretty and alive and his heart ached with happiness. He smiled at an old man mowing his lawn and the man smiled back graciously. It was nice to be feminine; as a boy he would never have smiled at the old man.
Luckily, a bus came along after a short wait, and Blake climbed the high steps into it and put his coins in the fare slot. The driver accelerated the bus before he got to a seat and he daintily struggled to maintain his balance. Finally, he got himself seated next to a tall businessman, making sure to arrange his skirt properly. He placed his hands in his lap holding his purse and looked down past his protruding chest at his own pink polished finger nails. He had the strongest sense the man next to him was staring at him. Stealing a glance to the side he saw that the man was surreptitiously admiring him, causing Blake to smile with pride. I must really be pretty he thought to himself.
The bus ride was a couple of miles and Blake disembarked at his stop and walked two more blocks down a side street to Diana's shop. Upon entering he was greeted by Brenda, who was engaged in sorting and tagging a collection of girdles that were being readied for display. "Hi, Pamela! It's so nice to see you again so soon!"
"Thank you, Brenda, it's great to be back at my favorite shop!" Blake and Brenda laughed.
"How are your girdles? I hope you aren't having any problems with them," Brenda said.
"No, I just love them so much. Today I'm wearing the really pretty French one. It's so comfortable."
"Let me take a look," Brenda said, and she raised his skirt and slip to take a peek.
"Yes, it's very pretty on you, Pamela. So what can I do for you today?"
"Well I'm here actually to buy a present for someone who's having a lingerie shower. It's Kathy's sister Beth. She's about 21 years old, and very beautiful. I want to get her something really pretty for her shower."
"What did you have in mind? A girdle maybe?"
"Well, I suppose that wouldn't be a good idea. I don't think she's the type to wear a girdle. I mean I guess they're kind of old fashioned and mainly only older women like them." Thinking that this might be an insult to Brenda Blake hurried on to say, "but of course not all young girls hate them, I mean I just love them. I mean I think Beth is really very modern." Blake was tongue tied.
"It's OK Pamela, it's true what you're saying. We don't sell very many girdles to young girls or women. Mainly some panty girdles but not the more elaborate girdles and corsets. But we have a lot of other nice things here and I'm sure that you can choose something that Beth will really treasure."
Brenda led Blake around the shop considering various options. Finally, Blake decided on a red, velvet flocked teddy with a lace-up bodice, underwire cups and slim adjustable straps. It had fabulous décolleté and would surely look exquisite on Beth, considering her very large bust. They joked that poor Brad would wet his pants the moment he saw Beth dressed in it.

After he left the shop, Blake slowly walked toward the bus stop. He did not want this perfect afternoon to end. At the bus stop he sat down at a bench to await the next bus. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone approaching him and then he heard a familiar voice say, "Hi, Pamela, fancy meeting you here!"
It was Clifford, who had obviously remembered Pamela's name from their previous meeting at the mall. Blake was mortified, and not just because he was worried that Clifford would figure out he was Blake. He remembered distinctly Clifford's boast that one day he would get his hands inside of Pamela's bra, and Blake was scared to death that he wouldn't be able to stop that from happening.
"Don't you remember me? Clifford, at the mall the other day?"
"Oh, hello Clifford," Blake said with faint enthusiasm.
"Mind if I sit down here?"
Blake shook his head no, and Clifford sat down, a bit too close, Blake thought.
"Beautiful day isn't it?"
"Yes, Clifford."
"What are you doing here?"
"I went shopping."
"For what?"
"I had to buy a present for Beth's wedding shower."
"What did you get her?"
"You really don't want to know?"
"Why not?"
"It's a lingerie shower!"
"I see what you mean. It's just some girls stuff."
"I think you're very pretty."
Blake blushed and said, "thank you Clifford." Clifford was looking intently at Blake, who had to force himself to make eye contact. As soon as he did so, he felt a pang in his heart as he realized that Clifford's eyes were really quite attractive and that he had a kind of rugged handsomeness that was thrilling to be near. Clifford, keeping his eyes fixed on Blake, smiled, showing his white teeth. It was clear that Clifford understood the power of his smile and Blake felt himself being taken in by it. It was hard to understand that this was the same nasty and dumb Clifford who was at school.
"Pamela, where do you live? I haven't been able to get any information from anybody about that. It's really puzzling."
"I'm sorry Clifford, I can't really tell you that. My mom doesn't want me dating boys and I'm not allowed to give out my address or phone number."
"That's too bad," Clifford said, "so I guess we have to make the best of whatever situations we can get."
"What do you mean?"
"Well here we are on a beautiful day, alone together, and you're very pretty."
Clifford's charm was intense, and Blake found himself becoming more and more attracted to him in a new and frightening way. He started to ask himself, "what does Pamela want?" and then he realized that he had the freedom to act like Pamela, he didn't have to be Blake pretending to be Pamela. As 'Pamela' he knew that he really wanted to be sitting there with Clifford.
Clifford slid over across the bench toward Blake. Blake's heart beat excitedly and he looked coyly up towards Clifford, who still regarded him intently. After their eyes met again, Blake looked down again.
Blake felt Clifford's hip push against his skirt, and then he realized that he was being encircled by Clifford's right arm. Clifford was in control, he just had to sit there and wait for Clifford to do whatever he wanted with him. His heart raced even harder as he felt the increasing pressure of Clifford's presence around him. He was succumbing to his embrace. He felt soft and compliant and protected. Clifford said, "Pamela, you're so pretty." The words caused a fluttering excitement to go up his spine.
Blake turned his head sideways and looked directly at Clifford. He could see Clifford's mouth approaching, slightly parted, with his tongue just waiting inside. Clifford's strong arm gripped Blake's shoulder a bit more tightly and moved him closer toward him. Clifford used his left hand to gently touch Blake on the chin and steer his mouth toward his own. Blake mumbled, "Oh, Clifford, I barely know you," and then more softly again, "Clifford, we shouldn't, my mother..." He was silenced by Clifford's lips touching his own and then landing firmly upon his, and he felt himself returning the kiss. He felt small and soft and contained by Clifford's hard masculine body. Clifford's tongue parted his lips and Blake closed his eyes and found himself spiraling around Clifford's tongue in a long slow kiss.
When the kiss ended, Blake waited for Clifford to make the next move. "You have such nice lips, Pamela,"
"Please kiss me again," Blake found himself saying this and Clifford bore down again in a very long kiss. When he was done, they sat there for a few minutes and Clifford said, "that was very nice Pamela."
Blake smiled at him. Up the block he saw his bus coming and said, "I've got to catch my bus. My mom will kill me if I'm late!"
"When will I see you again?"
"I don't know," and Blake took his package and got up to board the bus. Turning to Clifford, he said, "I'll call you sometime when my mom is not home. What's your number?"
"It's in the phone book under William Ivey, the only one."
Blake smiled and nodded his head. When the bus stopped he boarded it and took a seat against the window, and Clifford waved to him as the bus took off down the road.

End Part III
To Be Continued...
If you have the time, I really would love to hear from you in a PM.
Thank you for reading my story! ~Pamela
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I Hope . . ..
I hope a solution about Ann is found quickly other wise the doctor is sending Blake back for more abuse and possibly additional rape.
i love this story and i hope
i love this story and i hope ann gets in some trouble for her actions shes a mean sister to allow that to happen to her brother even if she felt disturbed about it she still went along with it