Daniel Becomes Dana - Part 2

When Daniel awoke, he looked down. "Argh. Why am I wearing this thing?" He immediately tried unbuttoning the frilly pink nightgown, to no avail, before realizing that it had no buttons. "Why am I wearing this thing?" he muttered.

Finally, he realized that he had to pull the gown over his head, hurling it across the room. Then he looked down. "Oh my God," he screamed, seeing the pretty pink bra and panties.

He immediately went to his drawer, and rummaged through until he found what he wanted - his jockey shorts, and a plain white T-shirt. He put them on, grabbed a pair of dungarees, some white socks and his sneakers, and put them on. He sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the mirror. Then he looked straight ahead and saw his face. "Oh my God, what happened to me?" he yelled.

His hair was so girlie. He touched his head, and realized that it was him, that his hair was parted in the middle and that his hair had been brushed that way. Then it all came back to him. Yesterday. Yesterday.

"Oh my God," he remembered his sisters' trick. They made me put on those clothes and ruined my birthday. They wouldn't let me play baseball, and I had to wear that dress - oh God that dress - all day. And all the other girl stuff too. But today would be different, he vowed to himself. Today he would do what he wanted.

Then the door opened, and Dora and Maria walked in.

They were much bigger than he was, and older - and stronger. Daniel looked up.

"Good morning Dana," said Dora.

Daniel stared straight ahead. "Good morning Dana," Dora said again, this time a bit louder.

Daniel stared straight ahead. "Good morning Dana," Dora said again, this time much louder. As she yelled, Maria walked over and sat down next to Daniel. "Didn't you hear Dora talking to you?" she asked. Daniel continued to stare straight ahead.

Finally, he yelled. "I'm not Dana, my name is Daniel, and I'm a boy." There, he thought, he said it, and that was it.

"Oh really, Dana," said Dora. "Don't you remember yesterday? You chose to stay in that pretty yellow dress rather than go play baseball? Remember?"

"That's not fair, you wouldn't let play in my dungarees, so I had no choice," Daniel yelled.

"That's not how I remember it," responded Dora. "You had a choice and then you liked it, especially when we played with you, didn't you? Remember when you hugged Barbie and kissed Ken? I don't think you hated that, did you?"

Daniel sat still. "Now what?" he thought, not saying a word.

"Listen Dana," Dora said.

"Stop calling me that," Daniel yelled.

"Excuse me sis," said Dora, "you behave and no yelling. Besides, mom and dad are away for another day, so Maria and I are in charge. Remember Dad said you had to do everything we told you. You wouldn't want him mad at you, would you?"

"But, he didn't know you would dress me up."

"And he won't believe you, if you told him," Maria quipped. "So let's have some fun." She kissed him on the cheek, and gently grabbed his hands. "Look, kiddo, we want you to have fun and we thought you did last night, and I think you kind of enjoyed it, didn't you?"

The room was silent, and after a few seconds, Daniel nodded. Maria smiled, kissed her little brother again and said, "See, you really did have some fun. So let's have another fun day, OK?"

"No," Daniel said, "I'm not your doll. You can't force me to do anything."

Maria kissed him again. "You're right, we only do things if you approve. If you don't, then we stop. Agreed?"

Shrugging, Daniel said "agreed" very softly.

"Good," said Maria. "You need a bath, don't you? You didn't take one last night, did you?"


"Guess what, we've already started the bath for you. Let's go," Maria said, taking his hand and pulling him off the bed. Daniel loved her smile and really couldn't resist her charm, so he got up and came along.

They walked down the hall into the bathroom. There he saw Dora, turning on the water. "You're going to take a bath, little Dana," she said, "a nice bubble bath." Daniel immediately noticed the Mr. Bubble container and assumed that he would be taking his normal bubble bath. But then he noticed that Dora had a bottle of Betty Bubbles Perfumed Bubble Bath in her hand, and was pouring it in the tub.

"Why can't I use Mr. Bubbles," Daniel protested.

"Oh silly," Dora replied. "We girls prefer a bubble bath that smells pretty, and besides, no one will know. Doesn't it smell pretty Dana?"

He had to admit it smelled nice, and said so. Dora and Maria smiled. "Get undressed and get into the tub," Maria said gently. "And don't worry, we'll turn around so we don't see your teeny boy thing," she giggled.

Daniel cringed when he heard her, but took off the clothes he had on and got in. As he did, he saw Dora pick them up and take them away. "What are you doing with my clothes?" he protested. "Nothing," she said, "we'll get your clothes for you when you're done."

He was naked and in the tub, and really couldn't do anything, so Daniel nodded. Next thing he knew, Maria was by his side, and telling him to get his head wet. "Why," he asked. "Silly girl," she said, "you need to wash your hair." Daniel nodded, not replying to the "silly girl" comment.

"Ok, first we're going to wash your hair," Maria said, "After all, look how pretty my hair is." Daniel nodded. Maria took some shampoo and began to pour it on Daniel's head. She lathered it slowly, gently rubbing it in everywhere. First his scalp, then his forehead, then the side, until she had carefully and lovingly washed every part of Daniel's head. "He has such pretty hair," she thought, "and it will look so pretty when it's cleaned properly."

"Daniel, it's really important to wash your hair," Maria noted, "so that you can impress the guys, I mean girls," she giggled. Then she rinsed his hair and began to shampoo it again.

"Everybody's hair is different," Maria noted, "but let me tell you some tips so that your hair will always look great. Don't over-wash your hair, but wash it when it's dirty. Otherwise, it gets yucky, like yours was getting today."

"Next, only apply shampoo to your scalp and massage gently. Don't pile your hair on top and scrub it, as this will only create knots. Work the shampoo gently down to the ends of your hair and rinse thoroughly. Even though you don't have to lather, rinse and repeat, you'll love doing it because when you do you get that special 'clean' feeling," she noted. "Later on, if you get a perm, I'm only saying if," Maria noted, "you may want to consider skipping the shampoo entirely. Sounds strange I know, but curly hair is often very dry, and washing with conditioner alone will freshen your hair without drying it out. I cut out shampoo for 4 months once and it definitely worked."

Daniel was mesmerized by Maria's soft voice and gentle touch. She went on. "Rinse your hair in cold water. Make sure you remove all your conditioner and finish with cold water. A cool rinse of water will close the cuticle and seal in the moisture to each strand. It's ok to shampoo your hair in hot water but finish it with a cold rinse."

"Finally, never brush your hair when it's wet. Instead use a wide comb to gently smooth your hair. Be careful about towel drying too," she cautioned. "Don't rub your hair with a towel, you'll only cause damage and make your hair look dull. Instead gently squeeze out the excess moisture and allow it to air dry. With your pretty hair, it will look so nice."

"OK, Daniel?" He nodded.

"Now, let's clean the rest of you," Maria said. "Remember, you've heard mommy how important it is for us to be clean, and when Dora and I are clean, we feel so sweet and feminine." As she instructed Daniel, she gently washed his back and face and then handed him the soap, saying, "OK, you can clean your little patch down below," she giggled and turned away.

The soap smelled so pretty, he thought, like flowers. Daniel smiled at his sister. "Thanks sis," he said. Maria kissed him on the forehead. "You smell so nice. Why don't you stay in for a bit?" Daniel agreed, and his sisters left the room.

About ten minutes later they returned with two fluffy towels. "Here," Maria instructed him, "wrap this one around your head, and the other around you, being sure to cover up your little titties." She giggled, and Daniel just nodded. He loved when Maria was so nice to him. And because Dora was often mean, he liked it too when she was nice, and she was being so nice, he thought.

Eventually, Daniel toweled himself dry. Next she began to brush his hair, slowly, explaining, "Remember how Marcia Brady used to put a brush through her hair 100 times each night. Surely you can do it at least a few! Follow these steps and you'll have no more clumps, just smooth, silky hair. First, use a comb and separate your hair into three sections. This will help create volume. Let go of the three sections, but make sure that the sections are still intact. Put the bristly side of the brush up against your hair. Start at the roots and work the brush through your hair to the tip. Do this with each section one at a time. Make sure you remember where the sections were." Daniel watched Maria demonstrate what to do, and then he did it himself. "Good girl," she said. Daniel smiled. "You look great," and she turned Daniel toward the mirror. His jaw dropped. His hair was gorgeous, it was prettier than the girl Nancy he had a crush on.

He just stared at the mirror. What happened to the Daniel he knew?

He heard the door open, and turned quickly. It was Maria, who handed him the panties and bra he had on the day before. "Here, we washed them," she noted. "You can't wear dirty undies. Never know what they'll say if you're in an accident," she laughed, recalling their mother's frequent statement.

"Why?" Daniel said.

"Please, sis," said Maria, "you enjoyed it yesterday and besides, Mom and Dad are coming back tomorrow, so we can't play dress up for a while, can we?"

He stood there pondering the conversation and realizing that he probably had no choice and that it was fun playing with his sisters, he put them on. "You look nice," Maria said. "Now, let's get some clothes on you so we can go out shopping."

"OK," Daniel agreed, thinking he could wear the T-shirt and dungarees over the undies. And besides, they felt nice on, so he didn't mind. There was something really comfortable about the bra, he just didn't know what it was.

In came Dora, but she didn't have his dungarees or shirt. But Daniel noticed she didn't also have that yellow dress. What was she carrying? It looked like pants and a shiny top, but they were definitely not boy clothes. "What are these?" he asked.

"Oh," Dora said, "we thought you didn't want to wear a dress so we brought you these. They're Maria's, from when she was your age. We saved a lot of clothes just for you. You're going to have so much to wear, wait until you see," Dora laughed.

She showed him the pants and shirt.

"They're so girly," he protested.

"Well look at you," Maria said, "with that hair, would you expect to see boy's clothes? And besides, we'll have fun, we'll go shopping. We need to get you some of your own clothes too."

"Do I have to?" he pleaded, but he didn't have much fight. The bra and panties did feel good, and whatever Dora and Maria lined the bra with made him look like he had little boobs, so he knew he couldn't wear boy's clothes. But these were so girly. "Come on kiddo," Maria said, "you'll look great in them. Try them on." Then she handed him shoes, "See we even got you sneakers that matched." Daniel looked at the high tops, and gulped. But he had to admit they were really, really cute.

Daniel tried the clothes on and they fit perfectly, too perfectly he thought. "You look great," Maria said, and gave him a giant hug and kiss. Daniel loved when she did that. "Now let's go out."

Daniel was nervous, but Maria made everything feel so good that he just went along. And out they went to the local shopping center, to Korvette's the department store nearby. During their outing, they bought panties, training bras (and a few regular bras - Dana wondered why) and a few outfits, and even some clothes for Dana to sleep in. Throughout the trip, Dana was transfixed, it was like he was someone else, and his sisters were treating him like gold, and he was their play toy.

They got home and unpacked all the clothes. And Daniel panicked. Where will keep everything? Mom and dad will find out, he thought. Dora saw his worried look and said, "Don't worry, we'll keep everything in our room, and we'll even show you how to put on the stockings and other things we bought you. It'll be our little secret. And if you're really good, we'll show you some of the other things girls do that boys don't so you can learn how we grew up." Daniel was in heaven, but he was also slowly beginning to think of himself as Dana. He worried, how was he going to do that?

Next thing he knew, Maria was back, and she had the PJs they bought. "Time for a slumber party," she said. "Here, put these on, remember we all bought a pair," and Dana smiled. He and his sisters were bonding like never before. He took off the top and bottoms, touched his lightly padded breasts and put on the PJs. They were so cute, he thought.

They ate dinner, played jacks and dolls and Daniel was in heaven. His sisters had made him the center of their world. But then reality hit. "What about my hair? Mom and Dad will notice," he screamed.

"Don't worry," Dora said, "we'll brush it so it looks like your old yucky boy's hair. They won't be home until the morning."

Daniel nodded, a bit nervously. But he was beginning to trust his sisters, in a way he hadn't before. After all, they loved him.

Before he went to bed, he looked in the mirror. He did look cute, and he loved how everything felt. It was then that Dora asked, "Are you happy Dana?" He smiled, and she hugged him. "Good, then this is our little secret. But remember Mom and Dad can't find out, but we'll do this whenever they're away and either Maria or I don't have a date, OK?" Dana agreed.

The next day, when Mom and Dad came home, Daniel was back in his dungarees and while Mom thought his hair looked a bit shinier, she didn't say a word. She also noticed that Daniel seemed happier than he did when they came back from other trips and chalked it up to his maturing. But he was different, and she couldn't figure out why.

Meanwhile, whenever they could Dana and Maria and Dora played dress up, and Daniel loved it. He hated having to wear his boy stuff but did when necessary. They played almost every weekend, and he savored those moments when Maria brushed and combed his hair, and sometimes she even painted his nails. And when he did, she noticed that he had the cutest little smile.

On his 13th birthday, Mom and Dad went away on another vacation; Dora and Maria promised Daniel that, now that he was a teen, he would have the best birthday ever, even if his parents weren't around. Daniel was in heaven.

Meanwhile, Dora asked him if he really enjoyed their games, and he said "yes, Dana loves our dress games." In response, she gave him a big hug. She also explained that now that he was becoming a teenager he might get acne. But she also told him he could take other vitamins to prevent his skin from breaking out and that she would give him one every day, if he wanted. Daniel had learned to trust his sisters, and took the pills willingly.

In the next chapter, Daniel transitions into becoming a teenager and deals with changes, including some he wasn't expecting.

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