
17 Painting over the Fireplace

“It was a dark and stormy night...”

“Aw Jack, you start all your spook stories out like that; least you have for the past five years. You gotta make this story different. You know, jazz it up or something. Make it seem normal, like it could really happen.”

“Normal? You want normal the day before Halloween?”

Belle of the ball

Hi everybody! Please don't blame this one on me I swear I didn't want to write yet another possible theme but it sorta landed there last night when I went to bed and well...

I can't believe that I'm gonna do this.

Yesterday I was my usual self. I may be scrawny looking. Okay I was a wimp and everyone knew it but this is ... well.

Duty Calls chapter 10-31+

I waited for her to drop more about this new team shit on me but she seemed to have decided to clam up for the moment. Her face suddenly changed which caused me to consider running for the door. The way my luck was going at the moment she probably had a harpoon in her desk and could haul me back in before I could reach the outer door.

“I’m going to have a set of orders cut. Do you have uniforms for a woman?”

“Unif... No Ma’am.” My weird-o-meter just jammed its pointer around the end stop a couple of times on it’s way to flying off the meter face entirely.

Mistaken Girl chapter 6

hmmm whaa... let me sle....

Ouch that's my hair you witch!

I don't care if you think I should write..

Great I'll pack you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your trip. Bye!

I'm Not Diane!

My name is Duane!!!

Sorry I just had to get that out first despite what people think I really am, and wish to be a man.

This started a few months ago. I was a ward of the state at the exclusive private school Wranglers. Yeah that school. I got in with a ward of the state clause even though I still live with both my parents. It was just that being poor, both my parents didn't finish highschool because of a little complication namely me.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 6


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cause him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose
Part 6

By Shinieris

Adriana's Addictions

The First Queen in the Village 22


The First Queen in the Village 22

By WannabeGinger


The party has begun. The second half is about to begin. Will Christine and Astrid's ideas bring the interest and future involvement that they believe is possible?

Duty Calls chapter 09-31+

After we landed in California, we all were ready for a good meal and some sack time. Trying to accomplish that took a bit of doing. We finally got to eat at the Air Force mess, which again turned out to be pretty good. Boy, those Zoomies have it rough. We still needed some sack time as sleep on the Transport wasn’t conducive to rest. It was more akin to what I called ‘zoning’, which meant I might have been snoring but my mind hadn’t shut off and wasn’t ignoring the cold nor the rumbling which came through the frame of the aircraft up into our seats and transferred to us. I bundled us off to the office which supposedly held the officer we were directed to see by those helpful Air Force types who had tried to direct us in the same direction as everyone else, at least until they saw our expedite orders.

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

Ann, Barbara, Christine, Delia, … … … Xanthe, Yvonne, Zoe. I've been a closet cross dresser for many years and never bothered to adopt a femme name. But now I'm intending to come out and can't go out with boobs and a dress and still call myself Johnny. You would think choosing a name would be easy but I've been through the alphabet twice already and can't find one which I feel fits my new self.

Skirting the issue 3 What a drag!

The evening is not yet dark enough for headlights as a red blur passes by. The grass on the verge of the road barely moves from its passing. The deer drinking its water in the ditch looked up after its passing looked around and went back to drinking.

For My Princess: Part 12


Arabella is an inexperienced rider, how will she cope when she joins the hunt for the first time?


Ahead of her she could see someone jumping the stream, but they were not looking forward, far from it, their gaze was fixed downward.

In the couple of seconds it took to reach the stream curiosity took hold.

'I hope it is worth it,' she thought as her horse leaped and she looked down.

"Watch out," someone shouted.



Leavers dance

Tiffany did this TV caption and I extended the story
skimpy 9.jpg

This a picture of going to the leaver ball at the beginning of last month. That was after the last exams and was a significant day in my life for many reasons. Let me tell you a little about myself and how I came to look so pretty.

It was a rainy day in 1982. : 5

It was a rainy day in 1982. : 5
By Dawn_Smith_1972 as written
by Barbara Lynn Terry

Part I - The dinner discussion.

"Do you need help in the kitchen, mom?"

"Well, I don't know. Do you know how to set the table?"


"Would you like to do that, while I get the things together that we are having for dinner?"

"Yes, mom. Thank you."

Path Back Home

This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel.

Gaby Book 8 Chapter *31* Pointed Attack

Chapter *8.31*


Chapter *8.31*

Pointed Attack

That was something that even I thought was outside the box when Dad suggested it last night, it was certainly not a move that the rest of the race foresaw. The road curled around to the right and up, not hugely steep but no stroll either. Apparently we were following the ‘Deutches LimestraáŸe', whatever that is, we passed some tower thing then the road swung sharply left and the climb took on more urgency.

Path ahead

This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind that path before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel.

Path To The Right

This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind that path before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel.

Silver River - Chapter 12

Silver River

by Purple Dragon

Jensen is a 12 y.o. kid that goes on a trip with the school. During this trip, and with the support of his friends and family, he'll discover things about himself that he didn't know, and grow up to become a more complete person.

Feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

Skirting the issue 2 Enter Melissa

The overgrown garden was almost choked with weeds and grass. The wild cucumber plants looked more like a bush than a few plants. The wild corn did not follow a straight line. Same with the few radishes, lettuce, peas , carrots and other not easily identifiable garden plants.

Duty Calls chapter 06-30+

As my band of happy miscreants worked their way through the tunnels, point suddenly gave the hand signal to halt before indicating there were enemy ahead. When we stopped to think about what we were hearing we could tell there were muffled voices somewhere ahead. How he could have heard them surprised me until I heard a loud but brief grunt of pain rising above the low background noise. I tried to make out what the voices were saying but it was mostly just indistinguishable from the background. We continued to move in but more cautiously and as quietly as possible.

Miss Perfect Part 5

Miss Perfect Part Five

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis: When the mother of a talented boy who wants to be a girl learns that a talent contests winner will receive free SRS to become a woman, she signs up her son.

01 Aliens Were Us.

I was in love. You know how these things can happen. Once second I was walking out the door of my apartment’s lobby hallway into the under-ground garage and the next second my eyes were popping out of my head as this simply gorgeous creature walked in while I held the door for her.

“Thank- you.” she said to me.

“You’re welcome.” I somehow managed to reply.

Stress Management

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Stress management
by Maeryn Lamonte

I just rediscovered this. I wrote it as part of the Melanie Ezell challenge, but then went a little further than the end point here and got lost. It also didn't quite match the challenge which was 'Strong Of Will, Stout Of Heart' — forced femme with a strong willed victim. This almost fits the bill, but not quite.

Masque in D Major: II. Adagio non troppo

Masque in D Major

To an audience, the conductor's technique & art are the most mysterious of all the orchestra. Whether it be a world-class philharmonic orchestra, or a youth orchestra of yet-blossoming talent, only a small part of the conductor's work is visible on-stage, glimpses seen perhaps now, as a wave of the hand or baton & maybe then, as a wild dance atop the podium. And the conductor must always perform turned away from the audience, appearing to the outside world as if his or her face were hidden behind a mask…

Skirting the issue.

Look I have chapters for a whole bunch of other stories I need to finish. I am sure none of the readers need yet another story from me started.

I don't care if you think its cool or not I am not doing it end of story.

Yeah right that'll be the ....

The Way You See Me - Part 5

see me.jpg

The Way You See Me - Part 5 of 5
by Maeryn Lamonte

“Fucking queer,” he muttered as I passed. I held my tongue in an effort to regain some of my lost dignity.


“Jenny!” Sally yanked the door open and wrapped her arms around me. “Wow, you look amazing.”


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