Part Time Ashley

zzzzzzz... huh... Gway!

No I don't have to write anything! I finished Beth's story that's all that matters.

Meh Belle is too long to write out right now I'm tired let me sleep.

Yeah right like anyone is remotely interested in Ashley!


Ashley was sitting in the living room her legs up against her breasts as she cried into her arms. The black jacket not to far away.

Her attempts at doing her own makeup were laughable. She could not seem to get the eyeliner on straight no matter how hard she tried and the mascara had smeared when she tried to wipe up the extra with her finger. She had seen her mother do her makeup and makeup on others often but there was tricks that she didn't know. Her face looked like a clown.

Her foundation was blotchy, thick in some areas and translucent in others. Her fingers were a mess from the foundation. Her lipstick looked awful as well, uneven and smeared over the sides of her lips. She had tried and tried and failed. She felt like such a total failure for something that seemed so simple before.

Ashley was sobbing away on the couch so she failed to hear her mother unlock the front door and step inside. She was about to call out Josh's name when she heard the unmistakable sound of a young girl crying. Putting down her purse as quietly as possible she moved out of the vestibule to peak into the living room wondering if Josh had in some way harmed a girl while she was out.

Mrs. Appleton looked around the living room and spotted the wavy red hair of the girl on the couch. While not the best hairstyle it was a hairstyle typical of young women these days. She ached to be able to share some of her hairstyling tips and tricks with a daughter of her own but as much as she loved Josh as Ashley he wasn't a girl. This girl however could use a few tips. She moved to hug the poor girl however as she came around she saw that the young girl was her daughter.

Ashley looked up from her knees to see her mother standing there with a slightly pale face and her mouth open as she tried to mouth a word. As her mother looked her over her face gain color back even going to a red as she got a big smile on her face. It was obvious her mother was trying very hard to not laugh.

"I look awful!" she waited before burying her head into her knees again.

Mrs. Appleton looked at her daughter who was in so much misery. She could not see her son even though she knew full well that this girl was her son. She was sitting down on the couch and hugging her daughter before she knew it. The girl switched from her knees to her mothers shoulder to openly weep. She had no idea what she was going to do. This had all started off as a temporary thing to help her out at the station. She had made her son passable as a girl for the short time and was so proud of her son for doing so. Somehow along the way her son became her daughter in so many ways. Her nights had been filled recently mourning over the loss of her daughter.

To come home and see Ashley weeping away all on her own without any pressure from her was a shock in more ways than she thought it should be. She knew that if this were to continue they would both need to seek counseling. She was torn. On one hand she loved her son with all of her being and did not want to lose him. On the other she also loved her daughter and didn't want to lose her either. She believed that it was selfish to want both out of her one child. Her brain told her that there was only her son and she should be happy with that. Her heart said differently.

"Lets get you cleaned up shall we?" She said softly. Ashley nodded into her shoulder. She was sure her blouse was stained with makeup.

Ashley's top was showing streaks of makeup as well as her mother's by the time they got her face cleaned and redone properly. Her mother showed her in the mirror as she made up her face asking her if she understood what she was doing. She had agreed and asked questions while her mother looked on with a smile that was heartfelt. Her mother would say little things such as 'my mother showed me this trick with a sponge' or 'I'm so proud of you'. They helped her feel better. She still wasn't sure she could redo her makeup like her mother had done but she had a better idea how to go about doing it. The closing the one eye trick was going to take practice though.

When they were done with the makeup, and a number of giggles that resulted in a few minor corrections, her mother did something she had never done before. Her mother removed her blouse, now stained from her early cry, right in front of her asking her to get out of the stained clothes as well. As Josh this would have never happened. She knew that she should be interested in her mother's figure. At least get excited at the view of her mothers breasts even if they were hidden by her bra. Strangely they did nothing for her. Her mother had her change her lingerie for delicate looking white panties and a bra that was more for show than actually support even if it did support her breasts. Her stockings and belt were replaced with purple knee high sock type stockings.

Ashley was surprised when her mother removed a plastic covered uniform from the closet. She had never seen this before which was strange as most of the clothes she had she was present when they were bought. She recognized the uniform as her mother pulled the plastic off of it. It was the same dull uniform that the girls at the privately owned and run Sister Margrette young ladies Academy. Without the jacket the uniform also looked like a typical catholic style girl's uniform. Just replace the tie with a cross tie and voila different uniform.

Her mother handed her the blouse after first taking it off the hanger and scrunching the bottom of the blouse in her fist. She thought it was strange but she put on the wrinkled blouse before she reached to put on the skirt her mother stopped her and handed her a white camisole that she was to put under the blouse she had already buttoned up. She removed the blouse and pulled on the camisole which was followed by a rather cheap looking plain nylon black half slip but she did as she was told.

Her mother made her put the skirt on first and then the blouse so that the blouse hung over the skirt and was not tucked in. It was strange as she looked in the mirror she looked like a school girl who had just come home from school. The blouse was open at the top few buttons. Her mother put away the jacket and the school tie back into the closet instead of making her put them both on. She did hand her a rather ugly pair of girls school shoes with almost no heel, a rounded closed toe, and single strap in brown.

"Mother what is going on?" she asked her as she was putting on a new clean blouse in pale yellow.

"That little..." she paused for a second as if she was counting in her head" Tina was rather insistent that Ashley make an appearance tonight. I told her that you were not available as you were in school but she was insistent." Her mother finished buttoning up her blouse and with her back turned to her loosened her pants to tuck in the blouse.

"I was not expecting to find my daughter so we have a little time yet. Alex has offered a small bonus for you to show up tonight. It should help cover those rims you wanted. I mean Josh you wanted. Oh..." Her mother was clearly having some trouble with her dual identity.

Still rims meant she could race and fly. "Uh mom you do know that I'm still your son right?" she asked.

"No your not!"She wailed surprising her causing her to step back. Her mother moved to the edge of the bed and sat down her belt still undone.

"Right now when I look at you all I see is my daughter Ashley. I know I shouldn't see that but it's what I see. It makes me feel horrible that I did this to you. I'm a terrible mother!"

Ashley moved to her mothers side much like her mother did for her not too long ago this very night. Her mother's face had tears running down it so she knew this was not some play or guilt trip. She hugged her mother from the side before handing her a tissue from the now empty Kleenex box.

"Don't wipe!" was all she said. This got a chuckle out of her mother.

"Smart ass!" her mother blotted her tears.

"I don't know what is going on. But" and she paused for a moment not believe she was going to say this"If you want maybe we could go shopping another day."


"Well if I'm to be your part time daughter I'm gonna need some clothes. I mean I don't really have much, at least not something I could wear to church or anything but..."

"Oh you little minx!" her mother laughed at her through her tears and crooked her hands into claws the intent to tickle clear.

"Don't you dare!" she said as she almost leapt off the bed laughing as she did so.

"Well my part time daughter. Are you ready to show up that little.." she cleared her throat" I mean Tina?"

"What's the plan?" Ashley asked as her mother finished doing up her belt.


Ashley still thought it was funny that her mother had a pink Ashley school bag in the car that Alex had put together for her. The woman's history workbook that was worn and looked used while being new was funny. It felt like she was cheating as she had a sheet with answers for half the workbook in her lap as she filled in answers on the drive to the club. Extreme Bash was hosting a dance at the club whose donations were going to some charity for young girls. She wasn't entirely sure of the name of the organization just that it was to help young girls.

Her makeup was understated looking more normal as was her hair that was pulled back with a small clip on one side. She did not look exactly like her normal self but she still was unquestionably a girl. The whole point was to not look like Ashley Bash but still look like a school girl who had already had a long day at school. Tomorrow was a half day at school for her while if she really did go to Sister Margrettes she would have really had a full day off school which just made it all the more confusing for her.

Some of her writing was a little rushed and not quite as neat as her usual before they pulled into the alley that was blocked off for staff. It was still a far cry neater than her Josh usual but still it would be passable at a first glance. She was sure some of the answers were wrong though. One of the books in her bag by a Jane something was one of the books she was supposed to read along with a rather large textbook on women's history. She had no idea about either as she had never heard of them before. Still she was supposed to play the part of a schoolgirl. She put her workbook into the bag as they pulled up and her mother took the answer sheet to put into her purse. The less evidence the better.

As they pulled to a stop her mother told her to look to her and she adjusted some of the hair on her head. When Ashley looked into the mirror somehow her mother made her hair look just a little off. As if it was rushed instead of the few minutes they actually spent playing with her hair to give it the teen girl casual but still nice look. With a sigh she opened the door and got out. The bouncer at the door was not one she recognized and she caught herself from playing the Ashley Bash primadonna drama queen girlie girl and switched to what she called her Ashley Greer sulk. She followed behind her mother almost shuffling her feet.

The side door to the hallway opened after her mom flashed her card. The bouncer gave her a sneer as she passed. The usual leer she got as Ashley Bash was absent. She felt insulted that she was still quite pretty if not as done up as usual. She then wondered why she felt insulted in the first place and shook her head as she plodded along after.

The door to the office where she would get changed was slightly open, enough to hear the screech of Tina demanding to know where Ashley was. Ashley sighed audibly as she followed her mother who stopped when she heard.

"You don't have to do this." her mother whispered to her. She just shook her head hitched the bag up on her shoulder and walked passed her mother banging open the door to the office. As she entered the office in her uniform she apparently cut off Tina in mid sentence. Tina's eyes opened up wide as she saw Ashley in her plain form. Ashley saw her eyes widen then almost squint as her mouth turned into a closed lip smile. She knew that if she didn't do something Tina would continue to act like a spoiled brat and boss her around.

With a small smile of her own quickly hidden she slung the bag off her shoulder and tossed it towards Tina who of course dropped the bag like it was diseased. She stomped forward as if she was pissed off.

"You can do my homework you bitch!" she said while only a few inches from Tina's face. Tina lost her smile and backed up in shock.

"No I .."

"Oh yes you will! You made such a bitchy fuss that m..Mrs. Appleton had to come and get me while I was busy getting into my homework that is due Monday." She picked the bag up off the floor and brusquely the zipper before yanking out the thick woman's history textbook.

"I need to have chapters 7-11 done for Monday or I will get a failing grade on it. Since you can't seem to do a simple dance off by yourself you WILL help me study these chapters!" The bitch act was tough and she really had no idea what she was talking about but it sounded good to her ears. Give her an oscar anyone!


"No m..Mrs. Appleton! This cow doesn't seem to understand.."

"ENOUGH! Young lady you will go sit over there!"



"Yes maam." she sulked over to the indicated couch after picking up her bag. She sat down in a huff but still taking care to smooth her skirt and keep her knees together. Alex and her mother got into a bit of an argument she was sure was staged beforehand. This left Tina floundering as she was supposed to be the star but was ignored. A much subdued Tina slowly made her way over to where Ashley was sitting trying to read a book she had no idea what any of it was about. She made it look like she was ignoring everyone when she actually wasn't.

Tina sat beside Ashley gently as she flipped the page like she knew what she was studying. She had skimmed through the page so she had an idea what it was about but that was it. If she was left to read about some woman in the mid 1800's and her role in women's shoes for any more time she would probably fall asleep. She was therefore glad when Tina interrupted her.

"Uh sorry." she said in a very low voice.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry for dragging you away from your studing. It's just that that other weekend and that crowd. It.... scared me I think." she said more to the floor than Ashley. Ashley closed the book she wasn't really reading anyways and put it into her lap. Her very male self saw that this was a girl in distress and he would help her even if he didn't really want to.

"Fine! But you owe me." she said as she got up.

"Oh Ashley! Thank you thank you thank you." She said as she hugged Ashley while jumping up and down on the balls of her feet.

"Now let's get your outfit on and get your mom to get your makeup done!" Tina said so fast that Ashley didn't quite catch it all.

The show was a huge success as Ashley Bash in her khaki pink skirt and Tina Extrema danced away beside the live band on opposite sides of the stage like go go girls. Videos of the live performance not caught on video tape were uploaded to youtube even before the first hour of the show was recorded. By the end of the night the total collected for the Wayward Girls Orphanage fund exceeded the goal of $8000 by another three thousand. Both girls were very tired as they left. Ashley in her school uniform again and Tina in her simple t shirt and jeans.

All Ashley wanted to when she got home was crawl into bed but her mother made her take a bath before bed washing off the makeup and her body. She did wash the top part of her head but was too tired to wash the lower part enough. As such she didn't notice that the lower part of her hair was still red giving her the opposite look she normally had. Instead of her hair looking completely natural brown it would look almost dyed brown on the top of her head while the ends retained the her red.

Ashley was laying on her bed ready to fall asleep when her mother entered the room.

"Ashley where did you put the release solution?"

"I never touched it so it's wherever you left it." A very tired Ashley responded.

"Oh dear.." The comment from her mother roused her enough to open both eyes.

"Mom...." Josh said in his voice.

"I think I might have it at work." she admitted sheepishly.

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