Starting College my way. Chapter 7.

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Starting College my way. A story of fiction by Symphony Simms.

Starting College my way. Chapter 7.

Another girl. Tuesday September 10th Midday.

I didn’t know that I could be a cruel and heartless bitch until I drove away from Lawrence without feeling anything for him. My anger and embarrassment at not being able to use my credit card was no excuse, even if I only had boys ID. I am sure that I would pay for my actions one way or another.

I drove back to the apartment because I wanted somewhere to escape to, but as soon as I got there realized that hiding was not going to get me anywhere, and it was not going to get my pre-assignment completed.

I was a little calmer now than I had been at the bookstore, so I drove over to the dean of admissions registration office to pick up my pre-assignment. I parked; walked into the office, flashed my student card, picked up the pre assignment envelope and left.

There were people everywhere, but I did not try to recognize anyone because I did not want to stop and explain myself. I didn’t want to risk bursting into tears which I felt I could at any moment.

I have never felt so alone in a crowd of people before.

I got back to the apartment and took my books into my room. There was no one at home. I threw my shoes off and sat up on my bed, wrapped my arms around my knees, buried my head in my own lap and tried to figure out what I must do.

I had no money left in my bank account and I couldn’t use my credit card without ID. Sure I could use my credit card at Wal-Mart or Target because they were set up differently. But at the College bookstore I needed ID.

Dylan owed me $100 but he promised to pay me on Thursday. I needed another $300 worth of books before then.

I couldn’t ask Dad or Mom because they would have to send money through a bank and electronic deposits normally take 2 or 3 days.

Dawn would do anything for me right now but she was probably not home yet from seeing me this morning.

The only person who was in a position to help me was Fiona. She was the closest; she had her own credit card and ID. She was the only person who could get the books for me when I needed them. There was no one else I felt I could ask.

I texted Fiona and told her I couldn’t pay for my books without ID and asked her if she can come over here and by my books for me, and to phone me for an explanation. I knew that she probably had classes so she wouldn’t reply straight away.

I was right. No reply in 15 minutes. I couldn’t just sit here and stew about my predicament so I started reading my pre assignment.

It was not easy to concentrate as I continued to replay my poor behavior in the bookstore and the way I treated Lawrence over and over. Nothing changed. I was still a heartless bitch.

I felt very alone. I didn’t think that my feeling alone was a direct result of my choice to become a girl but probably just an indirect result, but this would not have happened if I had been a boy.

After turning things over in my head I determined that if I had chosen to remain a boy I would probably be alone for different reasons, and I probably would not have had anywhere near as much fun.

At this point the need to complete my pre-assignment overcame my mini depression and I started work.

I moved over to the desk and worked continuously for maybe two hours before my stomach reminded me that food was required. I went to get a glass of water and some munchies from the kitchen. While I was munching MJ came in.

MJ was not the person I wanted to talk to at this time, so we exchanged pleasantries and she went into her room. Then she came out.

“Leslie, something tells me that you are not in the same happy mood you were in yesterday. Are you OK?” she asked. I didn’t immediately make up my mind to speak to her so she asked again.

“You can talk to me you know. I am an understanding sole and my shield of abrasive resistance is down right now and I can assure you that I am a friend,” she said.

She had taken a position standing next to me and we were both leaning against the kitchen cabinets just watching the floor tiles remain static.

“I discovered the bad tempered heartless bitch side of me today!” I said. I told MJ what happened about the credit card and my boys ID and my empty bank account.

“That makes things complicated,” she said. “How are you going to pay for your books?”

“I am hoping that Fiona can come over and help me out,” I said.

“Is that all,” she said. “But that doesn’t make you a heartless bitch.”

It’s true that MJ was not the person I wanted to discuss this with, but she was here and I needed someone to speak to. So I opened up to her.

“MJ remember last night when you told me to make up my mind on what I wanted and just go for it?”

“Yes,” she said. “And I still think that was good advice. You can’t sit on the fence and be both. You have to be one or the other.”

“I understand the sentiment behind your words but it is just not as easy as you think. For one my driver’s license does not agree with you.”

“Well get it changed. That’s not an insurmountable object.”

“That is not half of it. Last night I kissed Lawrence.”

“Good for you,” said MJ. “Now you are making serious strides forward. That is one of the things that girls are expected to do. Don’t you think that is progress?”

“I understand that you are trying to encourage me in my desire to change my life, but I am still a boy.”

“But you don’t look or act like a boy. Your real self is not a boy and in your heart I am certain there is a girl in there.”

“But don’t you see that doesn’t count MJ. Last night I kissed a man who believed he was kissing a girl. That is deceitful. If I told him that I am a girl I would be lying.”

“I may feel like a girl and act like a girl, but below the waist I have boy parts and if he finds out I could be in serious trouble.”

“I gave you bad advice didn’t I?” said MJ.

“It was advice that I wanted to hear and wanted to believe was true. I was the one that went out and kissed him.”

“Did anything happen?” she asked.

“Just kissing and stuff, but last night and this morning I have been talking to my sisters and they made me realize that if I was going to kiss anyone, that person needs to know who or what they are kissing.”

“I guess they are right. I am sorry Leslie. I have heard that speech given to a couple of my friends, but it always in the context of one girl wanting to kiss another,” said MJ. “Now that it is presented as a boy in a dress kissing another boy doesn’t work the same.”

“I am sorry Leslie,” she said as she held my hand.

“It was me who did the kissing MJ. I wasn’t so drunk that I couldn’t figure it out myself. It’s just that I was so single minded in my desire to kiss him.”

“So are you going to tell him?”

“Tempting but no.” I said. “There are already too many people who know about my status and the list is growing. I don’t want anyone else from the student body to know.”

Then I told her about him knocking the book from my hands while he was trying to help me, and outside where I told him it was all a big mistake.

“Bummer!” she said.

“So the only people I can kiss are the people that know about me being a boy underneath.”

“Well you have to tell everyone eventually Leslie.”

“But why MJ? Why do you want me to tell everyone that I am a freak who looks like a girl but has boy part below the waist?”

“But surely you will get a sex change and then everything will be OK.”

“Please don’t put me in that box MJ. Right now I am wearing girl’s clothes and really enjoying it, but I have only committed myself to one year of college and I have definitely no thoughts of surgery.”

“But I thought every transgendered woman had the goal of becoming a complete woman,” said MJ.

“Hold on MJ. You are going way overboard with this,” I said. “Right now what you see before you is a boy in a dress. These descriptions you are using like transgendered and sex change are not part of my vocabulary. I enjoy wearing a dress, but I haven’t thought any further than that.”

“So you are not transgendered?” she asked.

“MJ I am not sure what the real definition of transgendered is. You are probably the first person I have ever discussed this with. If it helps the woman in the bra shop the other day said I have woman’s breasts.”

That caught MJ by surprise. “Um, can you explain that?” she said.

“I can try, but I don’t know what it means. Fiona took me into a store that caters for women who are flat chested or have had breast surgery. The assistant there told me I am not flat chested like a boy but I have some breast tissue and I have woman’s nipples.”

“Can I see,” said MJ.


“But that is really weird!”

“Is that comment designed to make me feel better MJ?”

“I am sorry Leslie but I have never heard of that before. Usually the people I meet are just people who believe that should have been born in the other sex. But you sound like you may be physically already part way between the sexes.”

“Yes I agree MJ. It is another wrinkle in the cloth, but I don’t know what it means. I have not spoken to a doctor about any of this but it is obvious that I should, as soon as I can make some time in my schedule.”

“Look,” said MJ, “remember when I said I could take you to a club for people like us. I was talking about is an LGBT club that’s not to very far from here. They often have counselors there to help people. How about if I take you tomorrow?”

“OK but what does LGBT stand for?”

“You really don’t know?” she asked.

“MJ you really need to understand something about me. I really don’t know. I have been enjoying wearing dresses in the comfort of my own home. Apart from that I know nothing about what other people do. Gay lesbian whatever. I really didn’t think I had anything to do with them.”

“Well you do now Leslie. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered. I suppose if you are not a regular heterosexual then you are with us. The club we go to is called the Rainbow Club. That’s not its real name, but that is what we call. It is the closest LGBT tolerant club I know on this side of the river, however there are bunches of them in Philly.”

“If you have time, we could go tomorrow evening. There is no cover on a Wednesday and there are fewer trannies and no karaoke during the week.”

“What do you mean karaoke?”

“You don’t have to worry about that, but on Thursday, Friday, Saturday the cross dressers and trannies have a kind of karaoke where they dress up in outrageous clothes and mime to famous women’s songs. It can be really funny. Some of the women I go with get up and sing butch guys songs just to join in.”

“But I would have to be really careful with you if we went on those nights Leslie.”

“But why?” I asked. “I have no interest in doing that at all!”

“But Leslie you would be one of the most desirable people in the place.”

“But why MJ. What have I got that is so special?”

“Leslie you can do what many cross dressers can never do. You pass. You are a boy that looks like a totally believable girl and very pretty girl. If they found out you would be an absolute superstar.”

“You think you get hit on a lot as a girl. Wait till those people see you as a boy in a dress. They would be all over you. You may not get out in one piece.”

“If we go tomorrow I suggest you dress as a boy. You will look like one of us and no one will bother you. If you want some attention then go in a dress and tell everyone you are a boy.”

“But MJ I still don’t understand why.”

“Because Leslie, people will not just see you as a boy in a dress. They will also see you as a beautiful woman with a penis. For many trannies, gays and many straight men you will be one of the most desirable creatures they have ever seen. They will go crazy for you.”

“I had no idea,” I said.

“If you really want sex with a man, then you will find many willing men there who will help you. And they will be lining up for the chance.”

“I don’t know if I want that MJ. That would be gay sex and I am not into that.”

“Leslie, please make your mind up. Yesterday you were kissing Lawrence and you told me you enjoyed it. You said you could feel his penis against your stomach and it excited you.”

“But when I kissed Lawrence I was doing so as a girl. The girl in me wanted to kiss Lawrence.”

“Leslie, are you one person or are you a schizophrenic with multiple personalities because I don’t sense that. You have various facets to your personality yes but it’s only you Leslie. You are the one driving the bus. There is only one Leslie.”

“I am totally screwed up MJ. I didn’t know about most of this stuff and I don’t know how to react to it. Yes I agree that there is only one of me but I am torn about what I want to be and what to tell people.”

“OK Leslie. Let’s think about how you identify yourself. Can you describe what you are first?”

“So getting over the fact that I am wearing a dress. I am a boy. I am a boy who likes wearing dresses but I can’t say I am a girl.”

“So are you a boy who likes the illusion of being a girl Leslie?”

“I don’t like that description. I am not an illusionist MJ. I am a boy who likes to feel like a girl. I am a boy who feels more comfortable being a girl.”

“Leslie, I know I started this but I don’t think I should finish this conversation. You need to be talking to a counselor who is knowledgeable on this subject. I have already given you bad advice once. I don’t want to do it again.”

“I would like to take you to the rainbow club tomorrow and let you talk to some people who know what they are talking about. Can we do that Leslie? Will you come with me?”

“But you seem like you know a lot more about this that me MJ.”

“Yes I know Leslie but I have just started my second year. Right now I know enough to make me dangerous. You need to talk to someone qualified.”

“OK MJ I will go with you. But you said I can’t go in a dress as a girl.”

“I guess I shouldn’t have said that either. If you go dressed as a normal girl you may look a little out of place, but that’s because the other people there generally look a little different.”

“The problem is not with you but with everyone else. You look like such a normal girl. We don’t normally get gay women who look as normal as you do but sometimes we do.”

“My remarks about trannies, gays and straight people desiring you were also over the top with hints of stereotyping too. One thing important to any of the people I have ever met at the rainbow club is that they will all respect you.”

“You may get hit on, but if you say ‘no I am not interested’ or ‘I don’t do that’ they will back off. You generally do not find an overabundance of testosterone at the rainbow. So wear a dress, and just to support you I will wear one too.”

“Would you wear a dress for me MJ?” I asked.

“Yes I will. I think I have one or two somewhere.”

I hugged MJ and went back to my room and Fiona called.

“So what is this nonsense about not being able to get your books because you have boys ID?” said Fiona.

“I can’t” I said. “I don’t look like the boy on my driver’s license and they could call the police.”

“But Leslie,” said Fiona. “Have you thrown away all of your boy’s clothes. And is your make-up permanently etched into your skin?”

“No,” I said guessing what was coming next.

“Then go wash your hair and don’t comb it after it’s dry, clean off all your make-up and put some of your regular boys clothes and go get your books.”

Well silly old me. I was so hung up on being a girl that I forgot that I am still a boy.

“I am sorry Fiona,” I said. “Sometimes I am not as smart as I think I am.”

“No kidding!” said Fiona.

“I guess I deserved that,” I said.

“Well this has been nice Leslie but I have to eat something then go to a rehearsal.”

“I’m jealous.” I said. “Why didn’t I take music?”

“Because you don’t like Brahms and you don’t like cello. See you tomorrow at 8:30 Leslie. And don’t ever forget that I love you.” She hung up. I love you too I said after she hung up.

Even though I was nowhere near as messed up as I could have been, I had still managed to leave myself in a bit of a pickle. The college bookstore was now closed for the evening and I had a class in the morning starting at the same time as the bookstore opened.

I would need to purchase the calculus book for my second class which was after lunch, so it looked like I would have to come back from class in the morning, get changed and get my books, come back here and get changed again then go to my afternoon class. I didn’t have time for all that.

Or, I could go to the morning’s class with only a little make-up, then at lunchtime wash my face and put boy’s clothes over my girl’s clothes to buy the books then take off the boys clothes and put some more make-up on. The biggest problem with this was where to change.

Or I could just make thing easy on myself and lie about why I didn’t have the calculus book. I didn’t feel comfortable with lying to a lecturer so I would have to be plan B.

The rest of my evening was filled with completing my pre-assignment and eating our evening meal. MJ had prepared a nice meal of chicken in some kind of gravy with peppers and onion with boiled potatoes and a Greek salad. Quite nice actually.

I did tell the girls about the scene with Lawrence. I had to tell it twice because the first time I told the story without mentioning the credit card and my boys ID, I just sounded like a totally unfeeling bitch telling a nice boy to pound sand for no reason.

When I told the story for the second time, including the part about needing ID and getting upset about the damaged book, I only sounded like an angry bitch who took out her frustrations on an innocent person, Lawrence. Not a big improvement.

I don’t think the girls were too impressed with me. Conversation stopped pretty quickly after dinner and we just drifted to our separate rooms. I finished my pre-assignment then had a little time to practice my guitar and went to bed early.

Wednesday September 11th.

I woke before the alarm and immediately continued planning my lunchtime assault on the bookstore. I know that sounds a little overdramatic but it’s so stupid that a seemingly benign activity like getting a book from a bookstore can seem so complicated, but I have to make gender changes either side of my bookstore appearance.

My plan was to drive my car this morning and park it around the side of the book store. I would leave my change of clothes inside which would include a baggy sweater, baggy cargo shorts and flip flops. I would leave my Algebra class at noon, grab a quick bite to eat at the cafeteria, visit the powder room to remover my make-up, walk over to my car at the bookstore and change into boys attire, get my books and return to the car and put my girls clothes back on, remembering to put make-up on and get back to my Introduction to Analysis class at 1:30.

I decided to modify my girl’s clothing to suit my plan. Bra with small breast inserts. No corset. A dress that could be removed over the head without a zipper, but I didn’t have one. The only one suitable had a side zipper so it would have to do.

Fortunately the Honda had dark smoked windows so I didn’t think anyone could see in and I was confident I could find a spot in the shade to park so the car would not be too hot.

I showered and dried my hair with a towel and just used a brush point things in the right direction. It looked a little messy but it had to do the job of both boys and girls hair. I added minimal make-up and headed into the kitchen. MJ was at the kitchen table eating cereal and Carla was standing drinking coffee while starring out of the kitchen window.

We did the ‘good morning and how are you today just fine’ thing then I got some cereal and sat down to eat. MJ was the first to enter into conversation.

“Are you losing interest in this being a girl thing already Leslie?” said MJ.

“I am trying to do as little as I can to look feminine without having to look perfect,” I said. “I am hoping that the dress does most of the work.”

Carla looked over. “Bit of a come down from Monday night Leslie,” she said, then she returned to looking out of the window.

“I have been telling people that I do not want boyfriends or relationships, but that doesn’t agree with the way I am dressed,” I said. “I think perfect make-up and hair encourages boys to think I am interested.”

They heard what I said but didn’t respond.

“What’s going on outside Carla?” I asked.

“Road works down on the corner near the Coffee Hutch,” said Carla. “There is a hole in the road but the road is not blocked and it looks like the sidewalk is OK.”

Conversation did not continue further so I packed up my books and my Ipad for notes then packed a separate bag with my boy things and headed down the stairs. I got in my car and drove down the road.

Once outside the Coffee Hutch I had to avoid the big hole in the road, but there was a whole bunch nice men clad in orange and yellow stripes guiding me around the mayhem. I parked under a nice big tree at the side of the bookstore and headed across the parking lot towards the main entrance, through the main building and out across the courtyard to the Washington Wing and the Woodrow Wilson hall.

So this was it, my first day in class at university. Not quite what I had expected. I certainly never expected to be attending college in a dress.

I sat half way up the room I the center. I was twenty minutes early. The room was arranged like a conventional class room with 16, 4 person tables and therefore 64 maximum in the class. There were 3 large video monitors at the business end of the room and one more on each side.

All of the desks had multiple power and internet connections and the main screens showed ‘blackboard’ website addresses for the course. A note below the main address stated that the presentation content could be directly downloaded and it gave a second address. The Wi-Fi code for this area was shown along the bottom of the screen.

‘Why the hell do I bother attending class?’ I thought to myself.

I wasn’t long before some familiar faces started arriving. Connie and Caroline saw me and came to sit at my table. We didn’t speak about anything in particular, mainly because anything anyone said seemed to carry easily across the room so anyone could hear.

Lawrence came in with Vic and sat somewhere behind us. They didn’t acknowledge me. Maybe I would get a ‘bitch’ label and people would avoid me.

With 5 minutes to go the lecturer came in and placed his things on the desk at the front. He was a large roundish man maybe in his 40s wearing a grey suit, white tie and with a clean shaven head. He had the only desk that had its own monitor. With what seemed to be every place in the room filled the lecturer walked over and closed the door then stood in front of the class looking out upon us all.

“Good morning and welcome to Mt Laurel University of New Jersey. I trust you have all taken advantage of our many orientation classes and are fully equipped and prepared to start learning. I will now begin that process.”

“This is course M51 An introduction to Linear Algebra and its Application. I am Professor Alan Ball.”

We then got into the math. I am assuming that readers of this story won’t be interested in the actual math so I won’t go into it. But if any of you are, please send me a private email and I will send you a link to the course material.

I of course had half my brain concentrating on the class and the other going over my book procurement exploit at lunch time. I think I had it all covered but it didn’t help to go over it again.

The pre-assignment was used to asses our knowledge of the subject and we marked our own papers under the lecturers guidance and the end of the lecture, and with about 5 minutes remaining we all filed to the front to hand in the pre-assignments and meet Professor Ball.

After shaking the Professors hand I was off, girl on a mission to get the rest of my books. I didn’t tell anyone where I was going, no approval required and I certainly didn’t want anyone with me.

I went around the north side of the main building to the cafeteria area and located Little Caesar’s Pizza. I was one of the first in line so had no delays here. One slice of pepperoni and a coke was all I needed then headed back around the north side of the main building, pizza and coke in hand, and west end of the building and the Dean of Admissions office. I don’t know if anyone from my class was following me but I saw no reason why they should.

At the west end of the main building I turned the corner and stopped to finish my pizza and coke, wiped my hands and put the garbage in the garbage can, then dodged into the east door near the Dean of Admissions office where I had seen a access enhanced washroom. There I could clean off my make-up without attracting attention. That completed I left the main building and headed across the parking lot to the bookstore and my car.

Part one completed I was at my car, but there was a parking notice on it telling me that these places were 1 hour maximum spaces and after lunchtime today a parking fine of $25 dollars would be enforced. OK I thought because I wasn’t going to stay more than a few minutes.

The car was also bathed in bright sunlight as the sun had moved around during the day, but I wouldn’t be in there long. Shouldn’t take me more than a minute to change.

I got in the back seat of the car, checking that no one was around and immediately pulled my dress over my head. Pulled my sweater on, it was getting hot in here, then pulled on my cargo shorts followed by flip flops and out of the oven of the car. Got my wallet out of my purse and headed into the bookstore.

It was easy to find the books I needed as I had already found them once yesterday. I collected the ones I needed and brought them over to the counter. It was the same lady as yesterday.

“Didn’t you try to buy these books yesterday?” asked the lady at the counter.

“No not me,” I said. “But my twin sister is also at this college. I am getting the books for her.”

She took my credit card and driver’s license and gave them a thorough inspection.

“She looked a lot like you, and this looks like the same credit card. Can I see your student card?”

“Excuse me but I am only buying books. You don’t need to see my student card.” My student card did not denote gender and I looked pretty much the same on it as I do now, but I wasn’t going to cave in to her requests if I didn’t have to.

“But the girl who tried to buy these same books yesterday looked exactly like you and tried to use this credit card. In fact I think it is you.”

“Look, does my card work and does it agree with my driver’s license. We are identical twins and sometimes we use each other’s stuff,” I said trying to be as matter of fact as I could. If she pushed any further I would not know how to react.

She ran the card through the visa machine and the receipt came spluttering out of the end. She handed me the receipt, but I know she didn’t like it.

“Identical twins!” she said with a kind of disbelieving look on her face. There’s something about that woman that starts my blood boiling and I don’t know what it is. I just smiled, picked up my books, cards and receipt and headed out of the door.

As I walked up the steps and back towards the car I saw what I perceived to be a security guard hovering around my car. He looked like he was going to fill out another parking ticket. Now I was already a little angered by the lady in the bookstore. I didn’t need any more crap.

“Excuse me,” I said. “That is my car!”

He stopped writing and turned to me. “This car has been here all morning so you will have to move it. We give the new students half a day’s grace before start ticketing and your time is up.”

“I will move it now then!” Now my plan had an additional step. I wasn’t expecting to have to move my car.

“Please do,” said the security man. “There is plenty of parking in the main students parking area and you are young and strong enough to walk that far. This parking is reserved for the bookstore and the Dean of Admissions office.”

‘Cranky old buzzard’ I wanted to say to him, but he still had a book of parking tickets in his hand. He made way for me to get into the driver’s seat so I got in, placed my books on the passenger seat and started the car.

When I looked up who should be standing next to him but Lawrence with a book in a College Logo plastic bag.

He was looking straight at me from right in front of the car. I kind of waved to him feeling rather stupid because I had boy’s clothes on and no make-up. He waved back and made his way to the car window. I wound the window down.

“Are you OK?” he asked, obviously checking out the scene, my lack of make-up and my boy’s clothes.

“I’m fine,” I said, trying to act like there was nothing wrong with wearing a dress then and make-up in class then looking like a boy during lunch break.

“You look kind of different, in fact you look like another girl altogether.” he said looking bemused by my appearance.

“I like to mix things up,” I said. “We don’t have to wear the same old boring stuff all of the time do we?”

“Look can we talk?” he asked, obviously not wanting to talk about my appearance.

“OK I have a minute but I have to move the car.”

“Can I get in?” he asked.

“No Lawrence. Look I like you but I can’t have a boyfriend. I have been saying that I didn’t want a boyfriend all along, then before I even get to my first class I stumble into you. It’s not going to happen.” I was almost shouting because I wanted to make sure he heard me against the traffic in the main road behind.

He had put his books down and was bending over leaning against my driver’s door. “But I really like you and I thought you liked me!”

“Yes Lawrence I think you are a nice person and I am sorry about yesterday but I can’t have a boyfriend.”

“But can’t we still be friends?” he asked. “We have a lot in common and I think you will enjoy having me around.”

“But you can’t go hitting on me and trying to kiss me. I find you attractive but I can’t have a boyfriend Lawrence I just can’t. If you find that difficult to live with that then you will have to leave me alone and find some other friends.”

“I suppose I will have to take what I can get,” he said.

“But no trying to kiss me,” I said. Totally stupid thing to say because as he was right there almost inside the car at face level and it took all of my will power not grab his head and pull him inside the car.

I had to get out of there before I kissed him again and regretted it again. I put the car into gear and bumped the clutch.

“Sorry Lawrence I’ve got to go,” I said as he jumped back. “See you in class.” I said as I moved slowly past him. I hope I didn’t run over his toes or his books. I don’t think he said anything as I was leaving.

I drove away from the college towards the Coffee Hutch and Swedes Road but when I got there the road was completely closed and a whole squadron of workmen wearing yellow and orange stripes were standing around a big hole watching someone working.

I took a quick left and a right trying to parallel Swedes Road and find the other end, but after a few minutes I realized that I was wasting time and getting nowhere, so I turned around and headed back. I was concerned now because my plan was totally screwed up I had only half an hour to get changed again and get back for my next class.

I parked around the corner from the Coffee Hutch and walked the rest of the way down the road. I shouted to the guys watching the excavation.

“Hey do you guys know when you will be finished?” I shouted from the walkway that was still open.

They all looked over and one of them shouted back. “We are not sure because there is an awful lot of work to do. We should be able to provide access by maybe 5pm.”

I thought about asking them if more than one of them working at a time might improve their performance, but thought better of it.

I got into the apartment and threw off my sweater, shorts and flip flops then proceeded to the bathroom to put some make-up on and improve the mess that was my hair. While I was at it I placed my larger breast enhancers in and put my corset on.

Here I was again, beginning to enjoy putting girl’s clothes on in an empty apartment with all of my girly clothes and the clothes of 3 other girls right next door with no one around. I could find this predicament most enjoyable in other circumstances, but I was in a rush to get back to school and get to my next class and had no time to enjoy it.

I put on my dress on, picked up my back pack and headed to class. I had a feeling I was going to be late but there is only so much a girl can do in 90 minutes.

I walked on down the road but stopped when I got to the big hole in the road. All of the people standing above the whole just looked at me. I shouted down the hole.

“Hey big guy!” He stopped what he was doing, turned around and looked at me.

I said, “Do any of these guys ever get in the hole and help you?”

He just shook his head. I looked back at the squadron with my arms wide open. They looked at me but nobody moved. I turned and walked towards the school.

I got to the Grover Cleveland Hall about 4 minutes late. The door was closed but the sign on it still read Math 101 Introduction to Analysis. Professor Lisa McClelland. Just what I didn’t need. I wondered; would she would try to embarrass me today?

I walked in and looked for a friendly face. I didn’t see one close by, so I located a row that no one else had occupied and headed for it.

The room turned quiet as made my way to my seat. Professor McClelland waited till she had everyone’s attention before she spoke.

“Glad you could join us Miss Haigt!”

It was a mundane opening, but it did put her on the offensive. I didn’t know if I should reply or not. I decided to be polite.

“Good afternoon Professor McClelland,” I replied.

“Please stand up when you address the room miss Haigt,” she said. So I stood up.

“Can you tell us the importance of being on time for my lectures Miss Haigt?”

“Tardiness wastes the valuable time of the other class members Miss.”

“Very true! And are there any other risks that a person may take when entering my classes late Miss Haigt?”

“Yes Miss,” I replied. “A person may run the risk of being embarrassed by you upon entrance to the room.”

“Are you embarrassed Miss Haigt?” she asked. I had a choice to make here. I was not at all embarrassed but if I told her that, it may seem like a challenge.

“Yes Miss.” I lied.

“Good,” she said. “Now please tell us why you chose today to be late for my class?”

Not a bad question but I kind of expected it. “I didn’t choose today to be late Miss, but a series of things that I did not plan for contributed to my having to move my car from the Dean of Admissions parking area and returning it to my apartment, but I was not aware that the road to my apartment was blocked by road works.

The resulting effort to find a way to my apartment from another direction resulted in my tardiness, for which I sincerely apologize Miss.”

“How unfortunate for you,” she said. She wasn’t going to make herself popular with me by making that kind of remark.

“Thank you Miss Haigt and can you please inform the class what steps you will take to remove the likelihood of you wasting their time in the future.”

‘Oh that was a good one.’ I thought to myself. The first challenging question she had asked in our exchanges so far. I had to scramble for an answer.

“I will endeavor plan my activities with greater detail and certainly try not to pack in too much into an already short lunch period Miss.”

“An already short lunch period Miss Haigt. How much food do you eat?”

OK so she got one good lick in that I couldn’t answer but I didn’t feel too badly beaten.

She had hardly embarrassed me at all but I am sure neither of us was concerned by the exchange. We got on with the class and my mind often wondered off thinking what the Rainbow Club would be like. It wouldn’t be too long before I found out.

She's sweeter than all the girls and I've met quite a few.
Nobody in all the world can Do what she can do.
And so I'm telling you this time you better stop
For I have got another girl,
Another girl
The Beatles

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