The Dress Shop. Part One.


"Aw. Don't worry Rich. It doesn't matter."

It had happened again. I'd been seeing Beth for a whole year. And we'd been trying to have sex for a month. In all that time we'd not once actually managed it.

Beth is so understanding. And beautiful.

"Seriously babe. Please don't worry about it. I have to get to work anyway. Important meeting today." Beth smiled sympathetically as she spoke. I just looked embarrassed again, glowing red. There was nothing more I could say. When Beth said she wanted us to start having sex once we'd moved in together, I was so excited. I mean, it certainly made committing to living together much more appealing.

But we'd been living together for a whole month. And still I couldn't perform.

Beth hopped out of bed, and pulled her pretty pink lace chemise over her head.

"Besides, there's always tonight", she said with a wink.

"I know. I'm sorry babe. It's not you ok? I don't know what's the matter."

And that was totally true. Beth was absolutely stunning. 5ft 7. Slender. Gorgeous blue eyes. Long, past shoulder length blonde hair. A little button nose. Facially, cute AND beautiful at the same time. She used to model bridesmaid and prom dresses as a teenager. The photos are still online. Now she writes and advises on photo shoots for a fashion magazine.

She walked to the walk-in wardrobe to pick her outfit for the day. She came back into the bedroom smiling and holding two outfits.

"Which one Rich? I know you like to choose!"

Shit, how did I know? One was a charcoal coloured knee length shift dress, offset with a dark red belt and silk scarf. The other a white blouse and short black pencil skirt. Frankly, she'd look gorgeous in either.

"Er... the blouse and skirt. I guess it would be more professional for your meeting. I think..."

Beth tilted her head to one side, amused, and smiled. "I trained you well! You're right babe. The skirt would be better for my meeting. I need to make an impression. AND I get to wear MY NEW SHOES!"

I left Beth upstairs to get ready while I made breakfast. It's only fair I made the meals. I was still looking for work, so wouldn't be busy until later when I started job-hunting again.

I know what you're thinking. Another gorgeous girl in love with a loser.

Actually, that's not true. The job market is tough these days, particularly for English Literature degree graduates. I came top of my class at university. The same class as Beth. We both studied the degree with a minor in Performing Arts. She specialised in dance. I focussed on acting. Beth got her job through her old dress modelling connections. But she also deserved her break. She was brilliant at it.

I know my brains were one of the reasons Beth and I got together. We only started dating in our final year. Beth was sick of dating jocks...muscle-heads without two brain cells to rub together. My appeal to Beth seemed to stem from how different I was to her previous boyfriends. Different in three ways.

Firstly, I wasn't a jock. I was in the second string swim team, but that's as close as it got. No more macho bullshit for Beth to have to tolerate.

Secondly, as I mentioned, I was top of my class. Granted my class consisted of only 8 other people, including Beth. Oh... and they were all girls. Not that that's relevant.

Which brings me on to the third point. I was the only boy on the course. And what kind of boy did our course? The sensitive, loving, supportive, caring boy, that's who. The boy who’s in touch with his feelings. The very antithesis to the sports-crazy, thick set, thick head, hard men that Beth had grown tired of.

By the time Beth came downstairs I had breakfast laid out for us. She looked amazing. She'd accessorised her blouse and skirt with a light pink flower hair clip and a scarf of the same colour. Her dancer's legs and body means she looks good in everything.

And then there were the shoes. She'd been waiting for an opportunity to wear them for weeks, ever since her friend Amy had gifted them to her. Amy and Beth used to model dresses together. Now Amy owned a dress shop in town. Hence the shoes.

"Aren't they gorgeous Rich? I love them."

"Babe, you look great. You're really going to make an impression in that meeting."

"You don't think the skirt is too short?" She smoothed it down lightly with her manicured hands.

"It's fine babe. It's mid thigh, and you work for a fashion magazine. They're hardly sensitive about hemlines."

Beth smiled back. "You're right. I'm just being silly. I'm glad you like!" She performed a little twirl.

We ate breakfast. Beth left, leaving me home alone to job hunt.



"Honestly Rich. I've told you before... it really doesn't matter!"

You've guessed it. For the second time in one day, I'd messed it up again. I don't know what it is. I never have this problem alone, but I just make a mess as soon as I get close to hard when I'm with Beth.

I'd been going down on Beth, after she'd come home from work. She'd clearly come returned in the mood. As she came through the door, she'd walked, no...glided, over to me, tips of her fingers on the hem of her skirt at each side.

"I got SO MANY compliments on my outfit today", she'd said, with a cheeky grin. "Especially my skirt. Thank you!"

She'd grabbed my hand, sat down on the sofa, and pulled me down on her. We were kissing for a few minutes, before she gently pushed my head down.

After a while between her legs, Beth had wanted to return the favour before we made love. She was still in her work outfit, now minus panties. Sat at my legs, she'd been looking into my eyes while licking the tip of my penis. Just before she was due to take me in her mouth, I suddenly came.

This time, despite what she said, Beth's face betrayed her disappointment.

"I'm sorry babe. I honestly don't know what's happening to me."

"It's fine. Why don't you just finish what you were doing before?"

I spent the next hour going down on Beth again, until she'd reached orgasm a total of three times. At least there was something I was good at in the bedroom.


Later at dinner...

"I called Amy earlier to tell her I'd worn the heels she gave me."

"Yeah? What did she say?"

"She was really happy for me. I sent her a photo. She complimented me on the skirt and shoes combo. Look."

Beth passed me her iPhone. She looked amazing in the photo. It was a full-length shot of her in the top, skirt and shoes. The way Beth had accessorised really showed off the shoes. I wondered who took the photo.

"Amy also asked me if I wanted to do some modelling for the shop. She's expanding her collection to include summer dresses and girls wear. She's even doing the dress designs herself these days."

"What did you say?"

"I said maybe. It's been so long since I modelled dresses. And I don't have much time, with work and everything else."

"I think you should do it. You look amazing, and you'd be doing her a favour. Her dresses would sell like hot cakes with you modelling them."

"Oh don't be silly!"

"They would! Seriously, you should think about it."

"Okay. I will. It would be fun. How did the job hunt go?"

"Not good", I replied. "I called eighteen companies today. None of them were hiring new grads. And the application I made to the theatre group said they'd offered the internship to someone with more experience."

"I thought internships were for people with no experience?"

"Exactly! Anyway, I'll keep trying."

"Something will come up babe." Beth put her hand on top of mine over the table. "Maybe I can ask if there's any freelancing work going at the magazine."

"Thanks, but your magazine focuses on fashion. I don't know the first thing about it."

"Maybe", Beth laughed. "But you help me with my outfits every morning, and you can write. I'll keep asking."

"Ok. Thanks Beth. Right now I'd take ANYTHING."

Beth grinned mischievously. "I know what would cheer you up! We'll leave the washing up until later! Come with me!"

Ten minutes later I was lying on the bed, waiting for Beth to come into the bedroom. She'd locked herself in her walk-in wardrobe.

She called in to the bedroom. "Are you ready? Here I come!"

Beth looked stunning. She'd gone to a real effort, reapplied her make-up, and was wearing a pretty purple bra and pantie set, with matching skirted suspender belt and stockings. And the shoes from Amy that she'd worn during the day.

And a big, expectant smile on her face.

She swayed sexily over to the bed. "Babe, I know you've had a rough day, and I wanted to make it better. Lie back on the bed, and don't move an inch."

Beth pulled down the bed cover, and straddled me. She looked unbelievably hot. Leaning over me, with her crotch grinding up against my penis, she started kissing and nibbling my ear.

Slowly, her kisses trailed down my body. My neck. Shoulder. Nipples. Belly button.

She reached my still limp penis. I registered the mildest hint of disappointment in her eyes, before she smiled, looked at me and said playfully, "So cute!”

Beth put her finger and thumb around it, looked me in the eyes again, and said, "I've been thinking about this all day. All those meetings in hot, stuffy rooms with those hunky magazine executives...complimenting me on my skirt...and all I could think about was...was...kneeling down...putting a big, hard cock in between my lips...mmmmmm...sucking on it...feeling it swell...throb...coming inside my mouth."

Ok. I have to share something with you. Beth was no prude in the bedroom. But she'd never spoken this dirty to me before. And she'd never called my penis a 'cock' before.

And what did she mean...hunky magazine executives...complimenting her on her skirt?

I came there and then right over her finger and thumb, before she'd had the chance to wrap her lips around my penis, and before I was even properly hard. It was a weak ejaculation. More of a dribble really.

The disappointment on her face was more obvious this time. But she immediately forgave me.

A minute later, once we'd cleaned up, we were snuggling up together in bed.

"Rich. We need to talk."

I knew what about, but I still asked.

"I need to know that you find me attractive." Beth looked concerned. "I mean...I know you love me. But do you...FANCY me?"

"Beth. No one could love, or fancy you, more. You are beautiful. And you really do it for me."

"But why do you...” She was having trouble saying it. Beth is such a lovely person. The lat thing she would want to do is embarrass me. "Why do you... you know...not get...hard".

"But I DO get hard!"

"Yes. Well, sometimes. A little bit. But even as you start getting erect, then you immediately orgasm. Am I bad in bed?"

"No. You're AMAZING in bed. It's just...I don't know...I get really turned on by you. I mean...REALLY turned on."

"But just now...seeing me in my lingerie...straddling you...talking dirty to you. You STILL weren't properly erect. I've never had that problem with the other guys I've dated before. They may have been silly jocks, but they were know...hard...and...big...for me."

Beth looked embarrassed saying the words.

"I don't know. I'm sorry babe. I can't explain it."

"I mean...I know you're...a bit smaller than they I guessed you wouldn't be Babe, are you SURE you fancy me?" Beth was clearly upset now.

"I DO fancy you!!! I think you're amazing. And I love living together. I love you!!!"

Beth looked across at me and smiled. Clearly the words had some positive effect.

"I love you too Rich." Beth suddenly smiled again. "At least you clearly liked the dirty talk. Amy said you might like it."

"You've been talking to Amy? About my...problem?"

"Yes. Sorry Rich. I needed someone to talk to. Is that ok?"

It wasn't. Amy must think I'm some pathetic specimen of a man. But given the disappointment I'd already caused Beth today, I said the only thing I could.




Things went on like that for a while. Beth worked. I job-hunted. We tried to make love. I prematurely ejaculated, or just didn't get erect. Most women would get mad. Beth just looked at me sympathetically, and did her best to hide her disappointment. I spent a lot of time with my head between her legs.

About a month after the dirty talk episode, the subject of work came up again.

"Babe, I was talking to the guys in work today. We're planning ahead for the spring issues of the magazine, and it looks like we're going to need freelance writers."

My reaction was mixed. On one hand, the possibility of work. Brilliant. I was getting pretty desperate. On the other hand, I know nothing about fashion.

"That's great babe. Thanks. But I don't know anything about clothes. And it's a fashion magazine".

"Ok. Don't be mad. But I've thought that through. And I have an idea. The guys at work agree that you need more experience of the field. And they wouldn't consider employing freelancers who have no fashion experience."

"So then it's no good. I can't freelance for your magazine."

"You would think that. And so did I. But then I spoke to Amy, and she had an idea."

Instinctively I didn't like this. Beth had told Amy about my...bedroom problem. AND got her advice about it. Who knows what else she'd told her.

"Amy said that things are going really well with her shop. And not just with the wedding outfits. The expansion into summer dresses and girls wear is getting lots of interest in fashion circles."

"That's brilliant, but where do I come in?"

"Oh, you're so slow sometimes!! Amy said that you could work in her dress shop, silly!"

"No way!"

"Don't you see!? It's a huge opportunity. You get to work with Amy. She's an old friend from when we used to model dresses together. So she'll treat you well, and pay you. AND you get to learn about fashion trends, so you can have a crack at freelancing for my magazine! It's the perfect solution!"

"But Beth, I know nothing about fashion. And I definitely don't know anything about dresses."

"I know, but you've got an instinct for it. A good eye. I can tell. You help me choose and accessorise my outfits every morning, and I'm always getting compliments in the office on my 'look'. And remember, this is the office of a fashion magazine! They would tell me if I was getting it wrong!"

"But working in a dress shop... it's girl's work. Not real man's work. I'll be laughed at!"

Beth snapped. "You're hardly a model fucking man, are you?!"

I looked shocked. Beth started to backtrack.

"I'm sorry Rich. I didn't mean...I mean...your...problems."

She did, and we both knew it. But it was settled. Beth was right. I started in the dress shop on the following Monday morning.



The weekend came quickly. Beth called Amy, who said she'd be delighted to accept me as an employee. On Friday night we sat down to discuss how things would work.

"There are some conditions", Beth explained. "One. That you know the basics of fashion before you start. Dress styles. Skirt styles. Dress Silhouettes. Lingerie styles. It's okay - I know enough to teach you. We can spend the weekend getting you started."

Great. I was going to spend my weekend talking fashion. As well as having to work Monday to Friday at a dress shop.

"Two. That you arrive for work suitably attired. Which means you need to look smart. That also means fashionable"

"No worries. I have smart clothes in my closet. And I think they're pretty fashionable".

"And three, that you follow Amy's orders in working hours at all times. This is a critical period for Amy. So few people make it in the fashion industry, and Amy's dresses are definitely on the radar. She can't afford for you to blow it."

"That's fine babe. I know how important this is to Amy. I'll do whatever she asks me to do."

With that Beth jumped across the room and gave me a big hug and kiss.

"You'll do ANYTHING she asks? I KNEW you would. You're the best. Amy is one of my oldest and best friends. I think you're going to really hit it off. And guess what?"

"What babe?"

"As part of the deal I've agreed to do some modelling for Amy's new clothing line. So you get to spend some more time with me while you're working AND I get to lounge around and pose in divine summer, wedding and bridesmaid dresses! It'll be just like my old dress modelling days!"

That night we tried to make love again. Beth spent about ten minutes on all fours on the edge of the bed, the soft ruffled skirt of her sexiest nightie flipped up over her back, waiting for me to make myself hard. She was scared to try herself in case I came too quickly. She kept looking round, smiling, encouraging and soothing me. I ended up coming just before I entered her.

No disappointment this time. Just a beautiful smile.

After I went down on her, we spent the rest of the evening cuddling.

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