Mature / Thirty+



Late last year I was asked to interview a resident of a care home. I was told that he was over ninety but still very lucid. It was in the build-up to Christmas and I couldn’t see the point for a fashion magazine, but his daughters were insistent that he had a story to tell our readers. I had my misgivings, but went along anyway with only my phone to record the interview.

Charlie walked with a frame and guided me back to his room with the help of his daughter Claire. Once seated, he began his tale.

S(m)ister Wife Part 5

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

“At your age how do you avoid the social services and the schools people?”

“Mostly by hanging with adults, like you. If they see me with a grown up they go to bother someone else. That woman over there is one of them. That’s why I decided to talk to you.”

“How did you know I was safe? I could have been a child molester or anything.”

“Naw. I’m good at weighing people up. You’re a veteran with PTSD. I’ve met hundreds like you on the streets. Nice men who gave everything they had to the government and then got threwn away on the garbage heap.”

The Simple Life


Photo by Mikhail Nilov: https://www.pexels.

Remember back in middle school, when you had to take English? Maybe you don't, having mercifully forgotten the torture of middle school. Even though middle school was not something I really wanted to enshrine in my book of memories, I do remember Mrs Gore's English Class. A very appropriate name, Gore, as most of us felt we had been slashed to bloody ribbons by the end of the class.

Crossdress deception

This is not a contest entry.
I possibly could have worked in a New Year resolution but there is NO way I could fluff up this fluff to 2500 words. (Let’s see if I can make that stick THIS time.)

Last week I met my old friend Larry. He was in love. I suppressed an inner sigh. Larry often fell in love and then out again just as quickly. Always very chaste. He really was a 40-year-old virgin. He had very fixed ideas about the object of his love(s). One was that he never wanted to see them nude. And then he had this tendency to fall for the wrong ones.

Silencing the Storm - A New Year's Resolution Contest Short Story

Samuel was struggling with life when things got even worse. The new AI system at work that tracked his efforts exposed his deepest secret and gave him a New Year's resolution to remedy his work output. This put Samuel on a collision course with destiny.

Just Another Midnight at the Chapel

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Just Another Midnight at the Chapel
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Mmm, New Year's Eve in New York City. If you never experienced it, um, consider yourself lucky, ha.

Two people meet, and change each other's lives, whether they really had something to do with it or not... I hope YOU like it...


"Which way is Times Square?"

I smiled, I would point.

The World Turns - Clara and Ollie

One day things changed drastically, a second puberty was added during which everyone developed a second set of genitalia of the opposite sex from their originals. Everyone's bodies adjusts as if this was always the case, but nothing else did.

Clara finds she has become Bi, Oliver finds that he has changed more than expected.

The World Turns - Snapshots

One day things changed drastically, a second puberty was added during which everyone developed a second set of genitalia of the opposite sex from their originals. Everyone's bodies adjusts as if this was always the case, but nothing else did.

A few short scenes about different people and an in-universe FAQ about the changes

Chameleon - Part 10 - Finale

Now that dealing with her on her own turf in the manner that he had originally planned was out of the question, Sergei turned his attention to trying to work out how to get her to come to him, and then how to deal with her when she was there. The last thing he wanted to do was underestimate her. Even the slightest error on his part from now on, could lead to his demise.

My Time As A Wife 3

After we both cleaned up, we went to bed. Phil held me gently all through the night. My mind was in turmoil. Was he serious about wanting me to be a wife? If he was, could I do it? This was a life-changing decision. As I lay awake I could hear him breathing closely behind me.

I was acutely aware of the silky white baby doll I was wearing. The knickers had three rows of thick lace on the back. I couldn't resist brushing my hand over them as I turned onto my left side.

I kept thinking about what he said. "You're mine now Sarah. I am never letting you go."

Man of the House

Man of the House
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My parents were very keen to meet Manuel, my sister’s new boyfriend, and it seemed like she was toying with them … my father in particular.

“Are you worried that I might embarrass you? Or that we will clash, Chrissy?” Dad asked her.

A Sister 'til Christmas 6

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A Sister 'til Christmas 6
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: We have made it through the snow to the final chapter. Of course, it is the most festive... filled with parties and songs, filled with Christmas cocktails and friends, filled with backstories, histories and a little magic... ha...

I hope YOU like it...


Masks 27: Tales Old and New, Part 8

Part Eight

Ike Kenniman was hosting a holographic conference among supers. Since many people were involved, teams had only their current leader - in most cases a chairperson - displayed. The participants were all established super teams - among them Tricorne and the Assembly - and a few individuals.

Is There a "T" in Team?

Author’s note: Joannebarbarella, Emma Anne Tate, and I are sponsoring a writing contest. Details are available in a blog on the home page. The three of us are not eligible to enter the contest but we decided to each write a sample story to help promote more entries. I’m coming to you as the last visitor in this Christmas Carol. I hope you enjoy my offering and give our contest your consideration. - Jill

A Sister 'til Christmas 4 & 5

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A Sister 'til Christmas 4 & 5
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Oooh, I'm getting nervous... Christmas will do that too me. I put 4 and 5 together so the whole story is out by Christmas Eve... This will be fun, I promise... I hope YOU like it...


"We, my dear, are going to Philly."

I was freezing, I had my arms tightly around myself, with only my black pocketbook for warmth.

Masks 27: Tales Old and New, Part 6

Part Six

"Be wary of any politician who supports a position by claiming it's a matter of 'common sense,'" said Drake, wryly.

He and Vic were in his office at the Detroit Federal Building. He had called her in without explanation, and opened with that after she was seated.

"Is that appropriate to anything in particular or just a general bit of shared wisdom?" said Vic.

Masks 27: Tales Old and New, Part 5

Part Five

This particular Friday was turning out to be a bad day for Vic. Though not as bad as the early morning had been for some of Detroit's female, late teen inhabitants. Vic arrived at work to find a note already on her desk to see her boss.

"Tell me about your late night call, yesterday," said Drake.

"I was in bed, sound asleep, when I got an emergency call. The night manager of a bar downtown called 911 to say that a mind-controlling super was having his way with young women, and since supers were suspected to be involved the cops called me.

Space Queen Chapter 8

I paced in my room, trying to figure out what to do for music. My only options were to find out which instrument caused the problem or see if I could find someone to retrieve the music on my phone. I didn't want to be exposed to those sounds again.

A Sister 'til Christmas 3

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A Sister 'til Christmas 3
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Okay, here we are easing into the holidays, another big date and a little backstory... Just a little time shifting, nothing too major.... I hope YOU like it...


I was looking at my phone, I had three texts from Sara, I didn't want to be rude and answer them.

Masks 27: Tales Old and New, Part 4

Part Four

At the next Monday's weekly briefing the main topic was the current dearth of known hero supers available in most of the US. The explanations were valid, if annoying.

"The earthquake in Morocco is occupying supers who operate internationally, and storms in North America are keeping most of the teams who focus on the US busy," said Special Agent in Charge Drake. "We can make requests of Bureau headquarters for help, but the fact is that unless we have a major emergency, we're on our own."

"So, no change from the usual," said Cal Pavolin, sourly.

Masks 27: Tales Old and New, Part 3

Part Three

One of the more interesting - because the responses of those affected were so variable - tasks for members of the Bureau was delivering powers testing results to someone. Policy stated that the results of tests given by Bureau personnel or someone certified by the Bureau, and were not to be sent through the mail if there was a Bureau of Special Resources office within a three hour drive of the person. Further away and the test results would be mailed. They were never given over the phone or by e-mail.


Author's Note: This short story is intended to be read after The Light Between and before the upcoming new installment, Hope's Light.

If you have yet to experience the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!




by Erisian

A Light Novelette



The travelers had gathered in Jerusalem’s lower city not far from the hippodrome, the great stone-worked amphitheater built by the king to curry favor with his land’s conquerors in the hopes to placate their need for sport made by the speed of horse and blood of man.

A Sister 'til Christmas 2

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A Sister 'til Christmas 2
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hi, just suddenly realized how close this Christmas thing is a coming... Phew, I better get moving... I hope YOU like it...


'Listen to me baby
Listen to my plea
I'm in the middle of nowhere
And it's worrying me'

House of Women

House of Women
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was one of three boys growing up on an isolated farm, so my original experience of women was my mother. I knew that she was different because my father always told me so – he told all of us.

“Your mother is a woman, and women are different,” he said. “They need to be looked after by men - like you will grow up to be. They need to be admired and respected. If you are lucky like me, you will end up with a woman who will be the greatest thing you ever possess.”


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