Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 5

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Chapter Five - Shady Lady – Part One

Julia Wallace arrived at the practice of Susan Bradshaw feeling a little trepidatious. She wondered if she should even be seeing Susan after of the incident at the end of their last session when they had kissed. Susan had hugged Julia after Julia had told her harrowing tale and Julia had misread the situation and had kissed Susan. Susan had tolerated the closed-mouthed, almost sisterly, kiss but when Julia’s kiss became impassioned Susan had rightfully disengaged.

Julia had totally misread the situation. Susan was offering her a professional psychiatric service and had hugged Julia to give her comfort and support and Julia had tried to turn it into a passionate embrace. Julia felt both embarrassed and ashamed but also a little rejected. She smoothed her skirt and fiddled with the buttons on her blouse nervously as she sat waiting in reception. Wendy, Susan’s receptionist, had offered her coffee and Julia felt that Wendy was taking her inventory.

Did Wendy see an entitled, wealthy, professional woman, a successful businesswoman, or did she see a woman who was weak and needed psychiatric help just to stay sane? How much of her patient’s confidences did Susan disclose to Wendy? Did Wendy transcribe Susan’s scribbled notes into the patient files? Did Wendy know that Julia was Trans? Not that Julia cared these days who knew and who didn’t. She had lived most of her life as a transwoman and found that most people accepted her and why wouldn’t they? She was attractive and feminine and very good at her job.

Julia was not a Trans warrior. She had suffered prejudices and derision by some when she came out in the eighties but she rose above it all and become a successful businesswoman and she thought that young transwomen nowadays were living in a more accepting society and didn't need to listen to some ‘business bitch’ dressed in Prada lecturing them from behind a microphone. She didn’t belong to any Trans advocacy organisations but she did make regular contributions to Trans Unite. She was not open in the sense that she wore her transness on her sleeve but she wasn’t secretive about it either.

The advertising world rubbed up against the arts and fashion spheres where the LGBTI community was well represented. Christ even her physiatrist was a lesbian!

‘Stop it!’ Julia said to herself in her head, trying to clear her mind of her jumbled thoughts.

The truth was that Wendy had noticed what Julia was wearing: an elegant pink skirt-suit featuring a lapel collared, long sleeve peplum blazer and high waisted split skirt, a pristine white, almost transparent silk blouse, Wolford Individual 10 Tights (nearly forty pounds, thank you very much!) and white Jimmy Choo Romy 100 ivory satin pointy-toe pumps. Julia had paid particular attention to her hair and makeup before she stepped out and tried to convince herself she had done so for herself, not to please Susan Bradshaw.

Susan's practice attracted affluent clientele and Wendy was used to seeing clients dressed fashionably but she thought that Julia Wallace was one of the few women of affluence who, as some were want say, ‘wore the clothes and didn’t let her clothes wear her’. Wendy had to admit she felt a little jealous of Julia and envied her confident, stylish demeanour, totally unaware that Julia felt very vulnerable at that particular moment in time.

“Please send in Miz Wallace,” Susan Bradshaw’s authoritative voice came over the intercom and Wendy nodded at Julia who alighted from the plush chair and made her way to the door to the therapy room.

Susan greeted Julia cordially; giving her a beatific comforting smile which Julia suspected was practiced and offered to all her patients.

“Please,” Susan gestured to the chaise lounge and Julia as usual took off her jacket, kicked off her heels and settled into the comfortable sofa.

Julia noticed that Susan was also wearing a skirt-suit, navy-blue pinstripe, fitted to her slim figure, a cerise satin camisole blouse, shimmery tan nylons and black high heels. She looked both business-like and attractive and her makeup seemed a little heavier or maybe Julia was just imagining it. Susan sat in her usual place, close by the chaise lounge and opened her notebook.

“Before we continue I think we need to address what occurred at the end of our last session. I explained to you about transference and that it is not uncommon for a patient to experience sexual or romantic feelings about their therapist,” Susan used a professional tone but she blushed slightly.

“I was going to ask if I should stop seeing you. Perhaps you should refer me to another psychiatrist?” Julia also blushed.

“Oh heavens no! We have come so far and we about to make what I think is a significant breakthrough. As I explained, the lapse in decorum that we observed has nothing to do with me personally. That is you weren’t attracted to me specifically as much as you were attracted to my station as your psychiatrist. You have told me the most intimate details and developed a trust in me which momentarily metamorphosed as desire,” Susan explained.

“I think we should continue but I’m happy to refer you on to another psychiatrist should you prefer it,” Susan said.

“No. I agree with you that under your care and guidance I am better able to deal with my past and the suppressed memories that have recently begun to haunt me,” Julia replied.

She smoothed out her skirt and wiggled her toes as Julia was want to do when she was nervous.

“We finished our last session with you about to tell me what had caused your retraumatization, which as I explained, is usually caused by an event that immediately reminds you of a fear that was experienced during a previous traumatic event. You said that Timothy Valentine had turned up at a social function for the launch of a new fashion label that your company had the advertising contract for. You said that you were surprised to find that Tim was on the board of the company that owned the fashion label,” Susan recounted Julia’s revelation.

“As I said, I had not seen Tim since he left The Chelmsford Academy but I recalled being bullied by him and being forced to fag for him in his final year. I did not recall being blackmailed by him into being his floozy, those memorised were still repressed,” Julia began.

“Timothy was quite polite to me during the evening as was his pretty little trophy wife,” Julia said.

Susan made a note and circled it Jealousy? It was obvious from Julia’s previous comments that she did not like Tim’s wife. That could just be a natural reaction to a woman who Julia had described as vapid or it could be a manifestation of Julia’s repressed memories. Although Julia had been forced to become Timothy Valentine's concubine, she had told Susan that she had fallen in love with him; a love that was not reciprocated except for Timothy’s desire for her sexually.

“If Timothy recognised me as the person who had once been Julian Wallace all those years ago he made no mention of it. During our brief encounter he was polite, attentive and spoke to me mainly about the launch. ‘I must say, I’m impressed with your work. The marketing campaign you have devised for ‘Shady Lady’ is one of the best I’ve seen,’ Timothy complemented me and I must admit I was flattered,” Julia closed her eyes as she recalled the party.

“Timothy was still a handsome man. He was tanned, fit with sun-bleached hair worn fashionably long and was wearing a bespoke suit. I have to admit that I was flattered by him and it amused me that he didn’t recognise me from The Chelmsford Academy but why would he? He’d seen me in drag when I performed as Penelope, the vicious-tongued shrew in the school play, but I had come a long way since then. I have to admit that I flirted with him a little at the party but only to amuse myself,” Julia admitted.

Shady Lady’s launch had been a huge success. Most women’s fashion labels were targeting younger girls and mature women who wanted to project a youthful appearance. The women’s fashion industry divides consumers into groups based on variables such as age, income, occupation, stage in lifecycle, generation, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, and social class and typically target women aged sixteen to thirty-five who make up nearly fifty percent of female consumers,” Julia said.

Shady Lady is aimed at women from thirty-five onwards. It is an all-encompassing brand that offers sophistication at modest prices and sells clothing, lingerie, accessories and shoes. I actually have a few pieces at home that I sometimes wear when now and then,” Susan detected Julia’s subversive distain for chain store fashion.

After all Julia presented herself at the practice wearing brand-label fashion couture and Susan doubted that Julia wore ‘fast fashion’ very often, probably only when required to prove to her clients that she was not above wearing their products. She put aside her prejudices and concentrated on Julia’s story.

“I’d nearly forgotten about the encounter to be honest, then a week after the party I was working late at the office when I suddenly sensed that someone was behind me and I turned my head around and there was Timothy Valentine leaning on the door jamb. It was obvious that he had been drinking because I could smell the alcohol. Even so, he was steady on his feet and had his wits about him. I must admit that when he smiled at me my heart fluttered a little,” Julia cleared her throat nervously.

“He looked dashing in eveningwear. I was wearing a Shady Lady red skirt-suit, heels and sheer smoky-grey tights because I’d been to a store opening that day and I thought it appropriate that I wear garments manufactured by the label I was representing. ‘How long have been standing there?’ I asked him. ‘Long enough to admire the view,’ he replied cheekily,” Julia gave a wry smile as she recalled the encounter.

“I had been bent over the desk with my back to the door using a loupe to study some shots my photographer had taken that morning and I'm sure my big arse was stretching that skirt,” Julia blushed.

Susan thought that Julia’s arse was perfect: big, soft and rounded, unlike her wife’s skinny little butt. Susan’s wife was a gym junkie and only ate boring nutritious organic produce; no dairy or meat allowed. If she suspected that she had put on ounce of fat she ran off to a spin class and ate nothing but rabbit food for a week. But Susan’s admiration for Julia’s looks and physique had already nearly derailed their doctor-patient relationship and she cleared her mind and allowed Julia to continue.

“It all started innocently enough. ‘May I?’ Timothy nodded at the small bar I kept in the corner of my office near the space I used for relaxed business meetings. I nodded back to him and he weaved his way around the couch and plush chairs to the bar and poured scotch over ice. ‘You?’ he smiled at me and I nodded. I was about to finish up and go home. It was after eleven and everyone else had left the office,” Julia explained.

“I should have sent him packing. I blame myself for what happened next,” a tear ran down Julia’s cheek and Susan offered her tissues.

“You are not a victim and you are not to blame. I have to keep reminding you Julia because you keep admonishing yourself. Please continue if you can,” Susan patted Julia’s shoulder.

Susan would never admit it but she was becoming aroused. She could well imagine Julia bent over the desk with her ample buttocks stretching the fabric of the cheap skirt. The kick pleat would be open and Julia’s long legs clad in the silky smoky-grey tights would be on display. She was likely playing with one high heel with her toes as she concentrated on the loupe. Her hair would be tousled from where she had absentmindedly played with it while she worked. Timothy Wallace would have been standing in the doorway admiring the view. Although Susan was a lesbian the thought of a man secretly ogling Julia’s buttocks and legs was a turn-on. She cleared her mind and began to listen intently to Julia as she continued.

“‘You're here late and how did you know where I work,’ I asked Tim as he handed me my drink. ‘I sit on the board of directors of the company that has a controlling interest in Shady Lady so I have people who find out things for me, like where your office is located,’ Tim smiled at me, amused by his own self-confidence. ‘I’ve had an evening at my club, White’s, have you heard of it? Anyway I was on my way home and my driver took me past your building and I saw a light on so I dropped in on spec to see if you were here,’ Timothy said by way of explanation.”

“Of course I found his story implausible. I knew that White's is the oldest gentlemen's club in the city and is considered by many to be the most exclusive private club in London and that even now it declines to accept women as members. It was just the type of establishment that Timothy Valentine would patron I thought. But it is located on St James's Street in a Grade I listed building and Tim’s driver must have been taking a very circuitous route out of the city to pass my office,” Julia sniffed.

“‘It would appear that your driver took a rather circuitous route and you took quite a chance coming to my office expecting me to be here so late,’ I said to Tim who smiled at me and replied. ‘I must ask, do you not remember me from the Chelmsford Academy?’ he was smiling smugly when he said it and I blanched. He’d clocked me,” Julia recalled.

“‘Yes but you knew me as Julian Wallace then. You and your chums took quite a vile pleasure in bullying me and Byron Rumsfeld. You made me fag for you even though the custom had been abolished,’ I replied quite angrily. ‘I suppose you were shocked when you found out that I am now a woman?’ I said indignantly.”

“‘Oh my god! You mean Piggy Rumsfeld, your roommate and fellow crossdresser,’ Tim chuckled. ‘I’d forgotten all about Betty. She was quite the strumpet,’ Timothy chuckled a second time. ‘If you're referring to our roles in the farce I would hardly call Betty’s role a strumpet. In the play the two husbands had unknowingly cuckolded each other but neither Penelope nor Betty were loose women,’ I corrected him or at least thought I had. You have to remember that I had forgotten all about being made to have sex with Uncle Charlie and his strange chum and being Tim’s concubine,” Julia said solemnly.

“So you were alone in your office with a man who knew you as Julia and with whom you’d had a long-term sexual relationship but you were oblivious to the fact other than you were his fag at Chelmsford. That must have been terrifying looking back on it,’ Susan scribbled a few notes and encouraged Julia to continue.

“Tim looked very carefully at me; he scrutinised me in fact and then I saw a spark of understanding. ‘You don’t remember do you Julia?’ he smiled at me evilly. ‘I don’t remember what?’ I replied naïvely. ‘Well they say a picture paints a thousand words. Come over to the desk and look at these,’ Tim strode over to the desk and lay out half a dozen Polaroids. They had faded a little over the years but they were sharp enough for the subjects of the photographs to be easily recognisable,” Julia reached for a tissue and dabbed at her eyes.

“I was speechless. I recognised myself lying on Timothy’s bed, my legs spread wide while Oliver Crotchet buggered me and Sebastian Cole had his penis in my mouth. They were both wearing masks but as my memories flooded back I remembered exactly who they were and what they were doing. I looked from picture to picture witnessing the depravity. There was nothing in the pictures to indicate that I was anything other than a willing participant. The memories overwhelmed me and I nearly fainted. I almost fell into a chair and put my face in my hands and sobbed.”

“‘You really don’t remember? How could you forget? You were my lover or at least I suppose that’s what you were. You came to my dorm almost every night as Julia and fagged for me during the day as Julian,’ Tim explained.

“‘But… the pictures?’ I was pleading with him. ‘Insurance. Just so you couldn’t threaten me later. I came from a good family and I was going places. I took the pictures so you would know that I could blackmail you. Get up and come over here,” Tim physically hauled me out of the chair and dragged me over to the desk. ‘Use that thing and look at your face,’ Tim put the loupe on top of the first photo. I looked through it and studied my face in each picture. In the ones where I was fellating Sebastian Cole it looked like I was enjoying do so with my eyes filled with desire looking up at him. In the pictures where Oliver Crotchet was fucking me I had my arms and legs wrapped around him and my face was contorted with lust,” Julia sounded disappointed in herself.

“‘That looks like a young lady enjoying herself and you certainly enjoyed yourself with me,’ Tim chuckled. ‘That’s because you had authority over me. I didn’t have any choice,’ I replied but I knew that it was a half-truth. ‘And I have authority over you now. Your company is contracted to one of my subsidiaries and I have these pictures of you which I’m sure you would not like to be leaked to your colleagues, friends and clientele,’ Tim had moved in behind me as I was still leaning over the desk looking at the pictures.”

“‘Is this a Shady Lady ensemble?’ Tim placed his hands on my derriere and I froze. ‘What?’ I was perplexed by this sudden change of tack. ‘It’s a simple question. Is that a Shady Lady skirt suit? Are you wearing my product?’ he repeated. ‘Yes, I was at a Shady Lady boutique opening today and I thought it prudent to wear the product that I am responsible for advertising,’ I replied but I was still confused.”

“‘Well that skirt makes your arse look great and the kick pleat shows off your legs,’ his hand wondered from my buttocks, slipped inside the kick pleat and stroked my thighs. ‘Stop that please,’ I whispered. ‘Or what? Who are you going to tell? I have the pictures and Oliver and Sebastian are members of my club. They will corroborate any story I tell about you when you were younger. When you were a boy pretending to be a girl. When you were my slut. When you lay on my bed and let Oliver fuck you while you sucked Sebastian's cock. Who will believe who?’ Tim squeezed my thigh.”

“My head was spinning not only because I was remembering all the dreadful things I had forgotten about in my past but because history was repeating itself. ‘Are you wearing our underwear too?’ Tim removed his hand and physically turned me around so that I was facing him. ‘Am I what?’ I stammered. ‘Stop repeating everything I say Julia. Just answer me or do as I say without questioning me. Now lift up that skirt, I want to see if you are wearing Shady Lady underwear too,’ Tim tugged on the side of my skirt,” Julie stopped briefly to gulp down some water.

Susan was enthralled by Julia’s tale. Not just professionally because they had finally come to the event that caused Julia’s retraumatization, she was picturing it in her mind and it was arousing her. Her panties were moist and she felt a tingling in her vulva.

“Almost instantly it was like it was all those years ago. I felt subservient and powerless. I suppose I was in shock, anyway I slowly lifted the hem of my skirt up revealing my legs clad in sheer smoky-grey tights. I did it slowly but purposefully and I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that I was also a little aroused. It wasn’t like before when I was just a young crossdresser ensnared by secrecy and the threat of being outed but of course I was still being coerced and I think that freed me in a way.”

“Had Timothy Valentine come to my office and tried to seduce me I would likely have rebuffed him. Not because he wasn’t a handsome and lithesome fellow because he was. It didn’t even matter to me that he was married because I’ve had my share of trysts with married men who were in search of an exotic dalliance. But up until the revelation of the photographs I’d just thought of Tim as the bully I fagged for at college and even though I’d been attracted to him at the party, him being an old school fellow would have made me decline any amorous approach he made. It seemed morally wrong to seduce someone who knew me as a boy at school. Being extorted and coerced meant that to some extent I was free of the moral implications.”

“I stopped when the hem of my skirt was at the top of my legs and Tim just stared at my legs then he reached out and stroked my silken-shrouded flesh. I heard him gasp as I felt his fingers gently caress my thighs. I now recalled that he would spend hours just playing with my legs while we kissed in his dorm room. ‘Keep going,’ he whispered and I did. I lifted the hem of my skirt all the way up to my waist, exposing my almost transparent pink nylon knickers. Tim’s fingers continued their journey up my legs to my crotch. He followed the seam in the gusset of my tights with his fingertips and then he cupped my pubis,” Julia looked like she was shivering and Susan wasn’t sure if it was because of lust or sorrow.

“‘You still have a cock,’ Tim’s hand slid between my legs. I’ve had nearly of all the surgeries that a transwoman can undertake over the years. I’ve a little facial feminisation surgery to define my cheekbones, I’ve had a tracheal shave and of course I have breast implants, in fact I’ve had them changed out twice. But bottom surgery had never appealed to me. I don’t need a designer vagina to feel like a woman. I like the uniqueness of being a woman with a penis and if I’m honest I quite like it when people speculate ‘has she or hasn’t she?’”

“Anyway I seldom tape my tuck when I’m wearing tights with a skirt or dress. I just tuck and let the gusset of my tights keep everything in place. I only really tape my tuck when I’m wearing yoga pants, leggings or skinny jeans. ‘And it still repulses you,’ I whispered. ‘On the contrary my dear, not anymore. Back when I was a foolish young man I thought that touching a cock meant I was gay but touching the appendage of a beautiful woman like yourself is nothing of the sort,’ Tim replied and surprised me by snaking his hands between my legs and rubbing my penis through my knickers and tights.”

“To my shame I began to become tumescent. I’m not sure if Tim was aware of this but he removed his hand from between my legs and resumed stroking my knickers. He yanked at the elastic and leaned over my shoulder to peek. ‘Good girl, I can see the Shady Lady label in the back of your knickers. Are the tights Shady Lady too?’ he asked. ‘They're ultra-sheer, smoky-grey Shady Lady Pantyhose. The term pantyhose has become invasive because when younger women think of tights they think of opaques and hosiery of a heavier knit nylon or even cotton,’ I answered, although it seemed weird discussing hosiery marketing strategies with the man who was molesting me,” Julia coughed politely.

“But of course he had a fetish for sheer tights and stockings that I had pandered to at Chelmsford. ‘They’re not as delicate as the Wolfords you wore at Chelmsford but they’re still nice to touch,’ Tim’s fingers had strayed back to the top of my thighs and he was stroking me there and I found it maddeningly erotic. ‘Now kiss me,’ Tim leaned in and I let him kiss me. My skirt was still rucked up and he cupped my buttocks and pulled me into him. I kept my mouth closed but not for long. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he pressed his lips hard against mine. I could feel his hard muscled body through his dinner suit, I could feel his hard cock pressing into my belly, I could taste the whisky and cigarettes on his breath and I could smell his cologne. He was a virile handsome man who desired me and beyond all reason I returned the kiss and put my hands on his shoulders,” Julia shivered as she spoke.

“‘There’s a good girl,’ Tim broke the kiss and whispered in my ear. ‘You know what I like,’ he breathed as his hands went to my shoulders and gently pushed down. ‘I’m not blowing a client in my office!’ my voice caught in my throat as I stood up to him. ‘If you want to meet somewhere and talk about our past I’m willing to do so. I have so many questions,’ I tried to placate him,” Julia sighed.

“‘You misunderstand me Julia. You're talking to me as if you have a choice. Get down on your knees you bitch or I’ll have those pictures plastered all over social media,’ Tim’s demeanour had become threatening again. He pressed down harder on my shoulders until I had no choice but to kneel. I remember feeling the carpet under my knees. I remember that my skirt was still hitched up and my arse was exposed. I remember the smell of his expensive cologne as my face made the journey down his body. I remember looking at the contrast of my red nailpolished fingernails against his black dress trousers as I reached for his fly,” Julia was whispering; the memories clear as day.

Susan crossed her legs. Her knickers were soaked and her cunt was tingling listening to the erotic tale. She shouldn’t be feeling this way. Her client was describing what amounted to sexual assault but the account was so vivid that Susan could picture every scene in her head.

“The sound of his fly unzipping in the silent office was ominous. I understood that I had done this many times at the Chelmsford Academy but this was now. This was visceral and as I freed his hardening appendage from his trousers I gasped. The shaft was milky white, the flesh almost transparent and I could see the pulsing blue veins under the skin. I traced the thickest of them with my fingernail until I came to the glans which was pink and bulbous, a bead of pre-ejaculate had formed at the eye and I scooped it onto the pad of my index finger and rubbed it into his fraenulum and I heard him gasp. My intent was to fellate him to climax and send him on his way and then I could consider my options,” Julia explained.

“I decided that the best course of action was to give him exactly what he wanted so I cupped his scrotum and gently massaged it while the fingers of my other hand flittered up and down his shaft. I extended my tongue and lapped at his bloated glans. I licked the pink, spongy knob and tickled the underside with the tip of my tongue paying attention to the most sensitive part; the fraenulum. Tim put his hands on my head and pushed his groin into my face, impatient for me to take him fully into my mouth.”

“I took as much of steely shaft into my mouth as I could and began to suckle it. My lips clasped around the shaft, sliding up and down on it as my tongue lashed his glans. I was rewarded with a mouthful of salty-sweet precum which I savoured and swallowed. I was rock hard, tenting my knickers and tights but I was not really conscious of it. Everything that had happened at Chelmsford had conditioned me to respond this way and now that the memories had returned I was responding like Pavlov’s dog. Tim entwined his fingers in my hair and guided my face up and down his appendage while I sucked and slathered it whilst gently caressing his scrotum. His breathing was laboured and his cock was quivering and I sensed extremis approaching. I steeled myself for the salty richness of his sperm filling my mouth.”

“I was to be denied. I was naïve to even think I could get away with it. Tim pulled on my hair, forcing me to my feet. He pressed himself to me, his cock rubbing on my nylons as he kissed me passionately and I had no choice but to hold onto him for support as I tottered on my heels. He suddenly spun me around and bent me over the desk, using his superior strength to press my face into the teak desktop. He kicked my heels apart and I felt his cock rubbing in the crevice between my buttocks. He was panting heavily, relishing the feel of my nylon knickers and silky tights against his steely rod. ‘Please don’t,’ I made a pathetic plea to the man I knew had no pity,” Julia crossed her ankles on the chaise lounge as she recalled her defilement.

“I felt him tear a hole in the rear of my tights and ease aside the gusset of my knickers. Then I felt his glans nestle in my sphincter and I whimpered with shame and fear. He rubbed his cock in my pink, crinkled entrance and I was thankful for the copious flow of precum as he pressed forward and his glans pierced my tight sphincter. Part of my morning toilet was to douche and I had eaten little so at least I would be spared the indignity of fouling myself. This was a strange notion to have, sparing us both the humiliation of soiling his cock given the circumstances but I suppose I was clinging to what little dignity I had left.”

“Thank god Tim took his time. His glans stretched my sphincter and I whimpered at the pain but he allowed me to accommodate him before he pressed on. I almost wish he hadn't because the searing pain morphed into sparklets of pleasure as the tip of his penis began to slip in and out of my tight hole. Involuntarily my anus loosened to accommodate him. ‘You are a good girl,’ he chuckled as he gripped my hips and slowly filled my void with his manhood. It slid in slowly, its path greased by Tim’s pre-ejaculate but the pain returned. I gritted my teeth as his cock speared my rectum.”

“I was bent over the desk, my face directly above the last picture Tim had taken in his dorm room, my pretty face spattered with Sebastian Cole’s semen. When Tim was fully inside me with his pubis pressed into my buttocks he stopped briefly but not to spare me the pain but because he didn’t want to cum straight away. He stopped pressing my torso down onto the desk and his hands went to my hips and he held me still while he began to fuck me. His cock slid in and out of my anus, slowly but determinedly, as he eked out every scintilla of pleasure as my tight passage clung to his pulsing manhood. He withdrew it almost entirely and then slowly pressed forward, impaling me. I shuddered and gasped. I could not control my body’s response.”

“The feel of his bloated penis filling my tight channel, the head pressing on my prostate, the base of his thick shaft lighting up the sensory organs in my sphincter and anus, his pubis pressing into my soft, nylon-sheathed buttocks when he was fully inside, his hands gripping my hips, his moans and sighs as he took me, all combined to ignite my ardour. I was once again his slattern and I sobbed but I also sighed as Tim Valentine ravished me over the desk in my own office,” Julia was rubbing her legs together as she lay on the lounge, her nylons hissing in the quiet therapy room.

Susan’s clitoris was engorged and aching to be touched as she imagined this attractive, mature woman, bent over her desk with her pretty pink skirt rucked up around her waist, tottering on her heels with her long nylon-sheathed legs spread, her sheer tights shimmering in the dim lighting as the handsome man standing behind her dressed in an elegant dinner suit with his trousers around his ankles buggered her.

“Suddenly he stopped and to my shame I was disappointed. I was enjoying being fucked and my guilt was assuaged by the fact that I was being blackmailed. Memories of my time with Tim at Chelmsford College were coursing through my subconscious and I recalled that despite being his concubine I had fallen in love with him at the college and was sad when he left despite the way he treated me on our last night together.”

“He withdrew his penis and helped me to my feet. I wondered what was going on. I knew that he hadn't climaxed and wondered what fresh vulgarity awaited me. He turned me to face him and to my surprise he pulled down my skirt and then he gently and lovingly eased my fringe out my eyes with his fingertips and looked into them with what I can only describe as devotion and regret. To my surprise I saw tears in the corners of his eyes,” Julia choked on her words.

“You are so beautiful and I’m such a cad. When I saw you at the launch party I was surprised and delighted. I remembered our time together at Chelmsford and how much you were devoted to me despite the way I treated you. That last night when I invited Sebastian and Oliver to my room and took those pictures I told you that I done so to ensure that you didn’t tell anyone about us but the truth is I also did it because I wanted to see you defiled so that it would change how I felt about you. I never told you so but I had fallen in love with you but I knew that we could never be together,” Julia’s breathing was ragged as she recounted this part of her story.

“I was about to reply but Tim put his finger to my lips. ‘Of course I didn’t know that you had repressed those memories and I plotted and schemed to see you tonight and use the photographs to force you into submitting to my desires once again. But although I still desire you and want you so badly, I’m not going to be the arsehole I was at Chelmsford. You deserve so much better than that Julia. I’m sorry and I know that you can never forgive me so I promise that I you won’t have to see me again. I’ll sell Shady Lady to another conglomerate so we won’t meet professionally and you can keep those photographs and destroy them. I promise you that there are no copies’ Tim said regretfully.”

“Tim leaned down and softly kissed my cheek and turned away from me. It was awkward as he pulled up his trousers with his back to me. To my surprise I reached out and touched his shoulder. ‘Tom,’ I whispered. He turned to face me. ‘If you were a real gentleman you would make sure that a lady is satisfied before you leave her,’ I couldn’t believe I was saying those words. I leaned into him and kissed him softly at first and then more passionately. Then I unbuttoned his trousers and unzipped him and tugged them down. I reached for him and stroked his semi-erect penis. His hand slid under my skirt and he found me still fully aroused, my cock tenting my tights and knickers. He began to stroke my penis and it felt heavenly.”

“I broke the kiss and unbuttoned my blouse and freed my breasts from the cups of my brassiere and I saw Tim stare at them with delight and longing. I entwined my fingers in his hair and guided his mouth to my nipples. He lapped at them and they engorged. He suckled and nipped them and ripples of delight radiated from them and joined up with frissons of pleasure that were emanating from my cock as Tim stroked it through my kickers and tights. I was fondling his hard cock and I could feel the power and virility interred in that mighty appendage. ‘Finish what you started Tom. I want you,’ I could hardly believe I was saying the words,” Julia swallowed and was about to continue when Susan interrupted.

“Wait a minute! You encouraged him after he had confessed to you and was ready to leave you alone?” Susan seldom interrupted her patients when they were telling her about traumatic events in their lives but this was almost unbelievable.

“Don’t you realise? When my memories returned I not only recalled all of the horrid things that had happened to me but my love for Tim also returned,” Julia whispered.

“Tim reluctantly moved his face from my breasts and he smiled at me and he kissed me and I melted. I wrapped my arms around him as he lifted me onto the desk. It was me who hiked up my skirt. It was me who hooked my ankles around him and pulled him to me. It was me who guided his penis to the hole in my tights and nestled it in my sphincter. It was me who clung to him and impaled myself on his steely rod. It was me who said ‘Fuck me please Tom. Make love to me.’”

“Tim held me tight and kissed me, out tongues intertwined. He freed my cock from my knickers and tights and stroked it in time with the long, languid strokes as he drove his cock in and out of my willing hole. I was whimpering and moaning as my pleasure centres ignited, his cock filling my void, his fingers caressing my cock. We both climaxed quickly, I nipped at his earlobe as I pressed my buttocks as hard as I could into his pelvis was I felt his cock shudder and spew forth a torrent of scalding jism deep inside my anus. My own cock exploded at the same time, jets of musky milt erupting from it, spattering on my belly as Tim whipped his fingers up and down it. Our kisses were so passionate that out teeth chattered,” Sarah issued a sight of contentment.

Susan could see that Julia was tenting her skirt because she had become aroused at the memory. Susan’s pussy was alive and little tremors, like min-orgasms, erupted from her sodden snatch. Susan could not believe that she had become so aroused listening to Julia’s tale but she had.

“We made a little nest for ourselves on the couch in my office. I stripped down to my underwear but I left my heels on of course because I knew that Tim adored them. He stripped down to his briefs and wrapped himself in the throw blanket from the couch while he poured us drinks from my mini-fridge. I lay in his arms, snuggled up to him under the blanket as we drank and I even allowed him to smoke an illicit cigarette while I vaped. He confessed to me how much he desired me and how his feelings towards me had returned when he saw me at the launch party. He kept saying that he was sorry that he had ever hurt me. And of course we made love all night on that couch and we were both disappointed when the light of dawn began to creep through the blinds,” Julia sighed wistfully.

“The last thing we did before he left was to feed those Polaroids into the office shredder. I didn’t want him to leave and he didn’t want to go but the practicalities of our mundane lives intruded on our rekindled devotion to each other. After he left I took a whore’s bath in the ladies, fixed my makeup and changed into fresh underwear and into a suit that I kept in a locker in my office. When the office opened my secretary was not surprised to find that I was the first one there because I often was. She would however have been surprised to know that Tim’s semen kept dribbling into my knickers during our morning client meetings,” Julia gave a wry smile.

“I find your tale extraordinary. You fell for the man who had defiled you and made you his concubine in college. No wonder you needed to seek my help,” Susan could hardly contain her surprise.

“Oh there is a little more to tell before we finish but I see by the clock on the wall that my session has come a close,” Julia swung her legs off the chaise lounge and sat up straight.

To be continued

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