Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 6

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Chapter Six – Very Unprofessional Behavior

Susan Bradshaw sat at her desk and studied the notes she had made during her counselling sessions with Julia Wallace. Julia was certainly an enigma. She had been sexually abused by her uncle and his friend when she was eighteen and then again in college by one of the prefects, Timothy Valentine, who used her as his personal sex slave or concubine as Julia put it. During the last session Julia had revealed that she had recently met Timothy Valentine, whom she had not seen since college, at a work gathering. He had gone to her office a few days later and blackmailed her into sex but then had second thoughts and had ceased his assault halfway through the attack because he felt guilt and remorse.

Then she described having consensual sex with Timothy and forming some sort of bond. This concerned Susan and she wondered if Julia was experiencing some sort of Stockholm Syndrome. This needed to be further explored before Julia’s therapy progressed any further.

What was also of concern to Susan was her own response to Julia’s therapy. Julia insisted on going into every detail of each of her encounters explicitly. It was like listening to a descriptive pornographic audio novel. Susan was a ‘lipstick lesbian’ and prior to meeting her wife, Bethany, Susan had been bisexual. Julia’s description of every nuance of her sexual encounters caused Susan to create a tableau in her mind with the consequence being that she became sexually aroused. Julia being a very attractive transwoman who exuded sexuality and sensuality didn’t help matters either. Susan had once joked with Bethany about how having sex with a transwoman would be the best of both worlds, a woman with a cock, and Bethany had spun up into a transphobic rage. Bethany was a militant lesbian, man-hater and not sympathetic to the plight of transwomen, whom she said were imposters.

Susan was wearing the same navy-blue pinstripe skirt-suit, cerise satin camisole blouse, shimmery tan thigh-high nylons and black high heels that she had worn last week at their previous counselling session and had been fastidious about her makeup. Wendy, Susan’s receptionist, had noticed that her boss seemed to pay particular attention to her appearance on the days that Julia Wallace attended therapy. Most days Susan dressed casually but she always wore a skirt or a dress, nylons and heels for Julia’s sessions. Maybe she felt a little intimidated by Julia’s fashionable appearance and her confidence? Not that Wendy cared, she was just a careful observer and was amused. Julia was sitting in reception wearing a short-skirted dark suit, white silk blouse and silky-sheer nylons. Wendy observed the red soles on Julia’s high heels and felt a pang of jealousy.

“Send in Miz Wallace please Wendy,” Susan’s voice came over the intercom and Julia looked up from the fashion magazine she was reading and Wendy nodded at her.

As usual, Susan greeted Julia at the door to her office and was engulfed in a miasma of Dior Poison when she greeted Julia and indicated that she should take her usual place on the chaise lounge, which Julia did, first taking off her jacket and slipping off her shoes. Julia had difficulty maintaining modesty as she reclined on the lounge because her short skirt kept riding up her legs. Susan thought that the skirt was ridiculously short for a woman Julia’s age but she appreciated the acres of thigh on display.

“I must apologise if I’m overdressed. I came here directly from a business meeting,” Julia said by way of explanation as she tugged at the hem of her skirt.

“Was Timothy Wallace at the business meeting?” Susan derided herself for being catty but she couldn’t help herself.

Julia blushed but she shot Susan a withering glance.

“As a matter of fact he was,” Julia replied indignantly.

‘Explains the ‘fanny skimmer’ skirt,’ Susan thought and immediately chided herself.

Her therapy room was no place for petty jealousy.

She sat down in the chair next to Julia and opened her notebook and waited expectantly for Julia to begin. Julia was one patient who never had to be coerced into speaking about the most intimate details of her life. However Julia remained silent and seemed lost in her thoughts so Susan coaxed her to speak.

“At the end of our last session you told me that you had spent the night in your office with Timothy Valentine having consensual sex and that he had helped you shred the incriminating photographs that he had kept to blackmail you. You also said that there is more to tell,” Susan reminded Julia of their last session.

“Yes that’s true. He told me that despite how he had treated me at college, he had developed feelings for me and that in offering me to Oliver Crotchet and Sebastian Cole he had hoped that seeing me degraded like that might assuage the affection he felt for me. I was vulnerable because my suppressed memories had only just returned and was unsure if he was telling the truth,” Julia admitted.

“So you regret your actions? You now realise that he was the abuser and you were the abused? You realise that your Uncle Charlie, his anonymous friend, Timothy Valentine, Oliver Crotchet and Sebastian Cole all took advantage of you and sexually exploited you?” Susan asked.

“Yes and no. It’s more complicated than that. It’s probably best if I continue where I left off,” Julia replied and Susan settled into her seat to listen.

“All of the next day I thought about what had happened to me when I was younger and how I had been exploited and betrayed by the men in my life. I put aside what happened to me at Chelmsford College whilst I thought about Uncle Charlie. Daddy never told me why Charlie suddenly became ostracised from the family. It wasn’t until I left college that I found out that Daddy and his powerful friends drove Uncle Charlie into bankruptcy,” Julia pondered.

“Despite the time difference I called Belinda who now lives in Brisbane Australia with her husband and two teenage boys. She told me that all she knew was that Uncle Charlie had committed some egregious sin which Mommy and Daddy could never forgive. She knew that I had been shipped off to The Chelmsford Academy because Daddy had caught me crossdressed wearing her school uniform and that daddy had quizzed her about being complicit in helping me crossdress. She cried when she told me that she had vehemently denied helping feminise me and knew nothing about my crossdressing. Belinda had no idea that Uncle Charlie had sexually assaulted me and I didn’t tell her. She had been generous in giving me half of daddy’s estate when he died because daddy had left me nothing,” Julia choked a little as she spoke about her sister.

“I know that there are trust issues that need to be resolved. My Uncle, who I loved and trusted implicitly had abused me, my mother and father were not prepared to listen to my side of the story and had packed me off to Chelmsford and they had disowned me when I came out as trans. I guess Belinda could have been more supportive too, after all it was she who first helped me find my feminine self. That said, I don’t blame her, she had her own daddy issues to deal with,” Julia sighed

Sandra wrote the words ‘daddy, daddy, daddy’ in her notebook and circled it and then wrote ‘still calls her father daddy’, then she continued to listen to Julia.

“So that’s one thing. Then there is what happened at the Chelmsford Academy. My friend and roommate Byron ‘piggy’ Rumsfeld, who had played ‘Betty’ in the school play alongside my ‘Penelope’ had let Timothy Valentine, Oliver Crotchet and Sebastian Cole into our dorm room and they were waiting for us after the play. Betty confessed that she had been a plaything for Oliver and Sebastian for some time and when she started to wear drag they desired her even more. They had blackmailed her and she had complied and offered me to the school bullies,” Julia said through gritted teeth.

“If I may interrupt. Do you still have a relationship with Byron? Do you intend to resolve your issues with him?” Susan asked.

Her you mean. When Betty left college she went into theatre and became a well-known drag queen in Soho named Betty Bangs then later she came out as a transwoman. I don’t know where she is now, it’s not like every transwoman in Britain knows every other one,” Julia sniped cattily.

“Anyway I have forgiven her. I suspected that Byron was gay but I didn’t know that she was gender dysphoric. How could I? I didn’t know that I was either at the time. It doesn’t matter. Timothy Valentine would have got his hooks into me one way or the other,” Julia said convincingly.

“‘Got his hooks into you?’ that's quite the way to put it. You told me that you pandered to his sexual appetites only under suffrage initially but then you became infatuated with him. I’m going to quote you directly from our third session. You said: ‘I think he subconsciously loathed himself for having a deep affection for a transvestite just as I secretly loathed myself for falling in love with him.’” Susan read from her clinical notes.

“But don’t you see? He admitted to me the night that he came to my office that he does have a deep affection for me and that he did back then when were both at college,” Julia sounded smug.

“And do you still love him,” Susan asked and the silence in the air was palpable.

Julia waited an inordinate amount of time before she spoke.

“I think it’s best that you let me continue,” Julia said resolutely and picked up her story where she had left off.

“The next day I had to deal with my re-emerging memories whilst considering what had happened in my office the night before. As I said, Tim ’s semen kept dribbling into my knickers during our morning client meetings and I was tired from lack of sleep and confused because of what had happened to me in the past and I didn’t perform well in the meetings. I told my secretary to cancel my afternoon and I went home and slept,” Julia sucked nervously on a fingertip.

“Tom called me around 7PM and I was unsure if I should answer. I was no longer a teenager playing silly games with her boyfriend. Tim could be calling me about something business related so I answered the phone and as soon as I heard Tim ’s voice my heart melted. As I said, I’m not some teenager with a crush, I’m a mature grown woman but when he began to talk my mind flipped back to us lying together on the sofa in my office,” Julia paused and then continued.

“‘Let’s go to dinner,’ Tim said excitedly as soon as I answered. ‘What about Tiffany?’ I couldn’t help but throw the fact that he was married in his face. ‘Tiffany is having dinner with her yoga instructor, likely discussing how they are going to spend the money Tiffany will leech from me in the divorce,’ Tim replied unfazed. ‘But she clung to you like a limpet at the launch party,’ I countered. ‘Tiffany and I have an arrangement. She behaves like a model wife when we are together in public and I dote on her but in private we do our own thing while the decree nisi is in effect, the decree absolute will take effect in about a month. My company owns a couple of tabloid scandal sheets and I don’t want myself and Tiffany to feature in them,’ Tim said by way of explanation.”

“My stomach had growled at the mention of dinner, I hadn't eaten anything all day. ‘Ok, but just dinner. I’m still coming to grips with things,’ I relented. ‘I’ll have my driver pick you up in an hour,’ he said and hung up. I didn’t bother trying to ask him how he knew where I lived. He seemed to know everything about me. He certainly had the resources to find out anything he wanted to know about anyone,” Julia nodded her head as if convincing herself.

“I had decided that I wanted to look good but not seductive. I used the toilet, douched and inserted two personal lubricant capsules in my anus just in case I changed my mind, then I showered and fixed my hair and makeup. I had free access to the full catalogue of the Shady Lady clothing and accessory line but I had limited myself to a couple of suits that I wore when I represented the company. I’m no snob but Shady Lady is not my fashion label of choice,” Julia sniffed and Susan couldn’t help a wry smile when Julia said she wasn’t a snob.

“However I had seen a Shady Lady model wearing a rather fashionable jumpsuit. It was made of a nylon spandex blend and was body-shaping. We advertise it as ‘tummy-cinching and butt-lifting’ to appeal to women of a certain age who needed help with their figure. I’d taken one in black and decided that with a nice jacket and the right shoes it could pass as casual elegance and being basically a pair of flared leggings with the halter top attached it would be difficult for anyone to access parts of me that I didn’t want fondled. That is to say that I didn’t want Tim slipping his hand under my skirt or fondling me during dinner.”

“I put on sheer-to-the-waist tights but didn’t bother with knickers or a bra because the jumpsuit was designed to be worn without underwear and the bodice had inbuilt bust support. The only reason I wore tights was to keep my tuck in place. With the red blazer I chose to complement the black figure-hugging black fabric and the chunky silver jewellery I chose to accessorise my ensemble, I looked quite stylish in a ‘fast fashion’ kind of way as I climbed into the limousine that Tim had sent for me,” Julia said a little haughtily.

“Tom was already seated at the restaurant and he stood up politely as the maître d'hôtel escorted me to his table. He was wearing a dinner suit of course and once again I was struck by how roguishly handsome he looked. I saw his eyes linger on every curve of my body and knew that the body-hugging one-piece had been a successful choice. ‘My god I keep forgetting how beautiful you are,’ he smiled at me like a boy who had just received the perfect gift for Christmas. ‘Oh come on Tim , I’m mutton dressed as lamb,’ I replied depreciatively. ‘Shut up. Look at around, every man in the restaurant is looking at you and their wives are jealous,’ Tim was flattering me but I wondered if the bodysuit was a little too revealing. Tim held my chair and I sat down at the cosy little table. He kissed my cheek and the corner of my mouth before he took a seat across from me.”

“‘I can’t stop thinking about last night,’ Tim smiled at me across the table and I blushed. ‘I can’t stop thinking about my returned memories,’ I countered. ‘It seems that when I was at my most vulnerable, men, and you in particular, exploited me,’ I picked up the menu so that I didn’t have to look at Tim’s reaction. ‘Yes, and I told you last night at least a hundred times how sorry I am for doing so. I never forgot you Julia. I was infatuated with you at Chelmsford but back in those days I was a different man. I hated myself for loving you. You know yourself that back then we could never have had a proper relationship, we would both would have been ruined,’ Tim reached across the table to take my hand but I snatched it away,” Julia sighed.

“‘And I lived my whole adult life without knowing what had really happened between us, oblivious to how I had been treated by my uncle and the man I fagged for in college,’ I replied and held up my hand when Tim tried to continue. ‘Now that my memories have returned I now know that you were the first and only man I ever loved despite the way you treated me. You know I never married. I have never had a long-term relationship and the more I think about it, I wonder if it was the suppressed memories that kept me from being able to feel love,’ I felt I had bared my soul to him when I said that. I sat in silence and let Tim order dinner and wine,” Susan noticed that Julia was wringing her hands as she spoke about the dinner.

“How long ago was this?” Susan asked.

“About two months ago,” Julia replied.

Julia took a drink of water and continued.

“‘You realise that we both used the L word,’ Tim whispered. I blushed. ‘I’ve been married twice and am about to be divorced a second time. I never settled or had children and both my marriages were shams, a convenient arrangement for both parties. I played the field throughout both my marriages and so did my wives. I even sought the services of transgender prostitutes and whenever I was with them I thought of you. They did teach me a few things though,’ Tim smiled cheekily at me and I recalled the things he had done to me last night that he would never had done at Chelmsford.”

“I never thought that I would see you again and then there you were at that party and I couldn’t help myself. I paid someone a lot of money to find out everything about you. I dug out those old photographs fully intending to blackmail you. Of course I didn’t know that you had forgotten about our tryst at college. You were so cold to me at the party. I thought you hated me. And then I came to your office and did what I did but I couldn’t go through with it,’ Tim said. ‘Yeah, but you didn’t stop until you had your cock in my arse,’ I snapped back and immediately regretted it.”

“‘But what about after? Our night together on the couch in your office? There was nothing forced about that,’ Tim reached across the table and this time I let him take my hand. ‘No there wasn’t. I haven’t felt like that for as long as I can remember,’ I admitted. ‘So what are your intentions now? You said last night that were going to sell Shady Lady to another conglomerate but wouldn’t it be easier if I just ripped up the advertising contract?’ I changed the subject to business.”

“‘I could care less about Shady Lady. What I care about is you. I meant it when I said I can’t stop thinking about you. I know that you feel something for me, what we had last night was not just sex. I didn’t want to leave your office the next day. I wanted us to skip out on everything and spend the week together getting to know each other again but I want you to see that I have changed and you are the one who changed me,’ Tim sounded like he was pleading.”

“‘Are you really hungry?’ I asked and Tim looked perplexed. ‘Not really, but when you said you would come to dinner I jumped at the chance to see you,’ Tim admitted. ‘I’m not hungry now either. Call your driver. My flat is in Kensington, not far from here, but you know that. Let’s go there and continue this conversation in private,’ I could hardly believe I was saying those words but Tim didn’t hesitate. He made a call on his mobile and then summoned the maître d'hôtel and told him that something had come up that required his immediate attention and he paid the equivalent of a full dinner for two even though we hadn't touched a thing. He snatched up the bottle of wine and whisked me outside into his car.”

“I’d like to tell you that I behaved like a lady and made Tim suffer in silence but as soon as we climbed into the back seat of his car we began to kiss. The driver raised the partition for privacy which was just as well. Our kisses were fervid. I drove my tongue into Tim ’s mouth and he held me tight. His hands were everywhere, fondling my breasts, stroking my legs, feeling between my legs and I rubbed his thick cock through his trousers. My nipples engorged as Tim tweaked them through the skin-tight fabric of my jumpsuit and my cock was uncomfortably hard between my legs. I wished I had worn a dress or a skirt and blouse so that Tim could touch my flesh but I didn’t have to wait long. We were outside my flat fifteen minutes later.”

“We behaved like teenagers, kissing in the street, Tim squeezing my bottom through my jumpsuit, me squeezing his cock through his trousers. I managed to free myself long enough to open the door to my flat and as soon as we were inside we took up where we had left off. The wine got ditched on the hallstand and I ripped off my blazer and Tim took off his jacket and then he pinned me against the wall and kissed me, pressing his body into me. I could feel his hard cock against my tight belly, his tongue was fluttering in my mouth, my cock was uncomfortably thickening between my legs,” Julia’s breathing became laboured as she told her story.

Susan felt the familiar tingle between her legs. Julia’s confessions were so explicit and detailed that they triggered her passions. She crossed her legs as she felt her sex becoming damp. Susan encouraged Julia to continue.

“‘Where’s the bedroom?’ Tim gasped into my mouth. ‘Fuck the bedroom!’ I snaked my hand between our bodies and freed his appendage. I love the feel of Tim ’s cock. It’s so sleek. I love the girth of it, I love the length of it, I love the ropy veins running under the silky translucent flesh, I love his spongy plush glans that seem to leak a continual flow of precum whenever I touch it,” Julia had her eyes closed as she relived the encounter.

Susan noticed that Julia was talking in the present tense and she wondered if Julia was still in a relationship with Tim .

“I guided his cock between my legs and clamped them shut and Tim dry humped me against the wall. He kissed me and pawed my breasts while his cock pressed against mine. The feel of his steely rod pressing the fabric of my nylon-spandex jumpsuit and silky sheer tights against my cock was wonderfully decadent. I just wished I could free my cock from where it was trapped along my perineum. Tim must have read my thoughts because he backed off me a little and unzipped the front of my garment, slipped his hand inside and freed my cock from between my legs and grasped it through my pantyhose. He stroked it, his rhythm matching the long languorous caress of my fingers as I stroked him to full tumescence.”

“‘The bedroom?’ he gasped. ‘I already told you, fuck the bedroom. I can’t wait,’ I said feeling like such a slattern for saying so but I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to feel him inside me. ‘Tear it open and fuck me Tim . Fuck me right here in the foyer,’ I slammed my lips onto his, my tongue spearing his mouth, my arms locked around his neck, his cock pressed against mine. Tim needed no further encouragement and he tore open the seam of my jumpsuit almost rending it in two. He pressed me against the wall and lifted me up, cupping my buttocks to support my weight. I wrapped my legs around him and clung to him. My breasts were pressed against his shirt, my nipples hard, incensed by the feel of his cotton shirt against the tender teats.”

“Tom tore a hole in my tights and prodded at my anus until his thick, steely rod pierced my sphincter and he impaled me. I clung to him, feeling his bloated penis filling my void, stretching my sphincter, pressing on my prostate. I kissed him with more fervour if that were possible. I locked my ankles behind him as he supported my weight, squeezing my buttocks, and then he began to thrust. Once, twice, three times, and then he slammed his cock all the way inside me and ejaculated. His belly was pressing on my slinky tights, sliding them across my sensitive cock as he ravished me. The tactile sense of his cock throbbing and quivering inside my tight anus as it spewed his seed deep inside me triggered my orgasm and I came right along with him.”

Susan couldn’t help herself. She furtively slid a hand under her notebook and inside her skirt and began to rub her inflamed pussy.

“Tom wasn’t done and neither was I. He lowered me to the floor with his cock still inside me then he whipped it out and pushed me down on the carpet. I opened my legs for him and he fell on me, kissing and slavering at my teats, reigniting my lust. I guided his cock back to my spunk-clotted opening and slid it back inside me and Tim began to fuck me again. I held him tight, locking my legs around him, arching my back to meet his thrusts as his cock jackhammered in and out of my bruised hole.”

“I twisted my fingers in his hair and ripped his face from my breasts and forced him to kiss me. Our lips were locked together, our tongues intertwined, his cock filling my aching void whilst mine was pressed against his belly, my tights were sodden with juices, my cock raw and aching. Tim roared as he came inside me a second time and I came with him. We clung to each other as we rode the express elevator of desire to the summit, Tim ’s cock sliding in out my slick hole, the glans banging on my prostate, the base of it stretching my sphincter and wringing out freshets of delight as he cupped my buttocks so he could get a good purchase as he slammed his cock in and out of my tight rectum. Finally he fell on top of me exhausted and I wrapped my arms and legs around him and cuddled him.”

Julia’s eyes were still closed which was just as well because Susan was biting her bottom lip as she suppressed a squeal while her fingertips rubbed frantically at the engorged nubbin of her clitoris through her gauzy nylon panties, an orgasm wracking her body. She imagined that it was she being defiled on that hallway carpet.

“Tom regained control of his breathing and he looked me lovingly in the eyes and whispered… ‘I love you Julia,’ and I kissed him softly and whispered that I loved him too. Our clothes were ripped and semen stained and we undressed right there in the hallway foyer. I led him upstairs and we showered together and I fixed my makeup and put on a garter belt and fully fashioned stockings and a pair of translucent pink nylon panties and shiny black high heels while Tim went downstairs get the wine and some glasses. When he came back and saw how I was dressed he pounced on me and we started all over again. ‘Thank god for those little blue pills,’ Tim chuckled as his cock slid into my aching asshole once more,” Julia had a wry smile on her face.

Julia had seen Susan remove her hand from under her notebook and she could tell by the flushed look on Susan’s face and her ragged breathing that Susan had been masturbating while she told Susan about her tryst.

“Am I to assume that you are still seeing Tim ?” Susan cleared her throat and tried to sound professional.

“Oh no... I’m not just seeing him. We are living together. We spend every minute of our lives together except when we are at work. I love him and he loves me. We go everywhere together. Tim loves to show me off and fuck anyone who disapproves; that’s his words not mine. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. It was Tim who insisted that I seek psychiatric help to deal with demons from my past. Just talking to you has been cathartic,” Julia sounded a little smug.

“We still have fifteen minutes if you would like to explore some therapies you can use to deal with your past trauma,” Susan said.

“Fuck that. Why waste our time. I know what I’d rather do,” Julia alighted from the lounge and leaned over Susan.

Julia pressed her lips against Susan’s and slipped her tongue into Susan’s mouth.

“We shouldn’t!” Susan gasped but unlike last time she didn’t push Julia away.

She let Julia lead her to the lounge and gasped when Julia forced her legs open and buried her face in Susan’s groin, lapping at her labia through her translucent panties. She slipped the gusset aside and suckled Susan’s clitoris. Susan squealed and pressed Julia’s face into her crotch as waves of pleasure radiated from her quim. Susan was close to extremis when Julia lifted her face out of Susan’s crotch and slammed her mouth down on Susan’s and drove her tongue into the sweet maw.

Julia climbed onto the lounge and lifted Susan’s skirt, her own skirt was hiked up and her throbbing appendage poked out from her knickers and tights. Julia eased aside the gusset of Susan’s knickers and slid her cock into Susan’s buttery quim.

The women rubbed their nylon-sheathed legs together as they fucked, Julia’s cock driving deep into Susan’s moist channel. The slocking sounds as they fucked reverberated around the room. Susan clung to Julia, kissing her, holding her tight as a warm glow deep inside her quim suddenly flared and erupted into a massive orgasm. They kissed frantically as Julia expressed her scalding issue deep inside Susan’s cunt, her pulsating vagina milking the last of Julia’s seed from her throbbing organ. Their frenetic kisses gradually became tender and loving. They lay like for a little while and then Julia opened Susan’s legs and dismounted.

“Well that was very unprofessional,” Susan was breathing heavy as she adjusted her underwear and smoothed out her skirt.

Julia had tucked her penis way and was pulling down the hem of her skirt when she replied.

“Bullshit, you loved it. You’ve been aching for it. Tim and I are monogamous… well sort of. I promised him that I wouldn’t see any other men. But I said nothing about seeing other women,” Julia slipped on her heels and her jacket and snatched up her purse.

“Same time next week?” Julia smiled and winked at Susan and slipped out the door.

The End

Author’s Note: Please leave a comment and tell me what you think about my tawdry little tale. Feedback is always appreciated and inspires me to keep writing more stories. xxx Michele Nylons, October 2024.

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