Mature / Thirty+

Cuz - You Swing. Final Part

Chapter 6

For the rest of the day, they continued sorting out the evidence and transcribing the recordings they had made. Sally rang Laura.

“Laura, it’s Sally. I do have one question for you. How long was it after your mother got her reminder note before she was killed?”

“That was a week, I think. The note was in the post on the Monday, and she was found the following Tuesday. How are you going with it?”

“We have the name of the smaller man. Would you believe that their nicknames are really Horse and Cart?”

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 29

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?
I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Stephen had stitches on his temple, and Mage had heard from Bruce that the doctor had a bit of repair work to do on the temporal muscle below. It had been cut a bit. The bone had a hairline fracture in it, but the skin and muscle had cushioned it enough that it hadn’t been any worse. A concussion had occurred, which was likely why Stephen didn’t remember too much of the incident.

I can imagine,” Mage replied. “Can we talk a bit?”

Stephen beckoned her inside, but she said, “Maybe out in the garden?”

He followed her out to the garden bench. It was a typical iron and 1x3 board bench, but instead of being in a flower garden, it was in between giant cabbages, each with heads over a foot in diameter, and pumpkins that would end up being over 100 or more pounds because of the incredible growing conditions in the Matanuska Valley.

The Story Continues

A Sequel To Thrown Away Like Trash

The Brooks Range, Alaska:
Stacy spots the fake blind someone had setup to conceal an area. She approaches carefully and notices that someone had gone to great lengths to hide their presence out here. The fake blind went all the way around a twenty-foot area.

The Chalice Well - A Greyfolk Tale

This is a Halloween/Samhain trans story



He sat there on the edge of the chalice well lost in his thoughts. The slight ripple on the reddish brown water seemed to have a hypnotic calming effect on him. He was grateful for the respite. He had cupped his hands under the lion's head spout and tasted the water. He had heard it could cure a number of things.

Merope, Maybe : 18 / 19


"Thanks for all the stuff," he interrupted gruffly. "I guess that's everything — and this is goodbye."

"Goodbye?" I exclaimed. "Why does it have to be goodbye?"

He gestured helplessly. "I don't know! What else could it be?"


They’d Never Believe That in Court

They’d Never Believe That in Court
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: Husband and wife, Judy and Ollie, were both barristers. Ollie had built up a good professional reputation and was under consideration to become circuit judge. His wife, Judy, had an even better reputation, incredibly energetic and rarely lost a case. But whereas he was white, middle-class and, of course, male, she was black, female and from a working-class background. No surprise, then, that whilst Ollie was likely to become circuit judge, Judy was still a junior barrister. But earlier that day, Judy’s lovely grandmother had died.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 28

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?
I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

It was Sunday, the 30th of July, and the young couple had been married for just over a week. They got up earlier than usual and headed off to a tiny church they had seen in town.

Space Queen Chapter 3

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the Royal Transport approached the Queen's Spire. I stood in my armor, ready to fulfill my role in delivering the long-lost royal jewels to their rightful place. The helmet concealed my face, but I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through me.

RXAI-199 had informed me that my presence might draw a crowd as it had been millennia since the ship had crashed and lost communication with the Caravelle Empire. I couldn't help but wonder how the empire had evolved during that time and who might now be in charge.

Merope, Maybe : 17 / 19


"I called Anson — or I thought I was calling Anson —
and I asked him the age-old question: Who was that lady I saw you with?
and he replied, That was no lady — that was Anson Charpont!"
Ross followed his narration with a throaty chuckle.


The Church Archiving and Transcription Society

The Church Archiving and Transcription Society
by Lin Dale

Synopsis: When Mike and the rest of the CATS team descend on St Cuthbert's Church, little does he realise he's in for the the change of his life.

Cuz - You Swing. Part 4 of 6

Chapter 4

Sally opened up the thin file which outlined the basic facets of the case. It was close to what they were dealing with now. The dead man was well-off, and there was a substantial life policy. He had been found hanging from a balustrade in his big house. There was a typed suicide note, with the signature also typed. The rope was over-the-counter plastic woven, in a jazzy colour pattern. The body had a large amount of alcohol in the system that matched the bottle on his desk, next to the note.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 46 Bringing the Past into the Future in the Present

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 46 Bringing the Past into the Future in the Present

This is for those few of you who are interested in the GOM. For the first time since writing GOM 01 I have nothing left in the ideas file. There is nothing with which I can even begin GOM 47. Doubtless material will eventually arrive, but I believe that to find, or imagine enough to create GOM 47 will take considerable time. I do, however, have a considerable’ amount of material for other tales and am also working on various aspects of Castle T S, but I seem to have travelled as far as my journey can go with the GOM for the foreseeable future.

Kidnapped, Failed Mission

Kidnapped, failed mission
Gwen Brown

He was a quiet, yet very proficient financial investigator and his only problem is that he got too close to people who rationalized themselves to be serving humanity but were absolutely ruthless. They did research in Medicine, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics. One of their goals was to make Cyborgs.

Golden Hours

Golden Hours
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I always considered that I would be involved in medicine somehow – I wanted to save lives. I considered myself a caring person, but I also liked the idea of adventure – of standing between life and death and fighting to allow somebody to live. It seemed to me to be the noblest calling.

Claire de Lune - Part 2 of 3


[the following day after their dinner date]

“Thank you for a lovely evening,” said Claire

The pair had taken a Uber back to her home after a delightful Italian meal where they’d spent a couple of hours talking about classical music and venues and piano skills. For both of them, it had been a nice change from normal life.

“Will you be back tomorrow?”

Merope, Maybe : 16 / 19


In a nutshell, the song is about all the crazy, misguided things
a man might do if he fell for a woman: things like:
get a job, rent a decent apartment, bathe more frequently...


The Wrong Turn

Long Walk Home.jpg

A wife dresses her husband up in drag to win a fancy dress competition but at the party they fall out and the husband dressed as 'Bonnie' decides to walk home. She makes a wrong turn into a deserted park where she is confronted by two men whose intentions are not honorable.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 45 Teachers and Tofu

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 45 Teachers and Tofu

“However, we’d been talking for no more than ten minutes when I realised I was in way over my head. I’d already made my mind up about her.

She is our kind of folk, and desperate to be seen as such, so I rang for Adalheidis to take over. A part time chiropodist I could manage, but one who intends to spend the rest of her working time as a ladies’ manicurist and was trying desperately hard to convince me she can do the job, just forget it. My secondary sex characteristics just don’t meet the requirements necessary to understand the differences between acrylic and gel nails. Adalheidis spent the next two days giggling and laughing at me.




by Erisian


It had been a bad fight that night almost a year ago, the worst we'd ever had. The wings had appeared on our backs that morning - everyone got them, and it hadn't taken long for the significance of the colors to be understood.

If you had been morally good, your wings were white. If bad, they were stained with black. News video of prisons demonstrated that sharply: almost all inmates and too many of the guards had wings smeared and splotched as if with black tar. Most people had a blend of white and grey - some of the patterns were actually rather pretty. You could even glide with them if they were big enough and you were in moderately good shape, and children started figuring out how to actually fly - though there seemed to be an upper limit to how high up they could get. About ten feet or so seemed to be the limit. Physicists and biologists were utterly baffled, of course. Chemists were having a field day in tremendous excitement analyzing the composition of the feathers - but that's another story.

This is about us. Me and my wife. My wings were no better nor worse than most folks; though I could see a few splotches of darker grey mixed in. My wife, Sarah, hers were brighter than mine - except for a couple feathers that appeared rather splattered with black ink.

Phillipa Scoff Part 2

When Phillip had got home and explained to his wife what had just happened. She had just rolled her eyes and carried on getting ready for a girls dinner she had planned. Phillip had a brief conversation with his agency and they simply repeated what Stephan had outlined at the meeting. Phillip had spent his time over the next few days mentally preparing himself for just how silly he would look presenting Loose Women, and Ruth’s teleshopping shows on QVQ as a presenter who was used to being on much larger shows.

Phillipa Scoff Part 1

Phillip Scoff strolled down ITB’s studios, briefly smiling at one of the members of the crew who rushed by him. He had given decades of his career in entertainment to the tv broadcaster, capturing the attention of millions of Britain’s daytime tv watchers on This Morning. Himself and his much adored co-presenter Holly Wibbly, had won the show endless awards.

A Space Oddity - Houston I have a problem

This is just a short story idea that came to me while having a walk today thinking about "stuff". Sorry not my "normal" stuff.


"Houston, approaching orbital point alpha in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Orbit optimum. We are looking good."

"Roger that Captain Adams." You will be out of radio contact in 5 minutes. How are your instrument readings?"

"There are A-OK Dave. I have more than enough fuel for 10 more orbits, a landing, and then some."

The Transformation Inspector

Thomas Rider parked his car in the driveway and approached the front door. He straightened his collar before ringing the doorbell. After a moment, a tall, older gentleman opened the door. He was dressed in a formal suit. Given the size of the home, he gave off butler vibes.

“May I help you?” the butler said.

Dancing the Night Away

Moving away from home and going to university, is often a young person’s first real taste of freedom and adulthood. The parents are often seen to wrap their little ones in cotton wool and protect them from the big bad world. When that wrapping is taken away, many young people have a difficult time coping with reality.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 27

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

Chapter 27

6:00 PM

Mage hadn’t had time to prepare anything big with driving Stephen to the doctor’s but on the way back she stopped long enough to pick up a couple of take and bake pizzas.

At eight o’clock, the kids went upstairs when the doorbell rang. Chet answered it as Mage called out to the kids to be nice to each other. Lately, they had started bickering as siblings often did.

My Time As A Wife 2

Sarah is invited to stay the night with Phil. She is asked to spend more time as Sarah and must decide if Sarah is more than just a pleasant distraction. Part of this is based on some recent experience of mine.

I was still breathing hard from the climax I had just experienced. My legs were like jelly. Stay the night? Despite my exhaustion, I felt myself shiver at the thought. Spend the night with a man as a woman. Not just sex, but actually sleeping with him.


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