The Demon and I Chapter 8

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New York offered us plenty of opportunities. However, we still had to be careful, as Manhattan had a large demon population. With all that money and power, it was a contract demon's haven.

Adriana and I, determined to succeed, devised a plan to blend in while keeping a low profile. She took a job at a local university, leveraging her extensive knowledge of ancient history and mythology, while I found work in a quaint bookstore in the village. The bookstore, with its creaky wooden floors and shelves lined with dusty tomes, was a treasure trove of rare texts and hidden knowledge, a place where I could lose myself in the pages while keeping an ear to the ground for any signs of supernatural disturbances.

Our nights were filled with a different kind of preparation. We set up a small training area in the church basement, where we could continue honing our combat skills. Given the city's undercurrent of demonic activity, we knew that remaining vigilant and prepared was crucial.

Adriana's network of angelic contacts provided us with valuable information about potential threats, while my occasional forays into the demon underworld, a dark and treacherous place where every step could be your last, allowed us to stay one step ahead. We navigated this dangerous balance, constantly aware of the thin line we walked between safety and exposure.

As we returned to our modest quarters one evening, Adriana mentioned a new piece of intelligence: "I've heard whispers of a powerful demon lord establishing a stronghold in the financial district. It could explain the increased demonic activity we've been sensing."

I nodded, considering our next move. "We need to find out more. Maybe I can use my job at the bookstore to get more information on the source. If we can uncover their plans, we might be able to stay off their radar."

Adriana's expression turned thoughtful. "The last thing we want is to get caught up in the cabal of demons. We need to gather intelligence quietly and make sure we don't attract any unwanted attention."

The plan was set in motion. Over the next few days, I subtly probed customers and acquaintances at the bookstore, keeping an ear out for any mention of the financial district's new power player. The bookstore, a haven for scholars and collectors, often drew in individuals with unique knowledge and insights.

One evening, a man in a tailored suit walked in, his aura radiating power and confidence. He browsed the rare books section, his fingers lingering over ancient texts and occult volumes. I approached him, offering assistance.

"Looking for something specific?" I asked, my tone friendly yet professional.

He glanced at me, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Just browsing. This place has quite the collection."

I smiled, sensing an opportunity. "We pride ourselves on having a diverse range of texts. We have some fascinating volumes if you're interested in anything related to the financial district's history."

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Is that so? What kind of history?"

I leaned in slightly, lowering my voice. "Rumors and legends, mostly. Whispers of old powers and hidden cabals. What you can find is surprising when you know where to look."

The man seemed to consider my words, then nodded. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

As he left, I made a mental note to watch him closely. He could be a valuable source of information or a potential threat. Either way, I needed to be careful.

Back at our quarters, I relayed the encounter to Adriana. She listened intently, her brow furrowing in thought. "We'll need to keep an eye on him.

He might lead us to more information, but we can't let our guard down."

The days turned into weeks as we continued our covert investigation. I gathered snippets of conversations, piecing together a picture of the demon lord's activities. Adriana's contacts provided additional insights, confirming our suspicions.

As we continued searching for information on the demon lord, we gained a clearer understanding of his operations and where he and his minions were working. Our newfound knowledge allowed us to stay hidden from their watchful eyes and avoid drawing attention to ourselves.

Adriana and I made a conscious effort to keep our distance from his activities, carefully navigating the shadows of New York City. We spent our days in relative safety, blending into the bustling crowds and avoiding any unnecessary risks.

Our routine was a delicate balance of vigilance and caution. Each morning, we would sift through the latest information from various sources, analyzing and piecing together clues about the demon lord's plans. Our nights were spent either in quiet contemplation or in covert surveillance as we observed the movements of those involved in his schemes.

I spent my days at the bookstore, using it as a front to gather intelligence. My job there gave me access to a wide range of people, from scholars and collectors to those with more dubious interests. It was in the dimly lit corners of the store, among the dusty shelves of ancient texts, that I found a wealth of information that helped us understand the demon lord's machinations.

Adriana was instrumental in sifting through the arcane knowledge she had accumulated over the centuries. Her experience and insight allowed us to decipher old texts and understand the occult symbols and rituals associated with the demon lord's operations. We would meet in our small quarters each evening, comparing notes and strategizing our next steps.

One evening, as we sat together at the small dining table, our research spread out before us, I glanced at Adriana and asked, "How do you think we should approach the demon lord? We know where he's operating, but we still don't have a clear idea of his ultimate goal."

Adriana looked up from a faded grimoire, her eyes thoughtful. "We need to be strategic. From what we've gathered, it seems his plan involves not only consolidating power but also corrupting and manipulating influential figures in the city. If we can disrupt his operations and undermine his influence, we might be able to weaken his position before a direct confrontation."

I nodded, absorbing her words. Our goal should be to target his resources and create opportunities for ourselves to strike at him directly.

"Exactly," Adriana said with a nod. "We need to be both a thorn in his side and a shadow in his path. Our aim should be to stay one step ahead of him and find ways to undermine his plans from within."

We continued to plan and strategize, our conversations filled with determination and the occasional moments of levity as we tried to keep our spirits high amidst the uncertainty of our situation. We knew every decision could have significant consequences and had to be careful and resolute.

As the weeks passed, we grew more adept at moving through the city's underbelly. We gathered valuable information and slowly began to disrupt the demon lord's schemes in subtle ways. We used our abilities to intercept communications, sabotage minor operations, and sow discord among his minions. It was a game of cat and mouse, where every move was calculated, and every mistake could be disastrous.

Despite the danger, our bond grew stronger. The challenges we faced together only served to deepen our connection. We found solace in each other's presence, and our nights were filled with the warmth of our shared passion and the comfort of knowing we were not alone in this fight.

One night, as we lay together in our modest bed, I turned to Adriana and said, "I know we've been fighting against the darkness, but being with you makes it all feel a little bit brighter."

Adriana smiled softly, her fingers tracing patterns on my skin. "And you make the darkness more bearable. We just need to keep our focus and our hope."


I was in the back room sorting through boxes of books that came in last night when I came across a strange wooden box. I felt its demonic power emanating from it. After stocking the shelves, I moved the box to the side to open it.

I wrenched the lid from the box. The book emanated a black mist that surrounded it, obscuring the cover. The book drew me to touch it.

Once I placed my hand on the book, I felt an enormous surge of demonic energy flow up my arm and settle behind my eyes. I fell to my knees as the pressure behind my eyes continued to build.

Behind my closed eyes, I saw the book flipping through the pages. It felt like I was downloading the entire book into my mind. I eventually passed out from the pain.

When I came to, I was lying on the back room floor, the box still open beside me. The black mist had dissipated, leaving the book looking oddly unassuming, almost mundane. The pain behind my eyes was gone, but I felt a strange new awareness as if the knowledge from the book had integrated itself into my consciousness.

I stood up slowly, feeling unsteady, and looked around the room. Everything seemed normal, but I could sense an underlying current of demonic power that I hadn't been able to before. I picked up the book and studied the cover. It was blank, with no title or markings.

I continued looking at the black hand-stitched leather book. It no longer emanated any demonic energy. I somehow knew this book was called 'Oculi Luciferi.' Did I just come across another unholy object? I set the now blank book on the counter next to the box.

As the morning sun filtered through the windows, casting warm rays across the shop, I unlocked the front door and flipped the sign to "Open." Customers would start trickling in soon, unaware of the dark secrets hidden in the back room. I couldn't shake the feeling of power lingering from my encounter with the book.

Throughout the morning, I tried to focus on my tasks—helping customers find books, ringing up purchases, and restocking shelves—but my thoughts drifted back to the book Oculi Luciferi. What did this unholy item do?

I was lost in thought when I heard a very annoyed woman say, "Excuse me!" I looked up at the woman. She was tall, with her dark hair pulled back into a tight bun. Her eyes had a predatory look, and I was her prey. Her fitted dark grey pantsuit hugged her every curve.

"I'm sorry; how can I help you?" I looked up with a forced smile.

"I was told the book I ordered came in last night. I'm here to pick it up." She looked at me in disgust. My colored hair and my overly proportional curves seemed to disgust her.

"Can I get your name to look up the book?" I asked her, trying to maintain my composure.

The woman sighed dramatically, her lips pursing in irritation. "Katherine Moreau," she said, enunciating each syllable as if speaking to a slow child. Her gaze swept over me again, her disdain palpable.

My eyes widened when I saw that 'Oculi Luciferi' (Eyes of Lucifer) was the book she was waiting for. "Excuse me while I get that from the storeroom." I gave a half-hearted smile to her.

I placed the now blank book in the box and closed it up. I brought it out to the woman in the wooden crate. "Ms. Moreau, this appears to be the book you ordered. Would you like me to take it from the crate for you?" I tried to keep my voice steady as I asked.

"No! This book must be handled by experts, not someone like you." Elizabeth screeched at me.

I went to hand her the box, but she backed away. "You will put this in the back of my car. I will not touch such a dirt box."

She walked towards the door and out to her car. Her driver opened her door for her. This muscular man did not look like he should be driving a car. He should be a model or some sports star.

As he opened the trunk for me, I noticed the butt of his gun. Now, that made more sense; he was her bodyguard. I put the box in the trunk and pretended I didn't see the gun. I gave him a smile as I walked back into the store.

The tension in my shoulders eased as Katherine Moreau's car disappeared down the street. I couldn't shake the feeling that our encounter with her had added another layer of complexity to our situation. Handling the demonic book had awakened something that tied me even more to the darkness I wielded.

As I concentrated on the book, trying to remember the pages, it suddenly appeared on the desk before me with a quiet pop. I let out a little squeak of surprise, my heart pounding. The book looked the same as before; its black, hand-stitched leather cover was still blank, but now it pulsed with a faint, eerie glow.

Curiosity and apprehension warred within me as I opened the book to see if it was the same one I had given Ms. Moreau. To my shock, this book had written in it. The pages were filled with a list of names, each one carefully inscribed in elegant, dark script. At the beginning of the book was an inscription that sent a shiver down my spine: "To know one's true name gives you power over them."

I stared at the inscription, my mind racing. This book, "Oculi Luciferi," held a list of true names—names that could grant me power over those they belonged to. This was a dangerous, potent artifact beyond anything I had encountered before.

I quickly closed the book, and as I did, the book disappeared from my hands. This was just like Vox Luciferi, another weapon for me to wield. Why are all these weapons finding me?


I was so nervous as I traveled back to where we were staying. "Adriana, we have a problem." I started to say when I realized Katherine Moreau was standing in the middle of the room. My eyes went wide when I saw her holding a gun pointed at Adriana.

"So, now you realize you fucked up. Where is my book?" She said coldly with fire in her eyes.

"Your book was put in the trunk of your car. Your bodyguard saw me put it in there." I responded to her feinting innocence.

"Oh yes, but when my people examined the book, it was fake. It was not a good one either. The pages were blank. Where did you put my book?" Katherine Moreau snarled at me.

"That book that you called a fake was the book that came in the box. I didn't take your book. The originator must have sold you a fake book. Please put down the gun. We can discuss this." I offered, trying to de-escalate the situation.

"I know you opened the box. See this talisman." Katherine held up a circular pendant carved with a pentagram and other symbols I didn't recognize. "This talisman saved the image of your face when you opened the box. Now, I will only ask again: where is my book?"

Katherine cocked the hammer back on her pistol. I brought the book out, and it flipped its pages. When I looked down, I saw Katherine's true name. "Katherine Samantha Moreau," My voice echoed through the room. "Your soul is claimed by Belial."

Katherine froze when I used the name of her soul. "Now drop your gun, Katherine, and sit in that chair over there." I pointed to a small stool over in the corner. She sat there with a blank look on her face.

Adriana walked over to me and looked at the book. She could not read any of the names in the book. "Kael, why do you have the book of the damned names?"

"It's the Oculi Luciferi. It came into the shop last night, and I felt the demon energy calling to me. I opened the crate, touched the book, and it became mine. The blank book she found in the crate was the original book after I touched it." She looked at me in disbelief.

"What about you causes the most powerful weapons of hell to fall in your lap?" She shook her head and placed her arm around me. "Now, what are we going to do about this one?"

I looked into Katherine's eyes, "You will forget everything about me and my wife. You will forget everything about the Oculi Luciferi. Now go to your home and sleep. I release you from my control."

Katherine got up and left for home. I turned to Adriana and said, "My love, we must find a new place to live. The demon lord here is not going to let this slide."

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