By Any Other Name. Part 26 of 35

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Oddly withdrawn

Why do I get the feeling that those could be the most important words in this part and set the scene for what comes next? Everything has been going very well for Julia for a few years now, perhaps this is a portent of some conflict in her perfect life...?

Whatever it is, I'm sure everything will work out for her in the end.

It's a lovely story, and I'm glad you're not keeping us waiting too long for the next part.

By any other name

Uh oh. Jeff was away on a movie. There is a long history of actors falling for, or having affairs with their costars. If this should be the case, how big a storm are they facing, and can they weather it.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.


joannebarbarella's picture

Maybe it's time for Julia and Jeff to just spend some time at home. You can't have an Oscar every year. I hope Jeff hasn't played away.