Mature / Thirty+

Winning Life's Lottery

Recently I have been fighting my feelings and needs to be Leeanna. I have not had the opportunity for months now. It's been hard.
I have had requests to write some more of my usual "forced" sex stuff. They are popular on some sites I just can't It just won't come to me. This is what came out when I tried. Definitely not a sex story. Sorry.


Love Story - Chapter 9.2

I was woken the next day, by the most excruciating erection I ever had. Or tried to have. I was still locked in the damn cage.

I looked around the room for the key. I searched the flat, but I couldn't find the key.

Finally, I went to wake my wife, to find her woken up, due to all the noise I may or may not have made. She smiled and it looked like she knew exactly what was going on with me.

She came to me and gave me a slow kiss, which made me curl my toes, "Frustrated much?"

Love Story - Chapter 9.1

The next day she teased me relentlessly.

I did not dignify her teasing my a reply, but the memory of last night bought an unexpected feeling of acceptance. It felt like for the first time I was in my body.

"Look at you squirm. Your face is all red. Looks like your face enjoyed it more than you did!", she teased.

I kept my focus on the coffee cup. It was an interesting cup. Plain, but interesting.

"You looked really feminine in pigtails. They suit you. You should wear pigtails more often than that boring ponytail"

Love Story - Chapter 9

"How does it feel to be a woman?"

It was a beautiful morning and we were sitting in the balcony, taking in the view with a cup of coffee.

She had been unusually quite. She's not a chatterbox, but she usually has something to say. If nothing else, she will drop a teasing remark or two.

So to bring her out of the flunk, I asked her, "How does it feel to be a woman?"

She seemed to register that I was talking and looked at me, "Hmmm, what was that?"

"Honey, how does it feel to be a woman? Or rather what's the difference between me and you?"

Love Story - Chapter 7

Next day was our weekly off.

After breakfast, we were getting ready to go shopping for weekly groceries.

Just as we got into the mall, she said, "Maybe you should have your ears pierced here at the shop, since we are here anyways"

I replied, "What's on your mind?"

"Like I said, I wouldn't mind if you wore earrings and had long hair. Come on, let's get it done already"

She grabbed me by my arm and led me to the piercing shop in the mall. The artist approached my wife, thinking she was the one who wanted the piercing.

Rule of Deception: A Witcher Fanfic - 2

Shadows of Marabel

The Witcher Series is copyright by Andrzej Sapkowski. This story is licensed under creative commons and derivative non-commercial fiction.

The trio moved through the deserted streets of Marabel with caution. Geralt's senses were heightened, his every step deliberate and calculated. His keen eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of life or the lurking presence he sensed. The air hung heavy with an unsettling silence, broken only by the soft whispers of the wind.

Polly and Robbie - the Redcoat. The Final Chapter.

Part 3

We spent the night in the hotel and went back to Skegness the next day. As Cherry drove, I looked out of the window at the passing countryside and pondered on yesterday’s interview.

It had been interesting in many ways. Norman had been good, with great memories. The new member of the group was an interesting turn of events. I had to agree with Cherry, we weren’t any further in finding a murderer.

Dad Bod

Dad Bod
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

Dad was successful but unhappy. We all knew that he had the capacity to be happy, it was just that he was not. I suppose that we always thought it was because he worked too hard. He had a very successful business and seemed absorbed in that.

Mom was always telling him to sell the business and retire. We backed her up. All three of us had finished college, so it seemed that it was time for Dad to live for himself.

Rule of Deception: A Witcher Fanfic

I've been watching The Witcher series on Netflix and felt it was time to add a little TG/Body Swap/Soul Exchange into the mix, because why not.

When Geralt of Rivia, Yennefer of Vengerberg, and Princess Cirilla of Cintra face their most difficult adversary yet, things go slightly off the rails and their lives change dramatically. Can they get back to who they once were when faced with unknown monsters and their own internal conflicts and struggles?

Polly and Robbie - the Redcoat. Part 2 of 3

Part 2

I sat at my desk and pondered on what Cherry had found. Five deaths, spread over nearly forty years, was difficult to understand. The motive may be lost in time, maybe they weren’t linked at all. Maybe, the AI had just come up with gobbledegook. Maybe, no, certainly, this was going over my head this time.

Polly and Robbie - the Redcoat. Part 1 of 3

Part 1

I started screaming as the strong arms held me so I couldn’t move. I kept screaming until my throat was rough and I had tears in my eyes. When I stopped, I was sniffling and hiccupping at the same time and the arms loosened.

“That’s the last time you’re going to get me on one of these things, “It’ll be fun”, you said. I thought I was going to die!”

Bill helped me get out of the Odyssey roller coaster car when it slowed to a stop.

Decision Matrix, Chapter 2: Irregular Opening


My mind kept circling around the same questions. How is it that my body is female? Where am I? And perhaps most troubling of all . . .

. . . Why do I have a hole in the back of my skull?

The Pink Hoover - Part 2

Rona’s comment about me needing a housekeeper was like a punch in the gut. She hadn't passed even the slightest derogatory comment on the frankly tatty state of my home, but instead, she had suggested a solution. That’s what she was all about… Solutions to problems and sometimes the people on the receiving end didn’t know that they had a problem.

Handsome Stranger

Handsome Stranger
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He had decided that the only way to finish what he had started was to get away from all distractions. His city studio was comfortable, but the city itself was right outside his front door. It was not the noise nor the light; it was more the temptation. And because he had visitors there from time to time, he kept it tidy. He needed a place where he could throw some paint around.

The Pink Hoover - Part 1

It is amazing how an unsolicited phone call can turn your day upside down. I’d been on the phone for almost half an hour with one of these before I ended the call feeling both mystified and frustrated. I sat at my desk for well over half an hour trying to make some sense of what had transpired on the call. Finally, I called out to Sue Fredericks, my No 2 and right-hand woman.

Daydreaming on Deck (The End)

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Daydreaming on Deck (Part 5)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note... Here we are at the end of another story. I used to write very fast, I would be on another couple of romances even before I started spell-checking the one I was finishing. (Which could take a while) Now I am in some sort of cruise mode...


Use caution when inflating something or it might POP.

“Okay, I'm on the bed and naked and you aren't ravishing me. What's the surprise, Richard?”

“We can ravish later,” he said. He gave her a peck on the cheek. “First, you have to close your eyes.”

“Okay,” she said. His face was inches from hers and she did not want to stop looking at him. But she did what he said. She inhaled and his scent filled her nostrils with joy.

He shifted his weight and she almost rolled into him. “Keep still,” he said as he slipped off the bed.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 24

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Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

Once Darryl and Marcia left, Mage and Chet collected the gifts that they had insisted they would put away, and took them to a shed at the corner of the property. After, since they were nearby, they walked to a building that was being erected. It was hidden behind one of the many gravel glacial moraines that abounded in the area.

Merope, Maybe : 8 / 19


"Why do you say that?"

"Because you Americans, the moment something happens to one of you,
the first thing you do is create a support group,
and the second thing is that you go on TV."

I thought about that for a moment. "Yeah, probably," I admitted.


Daydreaming on Deck (Part 4)

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Daydreaming on Deck (Part 4)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note... Part four, and we take a little trip down south, a little trip inside the mind and reminiscing of our heroine... I hope YOU like it...


Thursday morning, I woke up late, I waited for Linda to leave. We both had too much to drink with Logan last night. I tried to clear my head, I couldn't wait for the day to begin. I had an appointment.


Software Update, Part 1 of 2

Seven years ago, an out-of-work programmer reprogrammed his life and, with the help of his old flame Sara, became Rosie. Just how good was Rosie’s “programming?” Four BigCloset authors, invited to join Sara and Rosie for a writers’ retreat, are about to find out!

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 23

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Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

And for the moment you've been waiting for... Well, at least they have...

Trish was immaculately made up, and her hair was styled nicely. She gave a good look at what was arranged on Marcia’s vanity and moved her head in a manner that suggested the cosmetics just wouldn’t do for the day. She grabbed a case that she’d carried in with her and setting it on the vanity, she said, “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Out of the Past -- Part 9

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I handed Rafe a mug of hot chocolate as he stood by the windows of Alastair’s apartment, peering out onto Perry Street, seemingly deep in thought.

“Thanks, Joey.”

“Penny for your thoughts.”


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