Mature / Thirty+

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 40 Bearthwaite Acquires New Bearthwaite Folk

“Davy is a hundred and three just turned and Granny’s hundred and first birthday is on the ninth of next month. Elle has telt Casper Lawton to be prepared, and to have a traditional Bearthwaite ash wood coffin ready for him. The allotment lads have said that for more than his entire working life Davy was one of them and they’re ready to dig the grave at a moment’s notice.

This contains an edited version of ‘A DISTURBING SCENE’ first posted on 2019/09/10

One Too Many

One too Many
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Even with the curtains drawn in a vain attempt to help me cope, it seemed that the room was in direct sunlight, or that I was in a Nazi interrogation room facing a searchlight I kept my eyes open as only slits, or was it the one ton block sitting on my head that was keeping them mainly closed?

A Glimpse of Nylon Stocking - Chapter 2

A Glimpse of Stocking Closet.jpg

Chapter Two – Julie and Julian

Julie Clifford continues to work as a prostitute to earn enough money to save her bookshop whilst Donald Cooper continues to pursue meaningless relationships to replace his his lost wife. An impoverished transvestite bookseller and a well-to-do heterosexual barrister live in separate universes but something keeps bringing them together.

A Glimpse of Nylon Stocking

A Glimpse of Stocking Closet.jpg

Chapter One –Strangers on a Train

A man notices that another male passenger on his commuter train appears to be wearing nylon stockings under his trousers. The man becomes curious and fascinated as to why this would be so. This simple glimpse of nylon stocking changes two lives forever.

A Mouthful of Troubles

A high powered office executive gets found out for sexually abusing his female coworkers via abuse of position, rather than go to jail, he chooses an unusual job reassignment.

Warning: contains multiple explicit sexual scenes in combination to bizarre body modifications.

Audience rating may increase if required.

This story can be considered in the same "universe" as my stories "Submission" and "My Left Eye is Sexy!"

Where trans women are Queens

In a world without women, the trans woman is Queen. Taken from the old saying "in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

No one knew who started it, but the Americans accused the Chinese and the Russians. Both of those countries accused each other. The Gynax virus had effectively wiped out 98% of women.

It was thought that it came from a mutated virus that was meant to mimic the beneficial effects of female hormones on the immune system. During the covid outbreak, more women recovered than men, and fewer were hospitalized.

A Christmas Turnaround

It was a cold winters night, the week before Christmas. The sky was dark and mysterious with only the moon peeking through the snow-clouds. All the stores were closed and shuttered, all the streets were empty dark and bare. Nobody in the right mind was out and about on such a bitter unwelcoming night, the only sparks of life were the homeless shivering in shop doorways, wrapped in cardboard, paper, or whatever other items for warmth and protection that they could salvage.

I was just about to escape into sleep when I heard someone approach me. In the short time I had been sleeping rough I had come to learn it usually meant either Police who were normally ok as long as you moved on until they had left, Security guards who were a lot more intolerant brusque and even violent, or other rough-sleepers who were looking to steal the few possessions or scraps of food that I had.

However this one was different, it was a young woman, well wrapped up in warm winter clothes with her long-blonde hair peeking out from under her woolen hat and wearing a pleasant welcoming smile.

Quest for Justice - Part 15

I felt at a bit of a loss the next morning now that Sylvie was going back to her duties with the FBI. She had arranged for my stay to be extended by one more day and as one or other of the FBI or DOJ were picking up the bill. The only upside I could see was that I was under no pressure to check out by 11 am.

A Lady and a Gentleman

A Lady and a Gentleman
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He had watched her all night. He had danced with another lady, but his eyes had been on her, or rather her ears and her throat. He did not need to get in close to see that they were real diamonds. He knew that the quality of the settings was enough. You do not apply that much workmanship to protect stones of no value. He could see it from the clips behind the ears, and the clasp of the necklace below the nape of her neck exposed by the upswept hairdo. Quality work means quality stones.

[FW] A Mean Appletini

Detective Colton O'Hara has tracked a suspected Fashion Witch to a local strip club.
As he closes in, Colton spots the perfect opportunity to take her down. By any means possible.
But maybe everything fits too neatly together and Colton finds out why one should never underestimate a Fashion Witch.

A New Start - Part 3 of 5

The next week at work was a bit of a come down really, everything just felt so drab and I think Anita knew I was feeling a bit down when he had our lunch time coffee. Finally she asked me to open up. I told her, “Everything just feels so different and strange now.

Changing Roles - Chapter 27


Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 27

I couldn’t believe that I’d just said that. It sounded so girly, and he’d trusted me to be his right hand man as MD. Had he taken advantage of me because of my nature and exploited my weaknesses and lack of experience? Since Emily had arrived, I’d seen how far short of being a strong leader I fell short.

Eight Miles High, part 12 of 12

Chapter 12

It would take us about five hours to get to Jakarta in Indonesia and we needed to go through emigration in Perth and immigration in Indonesia. Before we left the hotel I went to see everyone who was flying with a bag and said that if anyone had any drugs on them to put them in the bag now.

A New Start - Part 2 of 5

Hannah was waiting for me the moment I walked out of work, and she followed me in her car as I drove home, insisting on being the one who took me shopping. Once we got to the shop, the idea was that she would pick things out that would be suitable for a young teenager to wear to a party, so there I was shopping for the other me, and trying to visualise how I would look in things. Hannah settled on a blue dress which I thought looked very short and very tight, but she insisted it would look perfect as she had been doing some research.

A New Start - Part 1 of 5

A new start - Part 1 of 5

I've finished this, but haven't decided yet if I will post it once a week or in consecutive days, and part five is technically a prequel but still very connected to the whole story. I hope you enjoy.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 39 Iroko, Ermine and Critters

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 39 Iroko, Ermine and Critters

“You’re seriously telling us that you’re doing all that learning just to cook chicken chow mien, Jeremy‽ Just get a book written in English, Lad. My missus would lend you one if you’re strapped for the cash.” Pat’s words caused gales of laughter. All knew that was not the issue, but they were up for the laugh anyway.

Night of Broken Glass

Night of Broken Glass
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note: Hi, another quick story about my new favorite couples, learning to live with memories, new and old. Just slightly darker than my usual stories, just another song we all know by heart. I hope YOU like it.


I watched the airplane fly overhead. Sometimes they drown out the music, sometimes they drown out Linda.

"Sabrina do you want one of those drinks with a straw?" I couldn't really hear her, there was an airplane overhead, I had on music, we were by the pool listening to Billy.

[FW] Hugs To Be You

It was supposed to be a dull day for Robert.
Attending a convention for accountants always is.
But the surprise guest speaker turns out to be a fashion witch and she has other plans.
For Robert and other attendees that means being involved in a rather devious get-rich-quick scheme.
Hard days lay ahead of Robert. But it might turn out okay.
He just needs a hug or two.

Eight Miles High, part 11 of 12

Chapter 11

When we went to leave, Jim, who had been very quiet, then asked us all if he could stay with us over the break. He said he could use the smallest cabin and that he had some experience with boats. The girls were happy to let him, so he hugged everyone and thanked me.

I checked in with the marine chandler that looked after the moorings, and he was surprised at my appearance. I told him that it was only for the tour that I was flying around and found out that he and his daughters were booked in for the third show.

Just Me: Sins of the Father (Part 1)

A Whateley Academy Tale
Sins of the Father
by Domoviye

 Part 1


Tulsa, Oklahoma

John looked down at the sleeping woman, teeth clenched, his shoulders tight. He didn't say or do anything for a long time, just watched her sleep, longing to reach out and hold her, hating what he was about to do, struggling to hold it off for just a little longer.

He couldn't wait anymore, he had to do it now or he never would.


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