Mature / Thirty+

Eight Miles High, part 10 of 12

Chapter 10

When I came up for air we kissed again and I knew that I had done something that Lesley may approve of, except there was no way I was going to tell her. We got him zipped up again and we went back onto the dance floor for a while, until I told him I had to work in the morning.

I saw Molly and Julia and went over to them to tell them I was going back to the hotel. Julia said she would be in later, but Molly said goodnight to her guy and joined me in the taxi back. On the way she pulled me to her and kissed me.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 38 Bearthwaite Invests Even More in Itself

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 38 Bearthwaite Invests Even More in Itself

“Nay, Lad that was fine. There’s nothing to be ashamed of in telling of the lives of ordinary working blokes, and those lads that died fighting that fire and in the explosion deserve to be remembered, and doubtless they were our kind of folk just trying to get by in a hostile world. We may not know their names, but there’s many a man here who tragically lost a mate under different but similar circumstances at work and will feel for them and their families and mates. It one of the reasons we meet here. Even Sasha tells the truth occasionally, though I’m not sure about Dave.” At Vincent’s final words there were hoots of laughter including from Dave.

A Sad Little Song

A Sad Little Song
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Just a little music to break up all the words. Just a little fluff to compensate for all the deep ideas, thoughts, and ideas floating around on this site. Just a little laugh to get us ready for the holidays... I hope YOU like it.


"So, sometimes a song makes me sad."

Linda, my wife, was asking why I was crying. I felt I was crying a lot lately, but in this instance, I had a good excuse, it was a sad song.

"This song is so not sad."

Eight Miles High, part 9 of 12

Chapter 9

Our company ground crew finally came on board to take the plane to its parking spot and check it over again. I signed off and picked up my personal bag, put my heels on and left them to it. I knew that Betsy would be in good hands because she was our meal ticket. Without her we may as well go by bus.

Ask the Right Questions - Chapter FIN

The author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.


Saturday, June 9th, 6:51 a.m., 53 miles south and southwest of Boulder, CO
The engines throttling back woke me. Flagg was watching me get my bearings, then raised a bottle of water to his lips and finished it off.

“Get a good rest?”

The Beauty and the Beast by Aladdin, Chapter 6 & Epilog

Necromantra's plans fall apart due to an act of treachery out of left field. The chaos places her stepdaughter at great risk and it's up to her to prevent a tragedy.

The Dink

This is a sci-fi story that contains forced crossdressing and sex. The character is one I have used from my earlier stories. He explored femdom worlds in two stories. This is the third. He investigates a world inhabited by giant mutant men.

I lay spread-eagled on a huge bed. I had just woken up from being knocked unconscious. How long I had been out I had no idea. The strangest thing would have been what I was wearing. This is if I had been on our earth. The one where Biden was U.S. president and Rishi Sunak was the prime minister.

Smalltown Heroine

Smalltown Heroine
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was always a small-town kid. I was brought up by loving parents in a small town in Alabama. We had not much money, but what we had was enough. I played with local kids, just like any other boy. It was just that I was a little different.

I say ‘a little different’, because it was never a major thing for me. I liked to think of Crystal as an imaginary friend, like maybe every other only child has. It was just that she was a girl, and she was part of me.

A Model for CC's Pt.7

Chapter 7

Arrived back in that awful room of his Linda led him straight to the bathroom. “Good sissy, first things a sissy should always be clean inside and out, sissies should always smell pretty and to ensure that you are going to bath twice a day from now on. Once every morning and once every evening. Running your bath is the first thing you should do when waking up or when going in your room to head to bed as it takes a while to fill.” Linda explained as she showed Victor how to run his bath. He was used to taking showers, but this room didn’t even have a shower.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 37 Alf’s Philosophies and Youtube

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 37 Alf’s Philosophies and Youtube

“It’s not all bad getting old you know, John. The good thing about being an old bugger is youngsters just assume you know nowt, which in the case of stuff you don’t give a toss about is probably true, well it is for me any road, but for stuff that really matters, they know nowt and I do. I love dealing with ’em because I won’t play their games and they have to play mine. I haven’t figured out what an app is yet never mind a bloody widget, and don’t bother telling me because I won’t listen because I don’t care. Tell you lads dealing with youngsters is easy money.”

“How do you mean, Alf?”

“Well, while they’re busy doing a thousand quids’ [$1117] worth of damage to a car to rip out a hundred pound [$112] radio to sell on a car boot [yard sale] for a tenner [$11], I’m busy making a legit living out of them. They can’t rip me off because I only deal in cash and direct bank transfers, after I’ve rung the bank to make sure I’ve got the money of course. I only deal in owt that guarantees I get paid up front, cash or goods it doesn’t matter as long as I can tell it’s actually worth what they say it is. If there’s any doubt I won’t accept the deal. I don’t do credit unless it’s someone that lives here. I don’t have owt to do with anything that comes over a mobile phone or a computer, and I don’t give a monkeys how smart it’s reckoned to be. I don’t trust credit card transfers and I’ve never accepted cheques. Result is I’ve never had any bad debts.

Ask the Right Questions - Chapter D

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.

Friday June 8th, 8:46 p.m., Avondale, Arizona
"Wait, you are working with my government?"

She nodded, "My father is the accountant for Louis de la Vega Corbino or as is he is better known Lupe. That name means something about a wolf and a river,” she said as if it was a ridiculous nickname.

The Substitute Housewife Part 5

The next day I woke with Ken's arms wrapped around me. I liked the feeling and wanted to stay in bed. I knew I had to get ready for the day and get breakfast started. After all, I was the lady of the house.

I showered first, then shaved. There was almost no hair. Just a slight fuzz. I only normally shaved every two to three days. I did my makeup and choose what I was going to wear.

The Recall

The Recall
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I was close to him in age, which is why they called on me, I guess. I was still assigned as “Active for Operations”, but I had not done a whole lot. That work is for younger men.

It was just that he had worked in the Ukraine, and now that was the place everybody wanted to understand. A lot of intelligence is about experience, and old connections. It is the kind of stuff that people retire with.

Ask the Right Questions - Chapter C

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.


Friday, June 8th, 4:51 p.m., Phoenix, Arizona
Getting back to the office turned out to be a quicker trip than I thought it would be, though I had to use Lyft first to get my car from the police station. This late in the day, the office was almost empty, and my attempt to find Valerie and recruit her in my quest to deal with Gabriella fell way short. She'd gone home for the day due to a sick child. Damn it!

Eight Miles High, part 7 of 12

Chapter 7

When we arrived at the hotel, we were quickly given our pass cards and shown to our rooms. Our whole planeload was in a single wing that had hotel security on the doors, the receptionist having told me that they had detected intruders already.

Ask the Right Questions - Chapter B

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.

Friday June 8th, 9:28 AM, Phoenix, Arizona
When the room was cleared Carol asked, “You two know each other, right?”

“We meet at the Christmas party…,” Valerie offered.

“Yeah, and we’ve talked a few times around the office – last fire drill,” I replied.

Ask the Right Questions - Chapter A

The author retains all rights to this original work of fiction.

Ask the Right Questions, Chapter 1 of 6

--- Six years and 5 days ago ---

June 3rd, 20:23 local time, Patsah Melah, Afghanistan
I had been connected on and off to the SAT-Link laptop since arriving an hour ago at our position on the outskirts of Patsah Melah. Colonel Flagg's delegation was just east of our position over the Afghanistan/Pakistan border and had arrived about three hours ahead of our making it to Patsah Melah.

What Do You Love?

What Do You Love?
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's note: Hmmmmm, a nice little story, about a nice little couple, living their best lives. I hope YOU like it.


"What do you love? Really love?"

"Besides you?"

"Yes, besides me, keep me out of this." She giggled, she tapped my nose.

It was the day before Thanksgiving and my wife decided to ask me a complicated question.

Eight Miles High, part 6 of 12

Chapter 6

The next two days were much the same. We lazed by the pool, went to the salon and then got dressed for the show. My outfit matched Lesley and she always gave me a hug and a kiss whenever I went down to the gym. My ‘friend’ Jack wasn’t seen and one of his guys told me that they were not letting him forget being outed in public.

My Uncle Fifi Pitch Meeting


You haven't arrived in popular culture unless there's a YouTube Pitch Meeting about your show! Today's installment takes a look at "My Uncle Fifi," the hit comedy series that has been been seen and enjoyed by literally dozens of people around the world. Don't miss out!

Misteleported, part 6 of 6

“At some point, InstaThere is probably going to be offering body swap services. It’s going to be expensive at first, but I’ll probably be able to get you a big discount. You’d just need to find a — um, a trans woman to swap with you... But she probably won’t want to swap if you’ve been taking male hormones or had a mastectomy.”

Eight Miles High, part 5 of 12

Chapter 5

We spent the afternoon lazing around the hotel pool and being well looked after by the staff as well as being chatted to by several tanned and fit young men. The band had been spending the day in interviews and we all had dinner in a separate dining room.


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

He barely heard the knock on the door, but he rose to open it. The dark shape slipped past him into his motel room, moving swiftly and as quiet as that knock. Wesley closed the door.

The black hooded cloak was curiously old-fashioned, like something out of a period costume drama, but its purpose was clear. He had demanded that Oliver Ramsay meet in the out of the way establishment, and that could only be done in darkness and fully shrouded. Oliver was too well known for it to be any other way.

Mixed Signals

The worst-looking car in the company lot was Jerry’s. It made no sense to Ron. Jerry was, pardon the expression, a hell of an engineer, and a beloved mentor to his younger colleagues. His skills were rare. Knowing so, he did all he could to pass them on, for his responsibility was an arcane but critically essential part of the company’s flagship product. Tens of billions of dollars worth sold; not Apple, but you’d know the name.

Misteleported, part 5 of 6

From the experience of the trans people he’d been talking to, at the support group and online, he didn’t think the dysphoria would get much better. Most of the improvement had come in the first few days after he got over the shock of the sudden new body, or in the first few days after he started wearing men’s clothes again.

Eight Miles High, part 4 of 12

Chapter 4

We had adjoining rooms and Molly had stayed the night with me for reassurance. All the crew had lunch together and discussed the previous day, picking out the likely troublemakers and offering suggestions to make their part easier. A phone call to the maintenance chief at the airport got those changes under way.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 29 / 29


"Can you do that?" Melissa asked. "Can the medallion make you younger? Keep you young?"

Viv looked thoughtful. She didn't answer; she pretended not to hear.


White and Yellow

White and Yellow
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: I dig through my big dusty pile and read again. Find something I love.

I hope YOU like it.


A whole year ago today. I can not believe that we have been living in this wonderful house for a whole year.

Mrs Bamford

"Mrs. Bamford. I needed to move the wardrobe to get to the window to finish painting it."

"No problem Terry. Can you manage it? It's heavy."

I liked Mrs. Bamford. She was mid 50's, and always dressed well. She exuded femininity. I admired that so much. I had done several small jobs for her. My handyman business was really starting to take off. I hoped that it could grow and I could give up my job at the fast food restaurant.

"Yes, I only need to slide it across the floor a few feet. Even I can manage that."

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 17

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Is this a dream?

Marcia had no sense of where she was. She knew who she was, and even where she was, but to sense it? That wasn't there.


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