Mature / Thirty+

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 10 / 29


Soon I was back to the old me, clothes and all.

"How do you feel?" Viv asked.

"Prosaic," I replied.

"Awww," she cooed with an encouraging smile. "That feeling will fade. Don't worry. Come, let me give you a hug."


Changing Roles - Chapter 5


Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 5

‘Now then Jules let me look at you please. They made a good job of the uniform don’t you agree? Turn around please let me see you from the back. I hope you like it. It looks snug and comfortable. No bumps or VPL to be seen. I don’t think you need to bother changing the trousers to a men’s cut. I recommend you keep that style and fit.’

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 9 / 29


"Humor me," Viv said. "We're not leaving until you choose a teddy bear."

At that, I reached out and grabbed the nearest bear. "Done!"

"No," she said. "You need to choose one. You need to find a bear that's special to you."

Coincidence, Luck or Fate?

Coincidence, Luck or Fate?

The Fates of the ancient Greeks plotted and wove the threads of mankind. The Furies dealt with the tangles caused by the choices of those mere mortals. [Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos; Tisiphone, Alecto, Megaera]. You meddle with Fate and Fury alike at the risk of them noticing you. That’s a real risk.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 8 / 29


As we walked, Viv kept looking at my face. At last she asked, "You look anxious.
Are you? Are you worried about something?"

"Yes," I admitted. "I'm worried that I could get stuck like this."


Plus-One With A Vengeance : 7 / 29


"But would you do that, if you could? If you were a girl?"

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, taken aback, and more than a little offended.

"It's a yes/no question," she replied. "Would you?"

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 6 / 29


Kitty's face went white. Pieces of memories, images, puzzle pieces shifted and moved and recombined in her head.
Things were falling into place; her picture of how things were, began to line up in a different way.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 5 / 29


"Why did my boy end up with someone as awful as Amber? Why?"

"I don't know."

"Why couldn't he have found a girl — you know — a girl like you.
I mean, you know, your personality and kindness and all..."
She fumbled, her cheeks reddened. "Do you know what I'm trying to say?"


Plus-One With A Vengeance : 4 / 29


"Have you seen The Green Room?" Max demanded.

"No, I don't think so," I said. "It doesn't sound familiar.
Is it that classic porn movie? I don't think I've watched any porn."

"No! What the hell! No! It isn't porn! It's another damn French film!""

Finding My Level Part 3

Over the next couple of months, Dan mentored Mandy at work and Mandy mentored Dan in the skills of dressing and makeup. Dan worked late at least once a week. He had told his wife that there was a lot of work involving turning the company into a PLC.

She didn’t mind. She said he seemed a bit happier these days with all the extra work. Dan was very careful. He always showered before he went home. He was always checking himself in the mirror in the car before he went inside.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 2 / 29


Max's mom fell silent, and fixed her eyes on him for a bit.
He noticed her stare, and said, "What? Did I do something?"

"I don't know," she replied. "But if you did,
I don't know why you didn't tell your own mother."


The Man in the Well-Fitting Suit (Complete)

This was a story I set aside to put up on Patreon last year. I don’t know if anyone read it. Certainly no-one interested enough to sign on to my page. It remains the only thing I have put on that platform. It’s one of the stories in a collection I sent to Erin for publication, should she want to. Anyway, here it is, in full, for your enjoyment as I hate to see a story wasted.

Chapter 1

The Heart of January Bliss

The Heart of January Bliss
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I don’t know where she came from. That is the funny thing about being a creator. Sometimes it is not a deliberative process – it just happens. She just happened.

Sure, I was looking for a new comic strip to develop and publish, and I had read somewhere that strips are more often read by men. So, I suppose the idea was that I would come up with a strip that women could enjoy.

Finding My Level Part 2

The next day Dan was very wary around Mandy. She of course sensed this and asked him out to lunch. At first, he refused, but then thought it was unfair. It was his problem, not hers.

Sitting in the café the conversation was muted. Dan was wary of her. She seemed to be able to look into him. He suspected that she knew he wanted what she had.

“Dan, I think I understand what’s going on. You dress or have dressed as a woman before, haven’t you?”

Dan could feel his face flush red. He could barely look at her.

Forsythe Saga -31- Lockdown fun and games

[10th May 2020]
“There… that is the last of the alterations done,” said Emma as she put her scissors down.

In the workroom, there were four very similar but different coloured dresses hanging up. There were also four bolero style jackets on separate hangers. None of these dresses would look out of place on the stage of the Follies Bergère in Paris until you looked very closely at them.

Dad's Style

Dad’s Style
An Illustrated Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

We always thought of my father as being the most masculine of men. He was fairly big with a square jaw and a strong nose, but people will always say that the features that made him stand out were his bright blue eyes and his huge mop of grey hair.

Finding My Level

Dan waited outside his boss’s office bedside the door. He could smell the sweet perfume coming from Cindy, his boss’s secretary. He looked at her as she faced away from him photocopying. She was slim but had a nicely rounded bottom. She wore a narrow black skirt and black stockings. He wasn’t sure. He knew she did sometimes, as he had seen the bulges of the clips outlined in her skirt before. She had a silky white short sleeved blouse on and 3-inch heels.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 6 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Calm Before The Storm

Life was good. I appreciated having Lucy in bed with me every night, Mom seemed to be happy with Lucy living with us, even if she rather thought of it as one of the sleepovers we had when we were kids.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 5 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum



Sometimes Chaos can be a good thing. The old place was filled to the rafters, but we managed to find places for both visiting families to sleep. I graciously volunteered to sleep at Lucy's place to make room. Hey - I'm a writer, I make up stories for a living. I don't claim they're convincing stories.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 18 (Final Chapter)

Janet’s Home Office, Wolfhart Family House:
Janet was pacing back and forth while listening to her twin sister explain to her what she found out about Ludlum and Greg Hallaway. Janet stops and looks at her twin sister. She notices her sister has been wearing a pair of black hi-tech-looking sunglasses lately.

“So, you’re telling me they are heading towards an underwater city that is part of an organization called Neptune’s Network and there’s nothing we can do to stop them?” Janet stops to look at her sister’s image.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 4 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Letter

I had fallen into the habit of checking the mail each day when it came through the letter slot. Today's missive contained something different: a letter with FINAL NOTICE prominently printed on the envelope. Mom was three months behind on her electric bill.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 2 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


The Conference Call

I got Mom settled in front of the TV and went out into the back yard. I knew that my sisters were two time zones away, so it was evening for them.

"Hi Pam, It's Harry. I have some news."

Love and Decision

Love and Decision
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

She lay beside him. It was a Sunday afternoon. He had called her over. He had just enjoyed a lunch with one of his sons and his son’s pregnant wife but seeing them together had reminded him that he needed intimacy. He called and she had agreed to come round to his house.

The Carrie Conundrum - Part 1 of 6

The Carrie Conundrum


A Rude Awakening

I woke up when my phone started ringing. I knew it was my sister Caroline since the ringtone was Neil Diamond's Sweet Caroline. Caroline thought I was a genius to be able to do something like that and had me put Croche's Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown on hers so she knew it was her husband calling. I had better add that Leroy was a nice guy, not a bad bad one.

"Whazzit?" I mumbled.


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