Mature / Thirty+

Sissy Wife, Sissy Life

This is a short story about a would be sissy housewife. I wrote it on the request of a reader on another site. This is not a trans story.
It is a story about a "sissy". I have several that email me frequently, and prefer being know by what I think of as a derogatory term.

The alarm went off. It was 6AM. Greg stretched and yawned. I looked down to see that the thin cover had a tent pole lifting it up. I had noticed
that over the last few days. He always woke up with a full erection.

He turned to me and smiled.

"Time to do your wifely duty Sarah."

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 17

Early Morning, Billy and Sara’s Apartment:
Sara was straddling Billy’s waist and massaging Billy’s chest. The two of them had woken up horny and were spending some time together in bed. Their other partner was busy on another case assigned to her by Jack.

As Sara massaged Billy’s breasts and play with her nipples. She looks into Billy’s eyes “so, what did the boss say?”

Changing Roles - Chapter 2


Changing Roles
By Julie Dawn Cole
Chapter 2

I was in total shock, and nothing was really sinking in. Usually in difficult circumstances for business I turned to George, and we’d talk things through, and we’d find a solution and make a plan. He had gone and I’d only just met Emily and we had no relationship. I detected that she felt I would still be loyal to George whatever she did but in my favour, she seemed to need my help.

Antibodies 9

Bev & Jamie return to Earth to determine the situation concerning the mass kidnappings and what progress has been made towards a vaccine. Jamie's friend Jenny becomes infected and this could compromise Jamie and Beverly's as they are forced to treat their friend.

Just Being Me

I woke to the dawn chorus. The birds happy to have made it through another night were twice their normal volume. As I opened my eyes, I realised that I wasn’t in my bed. In my flat the sound of a motorbike or the squealing of the breaks on a bus normally woke me.

I saw through my blurry vision that it was still dark outside. I knew that it would be getting lighter by the minute. So, it must be about 6AM?
I could have reached for my phone, but I didn’t want to disturb Ray. That’s what I did last night I thought, I finally accepted his invitation to go home for a “coffee”.

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 10 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


Family Matters

As if to emphasize that my period of contemplation of Eden Atara Goldman's letter was finished, the doorbell started to ring. The new doorbell was one of those electronic types that can be programmed to practically play a symphony when the button was pushed. Stan the ass-grabber had set it to play Roy Orbison's Pretty Women. I still was trying to grasp that I was a pretty woman these days, it was almost as strange as living with a ghost.

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 9 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


All Brides Are Virgins, Aren't They?

Arising on a fine Saturday morning to find my love had already claimed the bathroom, I contemplated the day ahead. Vonda had warned me to dress comfortably in something simple and to wear comfortable shoes. She had been shopping with her mother before and knew how to prepare.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 23 The Conclusion

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has has fought down all the supernatural uprisings that have plagued her home town of Canoga Park, but the cost she has paid has been high and even in apparent victory she's feeling down. But just when she's hoping she can get a little rest.....

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 7 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


History At Home

We decided that the afternoon should be spent in quiet activities in deference to my puncture. I unearthed one of the multi-sided die left from my D&D days to decide which room would start our explorations. It came up at the parlour, so we removed the dust covers, did a quick vacuum and looked at the bookshelves that were on one wall.

E'volvo'lution Chapter 16 (Final)

E’volvo’lution Chapter 16

It was late in the evening when we landed and found that Q had arranged transport to take the other girls home. He drove me himself in a rental car and asked me if I had any questions.

“The other military guys in Austria were British Army, weren’t they?”

He agreed they were, “They were very impressed with the show, one of them managed to get a signed poster with all of you there to take home to his teenage daughter.”

“Are we a certainty to get a contract if we can come up with a suitable base, then?”

Down but not out - Part 10

“Cat got your tongue?” asked Serena.

“Not really. I was just thinking back to how I got here. To be honest, I’m not sure if I can properly accept all this kindness and stuff.”

“You must have gotten used to fending for yourself while on the road? My brother told me about what had happened to you.”

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 6 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


A Sense Of Relief

"So now we know…" breathed Vonda as she ceased her reading.

"Know what?" asked our unknown observer.

"Just what the Curse was that became known as The Curse of the Feminine Mystique."

"I thought that was a book"

"So it was. Doesn't mean someone couldn't steal the phrase, though."

"I guess…"

Magic Mystery and Mayhem: 10


What if supernatural beings like Witches, Faeries, Demons, and their ilk are all real? Glen Evanston is about to be caught in their many traps in my new work in progress: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem a Graphic Novel by Raine Monday

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 5 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


A Welcome Discovery

Returning to the historical society, I worked out how to make hard copy of the microfiche. The article was dated March 7, 1866:

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 4 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


Tuesday: Surrender to the Inevitable

I awoke again to the screech of brakes, followed closely by a mumbled and indistinct "What was that?"

Mumbled because Vonda was no more awake than I was, indistinct because my ears, accompanied by my head, were nestled in her breasts, of which there was considerable to nestle in.

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 3 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


Is There A Doctor In The House?

As much as I wanted to watch the roofing crew at work, I was getting concerned about the swelling and itching in my chest. Allergy? Some weird virus? Cancer? It's easy to psych yourself out over something like that, especially when all this other shit was happening.

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 2 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


The Questions

I stood naked beside the bed, still holding my wet towel. What the hell was going on around here?

I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a skeptic, but haunted houses were things you found in movies, not in real life. Point one: I was the only one in the place. Counterpoint one: I had left the door open, not to mention the windows.

Black Cat Investigations

Black Cat Investigations – that’s what it says on the door to my downtown office.,

I’m Black by the way. No, I don’t mean that I’m black. Do I confuse you? What I mean is that my name is Black but I don’t have any African roots (that I know about). Actually, I’m white, almost albino white, blonde (nice wavy hair), 6’4”, 200 lbs almost purely muscles apart from the skeleton, firm chin, chiseled features, snappy dresser and so on.

Mrs Major and the Nutcase - Part 1 of 10

Mrs Major and the Nutcase


The Backstory

I'm going to start with a confession: I'm a nutcase.

Don't believe me? Just ask any of my friends and they'll be happy to go into excruciating detail.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 15

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.15

May 30th, 2023

8:27 PM

Marcia was out riding Tigger when Darryl phoned her.

Hi, Foxy,” he said when she answered. “Can you come up to the house? We need to talk about something.”

Do you want to meet me at the stable?” she asked him.

No, I think we need to talk in the house about this,” He told her.

What’s this about?” she asked. “You’re sounding kinda cryptic.”

Nothing bad, Foxy. I promise that.”

Okay, now I’m getting suspicious,” she said as she steered the horse toward the barn.

Down but not out - Part 09

The throbbing in my head told me that something wasn't quite right when I regained consciousness. I felt something soft under me. That said 'you are in a bed'. The bleeping of a monitor told me that I was in a hospital. That in turn meant official records which leads to questions and possibly awkward ones at that.

For Him

For Him
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I think that I am smart for a fourteen year old. I mean, I am really good at school, but I think that I know people, and I think that is what being really clever is all about. And I knew my father better than anybody else does, including him. I certainly knew him better than Mom ever did.

I don’t mean to say anything bad about Mom. She died three years ago in a car accident. I was only eleven but that is an age when I think that you understand everything pretty well. I did.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 15

Abandon Warehouse:
Cat keeps tracking the truck. A few times she must drop back when a car cuts her off. However, since she had a tracker on the truck and the drone. She wasn’t worried about losing them.

After a while, the truck pulls into an old tire warehouse. She stops before the truck enters the warehouse and watches as the garage door closes. She parks her motorcycle and moves quietly towards the warehouse. She looks around and finds a window she could get to with the help of a pallet.

Antibodies 6

Antibodies 6

© Copyright. Beverly Taff.

Nana Bev, Interplanetary prospector.
Jamie, Bev’s younger prospecting Partner.
Dennis Potter Freight manager and old friend of Beverly’s.
Jack Godfrey Yard foreman and walking boss.
Charlotte and Lucy - Jamie’s younger dancing & clubbing friends.
Rose and Violet. Real girl friends of Jamie, Charlotte and Lucy.
Dr Williams Virologist

Chapter 6

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 14

Angela covers up a yawn as Andy and Jason drive from the private airport to his cousin Sasha’s place. His aunt and uncle were staying there. He looks over towards Jason as he drove “you’ve been quiet since we landed. What are you thinking about?”

“I want to know how Ludlam and his companion keep avoiding us.” Jason has been thinking about the problem a lot.

“I think I know uncle, Jason.” Angela has been going over the satellite footage again and again.

Seven Years a Wife Part 6


Simon slept poorly that night. He tossed and turned all night. He never felt this way about Stacy. What was wrong with him? He was a monster. He used his money and power to trick men into acting and living as women. Was he some sort of demented wannabe Dr. Frankenstein?

Visited Upon the Son

Visited Upon the Father
Following the “Sins of the Son”
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I carry my father’s name. I am Vernon Michaels Junior, just called “Junior” at home. Home was with my mother, as my father had been thrown out years before, and he was actually living in the town where I was going to college, and had a small place near the campus.

My father proudly called me “a chip off the old block”. He said that he got into a spot of trouble at college. He said that he would give the best advice – “Don’t get caught”.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 14

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

Again, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.14

May 23rd, 2023


Bruce sat on a log bench that was sitting near the barn. It was facing out towards the water and Pioneer Peak, and he was enjoying the view. He had his eye on a golden eagle circling something below. He supposed it was a rabbit, and he watched to see if it would dive for its prey.

Chet exited the house, looking for the older man, and when he spotted him, he followed Bruce’s gaze and saw the eagle just as it dived. A moment later, it was heading back up, a wiggling mass of brown and white fur in its talons. He hoped it was a rabbit.

Walking up to Bruce, Chet observed that the man was munching on a sandwich. “Well, did the police mess up your camper?” He asked.

Letter to Mum

Dear mum,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love you have given me throughout my life. I know the sacrifices you have made to raise me and my brothers. The long hours you worked to put food on the table. Scrimping and saving to take us away on holidays.

Now that I’m old enough to understand you explained that dad never wanted children. Which explains why he rarely came on holiday with us. Why he never did things with us like our friend’s dad’s did. I can forgive him that. I understand now people want what they want.

Antibodies 4

Antibodies 4

© Copyright to Beverly Taff.

Nana Bev, Interplanetary prospector.
Jamie, Bev’s younger prospecting Partner.
Dennis Potter Freight manager and old friend of Beverly’s.
Jack Godfrey Yard foreman and walking boss.
Charlotte and Lucy - Jamie’s younger dancing & clubbing friends.
Rose and Violet. Real girl friends of Jamie, Charlotte and Lucy.

Chapter 4.


London's Met police have the only Police EOD Unit in the country. They had called me in because after an X-ray , they suspected the device to be nuclear. It was a dirty bomb designed to make a large part of the London financial district uninhabitable. My name is Matt Rixon and I’m a captain in the 11th Regiment.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 17 Final chapter

One Hour Later:
Jennifer, Arabella, and Gina had shown up after Tammy called her for support. Jennifer and Arabella were wearing sundresses and low heels. Gina showed up dressed in black two-inch heels, black dress slacks, and a deep purple silk blouse. Her long black hair was tied back into a ponytail.

The girls were looking at Nyx in her Mandalorian-style body armor. Arabella was fascinated with its design of it. She had heard about some LARP groups that have formed clans that were in certain cities.

My Uncle Fifi: The Christmas in July Holiday Special


The hit sitcom returns with a “Christmas in July” holiday special! With the mob closing in, the last thing Terry expected was a nighttime visit from a magical elf and three snarky spirits. But he’ll need their help if he doesn’t want to stay stuck as a French maid for the rest of his life! (Featuring artwork by Fraylim!)


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