Mature / Thirty+

See Emily Play

The death of my Father was although not unexpected was a bolt from the blue. I hadn’t even spoken to him for nearly a decade so it cannot be said that we were close. Ever since we had gone our separate ways, I only ever thought of him when I passed through my old home town of Corby.

Carla and Angela Part 2

Carla wakes up in the middle of the night. She places a kiss on Angela’s cheek as she gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. She was sore from her wife using the cat-shaped phallus on her last night. The spines on it dug into her vaginal wall and buried themselves into it.
When Angela yanked herself out of her body. The spines raked her vaginal lining, giving her a massive orgasm.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 17 Wilson's Defeat

Charlie has found his father, and rescued him from Wilson's assassins. The strain was too much for his father, who has suffered a heart attack.

Chloe worked quickly, while Charlie stood by feeling helpless. He usually had a solution for most things. His engineers brain analyzed situations and came up with ways around most problems, but medicine was Chloe’s field.

She took his pulse and put an oxygen mask over his face.

“I think he fainted due to blood loss and shock. His heart is weak. I suspect he needs coronary bypass surgery.”

“Can you save him Chloe.”

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 16 - Charlie's Revenge

Charlie's father is located, but the extreme feminists are after him too.

There is a lot of action and violence in this part.
Notes , In the UK , an allotment is a piece of land divided into sections for people to grow fruit and vegetables. These are usually rented out by a local authorities.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 15

Equality has finally come to the UQ. Now Peter may get to meet his father.

The next few months we a frenzy of hard work for the new parliament. The first task was to make sure the mistake of the past could never happen again. A law was passed that was enshrined in the new constitution that made it impossible to disenfranchise anyone, no matter gender, race or religion from voting.

The Editor

The Editor
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

It was my fourth Marion Potter book and at the end I found my eyes full of tears. It was unusual for me because while I can be as emotional as the next man, I was editing. I was looking for spelling and grammar and inconsistencies. When you are doing that, it is usually hard to get caught up in the story. It should be just words. But they were words that I did not realize had caught me in their web and were now winding me up in silk.

Carla and Angela Part 1

**Warning, Erotic Sexual Scenes**

Carla stands in front of the full-length mirror in her and Angela’s bedroom. She couldn’t believe how her body had reacted to the blue pills she heard about and took. Her face had softened up and looked more feminine. Her features hadn’t changed much and anyone that knew her would still recognize her. However, she did shrink in height and her hair and eye color had changed.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 14

The election is looming. Will the men finally be free of feminist oppression or will the dark days’ return?

In the last week leading up to the election, the UFP ran adverts saying that the space ships that landed in London were fakes. They were all part of the propaganda trying to trick women into giving up their rights over men.

So near yet so far

My small workshop was quiet for once. I’d just finished a large job and was cleaning up when I noticed someone standing in the doorway.

I looked up and saw silhouetted against the later afternoon sun, a very shapely young woman. As I looked at her, she flicked her long hair. For half a second, I wondered if I was going to have a heart attack.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 25

bridal (2).JPG

Michelle took a while to heal. She spent the first two weeks at home with Suzi looking after her. Suzi and Angus were sharing Sam’s old room. They were becoming very close now. Michelle wondered if they would end up married.

Forsythe Saga -30- Lockdown begins

As the virus spread around the world, Maxine and Hayley made plans for when they'd have to go into isolation or as everyone in the media was calling it, lockdown. All the businesses that were part of the Lorelei Investments portfolio were given updates on what Maxine was expecting from them. Mostly it was a complete freeze on both payments to Lorelei and investment in the companies with a few exceptions if a government mandate forced the business to completely close or severely restrict their operations.

Golden Light on the Longest Nights: Emergence


December 2021 Christmas Holidays Story Contest Entry

Big thanks to MonicaS for their continuous and valuable help in the writing of this story.

Golden Light on the Longest Nights

Co-parenting Part 2

This is part 2 of Co-parenting.

Sally has be feminized by her ex-wife's new husband. She agreed so she could stay with her ex-wife and child. Now Sally plots her revenge on Aron, his wife's "alpha male"

There is no forced sex in this part of the story.

Dani suggested I go up to my room, what used to be our spare room now. She had put some of her old clothes in the cupboard and drawers. She did this while I was being castrated to satisfy Aron that I would not be competition.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 24

Sorry this is so short. I will try to finish it over Christmas

Michelle enjoyed her Christmas more than she had since she was a child. She and Sam exchanged gifts, and Michelle made a traditional Christmas dinner. Michelle loved taking the role of a domestic goddess.
Halfway through March she received a letter from her psychologist approving her gender reassignment. She was both excited and nervous. Sam described the procedure to her.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 18

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has called for outside help, but it hasn't arrived yet. That leaves her still on her own even while trying to protect her daughter from an enemy who, in some ways, is more powerful than she is.

Angel of Earth: Part 20

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Twenty

Melody screamed in mindless fear and rage against the all-consuming dark. There was no texture to it, no substance; it wasn't even black. Just nothing.

Then, a glow appeared. Pure, white light flowed outwards from a lone figure, leaving the reporter sobbing in relief at being real again.


I stood in my living room wearing a knee length pleated skirt, a white ruffled blouse, and black knee high boots. Underneath I could feel my suspenders pulling against the stockings as I shifted uneasily. The black basque I was wearing was slightly too tight. As I paced the living room, I felt the silk French knickers brushing against my cock. The feeling was incredible. My cock hardened slightly, but that was all.

It very rarely got hard now. That was why I was here wearing makeup with my nails painted pink Iwas waiting for my wife to return with the man she was to marry.

To Ease the Pains

To Ease the Pains
By Goldendawn © 2003

Stretching, Jeff felt the painful crick in his neck from sitting all day at the computer twinge a little. Reaching behind, he placed his strong hands against the bridge of his neck and rubbed, groaning slightly at the soreness. Finally, he twisted his neck to the left, making loud audible clicking noises.

"Oh gods, I hate it when you guys do that." The woman behind him was his boss, Sabrina Paulsen. She was an attractive woman, and at one stage, Jeff and she had almost gone out, but work had come first.

Forsythe Saga -29- Storm Clouds

[2nd January 2020]

“It is good to be back,” exclaimed Maxine as she unloaded the last of Hayley’s belongings from the back of the van that they’d rented.

“Yeah. Yesterday was hard going. My dumbass brother was out to cause trouble right from the start of the day. Mum texted earlier. She says thanks for not rising to his baiting.”

Angel of Earth: Part 19

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Nineteen

"This is definitely worrying," said CornFed, in the computer room, the next day. She glanced up at the holographic model overhead, then at the latest analysis printout in her hands. "Not only is Blackpool missing, but Insight is growing increasingly unstable. It's worse than useless in trying to find him."

"Almost as if it's helping to conceal him," said Multi, thoughtfully.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 13

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to continue with this storyline and to use characters from her story.

The Queen was having her bi-weekly briefing with Em.

"We couldn't have had a better outcome if we tried. I'm going to enjoy the next poll results."

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 12

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to continue with this storyline.

The Queen is pondering how they can use Peter's new found fame to help with the coming election, when she gets a call from Charlie Sage. Charlie wants to meet Peter.

Forsythe Saga -28- Power to the people

[Birmingham International Airport Railway Station]
"Sorry, I'm a bit late. My mother called while I was getting ready to leave and… well, she just would not stop talking,” said Maxine.

Michel laughed as he got into her car.
“I’m glad mine is several thousand miles away.”

We are Electricity

I awoke to feel him pushing himself into me. I was on my front. I drew my head up by pulling my elbows up under my breasts.

“Uhhh, please, not so hard.”

He drove his cock back into me knocking the breath out of me.

“You know you love it rough.”

No, I thought, you love it rough. I still had a little lube in me from when he spent himself inside me last night.

“Please Martin, it hurts.”

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 11

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The Queen is pondering how they can use Peter's new found fame to help with the coming election, when she gets a call from Charlie Sage.

“Well hello, what do I owe the pleasure of a call from the famous Charlie Sage?”

“Should I be saying that to you your royal highness?”

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 10

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The election is less than a year away. The Queen has found a leader for a new party to oppose the existing Feminista parties. The polls show that many women and men won't vote against the feminist parties, for fear of reprisal. Peter has been injured saving a police officers life. His bravery has capture the attention of the nation. The Queen needs to find a way to use this to her advantage.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 9

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The election is less than a year away. The Queen has found a leader for a new party to oppose the existing Feminista parties. The probelm now is the police force. Being riddled with hard core feminists they may oppose any changes she makes. With assistnce from a male rights organization it is time to act.

The Story of Billy and Suzie


December 2021 Christmas Holidays Story Contest Entry

A story to tell by the fireside...

The Story of Billy and Suzie

By Asche

Copyright 2021

This isn’t your usual BigCloset story. It started out as an oral story, a tale to tell on a story-telling evening. So you have to imagine that you’re hearing me tell this story to a group of people at night by the fireside.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 8

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The election is less than a year away. The Queen has found a leader for a new party to oppose the existing Feminista parties. The probelm now is the police force. Being riddled with hard core feminists they may oppose any changes she makes.

Christmas in Space

A classic from a few years ago, brought back to the front page...

Christmas in Space
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2017 Melanie Brown

In space, no one can hear you say Merry Christmas.


Angel of Earth: Part 14

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Fourteen

"You finally caught him?!" said CornFed, impressed.

"Her, actually," said Mike. "Which was only a bit of a surprise. Yeah, we finally caught her and just now got permission to tell folks who helped. Though what was a surprise is that she's a raving looney, and violent on top of that."

"Psychologists and mental health advocates all over the world are wincing at your diagnosis," said CornFed, dryly. "However, we can discuss that later. Please continue."

Fortune Cookies

A family of four who take each other for granted get a chance to walk in one another’s shoes, and clothes, and bodies. Stephen swaps places with his mother Michelle, and Stacy with her father Mark. Was it the fortune cookies? Or that freak lightning strike? Or was it merely what was meant to be?


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