Mature / Thirty+

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 3


There was a chill in the air by the time they walked through the front door. Sam went into the kitchen to get glasses and a cork screw. Michelle lit the old log effect gas fire and turned on the old radio gram. It took a few seconds to warm up as it was the pre-transistor valve type. Michelle loved it as it had a deep rich sound.

The Abbot

The Abbot
A Short Story based on Historical Fact
By Maryanne Peters


I loved her and that is all that I can say. To me she was the very epitome of what a lady should be – beautiful, refined, intelligent and hungry for sex. So why was she a nun? Well, she was not a nun really, because she did not qualify to be one.

The Feminine Queendom 54

Charlie get's down to the 'nitty-gritty' of building spaceship antigravity engines, while Chloe decides to take time out to rear the kids whilst still doing her 'day-job' at the mining trauma unit.
Lieutenant Asi gets a new job.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 2


They moved into the living room. The old but comfortable sofa welcomed them both. They sat apart, but at a angle so they could talk. Michelle's knees touched Sam's. Unwilling to part from such an understanding warm presence.

"So how long have you felt this way Michelle?"

She thrilled at being called by her female name. Until today no one had ever called her anything but Micheal, or freak.

The Surgeon's Lodger


"If you want we can go to court and fight this out. You know being the poor put upon wife I will probably win and you'll pay costs."

"But how is that fair? You get the London penthouse flat and I get left with the fixer upper in Hertfordshire. We haven't even started on it yet, it was meant to be your project. There's still a sitting tenant to get rid off."

"You should have thought of that before fucking your secretary shouldn't you."

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 15

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is questioned by a powerful superior in the Aladdin agency, a black ops group which has become a danger both to ultras in general and to the nation as a whole. Aladdin has discovered that Eden Blake has suspicious past links with Lauren Sherwood, the deceased new Mantra. If the interrogator can use this information as a wedge to uncover Eden's secret life, that life will change drastically for the worse.

Light And Shadow - Part 4

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 4 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 16 - Goddess


The eyes of a hundred kneeling demons were upon me. The fight had chewed up a lot of terrain and we’d moved within field-goal distance of the crowd before it was done. As much as I wanted to just fall over and lie there in the dirt that was not an option. Instead I slowly forced myself up. Thighs, calves, and even pinky toes protested, sending agony up every available nerve to decry the idiocy of such an action.

I couldn’t afford to show weakness. Not here. Not now. By the rules of the duel I couldn’t be immediately challenged by anyone else but that didn’t matter.

The soul-sucking bastards needed to fear me. Or else they would never accept my commands.

All The Pretty Girls - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – Jaylene

Mitch Freeman decides to remove the only person who can identify him: Jaylene Foster while Penelope and Jaylene make a surprising attachment. Steve continues his hunt for the man who is stalking trans women and murdering them.

The Order of Eve - Rebellion and Revenge


This story ends the 6 parts of the Order of Eve series. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime the end is coming.

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Bottle at the Back of the Fridge

The Bottle at the Back of the Fridge
Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown

This is a short vignette about a parent who's coping with changes in family relationships while transitioning, and struggling to not give into easing the pain of loss in an unhealthy way. While there's a bit of sadness in this story, there's also hope as well. I hope you enjoy it.


The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 6

Reel Six

She walked leisurely towards the dining room, this time taking a lot of interest in the positioning of the wandering heavies. When she entered the dining room Gonzales left the bar and came over to greet her, taking her hand and kissing it.

The Teacher: An illustrated Story - 4


Allan Rogers loves teaching community college and running stats for the football team. What happens when he gets involved with a secret genomic project in his spare time and who will he be after? A light, fun illustrated story!

Bridge Construction

Bridge Construction
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I work construction. I always hated the fact that my only real job skills were some of the manliest. I would lift lumber or cement and work power tools. Every day I would wake up and put on my construction clothes and tie my hair back into a low ponytail and put my company hardhat on. Even with pink cotton panties underneath I would feel awful. I just looked disgusting.

All The Pretty Girls - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three – Susan

The identity of the killer and his backstory is revealed but not to the police who continue their investigation. Steve's moral courage is tested when temptation comes his way. Penelope continues to remain sober and a valuable asset to the Task Force.

The Order of Eve - The Guardianship Inspector Calls

The story continues with the dreaded Guardianship Inspector calling on Mary and Mike. The cracks are starting to show in the new regime.
This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

All The Pretty Girls - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Loretta

A second murder motivates Detective Steve Edwards to ask for more resources. Penelope Bishop is given a reprieve from purgatory and assigned to the case to assist Steve. Can these two detectives with a history of distrusting each other effectively work the case?

All The Pretty Girls - Chapter 1

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Chapter One - April

Detectives Steve Edwards and Penelope Bishop are chasing a serial killer targeting trans women. Penelope is battling her own demons after the fallout from the Lipstick Killer case and whilst Steve is deeply in love with trans drag queen Felicity Goodnite he is tempted to stray. This is a five-part thriller with plenty of bumps and curves.

The Order of Eve - A Visit From Sally

This Story is set in a country where the Order of Eve, an ultra feminist party have taken power..

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 4

Reel Four

There was not much else he could do now until things filtered through the system and that didn’t bother him. He had a look at his website and saw that there was a message for him. When he opened it he had to laugh as it said that he was a thieving bastardo who had stolen the cash he had been employed to recover.

The Order of Eve - A Loving Wife

This is a light hearted story. Not like the first part.

Men have no rights and need to have female guardians to stay out of "state guardianship", which means being sent to forced labor camps.

Women are encouraged by the Order of Eve, to punish and humiliate their men. If the men fight back or refuse orders they are arrested
and sent to the camps. There are random inspections on the homes of women who are men's guardians. The government want to make sure
they are kept in line as prescribed in the guardianship guide books.

The Feminine Queendom 45

Charlie, Chloe and Juliet learn of a foreign threat in Northern Australia while down in Canberra internal forces are discovered by the trio to have a similar agenda to theirs.

The feminista lock on society seems to be loosening.

Omnipotence Paradox

Omnipotence Paradox
Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown

This is my response to a paradox I heard a long time ago. It may not be a great answer, or even a good one, but it was fun to think up, so I thought I'd share. Enjoy! :)


The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 3

Reel Three

The next morning Sydney checked out the news feed on his computer. The story about the gunfight in the railway station was prominent. The word was that a couple of armed transit guards had seen a couple of guys trying to rob a lad who had just opened a locker. When approached they had drawn guns and so a short fusillade had erupted, the two men now dead and both guards only wounded thanks to their bullet-proof vests. The CCTV showed the lad leaving an envelope and taking a bag before disappearing into the crowd.

The Feminine Queendom 44

Charlie, Juliet and the newly formed team of female astronauts, complete their first mostly successful moon trip but, on returning, Juliet still comes up against some misdirected feminista prejudice that is nailed firmly by the girls.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 2

Reel Two

Being almost Sunday morning he did not have to go to the shop. In fact, the way business was these days he only went there a few days in the month to collect any cash takings for banking anyway. This gave him more time for any ‘recovery’ work that came up and most of the shop trade was now done on-line.

Light And Shadow - Part 3

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 3 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 10 - Trumpet


Outside the tent where Vance slept peacefully, Yaria was setting up a tall tripod-mounted bronze spyglass. Hank and Twitch were inside with Ruyia preparing lunch from the not-as-small-as-it-looks tent’s well-stocked larder. After I’d grabbed the wrong ingredients for a third time Twitch had pushed me gently aside and taken over as Ruyia’s assistant, much to Hank’s amusement.

Hey, I never claimed to be a chef and furthermore the spices and herbs available in Hell were completely different from anything on Earth. Having spent most of my time living off hard tack from the back of a wagon it’s not my fault I didn’t know the difference between a ‘kyrish root’ and a ‘draxo leaf’. My wife had done all the cooking in our house before cancer stole her away, after that there was a lot of frozen pizzas, tuna, and sloppy joes.

And tacos. Man, I missed tacos.

The Feminine Queendom 41

Sorry about the delay, 'puter problems.

Charlie get's established back in an occupation he favours most, working with the practical STEM industries while simultaneously advancing humanity's understanding of gravity.

He also gets involved in the political movement to return universal human rights to all genders but this is more by accident than design.

Family Business Part 17

The main entrance to the gym is blown off its hinges. Several guys charge into the gym tossing flash bombs and smoke grenades. Hatter and Shade were watching from their hiding spots. The two of them were wearing the specialized helmets that they used with their motorcycles.

The flash bombs and smoke didn’t bother them at all. They watched as eight men came into the gym. They were armed with rifles, wearing body armor and helmets. They watched as the men use hand signals to communicate with one another.

The Malteser Fulcrum -A short Noir in 6 reels. Reel 1

Reel One

Samantha was not happy. Something felt wrong. It was one of those times that something in your head said “STOP!!!” Samantha had felt it a couple of times before, and both times it had saved her life.


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