Mature / Thirty+

Jenni: The Origin - Chapter 1

My name is Jenni, and this is my diary. For some reason, I decided to keep track what happens in my life, even though there's nothing special about it. I just live through each and every day, watch TV, listen to music, sleep, and repeat. Sometimes I play a video game to split up the usual monotony. Do you see what I mean? My life is excruciatingly boring, and when it's not, it's just tedious.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was an experienced transvestite. I had been closeted for years. I denied it to myself and did not tell my wife the full extent of my need to dress. She was open to “kinky sex”, but she drew the line at anything more than that. I decided that I would lie to her as well as myself.

For God So Loved the World...

Little Rachel "Rae" Evans was a happy little girl. Her mother would say that when she laughed, she could make an entire room of people break out in smiles. All that changed when she was four and the laughter stopped. From then on, she withdrew into herself and hid from the world, convinced that no one, not even God, could ever truly love, or even understand her.

Every Day is Your Last

Jack Dunning was just a poor kid from Pittsburgh, no better or worse than any other. When he met Richard, it seemed to be a one-sided friendship; Jack needing Richard much more than the other way around. As the years passed however, it became clear to them both just how important their friendship was, eventually culminating in both learning the hardest lesson in life; that every day is a gift and you should treat each one as though it were your last.

The Robson Lasses

this story is a bit of a change for me, I hope you like it. TG elements only come in towards the end of this chapter, which is really just scene-setting.
When Leckie Robson moved back to his ancestral home area to start a new life, little did he realise how much would change.

Inter-Dimensional Trip To The Gynarchy Dimension

I had just returned from the first inter-dimensional trip in human history. I was dumbstruck. My team asked me what had happened, as I had returned after only two hours.

We knew the place the other side of the portal was earth like, as we had sent automated drones through. We could not control them after they had phased through so they were programmed to take short trips to take readings and return.

The Feminine Queendom 21 Charlie's war

Charlie fires the first round in his plans to reverse the Feminista oppression.

He reveals to the scientific community (and thus the governments) that there is a ship powered by anti-gravity loitering somewhere around, or even on the Earth.

The Offer Part 4


I apologise in advanced for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
I have not been able to find royalty free clipart. I have been using
images of myself. Does anyone know a good source?

This is part 4 of the offer. Please read the other parts for the full
story. This part deals with Debbie, the full time "sissy housewife's,"
back story. From the first time she was forced to dress and perform

The Offer part 4

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 3

Julia enjoys the ride back to her house. She is careful when she pulls up her long driveway because the wolves sometimes like darting out of the woods. She still couldn’t believe that the new captain put her on suspension for three days. As she parks her pick-up truck, she spots Sphinx coming around the corner of the house.

“Hey, boy.” As Julia exists from the pick-up truck.

Sphinx walks over to Julia, happy to see his human. He stops near her and wags his tail when she starts scratching him between his ears. He loves when she scratching him between his ears.

What Emma thinks

A posh young woman of high station has certain... fantasies while waiting in the check-out line.

Ratings and cautions are for safety.

Author's note: This story might be "half-baked" due in part to me having written it during a heatwave. I'll most certainly come back later to iron out the kinks as the saying goes.

On the Run

The new Mrs Sarah FowlerOn The Run

This is a sex story, if semi-graphical sex scenes offend you please do not read it.

I stood at the sink washing up the dinner things. My pink rubber gloves groping around for the last knife in the bowl.

I felt a light kiss on the side of my neck, then a hot breath in my ear. I tilted my head to give him more access. Already I could feel my nipples grow hard. He certainly knew what ”floated my boat”.

On the Cut - Part 17 - Finale

Some people say, 'the best-laid plans etc' often come to nothing. That was what happened to our intention to get our hair and nails done before our date with my father. Instead of a new hairstyle, we had to settle for a new outfit apiece.

The next morning and all dressed up in our new glad rags, we took an earlyish morning train from Leeds to Harrogate. This was well before the allotted time for my encounter and gave us a chance to wander around the town. I’d never appreciated the architecture of the town before but it was quite impressive. Most of the town had escaped the ravages of the 1960’s concrete brutalism that passed for good design at the time. This was a marked contrast to many of our towns and cities.

The Offer Part 3 A Woman's Reality?

The Offer Part 3 A Woman's Reality?

I have proof read this, but there may be some mistakes. Please forgive these.
The formatting seems to have gone strange. The preview looks fine , but it is giving narrow paragraphs.
I will try to fix it.

That night in bed, he was energetic with her again. She lay there,
Feeling sorry for herself.

"I can see I'm going to have to remind you what you are more often"

He rolled off her and dozed off.

She lay awake wondering what he meant.

The Offer Part 2 Shopping and Spanking

I apologize for any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar.
It has been checked quickly, but may not be perfect.

A lifelong crossdresser is offered the chance to move in with a man as a full
time housewife.

The Offer Part 2 Shopping and Spanking

The Offer Part 1

Part 1 The Offer, Regrets?

I apologize for any spelling mistakes or incorrect grammar.
It has been checked quickly, but may not be perfect.

A lifelong crossdressers is offered the chance to move in with a man as a full
time housewife. Does he regret it.?
This is an ongoing work. I have 3 more parts to upload.

She lay on her side, in their queen size bed. She gazed at the clock,
5.30 A.M. She would have 30 minutes to relax before she got up and made
Ron's breakfast.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 2

Julia’s alarm clock starts buzzing. She reaches over and smacks it. She gets up and starts getting dressed. Halfway getting dressed, she remembers she was suspended for three days. She stops putting her uniform on and takes it off.

“Why are you getting undress, sweetie?” Christmas had woken up and noticed Julia taken her uniform off.

“I just remembered I’m on a three-day suspension.” Julia puts on the Native American-made shirt Chayton’s grandfather gave her.

The Feminine Queendom 17

Charlie is approaching the stage where he must make choices. The feminista are getting close to realising he is stalling for time while his wife Chloe works to secure Australian citizenship and enable Charlie's escape to antipodean climes.

“Touch of Grey’ Chapter 1 “I Will Get By”

I felt I was growing old by the time I reached thirty-five. By then, any music after the 70’s was crap; I had to turn the radio down to see where I was going while driving; and my kids assumed I knew absolutely nothing about how “things are these days”. I knew how things were, I just didn’t like it. I didn’t like the phoniness of life. The carefully crafted picture of life that we all want to present to the world—I wanted to rip it to shreds and show the hidden truth underneath it.

Anything to be a housewife

Crossdresser lives out her dream of being a housewife

She heard the front door close, Dave was home.

"Hi babe, how have you been?" he said.

"Good thanks honey how was work?" she replied.

"Hard day, still trying to catch up from last week, I'm tired and ready
for a rest," said Dave.

"You sit down and relax, I'll bring you a beer," she said, smiling to

This was what she had dreamed of since she was a little boy. Sitting at
her mother's feet, touching her silky stockings, wanting to be just like

Anything to be a housewife

Crossdresser lives out her dream of being a housewife

She heard the front door close, Dave was home.

"Hi babe, how have you been?" he said.

"Good thanks honey how was work?" she replied.

"Hard day, still trying to catch up from last week, I'm tired and ready
for a rest," said Dave.

"You sit down and relax, I'll bring you a beer," she said, smiling to

Cruel Punishment

‘All Rise for Judge Smethick’ the Bailiff intoned solemnly. I rose beside my solicitor, trembling slightly with the beginnings of a cold sweat. This was when I would hear my sentence for my crimes.

‘Be seated’. The court settled down with a shuffling of feet and some stifled coughs.

‘The defendant shall rise’. I stood again. The Judge shuffled his papers and stared at me over the top of his glasses. It was not a friendly stare.




This is the story of Dakota Sullivan. We all know him... a child star that had so much talent and his struggles to be accepted as an adult star. His life as an adult star in movies and music has made him a legend.
We have heard rumours and allegations about him, but his personal life was always hidden from us.
"Idol" is the true story of Dakota, where nothing is hidden. This will shock you and you will have a new view of who this Idol really is!

Arctic Fox Chapter 2.22 -- Final Chapter

Arctic Fox 2.png Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

As usual, I’m thanking Malady and KymmieLorain for their invaluable help in the writing of this story.

Chapter 22

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021

It had been a rough week. The kids in the high school didn't know how to react to the death of two fellow students. Vic hadn't been a great friend to anyone, but Michelle had been liked. She hung with the same crowd Vic did, but people respected her ability in music.

On the Cut - Part 15

Two days after arriving back on the outskirts of Preston, I began my journey south to Oxford and the wedding. It all began with a taxi ride from where Roxy was moored, into Preston and then two trains. The first took me to Wolverhampton and the second to Oxford. The ticket inspector on the train from Preston kindly suggested that I change trains either at Wolverhampton or Birmingham International rather than at Birmingham New St. Little tips like this make travelling a whole lot easier and for that, I was very thankful.


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